Donor trees and vampire trees. Donor trees The healing power of trees

The flora is part of living nature. Life force and energy constantly circulates in it. Therefore, there is nothing unusual in the fact that trees on our planet are able to charge a person with energy or take it away, that is, donor trees and vampires surround us everywhere. Their natural qualities can be used to treat diseases, as well as to restore vitality and replenish energy reserves in the body.

Of course, the first thing that comes to mind is that the donor tree is good, but you should stay away from the vampire tree. But not everything is so simple.

When a person is already sick, he needs to get rid of the destructive energy in his energy field, which is contained in abundance during this period. Then vampire trees come to the rescue, as they do an excellent job as cleaners. They literally pull out all the negativity and “dirty” energy clots from the field.

Tree donors list

1. Oak. Its energy helps normalize the cardiovascular system. Helps with irregular heart rhythms (arrhythmias), gives strength, makes the mind clean and enlightened.

2. Maple. Reduces the level of aggression, relaxes, eliminates nervous tension and accumulated fatigue.

3. Spruce. Useful for those who have suffered severe attacks of heart attack and stroke. Just like oak, it treats cardiovascular diseases.

4. Linden. A useful donor tree for people of mental work. Promotes concentration of thoughts, increases concentration, gives inspiration to people of creative professions, fills them with vitality, and restores cheerfulness.

5. Pine.This tall, powerful tree radiates extraordinary warmth and joy, dispels sad thoughts, relieves prolonged depression, and helps to get out of a mental crisis.

6. Willow. Treats all types of colds, as well as arthritis, arthrosis and kidney disease, varicose veins, lowers blood pressure. Improves psycho-emotional state, eliminates irritability.

7. Birch. From the entire list of donor trees, birch is the best assistant in the treatment of female diseases such as mastopathy and uterine fibroids.

8. Sea ​​buckthorn. Endowed with powerful healing powers along with oak and pine. Returns vigor, strength and energy to the body. Dispels melancholy and depressed mood.

9. Chestnut. In folk medicine, the tree has long been known as an excellent healer for polyarthritis. Small pieces of wood are applied to the site of inflammation and secured with a plaster, the disease quickly recedes.

Vampire trees list

1. Poplar.Useful for gastrointestinal diseases in the inflammation stage, migraines and joint pain.

2. Aspen. Of all the vampire trees, aspen is the most famous. Only the lazy have never heard of the aspen stake from horror stories. You should contact aspen only in the morning before noon and when you need to stop a strong inflammatory process and pain. Ten minutes of communication with the energy of the tree is the maximum that you can allow yourself without consequences in the form of: general weakness, nausea and loss of strength. Aspen is no worse than bodyaga for treating bruises and hematomas on the body.

How to determine which tree is a donor and which is a vampire

Energy donor trees include: linden, pine, maple, birch, spruce, oak and others. The most common vampires are alder, aspen and poplar.

Pay attention to trees with straight trunks that stand alone from others. Such single trees are constantly exposed to sunlight, and their roots do not intertwine with the roots of other trees. These are the most energetically strong green donors or vampires.

The surest way.You can find out whether a tree gives the donor energy or takes it away like a vampire using an ordinary piece of foil. You need to come close to its trunk, place your palm a few centimeters from the trunk with the back side up, put foil on it and run the nail of your other hand along it. If the foil reaches towards the trunk, it is a donor; if it sticks to the hand, it is a vampire.

Another easy way. Press your back against the trunk and stand there for a few minutes. You feel a surge of strength and vigor - this tree is a healer. If you feel weak, slightly nauseous and have a headache, you are a vampire.

Very rarely, but it still happens when a tree changes its donor properties to a vampire. This happens when it grows in areas that are unfavorable from an energy point of view, such as geological faults and other natural anomalies. As a rule, such a tree is distinguished by an unusual shape of the trunk and branches; they can be intricately bent or twisted. They are not suitable for treatment and restoration of vital energy.

How to get energy from a tree correctly

In order for the energy intake to be effective, you must lean against the tree correctly.

  • Stand so that your back and the back of your head are tightly adjacent to the trunk, place your feet shoulder-width apart, and place your palms on the lower back, one on top of the other (but not in a lock), it turns out something like a vicious circle.
  • If your heart or stomach hurts, you can stand facing the trunk, touching it with your chest and stomach, your hands should also be on your lower back in the manner described above. Stay like this for three to five minutes.

In nature, everything is harmonious and balanced, all trees - those that give energy and those that take it away - are useful, the main thing is to understand how they affect a person and use their power correctly.

Solitaire trees (that is, those that grow alone) have the strongest energy. People can feel the energy that comes from such plants at a distance of up to 2 meters from them. There are donor trees and consumer trees.

Bioenergetics specialists advise finding a suitable plant and recovering with its help. You can try approaching different trees and listening to your feelings. When you feel light in your soul, your mood improves - this means that a green friend is right for you. The plant must be of the correct shape and in a healthy condition. Pay attention to the foliage - it should not be eaten by various pests, also take a closer look at the trunk. If it has layers or formations, then it is better to choose another plant.

Donor trees

Green friends that have a significant amount of bioenergy and have the ability to quickly restore it are called donor trees. Such plants enable a person to use their amazing capabilities, but for this they must obtain their consent.

It is believed that such “donors” need to be approached from the south. First, you need to touch them with your forehead, then hug them with your palms at head level, then press your whole body against the tree. The north side acts differently - it removes excess energy and relieves stress. In this case, you need to stand with your back to the trunk, hugging it with your hands, which are lowered down. After such “recharging”, do not waste energy, do not fuss.

It is believed that the greatest bioenergy has oak. This plant symbolizes significant vitality and wisdom. The tree gives a charge of energy for a long time and helps everyone: creative people, scientists.

The next plant that is special for Russian people is birch. This tree prefers sincere people. It makes contact best with the fair sex and children; it can comfort and please them. It is better to contact her at dawn. Such a plant can relieve fatigue and remove negativity from stress; it can restore harmony in the soul. And the birch tree that grows near the house will drive away bad dreams.

A tree with energy that makes a person smart is linden. Communication with her brings joy and has a great influence on children. Contact with linden should be in the afternoon, in the summer. It is important that the weather is warm and dry.

It can help people, especially those who live in cities. rowan. She helps everyone without exception. But it patronizes the beautiful half of the population most of all: the rowan tree has the power to awaken their dormant sexuality. Suitable for contact during the period of flowering and formation of berries.

The next plant ash, has strong energy. He is very good at helping people related to art or sports. The best time for contact is after noon, before sunset. He has the power to help a person understand his purpose. Also, in some cases, it can awaken the talent for clairvoyance and help to know the future. However, the ash tree is ready to help only those who sincerely want knowledge.

Another plant maple, is energy neutral. It absorbs a variety of negative emotions and does not demand anything in response. Maple is suitable for people with various diseases and is considered the best remedy for combating stress. But it is important to approach it without evil thoughts, without negative emotions towards your neighbors. If your body is exhausted, then you need to approach the tree from the north.

Coniferous trees are energetically strong

For example, pine can bring a person’s biofield back to normal. It is believed that the most powerful pine trees- these are those that grow separately on sunny slopes. This tree improves immunity and helps cope with depression. The plant is best suited for men. It will help you make an important decision. But communication will be beneficial only after noon.

A tree with special energy is cedar. It gives a feeling of fulfillment to lonely and frustrated people. The optimal time for contact is evening, before sunset.

Spruce also has significant energy, however, it is quite specific. Wood charges creativity and inspires. The plant can be compared to music that captivates a person. In addition, the spruce symbolizes the holiday. The most suitable time for communication is from 22 to 1 am. The Christmas tree is a source of joy and success.

Energy is great for weak people who get sick often fir. It has a positive effect on children and older people.

Bring to a state of peace and find peace of mind with the power of energy larches.

Quite energetically strong is also juniper. He is able to restore. You can contact him at any time.

Energy consuming trees

These trees greatly help people. They absorb both positive and negative energy. These plants help cleanse energy channels, thereby reducing stress levels and eliminating various diseases. This means that donor trees can improve both mental and physical well-being.

When “communicating” with a tree, you should not vividly visualize the process of drawing out all the negativity and cleansing energy channels, since in this case there is a risk of loss of energy and the onset of a worse state. You just need to be aware that you are influenced by consumer trees. But it is not advisable to be near such a plant for more than 20 minutes.

At the end of communication with the tree, it is imperative to replenish bioenergy resources in some way. When there is a donor tree nearby, you can use its help, and when not, try rhythmic breathing, for example. Otherwise, get ready to feel worse.

Aspen. You need to be sincere with this tree. You should trust the aspen and then in return you will receive a cure for headaches and the removal of damage. You can contact the plant using the diseased part of your body. If you lean it against a tree, the pain should stop. A good time to communicate with aspen is the second half of the day, in cool weather.

In second place in terms of energy consumption is poplar. It is active around the clock and has a positive effect on the nervous system.

Pay attention to how insignificant many troubles become after contact with willow She is indifferent to the problems of good and evil. Willow belongs only to nature and is subject to the laws of balance and justice. An excellent time to contact her is the evening, period, before sunset. Willow is great for children and older people.

Another consumer (even though during the flowering period it becomes a donor tree) is chestnut. He copes with internal unrest. The right time for communication is early morning, around sunrise.

Don't forget about the beneficial properties of plants. Therefore, every leaf or branch we damage is harm that we cause to our friend.

If there is not enough bioenergy inside a person, he needs to go to a forest or park area and start communicating with a suitable tree, greet it and tell it about your problems. You need the plant to become a real friend for you. Once you have problems, you can share them with the tree. And it, in turn, will give you its energy.

If you are sick, then you first need to go “visit” a plant that has negative energy, this way you will gain strength and energy. Your mood and well-being will also improve.

Is the tree currently suitable?

In order to understand whether this tree is “yours”, you should choose a plant that you like, rub the foil with your hand and approach it. If she reaches for the tree, this will mean that the plant really suits you, and if the foil sticks to your hand, now is the best time to contact your green friend.

In some cases, it may be that even a suitable plant refuses to share bioenergy. But this can be explained by a lack of it in the tree itself or simply by a lack of desire to share with you due to the fact that such energy does not suit you. The effect on people can be explained by the fact that plants, in addition to absorbing carbon dioxide and producing oxygen, also create bioenergy that people feel near them. Experts have come to the conclusion that there are donor trees and vampire trees. The first to transform negativity into positive energy. Near them, sadness goes away faster, mood improves, and physical pain stops. But trees, which are energy vampires, absorb positive energy. Therefore, next to them you can feel weak or tired. Such plants have a negative impact on the physical condition of people. In addition, headaches may appear near them.

“In the birch forest - have fun,
in the pine tree - to pray to God,
in spruce - at least hang yourself"

This folk wisdom has a deep meaning.

Birch, pine, oak and some other trees are “donors”, replenishing our energy reserves. However, in addition to the “generous and energetic” donor trees, there are “greedy and hungry” vampire trees.

The main thing is not to make a mistake in choosing “your” tree.


Despite its apparent fragility, birch is a very strong and energetically generous tree. At the same time, it acts gently, without pressure, so you can stay under the birch for quite a long time (which cannot be said about other donor trees). Birch has a very good effect on the health of women and children.


If you are weak, tired, apathetic, unwilling or afraid to take any measures to prevent harm or improve your own life, indecision and inertia, turn to hornbeam for help. This tough donor will willingly give you strength to overcome various difficulties and relieve you of fears.


This tree relieves a person of excess negative energy, relieves irritation, treats inflammatory diseases, and gives peace of mind.


Most fruit trees are soft donors. This especially applies to garden crops. But for energy recharge it is better to turn to the wild pear. You can stay under the pear for a long time.


Vigor of spirit and body, clarity of thought and good health comes from communication with one of the strongest donor trees - oak. Oak simultaneously has a calming effect (if a person is fussing and nervous over trifles) and a tonic (if a person does not have enough strength to fight the disease).

But not every person benefits from “oak” energy: gentle people who are not prone to aggression, many women and children, as well as those with low blood pressure, the influence of oak may seem too intense. Cold, cruel, authoritarian people should also not abuse the energy supply of this tree.


With soft spruce paws, spruce takes away all negative emotions from you, calms you down, relieves stress and irritation. Lean the sore spot against the trunk of a spruce tree or apply a spruce cone - the pain will decrease or go away. If you cannot fall asleep for a long time or often wake up from nightmares, stand in the evening for 3-5 minutes under a spruce tree - your sleep will be deep and calm.


Willow is a very powerful vampire tree. She is a female tree, so she is more willing to help women than men. But women also need to turn to it for help at exceptional moments in life: for example, willow, better than any other tree, will soothe the mental pain from the loss of a loved one, and reconcile with reality in the event of a tragedy. Moreover, willow will not only heal emotional wounds, remove resentment, but also instill hope for the future.

But you shouldn’t come to the willow tree to cry about troubles at work, because the willow tree is an emotional tree and in this case it can aggravate your feelings. It is not recommended to stay under the willow for a long time; during difficult periods of life, it is better to visit it every day for 3-8 minutes.


Cedar is a very powerful donor tree. It gives cheerfulness, good mood, strength and determination, and perfectly helps to cope with depression and overwork, including mental fatigue. Strengthens the immune system and gives strength to overcome various infectious diseases.


Maple helps a person get rid of negative energy, but it does not take it away (as vampire trees do), but contributes to its transformation in the person himself, that is, it gives him the strength to transform negative influences into positive ones. At the same time, researchers believe that only the common maple (holly maple) has this feature.


Most often, hazelnut acts as a vampire tree. It neutralizes negative energy, relieves fear, anxiety, and nervousness. But sometimes hazel behaves like a soft donor. Hazel acts selectively - if you feel increased pain, dizziness, weakness, leave immediately and look for another healer.



This coniferous tree turns yellow and sheds its needles in the winter like foliage. Its energetic impact on humans is also dual. When there is an excess of negative energies, it takes them away, like a vampire tree, and when there is a shortage, it feeds the needy, like a donor tree. At the same time, both taking and supplying energy, larch acts gently, without pressure. Therefore, once you establish contact with this amazing tree, you can resort to its help in a variety of life situations and treat diseases of any nature.


Among all the vampire trees, aspen is rightfully considered the strongest. If you have blockages in energy channels, aspen will clear them better than any other tree. Bruises, inflammation, irritation, toothache, insomnia from overexcitation - aspen treats all this.


Rowan belongs to the vampire trees. It acts more gently than poplar and aspen, so under rowan it is especially useful to relieve tension after the hustle and bustle of a working day or take a break from household chores. This tree has a very beneficial effect on those who suffer from neuroses and other mental disorders. Chokeberry also has the same mild calming effect. But the latter can, if necessary, feed calm energy to those who need it. Chokeberry (chokeberry) belongs to the group of vampire donors.


Pine is a type of hard donor. It sends a powerful charge of energy to a person, speeds up metabolism, but not every person needs the energetic impact of such a force. People with a weak heart should not turn to pine for help.


This tree ranks second (after aspen) in removing negative energy. Like aspen, poplar relieves headaches, toothaches, nervous tension, and anxiety. But it should be borne in mind that poplars growing within the city and near roads already bear a heavy burden of processing negative energy. Therefore, it is better to get treatment from poplars that grow far away from the bustle of people.

Bird cherry

Bird cherry belongs to the vampire trees. It helps especially well with various inflammatory diseases, bruises, tumors, and congestion.


This tree, like many other fruit trees, is a soft donor. The action of the apple tree is selective; most of all, it helps women maintain youth and beauty, and gives strength to cope with family and everyday problems.

The energy of a wild apple tree is stronger than that of a garden one, so with serious nervous disorders it is better to contact a forest healer.

Which tree is best for you to contact and receive positive effects from?

Write in the comments and send a photo of that tree or plant. which fills you.

Want to know how to choose a tree based on your zodiac sign, and what kind of vegetation you should stay away from? Do you want, like the Magi and Druids, to learn to understand the “music of the forest” and manage the flora at your own discretion? In this case, Belshazzar invites you to a virtual walk - join us!

Choosing a tree according to your horoscope

Aries. Optimistic and restless Aries can be recommended coniferous species - in particular, spruce or pine. Linden or alder would also be a good choice. Brief tactile contact with the trunk of a linden tree will help replenish the lack of strength. Representatives are suitable for free-standing trees, isolated from the rest of the vegetation.

Taurus. Thoughtful people can use poplar if they need to get rid of accumulated irritation or aggression. This tree has the ability to absorb negative energy. To gain new strength, Taurus women should hug a walnut. Chestnut will help Taurus men recharge their energy.

Twins. If you choose a tree for this zodiac sign, then you need to pay attention to the apple tree and maple. The gentle action of the apple tree helps to preserve youth and beauty, as well as get rid of family troubles. Maple transforms accumulated negative energy into positive creative potential.

Cancer. Representatives of this zodiac sign are recommended to contact alder, elm and willow. If for other people the willow is a vampire tree, then for others it is the best assistant that can heal mental wounds. However, it is better not to make long visits to willow - the optimal contact time is 5..7 minutes.

Lion. Your faithful companion in the world of flora will be elm or cypress. Are you experiencing apathy, headaches, or severe stress? To get rid of unpleasant symptoms, just find one of the listed trees, hug it and stand with your eyes closed for several minutes. Oak can be used for energy replenishment.

Virgo. Alder, plum or hazel are suitable for this zodiac sign. Virgo can also use an apple tree during its fruiting period. In relation to hazel, it behaves like a soft donor, relieving depression, fear and uncertainty. It effectively neutralizes accumulated unfavorable energy.

Scales. Sociable, but a little melancholic people can get nourishment from linden or birch. Despite its apparent fragility, birch is a very strong tree in terms of energy. Even short contact with birch will help you improve your mood and get rid of minor illnesses lurking in the body.

Scorpion. The best friend of the prudent will be hawthorn, pine, chestnut or rose hip. If representatives of this zodiac sign need to get rid of neurosis or accumulated tension, then they should look for rowan. This tree, which has a reputation as a vampire, will come in handy. It will absorb negative energy.

Sagittarius. If your Zodiac sign is , then you can be recommended to have short contact with cedar or hornbeam. Such a simple “ritual” will have a restorative effect on your physical and spiritual strength. Hornbeam will help get rid of weakness, apathy and reluctance to take measures to resolve difficult situations.

Capricorn. The ideal tree for your zodiac sign is fir, birch or beech. To find your “doctor”, you will need to find a separate tree that does not have a lot of vegetation around it. Walk up to it and touch the trunk with your left hand. If you feel warmth, it means that the tree has accepted you and is ready for energy exchange.

Aquarius. Poplar or linden can give strength and help him look at the world with new eyes. The best time for energy metabolism is considered to be late spring. Poplar relieves tension and anxiety. But to find a powerful donor, it is advisable to go to a sparsely populated place.

Fish. Suitable trees for this would be yew, larch, viburnum or honeysuckle. Larch will give you strength in difficult life situations. Honeysuckle gives representatives of the Pisces sign the energy of luck. Yew and viburnum will help to utilize negative energy and have a beneficial effect on well-being.

From the point of view of scientists, about 45% of all people can call oak their ideal tree for charging, another 25% - birch, while the rest need to look for rarer options.

What trees give energy to humans? Among the life-giving objects, energy workers mention cedar, acacia, maple, rowan, linden, larch, hornbeam, yew, beech, ash, and any fruit trees at the time of flowering.

It is a pleasure to feed on the healthy life flow of such plants, but you should not spend too much time with them, because overexcitement and hyperactivity can negatively affect the state of the physical shell.

Usually you can get a boost of energy in about 5 minutes.

Donor trees that give energy to humans


Acacia is a symbol of new life; it gives energy to married couples before conceiving a child. You need to come to the tree together so that it reveals the secrets of motherhood and paternity and helps in the birth of a boy or just a girl.

At the same time, acacia gives not only strength itself, it also gives real desire, awakens an ancient instinct. This tree is a very fresh and vigorous donor.


Birch is considered one of the most capricious, but at the same time kind trees. She gives her soft and calming energy only to people who are positively disposed towards her. Only those who believe in the healing qualities of this plant can feel the gentle power of birch.

Birch is the opposite of oak; it helps with depression and a weakened body.

This tree relieves many ailments, returning the desire for life, reduces suffering, and gives faith in miracles. You can even cry with him. Communication with birch will be especially useful for children, because it will protect them from mistakes, worries and unnecessary troubles.

However, it is worth noting that contact with the tree should be constant and long-term, and not one-time. If, for example, you plant a birch tree near your house, it will get rid of nightmares and drive away evil spirits.

The best time to communicate with such a tree is 5-9 am, but from 3 to 4 am the birch rests.


Beech is an active assistant in the fight against stress. It gives subjects the opportunity to tune in to solving specific problems and concentrate all their attention on the situation.

From a physiological point of view, beech also improves the quality of the circulatory system.


Hornbeam is especially good at supporting energy in people of advanced age. It quickly cleanses old organisms of excess negative layers in the biofield, while promoting the removal of toxins and waste from the body.


Oak is the most energy-intensive donor tree, which transfers incredible powers to a person even with fleeting contact. It symbolizes longevity and life wisdom.

The oak is active from 9 pm to 3 am, and rests from 3 pm to 5 pm.

The oak crown is sometimes scary, but it clears the mind and removes fatigue, especially if you communicate with the tree in the morning. It is believed that oak energy is shared only through a person’s back.

The oak aura is strong and its character is stern, so only a healthy individual will receive maximum energy, but people with chronic diseases, on the contrary, will suffer from thoughts of their own inferiority. This expresses the sharpness and rigidity of the oak, which accepts fighters and warriors as equals.

If a person is in a bad mood or too excited, he should first visit the alder or aspen, and then go to the oak.


Viburnum is similar in energy to acacia, but it has less strength. This is also a feminine tree, with a calming aura. You can hug him, open your soul to him, share your grief.

Communication with viburnum will preserve family happiness for married ladies, and will help single girls find their ideal soul mate.


Maple is a feminine tree, so it happily makes contact with children and the fair sex. Men can also hope for a gift from maple in the form of a creative charge.

The energy of this plant is balanced, very airy and soft. A walk along an alley of such trees refreshes, awakens you to life, and charges you with freshness for several days ahead.

Maple gives calm and endurance to positive individuals, taking away excess negative energy, anger and rage.

For people of the lunar type, the tree is useful because it takes away anxiety, restoring self-confidence. You can share any emotions with such a representative of the flora, because... Maple is incredibly patient and not touchy. True, you should not confess your love by the crown of this tree, because it will make the words unconvincing.

Maple is active from 7-10 o'clock in the morning, and from 4 to 5 it is better not to touch it.


To add soft and warm energy to your own biofield, you need to turn to linden. This is a calm tree that helps cope with depression.

You can come to linden during difficult life situations. With such a plant you can fight chronic fatigue and fears. And the linden tree always stands guard over a happy marriage without betrayal.


Larch gives a clear mind and calms when communicating. She knows how to take away fear and worries. You can contact the tree for only three minutes, and then you just need to lie under the crown.

Larch helps to understand the actions of other people, remove grievances, and get rid of melancholy. This tree is very optimistic.


A fruit tree similar in bioenergy to the apple tree and at the same time to the acacia is the rowan. Its influence extends to women aged (approximately 40 years), with mature views on life and wisdom.

Rowan helps to get rid of frigidity, it shares the real sexual power necessary for physical love.

Many women, after communicating with this tree, become leaders in bed. Like any tree with fruits, it is worth going to the mountain ash at sunset so that it relieves accumulated worries. In case of direct contact, it is enough to press your forehead to the barrel.

Rowan also perfectly protects against evil magic - damage and the evil eye - and cleanses the biofield, but if you stay with it for too long, you can get a nervous breakdown from the abundance of energy.


Yew gives people energy with general strengthening properties. It is also known for making a person's hearing and vision more accurate.


The apple tree is a reflection of feminine charms and sexuality. Communication of the fair sex with this tree always develops sensuality in ladies, but only if the girl is young, insecure and inexperienced. There is no need to talk about high feelings under the shade of an apple tree, because it is turned towards carnal pleasures.

This tree is a real expression of natural call, temptation, devoid of moral principles and reasoning.

Like all fruit representatives of the flora, the apple tree saturates with its energy slowly but efficiently, so under its crown you can even doze or meditate for about 30 minutes.


Ash represents the divine origin of the human race. This tree is called the world axis, it contributes to the development of understanding of one’s place on earth.

When communicating with ash, you can comprehend the secrets of the universe, take your mind beyond the usual, and develop clairvoyance.

It is also useful to meditate under the crown of this tree from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Communication with the donor

It is best to accumulate the energy of the tree not before bed, but in the early evening, when the sun has not yet set. It is recommended to communicate with donors in the summer and early spring, when they bloom and bear fruit.

Contact is usually made in private and only with good intentions. But many experts do not advise leaning against these trees, recommending maintaining a distance of 50 cm. You can even take off your shoes.

If you want to turn to a plant with a request for help, you first need to discard unnecessary thoughts and worries, concentrate on the chosen tree, extend your open palms to the trunk and feel whether the plant hears you, whether it is ready to support you. Contact is determined by the feeling of a slight tingling in the hands, by the oncoming flow of energy.

The Lord’s Prayer usually helps in establishing a connection.

When communication with the tree has already begun, you can relax and imagine how the body is filled with streams of energy running from top to bottom. The waves pulsate and warm the body.

  • It is also necessary to calm your breathing: inhale long, about 8 seconds, then hold the air and exhale for 8 seconds.
  • When breathing becomes rhythmic, you can move on to absorbing energy.
  • The flow of life force from the tree should penetrate during a person’s inhalation and be directed from bottom to top.
  • It is imperative to retain this energy along with the breath in the solar plexus area.
  • As you exhale, the energy rises along the back, chest, and upper limbs. But at the same time it does not reach the head. At such a moment, you need to feel a joyful unity with the tree.

Then it is recommended to consciously ask the plant for healing and cleansing of the aura. Let the tree block possible leaks and make energetic patches on the holes. You can also ask to relieve not only physical, but also mental pain. After five minutes you are allowed to end the conversation.

According to another option for contacting a tree, after a 2-5 minute request for help, which must be mentally pronounced at a distance of 40 cm from the trunk, you can already come closer. You are allowed to lean close to the tree, touch it with your forehead, almost kiss it.

Then you need to relax and visualize the streams of energy that flow into the body with each inhalation. This energy can be silver, heavenly, violet. It first penetrates the hands, then runs along the vertebrae, legs and freezes in the solar plexus. After 3 minutes, the communication session must end.

The understanding that the bioenergy exchange session must be ended must come from within. Usually a person begins to feel dizzy, tingling in the spine and further down the body. It may seem to him that an unknown force is lifting him above the ground. You need to remain in this state for just 3 to 5 minutes, and then a slight push occurs in the cerebellum area, which indicates sufficient filling with energy.

After the session, you must thank the tree from the heart and say goodbye to it, testifying to your respect.