How to learn to see spirits and entities. The easiest way to see spirits - astral beings

Advice from people who have already seen ghosts

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Krasnoyarsk has everything. And it’s hard to disagree with this. We have ancient houses built in the century before last, we have the mighty Yenisei River, the water of which is recognized as one of the best and cleanest in the world. There are entertainment centers and its own colony, several hundred fountains and roads congested with traffic. There is a piece of St. Petersburg ("St. Petersburg Bridge"), there is a piece of Egypt ( Museum of Local Lore) and there is a piece of Manhattan (“skyscraper” on Strelka). There is even, if you want, a piece of any relatively large city- for the monument to Lenin on Revolution Square, or rather its doubles, are scattered throughout all Russian cities. And we also have ghosts in our city. And there are many of them. With the help of Krasnoyarsk resident, eniologist Yuri Svetlogorov (eniology is a science that studies paranormal phenomena), we have compiled a guide to the most favorite haunts of ghosts in our city.

The city center is teeming with restless souls

Yuri Svetlogorov conducted his own research of the city regarding the “population density” of its spirits and ghosts. According to his calculations, residents are most likely to encounter a ghost. historical center cities.

The site on Strelka, Mira, Marx and Lenin streets stand on an ancient burial ground,” said Yuri Svetlogorov. - Dozens of ghosts roam here! Souls are drawn to bodies, because not all people were buried and inveterate in the church; the deaths of some of them were terrible.

Yuri Svetlogorov's research is confirmed "materially". When, several years ago, the construction of a residential building began on Marx Street, next to the BKZ, excavator workers almost lifted entire skeletons from the ground. Archaeologists suspended construction and began excavations. Then they found the remains of ancient animals, human skeletons, and shards that once served as utensils for the ancient Krasnoyarsk residents. However, then they were called differently.

“I really sympathize with the residents of houses in this area,” shared Yuri Svetogorov. - People who have apartments on Marx and Mira often contact me. They say that strange things happen in their apartments: lights turn on and off on their own, electrical wiring sparks, voices and the sound of footsteps are heard in their houses.

Of course, one can assume that people who notice such poltergeists in apartments have simply, to put it mildly, watched horror movies. If not for one “but”: such phenomena happen too often.

For the fourth year in a row, the ghost has been observed by patients of the military hospital, which stands next to Gorky Park. Every night at exactly midnight, heavy footsteps and groans are heard in the building. Local doctors believe that it is the spirit of a military man who died in the hospital.

Don't go to the museum at night

Ghosts are not only “registered”, living in one place. There are also those who travel for certain things or items. Most of all they love wax figures.

About two years ago, an exhibition of wax figures was brought to the Officers’ house,” said Yuri Svetlogorov. - So after a couple of days of her work, the guides called me. They say we can’t work, it’s scary. At night there is some kind of hum in the hall. And the worst thing is that something is constantly happening to the figures. Then they change position. Not radical, but noticeable! Every night someone's arm falls off or their head disappears. The figure has one right hand disappeared, the workers dug through everything. And they didn’t find it. I had to drape it with fabric.

According to Svetlogorov, this explains the love of ghosts for various kinds wax figures very simple. People who look at them, without meaning to, call the souls of those people whom the figure represents. Peter the Great, there, or Napoleon. Only instead of these souls, completely different souls fly to the call. And not always kind and good.

Ghost tourists wander around Stolby

Another place where anomalies are happening is the Stolby Nature Reserve. Many visitors have seen strange people. They look like ordinary tourists, but when you try to talk to them+ they disappear, disappear into thin air! I once encountered this phenomenon myself. The videographer and I then jumped on the rocks, trying to find a convenient place to shoot. We were brought into the reserve on journalistic business - rescuers were looking for a tourist who had gotten lost a day ago. A detachment from the Ministry of Emergency Situations set out to search for him, and they invited us along. The operator then injured his leg and walks with a limp. We were quite behind the rescuers. Then we completely lost sight of them. In order not to run in vain, we decided to record a stand-up comedy. I remember standing with a microphone on some rocky “bump,” trying to compose a text. And I jokingly say to the operator: “Imagine, Slava, we’ll start writing, and this tourist will come to us himself!” We laughed. I start writing “stand”, and out of the corner of my eye I see someone coming towards us, behind the operator’s back, facing me. He is elderly, it is clear that his beard is gray. He seems to be walking with a backpack and a stick. Of course, I finish the entire text without blinking an eye - I really didn’t want to “mess up” the take. But there’s already a thought in my head - I need to catch the person and take his comment. It is clear that this is an experienced tourist. I just finished talking and stood with looking smart for two seconds in silence (this is necessary so that the video directors don’t swear later), I look to where this old man was. And there's no one there! He couldn’t go anywhere, we were in a place where everything was clearly visible - next to the “First” “pillar”. I later told this story to my stolbist friends, and they told me that I wasn’t the only one who saw this. They say that he is not even the only one. These are the souls of the stolbists who have found their death in the reserve.

Cursed old house

Probably every Krasnoyarsk resident has seen this building. Gloomy, brick. It stands on Partizan Zheleznyaka Street, with one side facing the outskirts of the Vzletka market.

Crows often circle above this house. Trees come close. The best place for ghosts.

They're swarming! - Yuri Svetlogorov confirms my guess. - The house was built a long time ago, abandoned. People hardly go there. An ideal place for ghosts. There aren't even dogs running around there, mind you. I took his words literally and went to the “damned old house” myself. Taking a couple of friends and a more powerful flashlight for courage.

It’s not easy to get to the building - every now and then you get stuck in last year’s tall grass. We have to go around heaps of garbage. The house stands very strangely - its floor is almost a meter above the ground. To enter the building, you need to climb the slide next to one of its corners, pull yourself up on your hands, and crawl forward.

Having overcome the obstacle, we go up to the second floor, then to the third. They differ little from each other. Such long, long corridors, and on the outside, where the window slots are, small rooms. I don’t know why the house was built, but definitely not for housing. In these “rooms” you can place a table, a chair, and, perhaps, a sofa. Or a bed. More space there's not enough for anything. You know, it's actually scary in the house. No, not even scary - creepy. We wandered around in it for a couple of hours and during this time we did not see a single living soul. But we couldn’t shake the feeling that someone was watching us. This made me feel uneasy.

Several times I heard sounds similar to footsteps and someone's voices. We look around - no one. The house, I must say, is designed in such a way that it is quite difficult to hide in it - it is see-through. The building has many windows; of course, they are not glazed, nor are there frames. Everything is visible at a glance. But the feeling that someone was following on his heels did not go away.

One of my more determined companions suggested going around the entire house. Its architecture is unusual. When you drive along Partizana Zheleznyaka, it seems like it’s just a brick box. Rectangular house. But that's not true. The house has the shape of the letter “P”, in which the letter “O” is “inscribed”. This is Edgar PO. The latter, by the way, was very fond of all kinds of mysticism. Oh, it’s not for nothing that the house has such architecture.

We went down to the first floor. I admit, my nerves couldn’t stand it. It seemed to me that someone was screaming. This made me scream and rush down to the exit. Who knows what it was. Or someone’s restless soul, or homeless people, or some kind of Satanists. And go figure out who is more dangerous...

But there was no one in the place where the sound came from. No one at all. This made it even more scary. I was about to go to the exit, but my good friends called out. And they showed me the stairs down.

Here I will allow myself a brief digression. I first heard about this house from an old friend. He served here, and after the army he remained in Krasnoyarsk. I liked the city. So he said (I don’t know, maybe he was lying) that this house had seven underground floors, and the building was built almost like a secret laboratory. Another version is that the house was built for the administration, a kind of " White House". And, according to the same friend of mine, on the minus seventh floor the house is connected to another house by an underground passage. The “other” house stands about two hundred meters away, on the opposite side of the road. You have also seen it several times - it has a domed roof. I not a builder, but even with the naked eye you can see that the bricks from which these buildings are made are very similar.

I will not describe everything that we saw in the underground floors, this is the topic of a completely different story. Let me just say that we reached the minus fourth floor. There are much more “ready” rooms there, there are even doors and a ventilation system. But the most surprising thing is that the camera does not want to work in the underground floors. Even the most powerful flash doesn't help. All the photographs taken below were overexposed. In general, the place is really strange. Probably, it is in the underground corridors that the most important ghosts sit, who do not like the paparazzi.

Ghosts love old houses

You won’t believe in ghosts if they also love to be photographed. Vadim is an ordinary Krasnoyarsk resident living in a wooden house in the center of Krasnoyarsk. One day he bought a brand new phone with a camera and decided to take pictures of his friend. I took it off at the entrance.

At first, the guy assures, there was nothing in the photo except his friend’s smiling face. When I uploaded the photo to the computer, goosebumps ran down my skin. + Death stood over his friend’s shoulder. A strange figure in a hood. Now Vadim is afraid to walk in his own entrance. And the neighbors told him a completely heartbreaking story. It turns out that many years ago a man died in this very house. He was walking up the stairs, tripped, fell, and hit his head. The doctors could not help - the man died. Neighbors say that they themselves sometimes see a strange shadow in the entrance and hear a strange creaking of the floorboards, as if someone is wandering up the stairs.

Don't complain to the dolls!

A couple of years ago, in an ordinary five-story building in the Student Town, just opposite the Yunnaty stop, a real Chucky (the same one who cut everyone with a small knife in the film) moved in.

“I learned about this story when there were already too many deaths,” sighs Yuri Svetlogorov. - The father gave the young woman a doll. I don’t know what she saw in this doll (the toy depicted, in my opinion, an absolutely ferocious guy with black hair and a black beard). But the fact remains that the woman constantly carried this toy with her and told it about her life. This is how the doll “found out” that her owner was being offended by her husband - he was causing scandals and beating her. A few months later, this woman's husband tragically dies. Everyone decided it was an accident. The woman did not grieve for long and got together with another man. But she had problems with him too. What do you think? Her new boyfriend dies too! Got hit by a car. Someone told the woman to call me. We met. How hard it took me to persuade a woman to burn a doll that was terrible in every sense.

According to Yuri Svetlogorov, a spirit entered the doll and began to “protect” the owner from unwanted people.

Ghosts are man-made

Yuri Svetlogorov finally amazed me with the following observation.

You know, and in lately“man-made” ghosts began to appear more and more often in the city, he said. - There have already been about a dozen similar cases. They are created by people who study at one of the Krasnoyarsk development schools.

I know what kind of organization this is and what it is called, I am familiar with the principles of its work. But I won’t name her, so as not to discredit her. Let me just say that branches of this school exist throughout Russia. People who study in them develop their natural abilities, sometimes bringing them to the completely paranormal. A kind of scientific magic. One of the directions of this school is the creation of entities endowed with intelligence. These creatures are initially created for good purposes. They know how to “spy” for their owner, revealing to him knowledge that is inaccessible in the usual way, and they guard the home. But sometimes these creatures get out of the control of the owner. Then it turns into a big disaster. The entity must eat something, and it eats energy.

The entity can become attached to the person it likes and “suck” him out for a long time. This makes a person sick. They treat him, but he withers before our eyes. He may even die if the impudent entity is not scared away in time.

How to see a ghost. Self-instruction manual

If, after everything you’ve read, you’re not covered in goosebumps the size of a pea, your palms aren’t sweaty or trembling, but, on the contrary, your legs are eager to search for the paranormal, here are some tips for you from people who have already seen ghosts. So how can you see them?

First. To see ghosts (ghosts, phantoms) you need to believe in them. Believe that they exist. It's difficult, but quite possible.

Second. You need to go where they are definitely found (re-read the text and choose the most interesting place).

Third. Walk around this place and look at the world with slightly defocused vision. Researchers paranormal phenomena they claim that ghosts are visible even to ordinary, untrained people if they look with peripheral vision. And my peripheral vision is a little unfocused.

Fourth. You need to constantly train! Here's one exercise. Some clarification is needed here. Ghosts are, essentially, the subtle bodies of people (well, and animals, probably). Living people also have the same subtle body (it is called ethereal). To see it, you need to lock yourself in a quiet, deserted room in the evening, when it is light twilight. It is very good if this room has plain whitewashed walls (or ceiling). Lie down on the bed or sofa and relax. Extend your arm forward. And look at the center of the palm. But with an unfocused look, as if you are looking through her. After a while, out of the corner of your eye, you will notice that a slight glow appears around your fingers. Now the main thing is to look at this glow without focusing your vision.

A couple of weeks of such exercises, and you will begin to see ghosts so well that you will begin to say hello to them.

This exercise is based on the previous exercise, where you contemplated corpuscles of cosmic energy in the sky. We continue the same exercise, but move to a deeper stage. Now you will see spirits...

You will see that lines and stains, some fuzzy shapes and outlines, balls, ovals and zigzags appear in it. They can be transparent or slightly colored. These forms can also take the form of people or animals, birds, plants and other objects.

Know for sure!

What you see is not an optical illusion! These are subtle beings and objects, ordinary people do not notice them due to absent-mindedness and blinking of the eyes. In addition to the physical reality visible to the eyes, there is more subtle world, woven from etheric matter or astral plane.

The subtle world is full of objects and various creatures!

In some cases, it is possible to capture objects woven from ethereal matter in photos and videos.

In ancient cultures, these creatures were called elementals, ghosts, spirits and wraiths. In extrasensory perception they are called energy entities.

Develop an unblinking gaze!

Today, throughout the day and on other days, learn to keep your gaze unblinking in order to see the more subtle world. This exercise may seem quite difficult at first, but with practice it will become easier!

Our eyes are accustomed to blinking to maintain our illusory reality!

As you progress in the practice of non-blinking, you will be able to go without blinking for a long time. Then you will be able to clearly see the more subtle beings and objects that fill the etheric or astral world.

This exercise can be done in any environment, anywhere!

Just watch and restrain your eye movements. If you feel like blinking, try to squint your eyes slightly without closing them completely, lubricating the mucous membrane of your eyes and continuing to look.


Increase the time of non-blinking looking gradually, look longer and longer every day, you can do several such approaches throughout the day. If your eyes water or hurt, buy any eye drops and use them as needed. You can also rinse your eyes with a slightly warm solution of black tea. Also try to close your eyes after exercise and relax their muscles. This way you will learn to see energies and subtle matter, which you can subsequently control and play. And this in turn can help you achieve various life goals.

See otherworldly spirit without spending years on setup and cleanup subtle bodies, anyone can. And the main condition for this is the suppression of fear, which can easily block any vision, causing the brain to either “go blind” or quickly and reliably convince you that what you saw was just your imagination. True, there are not many methods to do this. But we selected the most working of them so that we could see for ourselves the otherworldly spirit, many of which people have used for thousands of years. And most importantly, most of them, although not all, allow you to draw a clear line between fantasies and, having secured material evidence that you really saw or that you were able to prove the presence of a ghost, otherworldly spirit or some other energetic entity in your house or creatures.

See an otherworldly spirit with peripheral vision

This method of seeing an otherworldly spirit allows us to deceive the brain, which usually completely erases from our perception of reality those objects that cannot and should not exist in this very reality. Therefore, looking at the otherworldly spirit point-blank, you will almost never notice it. But at the same time, you will almost always see if he is in the zone of your peripheral movement. One problem is that in this case you will most likely see it in the form of a dense clot, a spot or an indescribable movement. But something else is more important. The fact that you can really see it, which means you understand that rustling or “drafts” in the house are not frightening you in vain.

You can also try to see the otherworldly spirit by slightly squinting your eyes and pointing your face strictly towards the object you want to see. But this method is only suitable for those who already know how to silence their brain, otherwise you will almost always become a victim of your fantasies, or an incorrect mental interpretation of what you see.

Alcohol will help you see the otherworldly spirit

We under no circumstances encourage you to drink alcohol! But the fact remains - often the state of intoxication is accompanied by such a strong temporary change in consciousness that being able to not only see the otherworldly spirit, but even hear, or as magicians say, “understand it” - find out why it remained in our world, why it does not leave, and what should be done to help him leave.

However, what’s interesting is that such a change in consciousness is possible only in people who drink alcohol for the first time, or who drink alcohol so rarely that they can easily be called abstinent.

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Seeing the otherworldly spirit is a way to half-asleep

It is easy to notice a ghost while half asleep. But settling down on the bed, lulling yourself to sleep, is not enough.

  • First, you need to secure your eyelids with tape or adhesive tape so that they are slightly open by 1-2 millimeters, even when you fall asleep.
  • And, secondly, you need to sit in a slightly but lighted room, and be sure to lie on your back. Now you can calm down, relax and allow yourself to fall asleep. We guarantee that if there is some kind of intangible energy being in the room, you will definitely see it.

Of course, what you see can also be the result of your imagination or some image from a dream that has begun, superimposed on reality. However, in most cases, it is an otherworldly spirit that you will see. And the proof of this is awakening, since any such contact with the inhabitants of the otherworldly normal person initiates an almost instantaneous release of a powerful portion of adrenaline.

Flour will help you see the otherworldly spirit

This method has actually been used for thousands of years. And it works like this: in the evening, through a sieve, they sprinkle flour on the floor in the room in which the ghost is supposed to appear, and in the morning they study what traces remain on it. Usually these are traces of shod or bare feet different sizes, which are believed to be left by the otherworldly spirit that lives in the house where this experiment was carried out.

Photography will help you see the otherworldly spirit

In order to photograph an otherworldly spirit, you need to make sure that it appears on a black, opaque background made of fabric, velvet, paper, painted in dark colors wall. It is almost impossible to photograph a ghost against the background of any light sources. The second condition for successful photography, which neither physics nor esotericism can explain, is that otherworldly spirits are best manifested in photographs taken using film rather than digital camera. If a digital camera conveys the outlines of a ghostly creature, it is only in the form of a light or dark spot.

Also an ideal option to capture the otherworldly spirit is to photograph in evening time mirrors, a TV screen that is on or off, any reflective surfaces - a dark window, furniture glass, etc. But when photographing like this, we recommend that you use it, since the camera can capture very different creatures, sometimes truly capable of instilling horror. Therefore, such experiments are strongly not recommended for people with weak psyches.

Mirror trap as a way to see an otherworldly spirit

In order to build a mirror trap for a spirit, you need to have two mirrors of the same shape and size, and, which is also very important, made by the same master. These mirrors are placed in the room or hallway in which the ghost appears, so as to form an endless mirror tunnel. After this, you should position yourself so that you or yourself are not reflected in the mirrors, but at the same time see the entire mirror tunnel. As soon as the ghost appears, you will definitely see it.

But again, when conducting such experiments, also be extremely careful.

  • Firstly, mirrors placed in this way can reflect different creatures.
  • Secondly, they can play the role of a trap that will not only catch some demon, but also tie it to your subtle bodies.
  • Thirdly, if you have powerful energy or still undeveloped inclinations for esotericism, with the help of mirrors displayed in this way, you can unwittingly create a portal through which a variety of entities, not always positively disposed towards you, can penetrate into your reality.

A candle is a powerful way to see an otherworldly spirit

Although this method will provide exclusively indirect evidence of the presence of an otherworldly spirit, it will be absolutely safe. In order for it to work, you need to tightly close all the doors and windows in the room to completely get rid of the slightest draft. Then you should secure the candle so that it is to the edge of the table or shelf (ideally on a thin, tall candlestick) and light it. After this, you should carefully monitor the light - if it begins to sway and flutter, this means that there is some kind of energy being or entity next to you.

But remember that the light should oscillate from side to side, conditionally from left to right. If it fluctuates from you and towards you, then this means that, most likely, it is affected by your own energy.

Incense will help you see the otherworldly spirit

Let us say right away that cigarette smoke is not suitable for such an experience. But the smoke from various incense, the same incense sticks, placed in different places in the room, can both repeat the outlines of an otherworldly spirit if it appears near you, and show the trajectory of its movement within the room. In this experiment, as in the candle experiment, any artificial movement of air should be avoided, remembering that the form that the incense smoke takes can be affected not only by the draft, but also by your movements and even your breathing.

Homemade dream catcher as an opportunity to see an otherworldly spirit

You have most likely seen a similar trap woven from twigs, threads, beads and feathers. So, according to Indian traditions, it can be used to determine the presence of an otherworldly spirit. Hanging from the ceiling, it is sure to start swinging or spinning as soon as the ghost passes under it. At the same time, the Indians remembered that the more intensely you swing and spin the dream catcher, the more negatively the otherworldly spirit treats you, or the more persistently it wants to convey to you some important message for you.

But we will tell you how to hear a ghostly message in a separate article; you can use the site search. &1

Watch the video how you can see a ghost

The world of spirits remains invisible to most people. Only some are given the ability to feel and see the entities that inhabit the planet. But as it turns out, you can learn to see spirits. It just takes a lot of work, but nothing is impossible for a person.

Probably, many in childhood thought about how to learn to see spirits. This gift can be developed, but it will require persistence and care. However, you need to think, is all this necessary? Perhaps it will be easier to remain “blind” and life will not be so difficult?

To learn to see spirits, you will have to perform certain exercises at first, you need to be persistent and try to do everything correctly, otherwise you will not be able to achieve your cherished goal, and your time will be completely wasted.

So, it is recommended to start with contemplation of the sky. This should be done in a relaxed state, without trying to discern something supernatural in it. You just need to look at the clouds and their shape. After several weeks, you will be able to see that there are some stains and lines in it. Then balls, ovals, zigzags, etc. will begin to appear. Moreover, they can be not only transparent, but also slightly colored. If you continue to do this exercise, then soon these shapeless balls will begin to take on the forms of people, plants, animals and unknown creatures. But you shouldn’t mistake them for optical illusions, since they are real and exist next to people who simply do not notice them. However, this is to their advantage, since most would simply go crazy. And so human absent-mindedness and constant blinking creates the illusion that humanity is alone in this Universe. But around any person there is another world that comes into contact with him, but only he does not care about this. It is worth noting that the creatures can be easily photographed, and this is direct evidence that they exist. However, in this area there will be skeptics who will say that these are camera flaws.

As soon as you have managed to distinguish the creatures in the sky, you can proceed to the next exercise. However, it may seem quite difficult, since during it you will need to develop a non-blinking gaze. This will help you see spirits more clearly. This exercise comes down to simply looking, restraining the blinking movements of the eyes. If you want to blink, you should squint your eyes slightly, but you cannot close them completely. Such actions will lubricate the mucous membrane of the eyes, but continue to look. Most likely, this exercise is not easy to do, so you should start with a few minutes a day. Subsequently, the time can be gradually increased. During the day you should do 3 exercises, then the process will go faster. The result will be that one can see the spirits and ask them questions.

It is important to remember that some entities are not entirely friendly, so it will be difficult to get the truth from them. With experience everything will work out well, you just need to practice more often. It is also important to remember the fact that spirits can be very annoying and will often bother you. In this case, you will need to learn to close yourself off from them, otherwise life will not be easy. It also follows the question of whether this is necessary at all? After all, it is very difficult morally to see spirits and delve into their problems. Perhaps it will be better to remain on the same development, then many of the troubles associated with this gift can be avoided.

Since anyone can learn to see spirits, you need to think carefully before developing this gift. After all, this is not just another entertainment, but a heavy burden. In addition, not all creatures from the subtle world are friendly and are capable of harm, which not everyone will like.

You should not learn to see your own ego as a spirit. After all, these are not toys, the subtle world can seriously harm, it does not like jokes. For this reason, you need to weigh everything carefully, since it will be very difficult to refuse this gift, you might even go crazy.

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I'm wondering if it's normal to see ghosts in reality?

No matter how strange it may sound, I have been seeing spirits for a whole year after I turned 14. The spirit of a short girl always appeared to me and looked at me through the mirror. Every evening after six, I see her.

After a lot of time, I got used to it and started communicating with her, because it seems to me that this girl is somehow connected with our house or maybe with this mirror, I don’t know.

She always followed me around, trying to tell me something, but when I tried to get in touch with her, I got a lot of pain in my forehead.

In our house, the mirror is placed so that when, for example, you stand in the kitchen, you can see the bookshelves, where she likes to stand. I told my mom, she tried to understand me and advised me to stay away or not pay attention, just for my own protection. But I didn’t think that this spirit posed a danger to me.

I became a little fearless after my uncle took me to a clairvoyant. I was about ten years old then, I don’t remember exactly.

I was very afraid of earthquakes; I developed this fear after a strong thunderstorm hit our balcony and broke the glass. After that, even a little shaking made me paranoid to the point of tears. But now I'm no longer afraid, and it makes me stronger.

Just recently I wanted to cut my wrists because of personal problems in my family and myself. I was stopped by the spirit of my grandfather, whom I saw in reality. My grandfather's spirit is my guardian angel. I also believe that I have and always have had unkind guardians (black ones). As for the girl, it remains a mystery to me who she is. I hope you will answer whether this is normal for my age and what the consequences will be.

Thank you very much in advance.

Hello Milena!

First you need to try to find out about this girl and the mirror. Perhaps it’s not so much about the mirror as it is about the house itself in which your family lives. The restless soul of a girl may seek help from you.

In general, we never see spirits or entities without good reason, i.e. they never appear just like that. Even if you have a certain sensitivity in this regard, phenomena do not just happen. Everything has causes and consequences. But you're on the right way, since you think that the spirits of your family are protecting you. This is the strongest connection and greatest protection.

However, the desire you mentioned to cut your wrists suggests that the manifestations of spirits are justified. Either your very desire was caused by the influence of a certain entity, or vice versa - both the spirit of the girl and the spirit of your grandfather protect and warn you.

In any case, since you already have experience communicating with a clairvoyant, you can contact her again. There is a possibility that when you were delivered from fear, a certain line was crossed and your current fearlessness is unnatural for your essence and the spirits are showing you that there is something terrible in the world.

Try to understand yourself, consult with your mother, perhaps visit the clairvoyant again together. Light a candle for grandpa and say a prayer. Our family is always with us. Be blessed and good luck!