The name Gleb in Ukrainian. Gleb - name meaning, origin, characteristics, horoscope

In this article you will find information about the meaning of the name Gleb, its origin, history, and learn about the interpretation options for the name.

What does the name Gleb mean? favorite of the gods (the name Gleb is of Scandinavian origin).

Short meaning of the name Gleb: Glebka, Glebushka.

Patronymic name Gleb: Glebovich, Glebovna; decomposition Glebych.

Angel Gleb Day: The name Gleb celebrates name day once a year: August 6 (July 24) - Holy Martyr, Right-Believing Prince Gleb (and his brother Boris).

Signs of the name Gleb: It’s threatening against Boris and Gleb, thunderstorms burn haystacks, so they tried not to go out into the field: “Don’t touch Gleb and Boris for bread!”, “Boris and Gleb - the bread is ripe.”

  • Zodiac of Gleb - Cancer
  • Planet - Moon
  • Color Gleb Gleb - light blue
  • Auspicious tree - apple tree
  • Gleb's treasured plant is clover
  • The patron of the name Gleb is the grasshopper
  • Talisman stone Gleb Gleba - moonstone

Characteristics of the name Gleb

Positive features: Willpower, practicality, reliability, goodwill, thriftiness, lack of vanity. It is not difficult for Gleb to determine his life path. Having chosen a certain direction, he strictly adheres to it. As a child, the name Gleb stands out among children for its seriousness and taciturnity. He resembles Nekrasov’s little “peasant” boy. He loves to help his father with household chores. He has skillful hands, capable of any craft. The diligence characteristic of Gleb helps him in his studies and responsible matters.

Negative features: Categorical, willful, stubbornness, gloominess. Gleb may lack a sense of humor. Many Glebs are difficult to lift.

Character of the name Gleb: What character traits determine the meaning of the name Gleb? Gleb is taciturn, somewhat gloomy, as they say, in his own mind. Most of all he loves handcrafts and work outside the team. It is difficult to get along with people; he believes only in deeds, but not in words. Gleb is a thrifty owner, he never takes on debt, but he himself does not give. It is impossible to deceive him. All his life, a man named Gleb builds and improves his family nest, constantly caring for his household. But here’s the paradox: his relatives don’t like him because of his penchant for moralizing. Offended, the name Gleb will spend hours repairing a perfectly good car or sitting in the cold on the ice of the river, trying to catch a perch. It is impossible to convince him of anything. They say about such people: “Not a man, but a flint.”


There are two versions of the origin of the name Gleb. According to the first version, this name could come from the Old Norse name “Gudleifr”. According to the second version - from the ancient German “Godleib”. However, both versions are interpreted in the same way - “descendant of God”, “heir of God”, or “favorite of God”.

The male name Gleb is popular in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus, it is considered modern and has excellent energy. This name is also compatible with most modern female names and can give the bearer a real masculine character

Conversational options: Glebka, Glebushka, Glebchik

Modern English analogues: Not available

Meaning and interpretation of the name

The meaning of the name Gleb, according to the main version, promises such character traits as calmness, prudence, self-confidence, sincerity, friendliness, gentleness, and goodwill. Usually Gleb is a person with unique character, on the one hand, exuding rigor and exactingness, and on the other. Demonstrating exceptional kindness and generosity.

Usually this strong spirit He is a man who proudly goes through the masses of everyday troubles. He is proud of himself and invulnerable to emotional impulses, always achieves his goal, strives for self-improvement and self-sufficiency, and from childhood he tries to develop in all directions. Of course, there are exceptions, but for the most part all Glebs are like that.

Advantages and positive traits: prudence, responsibility, punctuality, generosity, willingness to do desperate things for the sake of self-improvement, unwillingness to give up and a unique mindset, initiative and hard work.

Gleb has a bad attitude towards people who are evil and cunning, selfish and lying, to those who behave incorrectly in relation to more weak people, and to those who show their strength in every possible way. And this person also hates people who, in one way or another, take advantage of other people’s weaknesses.

The first Russian version of the name Gleb sounded like Uleb (this version appears in Old Russian chronicles), and only after some time this name acquired its modern sound.

Character of the name Gleb

The character of the name Gleb is such that it promises the bearer of this name form many good qualities. So, usually Gleb is a kind, positive, optimistic, purposeful, persistent, fair, cheerful, positive, friendly and cheerful, hardworking and unprincipled person. His character attracts people and allows him to make many friends even in places where it is almost impossible to make them. And also the character of the man named Gleb allows such a representative of the strong half of humanity to achieve success in any chosen business, be it just a hobby or professional activity. Gleb's character is positive in all respects without exception, this is a fact, he good friend, an excellent comrade and interlocutor, and his other half will be pleased with him, but there is also a flaw - Gleb does not forgive betrayal, even if it is insignificant, he is ready to say goodbye to a person once and for all if he has committed a treacherous act, even if it was to him really close. True, as Gleb grows up, his character usually changes, and not always in better side.

Well, one cannot help but note the fact that in many ways the character may not be at all the same as described above, because it may be influenced by additional factors. So. The character may be affected by the energy of the zodiac sign, the significance of the season of birth, or parental upbringing.

Early childhood

The early childhood of a boy for whom his parents decided at birth to choose male name Gleb, overflowing with good impressions and positivity. The meaning of this name endows the bearer with a good character and a whole bunch of quite good qualities. Responsive, kind, good-natured, honest, cheerful, optimistic, positive, always in good health and never falls into hysterics - that’s what he is, little Gleb, over whom the meaning of this name protects. WITH early age he never ceases to please his parents, tries to help in everything, is always coming up with something to do, fantasizes a lot and on rare occasions can disobey his mother. He treats his dad with the greatest respect and wants to be like him. Another meaning may bestow upon this boy something not so inherent. early years prudence and prudence - before doing anything, he will think about the consequences a hundred times and weigh all the pros and cons. Responsive, sincere, has a unique style of communication, tries to be the same with everyone, loves to communicate with peers and calls everyone his friends - in general, this boy has solid positive aspects. He also loves to learn everything new, but unfortunately, at such a young age, he does not have the hard work necessary to achieve the goals he has set for himself. With his peers, but he has excellent relationships - Gleb respects every person in his social circle.


A teenage boy named Gleb has practically no flaws. The meaning of the name Gleb can give him a lot of good characteristics, and not give a single flaw. Kindness, responsiveness, openness, fairness, straightforwardness, honesty, sincerity, integrity, cheerfulness, positive thinking, optimism and playfulness, restlessness and activity, energy and ingenuity - these are what almost every Gleb can boast of, over whom the meaning of this name form protects. The only disadvantages include the inability to be callous in the right moments- he is easy to offend, but he easily forgives any offense, and tries to attribute everything to the fact that every person, without exception, has shortcomings. The only thing that he will never forgive anyone is betrayal - it doesn’t matter who this traitor is, a friend, girlfriend, relative or simple acquaintance, betrayal is the most unacceptable factor for him. At school he usually has excellent academic performance, copes with any subjects with a bang, is never a bad student, is diligent and not lazy, hardworking, but not too purposeful, he needs to be pushed forward in everything. And the meaning of the name Gleb can reward this boy with leadership inclinations, however, they will begin to manifest themselves best in adulthood - in adolescence Gleb tries not to demonstrate his superiority and not to attract the attention of those around him. And the meaning can turn this boy into a fidget and a spoiler...

Grown man

An adult boy, more precisely, one who has already become a man, is given more significance a large number good qualities. Among their huge number there are not only those mentioned above, but also such as determination, hard work, self-sufficiency, self-confidence, idealism, attentiveness, diligence, commitment, responsibility and honesty. Gleb usually has a social circle that is not limited only to relatives and work colleagues - he easily makes contact, meets people in the most unpredictable places and can easily support any topic of conversation, even being a beginner in this topic. He has many friends, this is a fact, but the same fact is that the meaning endows an adult man with the name Gleb and a charm that attracts representatives of the opposite sex. Gleb is in demand among women, changes potential soul mates like gloves, is afraid of losing his freedom and tries not to limit himself to serious and long-lasting relationships, although in the end he dreams of finding the one with whom he could build a really strong relationship. As for professional activities, so everything is simple here - men named after Gleb, who are patronized by the meaning of this name, usually try to work in an area where there is an opportunity to express themselves and their imagination; these are dreamers who want to throw out all their accumulated energy outward.

Interaction of the character Gleb with the seasons

Winter - three months of severe frosts, with their meaning, give rise to a cheerful, optimistic, dreamy and humorous nature. This is an eloquent and sociable boy, calm and balanced, guided not by emotions, but by reason and logic. Women are delighted with his charm and attentiveness, but only a persistent and patient lady will be able to win his heart - he is secretive and fearful, afraid of disappointment in the ladies.

Summer - and hot days, on the contrary, endow a person with indecision and uncertainty. From childhood, this guy will be shy, modest, secretive, dependent on society. He is not destined to become a leader or boss, he is not a leader, but he is an excellent performer, hardworking and reliable. Easily solves assigned problems when given a dictated solution. Needs a strong and domineering lady-manipulator, although he himself has weak character and will.

Spring - like the season itself, Glebushka, born under the auspices of spring, is also mysterious and unpredictable, enigmatic and charming by his origin and nature. Ladies will admire him, friends will be drawn to his company, but he himself will never tell about his desires and intentions. This is a man with a lot of masks - today he is a gallant suitor, and tomorrow he is a monster and a tyrant. This is an egoist who lives for himself.

Autumn - it bestows sociability, openness, sincerity, sociability, the ability to be a leader and manipulate people. He loves to be in the center of everyone's attention, he needs honor and respect - he feeds on them. Loving - womanizer, seducer. Women feel good with him, but he will not sacrifice his own freedom for the sake of love. Marries at a late age, and only to a patient lady who knows how to indulge.

The fate of the name Gleb

The fate of the name Gleb in relationships with the fairer sex, in marriage and love as such is such that it presupposes a stormy personal life and a huge number of changes in potential partners. Gleb’s destiny is to be a guy in great demand, but he will never take advantage of these; on the contrary, he does not want the popularity that will haunt him throughout his life.

The fate of a guy named Gleb in relationships with girls suggests that he is constantly in the position of a henpecked man. He does not like to dominate, does not want to be the head of a couple and a family, he just needs a warm and trusting relationship, one in which there will be continuous positivity. Although not every lady may like it. And fate can turn Gleb into an unprecedented jealous person - he will be jealous of his soulmate of everyone without exception.

However, in the end, fate may lead Gleb to create a real strong family. There will be no equality in his family, but there will be no patriarchy either - matriarchy is what governs the relationships in the family of the guy named after Gleb. His own destiny suggests becoming an ideal father and a good, albeit jealous, husband.

Love and marriage

Gleb behaves with women very gallantly and courteously, but a little hesitantly. He lacks assertiveness and courage, so women very often perceive him as a spineless man who has no willpower and own opinion, although in fact he is not one.

In his youth, he can start many stormy short-term romances, but sincerely and strongly the bearer of this name can fall in love once, maximum twice, in his entire life.

Gleb can get married both early and later. mature age. This will depend on when he meets his soul mate and succumbs to the impulse of passion and love. His wife should be calm and flexible, ready to share all his interests, passions, thoughts and experiences. It is important for him to subordinate her to his will, so that in the future she does not try to limit his personal space and independence.

The bearer of the name Gleb prefers equality in family relationships. Trust, mutual understanding, harmony and mutual assistance are the main requirements in a relationship with your beloved wife. He gladly helps her with housekeeping and creating home comfort, but will not become a slave. And under no circumstances should you make Gleb jealous, since excessive jealousy is, apparently, his only drawback.

Gleb as Father

It is assumed that almost every man named Gleb will make a wonderful family man and caring father. He simply adores his kids. He is not only ready to help his wife with housework, but will also be happy to help her in caring for the children, and in the future in the process of raising them. Standard concerns are not unusual for him. Changing diapers, washing diapers or washing a baby's bottom is not a problem for Gleb.

Gleb loves playing various educational games with children: puzzles, mosaics, dominoes, or simply building beautiful castles using construction sets. Children love Gleb because he spends enough time with them large number time, makes their childhood fun and interesting. Regular trips to the circus, cinema, zoo, children's playrooms or even fishing trips - all this gives them an unforgettable and wonderful childhood.

However, when necessary, he can also show rigor, for example, in the learning process. He believes that education plays a very important role in the life of every person, and that everyone should acquire new knowledge and skills on their own. This is exactly what he will instill in children from childhood.

Compatible with female names

The name Gleb is ideally compatible in terms of feelings and passion with such female names as Rimma, Flora, Ulyana, Gloria, Kaleria and Marta.

With Agatha, Alevtina, Nelly, Natalya, Rosa and Edita, the named Gleb will be able to build a reliable, lasting, happy marriage.

And with people like Frida, Claudia, Bella, Lada, Inga and Isolde, there can be no connection at all, only negative impact to fate.

In general, this man needs a woman who is ready to make sacrifices for his good - he loves it when other people sacrifice something for him...

If you looked here, it means you want to learn more about the meaning of the name Gleb.

What does the name Gleb mean?

The name Gleb means - given to God (Greek)

The meaning of the name Gleb is character and fate

A man named Gleb is serious, reserved, and taciturn. However, he is very friendly, objective, and enjoys the respect of his friends. Gleb is decisive, he is rarely tormented by doubts. Doesn't spend much time courting future wife If he likes her, he proposes to her. Maybe on the second day after meeting you, you can take your beloved down the aisle. He is not interested in anyone's opinion, he only listens to his own inner voice. He rarely makes mistakes in his choice, the marriage is usually successful. Gleb sincerely believes his wife, is forgiving of her shortcomings, generous, and patient. The wife should just not try to arouse feelings of jealousy in him. If Gleb doubts her fidelity, then interrogations and investigations will begin, he will torture himself and his wife. Gleb does not strive for leadership in the family; he allows his wife to lead the house, and at the same time himself. He's building family relationships based on complete trust and mutual respect. Gleb loves to make crafts; all the shelves, racks and mezzanines in the house were made by him. A man named Gleb does not need to be reminded of any breakdowns, he sees everything himself and knows how to fix everything. She loves to tinker with children, willingly plays the role of a nanny: she does laundry, diapers, feeds the children, bathes them and puts them to bed. Very attached to home and family. Gleb is not a drinker, even among close friends. A man named Gleb more often has sons.

Meaning of the name Gleb for sex

Gleb is a passionate person, he is characterized by violent hobbies, and he is a romantic in love. He has a strong sexual character, and in order to avoid difficulties with his partner, he can be very diplomatic. A man named Gleb does not like to splash out his feelings, hides them, and does not immediately open up even during intimate meetings with women. He studies his partner for a long time, afraid of making a mistake, because he can be assertive, and strives to get down to business immediately, without prior preparation for sexual contact. This is more typical of the “winter” Gleb, a person with an unstable psyche, straightforward, and intolerant of objections. Such Gleb is capable of spontaneous sexual relations simply out of a desire to relax and relieve sexual tension.

The character and fate of the name Gleb, taking into account the patronymic

First name Gleb and patronymic....

Gleb Alekseevich, Gleb Andreevich, Gleb Artemovich, Gleb Valentinovich, Gleb Vasilievich, Gleb Viktorovich, Gleb Vitalievich, Gleb Vladimirovich, Gleb Evgenievich, Gleb Ivanovich, Gleb Ilyich, Gleb Mikhailovich, Gleb Petrovich, Gleb Sergeevich, Gleb Yurievich strong-willed, decisive and resourceful. He is not afraid to take risks and most often wins. He is attentive and condescending to women, and enjoys success with them. A man named Gleb is independent, does not tolerate pressure from outside, and if he allows a woman to lead, it is only because he does not want to argue again. He will still do everything his way, but without scandal and unnecessary explanations. Gleb is ready to help everyone, but he rarely asks anyone for a favor, he relies only on his own strength. Likes to do something nice for his loved ones, but doesn’t give it any credit of great importance. He gets along easily with his wife's relatives and is his favorite son-in-law. Gleb is easy to talk to, although he is not the first to make contact. Loves children and spends a lot of time with them. He teaches his sons to make crafts, introduces them to sports: he goes skiing with them, loves horse riding. He loves animals; both a cat and a dog often live together in his house. There is enough space and warmth for everyone. Children adore Gleb. He is jealous, but he carefully hides it, and if there is no reason, then one can only guess about his jealousy.

First name Gleb and patronymic....

Gleb Alexandrovich, Gleb Arkadyevich, Gleb Borisovich, Gleb Vadimovich, Gleb Grigorievich, Gleb Kirillovich, Gleb Maksimovich, Gleb Matveevich, Gleb Nikitich, Gleb Pavlovich, Gleb Romanovich, Gleb Tarasovich, Gleb Timofeevich, Gleb Timurovich, Gleb Fedorovich, Gleb Eduardov ich stubborn and principled. It is difficult to find an approach to such a Gleb. He is very good-natured, but only if he sees sincerity in his attitude towards himself. Gleb is quick-tempered, but then he is tormented by remorse for a long time. In relationships with women, a man named Gleb is modest, indecisive and cautious. Disgust. He does not like to change sexual partners and becomes very attached to the woman he loves. He gets married late, but not because he is not sure of the right choice, but because he wants to acquire a profession, get firmly on his feet, in order to be able to provide his family with decent living conditions. Often he will marry a girl he knows from school, if only she has the patience to wait for his proposal. Gleb has a cheerful character and a subtle sense of humor. Friends enjoy spending time in his company and often visit him at home; Gleb himself does not like visiting too much. Sons are born more often. Gleb good father, does a lot for children, but the most valuable thing that he instills in them from childhood is careful attitude to a woman. He is attentive to his wife, rarely comes home without a bouquet of flowers, and loves to do something nice for his loved ones.

First name Gleb and patronymic....

Gleb Bogdanovich, Gleb Vladislavovich, Gleb Vilenovich, Gleb Vyacheslavovich, Gleb Gennadievich, Gleb Georgievich, Gleb Danilovich, Gleb Egorovich, Gleb Konstantinovich, Gleb Robertovich, Gleb Svyatoslavovich, Gleb Yanovich, Gleb Yaroslavovich has a subtle sense of humor, is cheerful and charming. Amorous, successful with women. Elegant, knows how to dress, carefully monitors his appearance. Gourmet, appreciates good cuisine, he likes to cook gourmet dishes. Artistic, eloquent, a wonderful lover. A man named Gleb has good manners, developed intellect. An optimist by nature. Somewhat eccentric, emotional, susceptible to failure. However, he does not take troubles at work into the family, hides it, and experiences everything alone. Before marriage, he has many sexual partners, often changes them, loves variety and romantic adventures. After getting married, he becomes good husband, a wonderful father, master of the house. Jealous, which the spouse should always remember. He is very attached to his family and is not prone to betrayal. He will not forgive his wife for betrayal. There are always a lot of friends in Gleb’s house; his sons often invite their comrades over. Gleb knows how to get along with children, takes part in their games, finds everyone interesting activity. Gleb loves forays into nature, gathers all the kids in the yard and goes for a walk with them. There is always some kind of living creature in his house; he loves animals very much.

First name Gleb and patronymic....

Gleb Antonovich, Gleb Arturovich, Gleb Valerievich, Gleb Germanovich, Gleb Glebovich, Gleb Denisovich, Gleb Igorevich, Gleb Iosifovich, Gleb Leonidovich, Gleb Lvovich, Gleb Mironovich, Gleb Olegovich, Gleb Ruslanovich, Gleb Semenovich, Gleb Filippovich, Gleb Emmanuilovich has a strong character, strong will, but in the family he is flexible and condescending to all members of the household, considering them weaker natures. Loyal to others, susceptible to other people's troubles. A man named Gleb gives birth to children of different sexes, he is strict with his son, and spoils his daughter. Loves it family evenings, remembers all dates of birth, celebrations. He completely trusts his wife, shares all his troubles and successes with her, and does not neglect her opinion. Gleb has no truer friend than his wife. However, he is demanding of his wife, values ​​cleanliness and order in the house, and loves to eat delicious food. He chooses a wife who is smart and respectable, values ​​wit and devotion. He gets along easily with his wife's parents, and is especially friendly with his father-in-law. Gleb is sexy and attaches great importance to this. He is not a supporter of romantic adventures, but his wife should be no less sexy than him. Gleb does not strive to make a career, he knows perfectly well what he is capable of, and is content with what he can get. Prefers to be a good specialist rather than bad leader.

First name Gleb and patronymic....

Gleb Alanovich, Gleb Albertovich, Gleb Anatolyevich, Gleb Veniaminovich, Gleb Vladislavovich, Gleb Dmitrievich, Gleb Nikolaevich, Gleb Rostislavovich, Gleb Stanislavovich, Gleb Stepanovich, Gleb Feliksovich energetic and lively. Does not tolerate monotony, loves to travel. He doesn’t know how to make acquaintances himself, but he will never refuse communication to those who want to. Easy-going, wonderful comrade. He is interested in tourism and is rarely alone. Loves women and entertainment. A man named Gleb is a gambler and often visits casinos and the hippodrome. However, he is lucky and rarely loses. He does not marry for a long time, but often falls in love. He enjoys success with women, knows how to attract their attention, is charming and eloquent. After marriage, he is not faithful to his wife, but he will not forgive her for betrayal. Children of different sexes are born, whom Gleb loves very much, but he places the problem of upbringing on the shoulders of his wife. He does not strive for leadership, he does not need extra trouble, and his authority in the eyes of his family is already unquestionable. Gleb’s relationship with his daughter is closer and warmer than with his son, but he cares about his son.

The name Gleb came into use relatively recently, but short time managed to gain popularity. It is especially often chosen in Russia and Ukraine. The meaning of the name Gleb and the boy’s fate are quite good. In this article we will learn all the intricacies of this name form and try to understand whether it is worth calling your son by this name. After all, many parents want their children to stand out from the rest, and such a name certainly will not go unnoticed.

Origin and meaning of the name Gleb

If we talk about the origin of this name, then it is worth mentioning two versions. According to the first, Gleb is a name that came from Old Scandinavian culture and there it had the translation “favorite of the gods.” Such a translation cannot promise anything bad to a person, because initially he is the favorite of his patrons. There is also a version that at first the name sounded like Gottlieb.

As for the second version, Gleb is an Old Slavonic name, the name given to boys who were born in the lower classes. In ancient times, the Poles especially liked to call their sons this way. Because there the name form had a translation - “earth”. Boys with this name also have their own patron - Prince Gleb Vladimirsky.

This is how the meaning and origin of the name Gleb is interpreted by modern scientists.


Astrologers around the world have been conducting research for quite some time, studying the origin and meaning of this name. And in the end, they came to the conclusion that such boys are born very calm and reasonable; from childhood they are confident in themselves and their abilities. And also in the character there is responsiveness, goodwill and gentleness. It is pleasant to communicate with such people because they are incredibly friendly.

Gleb has a strong spirit and easily overcomes any difficulties that may come his way. life path. Gleb is practically invulnerable, never gives in to emotions and shows restraint in everything. He knows exactly what he wants to achieve, and most importantly, he always achieves what he wants.

Even as a little boy, he strives for self-development and self-knowledge, which is not observed in all children. This meaning of the name Gleb for a boy and a man is absolutely accurate. But there are also minor discrepancies with the interpretation.


The meaning of the name Gleb and fate for the boy have many pleasant surprises in store. His childhood is absolutely carefree, every day is filled with positive and joyful moments. The boy has a very good character, you can select a whole list positive qualities.

Little Gleb never throws hysterics at his parents, which children love to do. He is distinguished by his kindness and openness, always friendly with adults and his peers. He doesn't have bad mood, quite rarely Glebushka deceives her parents and other adults.

He constantly makes his mom and dad happy. Because he tries to help his mother in any matter, sometimes he even comes up with tasks for himself, fantasizes a lot and has a wonderful imagination. It happens quite rarely that Gleb does not obey his father or mother.

He respects his father more in the family and strives to be like him. What’s also especially interesting is that this baby knows how to reason and think through his decisions. Even in kindergarten he thinks about his actions several times, deciding whether it is worth doing or not. Such character traits are not so common in young children.

He has many friends and enjoys making contact with peers. Gleb is a very sympathetic boy who is always ready to help. If he plays in a group, he doesn’t get cocky and generally always tries to be on an equal footing with all the guys, regardless of his position. Gleb loves to learn something new, but does not have a great desire for learning. This is due to complete absence perseverance.


The meaning of the name Gleb and the fate for the teenage boy prepared a good one. First of all, this is due to the fact that it has practically no disadvantages. He retains the same qualities that he had in childhood. The young man remains just as restless, but has great spiritual kindness, and, if necessary, comes to the aid of friends and acquaintances. He has positive thinking and is generally an optimist in life. Some may consider this a flaw, but he always speaks the truth to his face, no matter what it is. In addition, the boy loves to joke and is almost always in a good mood.

Every person has flaws, and the ideal Gleb was no exception. His flaw is that he does not know how to show callousness. Gleb is very easy to offend, but he quickly forgets this offense and does not hold a grudge against anyone at all. He himself can justify the offender, arguing his action by the fact that every person has his own shortcomings. But there is something that the boy cannot forgive - this is betrayal. And here it doesn’t matter at all who this person turned out to be: a girl, a mother, a friend, or just a passerby.


At school he performs well. Almost all subjects are given to him equally easily. However, teachers face a difficult task - they need to push Gleb in time so that he takes up his studies. This is not due to the laziness of the teenager, but to the fact that he is not purposeful. But he is distinguished by his excellent work ethic. At school he can make a good leader, since the boy has natural inclinations, and very good ones. But the character, meaning and fate of the name Gleb promise a man many positive moments in life.


Growing up, Gleb acquires even more positive qualities. To the list of those qualities that have already been listed, determination, which was lacking in adolescence, is also added. An adult man becomes self-sufficient and self-confident; if you entrust him with some work, he will definitely complete it efficiently and on time. This speaks of his responsibility and diligence.

As for his surroundings, Gleb communicates not only with relatives and employees, but also with completely new people whose company he finds himself in. It is very easy to find contact with Gleb, since he is a sociable person and easily joins in the conversation, even if a topic is being discussed that was unfamiliar to him until that moment. That's his character.

The meaning of the name Gleb gives a man a special charm with which he easily seduces women. He is not a fan of long-term relationships, so he has quite a lot of women. Moreover, getting a new lady is not too difficult for him. This man values ​​his freedom very much and is in no hurry to buy wedding ring. However, somewhere in his thoughts, he dreams of finding the very woman with whom he would like to create a strong family.

When it comes time to choose a profession, Gleb gives preference to creative specialties. Because he fantasizes a lot and loves to express himself.

Women in Gleb's life

As already mentioned, according to the meaning of the name Gleb for a boy and an adult man, a person does not seek to burden himself with a serious relationship. He enjoys high popularity among women, and all thanks to his imagination and activity. He has a good sense of humor, which girls especially like. But this is just a theory, since in practice more than half of men with this name get married quite early. Moreover, as a wife they choose a woman who does not have any special principles, and she should also be cheerful and carefree.


The meaning of the name Gleb also provides for the fact that the man is awarded a certain character, and with quite good qualities. So, Gleb has the following advantages:

  • He's an optimist.
  • A very friendly and cheerful person.
  • Always tries to think positively.
  • In any situation he stands for justice to prevail.
  • Very persistent and purposeful, especially in adulthood.

People are very drawn to Gleb, even those who, it would seem, have never had friends at all. Success is simply built into his character. After all, no matter what this man undertakes, he will definitely achieve success. It doesn’t matter what kind of activity it is: just a hobby or work.

If you are looking for a reliable and true friend, then take a closer look at men named Gleb, because he is always ready to help a friend out of trouble or just listen to him. But be careful, because Gleb will never forgive betrayal. Even the smallest thing that the other person wouldn't pay attention to can ruin your relationship forever. In this regard, the man is absolutely irreconcilable.

Having matured, Gleb can change, and it is not a fact that these changes will be for the better. And I would like to note that not every man with such a name form fully fits the given description. After all, character is influenced not only by the name, but also by many other factors, including the date and time of birth.


  • The stone that will certainly bring good luck is the moonstone, but it must always be nearby.
  • Gleb has two patron planets - the Moon and Jupiter.
  • The man is in the power of the element of Air.
  • Gleb has a totem animal - a grasshopper, which is as restless as the owner of the name himself.
  • The most suitable zodiac signs for the name are Cancer and Scorpio.
  • The happiest day, which is suitable for solving serious issues, is Monday.

All these symbols correspond to the character, fate and meaning of the name Gleb and help its owner in every possible way.

Origin: Gleb is a name of Old Russian origin, meaning “protected by God.” Most likely, this name came to Rus' from Scandinavia. It was included in the Orthodox name book after Prince Gleb Vladimirovich was canonized.

Short form of name: Glebik, Glebushka, Glebochek, Glebka.

Foreign forms of the name: Gottlieb (Germany).

Characteristics of the name Gleb

Positive traits of the name: Gleb can boast of practicality, willpower, goodwill towards others, and reliability. These men do not experience the pangs of vanity; they are indifferent to fame. Gleb is already in childhood shows laconicism and seriousness, behaves like an adult. Gleb always willingly agrees to perform household duties; he understands his importance to the family and tries to justify the trust of his parents. The diligence of the owner of this name is manifested in both study and work. If he gets down to business, he will certainly see it through to the end, regardless of the difficulties encountered.

Negative traits of the name: Willful and very categorical, Gleb can greatly tire those around him with his desire to do the job perfectly. Many Glebs have practically no sense of humor, and in addition to this there is gloominess.

Choosing a profession by name: If the work brings in a solid and constant income, Gleb will willingly take it on. He does not pursue fame; vanity is alien to him. The main requirement for the chosen job is to ensure financial stability. My future profession Gleb can choose already in adolescence. In his work, Gleb is restrained and diligent, thanks to which he often achieves promotion. If the owner of the name has become a leader, he will defend the interests of his company, but will not follow the opinion of the majority.

The impact of a name on business: In life, Gleb has to achieve everything himself, so he is used to constantly keeping a certain amount “for a rainy day.” In business, Gleb does not like to take risks, but if necessary, he is ready to make some concessions. He prefers not to get involved in risky matters.

The influence of a name on health: Gleb may suffer from frequent disorders digestive system, problems with the cardiovascular system are possible.

Psychology of the name: Gleb does not like flattering and empty-talking people who cannot take business seriously. To achieve Gleb’s respect, you need to be a person with self-esteem, self-restraint and who has achieved certain successes in life.

Name compatibility: Gleb – a real man in the house. He always takes his family very seriously and is ready to take care of them, even if it means being exhausted. Gleb demands from his household members that they maintain order in the house and is strict about raising children. Good compatibility: Galina, Efrosinya Eva, Svetlana, Lana. Poor compatibility: Victoria, Alexandra, Nika, Varvara, Regina.

Famous names bearers:

  • Gleb Kotelnikov (creator of the aviation backpack parachute).
  • Gleb Vladimirovich (Prince of Murom).
  • Gleb Yakunin (Soviet dissident, political, religious and public figure USSR and modern Russia).
  • Gleb Panfilov (Russian film actor, laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation).
  • Gleb Samoilov ( former soloist group "Agatha Christie", now the leader of the group "Gleb Samoiloff & The Matrixx").
  • Gleb Pavlovsky (adviser to the head of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation).
  • Gleb Krzhizhanovsky (Soviet party and statesman).
  • Gleb Solovyov (academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, laureate of the USSR State Prize).
  • Gleb Rar (church and public figure, Russian foreign journalist).
  • Gleb Yakunin (former priest of the Russian Orthodox Church, public and politician, former deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR and the State Duma).
  • Gleb Strizhenov (Honored Artist of the RSFSR, theater and film artist).
  • Gleb Pyanykh (Russian journalist and TV presenter).
  • Gleb Makarevich (Soviet architect, from 1980 to 1987 he served as the chief architect of Moscow, deputy of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR, Honored Architect of Russia).