The Health Council will be headed by Academician Kaprin. Commissions of the CIS IPA Headed by the expert council is the General Director of the Federal State Budgetary Institution “Center for Expertise and Quality Control of Medical Care” of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Medical Sciences

Of course, such a powerful figure at the head of the council will add to his authority. Andrey Kaprin- not only general manager National Medical Research Center of Radiology: a brilliant surgeon and scientist, he is one of many professional Russian and international associations, is the country's main urologist and its main oncologist. Under control Caprina MRRC is developing rapidly: only at the very lately a new X-ray surgery department, a gamma clinic, a new intensive care unit, a proton therapy center have been opened, a center for preclinical research of radiopharmaceuticals is being created...

The new council will unite professionals - managers of public hospitals (MRNC, Clinical Hospital No. 8), leading commercial medical clinics and pharmacy chains. Considering that in Obninsk there are already for a long time there is no city health department (this is the requirement federal legislation), the need for such a structure is long overdue. Today there are 52 private medical institutions in Obninsk, not counting small medical offices private practice. It is clear that such a serious community must develop common rules of play and interaction. After all, only in conditions of fair competition does the patient win.

In short, the health council will deal with issues of coordinating the work of medical institutions. And it should not be confused with the public council at KB No. 8. This one has a different goal - to help the city hospital, and the composition is people not related to medicine, but who have considerable public resources.

Through common efforts

The medical palette of the science city is rich and varied. About a dozen clinics - major centers: “Nearmedic”, “Clinic No. 1”, “Rehabilitation Center”, “Medcity”, etc. These are multidisciplinary institutions, where you can get advice from a variety of specialists, undergo the necessary research, and even stay in a hospital. There are also narrowly focused medical firms in the city - in women's health, sports medicine, osteopathy, dentistry, and psychiatry.

“The presence of a system of commercial medical institutions is a huge benefit for the city,” says the head of the administration Vladislav Shapsha. - And I think that more than two decades ago Obninsk took the path of developing private medicine along with state medicine the right decision. People have a choice, doctors have the opportunity to realize themselves, and the city receives additional income from tax revenues. In our country there are many disappointing examples where cities,

those included in the FMBA system find themselves literally in a stalemate: the level of state medicine is not as high as we would like, and it is impossible to get any additional help - there are no doctors, no clinics. Probably no one would want to try on such a situation. Therefore, we must combine the efforts and capabilities of our entire rich medical system.”

The only trouble is that the overwhelming majority of medical services in private clinics are provided for money; the price list is, for the most part, in the capital, and not all city residents have the opportunity to pay for it. Therefore, as doctors themselves believe, it is entirely wrong to oppose public and private medicine. Each structure performs its own functions. Thus, during the year the Clinical Hospital records about 800 thousand visits, 21 thousand people are hospitalized. Regarding emergency assistance, only a government agency can provide it.

“A serious market for medical services has been created in Obninsk,” continues Shapsha. - Private medicine today has wide opportunities: for example, some private clinics are already taking on surgical operations, including quite complex ones and even under high-tech quotas. Of course, people have higher demands on commercial clinics - they want to receive high-quality services and increased attention. At the same time, city residents can only receive emergency care in a state hospital. Therefore, not a single brick should fall out of this scheme.”
Photo by Victoria STASEVICH

As part of the implementation of the Moscow City Law of July 12, 2006 No. 38 “On the interaction of bodies state power of the city of Moscow with non-governmental non-profit organizations" The Department of Health of the City of Moscow (hereinafter - DZM) actively interacts with public associations and socially oriented non-profit organizations, ensuring their access to implementation public policy in the field of public health in Moscow.

Interaction includes the work of public councils, holding joint events, round tables, conferences, forums, exhibitions on various issues of organizing the provision of medical care.

The Public Council of the Moscow City Health Department was created in 2013 to ensure effective interaction between the Health Department and public associations, religious and other non-governmental non-profit socially oriented organizations of the city of Moscow, representatives of the business community, public figures science and culture, representatives of trade unions for topical issues development of the Moscow healthcare system.

Chairman of the Public Council - K.V. Remchukov, Chairman of the Public Chamber of Moscow, General Director and editor-in-chief"Nezavisimaya Gazeta".

Deputy Chairmen of the Public Council - N.P. Tokarev, member of the board of trustees Non-profit organization International Charitable Foundation "Konstantinovsky", President of OJSC "Joint Stock Company for Oil Transport "Transneft"" and G.N. Golukhov, Advisor to the Deputy Mayor of Moscow in the Moscow Government on social development issues.

The Public Council includes journalists, artists, as well as religious leaders and health workers, among them: A.I.Agalarov- Vice-President of the Moscow International Business Association, Vice-President of the all-Russian public organization of small and medium-sized businesses "Opora Rossii", General Director (President) of CJSC "CROCUS INTERNATIONAL" "CROCUSINTERNATIONAL"; R.R. Abbyasov- Member of the Council for Interaction with Religious Associations under the President of the Russian Federation, Deputy Chairman and Head of the Office of the Council of Muftis of Russia; V.N.Vinokur - People's Artist of the RSFSR; P.S. Goldschmidt- Chairman of the Council of Rabbis of Europe, Chief Rabbi of Moscow, head of the rabbinical court in the CIS and Baltic countries; A.M.Gofshtein– lawyer, partner of the Padva and Partners law office of the Moscow City Bar Association; AND.Dapkunaite - co-chairman of the board of trustees of the Vera Hospice Charitable Foundation, theater and film actress; A.I. Kryukov- Member of the Board of the public organization " Russian society otorhinolaryngologists", member of the Council of Chief Physicians at the Department of Health, Director of the Moscow Scientific and Practical Center of Otorhinolaryngology named after. L.I. Sverzhevsky"; M.A. Kurtser - Chairman of the Presidium of the Non-Profit Partnership "Moscow Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists", Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Mother and Child group of companies; R.A. Laishev– First Vice-President of the regional public organization “Moscow Sambo Federation”, member of the Public Chamber of the city of Moscow; E.V. Malysheva– TV presenter, author and director of the programs “Health”, “Live Healthy! ", member of the Academy of Russian Television; A.V. Torkunov– Rector of MGIMO, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary; L.S. Shaffer– founder of the B.S. Meyerhold Foundation.

The Moscow City Health Department has a Council public organizations for the protection of patients' rights . This council is headed by the Minister of the Moscow Government, Head of the Moscow Department of Health A.I. wheezing. The council includes representatives public associations, patient, volunteer organizations, charitable foundations, public organizations of disabled people in Moscow.

Since May 2013, the work of Public Councils has been organized on a permanent basis medical organizations state system healthcare of the city of Moscow, which includes representatives of the local population, veterans' councils, public organizations, including organizations of the disabled, mothers of many children, deputies, medical workers, etc. 106 Public councils in the territory of the city of Moscow, including in the annexed territories ( Troitsky and Novomoskovsky administrative districts) deal with issues that concern the population. Members of the Public Council enter into dialogue not only with loyally minded people, but also with those who are negative, critical and, unfortunately, do not want to look for ways to constructive solutions.

Muscovites simply vitally need information about what is happening, about new opportunities for Moscow healthcare. In the context of the implementation of the State Program of the City of Moscow for 2012 - 2020. “Development of healthcare in the city of Moscow (Capital healthcare)” The Department, together with members of public councils, explain to citizens the meaning of actions, helping them adapt to changed conditions, talking about new opportunities in the capital’s clinics.

In the year of the 25th anniversary of the Interparliamentary Assembly of States Parties of the Commonwealth Independent States On the website of the IPA CIS, a series of publications continues on the standing commissions of the IPA CIS, expert councils under the IPA CIS, their creation and activities.

We present to your attention an article about the Expert Council on Healthcare at the IPA CIS.

The Expert Council on Health Care at the Interparliamentary Assembly of the CIS Member States was created in accordance with the resolution of the CIS Interparliamentary Assembly Council dated April 11, 2013 as a permanent advisory body of the Interparliamentary Assembly.

The main goal of the Expert Council is to assist the Interparliamentary Assembly in matters of improving the model legislative framework in the field of health care, motherhood and childhood, sanitation and hygiene, development of medical science, medical and pharmaceutical education.

With the participation of the Expert Council on Health Care at the IPA CIS, a draft Program of cooperation between member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States on prevention and treatment has been prepared diabetes mellitus for 2016–2020. In accordance with the resolution of the Council of the IPA CIS, the draft of this program was approved and sent to the Executive Committee of the Commonwealth of Independent States for consideration in the prescribed manner. On April 8, 2016 in Moscow, the draft Program was considered at a meeting of the Council of Foreign Ministers of the Commonwealth of Independent States, and the Program was approved at a meeting of the Council of Heads of Government of the CIS on June 7, 2016 in Bishkek.

The Expert Council on Health Care at the Intergovernmental Authority of the CIS prepared recommendations “On the approximation of the legislation of the CIS member states in the field of health care,” the purpose of which is to promote legislative support for the convergence of legal norms on the protection of the health of citizens in the Commonwealth countries and the formation of effective social policy with guarantees of accessibility and quality of medical care in the CIS countries. At the plenary meeting of the Interparliamentary Assembly on April 16, 2015, these recommendations were adopted.

Standing Commission of the IPA CIS on social policy and human rights, the draft model law “On Insurance Medicine” and Recommendations for the protection of medical personnel and healthcare facilities during armed conflicts and other situations of violence were approved, which received a positive assessment from the Expert Council. Specified documents adopted at the plenary meeting of the IPA CIS on November 25, 2016.

The Expert Council also holds specialized meetings, in particular on topics such as “Prospects for the convergence of legislation on healthcare and drug provision of the CIS member states”, “On issues of drug circulation”. On September 23, 2015, on the eve of the Eurasian Women's Forum, a meeting of the Expert Council on Healthcare was held, which discussed women's health issues. At the meeting on March 31, 2016, the main question was “On combining efforts to improve the quality of medical care, drug supply and respect for the rights of child patients in the CIS member states (medical, pharmacoeconomic, legal and humanitarian approaches).” Following the meeting of the Expert Council, the Recommendations “On ensuring children’s rights to health in the CIS member states” were submitted for consideration to the Standing Commission of the IPA CIS on Social Policy and Human Rights for inclusion in Long-term plan model lawmaking in the Commonwealth of Independent States for 2016–2020.

As part of the sixth international congress “Road Safety for Life Safety,” a specialized meeting of the Expert Council on Health Care at the Intergovernmental Authority of the CIS was held on the topic “On medical safety traffic" As a result of the discussion, a resolution was adopted, according to which it is proposed to hold a specialized meeting of the Expert Council on the issue of joining forces in order to develop clinical recommendations based on the principles of evidence-based medicine and used in providing medical care to citizens of the CIS member states injured in road traffic accidents . In order to create conditions for the harmonization of the regulatory framework for healthcare, monitoring public health, improving the qualifications of medical workers and improving the quality of medical care in the Commonwealth countries, including for victims of road traffic accidents, the Expert Council intends to promote the dissemination and use of International classification diseases 10th revision (ICD-10).

Representatives take an active part in the meetings of the Expert Council World Organization Health, Joint United Nations Program on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS), International Federation Red Cross and Red Crescent societies, International Committee Red Cross, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), etc. This allows the main directions of development to be taken into account most fully international law in the field of public health. Work is underway with the Regional Office for Europe of the World Health Organization to disseminate information about the Healthy Cities program.

The interaction of the Commonwealth countries in addressing issues of protecting public health is becoming even more important and necessary in connection with the development of globalization processes, mass migration, open borders, and the formation of a common economic space. The activities of the Expert Council on Healthcare contribute to the development and harmonization of legislation in the field of health protection of the member states of the IPA CIS.

1. General provisions

1.1. The Public Council under the administration of the city of Megion (hereinafter referred to as the Public Council) is a permanent collegial advisory body created to ensure public participation of citizens of the city district in the preparation and implementation management decisions local government body.

1.2. The Public Council in its activities is guided by the legislation of the Russian Federation and Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug- Yugra, normatively legal acts urban district of the city of Megion, as well as these Regulations.

2. Objectives of the Public Council

2.1.Ensuring the participation of public representatives in the process of preparation and implementation of decisions of local governments in the field of healthcare.

2.2. Involving a wide range of citizens representing the interests of various population groups in the urban district of the city of Megion in making management decisions in the field of healthcare.

3. Functions of the Public Council

3.1. Preparation of proposals to the local government aimed at resolving issues of local importance and implementing certain state powers in the field of healthcare.

3.2. Implementation of public examination, municipal legal projects in the field of healthcare.

4. Rights of the Public Council

4.2.To make proposals, within their competence, to the administration of the city of Megion to improve the activities of health authorities..

4.3. Interact with Public Councils created under government bodies, local government bodies of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra.

4.4. Invite representatives of local government bodies to their meetings when discussing issues the resolution of which is within the competence of the Public Council.

5. The procedure for forming the Public Council

5.1. The Public Council is formed from among citizens of the Russian Federation - residents of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra over 18 years of age. Members of the Public Council cannot be persons holding government positions in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra, municipal positions, positions of the state civil service of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra, as well as positions of the municipal service, persons with an unexpunged or outstanding criminal record, persons declared incompetent based on a court decision.

5.2. The personal composition of the Public Council is approved by order of the administration of the city of Megion based on proposals from public organizations, members of the Public Chamber of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Ugra.

5.3. Information about the composition and activities of the Public Council is posted on the official website of the Megion city administration.

6. Organization of the activities of the Public Council

6.1. At the first organizational meeting, the Public Council, by open voting, elects from among its members the chairman of the Public Council, the deputy chairman of the Public Council and the secretary of the Public Council.

6.2.Chairman of the Public Council:

carries out general management of the activities of the Public Council;

approves the agenda of meetings of the Public Council.

6.3. Meetings of the Public Council are held in the city of Megion.

6.4. Meetings of the Public Council may be held using video conferencing systems.

6.5. Meetings of the Public Council are held as necessary, but at least twice a year.

6.6. A meeting of the Public Council is valid if at least 50% of the members of the Public Council are present.

6.7.Members of the Public Council take part in council meetings in person.

6.8. Decisions of the Public Council are made by a simple majority of votes of its members present at the meeting and are documented in minutes, which are signed by the chairman of the meeting of the Public Council and the secretary. In case of equality of votes, the vote of the Chairman of the Public Council is considered decisive.

6.9. Participation of members of the Public Council in the work of the Public Council is carried out on the basis of voluntary and free participation.

7. Final provisions

7.1. Organizational and technical support for the activities of the Public Council is carried out by the administration of the city of Megion.

The Expert Council on Health Care of the Federation Council Committee on Social Policy is a permanent advisory body of the Committee on Health Issues under its jurisdiction. The Expert Council was created in 2008 and has more than 60 members, including politicians, healthcare organizers, directors of federal and regional research institutes, corresponding members and academicians of the Russian Academy of Sciences, representatives of the scientific and medical community, and public organizations. Within the framework of the Expert Council, there are working groups on cardiology, on countering the spread of antibiotic resistance, on viral hepatitis, according to the assessment of the socio-economic burden of disease, according to reproductive health, on vaccine prevention, on public-private partnerships, on inflammatory bowel diseases, etc.

The active position of the representatives of the Expert Council was taken into account when developing a number of laws and bills: No. 323-FZ “On the fundamentals of protecting the health of citizens of the Russian Federation”, No. 61-FZ “On treatment medicines”, No. 44-FZ “On placing orders for the supply of goods, performance of work, provision of services for state and municipal needs”, No. 171-FZ “On state regulation of the production and turnover of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products”, etc. Expert the council for the first time initiated discussions and decisions at federal level a number of medical and social issues: development of the National Alcohol Policy, introduction of the position of chief nephrologist, preparation and public consideration of the procedure for providing medical care to patients in the nephrology profile, assessment of the socio-economic burden of diseases, introduction of the concept of risk sharing in public procurement of medicines.

The main tasks of the Expert Council are (excerpts from the Regulations on the Expert Council):

– expert-legal assessment of Russian legislation and regulatory support in the field of healthcare on issues within the jurisdiction of the Committee;

– improving the legislative activity of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation in the field of healthcare in terms of issues related to the jurisdiction of the Committee;

– monitoring the implementation of adopted Federal laws in the field of healthcare on issues within the jurisdiction of the Committee;

– assessment of the effectiveness and efficiency of Federal target programs and regional development programs in the field of healthcare;

– participation in information and analytical support and holding meetings and other events on health issues.

At the meetings of the Expert Council, issues of departmental medicine and single-channel financing, legal regulation of the financing of medical care in the Russian Federation, public-private partnerships in healthcare, the introduction of an institute for assessing healthcare technologies in the Russian Federation, etc. were considered. In addition, the Expert Council conducted research work, which made it possible to analyze statistical data, the socio-economic burden of diseases in cardiology, rheumatology, pulmonology, and a number of infectious diseases. The data was used to prepare meetings on relevant topics.

The expert council is headed by the General Director of the Federal State Budgetary Institution “Center for Expertise and Quality Control of Medical Care” of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor