Private life and biography of Larisa Verbitskaya. Biography of Larisa Verbitskaya Larisa Verbitskaya biography marital status

At 54 years old, one of the most famous presenters domestic television does not like to share details of his personal life. However, sometimes in moments of frankness, she slightly lifts the veil of secrecy that shrouds the secrets of her happy family life.

Everyone is surprised by how beautiful she looks. And the secret, according to Larisa herself, is quite simple. She has been involved in sports since childhood and has never stopped training. Sleep, which you try to devote a sufficient amount of time to, allows you to keep your face fresh. Thalassotherapy – compresses – also becomes indispensable. healing properties for skin, enriched with minerals, seaweed and herbs.

Thanks to all these activities, she manages to look great. She has long been successfully married to cameraman Alexander Dudov, famous in the world of cinematography, although this is her second marriage. As Verbitskaya herself says, she considers the first “ bad experience" She and her husband are raising two children – son Maxim and daughter Inna.
Larisa Verbitskaya’s husband, with whom she communicated exclusively by phone for almost a year before her marriage and called her only very respectfully, “You.” They have the most sublime and pleasant memories of this period. Therefore, she could never understand those hasty unions that have become so fashionable in recent years.

Larisa on a TV show

In her firm belief, you should live with one person, maintaining common interests and remaining interesting to each other.

It is for this reason that she and her husband complete harmony, and from year to year those trusting relationships on which everything depends are strengthened. It is very important that they know how to respect personal space; for this, each of them has an office in which they work and prepare for broadcasts. The woman has long chosen vegetarianism for herself; meat is completely absent from her diet.

Perhaps this is another component of that beautiful appearance, which so amazes everyone who can see this fragile and beautiful woman on their TV screens. She has an extremely busy work schedule, and one can only be amazed at the amount of energy that allows her to take part in various projects.

Having lived with her husband for about 30 years, Larisa Verbitskaya is sure that changes in relationships cannot be avoided, but the main thing should remain the initial harmony that unites you, the desire not to separate and protect, protecting each other. And this is worth living for!

– Just a year ago at the “Spring Ball of Beauty and Fashion” you were awarded a diploma as a participant in the nomination “100 Most Beautiful People of Moscow 2003”. Often your charm and beauty are noted not only by, let’s say, ordinary TV viewers, but also by representatives of the social circle who are jealous of other people’s success. Does this make you happy?

“Like any woman, this pleases me.” Even if I am included in the list of “Faces of the Outgoing 20th Century”. But the most interesting thing is that I am not a social character and I don’t go to parties, although people invite me there all the time. Thank God, I have someone to spend my free time on.

– You’re talking about priority family values? TV viewers know that you are an exemplary wife, mother, daughter, owner of the terrier Johnny and the parrot Sherry. But one thing doesn’t interfere with the other: men, just like twenty years ago, fall in love with your on-screen image. Even people like Vladimir Zhirinovsky, who, according to rumors, did not give you a pass on the island of “The Last Hero 3”. And then during the “Big Wash” he publicly declared that you were his favorite?

– Well, I’m happy for Vladimir Volfovich - he has very good taste! But seriously, there was nothing “like that” on the island. The climate is different: in Moscow it’s minus 40, and on the island it’s plus 35. And life becomes somehow measured, and the movements are the same. Like... a cougar. What was the main thing there? Don’t fuss, don’t waste what’s left of your strength.

– No one expected that you, such a fragile reed woman, would reach almost the very finish line...

– Do you think I’m so defenseless? By the way, I almost preschool age the most different types I play sports and have no success at all. In athletics, I actually became a candidate for master of sports while still a schoolgirl.

– Larisa, you are admired not only by people your age, but also by twenty-year-old girls: “How does she manage to look like that in her...?” Really, how?

– There is no secret here. For a woman, if she is no longer twenty, or even thirty, the most important thing is to get enough sleep. If it didn't work out, the best remedy- bath with salt. Recently I became interested in thalasotherapy - these are healing skin compresses with seaweed, minerals, medicinal herbs. The effect was previously achieved only plastic surgery

– How do you feel about them, by the way? It's no secret that many famous women, including your television colleagues, often resort to them...

– I’ve never come running, I get by somehow. If you want to know my attitude to this, then I really like the phrase of one French centenarian, who is almost a hundred years old. She was asked if she was worried about having so many wrinkles. She replied: “What wrinkles? I only have one wrinkle – and I’m sitting on it!” Look at Maya Mikhailovna Plisetskaya. Everyone knows how old she is, but what shape she is in, how much life there is in her eyes! This is what we should strive for. And, of course, it’s good to rest.

- How are you?

– As you know, I was born in Crimea, so I am always drawn to the sea. If this is not possible, then a dacha near Moscow in the Podolsk region can save you. As soon as we have two or three free days at work, my husband, children and I always go out of town, into nature. There are hares and squirrels - my daughter feeds them. At the dacha I became interested in floriculture; for example, I grow Moorish cornflowers, roses, clematis, white, pink and yellow lilies. Here for for many years took up the canvas and oil paints. I draw flowers, bouquets, nature. This also, to some extent, allows us to achieve inner harmony. But perhaps the most important thing is that a woman has a loved one next to her. Then her soul is light, her eyes light up, and she wants to look good. And age is completely unimportant here!

– Your husband Alexander has been with you for fifteen years.

- Yes, this is my happiness! By the way, before the wedding we called each other “you” and kept the “distance of the 19th century.”

– Larisa, what did he personally give you? The Last Hero»?

– I lost ten kilograms. And one more thing. I used to be very afraid of horses, despite the fact that I had liked them all my life. But after the island, she not only stopped being afraid, but also took a horse riding course in Podolsk.

– Your presence brightens any television program, and your toilets are discreet, but always unusual. Who helps you work on your image?

– In clothes, I prefer the golden mean between English restraint and Italian sex appeal. Now both are available to almost everyone. But during my television youth there was such a case... Do you want me to tell you?

- Certainly.

– I needed a concert dress. Knowing that the squeak of the season is feathers, I, as a responsible person and creative in my appearance on stage, went to the zoo to get them, to a special aviary for birds. But the day before there was a hairdressing festival, and all the hairdressers used feathers in their compositions that were dropped lately peacocks. So there was nothing left for me. The zoo workers were very sympathetic, but just shrugged their shoulders. And I just really liked the parrots. So they let me into their cage. Such a cute bird, the size of a cat, chirps playfully. I began to flirt with her: “You are my little birdie,” I say, tickling her neck. She is already arching with pleasure. I must be wondering what kind of contact has been established with the parrot. And I continue: “Oh, you are my good one!” She arches even more. And suddenly at some point this cute creature with speed jet plane sticks its beak into mine index finger. And hangs on his phalanx, torn to the bone, clinging to his beak. The whole cell is covered in blood, I'm crying! Here is a scar, a memory that will last a lifetime!

- But you still pulled the feather out of it?

- What a feather! I wanted to pull the finger out, but I was afraid that half of it would remain in the beak. When the parrot was taken off me, I no longer had any pity or love for this bird. I think I pulled his entire tail out then! I then had to go on stage wearing openwork gloves with bandaged fingers, but I was wearing an unusually beautiful dress with feathers. True, she paid for it in blood. Well, as you know, beauty requires sacrifice!

Still waters run deep...
In search of beauty 2016-08-11 07:08:40

And this woman plays the lady of all TV?? Isn't it time to pull out her entire tail too? Evil, arrogant, punchy, cunning, one of those who is always on her own mind, but how knows how to hide her essence! Which one inner rod, what a claim to intelligence and beauty! There is no taste at all, all her outfits, as a rule, are from the company GK-Naked King. And on the island - what was it? Naked, skinny, somehow dystrophic, in an ugly loin garter, but I don’t understand why she needed a bra at all... There was nothing to do to a normal person on this island!! Her diction is eternal ZOO-ZOO-ZOO like metal on glass! The face is swollen, pumped with some kind of rubbish, the head is like a melon on a thin body stalk. And her brain clearly lacks normal nutrition, hence her attempts at eternal youth...

Who needs a mare as a bride!!
The envy of the world's clownery 2016-08-12 06:02:06

The beauty is bow-legged, with an ugly growth on her chin. The icicle's hair is thin, hanging in weakened stubs, dyed many times, either rusty or grey. However, the hair is no longer visible, it is pushed into the background by a huge face, turned into a thick pancake, by someone's crazy hands... The neck, of course, was torn by other hands. But the outfits are super cool! They are the envy of all the clowns in the world! To go out in front of people with a hole in the navel, chest, belly and thigh - you need to be able to do this, not everyone is given such a sense of elegant style! And in a jacket with a soft-boiled sleeve torn off and a dull scarf wrapped around the neck with a dull noose in the style of a la idiot Vasilyev! And what is her collection of pink clothes in the style of I'm Mom's Fool! No, I can’t, I’m crying with envy along with all the circuses in the world!

Larisa Viktorovna Verbitskaya (November 30, 1959, Feodosia, Crimea) is a Russian announcer and TV presenter.

Life and career

The father of the future TV presenter was a military man, and her mother was an operating nurse. Due to the transfer of his father, the family moved to Chisinau. Here Larisa studied at an English school. The parents dreamed that their daughter would become a student at the Institute after graduating from school. international relations. In addition, Larisa was involved in swimming, acrobatics, diving and athletics. She was a member of the Moldavian youth athletics team.

After graduating from school, Verbitskaya entered the Chisinau State Pedagogical Institute at the Faculty of Russian Language and Literature. Larisa’s classmate worked part-time on television and invited her to participate in a local broadcasting competition. Verbitskaya passed, and so it began successful career. The presenter calls this case “a ticket to television life" What happened next?

1982 – Larisa Viktorovna became an announcer on Chisinau television.

1985 - becomes an announcer on Central Television.

Having moved to Moscow, Larisa Verbitskaya became the host of such programs as:

  • "News";
  • "Alarm";
  • "Time";
  • "New Year's lights";
  • “Good night, kids”;
  • "Merry notes."

1987 - Verbitskaya conducted the 2nd broadcast of the first morning program on domestic television and still hosts the program “ Good morning"(Channel One).

2004 - Verbitskaya becomes an Honored Artist of Russia.

As a child, Larisa was teased as Laura the Tomato.

Larisa Verbitskaya is vice-president of the League of Professional Image Makers.

Verbitskaya was married twice. In 1979, she gave birth to a son, Maxim, who now owns a law firm. The second husband of the TV presenter was Alexander Dudov, director of advertising, popular science and documentaries. From this marriage a daughter, Inna, was born (1990).

In 2000, Komsomolskaya Pravda included Larisa in the list of the 100 most beautiful women of the 20th century. She is also one of the hundred most beautiful people in the Russian capital.

In 2007, together with figure skater Povilas Vanagas, she took part in the project “ Ice age" She was also a participant in the reality show “The Last Hero-3”, where she was among the finalists.

Larisa practices aikido and horse riding. She also collects photographs of the decor of European palaces. In addition, she writes suspended ceilings his dacha.

Verbitskaya about herself:

  • I look good because I am loved and loved. Love makes life more emotional, richer, and also helps you stay in shape.
  • I don’t just consult with cosmetologists, I’m friends with them. For many years they have maintained my beauty and youth.
  • I'm strong and hardy man who doesn't like to whine.
(1959-11-30 ) (59 years old) Awards and prizes:

K:Wikipedia:Articles without images (type: not specified)

Larisa Viktorovna Verbitskaya(born November 30, Feodosia, USSR) - Soviet and Russian announcer and TV presenter. Honored Artist of Russia ().

Life and career

Larisa Verbitskaya was born on November 30, 1959 in Feodosia, Crimea, but saw Feodosia only at the age of 12, when her parents wanted to show her where she was born. Her father was a military man, he was transferred to Chisinau. Mother worked as a senior operating nurse. Mom was brought up in orphanage, in 1946 her parents died of hunger; there were seven children in the family.

Larisa Verbitskaya studied at an English school in Chisinau, taking courses in English language, her parents wanted her to study at the Institute of International Relations. She was involved in sports: acrobatics, swimming, scuba diving, diving, then athletics.

After school, she graduated from the Faculty of Russian Language and Literature.

Since 1982 - announcer of Chisinau television.

Presenter of programs of a group of presenters of the Production Service of the Directorate of the morning television channel of OJSC Channel One, Moscow. She took part in an announcer competition and became the only female announcer on Moldovan television; later worked at Central Television; Vice President of the League of Professional Image Makers. Russian

Personal life


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  • [larisaverbitskaya.rf/ Official website]

An excerpt characterizing Verbitskaya, Larisa Viktorovna

“Vasily Dmitrich, I thank you for the honor,” said the countess in an embarrassed voice, but which seemed stern to Denisov, “but my daughter is so young, and I thought that you, as a friend of my son, would turn to me first.” In this case, you would not put me in the need of refusal.
“Athena,” Denisov said with downcast eyes and a guilty look, he wanted to say something else and faltered.
Natasha could not calmly see him so pitiful. She began to sob loudly.
“Countess, I am guilty before you,” Denisov continued in a broken voice, “but know that I adore your daughter and your entire family so much that I would give two lives...” He looked at the countess and, noticing her stern face... “Well, goodbye, athena,” he said, kissed her hand and, without looking at Natasha, walked out of the room with quick, decisive steps.

The next day, Rostov saw off Denisov, who did not want to stay in Moscow for another day. Denisov was seen off at the gypsies by all his Moscow friends, and he did not remember how they put him in the sleigh and how they took him to the first three stations.
After Denisov’s departure, Rostov, waiting for the money that the old count could not suddenly collect, spent another two weeks in Moscow, without leaving home, and mainly in the young ladies’ room.
Sonya was more tender and devoted to him than before. She seemed to want to show him that his loss was a feat for which she now loves him even more; but Nikolai now considered himself unworthy of her.
He filled the girls' albums with poems and notes, and without saying goodbye to any of his acquaintances, finally sending all 43 thousand and receiving Dolokhov's signature, he left at the end of November to catch up with the regiment, which was already in Poland.

After his explanation with his wife, Pierre went to St. Petersburg. In Torzhok there were no horses at the station, or the caretaker did not want them. Pierre had to wait. Without undressing, he lay down on the leather sofa in front of the round table, put his big feet in warm boots on this table and thought.
– Will you order the suitcases to be brought in? Make the bed, would you like some tea? – asked the valet.
Pierre did not answer because he did not hear or see anything. He began to think at the last station and continued to think about the same thing - about something so important that he did not pay any attention to what was happening around him. Not only was he not interested in the fact that he would arrive in St. Petersburg later or earlier, or whether he would or would not have a place to rest at this station, but it was still in comparison with the thoughts that occupied him now whether he would stay for a few days. hours or a lifetime at this station.
The caretaker, the caretaker, the valet, the woman with Torzhkov sewing came into the room, offering their services. Pierre, without changing his position with his legs raised, looked at them through his glasses, and did not understand what they could need and how they could all live without resolving the questions that occupied him. And he was preoccupied with the same questions from the very day when he returned from Sokolniki after the duel and fought the first, painful, sleepless night; only now, in the solitude of the journey, did they take possession of him with special power. No matter what he started to think about, he returned to the same questions that he could not solve and could not stop asking himself. It was as if the main screw on which his whole life was held had turned in his head. The screw did not go in further, did not go out, but spun, not grabbing anything, still on the same groove, and it was impossible to stop turning it.
The caretaker came in and humbly began to ask His Excellency to wait only two hours, after which he would give courier for His Excellency (what will happen, will happen). The caretaker was obviously lying and only wanted to get extra money from the passerby. “Was it bad or good?” Pierre asked himself. “For me it’s good, for another person passing through it’s bad, but for him it’s inevitable, because he has nothing to eat: he said that an officer beat him for this. And the officer nailed him because he needed to go faster. And I shot at Dolokhov because I considered myself insulted, and Louis XVI was executed because he was considered a criminal, and a year later they killed those who executed him, also for something. What's wrong? What's good? What should you love, what should you hate? Why live, and what am I? What is life, what is death? What force controls everything?” he asked himself. And there was no answer to any of these questions, except one, not a logical answer, not to these questions at all. The answer was: “If you die, everything will end. You’ll die and find out everything, or you’ll stop asking.” But it was also scary to die.

Larisa Verbitskaya is a bright TV presenter and simply beautiful woman. There were many interesting moments in her life, and therefore, at present, our today’s heroine was and remains one of the most prominent representatives of the world of Russian television. She is compared to the first beauties of Hollywood, noting her sophistication and grace. But is it worth saying that a woman owes her success only to her external data? Of course not. After all, any success is built from hundreds of small bricks.

Early years, childhood and family of Larisa Verbitskaya

Larisa Verbitskaya was born on November 30, 1959 in the southern Ukrainian city of Feodosia. However, the girl practically did not live in Crimea. The thing is that her father was a military man, and therefore the family of our today’s heroine often moved. So, in particular, after the birth of Larisa, her father was sent to Moldova, and therefore sun-drenched Chisinau became the hometown for the little girl.

In the Moldovan capital, the father of the future TV presenter continued military service, and my mother got a job as an operating room nurse. Larisa herself began to study at an English school. Something like this is very unusual for Soviet Union the choice was due to the fact that her parents dreamed of seeing their daughter as a student at the Institute of International Relations, and therefore systematically prepared her for a career as a diplomat.

However, the girl herself dreamed of slightly different peaks. She was fond of sports, and therefore early childhood I dreamed of achieving significant success in this field. Her favorite sports included acrobatics, swimming, diving, and athletics. In the last of these disciplines, our today's heroine was especially successful. At a certain period of time, Larisa Verbitskaya was even a member of the Moldovan youth team in this sports discipline.

Summing up everything that was said above, we note that our today's heroine has always been a rather diverse child. She had many aspirations, and therefore few were surprised by the appearance of another one. The whole point is that in high school the future celebrity suddenly decided to become a teacher. Having received a high school diploma, the girl submitted documents to the Chisinau Pedagogical Institute, where she began to study at the Faculty of Philology.

Everything went quite smoothly, but Larisa Verbitskaya did not start working in her specialty. In her senior years at the institute, the girl learned about the recruitment of announcers for Russian-language television programs in Moldova. The idea of ​​​​working on TV seemed tempting to her, and therefore very soon she decided to try her hand at a general casting. As a result, unexpectedly for everyone, a girl without the necessary education successfully passed many rounds of difficult competitive selection and received the coveted job on Moldavian television. So it began long haul Larisa Verbitskaya to the heights of television journalism.

Star Trek by Larisa Verbitskaya: Federal Television

The girl worked in a new capacity for three years. During this time, she managed to perfectly master all the intricacies of her chosen specialty, as well as accumulate the necessary experience. Having decided that in Moldova she had already achieved everything she wanted, in 1985 our today’s heroine went to Moscow. In the Russian capital, Larisa went through a difficult casting and eventually received the only place in the announcer department of the USSR Central Television.

Larisa Verbitskaya presenter on the First

The famous Moldovan-Russian TV presenter worked in this capacity for another two years, after which she received one of the positions in the directorate of the nascent morning broadcasting. Since then, various “morning” programs have become the basis of her professional profile.

As the host of the Good Morning program, our today's heroine has become known throughout Russia. For many years, Larisa Verbitskaya has become a true symbol of morning television, as well as a living embodiment of beauty and grace. It is very noteworthy that currently the Moldovan-Russian TV presenter is the only person in the Russian television system, who worked in the same program for more than twenty years.

For her painstaking work in the field of Russian television, the girl was awarded the title of Honored Artist of Russia, as well as the Order of Friendship for her enormous contribution to the development of the television and radio broadcasting industry.

Vanagas and Verbitskaya - Ice Age

In addition, Larisa Verbitskaya also appeared as a participant and guest star in such entertainment projects as Ford Boyard and Ice Age. In the last of these programs, the girl performed in pairs with the Lithuanian figure skater Povilas Vanagas.

Larisa Verbitskaya today

Concluding the conversation about Larisa Verbitskaya’s television successes, it is also worth noting the fact that for some time our today’s heroine worked as a “fashion expert” on the “Fashionable Sentence” program. Alexander Vasiliev, Nadezhda Babkina, Evelina Khromchenko also worked in this television project.

It is quite noteworthy that fashion and style are one of Larisa’s main hobbies in everyday life. For many years in a row she has been among the the most beautiful people Moscow, and also works as vice-president of the prestigious League of Professional Image Makers.

In addition to everything else, our today's heroine is also the author of numerous dietary programs designed to help women mature age preserve youth and beauty. A clear example The effectiveness of the proposed methods is, in some way, Larisa herself. After all, it is incredibly difficult to believe that she is already fifty-four years old.

Currently, Verbitskaya continues to work on previous projects. She is working on creating a new cycle of “morning” programs, and also continues to be active social life off television. From time to time, Larisa also acts as a presenter at concerts and private corporate events.

Personal life of Larisa Verbitskaya

It is known that in her youth Larisa Verbitskaya got married and divorced. The main reason The gap has become the eternal conflict between home and work. From that marriage, the TV presenter has a son, Maxim (born in 1979).

Currently, our today's heroine is happy with her second husband, VGTRK television cameraman Alexander Dudov. Her new husband works as a director of advertising videos and documentaries.

As part of the new marriage, Larisa and Alexander’s daughter, Inna (born in 1990), was born.