Childbirth is a strong emotional shock.

And then - suddenly - you are no longer pregnant! This huge belly disappeared, where every now and then the knees, shoulders and large round head, which your doctor felt during each examination, made themselves felt. There is no burden that made it difficult to breathe, sleep, or get out of bed in the morning. The heartbeat that you have been listening to for the last 6 months, the light dull tapping, a kind of tickling inside the stomach, strong blows, which made you think about what’s inside - all this and much more is gone, none of this is there anymore, hidden within you.

There are no more worries about childbirth. No heartburn or back pain. You no longer listen to the way your stomach bounces when you sit completely still. All fears dissipated. Pregnancy is over, it's time to meet your baby.

How are you feeling at this most significant moment in your life, at the beginning of your journey to motherhood? Are you feeling hot? Is it getting cold? Shaking with horror? Feeling relieved that the contractions are over? Are you numb (real or figurative) from top to bottom? Are you proud of yourself? Confused? Or everything taken together?

Let me tell you, nothing can prepare you for the moment you say hello to your baby for the first time. Every mother is different, every birth is different. But I am sure of one thing: the birth of a child is a colossal event. It doesn’t matter whether the birth took a long time or not, whether it was natural or through a caesarean section, who was with you at the time and where you gave birth. Feelings overwhelm you, as they should with such a great change in your life.

You feel like a mother for the first time, you see, touch and hold your child for the first time. A newborn, fresh from the warm, moist womb, is now in its mother's arms - as if in a new womb, its home for the next few months. But you, a mother who has just given birth, will face a test - you will see a slippery little creature with a wrinkled face that was inside you a few moments ago. "Oh baby! My baby!" - exclaims a mother who has just given birth. She sees, touches the baby, inhales his smell and understands: there is a child, her own.

The first concern of a new mother is to psychologically and emotionally transition from pregnancy to motherhood. For nine months you carried this life, securely hidden until time in your body; it was both close and unfamiliar to you. And now the child is here, everyone can see him, your relationship with him is no longer so exclusive. The baby is being examined by a doctor. Nurse weighs it, changes the temperature. The tiny man has already entered the road that leads him to a life independent of you, although he does not know this yet, and you feel that he is still to a large extent a part of you. The child moves his arms, and you think: “Yes, I recognize these movements. You did this when you were inside me. I know you.” Then look at his face and ask the question: "Who are you, baby? Tell me who you are?"

Give yourself time to feel everything and understand. With the hustle and bustle that comes with childbirth, it is easy to become overwhelmed. Now is the time when you should be absorbed in your child. Press him against your skin, let him look into your eyes, help him find your nipple, make him, after an incredibly difficult journey, feel cozy and safe in your arms. Ask your healthcare team to show you how to hold your newborn so he can rest in peace. If your health does not yet allow you to take your baby, insist on at least looking at him, touching him, inhaling the aroma of this little body. If you yourself cannot be near him, make sure that your partner is near him, who would talk to the heir, stroke him, let him be with one of the parents.

You may feel a wave of love for your child wash over you. Experience amazement or awe. Laugh or cry tears of relief. Or just feel exhausted. This is all completely normal. Take it easy. Don't panic if the earth doesn't turn over in the first moments of your motherhood. Complex processes are taking place inside you; it will take several days to understand everything.

Discussions are still ongoing about the “bond during childbirth”; there is an opinion that the mother in labor should be next to the newborn during the first hours, since at this time the child’s further relationship with the parents is formed. Yes, such closeness is necessary. However, being with the baby in the first hour after its birth is not some kind of magic glue that cements these contacts forever. Mutual understanding and interaction with a child is a long process. You will already be connected to him, even if you were not able to be near him in the first hour of life for serious medical reasons or so prescribed by the rules of your hospital.

The very first meeting with your child is important, it will help you feel like a mother, this is equally significant for you and for him. The need to be with the baby cannot be considered as some kind of whim. This is simply part of your intuitive desire to do everything you can for this dear little one. You need to agree with this and treat it with respect.

Everything that you experienced during childbirth also requires respect. Both you yourself and those around you should remember this. Childbirth rarely turns out as expected. As a woman who gave birth seven times (our 8th child is adopted), I can say that there were no two similar situations. As time goes on, as you think back to the birth of your first child, you may think that you should have done some things differently. For example, you are discouraged and feel unhappy because you had to have a caesarean section. You don't like how you were treated. Calm down and treat all this as inevitable complications and difficulties. Don't blame yourself for your actions during childbirth. No one can reason clearly when contractions occur every two minutes and there is no time to rest and collect thoughts. The decisions you made then were for the sake of the child and yourself. Even if you view circumstances differently now than you did then, look at this as an opportunity to learn and move forward (and perhaps prepare for next time), but don't beat yourself up. Your child's mother deserves better.

View the birth process as an important part of your development as a mother. You need to think things through. You want to talk about this event again and again. How long did labor take? What did it feel like? What did those who helped during childbirth say? What exactly happened then? Wise, experienced nurses, midwives and doctors know that the answers to these questions will help you integrate this event into your life story. Those women who already have children know this. So repeat your story, tell it to your partner, share it with your friends, share it with your mother BEFORE you see the photos or videos (you will probably want to look at this). If you don't understand something, ask someone nearby, your partner, sister, doctor or midwife, for an explanation. Childbirth becomes an integral part of your being; from now on, for many years to come, you will be able to reproduce them in every detail. When you have time (do this quickly because newborns sleep a lot in the first few days), write down your impressions. Write poetry! Who, if not you, is a creative person?

Entering motherhood, like any change in life, entails both gains and losses. I will not remind you that your profit is a creature born that you will love and that will love you. The losses are not so obvious. But it's not so easy to forget about the pregnancy left behind. Being in position made you feel something special. Everyone around you cared about you. You treated yourself like a child. Your partner fussed around you, brought food, entertained you. After giving birth, the focus has shifted to the baby, now you must take care. But at the same time, they should not feel unhappy or jealous of those close to him. It just means that you need someone to care about YOU too.

The pregnancy was left behind, and with it the heightened experiences of the one who carried another life under her heart went away. Taking care of your newborn every minute will soon turn you into an experienced mother. I hope that during your pregnancy you have had time to think about the changes that motherhood will bring to both you and your union with your partner. These thoughts can make the first months of life easier for new parents. If you've put off discussing the inevitable problems during the nine months you're expecting, they'll arise in the very weeks after birth. Now that you have a child with you, you will need to resolve them wisely and delicately.

And then - suddenly - you are no longer pregnant. Get ready to meet your little one!

But the “emergency resource” in our body also has its limits. And when it's missing, exhaustion sets in nervous system. The impetus for the ultra-rapid consumption of our vitality can be a constant lack of sleep, sudden strong emotions and shocks, as well as a complex surgical operation or injury.

In general, stress is sometimes even beneficial; it shakes up the body and strengthens it. But prolonged stress, which turns into chronic stress, completely depletes our strength. And sometimes there comes a time when only qualified specialist help can help us return to normal.

Causes of nervous exhaustion

  • overwork due to prolonged work;
  • severe physiological stress, such as childbirth;
  • high level of responsibility;
  • long experiences and stress;
  • surgical operations;
  • various diseases;
  • emotional trauma;
  • increased mental stress.

Symptoms of nervous exhaustion

  • constant fatigue;
  • uncomfortable condition in the stomach or intestines;
  • Hypersthenic stage: the patient experiences irritability and fussiness. He himself understands that something is happening to him, but he cannot cope with it on his own. Often does not control his actions and emotions, provokes quarrels and conflicts. Headache and muscle pain, lack of sleep, insomnia, lethargy and decreased ability to work appear;
  • Stage of irritating weakness: the patient becomes hot-tempered, but quickly subsides. His thoughts are pessimistic and anxious. Headaches are accompanied by heart pain, digestive disorders, allergic reactions, shortness of breath, dizziness;

The effect of nervous exhaustion on the body

  • Immunity. Weakening of the body leads to frequent illnesses; a person is literally open to any viruses;
  • Nervous system. Stress, lack of sleep and psycho-emotional overload provoke the release large quantity“stress hormones”, which are very harmful in large quantities;
  • Heart. Cortisol and other stress hormones have a negative impact on the condition cardiovascular system. A person complains of heart pain, arrhythmia, severe pressure changes;
  • Digestive system. Against the background of nervous exhaustion, cases of stomach ulcers and gastritis are common. Indigestion, weight gain or loss are the consequences of a lack of proper rest.

These were only the physical consequences of exhaustion of the nervous system. In addition, social connections and a person’s quality of life suffer. Fatigue prevents you from working normally and taking care of your family, communicating with loved ones and friends does not bring joy, and a person begins to take out all his irritation on his family. Exhaustion of the nervous system is close to borderline mental states, which without proper treatment leads to the development of mental illness.

Treatment of nervous exhaustion

  • It is necessary to properly organize work and rest time. Since almost every person works to provide for his own life, skillfully organized recreation becomes an important part of life. It is worth avoiding cases that will require unnecessary expenses internal resources without the right to long rest. Of course, hard work will help in building a career, but this same work can play a cruel joke on a person;
  • Healthy and sound sleep. Nothing restores a person's strength like sleep. Night rest should be taken very seriously, because constant lack of sleep leads to the accumulation of fatigue;
  • Sports and proper nutrition. Physical activity They perfectly relieve stress and saturate the human body with pleasant sensations from active movement. Sport is not only an effective treatment for nervous exhaustion, but also its prevention. But sport is nothing without a healthy and regular diet, which will include only natural products;
  • Enthusiasm. Writing, drawing, research, watching movies, reading books, dancing - any hobby should help in the treatment of nervous exhaustion, as it perfectly relieves its symptoms. In addition, the preventive effect will not take long to appear.

Nervous exhaustion, not aggravated by depression, can be cured without much difficulty using the above tips.

Treating nervous exhaustion with medications

A neurologist is the only non-psychiatric specialist who can determine nervous exhaustion. But the neurologist is not able to help solve the patient’s mental problems, so the reasons that led to this state will not be eliminated. Very often, with nervous exhaustion, vegetative-vascular dystonia is diagnosed. Experts prescribe the following medications for nervous exhaustion:

  • Vasodilators help relieve various pains, relieve vascular spasms, and eliminate oxygen starvation in brain cells: betaserc, ginkgo biloba, mexidol, tanakan, etc.;
  • Nootropic substances that maintain brain cells in a normal state are prescribed with caution, because they can increase irritability - these are alzepil, tenoten, pantogram, ceraxon, etc.;
  • B vitamins - riboflavin, thiamine, thiacin - have a beneficial effect on the human nervous system.

Drugs for nervous exhaustion have a very good effect on the body, containing sedatives that can remove the feeling of tension, anxiety, make sleep normal, and improve the quality of rest.

Traditional methods of treating nervous exhaustion

Herbal teas, tinctures and infusions of medicinal plants

1) rosehip infusion, due to its high content of carotene and vitamin C, will effectively boost immunity, and the remaining active components, in particular B vitamins, will provide beneficial influence on the nervous system. For 250 ml of boiling water, take a tablespoon of crushed rose hips, steam for at least 12 hours in a thermos, take as a bite with acacia, St. John's wort or buckwheat honey (a tablespoon) 3-4 times a day for a month;

2) infusion of chamomile, thanks essential oils and a unique combination of biologically active phytonutrients, perfectly tones and calms the nerves. An infusion of chamomile with honey helps with insomnia. Take a teaspoon of dried inflorescences per glass of boiling water and leave under the lid for about minutes. Take as tea, warm, three times a day;

3) a decoction of calamus rhizome is prescribed as a tonic for depression of the central nervous system. Pour 3 teaspoons of crushed root into 400 ml of boiling water and simmer under the lid over low heat for about a quarter of an hour, after straining, take 100 ml three times a day half an hour before meals;

4) extract (tincture) of radiola rosea is prescribed as effective remedy to stimulate the central nervous system, as well as for neurasthenic conditions, weakness, fatigue and decreased performance. Pour 50 grams of crushed dried rhizomes into a dark glass container with 0.5 liters of vodka or medicinal spirit diluted 1:1, seal tightly and leave in a dark, cool place for about 15 days. Take 25 drops 3 times a day, half an hour before meals, with water. For asthenia, the last dose should not be less than 4 hours before bedtime. For patients suffering from hypertension, start taking 5 drops three times a day, gradually increasing the dose to 10 drops (constant blood pressure monitoring).

Consequences of nervous exhaustion

  • Problems with society, a person’s character deteriorates, the emotional assessment of what is happening and the perception of the world around him changes. People become angry, irritated, and communication problems arise. A person withdraws into himself and becomes a recluse;
  • Loss of identity. The attitude towards life in general changes irreversibly, and mental illness may begin. Manic states and obsessive desires and ideas appear. A person’s personality degrades to the point of neglect of personal hygiene.

In order to prevent the occurrence of mental problems, it is necessary to eliminate the cause itself, in this case, to put the nervous system in order. Nervous exhaustion, which is best treated with the help of experienced doctors, may improve if you take our advice.

How to cope with nervous shock

Experiences and frustrations in our lives are sometimes associated with problems in the family, fatigue that cannot be overcome, unfulfilled desires, and various diseases. Any experience can bring a person to a nervous shock.

Consequences and symptoms of nervous shock

Nervous shock can lead to very serious consequences. A person becomes unsociable and angry, aggression and isolation appear. Failure to provide timely assistance will lead to various diseases that can manifest themselves in obsessions, mania, and unhealthy desires.

It is important for the person himself and his loved ones to see the moment when fatigue, irritability, and some depression begin to develop into nervous shock. Firstly, such mental disorders are characterized by increasing intellectual impairment. Memory loss, poor perception of information, disorientation, absent-mindedness - all these are signs that you need to pay attention to. Secondly, depression, strange pain, and insomnia may develop.

It is known that a person himself rarely admits that he has a mental illness. If you nevertheless notice the listed symptoms, the first thing you need to do is consult a psychologist. At the first stage of the disease, a psychologist can still help; with progressive nervous shock, a psychiatrist is needed.

To combat the fatigue that often precedes depression, you need to get plenty of rest and sleep. It is best to choose a holiday on fresh air. For this period, if possible, it is better to leave work, take a vacation, or go to the country. Occupational therapy (meaning physical labor) also helps a lot against increasing nervous shock. If you believe in healing power meditation, take a meditation course. A believer must go to church, pray, and confess.

At depressive states a proven remedy is proper diet, where you can include real chocolate, healing properties which have long been known.

Many herbs can help get rid of nervous shock. Valerian and motherwort are the most famous of them. IN initial period disease, it is enough to take tablets or tincture based on these herbs and very soon you will notice an improvement in your condition.

By the way, psychologists advise not to keep anger and growing aggression within yourself. All negative emotions must find a way out. You can break dishes, cry, scream. Go to the gym, hit a punching bag. After splashing out your emotions, drink strong tea and get a good night's sleep. Sleep will help restore strength and energy and calm the nervous system.

Of course, it is better to avoid stressful situations. But sometimes this is simply impossible. Therefore, carefully monitor your health and the health of those close to you.

Professor Lea Yogev

We use the services of a surrogate mother. I am afraid of the possibility of group conflict.

I am already 30 years old and for 5 recent years My husband and I are trying to have a child.

The doctor discovered a cyst and advised me to take hormones. She completed a course of treatment. To this day, attempts to get pregnant have been unsuccessful.

The replanting took place five days ago. Today my stomach is noticeably swollen. There was no hyperemia during stimulation.

I was prescribed bromocriptine due to elevated prolactin. The doctor assured that pregnancy would occur.

Nervous exhaustion

Various neuroses, neurasthenia, overwork - a scourge modern life. Most people are forced to experience the constant impact of stress, overload, negative emotions, etc. Lack of rest, sleep, tense work activity sooner or later can lead to a condition such as nervous exhaustion, or, in other words, neuro-emotional fatigue.

ICD-10 code

Causes of nervous exhaustion

The human body has its own hidden resources - this is a kind of “reserve” of nutrients, hormonal, immune or microelementary substances that can be used only in case of emergency. Such an extreme situation can arise as a result of severe or prolonged stress, overwork, shock, injury, surgery, or excessive emotional state.

Usually, a state of stress gives a person the opportunity to gather himself, pull himself together and cope with the problem. However, if the hidden supply of resources has already been used up, and stressful state does not stop, nervous exhaustion may occur.

The main immediate cause of exhaustion is overfatigue: physical, moral, emotional, physiological, etc. Such fatigue does not happen overnight - when the nervous system is exhausted, the condition worsens every day, gradually increasing and taking a chronic course. Sooner or later it can develop into depression.


The mechanism of development of the disease is the exhaustion of the body's protective resources. Let's explain this scheme in action.

The nervous system is exhausted. With anxious and tense emotions, the central nervous system sends appropriate signals to the cardiovascular, immune and endocrine systems. For the body, the work of these systems becomes a priority for some time, as a result of which the function of other organs, for example, digestion or the genital area, suffers.

The endocrine system is depleted. Constantly stimulated by stress, endocrine function also malfunctions. The production of hormones occurs with disturbances. As a result, disorders begin in the functioning of the thyroid gland, ovaries, pancreas, and adrenal glands.

The function of the cardiovascular system is impaired. Prolonged stress on the heart and blood vessels causes heart rhythm disturbances, instability of blood pressure and other problems.

The body's defenses are depleted. A prolonged stressful situation leads to paralysis of the immune system, resulting in an exacerbation of chronic diseases and the emergence of new infectious and inflammatory processes - this can be candidiasis, dysbacteriosis, erosive lesions (for example, the cervix), rheumatism, diseases of the joints and muscles, skin pathologies.

Work is disrupted digestive system. The most typical development is dysbiosis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome or chronic enterocolitis.

Symptoms of nervous exhaustion

Nervous exhaustion increases unnoticed and at first looks like ordinary fatigue. However, this condition gradually accumulates and subsequently, unnoticed by the patient, turns into a pathology, which should be treated by a qualified psychotherapy specialist.

A person can notice the first signs of problems with the body himself, simply by listening carefully to himself:

  • constant persistent fatigue;
  • sleep disorders: the patient cannot fall asleep, despite being drowsy during the day;
  • the appearance of an inexplicable feeling of anxiety, pessimism;
  • the appearance of periodically palpable palpitations, imbalance blood pressure;
  • increased sensitivity to external irritating factors (loud sounds, bright light, strong aroma, etc.);
  • frequently recurring headaches;
  • pain in the legs, arms, back (of unknown origin);
  • unreasonable increase in temperature;
  • uncomfortable condition in the stomach or intestines;
  • non-seasonal exacerbation of chronic diseases (tonsillitis, gastritis, sinusitis, etc.).

Symptoms also appear, which are often noticed by the patient’s relatives and friends:

  • the person becomes irritable, he may be irritated both by the environment or the behavior of loved ones, and by himself;
  • a person becomes impatient, he begins to get nervous already in the first minutes of forced waiting;
  • increased sensitivity to foreign aromas, sounds, flashes of light appears;
  • sleep becomes sensitive and anxious, a person often wakes up from nightmares, groans in his sleep, and in the morning does not feel a surge of vigor and energy;
  • even with light exertion, headache and weakness are noted;
  • a person’s character changes – uncertainty appears, self-esteem falls;
  • disturbances occur in the sexual sphere (decreased libido, erectile dysfunction, impotence, etc.);
  • the patient takes on a lot, but cannot complete anything, becomes inattentive, absent-minded, memory and concentration deteriorate;
  • Weight fluctuations may be observed, appetite disappears or increases, and a bad mood is constantly present.

The clinical picture can be divided into three stages:

  • Hypersthenic stage: the patient experiences irritability and fussiness. He himself understands that something is happening to him, but he cannot cope with it on his own. Often does not control his actions and emotions, provokes quarrels and conflicts. Headache and muscle pain, lack of sleep, insomnia, lethargy and decreased ability to work appear.
  • Stage of irritating weakness: the patient becomes hot-tempered, but quickly subsides. His thoughts are pessimistic and anxious. In addition to headaches, heart pain, digestive disorders, allergic reactions, shortness of breath, and dizziness are added.
  • Hyposthenic stage: the patient enters a state of apathy, he is not interested in anything, the mood is indifferent and depressed, close to depression.


  • F48 – other disorders of a neurotic nature.
  • F48.0 – neurasthenic disorder.
  • F48.9 – neurotic disorder, unspecified.

Complications and consequences

After suffering from nervous exhaustion, the patient may experience complications of a social nature, as well as common problems with health.

Appear frequently social problems, because a person’s character and emotional response to what is happening around him changes. Sometimes irritability and dissatisfaction remain. The patient may withdraw into himself and become secretive.

The attitude towards the surrounding world and towards oneself also becomes irreversible, which in the future can cause other mental problems. For example, depression and neurasthenia are two conditions that go side by side with each other. Often this combination is caused by illiterate prescribing medicines, which do not calm down, but stimulate even more nervous activity, which only aggravates irritability, increases headaches and contributes to further exhaustion of the nervous system. This development of symptoms may be associated with attempts at self-medication.

Simultaneous nervous and physical exhaustion most often accompany workaholics - people for whom work comes first. Lack of proper rest, inability to relax, constant thoughts about the work process, and as a result - disruptions in cardiovascular functions, increased blood pressure (up to a hypertensive crisis), chronic migraines, insomnia, and a significant decrease in immunity. A person constantly finds himself in a situation on the verge of a complete breakdown of the body, which can have a truly unpredictable ending.

Constant stress and nervous exhaustion are the realities of our hectic life today: we devote all day to work and professional activity, from morning to evening, performing their duties, communicating with people, entering into conflicts and contradictions. Often in the evening, instead of relaxing and unwinding, we sit down at the computer again (the brain continues to work), or go to a club, where potential relaxation is also questionable - all the same communication with people, loud music, alcohol, the relaxation from which is very deceptive . Gradually and imperceptibly, stress develops into chronic nervous exhaustion, which is difficult to combat - only a qualified psychotherapy specialist can help here. However, unfortunately, not all people in this state are able to realize the need and importance outside help. As a result, severe mental disorders develop, with obsessions, manic psychoses and even personal degradation.

Diagnosis of nervous exhaustion

To make an accurate diagnosis of nervous exhaustion, people usually consult a psychotherapist or psychiatrist. The specialist, as a rule, takes into account not only the presence mental disorder or neurological disorder, but also evaluates the functional state of other body systems. Equal importance is attached to such concepts as differential diagnosis and the sequence of diagnosis.

Laboratory tests are required:

  • general blood test;
  • biochemical blood test;
  • assessment of hormonal levels;
  • microelementary composition of blood;
  • analysis for the use of various medications and narcotic drugs;
  • serological and immunological analysis of the blood picture;
  • detailed urine analysis.

In addition, instrumental diagnostics are carried out using encephalography and electrocardiography.

Consultation with other medical specialists may be necessary:

  • neurologist;
  • chiropractor and reflexologist;
  • endocrinologist;
  • cardiologist;
  • therapist;
  • neurophysiologist;
  • psychologist.

General research may include the following methods:

  • blood and urine tests;
  • pulse assessment, exclusion of hypoxia;
  • assessment of blood pressure indicators;
  • 24-channel ECG;
  • hardware method for examining brain functions;
  • EEG (using evoked potentials and mapping);
  • regular EEG.

Correct and sufficient diagnosis plays a very important role in determining the patient's treatment regimen.

Who should I contact?

Treatment of nervous exhaustion

An integrated approach must be taken to treat the disease. To begin with, it is important to put the following rules into practice:

  • discover and neutralize the cause of exhaustion - eliminate family conflicts, avoid stress and psychological trauma, change jobs or positions, take a vacation, change the environment, etc.;
  • if it is impossible to change jobs, it is necessary to properly reorganize the work and rest regime, in which there should be room for relaxation and active pastime;
  • take measures to stabilize night rest - get up and go to bed at the same time, avoid caffeine and alcohol, as well as overeating (especially at night);
  • try to walk more in the fresh air, relax actively (swim, play outdoor games, etc.);
  • establish regular and nutritious nutrition;
  • establish regular sex life;
  • learn to relax properly - this can be facilitated by light music, meditation, yoga, a warm bath, outdoor recreation, etc.

The correct approach to treatment almost always guarantees a complete recovery for the patient.

Drug therapy is prescribed exclusively by a doctor. The following drugs and medications may be used:

  • Agents that promote vasodilation (Mexidol, Tanakan) are used to relieve spasms during headaches. As a result of taking such drugs, normal blood circulation in the brain is restored, oxygen starvation of cells is eliminated, and recovery is accelerated.
  • Drugs for accelerating metabolic processes in the brain are herbal remedies based on natural ingredients that help restore neurons.
  • Nootropic drugs (nootropil, piracetam, ceraxon, etc.) are prescribed only by a doctor and taken under his strict supervision, as they can stimulate the psyche and aggravate some symptoms.
  • Vitamin complexes (of course, necessary preparations, we will talk about them separately).
  • Sedatives (valerian, motherwort, novopassit, phytosed, etc.) can relieve nervous tension, improve sleep, and calm the nervous system.
  • Antidepressants are prescribed by a doctor if there are symptoms of depression and depressed mood.

The prescription of benzodiazepines, psychoactive drugs, is very common. medicines, inhibiting the central nervous system. Such medications have sleeping pills, sedatives, muscle relaxants and anticonvulsants, and also reduce feelings of anxiety and fear. Among benzodiazepines, the most well-known drugs are Valium, Diazepam, Nozepam, Lorazepam, Chlozepid, Ativan, etc. The dosage and duration of taking such medications is determined by a specialist, since treatment with them can lead to the development of drug dependence.

In addition to traditional treatment, homeopathy is often used recently. The most common homeopathic medicines include Calcaria Phos, Magnesia Phos, Kali Phos, Natrum Mur, Lycopodium, Anacardium, Barita Carb, Zincum Met, Sulfur, Nux Vomica, Selenium, Agnus C.

Vitamins for nervous exhaustion

Vitamins and complex multivitamin preparations at an early stage can fully stabilize a person’s mental and emotional balance. A number of substances are known that have direct influence on the nervous system. These include vitamins B, A, D, E and ascorbic acid.

Vitamin and provitamin A help improve sleep and concentration, inhibit the aging of neurons and other cellular structures, reduce excitability and stabilize appetite. The main sources of carotene and retinol are orange fruits and vegetables, as well as sea buckthorn, cod liver, chicken egg yolk, and butter.

B vitamins are considered specific vitamins for the nervous system, since their action is aimed at strengthening and restoring it. A person who is subject to daily stress and mental overload especially needs these vitamins. Doctors recommend taking a B vitamin complex rather than taking each one separately. The most optimal combination is the complex drug Vitrum Superstress - it contains all the necessary elements to maintain and restore the health of the nervous system.

  • Vitamin B1 (thiamine) is a natural antidepressant that helps restore mental abilities. To replenish thiamine reserves, it is recommended to consume buckwheat, beans, lentils, rice, oatmeal and dairy products.
  • Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) prevents fatigue, headaches, and weakness. Riboflavin is found in sufficient quantities in nuts, dairy products, liver, as well as in the vitamin complex preparation Nutrilight, which is often recommended for children.
  • Vitamin B3 (niacin) increases cerebral circulation, promotes regression of signs of neurological and mental diseases. In foods, niacin is present in mushrooms, legumes, nuts, grains and chicken. This vitamin is included in many tranquilizing drugs intended to eliminate eating disorders and depressive conditions.
  • Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) reduces general arousal and promotes the production of serotonin. Contained in nuts, sea buckthorn berries, seafood, pomegranates. For better absorption of pyridoxine, the presence of ascorbic acid. The most famous complex preparations containing B6 are Magne-B6 and B-complex.
  • Vitamin B9 (folic acid) restores the body's energy potential, improves memory, eliminates anxiety and fear. Contained in broccoli, carrots, liver, as well as in pharmaceutical preparations Complivit, Supradin, Neuromultivit.
  • Vitamin B11 (levocarnitine) strengthens the immune system, stabilizes the function of the muscular, cardiovascular system and brain. Vitamin B11 can be found in fish and meat products, milk, and sprouted wheat grains.
  • Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) prevents damage to nerve fibers, eliminates signs of depression and sclerosis. Included in the multivitamins Duovit, Vitamineral, Polivit.

A good complex preparation that contains most B vitamins is Milgamma - a remedy for improving microcirculation, stabilizing the functioning of the nervous system, and facilitating nerve conduction. The drug is taken 1 tablet per day, or by injection intramuscularly, 2 ml (1 ampoule) once a day. The course of treatment is 30 days.

Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) improves protective forces, resists stress, improves mood, helps with nervous feelings. Vitamin C is included in most complex preparations: Vitrum, Elevit, Alphabet, Multitabs. There is a lot of it in foods: greens, citrus fruits, kiwi, berries, rose hips.

A diet for nervous exhaustion should contain all of the vitamins listed, so it is necessary to diversify the daily menu, first of all, with plant foods, cereals, and seafood. To reduce the load on the nervous system, it is recommended to reduce the overall consumption of simple carbohydrates and fatty foods, as well as salty foods. It is better to replace fresh baked goods with dark varieties of bread and biscuits, and sausages and semi-finished products with lean meat. It is advisable to avoid the consumption of caffeine, alcohol, chocolate, and spicy seasonings. Preference should be given to rose hip drinks, fresh juices, and compotes. Dishes should be prepared from healthy foods: vegetables, dairy products, cereals, legumes, with the addition of vegetable oil.

Traditional treatment for nervous exhaustion

Of course, in advanced cases of nervous diseases, herbal treatment is unlikely to help, but in the early stages and as an additional treatment it can be very useful.

  • An infusion of astragalus herb tones and calms the nervous system. To prepare the infusion, you need to take 1.5 tablespoons of dry raw materials and leave for an hour and a half in 250 ml of boiling water. Take 2 tbsp up to 4 times a day. l. before meals.
  • An infusion of the leaves and rhizomes of the black cap will help with headaches caused by stress. For 500 ml of boiling water you need to take 1 tbsp. raw materials, leave for an hour and a half. You should drink 100 ml up to 4 times a day before meals.
  • It is useful to add borage to salads and ready meals- This is an excellent sedative that relieves nervous overexcitation.
  • An infusion of valerian rhizome is a proven remedy for maintaining nervous balance. Leave for 2 tsp. rhizomes in a thermos with 250 ml of boiling water overnight. Drink 1 tbsp. l. up to 4 times a day before meals, possibly with honey.
  • Knotweed infusion is recommended to be taken to strengthen the nervous system, especially for older people. Insist 1 tbsp. l. raw materials in 500 ml of boiling water for one and a half hours, drink poml up to 4 times a day before meals.
  • An infusion of angelica roots is an effective tonic and sedative that is good for insomnia. For 1 tbsp. l. rhizomes take 500 ml of boiling water and infuse for up to 2 hours, consume 100 ml warm 3 times a day before meals.

Treatment with folk remedies must be combined with diet. It is also very important to eliminate main reason the appearance of nervous exhaustion: avoid stress, do not overwork, establish a sleep and rest schedule.


  • Don’t overwork, think about your health, which is not endless. After work (for example, in the car or at home), try to turn on calm music: sounds of nature, relaxation, lounge collections.
  • Listen to yourself, engage in introspection. Find time to get out into nature every week, meet with friends and not think about work. Remember: all the problems in our lives are far-fetched, we create them ourselves in order to then waste time and health to solve them. But if problems have really accumulated, write them down on paper and solve them sequentially, according to their importance.
  • Don't forget to eat well and rest. Instead of saying “work comes first,” think “health comes first,” and your condition will improve significantly.
  • Try to improve your sleep without using sleeping pills: take a walk at night, give up coffee and strong tea in the second half of the day, don’t watch extreme news and programs before bed, don’t play computer games.
  • Take time physical exercise, walks, come up with a hobby.
  • Take a contrast shower in the morning and a warm bath with soothing herbs in the evening.

If you follow all the tips listed above, then problems with nerves will most likely bypass you. When the diagnosis of nervous system exhaustion has already been made, you are advised to strictly follow all the doctor’s advice and instructions in order to fully recover.

If nervous exhaustion is not treated, the disease itself will not disappear: in the future, the condition will worsen, and depression and other neuropsychiatric disorders may occur.

Medical Expert Editor

Portnov Alexey Alexandrovich

Education: Kyiv National Medical University named after. A.A. Bogomolets, specialty - “General Medicine”

The latest research on the topic Nervous exhaustion

Nutritional supplements containing iron can cure people suffering not only from anemia, but also those who constantly experience unreasonable fatigue.

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Be sure to consult with a qualified specialist so as not to harm your health!

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How to survive a strong shock

When big shocks, crises, misfortunes or, conversely, great victories happen in our lives, we cannot recover from these shocks for a very long time. To forget about them, to let go of these shocks is not in our power. They carry too much energy within themselves. It is completely normal to remember those long-ago experiences, try to comprehend them and learn some lesson from them.
But everything has a statute of limitations, and our shocks are no exception to this universal rule. And this statute of limitations is much shorter than we think. In earlier times, when traditions were strong, statutes of limitations were clearly defined. Holidays, military victories, family celebrations - a certain number of days were assigned for all this. Mourning was also limited. It all made a lot of sense. Restrictions on days of celebration or days of mourning kept a person within certain boundaries and did not allow him to get bogged down in worries.

Exercise “Preparation for the Olympics”

Do you think winning or losing at the Olympics is a big shock?
Of course, standing on the podium, as well as realizing that you lost some fractions of seconds to your opponent, is one of the biggest shocks in life. But no athlete experiences them over and over again. As soon as they run out olympic games, athletes begin to prepare for new competitions.

It makes a lot of sense for you to do the same. After all, it is unknown what fate has in store for you. Yesterday you experienced defeat or loss. And tomorrow, perhaps, an incredible takeoff or a fateful meeting awaits you. Let the dead past bury its dead. Live in the present - this is the only way you can face tomorrow with dignity.

Whenever something happens to you that shakes you to your core, look at it from the perspective of an Olympic athlete. It doesn't matter whether you win or lose. The important thing is that there is a new Olympics ahead. And you need to start training, that is, acting.
Rather, forget about what you experienced and start working on new achievements.

Exercise "Escalator"

This practice will help you forget about past misfortunes, failures or losses. And find the strength to move forward.
It can be done anywhere where you can close your eyes and be silent. Whatever position you are in - sitting, standing or lying down - freeze, close your eyes.
Imagine that you are at the bottom of an escalator going up. Do you know that now you are - ordinary person, with normal abilities. This escalator is the path to new success. When you ride it to the very top, you will find yourself in a special state of consciousness in which superpowers are revealed. Once at the top, you will feel an extraordinary surge of physical and mental strength.
Imagine taking a step and standing on the bottom step of an escalator. It carries you upward towards a source of bright light. This light envelops you, and in the end, you find yourself at the very top, you merge with the source of this light. Feel the soft warmth emanating from the depths of your being.
Take three deep breaths and open your eyes. You have received the necessary energy and now you can accomplish anything!

Exercise “Letting go of guilt”

What to do when guilt prevents you from forgetting the past? If you feel that you have done something wrong in the past and it haunts you, you can do this practice.
Take a piece of paper and at the very top write:
Everything I've done wrong
Next, in a column, write down all the most important mistakes that you would not make today; actions you regret, words you would rather never say. You may not remember everything during one exercise. But this is not required. Write down at least five of your mistakes. This is more than enough for one time. Next time - another five, etc.

Read through this list slowly and carefully. Think about each situation, try to understand the reason that gave rise to this unpleasant event, evaluate how personally guilty you are of what happened. Mentally apologize to everyone you hurt. Including to yourself. Ask yourself for forgiveness and forgive yourself. Think about what you can do to prevent this from happening again in the future.

After you have worked through all the items on your list in this way, you will feel an extraordinary lightness in your soul.
This is a very powerful practice that frees your memory from the burden of past mistakes and helps you accept and love yourself.

Exercise “Impartial Recollection”

We love to remember the past so much because it invariably makes us feel feelings. Sadness, joy, regret, happiness... Memories bring pleasure, and so that they do not interfere with the present, you need to deprive them of emotions.
Perform this exercise in a way that is comfortable for you: standing, sitting, lying down. You can even walk around the room from corner to corner. Or you can go to nature, for example, to the forest. Nobody forbids you to do this exercise while walking along forest paths. All you need is to remember your life without experiencing emotions.
Tell us everything you know about yourself. How you were born, what you played as a child, who you dated in your youth. Any memory will do. The main thing is to remember as if it were not you, but another person completely unfamiliar to you.
To make it easier for you to distance yourself from yourself, do not use the word “I”. Call yourself by name. Then your story will sound dry and will not evoke any emotions. For example, you often remember the time you got lost in the forest because your comrades abandoned you. You experienced such fear and such resentment that it still bothers you. Here's what you can tell about this case:
Peter went with his comrades into the forest. Peter wandered onto a narrow path that led him far into the thicket. His comrades thought that he had returned by a different route and left the forest without him.
As you can see, the story is completely devoid of emotion. Only facts are reported that cannot evoke any feelings.
This story about yourself doesn't have to be long. Try to keep it to 5 minutes. You can set a timer. There is no need to remember all the incidents that worry you at once. Leave something for the rest of the times.
The main thing is to be dispassionate and treat the hero of the story as if he were a complete stranger.

Exercise “Erase the grudge”

This exercise will help you get rid of past grievances, the wounds from which still ache.
Sit comfortably, but in such a way that some tension remains in the muscles. It is best to sit on a flat surface without a back, so that the body forms right angles in places of bending - foot-ankle, knees-hips, legs-torso. Close your eyes.
Take several even, deep breaths into your stomach, without pausing between inhalation and exhalation. Then hold your breath as you exhale and count to 12.
After this, breathe as usual, while imagining that with each breath you are plunging into the past. Rewind the film of your life. Remember what happened today, last night, afternoon, morning; the day before yesterday, on last week, last month, a year ago.
Stop on the day when some offensive incident or conversation occurred. There is no need to remember a conversation from the recent past: it may hurt you too much, you will not be able to cope with your emotions and will only ruin your mood. This conversation should be at least a year old.
Remember your interlocutor, call him by name. Recreate this conversation in the smallest detail. Remember the intonation of your interlocutor, how he constructed phrases, how he convinced you. What did you answer? Try to remember everything as honestly as possible: what you actually said and what you heard in response.
The human psyche is designed in such a way that we tend to interpret words in accordance with our emotions, while the interlocutor meant something completely different. This is why word precision is so important. You may not be able to remember the entire conversation the first time. Remember at least the most offensive phrase, the most hurtful words. Only these must be real words, and not made up by you.
Remember them. Mentally return to today. Imagine that same person told you the same thing today. Now you have a choice: become angry and offended, or respond in some other way. Try to come up with such a reaction, find words that your interlocutor does not expect to hear from you. Only one condition: these words should in no case insult or offend him. Say something very positive. For example, they told you: “I hate you,” and you responded, “I love you.”
As you say these words, look into the eyes of your interlocutor. Despite the fact that all this will happen only in your imagination, if you practice with enough concentration, you will be able to actually transfer the “charge” of the energy of resentment from negative to positive.
Ideally, this exercise should be performed as many times as you remember unpleasant conversations. Of course, this will take more than one day or even one month. But this practice is very important. Thanks to it, you learn to transform the energy of negative emotions without damaging your psyche.
The experience you gain from practicing past conversations will help you when you begin to act in the present.

Exercise “Washing away the past”

Water is an excellent way to cleanse the mind. When taking a bath or shower, we always experience relaxation, detach ourselves from everyday life, and forget about our problems.
Summer holiday Most of us invariably associate with water: the ocean, sea, lake or river. And this is not surprising: immersion in water is literally immersion into another reality. This ability of water can be used to cleanse past grievances.
This exercise will help you use water to clear your mind of all the misunderstandings of your day.
This practice is best done either in the morning, immediately upon waking, or in the evening, before going to bed.
Take a cup or bowl large enough to completely immerse your hands in it. Fill it with cold water. Place the cup on the table, sit comfortably and immerse your hands in the water.
If your hands do not tolerate cold well, lubricate them before exercise. vegetable oil or rich cream.
Close your eyes and start breathing in this rhythm: three short, incomplete breaths - slowly exhale. While exhaling, imagine that all your troubles, problems, sorrows, all the negativity of life goes through your hands into the water.

You can remember current problems, unresolved matters, unpleasant conversations, in a word, about everything that upset you in the last 24 hours. Breathe like this for about 5 minutes, and before finishing the exercise, give yourself the mindset that you just need to immerse your hands in cold water - that’s all. negative memories will dissolve and leave your thoughts.

And when unpleasant thoughts overwhelm you again, all you need to do is put your hands under a stream of cold water.

Exercise “Control feelings”

It happens that some negative feeling makes us remember a previous offense. For example, you were angry with someone for some misdeed or mistake - and then you remembered that this person had caused you a lot of harm in the past. You need to be able to separate the past from the present - otherwise you will find yourself surrounded by people who only bring you harm. Remember that no one is perfect, including you. Everyone can make mistakes and behave differently than others expect from them.
You need to learn to control negative feelings - and then you will stop remembering the past. This is done quite simply.
You need to come up with a gesture - a movement that you will perform every time someone makes you angry. But this gesture should be uncharacteristic for you, but acceptable in the company of other people.
Don't make things up complex movements: You won't remember them. The main thing is simplicity and unusualness. For example, you can take off your watch and put it in your pocket or purse. While unfastening the strap, give yourself a mental attitude: “as soon as I hide the watch, my condition will change.” Try it and you will see that it really works.
You will stop getting annoyed with people, and as a result you will not have any negative memories.

Exercise “Smooth out emotions”

There is such an expression as “smoothing the corners.” This technique helps very well to smooth out sharp corners psyche.

Each person has “buttons”, the “pressing” of which leads to an emotional explosion. These could be people you don’t like, topics in conversation, certain situations, advertising that interrupts your favorite program, that is, everything that causes acute internal rejection and irritation.

These negative emotions greatly darken our lives. And it’s even worse if these situations are repeated day after day. It is impossible to adapt to negative emotions, but with a constant negative background, they are driven inside and become the causes of neuroses. This exercise will help you prevent such “pressing internal buttons.” You will stop overreacting emotionally to acute situations.

Sit comfortably on a backless chair. Close your eyes. Take a few slow, deep breaths (you need to breathe with your stomach).
Imagine one of those situations that makes you angry. Draw a bright, full-color picture, hear with your inner ear the words that especially hurt you, immerse yourself in those circumstances.
As soon as you start to experience negative emotions, start stroking your legs: from the hips to the knees. The strokes should be slow but strong, as if you were driving water away. When you reach your knees, make a motion as if you were shaking off trash.
This garbage is your negativity. Continue stroking until the emotions subside.


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