How to become a deep and interesting person. How to be weird

Part 1

Be cheerful
  1. Relax. People like to feel safe and comfortable with their friends and are always ready to have fun. So relax and have fun with everyone.

    • Give someone a compliment to let them know that you are paying attention to them and are thinking about them.
    • Laugh more. Show everyone your openness and ease.
    • Try to relax (as much as possible). If you are tense, this state will be passed on to your friends.
  2. Pay attention to your friends. Look at them, put away your phone and make them feel like the center of attention. If you're confused (as if you're trying to figure out how to solve multiple problems at once), it'll be hard for people to have fun with you.

    • Treat people with approval. Don't talk down to them or judge them, otherwise people won't be honest with you.
  3. Cause lots of jokes. If you're not afraid to look stupid or funny, people will have fun with you. Here are some ways to do this:

    • Parody (good or bad) someone you know, such as a teacher or colleague.
    • Dance like a clown, pretending that you are the best dancer in the world.
    • Hum your favorite and not quite decent song.
    • Wear funny clothes.
    • Don't be afraid to say corny jokes.
  4. Get ready for adventure. If you have never done something, do it now! Be spontaneous and do something new for yourself. If you are a person who comes up with fun activities, your friends will think you are fun and interesting.

    • Say “yes” more often. This way you will be ready to do something new for you.
    • Read the last section of this article to learn about fun things you can do with your friends.
  5. Keep a positive attitude. Everyone has bad days, but you need to focus on talking about the positive events in your life (don't show your friends and people around you that you're upset). This will create a positive atmosphere and people will be attracted to you.

    • If you catch yourself saying something negative, say two positive things.
    • If people around you are feeling down, encourage them instead of stooping to their level.
    • If you're having a hard day, don't put on a fake smile. However, efforts must be made to maintain positive attitude(don’t show your irritation or think that the problems bothering you are not that important).
  6. Bring people together. When you're with friends, try to make sure everyone is supportive. a good relationship or got to know each other better. Bring people together to become closer friend to friend.

    • Be subtle about this. If you are in a group of people who feel like they have nothing in common, make them feel mutually interested, which will lead to a connection between them.
    • If you have two friends who don't get along, say something positive about each of them; This way you will increase the chance that their relationship will normalize.
    • Strengthen relationships between people by offering to do something fun that each person will enjoy (like bowling). The more fun the activity you offer, the better.
  7. Dance, even if you're bad at it. It doesn't matter whether you're dancing alone, or with a partner, or on the dance floor with friends - just dance and enjoy it.

    • Throw your hair back, sing a few lines from your favorite song and move your arms and legs to cheer up the people around you.
    • Encourage people to dance with you. Get your friends who don't like to dance to get on the dance floor with you and show them how much fun it is.
  8. Conquer your fears. If you are afraid of heights, clowns, dogs or anything else, take the time and energy to work on yourself and overcome your fears. You will be surprised at what you are capable of.

    • Agree with almost all proposals to do something new. If your artist friend or avid hiker asks you to paint something or go on a hike, be sure to agree, since it is new to you.
    • Next time at a party or social gathering, find someone who has little in common with you. Be sure to get to know this person to learn something new from him.
    • If a show host or artist calls for a volunteer, don't be afraid to raise your hand. Sing and dance at your favorite artist's concert. Wear breathtaking outfits that cheer you up. Sing your favorite song at karaoke, even if you have no ear for music. Throw a fun themed party. In a word - have fun!
  • Be honest and keep your promises. This will build a reputation for trustworthiness and make it easier for people to be open with you.
  • Treat people the way you would like to be treated.
  • If you are one of those people who finds it difficult to carry on a conversation, make a list of topics that you can discuss with your interlocutor, and when there is a moment of awkward silence, start discussing this topic. You can always find interesting topic for conversation.
  • Always strive for knowledge. Thanks to a good store of knowledge, you can become wittier.
  • Avoid gossip or spreading rumors. This will not help you, but will rather spoil your reputation as a reliable and cheerful person. It will be difficult for people to relax in your presence if they know that you are spreading rumors behind their backs.
  • Laugh with your friends and other people, not at them.
  • Determine your limits. Sit alone for a while to catch your breath and regain your strength. Also, let others know that you have boundaries that should not be crossed.
  • Smile a lot and love the people around you. Don't judge others because you don't know what they've been through.


  • Take care of your relationships with your friends because they are the best thing you have.
  • Don't laugh at people. Laugh with them. You can laugh at yourself. Despite mistakes and failures, be happy.
  • Sometimes there is no need for fun. Everything has its time. If your friend needs support and is going through a difficult period, you should be ready to help. Also show your parents that you deserve more freedom and they can trust you. Show yourself as a responsible and reliable person.
  • If you have a close relationship with someone, you may be more open. But if you've just met someone, be polite.
  • Your jokes should be appropriate and should not harm anyone, including you.
  • Do not try force people think that you are a funny and interesting person. It won't show you well.

People often wonder why they cannot sufficiently interest their interlocutor, or are forced to remain silent in a large company. Such mental anguish is sometimes justified - after all, not in every environment there is an opportunity for this or that person to open up in communication, to interest individuals or the entire team. But how to become interesting person for others , if you feel a lack of certain skills or character qualities? Let's look at some simple ways.

  1. Start playing sports. Strong and healthy body is an essential attribute of attractiveness. Smooth shoulders and slender posture are always much more attractive than a tight, constrained body. When playing sports, not only does muscle training occur and endurance increases, which in itself leads to improved appearance. The volitional efforts that have to be made when physical activity, help improve self-esteem. Neural connections formed in the brain during stress are destroyed due to increased production of serotonin and dopamine. Having become physically attractive, it is much easier to captivate others with the rich content of your inner world.
  2. Good way be interesting for others– find something special in yourself that will reflect your individuality. People, especially young people, often strive to be like movie stars, TV presenters and other celebrities. The reason for the attractiveness of these celebrities is the unique images that they skillfully embody. Therefore, in order to become an interesting person for others, you need to reveal your own “zest”. Perhaps it will be a special hairstyle, style of clothing, sense of humor, or the ability to maintain a conversation on a certain topic. Not necessarily like this distinctive feature there must be merit. For example, there is an opinion that the secret of charm French women– in the ability to present even flaws in appearance as if they were advantages. If a true French woman has a mole on her face, she will not make every effort to disguise it or get rid of the blemish. On the contrary, she will perceive this mole as a feature, a certain element of individuality and a source of charm.
  3. Don't be afraid to imitate your idols. As has been said, celebrities often become objects of adoration. But if such imitation were destructive, it is unlikely that this method of self-expression would be so popular. Make a list of those people who have always admired you. Perhaps these will not even be movie stars, but scientists, writers or artists, political leaders. What qualities do you most admire? Try to develop these same qualities in yourself. There is a law of achieving success - in order to achieve what you want, you must act the way successful people in this field act. Taking the beaten path often means making it much easier for yourself to achieve success in any endeavor, including in matters of personal growth.
  4. Developing the ability to understand someone else's point of view. How to become interesting personality for others , causing the desire to communicate with yourself again and again? To do this, you can use the technique of the ancient Greek philosophers - “Argument with yourself.” Its essence is very simple: in order to master this technique, you need to choose a thesis that interests you and begin to give arguments in favor of this thesis. To start, you can choose something simple, such as the statement “Working in an office is better than working on a farm.” Give as many arguments as possible in favor of this statement - as if you want to convince the most furious opponent of this. And after that, start doing exactly the opposite - proving to your imaginary interlocutor (this process can be carried out in front of a mirror) that working on a farm, on the contrary, is much more better job in a stuffy and dull office.

This exercise will help develop the ability to look at problems from different angles, and even empathy.

Being an attractive person means being able to express yourself in society, while also showing interest in others. Use these methods and you will be able to develop aspects of your personality in a way that will make it much easier to interest others.

A modern person dreams that others will pay attention to him as an individual. Ability to carry on a conversation on any topic, good advice, to which acquaintances and friends listen, incendiary humor - all this is an integral part of the life of a successful and interesting person. People are usually drawn to such people, they are respected, and everyone wants to get acquainted with such individuals. The question of how to become more interesting to others worries many people of all ages.

Many people, due to low self-esteem and lack of self-confidence, consider themselves uninteresting and boring people. And such an approach is absolutely wrong, every person has his own zest and individuality, here it is important to reveal the unique and positive traits. Even a seemingly boring person, who is characterized in society as constrained and uptight, can actually turn out to be a real find. Usually a person is especially demanding of himself; anyone can find some kind of flaw in themselves that will interfere with an objective assessment. Therefore, it is so necessary to know all your character traits, especially the pros and cons.

Most of us can think for a long time about how we can change ourselves, but in reality there are several effective ways to raise your self-esteem and fuel interest in your person from others. These methods are very easy:

  1. try to study something innovative and interesting more often;
  2. share new knowledge with others;
  3. determine in yourself best qualities and try to develop them;
  4. always listen to your interlocutor;
  5. treat your shortcomings and oddities with condescension;
  6. always remain yourself, don’t run headlong after the crowd;
  7. say goodbye to your fears;
  8. minimize communication with whiners and bores;
  9. Use your sense of humor, others will definitely appreciate it.

What should an interesting person be like?

It’s quite easy to be an interesting person; you just need to start being interested in something unusual and interesting. Boring people are usually not interested in any area of ​​life, they don’t care what happens around them, so start traveling, expand your horizons. Be interested in the latest in show business, politics, culture, achievements of science and technology. Reading educational books will help you seriously enrich your intellect. When you set a goal to become an interesting person, be sure to acquire your own hobby, it can be anything - satin stitch or cross stitch, collecting cars or postcards, all this will help you express yourself and become more self-confident. Passionate people are always of interest to others, they give their all free time a favorite pastime, which over time can develop into a lifelong endeavor. A person who has a passion lives in harmony with himself and has general recognition, regardless of what he realizes himself in.

It is important not only to know a lot of interesting and useful things, it is important to be able to present such information to others so that they listen in fascination with their mouths open. Interesting information can be gleaned from various sources:

  • Internet;
  • television;
  • periodicals;
  • various books.

By learning to correctly voice your thoughts, you can attract a large audience of listeners. This is where lessons can come in handy. oratory, which can be easily found on the Internet online or in local cultural centers.

Most people consider themselves uninteresting individuals and doubt their capabilities. Take a closer look at yourself from the outside, and determine your best qualities, reveal your talents and abilities; for someone, every person is of interest. Magnify all your positive qualities, and some shortcomings can easily be converted into advantages by presenting them as part of your image.

To, you need to be not only good conversationalist, the main thing that attracts people is the ability to listen. The ability to listen and ask the right questions characterizes the interlocutor as an extraordinary person. By giving other people the opportunity to talk about themselves and express their thoughts, a person demonstrates genuine interest in the conversation and respect for the interlocutor. A person who is only busy with his own person and does not allow others to get a word in is boring in the eyes of others.

Each of us has our own oddities and quirks, so you shouldn’t be shy or hide them, it’s these qualities that make us unique and interesting. If a person is not like others, this does not make him worse, but, on the contrary, emphasizes his interest to society. You don’t have to do anything super-outstanding; just a few phrases or a charming look are enough to attract people’s attention.

Always remain yourself, you need to defend your opinion, and not meekly follow the crowd. People who are confident in their decisions and can prove they are right are of interest. Do not succumb to outside influence; when making decisions, rely only on your needs and desires.

Buy clothes not only following fashion trends, but also based on factors such as convenience and comfort. You should also listen to music not just like everyone else, for company, but exactly the music you like. You should always act as you think is necessary, not paying attention to the intrigues of envious people, in this way you can achieve great respect and authority in society. All these rules do not mean at all that you need to do everything the other way around; perhaps, somewhere you need to listen to other people’s advice. But in order to do so, you need to create something of your own and go your own way.

To attract the interest of people around you, you need to become brave. It is precisely this quality, courage, that many people so often lack when accepting important decisions. And even though some decisions were made incorrectly, and the path chosen was the wrong one, it provides rich life experience, and people with extensive life experience are very interesting people and interlocutors. Therefore, you need to dare, leaving behind all your fears and doubts.

Usually bores and whiners poison the lives of those around them; they are the ones who consider boredom interesting activity. Such people constantly cry into the vests of those around them that everything is bad for them and nothing is working out, although they could do everything. They are offended that others succeed in all their endeavors, but they do not. Long-term communication with such individuals leads to a spoiled mood and loss of strength. Therefore, all contacts with whiners should be kept to a minimum, otherwise you may find yourself under their influence, fall into deep depression and consider yourself a failure.

The most interesting people are considered to be those with an excellent sense of humor. In society, it is much more pleasant to listen to a person who tells funny stories from life or anecdotes than to someone who will tediously talk about how spaceships roam the expanses of our Universe, although this can be told in a fascinating and even funny way. Describing an interesting person with a sense of humor, they say that he is cool. Such people are welcome to be seen in any company; their fiery smile and infectious laughter can work wonders. Most easy way to be interesting in a company is to learn interesting jokes and then, on occasion, tell them; this greatly helps to defuse the situation, especially in an unfamiliar company.

How not to gain the interest of others

A person who has authority and status in society can also be considered interesting. However, often such interest in famous personalities is purely selfish in nature. Therefore, you should not seek the interest of others at the expense of your capabilities; in such cases it is very difficult to determine whether the interest is truly sincere or just for the sake of meeting a celebrity.


An interesting person is someone to whom people are drawn, with whom you want to be around as often as possible. You can think many times about how to become more interesting, or you can just read the advice of psychologists once and go towards your dream. Interesting people are usually not just pleasant to talk to, they are self-sufficient and successful individuals. Such people rarely have mood swings, and almost never experience depression - they simply do not have time for this. They live on full blast and they take everything from life, you can recharge yourself with positivity from them, and they will always lend a helping hand. You can count on such people in everything, because they are interesting, and they happily give their uniqueness to others.

These tips will help those who want to develop creativity, learn to take risks and trust their talents and abilities. They will also be useful in your career and in everyday life.

1. Explore

Explore new ideas, places and opinions. Listening only to yourself is the lot of unbearably boring people.
  • Disconnect. Without a map, you can find places that are not marked there. By turning off your phone, you can talk to someone you meet along the way. Skip the next batch of updates on social networks and look within yourself. Gadgets tie you to a familiar world. Turn them off and plunge into the unknown.
  • Take a vacation every day. Even if not for long. Walk around the city at sunrise. Throw a letter at a stranger Mailbox. Read a magazine someone left at a bus stop. Take a walk in the rain. Order hot chocolate in an unfamiliar cafe. Use any free minute.
  • Keep asking “why?” Parents hate it when their children torment them with questions. Why? Because. Why? Because. Why? Because. And again and again. But try it yourself. And you will be surprised how behind a simple “why?” the most interesting “because...” will follow.

2. Share your finds

Be generous. Not everyone can go with you. Let them have the same adventures as you.
  • Be proactive. Don't put it off until tomorrow. Speak and act immediately, now. Go where you need to be. Don't wait for an invitation - invite yourself. Don't sit by the phone - call. Spread the word. Click on the buttons. Buy tickets and enjoy the show.
  • State the obvious (to you). What you know is often a sealed secret for others. What is as old as the world to you may seem like a fresh idea to someone else. For you the task is simple, for others it is an insurmountable obstacle. Your mind is full of treasures that no one else can see. Bring them out into the light. When you share ideas, they don't disappear. On the contrary, they only multiply.
  • Be a connector, not an end point. Don't just talk. Don't just listen. Meet people. Help strangers. Share what you know. This is how an idea grows like a snowball and eventually turns into an event. Be the core around which the whole community is created.

3. Do something. Anything

Dance. Write. Build. Communicate. Play. Help. Create. It doesn't matter what exactly you do, as long as you do something. Yes, just in case: this does not apply to “sit and whine.”
  • Make a choice. Any. Can't decide exactly how to manage the current day? With your life? Career? To be honest, it doesn't matter. Even carefully laid plans fall apart. And rushing around in indecision from one option to another is a surefire way to never accomplish anything in your entire life. Flip a coin. Spin the bottle. Trust your intuition. And go ahead!
  • Throw away the trash. Not every business is worth doing. Not every unpleasant job has to be done. Avoid what torments you. If something cannot be avoided (washing or filling tax return), do it with pleasure – and once you’ve done it, put it out of your head. Make room for what really matters. And really interesting.
  • Stake out your territory. Whatever you do, love what you do. Accept it. Get better at it. Own it. This is the only way to combine a sense of freedom with a sense of security.

4. Embrace your weirdness

There are no “normal” people in the world. Each has its own characteristics and unique views. Don't hide them from others - this is what makes you an interesting person.
  • Be yourself in public. When you leave the house, be yourself. Be yourself at work. Wear your individuality proudly. Don't censor your skills. Don't hide your unique traits. To stand out, you need to have personality. Only the one who does not hide it from others remains himself.
  • Stop apologizing. There's nothing wrong with being unique. There is nothing wrong with being different from others. You don't have to apologize for being an interesting person.
  • Capitalize on your features. What makes you interesting adds value to you. Only you can express what you know, do what you do, and know what you know. And you don’t need a huge niche - just a piece of land to stick your flag.

5. Live meaningfully

If you don't care, no one will care about you.
  • Spend your money on the right things. Who do you pay? Who pays you? What people and companies are you associated with? Do you agree with their policies, practices and behavior? Are they satisfied with you? If not, you can always change things up by starting to spend your money on something else.
  • Strive for the maximum. Ask yourself: is this the best it can be? If not, what is it? And get busy achieving the best.
  • Get things in order. Give the most important things the highest priority. Everything else will organize itself.

6. Keep it simple

Ego gets in the way of ideas. If your arrogance is more noticeable than your experience, people will avoid you.
  • Imagine how much you don't know. Everything you will ever know will be just a microscopic grain of sand compared to the vast, vast information of the universe. Let this sobering fact reassure you.
  • Not everyone needs what you have. Your greatest achievement, no matter how impressive it may seem to you, is a terrible nightmare for someone else. Your most valuable possession is just tasteless trash to someone else. Brag carefully!
  • Think about how lucky you are. Do you deserve what you have? Perhaps, partly. What about what you don't have? Probably not. Recognize the role that coincidences, accidents, systemic processes (and luck, of course) play in our world.

7. Try it

Try it. Try new ideas. Do something unusual. You won't grow until you leave your comfort zone.
  • Acknowledge your desires. To deny a dream means to kill it in the bud. You shouldn't feel guilty about striving for something. There's nothing wrong with wanting something. Save the guilt for when you don't give yourself a chance to at least try.
  • Go beyond your boundaries. Just because you haven't been somewhere doesn't mean you won't like it. Just because something isn't your responsibility doesn't mean you can't do it. It's up to you to decide which league to play in.
  • Take on difficult things. Know that obstacles will deter most of your competitors. In addition, as a rule, solving the most difficult problems brings the greatest satisfaction in the end.

8. Get off the wrong track

You shouldn’t do what everyone else is already doing - this train has left without you. Come up with something of your own, then admirers will be drawn to you And.
  • Squeeze into the niche. The narrower the niche, the less room there is for imitators. If you want to be interesting, do something special, not ordinary.
  • Don't go after everything that is universal. If something is found everywhere, it is not necessarily worthy of praise or participation.
  • Get noticed. To be successful, you don't have to become world famous or filthy rich. You just have to do what you do best.

9. Take courage

It takes courage to have your own opinion and take the untrodden path. If you don't have enough courage, all you have to do is hang around the cooler and discuss those who have it in abundance.
  • Start a riot. If you suddenly realize that you are working on something pointless or fruitless, stop immediately. You shouldn't fight for something you don't see value in. You will be surprised how many people will support your protest.
  • Avoid authorities. Authorities, as a rule, fetter, restrain and limit freedom. Get rid of them whenever possible.
  • Don't be afraid of friction. You don't want to impose. You don't like to make waves. You don't dare ask for what you need. But you will have to get over yourself.

10. Ignore the swearing

It's safe to be boring. When you become interesting, you will often hear angry “behave yourselves.” Those who scold you also “could”, “would like”, “would have done”. But they didn't. And that's why they are infuriated by your willingness to adventure.
  • Don't put yourself down. Is that nasty little voice in your head criticizing and putting you down? Silence him with actions that will prove him wrong. Warning: This may take years.
  • Learn from everyone. You can learn how not to live your life from the scumbags you encounter. You can learn how to live from people you respect and love. Count it all scientific research features of human behavior.
  • Don't confuse ridicule and criticism. Only that which can be used for self-improvement is constructive.

Hello, dear ladies! Very often I hear from girls such phrases as “I’m boring”, “I can’t be alone for a long time”, “I’m not fun” and so on. The main problem is that women do not understand how to become interesting to themselves. Today I would like to talk about exactly this and find out what needs to be done in such a situation. How not to turn into a jester, not to go crazy from loneliness and find inner harmony.

Why do you need this

Let's start by finding out why you want to become interesting. And even better - for whom.

There are two options: for yourself and for others. The fact is that for a good result you will have to use a different approach, depending on the answer to the question why.

If you do this for yourself, then we will talk about internal development, communicating with yourself, finding activities that will develop your potential. Here the path lies through self-knowledge and self-study. In this case, you don’t care at all about the opinions of others, about their attitude towards you. And often, the attitude of others even harms in such a situation.

In the case when you want to become interesting to others, things are completely different. Here, the opinions of others and the attitude of others are very important. In this case, the concept of the soul of the company will be very important. After all, these are the people who are the most popular.

In any case, there are some general principles and provisions that can be applied in both options. This way, you can become interesting both to yourself and to be cheerful, sociable and entertaining in company.

She's her own boss

The first thing I would like to talk about is self-sufficiency. This quality will be useful to you in both cases. If you want to learn to be at peace with yourself, then you definitely need to acquire a similar character trait.

The point is that you should not do something for a man, for a girlfriend, for your mother, for your son or anyone else. Your life is in your hands. You have your own thoughts, your own attitude towards things. You and only you are responsible for your actions. You do not depend on others and their opinions of you, but at the same time you treat everyone with respect and dignity. This is where that harmony is.

If you want to be the life of the party, then you need self-sufficiency in order to perfectly understand the difference between useful and important tips others and simple envy and hypocrisy. This quality will teach you to listen to the opinions of your friends and draw conclusions. Don't blindly trust all words.

I have already raised the issue of this quality in the article “”. I'm sure it will be extremely useful to you. Be sure to read it.

Work and hobbies

Another very important point- that's what you do. Your job or hobby should bring you great pleasure. You yourself should experience delight and interest in your activity. The girl who sits at home all day and scrolls through the news feed in social networks will not be interesting either to herself or to those around her.

Have you noticed how the eyes of people who find something they love light up? How do they know how to infect everyone around them with their positivity and positive energy? You can do this too! You just have to start. This can be absolutely any activity. You know yourself well. Remember your childhood, look into your dreams, shake up your imagination.

If you think that your work is completely uninteresting, boring, monotonous and no one will listen about it, then you simply don’t know how to talk beautifully. One of my friends worked as a completely ordinary bank clerk. Loans, financial schemes, numbers, papers and nothing exciting. But he talked about his work with such enthusiasm that everyone sat with their mouths open and did not blink while he talked about his work.

Try to look at your work differently. Find what is interesting about her, why you love her, what admires and inspires you. Explore new facets of your occupation, expand your knowledge, improve your skills. Grow and learn.

If you are currently sitting at home and cannot find suitable job, then the article “” will be very useful for you. Remember that nothing is impossible in the world.

Don't lose your self

On this path, it is very important not to lose yourself and not become the generally accepted template of an “interesting person.” It is always important to remain yourself and not betray your principles. Many people, in an attempt to become interesting and not be boring, lose their zest. That is why I talked about self-sufficiency in the first place.

The more versatile you are, the broader your views on the world, the more interesting it will be to talk with you. After all, when a person is very fixated on one thing with him and there is nothing special to talk about. For development read more books, watch movies from different eras, study art, pay attention to the exact sciences.

Moreover, a sense of humor will greatly help you along this path. Agree, it’s a pleasure to be in a company where there is someone who knows how to joke. I haven't met girls with a good sense of humor very often, but that's not their fault. In the world it is believed that a woman cannot joke. That's why young ladies don't even try to learn this. But jokes, like mathematical formulas, can be learned. Everything depends on you.

Dear women, I am sure that you will definitely succeed in your plans. I would advise you to first learn to be interesting to yourself. Then becoming interesting to others will not be so difficult.

I would be very glad to hear your stories. Have you ever done anything to be the center of attention? Do you have a friend who is the life of the party? And what do you think makes it different from others?