Tereshina's ex-husband: Rotten scum, I will break the face of you and your homeless boyfriend. Vyacheslav Nikitin: biography, television career and personal life Who is Tanya Tereshina dating?

Famous singer Tanya Tereshina and Oleg Kurbatov finally got married. This long-awaited event took place on September 15, 2018 at the Crocus City registry office.

Initially, the newlyweds did not intend to gather a noisy company, but all plans were thwarted by the singer’s parents. They told their daughter that they would come no matter what.

The beginning of the novel

The young people met at a concert in one of the Moscow restaurants. At first, the girl was wary of the advances of a guy who was 16 years younger than her, but soon decided to go on a date. The romance of the lovers proceeded very quickly and after some time, the former Hi-Fi soloist announced her pregnancy.

The age difference does not shock the singer at all, besides, at the age of 23, Oleg has achieved a lot in life, the man has a strong-willed character and is able to take care of his wife and unborn child.

This is Tatyana’s first official marriage; she previously dated TV presenter Slava Nikitin. The young couple never got married, despite the fact that their daughter Aris was born in 2013. When the baby was 2 years old, the singer broke up with her lover; she cited the man’s aggressiveness and instability as the reason for the breakup.

The girl even wrote that she feared for her life. Now celebrities have forgotten old feuds and are raising their daughter.

There was a scandal

Before the wedding, the singer organized a bachelorette party, where she calmly, without any incidents, walked with her friends, they didn’t even call strippers. What can’t be said about the groom’s bachelor party, after which personal mail Unknown people sent Tatiana photos and videos showing Oleg flirting with some girl.

The singer did not keep silent this fact, and openly stated that she didn’t see anything terrible in these pictures, just think, a drunk man touched his leg. Others, they say, do it without hesitation right in front of their women.

She also said that she knew this girl, a dentist named Rita, and she saw through her plans to disrupt the future wedding. On her Instagram page, the girl wrote that Oleg is also not jealous and they have no secrets from each other.


Like many girls, the bride for a long time could not give preference to one of the three proposed outfits for the celebration; the singer’s daughter solved the dilemma, saying that let the man choose. You can see Tatyana Tereshina in social networks. By the way, Aris’s mother also dressed her up in a bride’s costume.

The wedding took place in two stages: on September 15, Tanya Tereshina and Oleg Kurbatov got married, and on September 16, a festive party took place, which took place at the Rose Bar.

Among the guests there were many celebrities, of course, Mitya Fomin, Tereshina’s best friend, Anfisa Chekhova and many others.

    This dress is

The event took place on the terrace near the pool, the girl walked into fluffy dress towards the groom and suddenly fell into the water, the guests gasped, but it was just a joke. The bride was played by a professional synchronized swimmer, who took off her dress and danced in the water to the tune of Celine Dion from the film Titanic.

The real bride, and now wife, amazed the guests with a bold outfit, the soft pink dress was without a top, and her breasts were barely covered by a lush ruffle.

P After exchanging rings, God himself addressed them, as the voice on the audio recording called himself, he wished the newlyweds happy life, and Oleg was ordered not to go to the dentists without Tatiana. Many of the guests really liked the joke, so there was applause.

Before this, the girl admitted that she wanted to take her husband’s last name, but not completely, but add it to her own, but it turned out that this was impossible. Therefore, in order to avoid paperwork, Tatyana decided to remain Tereshina. In addition, Aris bears her last name; Nikitin never adopted the girl.

After all the ceremonies, the guests were treated to a luxurious dinner, during which Mitya Fomin, Sasha Project and Tatyana herself sang.

Since Tanya Tereshina broke up with common-law husband Slava Nikitin last fall, the singer carefully hid the details of her personal life. The star did not give the slightest hint of new novel. However, this month the performer went to Portugal, where, most likely, a new feeling arose in her.

Tanya was relaxing in the company of her friend, as well as Mitya Fomin, who for a long time was her colleague in the Hi-Fi group. He, in turn, took with him his bosom friend Ruslan Goy, with whom he had been friends for a long time. Apparently, during her vacation, Tanya had the opportunity to get to know the businessman better, who also immediately liked her. It looks like the trip together brought the couple closer.

Returning to Moscow, the young people continued communicating. Moreover, Tereshina went in the company of Goy to the after-party of the RU.TV award, which took place in one of the prestigious restaurants in the capital. The couple did not hide their feelings - Tanya and Ruslan hugged and kissed right in the crowd of guests, not embarrassed by camera flashes. The lovers have not yet commented on their relationship, but numerous photographs of Goy on her Instagram feed indicate that the star is really not indifferent to him.

Let us remind you that in Portugal, friends traveled a lot and saw different cities. There was also some provocation on Tereshina’s part. Among the pictures with breathtaking views of the country, the star published a photo that caused a storm of emotions among her subscribers. In the photo, Tereshina is kissing two men at the same time - Mitya Fomin and Ruslan Goy.

Such free morals were not to the liking of all the artist’s subscribers. Some simply laughed at Tatyana’s manifestation of feelings. “It’s high time you were together”, “When will you walk down the aisle?”, “Cool! Good luck to you,” they wrote in the comments.

By the way, Tereshina admitted that she was nostalgic for family life. Usually the star tries to keep her cool and not show that she is hurt because of the breakup with the father of her daughter Aris, Slava Nikitin. However, sometimes feelings can overwhelm the singer, and then she complains to her subscribers on social networks about her fate. However, with the advent of Ruslan Goy, everything can change.

The hero of our article is the bright and charming VJ Vyacheslav Nikitin. Many fans are interested in his biography and personal life. Do you also consider yourself one of them? Then we recommend that you read the contents of the article.

Vyacheslav Nikitin: biography, childhood

He was born on April 10, 1987 in Novosibirsk. Vyacheslav was brought up in an ordinary Soviet family. His mother worked as a teacher in a kindergarten, in nursery group. The father is a representative of the technical profession.

When the boy was 5 years old, his parents sent him to the studio, although he himself wanted to get into the club young technicians. At first, Vyacheslav was reluctant to attend choreography classes. But after a couple of months he became seriously interested in it. As a result, he devoted 4 years of his life to dancing.

At the age of 10, the boy enrolled in a club where he was taught how to play the balalaika. In just a few months, he completely mastered this folk instrument.

In high school, Vyacheslav Nikitin was involved in swimming, judo, basketball and chess. In general, our hero received comprehensive development.

Adult life

Upon completion high school Vyacheslav entered the local university. He studied to become an accountant. As a student, Nikitin took active participation in the life of your native university. For example, a guy participated in local KVN games. Even then, the handsome brunette realized that his main calling was to entertain the public.

Vyacheslav worked on Novosibirsk television for almost 2.5 years. He combined two positions - correspondent and presenter. The management of the local channel was pleased with the cooperation with Nikitin. But the young man understood what to achieve career growth in this city it is simply unrealistic.

Television career

In January 2009, a bright and purposeful guy from Novosibirsk came to Moscow. He was sheltered by an old friend who at that time worked in the capital. A month later, our hero brought his girlfriend here and rented an apartment.

A good friend helped Vyacheslav get a job at RU.TV. However, the guy’s external characteristics and experience working on the Novosibirsk channel also played an important role.

For several years, Nikitin has been telling TV viewers news from the lives of the stars of Russian and world show business, and also presents the latest films and music. His competent speech, vocabulary and the manner of presenting the material can be the envy of many presenters.

Personal life

Vyacheslav Nikitin was never a womanizer or a womanizer. In high school, he met a girl with whom he fell madly in love. His feelings turned out to be mutual. The lovers arrived in Moscow together in 2009. They rented an apartment. Vyacheslav was the main earner. The girl kept the house clean and prepared food. It would seem that their relationship is built according to an ideal template. But soon there was discord in the relationship. The lovers quarreled and then made up. One day they decided to break up completely.

In February 2011, Vyacheslav Nikitin met former soloist Hi-Fi group Tatyana Tereshina. They began a whirlwind romance. A beautiful and slender girl won the heart of our hero. The guy wasn’t even embarrassed by the fact that she was 7 years older than him.

In December 2013, the couple had a daughter. The baby got something unusual and rare name- Aris. Despite having a common child, the young people were in no hurry to formalize their relationship. They consider the stamp in the passport to be just a formality. The most important thing is feelings.

Present tense

Television is not the only area of ​​activity in which Vyacheslav Nikitin is involved. Our hero has established himself as a creative and resourceful event host. His experience in this field is 8 years. Weddings, birthdays, presentations, corporate events - he holds these and other events at top level. There was not a single negative review of his work.

In conclusion

Now you know the details of the biography and personal life of the RU.TV VJ - Vyacheslav Nikitin. Let's wish him creative success and quiet family happiness!

The family relationship of Tanya Tereshina and her common-law husband, TV presenter Slava Nikitin, seemed ideal. On Instagram, the singer tirelessly shared romantic photos with her lover with fans, and no one doubted that harmony reigned in the couple.

Tanya’s message came out like a bolt from the blue that she had left her common-law husband and father of her daughter Aris. Tereshina’s subscribers were at a loss as to what caused the spouses to separate? Some even suggested that Nikitin cheated on the singer, and she could not forgive him for this. To dot all the i's, Tereshina openly told what happened in her family.

“I want to officially declare that the family union of Tatyana Tereshina and Slava Nikitin has broken up. We were in a relationship for 4.5 years. Last month I didn't joint photos“romantic”, because I didn’t want to lie to my subscribers. The reason for our separation was not betrayal at all. We were honest with each other about this. Both on his part and on my part there was absolute trust all these years. The reason is that my ex-man Absolutely does not know how to manage his anger. He is psychopathic, unbalanced, extremely aggressive, it’s even embarrassing to write how! He is not stopped at all by the presence of a child nearby, an elderly person in the person of my mother and, of course, the once “beloved” woman,” Tatyana wrote on Instagram (hereinafter, the authors’ spelling and punctuation are preserved. - Note ed.).



According to Tereshina, she fears for the health of her loved ones. The singer repeatedly forgave her husband for his unrestrained behavior, but her patience came to an end. “I hope that Vyacheslav will behave with dignity in this situation and will finally leave us alone. I understand perfectly well that there is no tragedy. Unfortunately, people sometimes break up. I am a grown woman and my priorities are correct. For me, the most important thing is that my child is healthy, for his sake I live first and foremost, and in the current family situation, my daughter can get stressed because of her father’s dissolute behavior. This is my choice and my decision,” Tereshina said.


The singer's fans were shocked by her statement. Many advised Tatyana not to be reckless and to give her relationship with her husband a second chance - at least for the sake of her daughter. By the way, Slava Nikitin did not ignore the message ex-lover and published a post on his Instagram in which he veiledly spoke about his claims against his ex.

Despite the fact that the TV presenter did not mention Tereshina’s name, his subscribers immediately guessed who we're talking about: “It’s a shame for modern girls! As an ultimatum, they force the husband to hire a nanny, a housekeeper, preferably a driver, but the shellac still takes a treacherously long time to dry and the girl still doesn’t have time to do anything! Women do their best to come up with activities for their husbands - fix them, take them, earn money, cook! But it’s not enough for these bristly pests, they freak out and walk around with dissatisfied faces!”

The singer published a sad message on her microblog, from which it follows that her relationship with her common-law husband and the father of her daughter has come to an end.

Tanya Tereshina and Slava Nikitin. Photo: Instagram.com/slava_nikitin.

Popular singer Tanya Tereshina seems to have decided to separate from her common-law husband, Slava Nikitin. Today, the singer published an entry on the microblog, from which it follows that the couple’s relationship is over.
“If a friend suddenly turns up... More and more I begin to believe that love lasts three years. It’s good when it moves into another state - maybe tenderness, friendship, respect, etc. That’s why from the very beginning of a relationship you need to look at what, besides passion, they still carry, since it is not eternal. And then it becomes clear what exactly the fruit of your imagination will give you in the future. Ask why “a figment of the imagination”? I don’t remember who said this phrase, but it is incredibly true: Love is insufficient knowledge about a person. Yes... We create everything ourselves and destroy it too. In general, you get tired of systematic stress. You are always trying to save, but as a result you have to save yourself, as it turns out. Everything ends - both beautiful and not so beautiful stories. Mine, apparently, has also exhausted itself... It’s good that I have the most important thing,” the artist wrote on Instagram.
Let us remind you that Tanya Tereshina and VJ Slava Nikitin have been together for about three years. And last December