Compatibility: Scorpio woman and Taurus man. Can a Scorpio girl and a Taurus man be happy together? How to conquer a Taurus man in detail?

Scorpio and Taurus are opposite signs. But diametric opposites, as everyone knows, attract, and their differences complement each other. In this article I will tell you what awaits such an interesting union in different areas of life.

They will remember their first meeting for the rest of their lives; they feel each other from afar. Relationships will develop slowly. A passionate Scorpio woman will want more rapid action. But the partner does not like this; he courtes for a long time and thoroughly, even with some degree of caution.

Taurus sees love and relationships as difficult work; he works hard in this field. You need to be on the same wavelength with him, he loves intimate conversations and discussions, and is happy when people ask him for advice. Scorpio and Taurus are one of the most harmonious couples in love in the horoscope.

Taurus is capable of deep affection, and at times it may even seem difficult. But it’s so wonderful when a man is attached to the woman he loves! Taurus is slow in his actions; he is in no hurry to enter into an intimate relationship. And the Scorpio woman should be patient, but if she wins the heart of Taurus, then he will make every effort to make her happy.

Sexual compatibility

Despite his innate sensuality and romanticism, Taurus can be conservative in the sexual sphere. But in sex, he gives a woman tenderness and loves long foreplay. He himself will really enjoy the massage, kisses on the neck, which is his important erogenous zone.

He prefers traditional positions, he likes this monotony. However, you won’t be bored in bed with him; he is very responsive to tempting offers and will happily do something new if it is unobtrusively offered to him.

Taurus is excited by the romantic atmosphere in the bedroom, beautiful lingerie, candlelight, and soft music. The partner should be prepared for the fact that Taurus never has enough of everything; he is insatiable in sex. Only a Scorpio woman will he obey and allow himself to be controlled in bed. But you can’t expect kind words from him; he prefers to act.

Family and marriage

Taurus builds a trusting relationship with his Scorpio spouse. Happiness and complete harmony will reign in the family. Taurus is usually a kind, honest and very faithful spouse. Family is his main priority. He is a good defender, for the sake of his loved ones he is ready to perform real feats.

From Scorpio he will demand the same loyalty, devotion and sincerity. He wants to always feel care, affection and tenderness. Taurus will appreciate the Scorpio Spouse if she becomes his ally and inspirer.

Children in such a strong and reliable family will be happy. From their mother they will feel emotional love and maternal care, and from their father they will receive material and physical help.

Pros and cons of a couple

Despite this seemingly unconditional compatibility of this couple, even they may occasionally encounter certain difficulties. Jealousy is the main stumbling block for this couple. They are both extremely jealous, although you can’t call them “revelers”. If Taurus needs an objective reason for jealousy, then Scorpio’s jealousy arises without any reason, simply “at a telegraph pole.” And this is perhaps the only minus of this pair.

But such a union has many advantages:

  • A Scorpio woman with a Taurus man will become an ideal housewife. Taurus earns money, and Scorpio spends it wisely.
  • The Scorpio wife will know exactly where to direct the hard work of her Taurus spouse.
  • In this pair, the energy is balanced due to the opposite signs. They begin to have significant luck in life.
  • The Taurus man in such a couple will gradually understand that, in addition to the material aspects of life, there is also a spiritual component.
  • The Scorpio woman in this pair will learn not so much to accept as to give.

How to make a Taurus man fall in love with you

  • To attract a Taurus man, a Scorpio woman should show him special care and every attention.
  • Scorpio should not give reasons for his jealousy; you should also stop being jealous of Taurus for no reason.
  • Taurus loves soft and feminine girls. Powerful people with a commanding tone will not be able to count on his attention.
  • Taurus values ​​a woman's desire for home comfort, thriftiness and love for children.
  • Scorpio should always strive to look their best, and also be able to behave correctly in society.
  • Scorpio needs to have a positive character and spend the money earned by their spouse wisely.

Compatibility in friendship

This couple has completely different temperaments, but this does not prevent them from being very close friends. Taurus in friendship gives Scorpio a sense of stability and support during times of anxiety and turmoil.

Often the friendship stage precedes the beginning of a romantic relationship. Taurus acts carefully, slowly and decisively. The couple has many common interests on which friendship is built. They have a lot of fun with each other. They will be happy to attend various events, theaters, exhibitions, museums together and travel a lot.

The friendship promises to be long and cloudless, because both signs show enviable constancy in their feelings. If, due to a coincidence of unfavorable circumstances, such a friendship ends, then it will never be resumed.

Compatibility at work

In a team, this couple will show their best qualities. They are both hardworking, honest and see each other as kindred spirits. Their relationship will be respectful and trusting. They will be able to achieve significant success in working on a common project.

If a Scorpio woman is a leader, and a Taurus man is subordinate to her, then she will act wisely and will not infringe on Taurus’s pride and will give him tasks that he knows he can handle. And he will appreciate her business qualities.

When Taurus is the boss in this pair, things become more complicated. Scorpio is a domineering nature, she has a flexible mind and diverse interests, she will not tolerate a conservative and stubborn Taurus in the role of a boss. Frequent conflicts are possible here.


A couple of Scorpio Woman and Taurus Man has all the prerequisites for a happy life together:

  1. At the start of the relationship, a long and beautiful relationship awaits them with the diligent courtship of Taurus.
  2. In marriage they will make a very harmonious couple if they do not torment each other with jealousy.
  3. The sexual compatibility of this couple is beyond doubt.
  4. The friendship between these signs is expected to be long, strong and unbreakable.
  5. In their work they complement each other perfectly and will achieve success in joint projects. The only condition is that Taurus should not boss Scorpio.

If among your friends there is a man who is constantly surrounded by women who are in love with him, then most likely he is a Taurus. Why does he evoke so much sympathy among the fairer sex? How to win a Taurus man to take him down the aisle? And is it worth fighting for his love? Let's ask the stars.

Is Taurus an ideal man or a skilled deceiver?

The most earthly of all the signs is Taurus. This applies to any aspect of his life. He values ​​stability and reliability. Such a man is never faced with the choice of “bird in hand or pie in the sky”: he will definitely choose the simpler option.

It is not easy to recognize the essence of such a person. The only thing that will help you find out what a Taurus man really is is a characteristic. How to win his heart will directly depend on how much you correspond to his ideal Woman.

Let us list the main features of Taurus:

  • A characteristic feature of a man born under this sign is restraint. He never becomes the life of the party. Taurus is slow to such an extent that it can even cause irritation. From the outside it seems that he is lazy and does not know how to take initiative, but it is better not to try to “speed him up”;
  • supernatural stubbornness. Taurus is so confident in himself that trying to convince him is a waste of time;
  • the ability to attract wealth. Taurus draws up his life plan in advance, it necessarily includes money, so among the representatives of this sign there are practically no poor people;
  • Taurus people have impeccable taste. They are disgusted by any unnaturalness (including artificial lips or silicone breasts) and bad taste in clothing;
  • a good family man is the main characteristic of a person of this sign.

Fall in love and make a husband: why fight for the love of Taurus?

Before throwing all your energy and money into winning Taurus’s favor, it’s useful to find out whether the stakes are really that high? What advantages will he give if he becomes a lover or husband?

The love of a Taurus man is worth fighting for! A family union with such a spouse has excellent prospects. Even if during the period of acquaintance he did not reach the top, this will certainly happen. You will have a nice home and enough money to indulge in small (and big) pleasures.

The Taurus man is a caring husband and father. He will take care of all household chores, surround his loved ones with love and provide them with comfort. Taurus wives usually do not have to work. Even if a husband has a mistress, he will not leave his family for her.

Taurus is a wonderful lover. In his intimate life, he shows ingenuity and is able to give a woman sensual pleasure.

What will he demand from his life partner? She should always greet him with a smile, look good, be able to listen and please. She will have to give up her own career and devote herself entirely to her husband and children. Taurus loves that the house is orderly and clean, the children are well-groomed and well-mannered, and there is a hot and tasty lunch on the table.

Taurus man: how to win his heart - the rule of three “Ws”

To melt the heart of a stubborn Ox, a woman just needs to follow the three “B” rule. So, the best woman, in the minds of Taurus, is:

  • faithful friend;
  • virtuoso cook;
  • wonderful hostess.

A girl who knows how to present herself will be able to captivate Taurus. She must be beautiful, noble and kind. Taurus does not like hysterics; he prefers reasonable and sensible ladies. The girl must convince him that she dreams of a family and wants a bunch of children. In no case should she give the impression of a careerist.

It is worth remembering that Taurus men are prone to melancholy, and therefore need support. Since Taurus works a lot, he often forgets to eat and does not find time to sleep. Therefore, the companion should provide him with complete rest.

How to win a Taurus man to a Cancer woman: an alliance of pragmatists

Taurus and Cancer are an ideal couple. They have a lot in common. They value comfort, adore prosperity and dream of a strong family. For all these plans to come true, the woman must give the reins of power to the hands of the man.

It is not difficult for a Cancer girl to conquer a Taurus. Women born under this sign are distinguished by a soft, delicate character. They are feminine and romantic, which is what Taurus likes so much. If a girl demonstrates to her chosen one that she prefers the comfort of home to noisy parties and is committed to a serious relationship, she will soon become the only and irreplaceable one for him.

How to win a Taurus man over a Scorpio woman: do opposites attract?

If you believe horoscopes, then Taurus and a Scorpio girl are not a very good combination. They are very different, so achieving a harmonious union will not be easy for them. If the Scorpio lady wants to make him fall in love with her at any cost, then she will have to be patient and use her intuition.

She should convince Taurus that she is a reliable and devoted companion. The main thing is to gradually become indispensable to him without being too persistent. Since Taurus is conservative and does not like change, he is more likely to endure difficulties in relationships than to look for a new girl.

If such a union does take shape, then the spouses will either be devoted to each other all their lives, or they will part noisily in the first year of their life together.

Read also:

How to win a Taurus man to a Capricorn woman: sympathy at first sight

The Capricorn woman will have to do practically nothing to make Taurus inflame with passion for her. They are simply halves of each other. Taurus really likes the seriousness, responsibility and pragmatism of Capricorn.

The only thing a girl should remember is that she should not take on the re-education of Taurus too zealously. This can be done (with great delicacy) later, when the relationship between them is “cemented” with marriage and children. Don’t forget about intimate contacts: Taurus are loving, sex means a lot to them, so a partner can easily lose his head over a passionate girl.

How to win a Taurus man over an Aries woman: war of the worlds?

Taurus is a phlegmatic person, and the Aries girl is most often choleric. At the same time, both are incredibly stubborn. What will come of this explosive mixture? True but short love! An Aries woman almost always manages to conquer such a man. She can charm him with her energy, cheerful character, and bright temperament. He loses his mind and succumbs to the charms of Aries, but such a union is fragile. The couple gets tired of each other too quickly.

Love diplomacy: how to win a Taurus man over a Libra woman?

A woman born in Libra can seduce a Taurus guy if she proves to him that she knows how to be an exemplary wife and a skilled housewife. To interest such a man, it is useful for her to assume mystery. Then he will want to get to know her better to understand what her mystery is.

Taurus is looking not for a Muse, but for a Wife who will feed him delicious food, knows how to count money, and is able to make him happy with children and improve his life. Since the Libra woman is a good diplomat, it will not be difficult for her to convince a man that with her he will find the peace and comfort that he so strives for.


The Taurus man has the stamina and desire to satisfy the Scorpio woman in the bedroom. But what will this passionate couple do for the remaining twenty-three and a half hours? A pair of Taurus man and Scorpio woman are perfectly compatible; if everyone takes at least a step towards each other, you won’t get far on the initiative of one.

Compatibility of Taurus man and Scorpio woman

Both Taurus man and Scorpio woman are jealous and stubborn. The difference between them is that Taurus wants to own the beloved as a valuable thing, and Scorpio as an object of feelings. Both love money, but Scorpio is thrifty and free from laziness, while Taurus willingly spends money to create comfort. Scorpio is persistent, Taurus is stubborn, and they both want to be the captain of a ship that is in danger of destruction.

Taurus man and Scorpio woman: love in relationships

At first glance, a Taurus man and a Scorpio woman are significantly different from each other. Taurus people seem simple-minded and down-to-earth, obsessed with material well-being. Scorpios seem somewhat complex and thoughtful, interested in issues of sexuality and constantly worried about possible aggression from the outside. In fact, the differences between these fixed signs, located exactly opposite each other on the zodiac circle, are small.

Taurus men have an affinity for the earth and Scorpio women for the water, which forms a basic level of understanding that allows them to do without the struggles typical of other fixed signs seeking to form alliances. If Scorpios are not passionate about a subject, they will simply ignore it. In the same way, Taurus will not take any active steps if they do not have sensations from a particular phenomenon (that is, the strength of sensations determines the meaning of their activities). One of them is sexual, the other is sensual. Thus, the combination of these unfairly stigmatized signs (Taurus men are reproached for being stubborn, and Scorpio women are blamed for their obsessions) is very promising, not least because both partners need to receive internal emotional response to the proposed action. This feature also brings them closer to each other.

Taurus people need a partner who is constantly with them and knows how to reward them for “good behavior.” The desire of Taurus men, in turn, fuels the curiosity of Scorpio women; This is how mutual interest arises. Both are highly impressionable natures and need confirmation of their partner’s deep feelings towards their person. After testing each other's sincerity (and there will be a test), they can fearlessly set sail together.

Taurus man and Scorpio woman: compatibility in sex (in bed)

Both Scorpio women and Taurus men are captivated by the very process of intimacy, so their love dates, where the sexual meets the sensual, are filled with joy and passion. Taurus does not embrace the “dark side” of Scorpio’s personality, but Scorpios literally fly into a frenzy from their partners’ almost supernatural ability to give pleasure. Passion is the middle name of Scorpio, and therefore few of the zodiac brothers of this water sign are able to make him experience the corresponding depth of feelings. Scorpio women want to completely absorb their partner. Taurus men do not object to such a desire, striving through all kinds of tactile and emotional experiences to receive a full range of pleasures... and Scorpios fully satisfy their needs. The intimacy performed by these two is pure magic. The hardest thing for them is to learn to leave their escapades in the bedroom, and live by different rules behind its doors.

Business compatibility between Taurus man and Scorpio woman

Business relationships between a Taurus man and a Scorpio woman are usually complicated by negative emotions and mutual suspicions, and compatibility is tense. Taurus and Scorpio together can create an atmosphere of doubt and anxiety. The inability to be honest and fairly share responsibility, to approve of each other's efforts - all this is not beneficial to the common cause.

Taurus man and Scorpio woman: married (conjugal union)

Taurus man, Scorpio woman wants to feel a sexual connection with you all the time. This does not mean that he constantly craves sex, but the typical Scorpio considers it his duty to maintain a sense of inner closeness towards you. However, his constant checking to see if you have it should be classified as harassment and intrusion. Convince (if possible) your suspicious partner of the need to maintain a certain distance between you.

Here's something else to remember: extremely harsh statements by a Scorpio woman, made in a temper, followed by deep repentance, usually indicate her internal trauma. Try, first of all, to restrain your own emotions and find out the essence of the problem. Since Scorpios themselves tend to flog the truth in the heat of the moment, they trust the words spoken by a partner who is in a similar state. They have no idea how dangerous it is to infuriate you until they get an idea of ​​the inertial characteristics of your character, rancor, in particular.

Compatibility of Taurus man and Scorpio woman: chances for the future

Scorpio woman, the fear factor is not able to motivate a Taurus man to take immediate action. You are used to instantly reacting to threats, so as not to be tormented by your inactivity later. And Taurus, before making a decision, must comprehensively assess the situation, which requires some time. So, when looking at their reaction, do not rush to quickly attribute to them a lack of interest or indifference. They are clearly aware of what is happening, but they need some time to analyze the situation.

Also, unlike you. Taurus men, reaching the boiling point, do not immediately discover the feelings that overwhelm them at that moment. Waiting for them to repent is also a thankless task. Only one thing can be assumed with certainty: they will retain negative emotions for a long time. If they say they are getting angry, believe them.

Compatibility of Taurus-Scorpio signs: how to maintain love in a relationship

If a Taurus man and a Scorpio woman can make concessions to each other, they will create an alliance that is almost impossible to destroy. Passion between them is not a problem, but their tendency to get hung up on certain moments can play a negative role. Taurus men must remember that fruitful communication with Scorpios implies unconditional trust in them. Scorpio women should know that, regardless of the relationship with them, Taurus are committed to the world of material things, through which they gain a sense of self-confidence. Fixed signs should learn to be more flexible, especially in their relationships with each other. The old saying about a tree that bends but does not break is extremely true for this couple! All misunderstandings will disappear by themselves as soon as they establish mutual understanding. And then, addressing them, it will be possible to talk about responsible, stable relationships filled with love and sensuality.

Their relationship is electrified - and the reason (but why exactly the reason?) is the natural temperament of the Scorpio woman: she simply does not know how to be calm. The Taurus man, by his very presence, is able to calm her down, make her “sound” quieter and softer. He admires her and her deep emotions as if from afar, furtively, for fear of getting too close and getting burned. She, too, does not immediately let him - so warm and material - approach her, she is afraid that he will extinguish her flame. Over time, they understand that they are halves of one whole, that they have a healing effect on each other. Their relationship develops as slowly as possible, despite the bright temperament of the Scorpio woman. This is deep, true love, which, unfortunately, is quite rare: it is difficult to notice and easy to frighten away.

Their sex is excellent. Bright and very high quality - a rather rare combination. Both the Scorpio woman and the Taurus man are quite closed in everything that concerns their intimate life, so everything that happens in their bed is shrouded in mystery and hidden from prying eyes. But this is in the case of true love and deep respect for each other - otherwise they can be quite dissolute and even vulgar (especially the Scorpio woman). They can stimulate their own and their partner's desire with music and scents. Both value quality erotica. The Scorpio woman will surprise the Taurus man, entering one role or another, changing seductive lingerie, and with it her mood.

Family and marriage

If they really love each other, they will get married. Both the Scorpio woman and the Taurus man become quite attached to each other and want to maintain their relationship for life. She loves brighter and seemingly stronger, he doesn’t like to change anything. Therefore, she will most likely provoke marriage in order to finally consolidate what has developed between them. Their children will not need anything: the mother will give them emotional care, the father will give them physical and material care. A Scorpio woman and a Taurus man can have a strong and tender family; this is one of the best zodiac options - not without difficulties, of course, but it’s worth it.

Often the friendship stage precedes the romantic relationship stage in this couple. As mentioned above, they really need a lot of time to feel, get to know and understand each other, and be imbued with mutual trust. If the relationship has not become romantic, it may well remain friendly. A Scorpio woman and a Taurus man will find many common hobbies: music, cinema, books, even sports. In everything they will look for depth (mostly she will insist on depth, but he will gladly follow her), unusualness, freshness and novelty. They are lovers of a variety of sensations, so they can spend time on hikes and travel. In a word, they will be truly interested and good with each other.

Work and business

In their common cause, she will be the ideological inspirer, and he will be the implementer. In general, this is a typical relationship between a muse and a master who creates masterpieces thanks to her beauty and sensuality. Of course, it will be better if they engage in creativity: this way the Scorpio woman will be able to use her full potential, and the Taurus man will figure out how to monetize her talent. But if they decide to do something far from creativity, success is also very likely. They both love money - each a little in their own way, but both the Scorpio woman and the Taurus man are interested in the continuous circulation of energy, and they consider money to be part of this powerful energy flow.

You can conquer a man in different ways: find out his hobbies and interests, change his style and image in order to fall under the gaze of his gaze, approach and directly declare your sympathy, thereby losing all the mystery and intrigue. Another “life hack” is to find out who he is and break through all the weak points of this. Below we will tell you how to conquer a Taurus.

Characteristics of the sign

Choosing a man of this sign is the right decision. Taurus in most cases become good husbands and fathers, personifying breadwinners, support and a reliable shoulder.

The Taurus man approaches all issues with a sound mind and a cold heart. He does not like scandals, intrigues, conflicts, he is inclined to solve all problems as they arise and only calmly.

If you manage to make him angry, it is better to run away yourself, because a Taurus in a rage is a terrible person, although it is almost impossible to see him in an enraged state. Among the disadvantages of the sign are stubbornness and excessive persistence. These two qualities together give the feeling that Taurus are completely insensitive, but this is not the case. Still, they are very friendly and peaceful.

Another characteristic of Taurus is the fear of change. They are characterized by constancy and indecision, so it is very difficult to convince them on any issue. It will be especially difficult to talk about moving, changing the interior, getting a pet - it will take too much time to persuade Taurus to change something.

It is easy to find a common language with a man of this earth sign. Usually he is open to communication, but he will not talk about personal topics with unfamiliar people.

Even with friends, Taurus is unlikely to share his experiences and mental anxiety, because he hates when his personal life is discussed. The only problem is that, despite the external coldness and calmness, real passions sometimes boil inside Taurus.

Taurus men attach special importance to. For them, money is the key to stability and confidence in the future, so they can provide a decent life for their family.

Reason and common sense subside a little in the love sphere: in this field, Taurus still give free rein to their feelings. But it will not be possible to win this man using feminine tricks and methods of seduction. He always watches a potential chosen one for a long time and very discreetly before making the final choice.

Taurus man in relationships

The Taurus man is an enviable bachelor, and then an exemplary family man. He can truly be considered a stone wall because he is a man of his word who can be relied upon.

In a relationship with a Taurus, you should not be afraid of betrayal and deception. He always subtly senses the mood of his partner, knows when and what to give, and is distinguished by his intelligence, insight and pragmatism.

This man relies solely on his own life experience in love, but has been puzzled by amorous affairs since his youth. In his youth, he craves sincere and bright feelings, although building strong relationships takes a lot of time.

Taurus are very sensitive and completely surrender to their chosen one. They will never waste their time and look for new sensations on the side: loyalty and devotion are not alien to them. In marriage, their halves are always very happy.

At any age, a Taurus man is prone to romantic actions. He is confident in himself, knows his worth, but will not allow his life partner to be disrespected. For him, problems are important, he prefers to solve them immediately and alone with his beloved, without washing dirty linen in public. But he also demands appropriate behavior and complete dedication from his chosen one.

Compatibility with other signs

Good partners

usually become:

  • Virgo. In their union there is unconditional mutual understanding, and the couple themselves are able to withstand any bad weather. Their relationship is strong, vibrant, and they complement each other perfectly. Virgos are attracted to Taurus by their thriftiness, ability to manage money wisely and understanding of family values. As a rule, a woman allows a man to be the head of the family and gives him self-confidence;
  • Capricorns. The connection with Capricorn is due, first of all, to the similarity of the signs and almost identical views on life. Their values ​​coincide, so the marriage will be stable;
  • . One of the most controversial alliances. A Taurus man and a Pisces woman will seem completely incompatible at first, since their personalities are completely opposite. However, what will keep them together will be a strong sexual attraction, mutual respect and trust, so a vibrant and very emotional relationship results in a very strong and stable marriage.

Gemini and Cancer may turn out to be good wives for Taurus.

Bad partners

It is unlikely that you will be able to build a good relationship with, Scorpio and Aries. These women love strong, freedom-loving and domineering men, such “bad boys” and scoundrels, and Taurus will seem too soft and sensitive to them.

How to conquer?

Many girls dream of getting a Taurus as their life partner, but not everyone succeeds.

Winning the heart of a Taurus man is not easy for several reasons:

  • firstly, he has a well-developed intuition, and if a seductress appears next to him, who has set herself the goal of achieving the favor of the object of sympathy, he will feel it. The art of charm evokes negative feelings in Taurus;
  • secondly, he will not rush into courtship at all. He can observe a girl’s behavior from the outside for a very long time, allowing her to take the first steps, but not promise or give anything in return. Many representatives of the fair sex are not satisfied with this, they believe that their sympathy turned out to be non-reciprocal, and give up;
  • thirdly, from the first dialogue you need to be able to show that there are no other men in life and cannot be. Many women make the gravest mistake of trying to provoke feelings of jealousy, while Taurus does not tolerate such an attitude. In their presence, you should not mention male friends or colleagues at all and remember former relationships. Taurus is possessive, and even in the stories of a potential lady of his heart will not tolerate male names;
  • fourthly, Taurus attaches importance to appearance. He doesn't need a cover model, a silicone doll or a young lady without a single flaw. But the girl is obliged to take care of herself. It is enough to always look neat, smell nice, pay due attention to manicure and hairstyle, and maintain style.

Finally, Taurus carefully ensures that his imaginary companion is a good housewife. If a girl has won a guy’s favor and invites him home, the apartment should be sterilely clean.

God forbid if Taurus sees a mountain of dirty dishes, several layers of dust on the shelves or traces of greasy fingers on the mirrors. Of course, he won’t look into the most secluded corners, but he will definitely get the general impression.

If we are talking about a colleague, he will pay attention to the order (or chaos) on the desktop, the cleanliness of the mug and, possibly, the amount of dust on the monitor. A girl who decides to surprise a Taurus man with a home-cooked dinner must be confident in her abilities. It is not necessary to come up with delicious dishes and surprise your partner, although it will only be a plus, but everything on the table should definitely be fresh and hot.

It’s not easy: he communicates well with everyone and is always friendly, so ordinary politeness can be regarded as sympathy. During this period, many girls begin to declare their rights, hint at serious steps and even arrange small scenes of jealousy, while Taurus has not yet made a final choice.

You can gain Taurus's affection by constantly complimenting him. He loves to be the center of attention and receive it from all sides. But the girl caring for him must be patient and be prepared for the fact that he needs to communicate and flirt with other girls.

However, this will only continue until Taurus makes his final choice. The Taurus man is a home person. He does not need frequent meetings with friends, noisy parties and other entertainment: he is quite satisfied with the home-work scheme.

Therefore, when planning to win the heart of this man, the girl must be ready for the same lifestyle. Going to a club, bar, or having fun evenings with friends will not appeal to Taurus, so the girl will have to make a serious choice.

In a relationship with a Taurus man, you will need the ability to make compromises, otherwise nothing good will come of this union. If he has made a firm decision, no amount of trickery or pleading will help make him change his mind.

A love affair with a Taurus will bring only positive emotions. He is loyal, devoted, very caring and sensitive, very constant. Temperament is often phlegmatic. If suddenly a girl manages to piss off her partner, it is unlikely to end well.

Taurus are extremely vindictive. Just as they remember the efforts and efforts of their beloved, they also remember her mistakes, and will remind them of mistakes until they themselves get tired of it.

Hyperactivity in relationships with Taurus should be controlled: there is no need to try to knock out of him the desire to conquer new heights and do crazy things. The choice was made in favor of a domestic and calm partner who values ​​constancy.

Often relationships with Taurus end because many perceive consistency as routine and monotony.

How to marry a man?

You can finally be sure that a Taurus man has decided on his life partner only in one case: if he has proposed.

Which woman will a Taurus man offer to become his wife?

  • inventive and liberated in bed. The future wife should willingly agree to all intimate proposals of her lover, and also take the initiative herself;
  • smart and well read. The chosen one of Taurus must be able to support any conversation, have a sparkling sense of humor and know when it is better to remain silent;
  • sincere and honest. Marriage without trust, according to Taurus, is impossible, and he can trust only one woman in his life, who herself will endlessly justify the trust;
  • the one who constantly admires her husband. If a girl decides to throw in her lot with a Taurus, she should not notice his shortcomings, or at least pretend not to notice. You should not criticize your spouse, especially in the presence of others;
  • compliant. If a woman regularly tries to resist and challenge Taurus’ decisions, this will not lead to anything good. Taurus needs a humble wife who, although she will express her own opinion, will leave the final decision to her husband.

The Taurus man sees himself exclusively as the head of a patriarchal family, in which the woman is flexible, economical and modest. A woman can control him, but in such a way that he himself does not notice or feel it. Taurus will not tolerate the pressure and stubbornness of his wife.

Video on the topic

How to make a Taurus man fall in love with you:

Next to him, a Taurus man wants to see a reliable, faithful, thrifty and very sincere girl who will be able to create and maintain a home. He must be completely confident in his chosen one, and then he will definitely give her all the best, become a faithful companion, support and support.