What does reproductive health include? Reproductive and sexual health

Sociology, social work and statistics

Since the desire of men when choosing contraceptive methods is taken into account by most women, it is interesting to study the nature and characteristics of contraceptive behavior and awareness of these issues among adolescent boys and men aged 1545 years of urban residents conducted in a number of territories Russian Federation. Despite the fact that the majority of men surveyed 815 know about contraceptives 806 named a condom 599 IUD 496 hormonal contraception 436 men do not discuss at all 512 not...

  1. Characteristics of reproductive health of young people. Factors influencing his condition.

Considering the problem of the presence of unfavorable factors affecting reproductive health, it should be noted that the reproductive potential of future parents begins to form from birth, especially a girl who must be considered as a potential mother. Therefore, maintaining health from childhood and strengthening it in adolescence among young people entering reproductive age is one of the key problems of creating a healthy generation.

It is impossible to overestimate the importance of a healthy lifestyle as a style of behavior actively chosen by a person, including balanced diet, physical activity, hygiene skills, proper work and rest schedule, culture of sexual relations, absence of bad habits, medical activity. The number of publications on these issues is almost endless, and it is not advisable to consider each of its aspects in detail in this work.

Unfortunately, it should be noted that most Russians still have a consumerist attitude towards their own health. An unbalanced diet, primarily a deficiency of protein foods, a significant restriction of the diet, can lead to menstrual dysfunction and even anovulation in girls and spermatogenesis disorder in boys. Insufficient physical activity in combination with high “hypodynamic” school and extracurricular loads also does not help prepare a girl for future pregnancy and childbirth, and will not make a young man a “super producer” in the future. But this is practically not taken into account by parents; the most that is remembered is about posture and problem teeth. In Russia there are few truly healthy or at least “practically healthy” citizens, but it is almost impossible to meet a person in a medical institution who wants to find out the current state of his health in the subjective absence of painful manifestations.

How positive point It can be noted that more and more attention has been paid to a differentiated approach to sexuality education for children and adolescents. Since children become interested in sex from an early age (they begin to ask the first questions in this area at the age of 3-5), sex education should begin with the period of the first questions and last as long as the child needs it. Moreover, sex education, which concerns gender relations in the broadest sense of the word, is most productive in the family. Meanwhile, the success of sex education is possible only with a comprehensive impact on the child. The problems to date remain the lack of literacy of parents themselves, the lack of practice among the population of turning to psychologists and the small number of school teachers who are ready to discuss sex problems with students. We are still far from the practice of foreign countries, where sex education lessons begin with junior classes and have been ongoing for several years.

During adolescence, a person tends to hypersexuality. The formation of reproductive organs and their functioning often outpaces the development of intelligence, and group forms of behavior with insufficient formation of moral and ethical standards, lack of understanding of responsibility for one’s actions can provoke early start sexual life with an indiscriminate change of sexual partners (teenage promiscuity), which most often leads to persistent circulation of STDs in teenage groups and unwanted pregnancy in immature girls.

This is especially important because early entry into sex life the consequences for a girl’s body can be extremely negative. Teenage girls enter the reproductive process often anatomically and physiologically immature and socially unadapted, which significantly reduces the health of mothers and newborns. Moreover, the reproductive health of teenage girls is currently assessed as extremely unsatisfactory. Morbidity rates for girls are 10-15 higher than for boys. Disorders of menstrual function increased almost 2 times, 1.3 times the frequency of inflammatory diseases. Adolescent girls, when entering the reproductive process, have very high index infectious diseases, including in 62.6% of cases previous venereal diseases (2.2% syphilis), in 65.7% there is extragenital pathology of the respiratory system, gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys, in 52.4% ¶ gynecological diseases(colpitis, cervical erosion, chronic inflammation appendages), every sixth person experiences menstrual irregularities.

In a survey of 1000 teenage girls (10-20 years old) who entered the childbearing process, the majority of whom (84.3%) were registered or civil marriage, and 1000 women of favorable reproductive age (20-24 years), the number of unmarried among whom was only 7.5%, and the health status of their newborns was revealed as follows. Complicated labor was observed in 80.4% of young women in labor. Labor stimulation was used somewhat more often than in the comparison group, and a clinically narrow pelvis was noted during labor. In young postpartum women, hypotonic bleeding was significantly more often observed and a manual examination of the uterine cavity was performed in the early postpartum period. Only 0.6% of teenage girls abandoned their children in the maternity hospital (all of them were unmarried, half of them used drugs).

In the group of young mothers, 60 children (6.0%) were born with nicotine intoxication, 7 newborns (0.7%) in a state of drug addiction. Since the condition of newborns is associated with the reproductive health of the mother, a screening method for assessing the reproductive health of teenage girls has been developed, with the help of which it is possible to assess the degree of its impairment, which makes it possible to intensify activities and concentrate the efforts of doctors, social workers, teachers, and parents on solving the problems of each specific girl -adolescent and thereby ensure perinatal protection of the fetus.

More bigger problem than the physical and mental stress of childbirth in at a young age, is abortion. According to the Krasnoyarsk Family Planning Center, the number of abortions per thousand adolescents in 2002 was 54.8, and among teenage girls who gave birth to a child, every fifth had a history of abortion, 4.2% had 2 3 abortions. Abortion is a serious endocrine stress for a woman’s body, requires hormonal rehabilitation, leads to reproductive problems: inflammatory diseases, infertility, menstrual irregularities, the formation of hormone-dependent diseases (fibroids, endometriosis, ovarian cysts, pathologies of the mammary glands), most of which are background in development oncological pathology.

Competent prevention of unwanted pregnancy (contraception). Currently, there are many ways to prevent conception - contraception. A large arsenal of modern contraceptive means and methods, unfortunately, is not used so often, which is associated, first of all, with a lack of sex education and a reluctance to turn to a specialist on such “shameful” (in the understanding of the Russian average) issues.

Despite the fact that a doctor can choose a method that is suitable for almost any woman, it is noted that “women use the method that was chosen by them more effectively and for a long time, rather than recommended by medical professionals. Conversely, restricting choice may lead to unintended pregnancies because women may stop using a method that may not be acceptable to them or their partners.”

Since the desire of men when choosing contraceptive methods is taken into account by most women, it is interesting to study the nature and characteristics of contraceptive behavior and awareness of these issues among adolescent boys and men (age 15-45 years) urban residents, conducted in a number of territories of the Russian Federation. It turned out that the current abundance of contraceptives for women has reduced responsibility sexual partner for the consequences of intimacy. Despite the fact that the majority of men surveyed (81.5%) know about contraceptives (80.6% named a condom, 59.9% IUD, 49.6% hormonal contraception), 43.6% of men do not discuss , 51.2% do not consult with a woman on issues of protection from unwanted pregnancy, and only 4.9% of men would like to take charge of solving the problems of contraception.

Although among the surveyed men 65.2% use contraception, unfortunately, only 18% of adolescents use contraceptive methods and means, while in others age groups about 80% of men, regardless of marital status. The rating of the effectiveness of contraceptives, according to men (only 80% of all could decide on it, and among people over 35 years old 54.6%), is as follows: condom

(25% of respondents), IUD (22.7% of men), hormonal agents

(15.8%), interrupted sexual intercourse (9.4%). The problem is that 20% of all respondents, and almost half of married men, opposed the use of hormonal and intrauterine contraception by women, citing fear of the harmful effects of contraceptives on women’s health (95.0%), doubts about their efficiency (60.8%) and reluctance to liberate a woman in matters of sex, especially outside the family (47.5%).

The majority of men (87.9%) indicated a lack of sex education in the family and school. The main sources of information for a significant part of the respondents were friends, acquaintances and other persons without medical education, as well as popular literature. Many understand the need for additional training on the issue of contraception and would like to receive such information in family planning centers and educational institutions (among the preferred sources of information, adolescents named special literature, lectures and conversations in educational institutions; men special literature and consultations with specialists from family planning centers, as well as other medical and preventive institutions). Such a desire is commendable, since sexual culture should not be separated from the general culture of a person and knowledge in the field of contraception, in fact, is vital.

Unfortunately, despite the fact that women in Russia began to more actively use modern methods of contraception (in the late 90s of the twentieth century, only 19% of Russian women used them, although even in developing countries this figure reached 79%), abortion is still practiced today. , according to experts, remains their “preferred” means of birth control. Since a woman can learn about pregnancy more or less reliably by the absence of another menstrual bleeding, and sometimes such a thought comes to her even later, there is practically no choice but to artificially terminate the pregnancy.

Artificial termination of pregnancy. Russia is the first country to allow (in 1920) abortions, and the undoubted leader in their number in the present. In accordance with modern legislation of the Russian Federation (Article 36 of the Fundamentals of the Legislation of the Russian Federation on the protection of the health of citizens), “every woman has the right to independently decide the issue of motherhood.” In 2002, the absolute number of abortions was 1,782,300 cases. On average, each Russian woman has 2.5-3.0 abortions. More than 200 thousand women in Russia annually terminate their first pregnancy by abortion. Half of all pregnancy terminations occur in women at the optimal reproductive age of 20-29 years (51.7%). Increasing specific gravity abortions for social reasons in total number abortions (from 2.0% in 1998 to 2.25% in 2002). Although the absolute number of criminal abortions decreased by almost 2.5 times compared to 1998 and amounted to less than two thousand 1838 in 2002 (1998 4537), abortion occupies one of the leading places in the structure of causes of maternal mortality (in 2002 . 18.5%), despite the fact that this cause is the most preventable. These indicators exceed those of economically developed countries.

A significant proportion of men and women know about the dangers of abortion. However, 60% of men planning to get married, 78% of married people and 50% of teenagers cannot say what consequences this operation will have for the woman and her offspring in the future, although the frequency of complications, according to various sources, reaches 52%.

The circumstance that provokes the decision to terminate pregnancy is, in some cases, social norm, which dictates that the best age for having children is from 20 to 30, in extreme cases up to 40 years. If this happens earlier or later, then the mothers themselves perceive their parenting as a deviation from “correct” behavior and often take extreme measures.

At the moment, public and government support for a woman-mother is minimal; motherhood has become almost entirely her personal matter, carried out at her own peril and risk. Only the introduction of social and legislative policies that provide real, including psychological, assistance to those mothers who would like to continue the pregnancy could change the decision made not in favor of the child. Moreover, in the future, infertility in marriage can become a real tragedy.

Infertile marriage. The problem of infertility is quite serious, but targeted study of it began only in the twentieth century. According to the WHO definition, a marriage is considered infertile in which, despite regular sexual activity without the use of contraception, the wife does not become pregnant within one year, provided that the spouses are of childbearing age, since it has been proven that about 30% of conceptions are normal occurs during the first month of marriage, 60-90% in the first year and 10% during one and a half to two years.

The frequency of infertile marriage in Russia, according to various authors, ranges from 10% to 20%, and the number of cases of infertility is constantly increasing. Now more than 10 million people suffer from it. If we consider that when the frequency of infertile marriages is 15% and above, a socio-demographic problem of a national scale arises, then it becomes clear why infertility is currently serious problem reproductology, in which there is a combination of social, mental ill-being and almost always physical ill-health in the family.

In the structure of motives for divorce, infertility accounts for 7.5%. Moreover, 70% of infertile marriages break up on the initiative of men. In the second to fourth years of marriage, the divorce rate among childless spouses was 2.1-4.2 times higher than among those with children. 95% of men and women surveyed considered the presence of children to be a necessary condition for the stability of a marriage. According to statistics, 70% of infertile marriages are dissolved, while in families with children the number of divorces is 18%.

Standards World Organization healthcare identifies 21 factors of female and 19 factors of male infertility. It has been established that 75% of infertility in marriage is caused by chronic inflammatory processes in the genitals caused by protozoa (trichomoniasis), bacterial microflora (streptococci, staphylococci, E. coli), chlamydia, as well as poorly treated venereal diseases(gonorrhea and other specific infections).

Only with an integrated approach to the problem of prevention and treatment of infertility are positive changes possible, since by eliminating the identified causes of infertility and preventing diseases that serve as medical indications for termination of pregnancy, one could expect an increase in the total fertility rate within 7%, and with the elimination of secondary post-abortion infertility up to 30%.

Sexually transmitted diseases. Venereal diseases are one of the serious social and psychological problems modernity. Social significance they are determined by their high prevalence, the severity of the consequences for the health of the sick, the danger to society, and the impact on the reproduction of offspring. According to WHO, syphilis, gonorrhea, and chlamydia are the most common diseases in the world, with the exception of influenza during an epidemic and malaria. Every year, about 200 million patients with gonorrhea, 250 million with chlamydia and 50 million with syphilis are registered in the world.

In Russia, since 1990, the incidence of syphilis has increased more than 50 times. And although the annual growth rate in the number of cases of syphilis decreased significantly in 1997 in comparison with 1992-1995, when the number of newly ill people doubled more than annually, the number of cases, firstly, continues to grow, and secondly, it constitutes a noticeable volume (277.3 per 100,000 population), and thirdly, the incidence of syphilis is close to the epidemic threshold. Statistical data indicating a slight decrease in the incidence of gonorrhea since 1994 does not reflect the true incidence of this disease in the population due to the widespread use of self-medication, as well as treatment by private practitioners who are not always licensed and do not register cases. The incidence rates of chlamydia are relatively low, although usually the number of patients with chlamydia exceeds the number of patients with gonorrhea by 2.0-2.5 times. The peculiarities of this disease are that it develops with minimal clinical manifestations, can last for years and cause profound changes genitourinary system. Many lesions are caused by viruses. The herpes simplex virus, when infected in utero, stimulates miscarriages, premature births, and congenital deformities.

The new outbreak of sexually transmitted diseases in the early to mid-1990s is different from previous topics that for the first time children and adolescents were exposed to these diseases, and their incidence is increasing more than at a fast pace than in adults. According to WHO, deteriorating living conditions and decreased stability in society contribute to an increase in stress conditions in the teenage population more than in others, which leads to an increase in the incidence of this age group.

In general, the registration of infections of the so-called new generation began only in 1993 and is still not carried out in full. Features of the relationship Soviet system healthcare to sexually transmitted diseases still largely influence the situation with the spread of STDs in Russia. So, government system The fight against sexually transmitted diseases in the USSR was excessively cruel towards sick people. Until the 1970s, compulsory examination was provided for, compulsory treatment, criminal liability. The consequences of this attitude have not yet been overcome. This is what determines the reluctance of the sick person to be treated in medical institutions. Preference is given to self-medication or contacting private practitioners.

So for young people main unfavorable factors, affecting reproductive health, risk factors can be called, firstly, the early onset of sexual activity in adolescents, which is accompanied by their perception of sexual life in a simplified form, when up to 82% of boys and up to 45% of girls do not associate sex life with love and marriage , secondly, self-medication and untimely access to medical institutions, which are the result of a low sanitary and hygienic culture of young people and a psychologically incorrect model of STD prevention, built on intimidation. In addition, low awareness of health-saving behavior in the sphere of sexual relations plays a negative role.

Reproductive health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being in the absence of diseases of the reproductive system at all stages of a person’s life.

Reproductive system – is a set of organs and systems of the body that provide the function of reproduction (childbirth).

The foundations of reproductive health are laid in childhood and adolescence. In order for healthy children to be born, every modern man should know how to maintain your reproductive health.

The sex of a person is determined already in the first weeks of intrauterine development of the fetus. In the eighth week, when the fetus weighs about four grams, the genitals begin to form. The obvious external differences between boys and girls are the result of the work of sex hormones synthesized by the gonads. Male sex hormones are called androgens, and female sex hormones are called estrogens. Androgens and estrogens are initially present in the body of the opposite sexes, but the ability to reproduce is achieved only after the completion of puberty.

The predominance of estrogens in the female body causes cyclic processes that occur with the participation of the central nervous system. Even during puberty, girls' body contours are rounded due to hormones, their breasts become larger, and the pelvic bones become wider - thus their body is gradually preparing to perform the future function of reproduction.

The male body, due to androgens, is stronger than the female, although not always more resilient. It is no coincidence that nature entrusted the most important mission of bearing a child to the woman.

The state of reproductive health largely depends on a person’s lifestyle, as well as on a responsible attitude towards sexual life. Both affect the stability of family relationships and the overall well-being of a person.

A negative factor affecting the state of reproductive function is unwanted pregnancy. Often a woman is faced with a difficult choice: to give birth to a child or have an abortion. This problem is especially difficult to solve in adolescence. An abortion, especially during the first pregnancy, can cause serious mental trauma and in many cases even lead to irreversible disorders in the reproductive sphere. At the same time, the decision to give birth often jeopardizes further studies and other life plans, so each situation must be considered individually and carefully. In order for such situations to occur less frequently, adolescents must have mature understanding of the meaning of reproductive health and the concept of family planning.

Family planning is necessary to achieve the following tasks:

    the birth of desired healthy children;

    maintaining women's health;

    achieving harmony in psychosexual relationships in the family;

    implementation of life plans.

For many years, family planning was limited to birth control. However, first of all, this is to ensure the health of a woman who is able to give birth to children exactly when she herself wants it. In other words, family planning – this is the birth of children by choice, and not by chance. The right to family planning is an internationally recognized right of every person.

Family planning helps spouses consciously choose the number of children in the family, the approximate dates of their birth, and plan their lives, avoiding unnecessary worries and worries.

The optimal age for having children is 20–35 years. If pregnancy occurs earlier or later, it usually occurs with complications, and the likelihood of health problems in mother and child is higher.

The intervals between births should be at least 2 – 2.5 years; this allows a woman to regain strength, maintain her health and the health of her future children. In this regard, it should also be emphasized: abortion is by no means the best method of birth control; it can be avoided by using modern methods of contraception (prevention of unwanted pregnancy).

A teenager should not isolate himself with his problems. He should know that a wise and tactful adult is always ready to help him.

Reproductive function is negatively affected by stress, especially chronic stress, quality of nutrition, lifestyle. This happens not only under the influence of excessive factors, but also with toxicosis in pregnant women, when adaptation to changes during pregnancy becomes insufficient due to the low level of physical health of the mother.

Smoking affects sexual health and affects the exchange of sex hormones. N Shirren found that people who smoke have half the sexual activity Alcohol slightly increases sexual desires because it removes the inhibitory influence of education and external environment

, but impairs erection. Shakespeare in Macbeth wrote: “drink promotes desire, but deprives it of potency.”

The more a person drinks, the less sexual strength she has, the quality of her reproductive cells deteriorates. Under the influence of large doses of alcohol, the manifestation of sexual reflexes changes

Human sexuality can bring not only joy and happiness, but also great suffering, since many infectious diseases are sexually transmitted. These diseases are called sexually transmitted diseases. Most of them can be cured if diagnosed in time, but the damage caused by their pathogens affects reproductive health."

Sexually active people who often change partners should undergo periodic medical examinations, especially after changing sexual partners, and should not self-medicate.

In short, in order to maintain reproductive health, you need to follow a healthy lifestyle, eat well and properly, don’t drink, don’t smoke, don’t get sexually transmitted infectious diseases (remember their consequences), use contraceptives (if you have an abortion, that’s also not a fact, that everything will end well)
According to WHO definition, reproductive

person, every family and society in
in general. It implies a state
complete physical, mental and
characterizing people's ability
to the birth of children, the opportunity
sexual relations without threat
sexually transmitted diseases
pregnancy, childbirth, survival and
According to WHO definition, reproductive
mothers, the possibility of planning
future pregnancies, including
including unwanted warning.

state of human health, smoking,
a crushing blow to the reproductive system
functions. Having these bad habits
incompatible with normal course
formation of severe developmental defects,
presence of drug addiction
newborn, mental retardation,
physical development in a child. Treat
any of the generated dependencies
(from nicotine, alcohol, drugs
funds) is extremely difficult.
Chronic diseases.

Unfortunately, the health of modern man
undergoes serious strength tests:
spread of bad habits, chronic
stress and depression often lead to the development
caused by chronic pathology, at work
main regulatory systems of the body - nervous,
- of course,
reproductive function. Therefore, if there is
chronic diseases require constant
observation by a specialist, implementation of it
recommendations, regular courses
treatment or prevention of exacerbations, compensation
underlying disease.

Surgical operations. Availability in
past surgical interventions,
especially on the abdominal organs and
pelvis, can also have
frequent in at a young age is

the most
consequences of inflammatory processes
adhesions are formed, which are one
of the causes of infertility.

Unsatisfactory general condition
infertility. Currently in the world
about 30% of married couples suffer
infertility (not getting pregnant
within 1 year of regular sexual intercourse
Moreover, the “guilt” of both sexes is equal – 50%
male and 50% female infertility.
In connection with the development of medical science, in
particularly in reproductive medicine, most
couples suffering from infertility, after all
give birth to the desired child. For help
modern methods of high
medical technologies

Manifestation of heredity before
age of self-awareness
it happens automatically,
provided by parents. Since
acquires the ability to provide
influence on the course of one's own
physical essence, undoubtedly
influences the maintenance
human reproductive function:
hygiene, hardening procedures
and exercise.


It must be remembered that hygiene is
not only a guarantee of health and vigor,
and also a necessary condition
injury prevention. Personal and
public hygiene is necessary
observe always and everywhere: in everyday life, in
college, on vacation. Neatness and
cleanliness is necessary for man, as well as
high moral qualities. Personal
hygiene is skin care, hygiene
components of everyday life.
Skin care is important
importance for maintaining health

Skin is not only an organ of touch, it
protects the body from external harmful
impacts and plays an important role in
thermoregulation of the body, in the process
breathing. For efficient execution
skin of the above functions
must be kept clean and
take good care of her: regularly
wash your body with hot water and soap,
wipe it with cool water daily
water followed by rubbing the skin
with a towel. Face, neck, hands should
wash at least twice a day - in the morning and
In the evening.
Wash your face
in the morning
cold water, it gives vigor,
promotes hardening.

The most precious gift that man
receives from nature - health. No wonder in
People say: “Everything is healthy for a healthy person”! About
this simple truth should always be remembered, and
not only in those moments when the body
contact doctors, sometimes demanding from them
No matter how perfect medicine is,
she can't rid everyone of everyone
diseases. Man is the creator of his own health!
It has long been known that human health depends 10-20% on heredity, 10-20% - on
environmental conditions, 8-12% - from
level of health care and 50-70% - from the image
life. A healthy lifestyle is
balanced diet, exercise,
giving up alcohol and smoking and much more.
Hardening also plays an important role.

Hardening is a powerful healing tool. With its help you can
avoid many diseases, prolong life and long years save
ability to work, ability to enjoy life. The role is especially great
hardening in prevention colds. 2-4 times
their number is reduced by hardening procedures, and in some cases
They help get rid of colds altogether.
on the body,
improves tone


To the main means and methods
hardening (increasing
degree of impact on
organism) include:
Air hardening;
· Sunbathing;
Water procedures (rubbing,
dousing, showering, bathing
natural reservoirs,
swimming pools or in sea water);
· Wiping with snow;
· Walking barefoot;
Bathhouse or sauna with swimming in
cold water; winter swimming

justified systematic
body to unfavorable
environmental agents.
over the centuries
diseases, while relying
for natural hardening.
A simple recipe for this “elixir”
health: sun, air and

Professor V.V. Gorinevsky
In modern conditions, the importance of hardening
of people
welcome that in our country there is more and more
hardening schools appear, where, along with
are used
for health purposes a variety of means
So, hardening is one of the most important
components of a healthy lifestyle. What
is meant by the concept of hardening and
hardening? In Russian speech, wrote Professor V.V.
Gorinevsky, - these concepts arose in
based on the analogy that exists between
transformation of iron and steel from one
states to another and by those techniques that

Only if the mode is incorrect and
violations of the regime (combinations of large
physical and mental stress,
alcohol and drug use,
disturbances in sleep, diet, etc.)
various disorders may occur,
performance, deterioration
health, which negatively affects
on human reproductive function.

Summarizing scientific data about
use of natural factors
nature, physiologist A.P. Parfenov
noted that it is possible... to determine
hardening of a person as a private
case of training aimed at
improving ability
body to perform work related
with increasing the durability of its fabrics
in relation to the effects of harmful


1. Abstract “Methods of hardening”
2. Reports:
- “Walking”
- "Sunbathing"
- "Russian bath"
- “Finnish sauna”
- “Gymnastics and exercises”
3. Posters “Walrus”, “Sun’s best friend”,
“Health is good - thanks to exercise”

General concept of health

“In general, 9/10 of our happiness is based on health. With it, everything becomes a source of pleasure, while without it, absolutely no external goods can give pleasure, even subjective goods: the qualities of the mind, soul, temperament weaken and freeze in a painful state. Not at all There is no reason that we first of all ask each other about health and wish it to each other: it is truly the main condition of human happiness,” said the famous German philosopher of the 19th century. Arthur Schopenhauer. Indeed, health occupies the most important place among human life values.

There are a number definitions of health, but they all usually contain the following five criteria:

  • absence of disease;
  • normal functioning of the body in the “person - environment” system;
  • complete physical, spiritual, mental and social well-being;
  • ability to adapt to constantly changing living conditions in environment;
  • ability to fully perform basic social functions.
  • There is a concept of individual and public health.

Individual health- This is the health of an individual. This concept today has a fairly broad meaning, it implies not only the absence of diseases, but also such forms of human behavior that allow him to improve his life, make it more prosperous, and achieve a high degree of self-realization. Thus, the charter of the World Health Organization (WHO) states that health is “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.”

You can achieve well-being only through work aimed at expanding and realizing your spiritual, physical qualities and social capabilities.

Well-being concerns all aspects of a person's life, not just their physical condition. Spiritual well-being is associated with the mind, intellect, and emotions. Social well-being reflects public relations, financial situation, interpersonal contacts. Physical well-being reflects a person’s biological capabilities and the state of his body. Human well-being includes two components: spiritual and physical.

At the same time, its spiritual component is of great importance. About 2 thousand years ago, the ancient Roman orator Marcus Tullius Cicero said this about this in his treatise “On Duties”: “First of all, nature has bestowed on each species of living beings the desire to defend itself, to protect its life, that is, its body, to avoid everything that that it seems harmful to obtain everything necessary for life: food, shelter, and so on. The desire common to all living beings to unite in order to produce offspring, and caring for this offspring, but the greatest difference between man and beast is this. that the animal moves as much as its feelings move it, and adapts only to the conditions surrounding it, thinking little about the past and the future. On the contrary, a person endowed with reason, thanks to which he perceives the sequence between events, sees their causes, both previous events and. as if the forerunners do not elude him, he compares similar phenomena and closely connects the future with the present, easily sees the entire course of his life and prepares for himself everything necessary to live. Man has, first of all, the inclination to study and investigate the truth."

Spiritual and physical health- two integral parts of human health, which must constantly be in harmonious unity, ensuring a high level of health.

Spiritual health reflects the health of our mind, and physical health reflects the health of our body.

Spiritual health is the ability to understand the world around us and oneself, analyze current events and phenomena, predict the development of situations that influence life, form a model (program) of behavior aimed at solving emerging problems, protecting one’s interests, life and health in the real environment . The higher the intelligence, the more reliable the forecast of events, the more accurate the model of behavior, the more stable the psyche, the higher the level of spiritual health.

Physical health is the body’s ability to implement a developed program of action and reserves in case of unforeseen extreme and emergency situations.

Here is how the unity of spiritual and physical health is said in the book of the American nutritionist Paul Bragg, “Building Powerful Nerve Force”: “The story tells of two knights who killed each other because of the color of the royal shield, which was hung in the center of the huge hall of the castle. One the knight said that the shield was red, the other was green. After the tragic battle, someone looked at both sides of the shield: one side was red, the other was green. There are also two sides of the health shield - physical and spiritual - and they are both important. The sides - physical and spiritual - are so closely intertwined that it is impossible to separate them. Physical health affects the spiritual life, and spiritual control provides the necessary discipline for maintaining physical health."

Spiritual health is determined by the system of thinking, knowledge of the surrounding world and orientation in it; the way we relate to the environment or to any particular person, thing, field of knowledge, principle. This health is achieved by the ability to live in harmony with oneself, with family, friends and society, to predict and model events, and to draw up a program of one’s actions on this basis.

Physical health is ensured by high physical activity, balanced nutrition, hardening and cleansing of the body, an optimal combination of mental and physical labor, the ability to rest, and avoidance of alcohol, tobacco and drugs. This is how A. Schopenhauer said about it: “Consequently, first of all we must try to preserve good health. The means for this are simple: avoid all excesses, excessive stormy and unpleasant excitement, as well as overly intense and prolonged mental work, then - increased movement in the fresh air for at least two hours, frequent bathing in cold water and similar hygienic measures. measures".

Public health- these are social, socio-political and economic categories that characterize the viability of the entire society. This health consists of the health of individual members of society.

Public health and the individual health of each person are inextricably interconnected and depend on one another.

Reproductive health is an important part of human and social health The existence of any type of living organism is impossible without the reproduction of their own kind. Man is no exception in this regard. The history of mankind represents a continuous change of generations. However, unlike other living beings, a person endowed with reason can control the reproduction system, ensuring not only the birth, but also the necessary upbringing of offspring, taking into account the social needs of society. Its reproductive function involves not only the birth of a child, but also its upbringing and preparation to perform certain duties that ensure social development

society. This system of population reproduction, ensuring the birth of healthy children, education and training of the new generation, is the main content of reproductive health.

for the birth of healthy children and the preparation of a new generation capable of ensuring social security and the development of civilization. Historical experience shows that the best social structure, which most fully meets the interests of the individual and society and ensures a continuous change of generations, is the family. small social group, based on marriage or consanguinity, the members of which are connected by a common life, mutual assistance, moral and legal responsibility.

In modern society, the family is a moral and legal union of a man and a woman and consists of spouses and children. The forms of formation of married couples and the nature of the relationship between the spouses are subject to certain social and cultural norms that are developed by society in the course of historical development. Norms are largely influenced by the social structure and the characteristics of a particular historical stage in the development of society.

In the Russian Federation, on March 1, 1996, the Family Code of the Russian Federation came into force. Its content is based on the principles of strengthening the family, building family relationships on mutual love and respect, on responsibility to the family of all its members, on the inadmissibility of arbitrary interference by anyone in family affairs, on the unhindered exercise by family members of their rights.

The family performs functions that largely determine the preservation and strengthening of health of both the individual and the entire society. Only in the family does a person receive sustainable opportunities to meet everyday needs and develop his personality. The family most successfully performs the reproductive function: giving birth and raising children. It is here that parents introduce their children to moral values and norms of behavior in the outside world, in society, interaction with other people, here they impart work skills to them. The family decides on the leisure function that ensures harmonious development human, and sexual function, ensuring the satisfaction of the sexual needs of the spouses.

A high level of reproductive health presupposes that a person has a stable motivation to create a prosperous family and the attractiveness of the personal model of a good family man, as well as the ability to choose a worthy life partner with whom he can create a happy family.

Unfortunately, an analysis of statistical data and the results of youth surveys in Russia indicates that Lately family and family relationships sharply lose their attractiveness. In our country, the number of children who live and are raised in single-parent families or were born to women who are not in a registered marriage is growing. The importance and value of happy things decreases family life. Among young people, the proportion of those who do not consider it necessary to legally formalize their marriage relations when creating a future family is noticeably increasing. From this we can conclude that the level of an important component of human and social health - reproductive health - has recently decreased significantly, and this process continues.

The family, as the most important social unit of society and the state, performing the reproductive function, must ensure the upbringing and development of the child’s physical, spiritual and moral qualities a person and citizen integrated into his contemporary society and aimed at improving this society. The quality of this function can be assessed with a certain degree of reliability using statistical data.

According to the Russian Ministry of Health and the Russian State Epidemiological Surveillance Committee, only 14% of children school age practically healthy, 50% have functional abnormalities, 35-40% are chronically ill. Among schoolchildren during the period of study, the number of children and adolescents with visual impairments increases 5 times, with diseases of the digestive and genitourinary tract increases 3 times, with postural disorders increases 5 times, and with neuropsychiatric disorders increases 4 times. Many students experience disharmonious physical development (underweight, decreased muscle strength, lung capacity, etc.), which creates problems with the general performance of the younger generation. On the other hand, according to the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, crime among minors is growing rapidly. In general, among all identified persons who committed crimes, the proportion of adolescents aged 14-17 years is 11.8%. Statistics also indicate a rapid increase in alcoholism and substance abuse among teenagers.

Many states consider demographic potential as the main guarantee of survival in the conditions of global and regional competition and the struggle for existence. The best minds in Russia also linked the future with the growth of its population. Thus, D.I. Mendeleev, based on demographic indicators of the beginning of the 20th century, determined the probable population of Russia in 2000 at 594.3 million people. However, the revolution of 1917, the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945, the collapse of the USSR and some other processes made significant adjustments to this forecast.

As of 2001, the population of Russia was 144.8 million people and continues to decline. The main reason for this is the natural population decline, which consists in exceeding the number of deaths and dead people over the number of births. The main factor determining this process is the low life expectancy of the Russian population. It is 59.8 years for men, 72.2 years for women and, according to long-term forecasts, will remain close to this level for quite a long time.

Factors influencing health and well-being

Among the factors influencing human health, the leading place is occupied by physical, spiritual and social.

From physical factors the most important are heredity and environmental conditions. Research shows the significant influence of heredity on almost all aspects of our physical and mental health (their influence on health can be up to 20%). The state of the environment has a direct impact on health. Even the healthiest living habits cannot completely compensate for the effects of polluted air or water. The degree of influence of the environment on human health can also be up to 20%. Polluted air may contain harmful substances that enter the human body through the respiratory system. Poor quality water may contain pathogenic microorganisms

and toxic compounds that, when entering the gastrointestinal tract, cause various diseases and poisoning. In addition, under the influence of a polluted environment, gene changes (mutations) can occur in living organisms. Changing genes under the influence of the environment - mutagenesis constantly occurs in every organism, but under conditions of increasing environmental pollution it goes beyond the control of natural mechanisms. Substances and factors that cause changes in genes are called mutagens. Ionizing and ultraviolet radiation , various natural and artificial chemical compounds . When entering the human body, mutagens can cause the development malignant tumors

Recently, substances have been actively studied (antimutagens), which can stop the harmful effects of mutagens. Some of them make mutagens inactive, others change the effect of mutagens so that they become harmless, and others strengthen the system for counteracting mutagens. The most active antimutagens are vitamins: retinol (vitamin A), tocopherol (vitamin E), ascorbic acid(vitamin C).

Vitamin A is found in animal products (butter, egg yolk, liver). In plant food products Vitamin A is missing. However, many of them (carrots, spinach, lettuce, parsley, apricot, etc.) contain carotene, which is provitamin A. In the body, carotene is converted into vitamin A, ensures normal growth, the formation of visual pigments that regulate dark adaptation of the eye, and normalizes metabolic processes in skin, liver tissue, eyes.

Vitamin E is found in green parts of plants, especially young grass sprouts. Rich in this vitamin vegetable oils: sunflower, cottonseed, corn, peanut, soybean. Vitamin E acts as a biological antioxidant; it prevents the development of formation processes that are toxic to the body. free radicals and normalizes metabolism in muscle tissue.

There is a lot of vitamin C in foods of plant origin: rose hips, cabbage, lemons, oranges, black currants, and other fruits and berries. Vitamin C is involved in redox processes, blood clotting, carbohydrate metabolism and tissue regeneration.

A healthy lifestyle, balanced nutrition, and comprehensive consumption of foods containing vitamins A, E and C reduce the degree of exposure to mutagens on the body and, therefore, help maintain health in a polluted environment. Vitamins are absorbed most fully if they are consumed in combination. It must be borne in mind that artificially created preparations are not always better than sets of natural multivitamins contained in products. The most accessible plant products containing vitamins A, E and C are presented in Table 8.

Table 8. Some foods containing vitamins A, E and C

Spiritual factors are also an important component of health and well-being. These include the ability to perform good deeds, self-improvement, mercy and selfless help. This requires certain volitional efforts from a person. Leading a healthy lifestyle is a difficult task. Knowing what a healthy lifestyle is is one thing, but practically following it is quite another. Choosing a healthy lifestyle requires a person to have a high level of consciousness and culture, but the importance of spiritual factors is also very high, the degree of their influence on health is about 50%.

In a certain way affect people's health and social factors. The level of well-being and health in this case can be high only when a person has the opportunity for self-realization, when he is guaranteed good living conditions, affordable education and quality medical care.

Each person is responsible for his own health and well-being, and this requires a certain life position and behavior. The famous scientist N.M. Amosov said this well in his book “Thoughts about Health”: “For most diseases, it is not nature, not society, but only the person himself who is to blame. Most often, he gets sick from laziness and greed, but sometimes from unreasonableness “To be healthy, you need your own efforts, constant and significant. They cannot be replaced by anything. A person is so perfect that one can restore health from almost any point of his decline.”

Read and write useful

Lesson plan on life safety for 8th grade

Subject: Reproductive health is an integral part of health.

The purpose of the lesson:

1. Determine the features of developing reproductive health skills in students.

2. To form in them a comprehensive understanding of the basic elements of a person’s lifestyle that influence the formation of his spiritual, physical and social well-being, as well as the conviction that each person is responsible for his own health and well-being

Study questions:

1. The main components of individual human health.

2. Some elements of a person’s lifestyle that ensure his spiritual, physical and social well-being.

3. Leading factors influencing human health. Logistics, information and methodological support:

Textbooks, plan notes.

During the classes

I. Preparatory part 5 minutes

Checking the availability and readiness of students for the lesson;

I bring the topic, the goal, educational issues lesson;

A short survey on the previous material:

1. Why does the health of every person depend primarily on himself?

2. What indicators exist that characterize the level of human health?

3.What is the definition of health given in the constitution of the World Health Organization?

4.Why is human health considered an indispensable condition for effective life?

5.Why is the individual health of each person not only an individual, but also a social value?

II. The main part is 35 minutes.

1. Reproductive health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being in the absence of diseases of the reproductive system at all stages of life. (“mental, physical and emotional health, which is the potential for having healthy children and experiencing satisfaction from sexual function”)

The reproductive system is a set of organs and systems of the body that provide the function of reproduction (childbirth).

The state of reproductive health is largely determined by a person’s lifestyle, as well as a responsible attitude towards sexual life. In turn, all this affects the stability of family relationships and the general well-being of a person.

The foundations of reproductive health are laid in childhood and adolescence. There is an opinion: everything related to the birth of a future life depends entirely on the health of the expectant mother. Actually this is not true. It has been proven that out of 100 childless couples, 40-60% do not have children due to male infertility, which is associated with sexually transmitted infections, the influence of harmful environmental factors, working conditions and bad habits on a man’s reproductive health. The listed facts convincingly prove the importance of careful attitude to reproductive health not only future woman, but also men.

In a complex form, the information that a teenager needs can be represented as knowledge:

    about family and love as values;

    about a healthy lifestyle and awareness of oneself as a person responsible for maintaining one’s reproductive health;

    about the physical structure of the body, in particular the reproductive organs, about the changes that occur in its body during puberty;

    about reproductive health as a life value;

    about factors influencing the deterioration of reproductive health and ways to preserve it;

    about sexual relationships and sexual culture.

In the process of forming an attitude towards reproductive health, a teenager must master the most important skills:

    observe the principles of a healthy lifestyle;

    regulate your sexual desire and behavior;

    maintain your reproductive health;

    respect representatives of the opposite sex and take into account their interests, opinions, needs;

    master emotional regulation.

One of the factors influencing the state of reproductive function is the prevention of unwanted pregnancy. Often a woman is faced with a difficult choice - to give birth to a child or have an abortion? This issue is especially difficult to resolve when an unwanted pregnancy occurs in a teenage girl. Abortion, especially during the first pregnancy, can cause serious psychological trauma and even lead to reproductive problems. At the same time, the decision to give birth means for her a separation from her peers, leaving school (as a rule), jeopardizing further studies and acquiring a profession. Each such situation must be considered individually, carefully and with greater understanding of the problem.

III.Final part 5 minutes

I remind you of the topic, purpose, and educational questions of the lesson:

1. What components determine the overall health of a person?

2. What are the main factors that influence human health?

3. What is the role of physical factors in relation to human health?

4. What is the role social factors in relation to a person's health?

5. What is the role of spiritual factors in relation to human health?

Using a random survey, I check how students understand the topic:

Let me summarize the lesson.

Teacher E. Orlov

Definition of health.

There are a number of definitions, which, as a rule, contain five criteria that determine human health:

Complete physical, spiritual, mental and social well-being.

Normal functioning of the body in the “person - environment” system.

The ability to adapt to constantly changing living conditions in the environment.

Absence of illness.

Ability to fully perform basic social functions.