Wax fortune telling lady meaning. Fortune telling with wax figures

You can tell fortunes with wax alone or in a large group. For some, this is simple entertainment, but if you correctly interpret the meaning of the resulting figures, then the veil hiding the future will be lifted. You can also find out the answer to your question. There are many ways to tell fortunes using wax. The most popular is the classic method with candles and water, but other options also give reliable predictions.

Time for fortune telling

The reliability of the result depends on the period chosen for fortune telling. Although you can cast a spell at any time, it is best to do it under New Year, on Christmas or Christmastide. Wax figures are usually considered as a prediction for the whole year, but the use of this method is also suitable for solving complex issues. The time for the procedure should be chosen later; it is advisable to guess closer to midnight with the candles lit and the electricity turned off, so that nothing interferes with the correct fall of the shadows, which are of paramount importance in the prediction.

You should rely only on your own vision when deciphering. You should not show the result to someone before the picture has formed in your head. Outside influences can lead a person astray.

To work you will need:

  • beeswax or candles made from it;
  • small basin or wide plate;
  • holy water (you can also use plain water);
  • matches.

You should not use paraffin candles for casting, but use a lighter to light them or melt the wax. The burning of matches unevenly affects the melting and leaves a corresponding aroma in the air, which is an important attribute of fortune telling. And although paraffin has similar properties with wax, but not suitable for predicting the future. It can be used as entertainment for such fortune telling, but the results obtained do not need to be taken seriously. Only real wax produced by bees can give a correct prediction.

If you find real ones wax candles If it didn’t work, it’s better to make them yourself.

To do this, you need to buy wax at a pharmacy or in stores selling beekeeping products. Purchase wicks from craft departments. Melt the wax in a metal bowl over a fire and pour it onto a previously prepared thick cloth in the shape of a rectangle 10-15 cm long, 2-3 cm wide. As soon as the product cools a little and becomes plastic, you need to place the wick in the middle of the rectangle along the length, the size of the wick should be 1 cm longer forms. Then you should carefully roll the candle, making sure that the wick remains in the middle. The joint must be scorched with a match so that it melts and closes into an even seam.

When all the necessary attributes are ready, you can begin fortune telling. Most convenient way everyone chooses for themselves.

Classic way

You need to pour holy water into the prepared container, light a candle and tilt it over the surface of the water so that drops of wax fall freely onto the surface. The tilt angle must be kept in the region of 40-45 degrees relative to the plane.

When half of the candle burns out, you need to blow out the fire and take the resulting figure out of the water, carefully examine it from all sides. The first association that comes to mind is what needs to be interpreted.


If you don’t have a ready-made candle, you can cast wax using the following method:

  • A small piece of wax corresponding to its volume is placed in a tablespoon.
  • A plate of holy water is placed in front of the fortuneteller.
  • You need to hold the spoon over the flame so that the wax melts.
  • The melted mass should be poured onto the surface of the water.

The interpretation of the resulting figure is carried out in the same way as with the classical method of fortune telling.

Wax and its shadow

This method allows you to get the most full interpretation result. Holy water is not used in this case.

You need to take a flat plate, two large candles and one small one, sit at the table opposite a flat wall. Large candles are placed to the right and left of the plate in candlesticks or stacks. When they are lit, you should light the wick of the small one and drop from it into the center of the plate a sufficient amount of wax to firmly set it in the resulting puddle.

While it is burning, you need to observe its flame and mentally ask a question of interest. The fortune telling process can take from half an hour to 1-2 hours, but the result is worth the time spent.

When the candle on the plate burns completely and the wax hardens, you can begin the interpretation. The resulting figure predicts the near future, and the answer to the question of interest will be reflected in the shadow on the wall. To do this, you need to carefully separate the figure from the bottom of the plate, take it in right hand. The shadow displayed on the wall will be the answer to asked question.

Interpretation of the figures seen

People's imagination is limitless, because in the resulting figures you can even see the faces of loved ones and acquaintances, symbols or inscriptions. If during the process of fortune telling a person asks a certain question, then intuition will definitely tell you how to interpret the resulting image. When fortune telling for the future, it is customary to use classical meanings. A person can see many different shapes, but it is believed that one needs to decipher what he sees using 12 main symbols that can be displayed.

Figure Wax Shadow
Angel A harbinger of change for the better, all things will go well. The time has come to profit from the work done. You need to be more attentive to yourself, only self-organization and control will contribute to the fulfillment of desires; without personal efforts, the results of the work are unlikely to satisfy the fortuneteller The answer is positive, luck will accompany the fortuneteller in everything, but you need to strictly manage the process and take the initiative. The desired will come true, but the form of execution may differ significantly from the expected result
Pancake or even circle This sign is related to love and family relations. It shows the cool attitude of the chosen one towards the fortuneteller. Don't count on serious relationship with your lover in the coming year. This is a time of stagnation and movement in a circle, no successful or negative changes are expected The wish is unlikely to come true. This sign often appears as an answer to the question of marriage if it is not destined for in the near future. Don't be upset when you see a pancake. This is how the universe takes the fortuneteller away from the wrong person
Tree or rabbit The tree seen shows the presence of enormous strength in a person. The fortuneteller will be able to achieve great success for short time, but this will require some effort. With great desire and hard work, everything will turn out well. If, when turned over, the figure resembles a rabbit, the symbol indicates the need to defend one’s point of view. The sign warns of the fortuneteller’s shyness, which must be combated The meaning is interpreted depending on the direction of the tree branches or the rabbit's ears. Downward ones mean a negative answer to the question, near sorrows and sorrows, and upward ones predict happiness and good luck
House Such a figure promises family happiness and prosperity for the coming year. True and simple joys await man. For those who do not have their own home, this sign predicts their acquisition. If you plan to buy a house, then this period is the best to implement your plans The sign predicts an imminent celebration. If the wish concerned a wedding, it means it will take place soon. In relation to other matters, the house promises good luck and happiness, prosperity and contentment in everything, true friends
Star Symbol of happiness and prosperity. Such a sign can rarely be seen in cast figures, but if the drops of wax formed into a five-pointed star, the fortuneteller can only envy. All affairs and undertakings will work out in the best possible way. Nothing can darken the life of a person who received this symbol as a result of fortune telling Such a shadow does not provide a clear answer to the question asked. The star predicts a quick acquaintance with the other half, but the fortuneteller needs to be very careful not to miss this moment. The sign is considered a positive sign, but indicates to a person about many options for the development of events. The choice of the appropriate path depends only on the fortuneteller himself
Snake or curved stripe The cast snake symbolizes the wisdom and strength of the fortuneteller, but also warns of the danger that threatens him. This sign shows an enemy lurking somewhere nearby. A person needs to be very careful in communication; he should not trust anyone with his secrets and plans in order to exclude the possibility negative impact from the outside Not a good sign. This picture does not bode well; the answer to the question asked is negative. You need to behave very carefully with people. The snake indicates that a traitor or an evil rival is lurking in the fortuneteller’s surroundings
Ring or circle with a hole in the center This sign speaks of an imminent wedding for a single person, but for family people the ring symbolizes vicious circle. Don't be upset if things are bad now. In this case, healers advise breaking the ring and melting the wax again, and then pouring it out the window. The symbol is a positive answer to the question of marriage or marriage, but if a person was interested in the outcome of some matter, then one should not count on luck, only hard work will help solve pressing problems
Cross An evil symbol. The cross means the death of a loved one in the coming year The sign of the cross seen in the shadow gives a negative answer to the question asked. This is a sign of future failures and illnesses; the fortuneteller should be patient and prepare for the worst outcome in all matters
Shell or cave One of the most undesirable signs. If a shell (cave) is cast, you need to firmly face failures. The coming year promises to be difficult and sad. This symbol brings troubles, insults and separations, but those who endure all the tests will definitely be rewarded The cave (shell) reflected on the wall symbolizes the collapse of hopes. The wish will not come true, so you should not put effort into making it come true. Anyone who sees this sign should cool down their ardor and take a passive position in all matters. Any initiative will only lead to negative consequences, so no need to tempt fate. The fortuneteller needs to spend the near future rethinking life values, and not direct energy to obtaining material benefits
Horseshoe or semicircle This symbol of good luck in a wax image promises complete luck in all matters and endeavors. There is no need to put plans aside, because the most successful period for achievements has come. Fate puts real magic into the hands of the fortuneteller. Whatever a person undertakes in the coming year will work out in the best way, so you need to use this chance. It is advisable to keep the cast horseshoe and carry it with you as a talisman. To prevent it from breaking, you need to wrap it in thick foil in several layers and not part with it for the next year, and then hang it over front door horns up. This situation means full cup, so the fortuneteller’s house will be filled with happiness and prosperity An arc resembling a horseshoe symbolizes the fulfillment of all desires. This sign portends good luck and wealth, and also brings happiness and love to a person’s destiny. Away with doubts and indecision, the fortuneteller needs to immediately begin to carry out all the planned tasks, because the dreamed horseshoe indicates their positive outcome
Candle A figure resembling a candle indicates a person’s dreaminess. This symbol does not promise drastic changes in life, but those who receive such a sign should think about their idle lifestyle, become more serious and reasonable The dream will not come true. The candle in this case means an unfavorable outcome in business caused by an accident. Unexpected troubles will occur in the life of a fortuneteller, so it is worth seriously preparing for them so that a sudden blow of fate does not knock a person out of the usual rhythm of life
Egg Such a figure symbolizes beneficial beginnings and the birth of something new in life. This sign indicates a successful combination of circumstances. For married women, this symbol predicts imminent pregnancy. If the birth of a child is not planned, then you should be very careful about the process of contraception. The reflection of an egg in the shadows on the wall gives a positive answer to the fortuneteller’s question. The sign symbolizes the emergence of new ideas and a favorable outcome in their implementation. Therefore, you should not be afraid of failures, everything will work out in the best way.

Fortune telling with wax is one of the ancient Slavic traditions. Yuletide and Epiphany fortune telling couldn't do without this action. In every village and every estate there were women who mastered the art of interpreting cast figurines and wax. Most often, women who were not very busy with physical labor were able to tell fortunes with beeswax.

In this topic:

For example, housekeepers, nannies, housekeepers. Naturally, girls from the master's family were, as a rule, promised bright prospects. But the maids and other representatives of the maidens were most often given truthful predictions without embellishment.

Main stages of fortune telling

The tradition of telling fortunes with beeswax has survived to this day. To prepare for such fortune telling, you need to purchase candles of a certain color. For love divination - red, gilded - for questions about finances, green - for questions about health. The wax you need is not artificial, but natural, beeswax. Also prepare a wide plate or bowl white. Water is poured into it. You can place a mirror on the bottom, then you can immediately examine the figure from both sides. About an hour before fortune telling, the candle must be lit so that a sufficient amount of material is collected.

When the bowl of water is placed on the table, ask exciting question, sometimes they read the spell and begin to gradually pour or drip wax into the water. When all the wax has been poured out, they begin to interpret the resulting figures.

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How to understand the meaning of figures?

In order to guess in this way, you need to have a rich imagination. It will have to be used to its full potential in order to effectively tell fortunes with beeswax, see the shapes of the resulting wax figures in the water and give them the correct explanation. Some meanings are given below, but there can be many more forms.

  • numbers, letters are symbols of some names or dates, they have an exclusively individual meaning, everyone must interpret them in accordance with their life circumstances;
  • lines - there is an important matter;
  • dots – financial wealth;
  • circle – lack of development, walking in a circle;
  • arch - new circumstances, change of life format;
  • angel - higher powers will take care of your affairs;
  • worm, caterpillar - we need to take care of loved ones, now is not the time for superficial behavior;
  • dragon - to achieve the goal you will have to gather all your strength;
  • hedgehog - you should be softer, build softer relationships with people;
  • woman - in fortune telling with beeswax can be a symbol of a friend or rival;
  • man - fortune telling promises a friend or a new partner;
  • child - new project or the appearance of a real baby;
  • legs - for movement, for the road;
  • cat - betrayal;
  • spider - the cunning of people;
  • chicken - everything is fine in the family;
  • chicken - a small matter with insignificant results;
  • fish - everything is good in life;
  • a dog is an old or new faithful friend;
  • elephant - wisdom;
  • Leo is a sign of strength and self-confidence;
  • duck - take advantage of luck, the smile of fortune;
  • tower - wedding;
  • fan - divorce, if the question is about work - dismissal;
  • dress - upcoming celebration;
  • mushroom - something unexpected;
  • home - changes for the better, moving is possible;
  • book - sorrows;
  • cross - trouble;
  • ladder - career growth;
  • ball - fortune telling with beeswax suggests that you are walking in circles, fixated on one thing;
  • knife - conflict;
  • horseshoe - good luck;
  • glasses - fortune telling with beeswax advises looking at the situation from a different angle;
  • flower - dreams will come true;
  • an egg is something new.

Fortune telling on wax is not difficult, but not everyone can interpret the figures. In this case, you can tell fortunes with beeswax online. Fortune telling posted on the Internet outwardly imitates the burning of a candle, dripping wax looks like the real thing, and then comprehensive interpretations are given.

Figures and symbols cast from wax can warn against committing rash acts and fatal mistakes, and making impulsive decisions. Fortune telling using candle wax predicts the future and warns of impending danger. To start casting a spell, you need to light a wax candle and wait a few hours, allowing it to melt. You need to pour the wax into a bowl of purified water. room temperature and wait a few minutes.

Interpretation of symbols

For correct interpretation symbols and wax images, you should carefully look at the resulting drawing and connect associative thinking.

Decoding fortune telling on wax - people, body parts and mythical creatures:

  1. 1. A man without a head is a reckless act, a hasty decision, frivolity.
  2. 2. A man without legs - this image symbolizes a weak and weak-willed person, lazy and lacking initiative.
  3. 3. A person runs - an unexpected turn of events, dramatic life changes.
  4. 4. Boxer is a sign of struggle and life confrontation, insurmountable obstacles on the way to your goals.
  5. 5. Eyebrows - you should look at the problem from a different angle, and the solution will come by itself.
  6. 6. Bust - not taking care of your parents, neglecting dear people and not paying them due attention.
  7. 7. Witch - see you soon with an influential lady who is wise, cunning and calculating, one should be wary of this woman, since she has magical abilities.
  8. 8. Horseman - symbolizes inner power and unshakable character, confidence in own strength and success in any endeavor.
  9. 9. Eye - you should not give in to momentary desires and temptations. Decisions must be made based on common sense and a sober assessment of the situation, and not in a fit of overwhelming emotions.
  10. 10. A gnome is the right moment to prepare pleasant surprises for your chosen one.
  11. 11. Head - if the image of a human head is clear and without flaws - a symbol of self-knowledge, spiritual and intellectual development. Defects, irregularities and breaks - mental anxieties, internal anxiety and emotional breakdowns. The head can also warn of the threat of a traumatic brain injury that will be received as a result of a car accident.
  12. 12. Lips are a symbol of sensuality and passion. The designation of lips for lonely people is the need for affection and love, thirst intimate relationships and sexual contact with prolonged foreplay. For a married woman, such an image means satisfaction with her personal life and sexual pleasure.
  13. 13. Grandfather - stop waiting for a miracle, you need to take your destiny into account own hands and act decisively, without relying on the help of relatives and patronage higher powers.
  14. 14. Girl - symbolizes spontaneity and carelessness, a frivolous attitude towards her lover.
  15. 15. A girl in a dress is a symbol of popularity and success among representatives of the stronger half of humanity, the appearance of a secret admirer.
  16. 16. Gin - unexpected help from a stranger.
  17. 17. Dinosaur - a loved one wants to achieve the fortuneteller’s favor in any way; he is stubborn and persistent.
  18. 18. Porcupine - you should change the environment or change your type of activity. A person needs new impressions and emotions, he needs to try something new and unusual.
  19. 19. Dragon - symbolizes brave and strong personality, capable of achieving brilliant success in her career, without sparing those around her and using dishonest methods.
  20. 20. Unicorn - the secrets of the world will be revealed to the fortuneteller in the near future, a person will learn the meaning of life.
  21. 21. Firebird - the beloved is uninitiated and naive, hopes for a miracle and is in no hurry to act.
  22. 22. Alien - if this symbol appears during fortune telling a certain person- misunderstanding, illusory thinking, eccentricity and unpredictability of this person, non-standard behavior.
  23. 23. The king is the patron of the opposite sex, a strong and stately man who will ensure financial stability and prosperity for business.
  24. 24. Queen - the appearance of a female patron, a powerful and influential lady who will help carry out her plans.
  25. 25. Fist - endurance, fortitude and friendly support, making collective decisions and joint responsibility for them.
  26. 26. The face is a sign of trust, love and openness. A person is devoid of falsehood and hypocrisy, he is honest with his loved ones and with himself.
  27. 27. Monster - manifestation dark side a person, his negative qualities, the need for good rest and moral relaxation.
  28. 28. Nose - excessive curiosity will end badly for a fortuneteller.
  29. 29. Pirate - exciting adventures and exciting events await you soon.
  30. 30. Hands or hand - symbolizes a strong friendly connection and support of loved ones.
  31. 31. Fisherman - help from a wise and influential mentor, a valuable recommendation from a loved one.
  32. 32. Heart - distinct - large and pure love, deformed - feelings will be non-reciprocal and will cause a lot of mental suffering and heartache.
  33. 33. Damn - planned actions will have serious consequences, so you should not commit evil and take revenge on your offenders.
  34. 34. Female genital organ - diseases of the reproductive system, an unpleasant incident.
  35. 35. Male genital organ - love adventures, short-term intimate relationship, strong passion and lust.
  36. 36. Embryo - pregnancy, the appearance of offspring, happy motherhood and easy childbirth.

Unfavorable symbols are: skull, coffin, raven, cross, rope, cage. Such images promise a serious illness, betrayal, deep disappointment, tragic events And emotional turmoil.

Material prosperity and large monetary profits are foreshadowed by a chest, a spider and a sack. A crown, clover, flower, and horseshoe promise happiness and luck.

Decoding animals and figures

The meaning of figures and animals:

  • The circle is the logical conclusion of an important matter, new stage in a relationship or professional activity.
  • Square - calm and stability, confidence in the future and one’s own strengths.
  • Points - the emergence of a stable source of income, a smart investment cash.
  • Triangle - apex at the top - a pleasant meeting, bright emotions. If the top of the figure is directed downward, the loss of something valuable and a series of unpleasant events.
  • Shark - serious troubles at work, demotion or dismissal due to an ill-wisher.
  • The cat is a sign of poverty, meanness and hypocrisy. A fortuneteller will soon be deeply disappointed in the people from his inner circle.
  • The whale is a symbol of reliability and strong support, the emergence of a reliable business partner.
  • Leo - the fortuneteller is authoritative and influential, has high ambitions and craves power.
  • Horse - life changes positive character.
  • Fox - entrepreneurship and ingenuity will help you achieve career growth and general recognition.
  • Penguin - excessive emotionality and temper will cause a huge family scandal.
  • Skat - you should show endurance and patience.
  • A dog is a sign of devoted friendship and family well-being.
  • Goldfish- with open mouth - great joy, wish fulfillment and unexpected surprise. With caviar - conceiving a child, pregnancy.

If you managed to see in hardened wax chick, then good news related to close relatives or a lover awaits ahead.

Candles have special magical properties, which, naturally, could not go unnoticed. Even in Rus', fortune telling with wax and water was popular, which was most often carried out on Christmas Eve in the period from Christmas Eve to Epiphany.

The wax was melted and poured into a vessel (glass) with cold water, where he formed bizarre figures. Previously, if they promised something bad, our ancestors took them out in the morning and threw them directly with the vessel to the pigs. If there were no such animals on the farm, the wax was buried in the ground. But the figures, which are good signs, on the contrary, they were taken out of the water and saved until the next fortune telling session.

Since ancient times, the “technology” of predicting the future using wax has remained virtually unchanged. It can only be noted that if paraffin candles are taken, it is worth using a vessel larger size(a basin, for example). In addition, wax should be deposited in a circle around the edges. If you do this in the center, the wax will begin to settle on the paraffin that has already accumulated on the water and will form a mass from which it will be difficult to determine anything.

Experienced fortune tellers advise choosing multi-colored candles to make it easier to see the outline of the resulting figure against the background of a light bowl. In addition, you need to ask your question in advance. The color of the candle used depends on the nature of the question. For love relationship red will do or a pink candle, for questions about health - green. Financial issues It is better to solve using a gold-plated candle. With this approach, the meaning of wax figures in fortune telling will be as accurate as possible.

It is very important to look at the candle flame during fortune telling. The flame will tell you something about the mood of fortune telling:

  • A candle that was lit quickly and without problems and that burns wonderfully is a good sign.
  • A candle that hisses, sparks, or makes other noises could mean you are receiving a very important message.
  • A candle that lights up very slowly and burns very “sluggishly” is not a good sign.
  • A candle that does not light means that you should stop guessing and reschedule this event for another day.

Anyone can try to predict the future with wax. But more complex methods, for example, Tarot cards, are best left to a professional. You can tell everything about your destiny during online consultations. hereditary witch and tarot reader Elena Anael. A prediction about your personal life will give you the answer to what your destiny is, whether your personal life will work out, why there is emptiness and loneliness, how to remove it. Elena will answer when your man will appear and which one. After a Tarot consultation, you will understand what is going on with you, what to expect in the future, and how to change your life.

To make an appointment with tarot reader Elena Anael, write to her website on the Internet https://www.facebook.com/iElenaTarot https://vk.com/elenaanael or Viber ‎+201551013670

Fortune telling on wax: interpretation of figures

After the wax has fallen into the water and hardened, you need to carefully examine its shape and determine which specific object it is closest to. It is very important to give free rein to your imagination. The wax figurine can be viewed directly in the bowl or taken out of the water and examined from different angles.

Wax fortune telling: dog

The dog symbolizes faithful comrade, which is near you. This result of fortune telling suggests that you also know how to make friends and highly value friendly relations. You yourself always strive to help your loved ones, so in any situation you can safely count on support. The wax dog acts as a hint: it’s time to recruit a team (if you haven’t done so yet) - together you can solve many problems and achieve incredible results.

The figure of a dog standing on its hind legs means that some to a loved one your help is needed.

Wax fortune telling: fish

Having seen such a figure, you can safely prepare for good news, one way or another connected with water. In addition, after such fortune telling, meeting foreigners becomes more likely. Silent and mysterious fish also speaks of the presence or imminent appearance in your life of a slightly mysterious, taciturn and wise advisor or mentor. Even if it is not easy, it is still worth listening to his words and recommendations.

Wax divination: heart

The wax heart, of course, speaks of love. It is love that will occupy your thoughts in the near future, and no other problems will be able to bother you anymore. With almost one hundred percent probability we can say that your feelings will not go unnoticed and unrequited.

The shape of a cast heart can additionally tell a lot about love. A favorable sign predicting happy love, can be considered a distinct heart shape with sharp boundaries. If the heart is veined, the shape is unclear or consists of several parts - this is not a good, alarming sign, warning of possible danger.

Wax fortune telling: elephant

The wax figure of an elephant has several meanings. This symbol means that you strong man having a significant supply of vital energy. You walk with a firm and confident step along the right path, but you cannot help but notice the people around you, otherwise luck may turn away from you. This sign also shows that there are well-wishers behind your back, that is, people who are always ready to help and support, shifting some of your responsibilities and problems onto their shoulders. In addition, a wax elephant indicates your excellent physical fitness and at the same time warns that intense and excessive loads are unacceptable and can cause harm, depriving you of all your former opportunities.

In a word, the elephant symbolizes strength, perseverance and confidence in the correctness of the chosen methods to achieve the goal. To avoid collapse, you should exercise prudence and avoid using your exceptional power to harm others.

Wax fortune telling: flower

If during fortune telling you saw a wax flower, this indicates the beginning of an extremely favorable period in your life, filled with a series of joyful events. Everything you have planned will certainly come true. The people around you will rejoice at your success, and you will definitely share a piece of your luck with everyone.

The flower also suggests that you may get married or meet a new and very reliable partner.

Flowers are very auspicious sign, symbolizing change for the better, success in everything: dreams come true, sometimes even exorbitant ambitions are realized. Regardless of what kind of wax flowers you get during fortune telling, they always tell about your spiritual inescapable joy, which you easily share with the people around you. Flowers also show that you have many friends who are always happy to communicate with you. Flowers are a symbol of your wonderful and happy future.

If a girl does fortune-telling with wax, a rose may appear to her more often than other flowers. This speaks of love that already lives in the heart of the fortuneteller or will appear there in the near future. If you see a wax rose, do not be afraid to open your heart to a new feeling.

Wax divination: tree

A sign that gives hope, indicating that there is enough internal resources to achieve your goals. You are strong in spirit, stand firmly on your feet, are open to the world around you and draw strength from it.

Reliability, stability, strength and fortitude will certainly help in your affairs and in solving emerging problems.

Wax divination: snake

The snake is a symbol that is interpreted in different ways: wisdom, strength, and also a sign of danger. On the one hand, this sign symbolizes wisdom and the ability to find a way out of difficult life situations. On the other hand, the sign of the snake warns of danger, someone’s treachery, the target of which may be your personal relationships. The whole reason is the dangerous and insidious enemies around you.

Wax divination: embryo

The embryo speaks of some planned deeds and the desire to bring them to life. A wax embryo can also mean pregnancy (not necessarily yours), as well as the birth of a new relationship, new job, new friends, new circle communication.

Wax fortune telling: squirrel

Since the squirrel is a thrifty animal, its figure during fortune telling speaks of your love for everything material, as well as your tendency to predict everything and prepare for everything in advance so that difficulties do not take you by surprise. Such a habit in life can be very useful, and sometimes even life-saving.

Wax fortune telling: mermaid

The figurine of a mermaid warns of possible deception and temptation. You need to be very careful not to fall into the trap of cunning people.

Wax divination: dagger

Beware of false friends. And also the danger of losing something important due to hostility. Haste, swiftness, attack.