Guide courses for children. Advantages of being a guide

Every year we receive about 2 million foreigners. The Moscow government is doing everything to make the city even more attractive for tourists: building hotels, organizing a comfortable and safe stay. But in order to introduce everyone to architectural monuments, museums, galleries, and temples, specialists with knowledge of English, Spanish, Italian, French, and Korean are required. The leaders of prestigious courses claim that each graduate is offered about 5 vacancies. If employers are satisfied with the level of foreignness and personal qualities, consider that a job has been found: accompanying tourists abroad, conducting bus and walking tours in the capital.

Initially, traveling work is offered: cruises in the Russian North and Volga, accompanying foreign tourists along Golden Ring Russia. Olga Mukhina, guide-translator, says: “After college I worked as a teacher English language at school. I realized very quickly that this was not what I had dreamed about all my life. I wanted vivid impressions, see other cities and countries... I decided to make a drastic change in my life, and took a course for guides and translators. The training turned out to be difficult, but I completed it successfully. And then I got an internship at a travel agency. Now I conduct bus excursions around Moscow and the Golden Ring of Russia - much more interesting than checking school notebooks."

Ready for any trouble

However, becoming a guide is not given to everyone. As the experts themselves say: “A guide can “make” a tour, or he can “kill” him with his attitude towards tourists, poor knowledge of a foreign language, lack of punctuality. Every day he has to deal with people coming to the country as if they were on another planet, and those who are interested in literally everything. You need to be able to answer any question, talk about the same objects with enthusiasm for the hundredth time. This is only possible if you yourself are passionate about studying the history of the country and the city, and you understand art and architecture very much. Such “little things” are important for a guide, such as friendliness, a sense of humor and... the ability to find a way out of any situation. A tourist has lost his luggage, twisted his leg, mixed up the group - anything can happen to the guide with a variety of requests: conduct an aerobics lesson on a ship during a cruise, dance at a disco, drink beer. The answers “No, I can’t, I don’t know, I don’t want to” do not exist in the vocabulary of a professional. Politely refusing is another matter, but you also need to be able to do this. Sociability, a loose tongue, the ability to interest are his credo. Is it possible to learn all this?

Only for "linguists"?

There are many courses for training guides and translators in Moscow. They are usually organized as an additional program that completes foreign language training. For example, at the School of Guides and Translators, it is proposed to study for 4 years in general language courses, pass a difficult exam, and only then, those who want to find practical application their knowledge, they go to a specialized program of guide-interpreters.

The courses at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs are structured in a similar way. It is not necessary to learn foreign language only if you are already fluent in it. Then you can try to pass the entrance test and enroll in separate program guides and translators, bypassing the language educational program. In some courses, for example, "Extreme", beginners are offered to attend the first lesson in the guide training program for free in order to assess their strength. If your knowledge of the language is not enough, you have to supplement them with external studies, and only then go to a special program. After all, all classes for guides are held in the foreign language in which they will work. Moreover, in most cases, the courses allow you to choose between English, Spanish, German, French or Italian. “We don’t teach students a language,” says Jozsef Schneidgen, general manager Educational and coordination center "Guides" - perfect knowledge of foreign language is a prerequisite for admission to courses. We conduct an entrance test, let you translate the text from Russian, for example, into English and vice versa. We evaluate vocabulary applicant. Then - an interview in a foreign language, we ask questions about general erudition, we look at how well the person knows his way around the city, whether he knows the main architectural monuments, etc. We pay attention to appearance, communication skills, and most importantly - availability leadership qualities. For his tourist group, a guide must be a leader. It happens that girls come with an excellent knowledge of the language, but they are shy, afraid to take the initiative once again - they are not suitable for us.”

Museums, parks and cathedrals...

Courses usually begin with Moscow Studies in a foreign language. Students are taught to conduct sightseeing tours of the city (including the Moscow Kremlin, Novodevichy Convent, Red Square, Intercession Cathedral, Lenin Mausoleum, Boulevard Ring, New Arbat, Moskva River Embankments and even the Metropolitan). Much attention is paid to the history of Moscow. Future guides learn to talk interestingly about the sights of the city. Further, regardless of the course, students must master the art of specialized translation. Develop a quick reaction, enrich the synonymic range both in Russian and in a foreign language, learn special terms, master the specifics of communication with representatives of different cultures. A tourist group from Japan or from the USA requires completely different models of behavior. The guide-translator must be a professional in translating on art history and historical topics - all the special vocabulary for this is also given in class. In some courses, for example, at the Training and Coordination Center "Excursion Guides", a separate block of training is special programs organized at the Historical Museum and its branches. Here they are trained first in Russian, and then in a foreign language.

The final block of disciplines in any course is tourism management or the basics of guiding activities. During the classes they talk about organizing cruises, auto tours, walking routes, teach you how to work with the necessary documentation, and solve non-standard problems that arise along the way. Listeners will learn the intricacies of meeting and seeing off at airports and train stations, placing a group in a hotel, communicating with staff in restaurants, at customs, porters at train stations, and maids in hotels.

All this can only be learned through practice. And most of the classes taking place on the courses are offsite (50-70%). Bus or walking tours are regularly held based on the topics covered. Course participants take turns acting as guides. Here you can really understand what it’s like to talk about an architectural style in a fascinating and competent way. royal dynasty, and at the same time answer the most unexpected questions, make good jokes.

At the end of the training there is an exam. In the training center "Extrem", for example, the first task is to prepare an oral story on a given topic. The second is also oral translation of the finished text. And for dessert, listeners will be asked questions about tourism management, methods and organization of tourism business. What is a tourist day, a tourist voucher, a hotel check-out time, etc. Often representatives of travel companies come to exams to personally see the most capable and knowledgeable and invite them to work.

This is not required, but recommended

For successful work As a guide-translator, it is advisable to additionally undergo accreditation from the expert council of the Moscow Government, which confirms the high qualifications of the specialist. This automatically increases the chances of employment in large travel companies. The names of accredited guides are entered in a special register. To date, it includes 1,200 people.

However, to pass accreditation, you need to pass a serious exam. Firstly, provide the expert council with documents on completion of specialized courses for guides and interpreters and completion of specialized programs at Moscow museums (Kremlin, Pushkin Museum, Tretyakov Gallery, Historical Museum).

Secondly, go through an interview in foreign language with members of the Expert Council and answer all of them tricky questions. An unspoken advantage is enjoyed by graduates of the courses of the Training and Coordination Center "Excursion Guides", organized directly by the Association of Guides and Interpreters. Teachers teach here who are also members of the expert council. About 80% of accredited guides have gone through these courses... It is not surprising that the competition here reaches 5 people per place. (500 applicants for 100 places). Upon completion of studies, students have everything necessary documents and can immediately apply for accreditation. It can be of two types: temporary (for a year), allowing excursions only around the city, in the Kremlin, the historical museum and its branches, and single - first for 3 years, then for 5 years (the range of objects is much wider).

How much does a professional cost?

Today in Moscow there are several companies specializing in providing guide-translator services. The largest of them are CJSC Guides, Interpreters, Travel and Tourism, the guide-interpreter sector of JSC Moskovsky Sputnik, Bartflex and some others. Majority travel companies are also interested in these specialists. The salary of a guide-translator depends on many factors: the specifics of the tour or excursion (auto tour in Russia or a trip to the Kremlin), the tourist route, the number of people in the group, the qualifications of the specialist, etc. The minimum salary is $20-30 per day. Experienced guides have much higher prices. The sphere is quite closed, great value have recommendations and reputation.


Look, I calculated the cost of simultaneous translation using a special calculator [link-1], it turns out, to put it mildly, “not cheap”, does the translator really receive such a pittance, and the employer takes the rest?

And you go to the association forum, you will learn a lot of interesting things. And I’m not even talking about the salary of 25-35 dollars a day from Vao Intourist or Zao Gida-translators... (
After reading this article, I want to say only one thing: Ha-Ha-Ha scam!!!
I worked in this profession for eleven years, but I have never read such lies as those on this page!!! Although it is not difficult to understand its reasons: the leadership of the association, without which it is absolutely impossible to get into this profession, but how could it be otherwise, if all their income from training new specialists is simply lining their pockets (Marina Kressova has already bought an apartment in the center of Moscow!!!) ? And the worst thing is that even our elderly colleagues (and some are 70-80 years old), if they want to continue working, must pay them for some advanced training once a year for 5-15 thousand rubles, while they move around with the help of castels (alas, our employers do not pay anything to the pension fund at all, and their pensions are the most minimal)!!!

thanks for the article. I had only blind desire and not the slightest idea of ​​what was in store for me. but forewarned means forearmed!

01.08.2008 20:51:32, Luda

I am writing a thesis on guiding activities, I was very interested in reading this article. It's just a pity that it's not quite "fresh". If you have any more information on this topic, I will be very glad to receive it;)

10/23/2007 20:33:09, Misma

all the pathos of the article was blown away by the mention of the guide’s salary. min $ 20-30 * 22 working days = $ 440-660% (hmm...

Comment on the article "Pros and Cons" of the profession of guide-translator"

A girl student at an economics university wants to simultaneously master the basics of the translator profession. Looking for translation courses for students. No ideas where to go? At Moscow State University, Moscow State Linguistic University, MGIMO, etc. - only advanced training courses for people with higher education.

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Attention to those who want to visit Shanghai! My work is related to China, the main activity is optimization of partnerships and business negotiations. I have been living in Shanghai since 2005, for the last 4 years I have been professionally engaged in Russian-Chinese translation. Russian is native, Chinese and English are fluent. In addition to guide services, I provide a full range of services for optimizing business between Russian-speaking and Chinese-speaking partners. Business Services: Search and selection of information in China on the Internet and...

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2. Knowledge of the native language in the profession of a translator is of great importance. 3. At the end of his speech he made a precise logical conclusion. 4. The conversation was long: they talked about spiritual needs and spiritual peace.

BILL OF RIGHTS (developed by People Against Violence in 1968-1990) PERSONAL RIGHTS Every person has informal, personal rights. They are different from legal ones. Some people do not understand that every person has personal rights and violate them. When this happens, we cannot turn to the law to protect our rights. We can only rely on ourselves and our own capabilities. In order to protect ourselves more effectively, it is important for us to know what our personal rights are. EVERY...

I am a lawyer by profession. I graduated with honors from one of the best Moscow law universities, I already have considerable experience in my specialty, incl. and head of legal department.

If you want, try to translate the following pieces of text (all or any, according to your choice) and write me the result on [email protected]. Please indicate the subject of the letter “Part-time work as a translator”.

A translator is not a profession for a 17-year-old girl with no education and no intention of getting one, in the sense of a source of money. It’s difficult to get a job “out of the blue” (and not with the help of influential acquaintances), the money will be pennies.

It seemed to me that a translator, as a profession, involves qualifications of an unearthly level and a gift from God to boot. For this reason, I did not go to Inyaz. I believed that knowledge of the language is only a necessary addition to some other profession.

you can start: “do you mind, I’ll write down your personal data now? Full name, age, height, weight.. ..” Ask in such a tone as it goes without saying.. ..

I am writing here and to the Legal Conference. I just wrote that my aunt wants to register her child under her last name, but the child’s father is categorically against it. Threatens to sue and take the child away from her.

I regularly get questions about getting a tour guide education. This year there are more questions than ever, starting in April. Let me remind you that classes in guide courses are held during the low tourist season, from September to March-April, so that by the beginning of the new tourist season release new specialists.

People often doubt whether this is a profession that will give them pleasure from work. You can only find out for yourself by experiencing yourself at work. In the process of studying, you will need to learn ready-made materials and select new ones for routes, you will need to participate in walking and bus excursions, work with a microphone, and calculate the time it takes to complete a route. Those. Course participants will have several months to feel whether this work is for them, whether they can devote all their time to it.

The question is also often asked - how many hours and days a week can a guide work? My friends, as much as you can master is all yours. If only you had enough strength, voice, patience and creativity.

I will give here the most common questions and answers to them, prepared by the training center of the Association of Guides-Interpreters, Tour Guides and Tour Managers (AGPEiTM).

Is it possible to become a tour guide through distance learning?

When learning to be a tour guide, practical exercises are required, which make up a significant part of the curriculum - these are walking tours along the route and bus training tours.
This is the only way to master the methodology of conducting excursions in practice. Accreditation for guides (the right to work in Moscow and the Moscow region) is given only when, after training under the program of 200 academic hours, you take a sightseeing tour “Moscow - the capital” on the bus and one of the country excursions that will be mastered during the training process.
You can only study remotely theoretical foundations tour guide, but it is impossible to become a tour guide remotely.

I completed a tour guide training course and can’t get accreditation. How to do this?

Accreditation for tour guides (as well as for guides-translators) is issued by the Expert Council under the Committee for Tourism and Hotel Industry of the City of Moscow. Choosing educational institution in which you want to become a tour guide, be sure to pay attention to the following points:

1. Do you have a license? educational organization for training in this specialty.
2. The training curriculum, in this case for tour guides, must be at least 200 academic years. hours. The bulk of these hours are practical exercises along the route (walking excursions and bus detours).
3. The final stage of training should be taking city and country excursions on the bus route.
If the training meets all the listed requirements, you can submit documents to the Expert Council to obtain accreditation. You can familiarize yourself with the rules for accreditation of tour guides on our website in the “Professional Development” section.

I love Moscow, I know it well, I have history education and would like to become a tour guide. Courses and training centers a lot, I studied the proposals in this area in detail. Could you explain how your center differs from others? Moreover, many courses promise 100% employment. Natalia.

Natalya, the main differences are as follows:

Firstly, we have fundamental training programs- 200 academic hours, including tour guide, architecture, religious studies, technology and speech culture. When you successfully complete your studies, you have the opportunity to receive accreditation for Expert Council under the Moscow Government. This document will give you the right to professional activity. Students come to us to complete their studies after courses whose programs do not allow them to obtain accreditation, and employers today are increasingly asking to see it.

Secondly, at the end of the training there is not only an exam for conducting a sightseeing tour of Moscow (on a bus with a microphone), but also a test in which you will show your ability to give travel information on a trip to one of the historical cities of the Moscow region. That is, your professional luggage will already contain at least two excursions. Moreover, we do not “train” students to conduct an excursion, we teach the methodology for preparing a topic, in fact, we provide a “tool” for preparing new programs in your future professional activity.

And thirdly, one of our founders is the Association of Guides-Interpreters, Tour Guides and Tour Managers. After receiving accreditation, you can become a member of the Association, this will give you the opportunity to be in a professional environment.

We, however, do not promise a 100% guarantee of employment. It all depends on your efforts and abilities. We value our reputation. Of course, we recommend students who performed well during their studies to travel agencies, and they then work successfully.

The training lasted two months, master classes and practical exercises were conducted the best professionals capitals.

On April 4, the first graduates of the guide school received their diplomas at the Nashchokin House. 28 people completed the courses. Classes were held in the Shekhtel mansion on Bolshaya Sadovaya, the Narkomfin House, the Presnya Museum, the Nashchokin House - in a word, in important objects cultural heritage Moscow.

The brightest guides in Moscow - Denis Romodin, Pavel Gnilorybov, Helga Pataki, Airat Bagautdinov - became the teachers. They conducted master classes and practical exercises. Each of them introduced listeners to a specific topic - local history, architectural history, and others.

The best specialists of the city gave lectures on specialized subjects. For example, the head of the stage speech department at GITIS, Vera Kamyshnikova, taught here, and Semyon Fomin from the Internet Initiatives Development Fund spoke about business analytics.

Within the framework of the school, round tables were also held with the participation of possible employers - representatives of the historical and cultural project “Moscow that does not exist” and tour operators organizing excursions around Russia. The training lasted two months - February and March.

Develop a route and conduct a tour

At the end of the courses, future guides developed their own original routes in four directions. For example, a series of interesting one-hour excursions was created for children from eight to 13 years old. The idea behind the walks is to present the city as a reflection starry sky. The authors of this series are confident that in this way children will develop abstract thinking and will also develop an interest in astronomy.

The first walk is “Around Suvorov Square”. Before the start of the excursion, the children will be given route sheets. They will mark each object they pass with a dot on their map - the result will be a drawing of a famous constellation. Children will see the monument to Suvorov, the Saltykov estate, the Theater Russian army, “Durov’s Corner”, hotel “Slavyanka”, Church of St. John the Warrior, Catherine Park, Neglinnaya River, planetarium.

Created interesting routes and in non-tourist places, including Moscow banks. It is expected that during this walk, listeners will be told about the buildings in which banks used to be or are now located. There are also several routes connected with engineering Moscow. One of them is in Gorky Park.

The school students had to not only develop, but also conduct their own excursion. Moreover, the route had to include at least one architectural monument, and each walk had to last at least an hour. This task became a kind of final exam.

How to get to school

Those who want to become a student at the guide school in the next cohort will be able to enroll in courses closer to the fall.

Classes of the second stage are planned to begin in September this year. The training period will remain the same, but the number of students will increase - each master can have up to 15 students. Thus, the school can accommodate a maximum of 60 people. If listeners show interest, the number of referrals will increase.

He created a guide school together with the All-Russian Society for the Protection of Historical and Cultural Monuments. It appeared on the basis of the popular capital projects “Exit to the City” and “Moscow through the Eyes of an Engineer.”

“Since 2011, we have been implementing a project to provide citizens with access to cultural heritage sites, the goal of which is to familiarize general public with significant metropolitan buildings, architectural styles and the authors of these masterpieces. As a result, over five years, 328 thousand people visited historical and cultural monuments, 6,655 events were held in excursion, cultural, educational and interactive gaming formats,” said Alexey Emelyanov, head of the Moscow Department of Cultural Heritage.

Guide (Tour Guide) - a person who accompanies tourists and shows them the sights of a country, city, etc.; tour guide, professional guide.

Guide(from French guide - travel guide, leader; from Latin excursio - trip, outing) - one who accompanies tourists and shows them the sights of a country, city, etc.; tour guide, professional guide. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in history, psychology, world artistic culture, foreign languages ​​and geography (see choosing a profession based on interest in school subjects).

Features of the profession

The guide introduces tourists and excursionists to the sights of the area. He can work with visiting tourists or accompany a tourist group on trips to other cities and countries.

Guide- This is one of the segments of the guide profession. A guide leads excursions along a specific tourist route or site. For example, through a museum or the most remarkable streets of the city. The tour usually does not exceed a few hours, and unless the guide has other functions, his responsibility ends when the tour ends.
Guide leads a group of tourists. He may not lead such narrowly focused excursions, entrusting this mission to colleagues from museums.
However, during the journey he can tell a lot himself. That is why it is often called tour guide.

Typically, guides specialize in a particular region or route, so they have a good knowledge of information about the sights, can vividly and entertainingly talk about every interesting building, monument, etc., and answer many additional questions. The more a specialist knows, the more interesting his story will be.
U good guide knowledge goes beyond standard tourist paths. Even if, based on the wishes of tourists, he has to make changes to the route developed in advance, he will not lose face. Provided, of course, that he is a true expert in his field.

The profession of a guide is very exciting, but responsible. The guide is responsible for clients, who, in turn, are not always friendly and disciplined.
The guide must be able to understand difficult situation, resolve the conflict and make the trip as comfortable as possible for tourists.


Guides usually work for travel bureaus or agencies.
But an experienced guide can also work individually.
Guides who are not responsible for tourist groups may work in museums, galleries, etc.

Important qualities

A guide, like a tour guide, must be a very erudite and artistic person, must love and be able to speak in front of the public.
He needs good memory, interest in new knowledge, responsibility, balance, goodwill, willingness to communicate with the most different people. And also good health, because the guide has to spend a lot of time on his feet and in constant communication.

Knowledge and skills

A guide should know a lot about the places he takes tourists to. In addition, the guide needs to communicate with tourists in the same language. And if he accompanies a group to another country, he must speak the language of the local residents.

Where do they teach

You can learn the basics of the profession in specialized courses. Upon completion of such courses, a certificate is issued, but for full-fledged work that's not enough.
Often, in addition to this, a good humanities education is required.
Among the guides and tour guides there are many university graduates who train translators, art critics, and historians. As well as specialists in the field of tourism.