Is it possible to see a spirit? The easiest way to see spirits - astral beings

Why do people read esoteric literature? For various reasons, but the main one is the desire to establish contact with something great and omnipotent. The priest's stories about the essence of God quickly become boring and do not answer all your requests. All that remains is to try to enter into negotiations with the entities of the other world. But how to do this?

First, let’s understand how your personality (soul) perceives sounds. Is it all in the ears? Words create vibrations in the air. The vibration of air molecules vibrates the membrane of the ear. The membrane is connected to the cochlea, malleus and corpus cavernosum. In these organs, mechanical vibrations are converted into an electrical signal. This electrical signal is transmitted through gray (electric) neurons to the area of ​​the brain (body control panel) where your personality lives. Your soul cannot perceive sound mechanically; it perceives sound only as an electromagnetic vibration.

Spirits (souls without at the moment bodies) also communicate with each other by electromagnetic vibrations, and not by shaking the air, like we do. But the problem is that the body control panel (where your soul sits) is tightly closed by “doors” - blood-filled vessels. When the body dies, the blood flow changes, the vessels sag and the soul leaves the body. Sometimes it happens that as a result of a head injury or a serious illness, the blood vessels sag, but then the person “changes his mind” about dying and his soul remains in the body. As a result of this, this person becomes open to direct contact with spirits. For example, Vanga was like an intermediary, a “transmitter” of information, between the angels of the people who came to her and the people themselves.

Some spirits of the highest rank (rakshi): cherubim, seraphim, chendemons and zhundemons, have special electronic devices. They apply these devices to the neural circuits that transmit signals from the ear to the brain and transmit their messages using induction. It seems to a person that something is being said into his ear, but in fact the sound is born in his head. Such devices (sound cards) come in two types: stationary (embedded in neurons) and portable.

However, for some reason the rakshi are not interested in you, but you really want to communicate with your angels, what should you do? For this purpose, I offer you the following option. You need to cut out a circle with a diameter of about 30 cm from cardboard. The circle is divided into sectors into which you enter the letters of the Russian alphabet (if desired, even hieroglyphs). You can also enter numbers, although the numbers will tell you literal expression. The only punctuation mark you really need is the bold dot - it will mean the end of the sentence and conversation. In addition, you will need a long and thick needle 8-10 cm long and a rope about 40 cm long.

The rope is inserted into the needle and wound around the hand. The needle point is placed in the center of your cardboard circle. To prevent the cardboard from getting “scarred” by the needle, it is better to glue a piece of very thick cardboard, for example from a book cover, into the center of the “magic” circle. The rope is wrapped around the fingers of the left hand so that the right hand is free to write down what is said to you. The length of the rope is chosen so that the needle is inclined to your circle at an angle of approximately 45 degrees.

What else is needed to communicate with spirits? Yes, in general, nothing, from my own experience of communication I know that spirits really don’t care about the external surroundings. It doesn’t matter what time of day you communicate (spirits do not sleep), whether you have lit candles or not (although an open fire is pleasant to spirits), whether you read any prayers before communication or not (spirits do not know deities named Christ, Allah, Buddha, etc. further, although you may have heard about them during your lifetime). What is really important for communication is that no one interferes with your concentration, so for the first experiences of communication it is better to close yourself somewhere alone.

Next, you place the needle with the eye over the point and ask some simple question, for example: “Does anyone want to talk to me?” If there are any (at least someone is still interested in you), the needle will begin to slowly rotate in a circle, stopping over one of the letters, this letter needs to be written down and the needle will crawl further. Words will be made from letters, sentences from words, with frequent training you will read “from sight” and no recording will be required.

Some fools evoke the spirit of Pushkin, Napoleon or Baba Yaga at these sessions, but this is all complete nonsense - only those who are now next to you, that is, your angels (good) and demons (mundane) will speak to you. Demons are not devils at all, they are simply people who during their lifetime were not interested in anything other than “buy and sell” and as a result were assigned to demonic egregors. If you regularly read esotericism and are interested in many things, then you will almost certainly not become a demon after death. What’s interesting is that there are a lot of former priests among the demons.

Each spirit is a personality and the manner of communication is different for everyone. Some are silent, answer in monosyllables and say little, some chatter, some answer only in poetry. Banshees (angels and demons) are weak spirits, it’s hard for them to even twist a needle (in fact, they control a person’s hand). But when strong rakshas (archangels, seraphim or demons) come to the conversation, the needle spins like a propeller.

A person is never alone, the fact is that prana is secreted in the brain of every person - a substance that spirits feed on and use as a means of mutual settlement. That’s why angels and demons are busy collecting this prana, but they have plenty of free time, so I’m sure they’ll chat with you with great pleasure. The main task of the angels is for you to enjoy life, in which case the prana will taste sweet. After all, if you praise a cow and stroke her udder, then the milk will taste better (humor joke).

Some comrades think: “Well, now I’ll find out from the angels the winning code in the lotto or lottery and make a lot of money!” Don’t even get your hopes up, first of all, angels and demons are just former and future people, they cannot look into the future and do not know winning combinations. Angels can't look into lottery ticket and choose the winning one.

Spirits are energetic beings; they see letters on a monitor or TV screen, but not on paper (unless the paint is radioactive). If you persuade them to fly to some address, then nothing will come of it either, because they are not able to read the name of the street. In general, when communicating with spirits, you should be guided by the rule: “Don’t believe, don’t be afraid, don’t ask.” Perfume promises a lot, but in most cases it is wishful thinking.

In short, do not delude yourself that by making contact with spirits you will become omnipotent, but I promise you that you will look at the world with different eyes. And most importantly, don’t be afraid of anything. As a rule, angels are your friends and relatives from past life. For example, at birth I had 4 angels: sister Mikelia, half-sister Anna, second wife Famelia and squire Sheridan (I was a knight in Norway). Subsequently, I had a fight with the angel Anna and she left me, Mikelia was born (received a body) in India, Famelia was born in Siberia, and Sheridan was taken to carry out an important government task. Now, I have completely different angels (not my relatives), but I am now a completely different person, not the one I was before.

Everything that I described is called spiritualism, from the word spirit - spirit, and the priests have an extremely negative attitude towards this. But they can be understood, because any church positions itself as a mediator between the world of people and spirits. And if all people begin to communicate with angels directly, then priests will lose their livelihood. Therefore, do not pay any attention to their angry grumbling.
I wrote in more detail on this and many other topics in the book “Asurraveda”. If you have any questions, write to my email, I promise to answer everyone to the most tricky questions.
Good luck in communicating with your angels!

Wildred Holdsgoth


I'm wondering if it's normal to see ghosts in reality?

No matter how strange it may sound, I have been seeing spirits for a whole year after I turned 14. The spirit of a short girl always appeared to me and looked at me through the mirror. Every evening after six, I see her.

After a lot of time, I got used to it and started communicating with her, because it seems to me that this girl is somehow connected with our house or maybe with this mirror, I don’t know.

She always followed me around, trying to tell me something, but when I tried to get in touch with her, I got a lot of pain in my forehead.

In our house, the mirror is placed so that when, for example, you stand in the kitchen, you can see the bookshelves, where she likes to stand. I told my mom, she tried to understand me and advised me to stay away or not pay attention, just for my own protection. But I didn’t think that this spirit posed a danger to me.

I became a little fearless after my uncle took me to a clairvoyant. I was about ten years old then, I don’t remember exactly.

I was very afraid of earthquakes; I developed this fear after a strong thunderstorm hit our balcony and broke the glass. After that, even a little shaking made me paranoid to the point of tears. But now I'm no longer afraid, and it makes me stronger.

Just recently I wanted to cut my wrists because of personal problems in my family and myself. I was stopped by the spirit of my grandfather, whom I saw in reality. My grandfather's spirit is my guardian angel. I also believe that I have and always have had unkind guardians (black ones). As for the girl, it remains a mystery to me who she is. I hope you will answer whether this is normal for my age and what the consequences will be.

Thank you very much in advance.

Hello Milena!

First you need to try to find out about this girl and the mirror. Perhaps it’s not so much about the mirror as it is about the house itself in which your family lives. The restless soul of a girl may seek help from you.

In general, we never see spirits or entities without good reason, i.e. they never appear just like that. Even if you have a certain sensitivity in this regard, phenomena do not just happen. Everything has causes and consequences. But you're on the right way, since you think that the spirits of your family are protecting you. This is the strongest connection and greatest protection.

However, the desire you mentioned to cut your wrists suggests that the manifestations of spirits are justified. Either your very desire was caused by the influence of a certain entity, or vice versa - both the spirit of the girl and the spirit of your grandfather protect and warn you.

In any case, since you already have experience communicating with a clairvoyant, you can contact her again. There is a possibility that when you were freed from fear, a certain line was crossed and your current fearlessness is unnatural for your essence and the spirits are showing you that there is something terrible in the world.

Try to understand yourself, consult with your mother, perhaps visit the clairvoyant again together. Light a candle for grandpa and say a prayer. Our family is always with us. Be blessed and good luck!

Advice from people who have already seen ghosts

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Krasnoyarsk has everything. And it’s hard to disagree with this. We have ancient houses built in the century before last, we have the mighty Yenisei River, the water of which is recognized as one of the best and cleanest in the world. There are entertainment centers and its own colony, several hundred fountains and roads congested with traffic. There is a piece of St. Petersburg ("St. Petersburg Bridge"), there is a piece of Egypt ( Museum of Local Lore) and there is a piece of Manhattan (“skyscraper” on Strelka). There is even, if you want, a piece of any relatively large city- for the monument to Lenin on Revolution Square, or rather its doubles, are scattered throughout all Russian cities. And we also have ghosts in our city. And there are many of them. With the help of Krasnoyarsk resident, eniologist Yuri Svetlogorov (eniology is a science that studies paranormal phenomena), we have compiled a guide to the most favorite haunts of ghosts in our city.

The city center is teeming with restless souls

Yuri Svetlogorov conducted his own research of the city regarding the “population density” of its spirits and ghosts. According to his calculations, residents are most likely to encounter a ghost. historical center cities.

The site on Strelka, Mira, Marx and Lenin streets stand on an ancient burial ground,” said Yuri Svetlogorov. - Dozens of ghosts roam here! Souls are drawn to bodies, because not all people were buried and inveterate in the church; the deaths of some of them were terrible.

Yuri Svetlogorov's research is confirmed "materially". When, several years ago, the construction of a residential building began on Marx Street, next to the BKZ, excavator workers almost lifted entire skeletons from the ground. Archaeologists suspended construction and began excavations. Then they found the remains of ancient animals, human skeletons, and shards that once served as utensils for the ancient Krasnoyarsk residents. However, then they were called differently.

“I really sympathize with the residents of houses in this area,” shared Yuri Svetogorov. - People who have apartments on Marx and Mira often contact me. They say that strange things happen in their apartments: lights turn on and off on their own, electrical wiring sparks, voices and the sound of footsteps are heard in their houses.

Of course, one can assume that people who notice such poltergeists in apartments have simply, to put it mildly, watched horror movies. If not for one “but”: such phenomena happen too often.

For the fourth year in a row, the ghost has been observed by patients of the military hospital, which stands next to Gorky Park. Every night at exactly midnight, heavy footsteps and groans are heard in the building. Local doctors believe that it is the spirit of a military man who died in the hospital.

Don't go to the museum at night

Ghosts are not only “registered”, living in one place. There are also those who travel for certain things or items. Most of all they love wax figures.

About two years ago, an exhibition of wax figures was brought to the Officers’ house,” said Yuri Svetlogorov. - So after a couple of days of her work, the guides called me. They say we can’t work, it’s scary. At night there is some kind of hum in the hall. And the worst thing is that something is constantly happening to the figures. Then they change position. Not radical, but noticeable! Every night someone's arm falls off or their head disappears. The figure has one right hand disappeared, the workers dug through everything. And they didn’t find it. I had to drape it with fabric.

According to Svetlogorov, this explains the love of ghosts for various kinds wax figures very simple. People who look at them, without meaning to, call the souls of those people whom the figure represents. Peter the Great, there, or Napoleon. Only instead of these souls, completely different souls fly to the call. And not always kind and good.

Ghost tourists wander around Stolby

Another place where anomalies are happening is the Stolby Nature Reserve. Many visitors have seen strange people. They look like ordinary tourists, but when you try to talk to them+ they disappear, disappear into thin air! I once encountered this phenomenon myself. The videographer and I then jumped on the rocks, trying to find a convenient place to shoot. We were brought into the reserve on journalistic business - rescuers were looking for a tourist who had gotten lost a day ago. A detachment from the Ministry of Emergency Situations set out to look for him, and they invited us along. The operator then injured his leg and walks with a limp. We were quite behind the rescuers. Then we completely lost sight of them. In order not to run in vain, we decided to record a stand-up comedy. I remember standing with a microphone on some rocky “bump,” trying to compose a text. And I jokingly say to the operator: “Imagine, Slava, we’ll start writing, and this tourist will come to us himself!” We laughed. I start writing “stand”, and out of the corner of my eye I see someone coming towards us, behind the operator’s back, facing me. He is elderly, it is clear that his beard is gray. He seems to be walking with a backpack and a stick. Of course, I finish the entire text without blinking an eye - I really didn’t want to “mess up” the take. But there’s already a thought in my head - I need to catch the person and take his comment. It is clear that this is an experienced tourist. I just finished talking and stood with looking smart for two seconds in silence (this is necessary so that the video directors don’t swear later), I look to where this old man was. And there's no one there! He couldn’t go anywhere, we were in a place where everything was clearly visible - next to the “First” “pillar”. I later told this story to my stolbist friends, and they told me that I wasn’t the only one who saw this. They say that he is not even the only one. These are the souls of the stolbists who have found their death in the reserve.

Cursed old house

Probably every Krasnoyarsk resident has seen this building. Gloomy, brick. It stands on Partizan Zheleznyaka Street, with one side facing the outskirts of the Vzletka market.

Crows often circle above this house. Trees come close. The best place for ghosts.

They're swarming! - Yuri Svetlogorov confirms my guess. - The house was built a long time ago, abandoned. People hardly go there. An ideal place for ghosts. There aren't even dogs running around there, mind you. I took his words literally and went to the “damned old house” myself. Taking a couple of friends and a more powerful flashlight for courage.

It’s not easy to get to the building - every now and then you get stuck in last year’s tall grass. We have to go around heaps of garbage. The house stands very strangely - its floor is almost a meter above the ground. To enter the building, you need to climb the slide next to one of its corners, pull yourself up on your hands, and crawl forward.

Having overcome the obstacle, we go up to the second floor, then to the third. They differ little from each other. Such long, long corridors, and on the outside, where the window slots are, small rooms. I don’t know why the house was built, but definitely not for housing. In these “rooms” you can place a table, a chair, and, perhaps, a sofa. Or a bed. More space there's not enough for anything. You know, it's actually scary in the house. No, not even scary - creepy. We wandered around in it for a couple of hours and during this time we did not see a single living soul. But we couldn’t shake the feeling that someone was watching us. This made me feel uneasy.

Several times I heard sounds like footsteps and someone's voices. We look around - no one. The house, I must say, is designed in such a way that it is quite difficult to hide in it - it is see-through. The building has many windows; of course, they are not glazed, nor are there frames. Everything is visible at a glance. But the feeling that someone was following on his heels did not go away.

One of my more determined companions suggested going around the entire house. Its architecture is unusual. When you drive along Partizana Zheleznyaka, it seems like it’s just a brick box. Rectangular house. But that's not true. The house has the shape of the letter “P”, in which the letter “O” is “inscribed”. This is Edgar PO. The latter, by the way, was very fond of all kinds of mysticism. Oh, it’s not for nothing that the house has such architecture.

We went down to the first floor. I admit, my nerves couldn’t stand it. It seemed to me that someone was screaming. This made me scream and rush down to the exit. Who knows what it was. Or someone’s restless soul, or homeless people, or some kind of Satanists. And go figure out who is more dangerous...

But there was no one in the place where the sound came from. No one at all. This made it even more scary. I was about to go to the exit, but my good friends called out. And they showed me the stairs down.

Here I will allow myself a brief digression. I first heard about this house from an old friend. He served here, and after the army he remained in Krasnoyarsk. I liked the city. So he said (I don’t know, maybe he was lying) that this house had seven underground floors, and the building was built almost like a secret laboratory. Another version is that the house was built for the administration, a kind of " White House". And, according to the same friend of mine, on the minus seventh floor the house is connected to another house by an underground passage. The “other” house stands about two hundred meters away, on the opposite side of the road. You have also seen it several times - it has a domed roof. I not a builder, but even with the naked eye you can see that the bricks from which these buildings are made are very similar.

I will not describe everything that we saw in the underground floors, this is the topic of a completely different story. Let me just say that we reached the minus fourth floor. There are much more “ready” rooms there, there are even doors and a ventilation system. But the most surprising thing is that the camera does not want to work in the underground floors. Even the most powerful flash doesn't help. All the photos taken below were overexposed. In general, the place is really strange. Probably, it is in the underground corridors that the most important ghosts sit, who do not like the paparazzi.

Ghosts love old houses

You won’t believe in ghosts if they also love to be photographed. Vadim is an ordinary Krasnoyarsk resident living in a wooden house in the center of Krasnoyarsk. One day he bought a brand new phone with a camera and decided to take pictures of his friend. I took it off at the entrance.

At first, the guy assures, there was nothing in the photo except his friend’s smiling face. When I uploaded the photo to the computer, goosebumps ran down my skin. + Death stood over his friend’s shoulder. A strange figure in a hood. Now Vadim is afraid to walk in his own entrance. And the neighbors told him a completely heartbreaking story. It turns out that many years ago a man died in this very house. He was walking up the stairs, tripped, fell, and hit his head. The doctors could not help - the man died. Neighbors say that they themselves sometimes see a strange shadow in the entrance and hear a strange creaking of the floorboards, as if someone is wandering up the stairs.

Don't complain to the dolls!

A couple of years ago, in an ordinary five-story building in the Student Town, just opposite the Yunnaty stop, a real Chucky (the same one who cut everyone with a small knife in the film) moved in.

“I learned about this story when there were already too many deaths,” sighs Yuri Svetlogorov. - The father gave the young woman a doll. I don’t know what she saw in this doll (the toy depicted, in my opinion, an absolutely ferocious guy with black hair and a black beard). But the fact remains that the woman constantly carried this toy with her and told it about her life. This is how the doll “found out” that her owner was being offended by her husband - he was causing scandals and beating her. A few months later, this woman's husband tragically dies. Everyone decided it was an accident. The woman did not grieve for long and got together with another man. But she had problems with him too. What do you think? Her new boyfriend dies too! Got hit by a car. Someone told the woman to call me. We met. How hard it took me to persuade a woman to burn a doll that was terrible in every sense.

According to Yuri Svetlogorov, a spirit entered the doll and began to “protect” the owner from unwanted people.

Ghosts are man-made

Yuri Svetlogorov finally amazed me with the following observation.

You know, and in lately“man-made” ghosts began to appear more and more often in the city, he said. - There have already been about a dozen similar cases. They are created by people who study at one of the Krasnoyarsk development schools.

I know what kind of organization this is and what it is called, I am familiar with the principles of its work. But I won’t name her, so as not to discredit her. Let me just say that branches of this school exist throughout Russia. People who study in them develop their natural abilities, sometimes bringing them to the completely paranormal. A kind of scientific magic. One of the directions of this school is the creation of entities endowed with intelligence. These creatures are initially created for good purposes. They know how to “spy” for their owner, revealing to him knowledge that is inaccessible in the usual way, and they guard the home. But sometimes these creatures get out of the control of the owner. Then it turns into a big disaster. The entity must eat something, and it eats energy.

The entity can become attached to the person it likes and “suck” him out for a long time. This makes a person sick. They treat him, but he withers before our eyes. He may even die if the impudent entity is not scared away in time.

How to see a ghost. Self-instruction manual

If, after everything you’ve read, you’re not covered in goosebumps the size of a pea, your palms aren’t sweaty or trembling, but, on the contrary, your legs are eager to search for the paranormal, here are some tips for you from people who have already seen ghosts. So how can you see them?

First. To see ghosts (ghosts, phantoms) you need to believe in them. Believe that they exist. It's difficult, but quite possible.

Second. You need to go where they are definitely found (re-read the text and choose the most interesting place).

Third. Walk around this place and look at the world with slightly defocused vision. Researchers paranormal phenomena they claim that ghosts are visible even to ordinary, untrained people if they look with peripheral vision. And my peripheral vision is a little unfocused.

Fourth. You need to constantly train! Here's one exercise. Some clarification is needed here. Ghosts are, essentially, the subtle bodies of people (well, and animals, probably). Same thin body(it’s called ethereal) living people also have it. To see it, you need to lock yourself in a quiet, deserted room in the evening, when it is light twilight. It is very good if this room has plain whitewashed walls (or ceiling). Lie down on the bed or sofa and relax. Extend your arm forward. And look at the center of the palm. But with an unfocused look, as if you are looking through her. After a while, out of the corner of your eye, you will notice that a slight glow appears around your fingers. Now the main thing is to look at this glow without focusing your vision.

A couple of weeks of such exercises, and you will become so good at seeing ghosts that you will begin to say hello to them.

Some people want to see spirits, of course, because they can learn a lot and learn something from them. Naturally, psychics and mediums can contact the dead and communicate with them in every possible way.

But how do you learn to see spirits and what to do for this? You need to train and develop this.

Thus, people with a fairly active third eye are able to see spirits. If it is difficult for a person to imagine any images, then there is no need to worry. Be that as it may, everyone has an inner vision. It usually works well in childhood.

This is why many children see spirits, but, naturally, after telling their parents about it, they do not receive anything worthwhile in return. Of course, not everyone is able to accept such information as something familiar. After all, not every time someone thinks about how to learn to see ghosts and generally devotes time to this.

So how do you see spirits? How to develop this ability? It's not that simple, but it can be done. So there are exercises that help in every way in this matter. The first of them was called “Be here and now.”

A person must carefully study the environment around him and look at every detail. True, in this case, many people have a question, they say, why focus on reality if we're talking about O spiritual world? The fact is that this is the only way to develop this ability. How can you learn to see spirits this way? You just need to get together and try to focus your attention on a specific subject.

After all, most people can easily dive into their own dreams or retreat into the past. So why not use this skill a little differently? To develop this ability, you need to train to see everything that is around, and in detail. This should be done as often as possible in order to quickly develop the abilities of the third eye and make it work for a given situation. How to learn to see ghosts in this way is clear, but are there any other exercises?

Of course, the second method is called “Taking Time to Mark.” Nothing is clear, but we need to figure it out. So, if a person leads a fairly active life and works a busy schedule, then it will be difficult for him to learn to see spirits.

After all, for this you need to devote enough time to concentrate, otherwise it is simply impossible to learn to see ghosts. Therefore, you will have to sacrifice something and try to set aside a few hours. It is worth noting that if a person is not ready to take such a step or still does it without enthusiasm, then nothing will definitely work out. You need to do this consciously and make a lot of effort to make something happen. That, in fact, is all, nothing more is needed. Just a great desire to do all this.

To learn to see spirits is within the power of every person, it is important to follow the two exercises described above. Even if, despite all efforts, nothing works out, you cannot give up. Victory is close, it is important not to give up!