Card index on fiction on the topic: Tales of Autumn. Competition "Tales of Autumn": participants and prizes Stories for children 7 years old about autumn

A fairy tale about how a bunny greeted autumn

Fairy tale for preschool and younger children school age

Egorova Galina Vasilievna
Position and place of work: teacher of home education, KGBOU "Motyginskaya comprehensive boarding school", Motygino village, Krasnoyarsk Territory.
Description of material: This fairy tale is written for children of different ages. This fairy tale tells about a little inquisitive bunny who met autumn. The material can be used in kindergarten and in lessons extracurricular reading at school and for reading with the family.
Target: Forming an idea of ​​autumn in children through the content of a fairy tale.
- educational: instill interest in the world around us, in changes in nature;
- developing: develop memory, attention, imagination, ingenuity, logical thinking, ability to analyze and draw conclusions;
- educational: cultivate goodwill, interest in the world around us, in nature, and in reading fairy tales.

Once upon a time there was a bunny in a large and very beautiful forest. He was a cheerful, nimble and very inquisitive kid.

Mommy bunny affectionately called him my fidget. Every day this fidget jumped across the sunny lawns, galloped along forest paths and clung with a curious gaze to the world around us. He was interested in absolutely everything: why butterflies and bees collect nectar, why the wind blows, what birds sing loud songs about, where the cones on Christmas trees come from. But the bunny was especially worried and haunted by the question of squirrels. That's why they don't fall from the branches? Moreover, every now and then they try to hit the hare with a nut, frolicking on the tops of trees.
One early morning our fidget jumped out into his favorite clearing and was dumbfounded. What's happened? Where have all the green leaves gone? Instead, someone hung red, yellow and orange leaves on the branches.

And suddenly the little bunny noticed a stranger of amazing beauty!
- Oh! Who are you? - asked the bunny.
- I? I am autumn! Don't you know me? Every year I come here right after the hot summer. But I don’t go empty-handed. Do you see my gifts on the trees?
- So it was you who gave such beautiful bright colors? Wow!
Autumn just laughed at the baby’s sincere admiration for the new transformation of nature.
-I don’t only change the clothes of trees. Long rains and cloudy weather come with me.
- Oh, how can that be? So, I won’t be able to run to visit my hedgehog friend?
“What a stupid little bunny you are,” laughed autumn. – As soon as I arrive, the hedgehogs will be preparing for winter. I will sing lullabies for the chipmunks, and your friend, and all the bears. And you, baby, will receive your gift in winter. This will be a big and beautiful surprise for you! Well, now I have to go. You also need to go around all the neighboring forests and decorate them with colorful outfits. Goodbye, my friend!
With these words, autumn walked along the path, moving further and further away.
Due to the excess of such information, our fidget did not immediately realize that he was left completely alone and had no one else to ask questions. Having woken up, the little bunny quickly rushed home to his mother. He told about his meeting with autumn and about the wonderful transformations that happened in the forest with its arrival. The mother hare listened to the baby and noticed sadness in his eyes.
- You are my good one! No need to be sad. You will see that in autumn our forest will become even more beautiful! Multi-colored leaves will then fall to the ground and you will have fun jumping on them. And how beautifully the berries of viburnum and rowan will burn!

Mushrooms will begin to grow under each bush.

After such words, our fidget immediately cheered up and he again wanted to run into the forest. It turns out that he still has so many new things to learn and see! And he thought that summer would always be there, and the grass would always be green and fluffy, and the leaves would only be green.
But the most important thing that the bunny understood is that you need to enjoy every season, all the changes that occur in nature!

Autumn Tale (Story)

A bright yellow-red-orange alarm clock rang and Autumn Beauty woke up.

- Am I late? — she became alarmed and looked out the window. “They’re probably already waiting for me.”
Autumn got ready quickly and, of course, did not forget her magic shawl. The golden shawl was woven from threads of mushroom rain and sun rays, and if you look closely, you could see in gold multi-colored autumn leaves, mushrooms and ears of corn, grapes and apples, and flying cranes, and so many other things that even Autumn herself could not remember.

Autumn appeared to people. But people didn’t notice right away. They have no time for that. People are surprised and upset. The apples in the orchards grew large over the summer, but they were sour.

In the fields there are golden ears, beautiful ears, and the grains are light, as if they were not real - they will not make good flour. And the grapes are heavy in the vineyards. Apparently they are invisible, but they are not sweet grapes, not tasty at all. That's why people are worried.

And Autumn is not worried. “Summer did a good job, everything was prepared,” she looked around, “it’s up to me.” And the magical shawl of Autumn flew over the gardens, fields, and vineyards.
Now people just have time! The apples are sweet: yellow ones in that basket, red ones in this one. The grains are heavy: some make flour for bread, while others, the best, make flour for pies and pastries. The grapes are sweet, juicy: for today and tomorrow, and there will still be enough for juices for kids until spring.

The people quickly reaped the harvest and seemed to be very pleased with it. And Autumn is happy. How could it be otherwise! But then people looked around, and it turned out that there were no apples left in their orchards; and the fields are not golden at all, but black; and the vineyards, previously yellow-green and purple, became pale, sad, without a single bright grape. People looked at each other:
- Autumn? Already?
“Of course, it’s me,” thought Autumn, “it’s been me for a long time.”

Probably people were so busy with the harvest that they simply didn’t notice me right away. Doesn't matter! The main thing is that there is a lot of everything and everything is delicious.” And Autumn smiled - she was pleased.

But the people didn’t smile; they didn’t seem to be happy anymore.
“Yes...” people sighed. - Summer is over. Here it is autumn. Yes... - they thought. - Autumn... What to do?.. But nothing can be done.
“It’s strange,” Autumn was surprised, “people don’t seem to be happy with me. It can’t be.”

And again, now above the forests and copses, the magic shawl of Autumn flew up.
And so car after car, bus after bus, they took people to autumn forest. People walked through the forest for a long time and seemed to be happy. “I liked the harvest, I liked my forest, which means people are happy with me,” thought Autumn.

And people seem to be dissatisfied with something again, as if they are even sad. People are carrying baskets full of mushrooms. And in red, and in different - red, chocolate, yellow - hats.

And baskets with autumn berries - bright bright red cranberries!

And also armfuls of multi-colored rowan, oak, maple leaves.

People carefully carry this autumn magic home and sigh:
- Autumn... Yes... Quite autumn. What should I do?.. But nothing can be done...
“What, what needs to be done?! — Autumn was almost scared. - Why are people sad? Do they really want to drive me away? Do they really not like me after all?”
And she decided to surprise people, let them admire what they would not see at any other time of the year. This time the magic shawl of Autumn flew into the sky.

“Look, look,” people called each other, “faster, you won’t make it in time.”
Even the most indifferent people did not take their eyes off the sky for a long time. And no wonder. Birds were flying. They just flew, that's all. To the south.

- Do you see? This is a flock of swallows. Small, but very brave.
- No, this is an even, uninterrupted thread of fairy-tale geese-swans.
- It seemed to you! These are cranes. This is their slim wedge. They are the ones who are crowing.
This is the miracle Autumn gave to people. People looked at the sky for a long time, following the beautiful different birds. And then?
- Yes... Autumn. Yes, real autumn. What should I do? But there's nothing you can do...
Autumn dropped her hands. Autumn cried. “You can’t please people with anything. I’ll leave!”

She wrapped herself in her magic shawl and went wherever her eyes led her. But the trouble is that the upset, offended Autumn accidentally put on her shawl inside out. And the reverse side was... Not golden at all, not beautiful at all, the reverse side was completely different. This happens not with magical things, but with magical themes more. It was not red apples, not golden leaves, not the cries of cranes that the inside of the wonderful shawl carried with it. Cold long rain and an evil wind escaped from her folds.

The wind is blowing, the rain is pouring, Autumn slowly wanders into the distance along the now sodden road. What about people? People look the other way. There, on the other side, invisible for now, on the side of the road, so as not to step in the slush, stands the beautiful Winter in her white clothes.

Winter waved her magic shawl, and first rare, then more and more snowflakes flew. Amazing, fragile, patterned, weightless, beautiful. Miracle? Joy? I really don't know...
- Winter? Already? - People looked at each other.

- Yes... Autumn has passed. As fast as... Yes... It's a pity. Here comes winter. What should I do?.. But nothing can be done...
People are an interesting people. They feel sorry for Autumn!.. Not the kind, golden one. Today's - rainy, sad, ugly. But Winter with all its miracles seems to be out of time for them. Strange people. Yes... What should I do?.. But nothing can be done.

Hello autumn! It's no secret that you are rich in harvests, and also in fairy tales. A children's fairy tale about Autumn will tell us how the Little Hare, Little Squirrel and Little Fox met the beautiful Autumn. Autumn turned out to be an excellent storyteller...

Children's fairy tale about Autumn
Author of the story: Iris Review

Autumn has come. The entire forest is strewn with yellow leaves that rustle underfoot, gradually turning brown and black from dampness. The strongest oak leaves last the longest, but they too will soon fall. Little Hare, Little Squirrel and Little Fox decided to clean up the clearing where they had been playing all summer. Having made brooms, the animals swept the clearing clean. A huge pile of leaves had formed behind a tall pine tree.

It's time for lunch. The little hare, little squirrel and little fox ran to their homes. Mothers were waiting for their babies and cooked for them delicious lunch. After tasting the hot soup and drinking a compote of sweet forest berries, the animals gathered again in the cherished clearing.

But what is it? Instead of a beautiful, neat pile of colorful leaves, they saw a tousled pile. Some of the leaves were lying nearby.

- Who was doing this mischief here? Whose hands is this? - they were loudly indignant. A golden-haired girl came out from behind the trees in response to the noise. It was beautiful Autumn. The animals told her about the mischief maker who had created chaos in the clearing.

- This is my brother, autumn wind, tests his strength. Let's put the leaves together in a hole and cover it with old branches. From there, my flighty brother will no longer be able to get them.

And so it happened. And then Little Hare, Little Squirrel and Little Fox listened to the stories of the Autumn Beauty about what she does in the autumn months: September, October and November.

And when December comes, the beautiful Autumn gives her magic wand to Aunt Winter.

What's it like in the fall?

In autumn, the trees shed their leaves, from their green summer and golden autumn clothes only sad black branches remain. Deciduous forest By October it turns black, only spruce and pine trees turn green.

Our entire steppe space goes from bright green and colorful, as it was in the spring and early summer, already in July and August it becomes yellowish-gray, with different shades, rarely beautiful, and brings sadness to those who saw the steppe in spring dress. Plants in the steppe dry out to such an extent that they break from the wind; when the wind gets stronger, it breaks them off, circling across the steppe.

On our side it always happens like this: from mid-August the afternoon is already fresh; until mid-September they are still dry sunny days, although there are already frosts in the mornings, and from the second half of September a damp, cold and dark time begins.

But we also have dry and warm autumn. Then the weather is good, although fresh, but clear, not only in September, but also in October, and the November frosts imperceptibly approach.

Autumn is the time to walk, dream, collect colorful leaves and write fairy tales, and then tell them to your children, wrapped in a cozy warm blanket.

To be honest, autumn leaves are a luxury for us, but we still managed to get some, and Sonechka spent several hours creating (thanks a lot to Tatyana Pirozhenko for the ideas). I liked one of Sonechka’s paintings so much that I wanted to write a fairy tale. Small, cozy, meditative. In a word, an autumn fairy tale. The fairy tale gladly joins the “Cozy Autumn on Moms’ Blogs”.

Autumn Tale

An autumn leaf hung on a tree, hung, hung and fell. But I wasn't upset at all. It was so nice to soar in the air soaked in the autumn sun! And when Leaf landed on the ground, he put on his hat and decided to go for an autumn walk in the forest.

And in the forest, what beauty there was! All the leaves on the trees are dressed in their bright colors autumn outfits, as if they were gathered for a holiday, and there is not a single one like it! Leaflet comes, smiles at everyone, says hello to everyone.

On the way I met our Leaflet.

-Where are you hedgehog going in such a hurry, in such a hurry? - asked Leaflet.

“I’m preparing my mink for winter, I’ll soon go to bed for the winter,” answered the hedgehog and ran on, equipping his mink with dry moss.

Then Leaflet saw a small fussy squirrel on a pine tree with a huge bump in its paws.

- Squirrel, what are you so busy with? – Leaflet asked her.

“I’m preparing supplies for the winter,” explained the squirrel, peeking out from behind a pine cone. – Winter will come, the cold will set in, and my pantries will be full of nuts, berries and mushrooms.

“It’s so good that I don’t need to rush anywhere, there’s nothing to do, no preparation for winter!” You can just walk and admire! After all, autumn is such a time of year - specially created for admiration.

So admiring, our Leaf reached the edge of the forest, where he saw a large
a motley bird sitting on an aspen branch. The bird turned its head in different directions.

- Bird, what are you doing? - asked Leaflet.

“I’m saying goodbye to our forest,” answered the bird, “I’m going to fly to distant lands.” Now I’ll make a circle over the forest and fly to the flock.

- Oh, bird, can I ask you? – Leaflet was delighted. – Can I make a circle with you over the forest? I really want to see what our forest looks like from above.

The bird nodded, took the Leaf in its beak and slowly flew over the forest. From above, the forest, dressed in crimson and gold, turned out to be no less beautiful - one would admire it and admire it. Then the bird opened its beak, and the autumn wind picked up the Leaf and carried it, swinging on the waves of air, like


MADOU " Kindergarten combined view "Rainbow"

Tales of Autumn

Compiled by: Educator

Alexandrova L.A


Queen Autumn and her favorite shoes.

The days are getting shorter and the nights are getting longer.
The leaves were covered with a golden blush.
And in the clearing where the grass turns yellow,
Queen Autumn dances her dance.

It was a long time ago. In a beautiful country, in a fairy-tale palace, there lived Queen Autumn. How beautiful, how smart the young queen was! The queen did not like to sit on a golden throne, but she loved to travel. She will clap her hands, and the Autumn wind will appear in front of her. He will pick up the beautiful queen, and she will fly over the earth. Looks from above at fields with golden ears, at forests in beautiful yellow-red decoration. She admires the gardens. Trees bend under ripe fruits - apples, plums. There's a lot! And the queen’s soul is joyful.

Queen Autumn was also a great fashionista and loved to dance. Her outfits were unprecedented. She will put on a sundress embroidered with gold leaves and scarlet rowan beads. Nice queen! She had a lot of outfits, but she only loved shoes. The Autumn Wind gave them to her with love and respect. They were decorated with semi-precious stones. Queen Autumn will dress up, stamp her foot and begin her dance. It spins quickly, only golden leaves flash.

One day, while dancing, the queen lost her shoe. She ordered the servants to look for her. The servants search for the shoe for a day, search for two, search for three - but cannot find it. The queen was saddened. Tears are shed. Nothing makes her happy. Clouds covered the sky. It's raining day and night. It became cold and damp. The trees stand wet and boring. People were sad. The animals and birds were sad.

He lived in a village, in a house near the forest, as a boy. His name was Alyosha. Mom and dad loved him and doted on him. He was diligent and very kind. He helped his parents, in the field - his father, in the garden - his mother. He also loved to go to the forest - pick mushrooms and berries.

Alyosha loved autumn. But autumn is warm and sunny. But that year it was a boring autumn. It's raining, the kids are sitting at home. Here Alyosha’s old grandmother began to tell fairy tales to the children. So that they wouldn't be so bored. And so she told a fairy tale about the shoe that Queen Autumn lost. The boy became thoughtful and wanted to bring back the golden, kind, warm autumn. He decided to find a shoe.

Alyosha went into the forest. And he asks the trees, the birds, the animals: have they seen the slipper of the Queen of Autumn? And everyone answers: “No, we haven’t seen it.” The boy was sad. He got lost in thought and stepped into a puddle. He looks and sees a boat floating in a puddle. I leaned over - and the boat was unusual. It looks like a shoe decorated with pebbles.

Alyosha was delighted. He guessed that this was the slipper of the Queen of Autumn. I returned to the yard, and there was a sparrow sitting under the roof, hiding from the rain. He put a shoe in front of him. Sparrow was very happy. He chirped - apparently, he announced that the shoe had been found. Then the autumn Wind flew in and carried the slipper to the Queen of Autumn.

How happy the queen was with the find! She became cheerful, laughing. And she returned again warm, kind, golden autumn. Queen Autumn dressed up, put beautiful shoes on her feet, and began to spin and dance. And Alyosha picked a lot of berries and mushrooms that fall. Apparently the queen thanked him for the shoe

Children's fairy tale about Autumn

Autumn has come. The entire forest is strewn with yellow leaves that rustle underfoot, gradually turning brown and black from dampness. The strongest oak leaves last the longest, but they too will soon fall. Little Hare, Little Squirrel and Little Fox decided to clean up the clearing where they had been playing all summer. Having made brooms, the animals swept the clearing clean. A huge pile of leaves had formed behind a tall pine tree.

It's time for lunch. The little hare, little squirrel and little fox ran to their homes. Mothers were waiting for their babies and prepared them a delicious lunch. After tasting the hot soup and drinking a compote of sweet wild berries, the animals gathered again in the cherished clearing.

But what is it? Instead of a beautiful, neat pile of colorful leaves, they saw a tousled pile. Some of the leaves were lying nearby.

Who was doing this mischief here? Whose hands is this? - they were loudly indignant. A golden-haired girl came out from behind the trees in response to the noise. It was beautiful Autumn. The animals told her about the mischief maker who had created chaos in the clearing.

This is my brother, the Autumn Wind, testing his strength. Let's put the leaves together in a hole and cover it with old branches. From there, my flighty brother will no longer be able to get them.

And so it happened. And then Little Hare, Little Squirrel and Little Fox listened to the stories of the Autumn Beauty about what she does in the autumn months: September, October and November.

And when December comes, the beautiful Autumn gives her magic wand to Aunt Winter.

What's it like in the fall?

In autumn, the trees shed their leaves, leaving only sad black branches from their green summer and golden autumn clothes. The deciduous forest turns black by October, only spruce and pine trees turn green.

Our entire steppe space goes from bright green and colorful, as it was in the spring and early summer, already in July and August it becomes yellowish-gray, with different shades, rarely beautiful, and brings sadness to those who saw the steppe in spring dress. Plants in the steppe dry out to such an extent that they break from the wind; when the wind gets stronger, it breaks them off, circling across the steppe.

On our side it always happens like this: from mid-August the afternoon is already fresh; Until half of September there are still dry sunny days, although already with frost in the mornings, and from the second half of September damp, cold and dark times begin.

But we also have dry and warm autumns. Then the weather is good, although fresh, but clear, not only in September, but also in October, and the November frosts imperceptibly approach.

A tale about the signs of autumn

The little bunny Fluffy was sitting under a broom bush, fearfully looking around.

Fluffy, what's wrong with you? – asked the titmouse Anyutka, sitting on a rowan branch.

Don't you see? “Something strange is happening in the forest,” answered the little coward. “I think that some evil wizard wants to enchant our wonderful forest.”

So what's going on? “I don’t seem to notice anything strange,” the titmouse chirped.

Don't you notice?! Don’t you notice that the sun has begun to rise later in the morning, that it has become cooler, that the cold wind is blowing, and that the rains have become more frequent?! Haven't you noticed that the leaves on some trees have turned yellow, on others orange, on others brown? And they even fell from some trees! Look, do you see the birds flying away somewhere? They probably found out about the evil wizard and decided to fly away from our forest. And animals also apparently know something. Do you see how squirrels fill pantries with berries, mushrooms, and nuts, and hedgehogs dig holes for themselves and fill them with dry leaves? All this is not without reason! They probably want to hide in their houses from the villain and not come out.

You're stupid! – Anyutka the titmouse laughed. - There is no evil wizard in the forest! Autumn has just arrived!

Autumn, what is it? - Fluffy asked his girlfriend.

Autumn is the time when everything in nature, both trees and animals, is preparing for rest. Trees shed their leaves to rest in the winter and begin to grow with renewed vigor in the spring. Some animals, such as hedgehogs and bears, are preparing to hibernate. They will sleep all winter until spring. Squirrels, mice and hamsters make provisions for the winter; since nothing grows in the forest in winter, it will be difficult for them to find food for themselves.

What about the birds?

And the birds fly away warm regions. They are cold in winter in our forests. They will spend the winter there and then return here to raise their chicks.

It’s sad, autumn: the leaves fall, the birds fly away, the animals go to bed...,” the little bunny was upset.

Don't be sad and look around! How many gifts autumn has given us: nuts, mushrooms, apples! Look at the sea buckthorn on the bushes and the rose hips! What delicious honey bees make in the fall! Soon the mountain ash will ripen! Enjoy! Eat to your heart's content before winter, play in the meadow under the rays of the autumn sun and admire the beauty! Hasn't our forest become beautiful in this yellow-green-orange-brown outfit?

The little hare looked around and realized that the forest had indeed become more beautiful than ever. He picked a bunch of sea buckthorn from a bush and ran to play in the clearing with other bunnies. After all, what a good day it turned out to be: the sun gently warms, does not burn, there are so many smells in the forest, so many colors! good time year - autumn!

Autumn Tale

A bright yellow-red-orange alarm clock rang and Autumn Beauty woke up.

Am I late? - she became alarmed and looked out the window. - They're probably already waiting for me.

Autumn got ready quickly and, of course, did not forget her magic shawl. The golden shawl was woven from threads of mushroom rain and sun rays, and if you look closely, you could see in the gold multi-colored autumn leaves, mushrooms and ears of corn, grapes and apples, and flying cranes, and so many other things that even Autumn herself could not remember.

Autumn appeared to people. But people didn’t notice right away. They have no time for that. People are surprised and upset. The apples in the orchards grew large over the summer, but they were sour. In the fields there are golden ears, beautiful ears, and the grains are light, as if they were not real - they won’t make good flour. And the grapes are heavy in the vineyards. Visibly and invisibly them, but not sweet grapes, not tasty at all. That's why people are worried.

And Autumn is not worried. “Summer did a good job, everything was prepared,” she looked around, “it’s up to me.” And the magical shawl of Autumn flew over the gardens, fields, and vineyards.

Now people just have time! The apples are sweet: yellow ones in that basket, red ones in this one. The grains are heavy: some are flour for bread, others, the best, are for pies and pastries. The grapes are sweet, juicy: for today and tomorrow, and there will still be enough for juices for kids until spring.

The people quickly reaped the harvest and seemed to be very pleased with it. And Autumn is happy. How could it be otherwise! But then people looked around, and it turned out that there were no apples left in their orchards; and the fields are not golden at all, but black; and the vineyards, previously yellow-green and purple, became pale, sad, without a single bright grape. People looked at each other:

Autumn? Already?

“Of course, it’s me,” thought Autumn, “it’s been me for a long time. Probably people were so busy with the harvest that they simply didn’t notice me right away. Doesn't matter! The main thing is that there is a lot of everything and everything is delicious.” And Autumn smiled - she was pleased. But the people didn’t smile; they didn’t seem to be happy anymore.

Yes... - people sighed. - Summer is over. Here it is autumn. Yes... - they thought. - Autumn... What to do?.. But nothing can be done.

“It’s strange,” Autumn was surprised, “people don’t seem to be happy with me. It can’t be.”

And again, now above the forests and copses, the magic shawl of Autumn flew up.

And so car after car, bus after bus, took people into the autumn forest. People walked through the forest for a long time and seemed to be happy. “I liked the harvest, I liked my forest, which means people are happy with me,” thought Autumn.

And people seem to be dissatisfied with something again, as if they are even sad. People are carrying baskets full of mushrooms. And in red, and in different - red, chocolate, yellow - hats. And baskets with autumn berries - bright bright red cranberries! And also armfuls of multi-colored rowan, oak, and maple leaves. People carefully carry this autumn magic home and sigh:

Autumn... Yes... Quite autumn. What should I do?.. But nothing can be done...

“What, what needs to be done?! - Autumn was almost scared. - Why are people sad? Do they really want to drive me away? Do they really not like me after all?”

And she decided to surprise people, let them admire what they would not see at any other time of the year. This time the magic shawl of Autumn flew into the sky.

Look, look, people called each other, faster, you won’t make it in time.

Even the most indifferent people did not take their eyes off the sky for a long time. And no wonder. Birds were flying. They just flew, that's all. To the south.

Do you see? This is a flock of swallows. Small, but very brave.

No, this is an even, uninterrupted thread of fairy-tale geese-swans.

It seemed to you! These are cranes. This is their slim wedge. They are the ones who are crowing.

This is the miracle Autumn gave to people. People looked at the sky for a long time, following the beautiful different birds. And then?

Yes... Autumn. Yes, real autumn. What should I do? But there's nothing you can do...

Autumn dropped her hands. Autumn cried. “You can’t please people with anything. I’ll leave!” She wrapped herself in her magic shawl and went wherever her eyes led her. But here's the problem - upset, offended Autumn accidentally put on her shawl inside out. And the reverse side was... Not golden at all, not beautiful at all, the reverse side was completely different. This happens not with magical things, but even more so with magical ones. It was not red apples, not golden leaves, not the cries of cranes that the inside of the wonderful shawl carried with it. Cold long rain and an angry wind escaped from its folds.

The wind is blowing, the rain is pouring, Autumn slowly wanders into the distance along the now sodden road. What about people? People look the other way. There, on the other side, invisible for now, on the side of the road, so as not to step in the slush, stands the beautiful Winter in her white clothes.

Winter waved her magic shawl, and first rare, then more and more snowflakes flew. Amazing, fragile, patterned, weightless, beautiful. Miracle? Joy? I really don't know...

Winter? Already? - people looked at each other. - Yes... Autumn has passed. As fast as... Yes... It's a pity. Here comes winter. What should I do?.. But nothing can be done...

People are an interesting people. They feel sorry for Autumn!.. Not the kind, golden one. Today's - rainy, sad, ugly. But Winter with all its miracles seems to be out of time for them. Strange people. Yes... What should I do?.. But nothing can be done.