Foreign rare names for girls. Swedes often call girls these names

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Unusual and strange names

Men's and female names

Unusual and strange names always pose a challenge to generally accepted norms in society. On the one hand this unusual fate, on the other hand, there is an increased burden on a person.

Brief energy information characteristics of some names


Daniel– blocks 6th and 7th energy centers. The 1st center is slightly blocked. But the 3rd, slightly 2nd and even less 4th centers are activated.

The vibrations of this name significantly dull mental abilities. A woman with this name will not achieve career growth. Most likely he will do physical labor. There is a possibility that she will go into prostitution to earn a living with her body.

She doesn’t want to work, she doesn’t know how to think, she has no desire to get an education, so she will try to make money with what she has. And there is only the body.

This is one of the most unfortunate female names. If a woman is given this name, it means she has very heavy karma, mainly negative spiritual developments from past incarnations.

The color of the name is orange with a black halo.

The image of the name is a masculine woman of 35-40 years old carrying a sleeper in the rain.

The name Daniela carries completely opposite qualities and a different destiny compared to Daniela.


Wanda– the name activates female sexuality quite well. She will be irresistible in sex. Men will be crazy about her. She also loves men very much. Children will be born easily.

She will most likely have a penchant for studying foreign languages. She is sociable and smart.

She is unlikely to make a career, but materially she will feel good.

It is best for her to work in a male team, or sell goods for men.

This name promises a woman interesting life. With this name a woman can be truly happy.

The name is material.

Good choice for a woman.


Agena– All human energy is concentrated along the spine, that is, energy is concentrated along the spine. This makes a person assertive, concentrated, capable of any decisive action.

This name is suitable for a woman who has decided to make a career, earn money and accumulate material wealth.

About personal happy life With this name you don’t have to dream, although if a person has good spiritual achievements and is able to withstand the pressure of the harsh energy of this name, then his personal life can work out.

The color of the name is black and red. This is the color of the planet Pluto.

This name is perfect for a woman involved in practical magic, that is, which carries out specific magical actions.

Agena is a material, magical person who can be dangerous.

This name helps a woman become self-confident, self-sufficient, and achieve success in society. But the name is somewhat aggressive.

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Unusual and strange names. Male and female names


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There are a lot of scammers, pseudo-magicians, charlatans, envious people, people without conscience and honor who are hungry for money. The police and other regulatory authorities have not yet been able to cope with the growing influx of "Deception for profit" madness.

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Choosing a name for your little princess is a pleasant and, at the same time, responsible process. Future parents, as well as grandparents, go through everything possible options before they settle on just one. The name with which a girl comes into this world largely determines her character and future destiny.

Sometimes you have to “sweat” over a name for a newborn baby.

Possible criteria for choosing a name for a girl

The most best name It can be very difficult to choose one for a daughter, especially when disagreements arise between mom and dad. Parents are sorting out maximum quantity options, paying attention to both fashionable and old ones.

First of all, they consider the beautiful Russian royal names that the Rurikovichs called girls - Catherine, Sofia, Anastasia, Anna, Alexandra, Elizabeth, Maria. They remember unusual ancient ones - Aglaya, Angelina, Lukerya, Evdokia, Iraida, Claudia, Martha, Pelageya. Each option has a unique origin and meaning.

Someone wants to name a newborn in memory of a loved one. In this case, it is worth remembering that it is not correct to name your child after a deceased relative. Consider interesting and rare names for girls. Also choose by value, by church calendar, according to the horoscope and the advice of an astrologer.

By name meaning

When naming a child, they look at the meaning of the name in the case when they want to give his character certain features. Besides, no one wants a letter code to have a bad meaning.

  • Aglaya - “brilliant”. Aglai – bright personalities, ideas and emotions literally gush out of them, they are always ahead and ready to lead their team.
  • Alexandra is a strong letter code, translated meaning “strong-willed.” Children use their natural abilities to their advantage and know how to carefully hide their emotions.
  • Anastasia – “resurrected”. Nastya's girls are kind and gentle, but with strong character. Very dreamy natures.
  • Angelina - “messenger”. The name is gentle, the word “angel” is clearly read in it, but its owners are energetic and determined.
  • Anna is one of the names royal family, translated as “brave.” Ani is principled, careful, patient.
  • Catherine – means “purity”. Katya grows up intellectually developed and purposeful, capable of achieving success.
  • Iraida – translated as “heroine”. Iraids are active and proud. Such people achieve whatever they want in life.
  • Claudia – “persistent.” Perseverance is Klava’s main character trait, and this helps her a lot in life.
  • Maria - means "serenity". An affectionate nature that wants to warm and protect everyone around.
  • Martha – “noble”. A young lady with a rare and beautiful name grows up calm, balanced and caring.
  • Sophia (Sofia) - means “reasonable, wise.” Girls with this name are usually rich inner world. In life they are lucky and happy.

According to the church calendar

The method of choosing a name according to the Saints is popular. It is believed that a child named according to the church calendar is under the protection of his guardian angel from the first days of his life. The day of a saint is celebrated every day. All that remains is to choose one of them.

The most beautiful church female names for daughters have Slavic, Greek and Hebrew roots. It is also worth finding information about why the person was canonized. If you have a difficult choice, look at nearby dates and the entire month.


  1. In December, daughters are named in honor of the Saints: Anna, Anastasia, Varvara, Catherine, Zoya, Kira, Lilia, Margarita, Maria, Tamara, Tatiana, Ulyana, Yulia.
  2. In January, the name day of Arina, Anastasia, Antonina, Agnia, Vasilisa, Varvara, Evgenia, Maria, Melania, Irina, Ksenia, Tatyana, Ulyana, Emilia, Yulia. Daughters born in January have a strong character. The name given according to the Saints can soften it and endow the girl with tenderness.
  3. In February, Agnia, Anna, Alexandra, Alevtina, Arina, Vasilisa, Vera, Zoya, Ekaterina, Inna, Christina, Sofia have Angel Day. Just as in the case of January daughters, the name of the Saint will soften their unbending winter character.

It is believed that names according to the calendar protect the child throughout his life.


  1. March Saints: Anna, Arina, Varvara, Galina, Daria, Kira, Maria, Marianna, Marina, Nadezhda, Olga, Ulyana, Yuliana, Yulia. Girls born in the first month of spring are often gentle and indecisive, but at the same time talented and charming.
  2. In April, in the church calendar there are the name days of Saints Anastasia, Anna, Varvara, Daria, Larisa, Lydia, Nika, Praskovya, Sofia. Children born in April are successful and talented.
  3. According to the Saints, the May princesses can be called: Valeria, Zhanna, Zoya, Joanna, Tamara, Faina, Fedora, Elsa, Julia.


  1. The June ones are called Alena, Vera, Elena, Zinaida, Lilia, Susanna, Yuliana.
  2. In July, the days of the Saints are Agrippina, Valentina, Dinara, Lucia, Margarita, Rimma, Tatiana, Yana.
  3. In August - Angela, Angelina, Anna, Anfisa, Daria, Eva, Ia, Melitsa, Ksenia, Nonna.

Girls born in autumn time kind, friendly and easy to communicate


Autumn children are diligent, diligent and strive for perfection:

  1. In September, the name day of Alena, Vasilisa, Elena, Lyudmila, Martha, Oksana, Regina, Seraphim, Sofia, Fekla, Elsa.
  2. In October - Ariadne, Arina, Vera, Veronica, Virinea, Dora, Elizabeth, Zlata, Marianna, Polina, Tatiana, Fevronia.
  3. In November - Arina, Anna, Alexandra, Glikeria, Elizabeth, Martha, Matrona, Neonilla, Nina, Olga, Stefania.

The list of beautiful Orthodox names can be continued for a long time. It can be obtained from the church in which the parents are going to baptize the child. The lists may differ depending on the monastery in which they were compiled.

According to horoscope

Some parents turn to astrology and horoscopes to choose a name. In this case, there is also food for thought, since each zodiac sign is suitable for several options - simple and not so simple. The following are beautiful modern names according to zodiac signs.

Sometimes when choosing a name they are guided by astrological principles
  • The sign of Aries corresponds to the maiden names Alice, Alla, Raya.
  • Taurus people are called Angela, Diana, Maya, Monica.
  • Gemini women have sonorous names - Aksinya, Albina, Ivetta, Clara, Taisiya, Eliza.
  • Cancer girls are very impressionable people. The names Bogdana, Lolita, Melania are suitable for them.
  • Majestic Leos are called accordingly - Aurora, Ilona, ​​Emma.
  • The names Constance, Regina, Linda are suitable for the feminine Virgo.
  • Charming Libra - Veronica, Zlata, Lyubov, Milena, Pelageya, Snezhana.
  • Those with a changeable character, born under the sign of Scorpio, are called Louise, Martha, Elina.
  • Sagittarius is called Zhanna, Marianna, Thekla.
  • Capricorns - Varvara, Kira, Renata.
  • The Aquarius girl is given the name Ilona or Aelita.
  • Pisces - Amelia, Eve.

Other criteria

By time of year:

  • trying to balance the winter atmosphere, they call their daughters sunny and warm names - Svetlana, Lyudmila, Natalya;
  • in the spring, daughters are called more harshly - Irina, Victoria, Ruslana;
  • summer children can be called Margarita, Valeria, Antonina;
  • autumn - Yesenia, Zlata, Vera, Olesya.

When parents want to highlight a girl, they give her a rare name

When mom and dad want to highlight their child so that his name is the only one in kindergarten and school, in Russia they give rare and beautiful, sometimes forgotten, old feminine names- Ofelia, Valencia, Dominica. When replacing one letter in a traditional name, new ones are obtained unusual options: Alesya, Daria, Olena.

By the name of your favorite musical artist or actress:

  • Rihanna;
  • Bianca;
  • Nastasya.

TOP most popular female names of recent years in Russia

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  1. Sofia;
  2. Alice;
  3. Pauline;
  4. Arina;
  5. Victoria;
  6. Valeria;
  7. Elizabeth;
  8. Karina;
  9. Milena;
  10. Maria.

Excellent options to name your child, but very common now.

Rare and beautiful Russian names

Turning to the roots, you can remember Russian names, beautiful and ancient, and choose an unusual name for a girl. They are old, with history.

Each of them stores a letter code with a meaning:

  • Bozena;
  • Olympics;
  • Veroslav;
  • Augusta;
  • Zlatislava;
  • Ariadne;
  • Lyubomir;
  • Neonilla;
  • Pelagia;
  • Praskovya;
  • Stanislava;
  • Kaleria.

Unusual international names

There are many beautiful female names that sound almost the same in all languages. These names are international: Adeline, Alexandra, Anna, Adriana, Agatha, Agnes, Amalia, Diana, Evangelina, Isabella, Ilona, ​​Clara, Liana, Linda, Laura, Marianna, Mia, Roxana, Sabrina, Stella, Evelina, Ella.

When choosing a name, you must also look at how it will be combined with the surname and patronymic

The list is, of course, not complete. There are still a lot of options. When choosing a name for your daughter from the list of international ones, you should think about its combination with the surname and patronymic. For example, combinations like Stepanova Adriana Petrovna do not sound very harmonious.

What's the best way not to name a girl?

The daughter's name must first of all correspond to her nationality and religion. To name a Russian girl, for example, Muslim name it would be strange.

It is important that it matches the last name and patronymic. It is better to choose a long surname and patronymic short name. For example, Ikonnikova Kira Stanislavovna is easier to pronounce than Ikonnikova Alexandra Stanislavovna.

The future woman will have to bear the name all her life. Perhaps the daughter will become a teacher, educator or director of a large company, and she will often be called by her first name and patronymic. The parents' task is to make sure that the sound does not hurt the ears and is not difficult to pronounce.

It's good when there is a full and shortened form of the name. Parents will definitely want to call their child affectionately, so before giving him a name, they come up with diminutive forms for him.

The question of choosing a name for a baby is one of the most important; this question pushes into the background even the torment in the maternity hospital, the choice of vests and cribs. How much do we rummage through in search of the most beautiful, original and unique name for our unborn child.

There are different options choosing a name:

  • Choosing a name according to the calendar, i.e. according to the church calendar, which contains the days of remembrance of saints. Each day of the calendar in Orthodoxy is a day of remembrance of several saints. Therefore, according to church tradition, you can choose a name according to the child’s birthday, the 8th or 40th day of birth. The priests claim that by naming a child after a martyr, his life will not be a torment, but, on the contrary, a blessing.
  • Choice by numerology. Here you need to correctly correlate the date of birth with the name you want to give your baby, and the name that is in to a greater extent will relate the child to world harmony and help him live life much easier.
  • Choice by time of year. Adherents of this system believe that if a child was born in winter, then he should be given a soft name to compensate for the severity of the cold (Ulyana, Svetlana, Ksenia). But if the baby was born in the spring, i.e. he is more indecisive, then they are advised to give them tougher names (Christina, Tamara, Marina).

In general, beautiful female names conceal some mystery and mystery. These names fill their owners with tenderness, wisdom and femininity.

Russian scientists have conducted extensive sociological research to find out which female names are most liked by the opposite sex. During this study More than 50 thousand people were surveyed. The results were the following female names - Anastasia, Katerina, Victoria, the top three survey leaders who scored greatest number male voices. They are followed by the following names: Tatyana, Ksenia, Natasha. Despite the fact that during the survey a variety of female names were named, these were the ones that received the largest number of votes.

However, many parents are now trying to give a rather rare name to their daughter. This is how names appear that you won’t hear anywhere else (Andrianna). Also, in an effort to name their baby an unusual name, people are increasingly choosing foreign names(Jamila, Asiya, Milena).

And this is a list of the 30 most beautiful female names:

3. Anastasia

4. Angelina

7. Victoria

11. Evgeniya

13. Elizabeth

15. Isabella

16. Inessa

17. Karina

18. Caroline

19. Christina

20. Marina

22. Milena

23. Natalia

26. Polina

28. Snezhana

29. Stella

30. Elvira

And beautiful American names:

1. Angelina

3. Jessica

5. Kimberly

6. Marilyn

10. Charlotte

Also beautiful French names:

2. Violetta

3. Juliana

4. Camilla

10. Estelle

Some popular Jewish names for girls:

2. Adina (tender)

3. Amalya (created by God)

4. Karen (ray)

5. Mazal (happiness)

6. Fry (queen)

7. Naama (pleasant)

8. Peerli (gorgeous)

9. Sarah (ruling)

10. Haviva (beautiful)

Gradually we will supplement our table with different female names.

However, don't be upset if you haven't found your name. Your name still sounds great, no matter what anyone says about it.

The most beautiful names women and men are not just a set of symbols registered on a birth certificate - we are talking about names that are given for life and accompany us every day. The Slavs believed that a person’s fate depended on their choice, so they tried to choose names for girls and boys that were as consonant with their patronymic as possible. Many adherents of esotericism claim that firm, rude phrases with patronymics, for example, Alexander Alexandrovich, promise a difficult life path, while soft and consonant with the Mikhail Vasilyevich type provide for an easy and lenient fate. For the same reason, in some nations they trust the choice of the main word to a woman, believing that the mother will be able to intuitively choose better suitable name for a child. But everyone, without exception, wants the name to be beautiful.

The most beautiful male and female names in the world

Many have forgotten Slavic traditions, and not only that. Names such as Vitomir, Goluba, Beloslav are rarely seen anymore. Also among the most beautiful Slavic names we include Sbyslav and Tsvetan. During times pre-Christian Rus' they were the most common. Later, Greek and Latin names reached the Slavs from Byzantium. As a result, such beautiful words, like Sofia, Konstantin, Anfisa and Taisiya. Of course, today Slavic countries rarely use these options. Many years have passed and a huge number of new, more beautiful and interesting solutions have emerged. Don't forget about traditions!

The most common in Europe is considered male name Mark. This name, which is of Latin origin, became the standard of beauty among men, which led to the emergence of many others, including Marcel, Mario, Marco, Martin. Imagine that they all came from Mark. Speaking about female European names, it is necessary to highlight Elizabeth. Translated it means “honoring the Lord.” A very common word in the world, which also has different varieties. In particular, Elisabeth, Isolde, Elzbieta and Ilse.

The peculiarity of Indian names is that they resemble their traditional songs. If you pronounce several in succession, you can record a good composition without stopping. The most interesting and beautiful women include Riya and Ayana. A noteworthy name is Aishwarya, which means tulip.

Speaking of men's Indian names, it is worth highlighting Sonu, Arjun and Anil. The latter translated means “divine wind”.

It is worth adding that in many songs there are words that have a divine affiliation, that is, the translation of which is associated with the spiritual aspects of the lives of Indian citizens.

It is immediately worth noting that not all relevant and modern Ukrainian names are of Slavic origin. It is for this reason that we have identified a separate category for such amazing and consonant solutions as Vasyl, Ulyana, Bogomyr, Taras.

Among the most beautiful and popular words in Ukraine for women are Nadiya, Lyubov, Maria. Sergiy, Oleksandr, Dmytro, and Mykhailo are popular among men.

Of course, Ukrainian and Russian names are almost equally popular in both countries, but, as you can see, they sound differently. Not at all, it is almost impossible to determine exactly where they first appeared!

It is worth immediately noting that due to the historical, cultural and linguistic differences of Africa from other nations, their most beautiful names are seriously different from the names familiar to us. For this reason, it may seem that they are not beautiful at all, but Africans think so. The most beautiful African names:

  • Eyo - joyful;
  • Kamo is a calm warrior;
  • Adisa is a warrior without doubt;
  • Ankoma - youngest son;
  • Ajambo - born in the evening.

Thus, by the choice of the parents of a person, you can immediately find out some interesting information about him. For example, at what time he was born, or what is the number of children born in his family.

There are stereotypes that American and British names are equally popular in both countries. No, dear friends, and not even close, as in the case of Ukraine and Russia. In fact, in Britain the most common ones include Bart, Johnny, Eve, Miranda, Martin, and in the United States John, Mark, Christopher. Milana, Patricia, Louise must be added to the beautiful female names of America.

Also worthy of attention are less common but beautiful American words - Born, Eric, Chloe, Michelle.

Currently, there are two languages ​​in Greece, conventionally called Old and New Greek. Accordingly, the names of “Old Believers” differ from modern ones. Among the beautiful but old pearls of the Greek language are Callisto and John. These names can even be found in ancient Greek mythology. Speaking of relatively new ones, but beautiful names it is necessary to highlight Callas, Cambyses. Also interesting and consonant is Alexia, which translates as protector.

Many names that we consider native, in fact appeared in Russian culture from the ancient Christian world and most do not have Slavic roots. The origin of female Russian names is inextricably linked with the history and beliefs, rituals and life of the ancient Slavs. These names include: Dobroslava - sensible; Fun - mischievous, cheerful; Mstislava - demanding; Snezhana is modest and gentle.

The most popular modern names for girls

According to statistics from the Moscow Civil Registry Office, the most popular names for girls in 2016 they were Sofia, Maria, Anna, Victoria, Anastasia, Polina, Alisa, Elizaveta, Alexandra, Daria. So if you're looking for beautiful yet rare names for girls, look no further than this list of 10 girl names.

Names with meaning

It is worth paying attention to the meaning of a woman's name. We are accustomed to believing that whatever you name the ship, that’s how it will sail. For example, if you want your girl to be a winner in life, you can name her Victoria. But remember that this name is very popular now!

Here are some examples of the meanings of female names.

Anfisa translated from ancient Greek means “blooming”. In childhood, she is calm, and as she matures she becomes determined and stubborn. Never commits rash acts, knows how to find common language with people.

Valeria translated from Latin means “strong, strong.” She is sensual and unpredictable, with a well-developed imagination and excellent imaginative memory. Having matured, Valeria will become a caring, thrifty and hospitable wife. Carefully approaches the choice of professional field in which he will become a real specialist.

Dominica means "lady" in Latin. Girls with this name have intuition and a masculine manner of leading and ruling. Dominika is confident in herself and is able to complete the most overwhelming and difficult task. Most prone to leadership position, even if it involves risk. Achieves success in painting, architecture, design and clothing modeling.

Rare names for girls

Statistics say that many parents tend to choose a name for their child that is not particularly popular now. If you hold the same views, then keep in mind that quite recently little Aurora, Lyubava, Leya, Ustinya, Emily, Bozena, Nicoletta, Alexandria, Indira, Vesna, Malvina, Blanca, Cleopatra were born.