Biography, net worth of Elena Baturina according to Forbes. Business success story of Elena Baturina: how a girl from a working-class family created a billion-dollar business Her own among strangers

Baturina Elena Nikolaevna is one of the richest and most influential women on the planet, a billionaire and the former owner of the empire of the capital's business environment "Inteko", who is its co-founder today, as well as the wife of the ex-mayor of the capital. Today she owns an international hotel chain business.

Childhood and youth

Bright and strong personality, a woman with an iron character, a sharp mind and a strong will, Elena Baturina is far from the heiress of wealthy parents. Her success story is based on leadership qualities, hard work and talent of an entrepreneur. She comes from an ordinary Moscow family, where her mother and father were employees of the Frazer plant. My father is a shop foreman, and my mother worked all her life at a factory machine.


The future businesswoman was born during the celebration of the international women's day, her date of birth is March 8, 1963. Elena Baturina does not indicate her nationality anywhere. Her biography is closely connected with her family; she involves relatives in the business, assuring them that she trusts them limitlessly.

Elena was a sickly child; classmates recalled that in childhood she had problems with her lungs, hence her hatred of smoking and her conscious love of sports - she plays tennis and horse riding, handles a rifle, and enjoys skiing.

Elena is the second child in the family; her older brother is an entrepreneur. They both graduated from the same school, and in terms of receiving higher education Elena did not deviate from her brother’s path - she was enrolled in the evening department of the Institute of Management named after. Along with her studies, in 1980, Elena went to work at the factory where her parents worked.

Career and business

The businesswoman's career began in her youth, as a design technician. By the time Elena decided to change jobs, in 1982, she was already working as a senior design engineer in the department of the chief technologist. When Elena became a research fellow at the Institute of Economic Problems of Integrated Development of Moscow, she was able to transform scientific activity to chair the Union of United Cooperatives, and then became a leading specialist there.

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Entrepreneur Elena Baturina

In the Austrian capital of Vienna, Elena Baturina has a real estate company, Safo GmbH, and the couple also purchased another mansion in the prestigious Döbling district. Elena Baturina retained Russian citizenship, which gives her the right to retire.

In 2016, Baturina became the owner of a number of office buildings in Brooklyn (New York). Together with her husband, they run a concern for breeding thoroughbred horses, and also participate in charity. Under the leadership of Baturina, it has been operating since 2012 charitable foundation BE OPEN. This is a youth project that allows young talents to realize their ideas and talents in architecture, fine arts, literature, science and design. The fund is organized in the UK.

Personal life

Before marriage, the personal life of a billionaire woman is unknown. In 1991, Yuri Luzhkov became her husband. For the sake of Elena, he left a family in which he had two sons growing up.

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Elena Baturina and Yuri Luzhkov

The couple have been married for more than 25 years and celebrated their wedding in 2016, as evidenced by numerous photos. It is noteworthy that Elena honors family values above all and has repeatedly said that family and children are her most precious wealth. In 2010, there were rumors in the media that Elena was divorcing Luzhkov, but this information turned out to be false.

On December 10, 2-19, Yuri Luzhkov died at the age of 84 in one of the Munich clinics. According to journalists, the ex-politician went to Germany to undergo heart surgery. Elena and Yuri have two adult daughters, the first Elena was born in 1992, and a couple of years later the youngest daughter Olga was born. Both girls studied at Moscow State University, but after their father’s resignation they moved with their parents to Britain. They continued to receive their education in London, at the University College.

The younger Olga continued her studies at New York University, where she received a bachelor's degree and later a master's degree in hotel management. The girl’s first project was the opening of the Herbarium bar not far from hotel complex mother, the five-star Grand Tirolia hotel in the Austrian mountains, in Kitzbühel. The place is interesting because, in addition to the standard menu and drinks, they served herbal infusions and cocktails.

Elena, eldest daughter Luzhkov and Baturina, lives and works in Slovakia, where she organized her own company for the production of cosmetics and perfumes Alener. In 2018, Elena Luzhkova became a citizen of Cyprus, where her mother began construction of a residential complex.

Yuri Luzhkov and Elena Baturina / Evgeny Nachitov, Flickr

Baturina names horse riding, skiing, and collecting vintage cars as her favorite activities. Elena Baturina has her own plane, which she considers her best purchase. Owning businesses in different parts light, the business woman manages to control them all personally. Elena Baturina owns a collection of exclusive porcelain. In 2011, the entrepreneur donated some of the exhibits to the Tsaritsino Museum-Reserve.

Unfortunately, after a financial conflict in 2007, Elena stopped communicating with her brother Victor, and relations between the relatives were severed. Brother sued sister for illegal dismissal from the post of vice president and appropriating a stake in Inteko owned by Baturin. And in 2011, Elena sold the company. The new owners were Mikail Shishkhanov, who bought 95% valuable papers, and the Sberbank Investments company.

Elena Baturina now

In April 2018, Elena Baturina made a deal to sell the Grand Tirolia hotel complex, which became an unprofitable enterprise for her. The transaction price was € 45 million. The new owner was an Austrian entrepreneur who will involve an international hotel operator in the rebranding of the hotel.

Fridman's structure declared the right to claim debt from Elena Baturina... the presence of Elena Baturina having a certain debt to Viktor Baturin, contrary to all existing legal decisions of the courts - these are the stages of a raider attack on Mrs. Baturina from the outside...”). In the editorial office of Elena Baturina, the issue of compensation was not resolved at all. What other claims were made against Baturina? The initiator of the criminal case against Baturina, Erenzen Manzheev in... A1 denied the company’s connection with the search for Baturina... Moscow Yuri Luzhkov Elena Baturina. A1 reported this to RBC. “A1 has nothing to do with any order to search for Baturina and is not involved in this case,” a company representative told RBC. Press secretary of Elena Baturina Gennady Terebkov earlier... Manzheeva. He acts as financial manager in the bankruptcy case of Baturina’s brother Viktor. The Kalmykia court has put the richest woman in Russia on the wanted list... The Kalmykia court has put the richest woman in Russia on the wanted list. Why did Elena Baturina find herself involved in a criminal case of libel... by Baturina herself? The ruling of the magistrate will be appealed, Gennady Terebkov, Elena Baturina's press secretary, told RBC. “The judge grossly ignores the presence in court of Elena Baturina’s lawyers Baturina, confirming the powers of her lawyers... Baturina’s representative linked her wanted notice to A1 Friedman... RBC press secretary of Elena Baturina Gennady Terebkov. “The fact that opponents intensified their actions, staged a dirty PR campaign against Elena Baturina at the most tragic time for... slander. The resolution on the search for Baturina is “illegal and will be appealed,” Terebkov said. “The judge grossly ignores the presence in court of Elena Baturina’s lawyers, who had previously participated several times... The court put Baturina on the wanted list for libel... the manager of her brother’s business, RBC learned. Baturina has been put on the wanted list and an obligation to appear has been imposed on her. Elena Baturina is the president of Inteco Management and... RBC press secretary of Elena Baturina Gennady Terebkov. “The judge grossly ignores the presence of Elena Baturina’s lawyers in court, as well as Ms. Baturina’s written statements confirming her powers... Baturina came to the Cathedral of Christ the Savior to bid farewell to Luzhkov... The widow of former Moscow mayor Yuri Luzhkov Elena Baturina and her daughters came to Cathedral of Christ the Savior, where... 10 richest women in Russia 2019 Forbes version Forbes magazine named the richest women in Russia. For the first time, two participants with a billion-dollar fortune were included in the rating: Elena Baturina and Tatyana Bakalchuk. In total, the list included 25 women. Who made it to the top ten - in the RBC review

Business, 26 Sep 2019, 15:07

The richest Russian woman came out of charitable organization London City Hall... in the amount of £138 thousand, which was made by the Elena Baturina Foundation. The richest woman in Russia, president of Inteco Management Elena Baturina, left the post of trustee on the board of the charitable organization... Baturina, whose condition, according to according to Forbes, is $1.2 billion, has not yet followed. The Be Open Foundation told RIA Novosti that Elena Baturina... Luzhkov called Forbes data on the condition of his wife nonsense... Yuri Luzhkov called Forbes data on the condition of his wife Elena Baturina, listed in the ranking of the richest women in Russia, nonsense. This was reported by RIA... Russia. The first place in it was taken by the president of Inteco Management Elena Baturina. The magazine estimated her capital at $1.2 billion. Compared to... Tatyana Bakalchuk with a fortune of $600 million. Elena Rybolovleva took third place, ex-wife billionaire, owner and president of a French football club... We didn’t agree on our personalities: where and why we moved Russian businessmen On June 27, it became known about a criminal case against the founder of the Rolf group, Sergei Petrov. He is abroad and plans to assess how the situation will develop. IN different time Others also changed their place of residence Russian entrepreneurs where and why they moved - in the RBC photo gallery Philip Aleksenko Anna Kim Anastasia Antipova Forbes named the 25 richest women in Russia ... Moscow Elena Baturina, however, six ladies entered the top 25 for the first time in all the years of the ranking Elena remains the richest woman in Russia Baturina, the wife... of his experts, compared to last year, Baturina’s fortune decreased by $100 million over the year, which, however, did not prevent her from remaining... the richest women in the world (1940th place). Despite the decrease in Baturina's capital, the combined wealth of the 25 richest Russian women, according to Forbes, has grown... How entrepreneurs from Russia are settling abroad The wine business of Euroset founder Evgeny Chichvarkin in London became profitable for the first time. The entrepreneur left Russia for London in 2008, where he started trading wine. How he and other Russian businessmen are settling abroad - in a review by RBC Galina Kazakulova Yulia Sapronova Supreme Court refused to recover 33 billion rubles from Russia. according to Baturina’s claim ... The Supreme Court of Russia refused to collect 33.6 billion rubles from Elena Baturina’s company from Russia. for the confiscated... Moscow Mayor Elena Baturina (No. 90 in Russian Forbes list). Interfax reports this with reference to the case materials. Elena Baturina’s defense intends to file a claim with the ECHR, Baturina’s lawyer Valery Eremenko told RBC. “An opportunity to achieve justice... Elena Baturina lost a lawsuit against Glucose’s husband for €74 million... Elena Baturina is considering others possible options compensation for losses incurred by Baturina as a result of participation in a joint project with Alexander Chistyakov, Elena Baturina’s lawyer Michelle Duncan told RBC. “The court found that Chistyakov violated the terms of the contract under which he was Baturina’s partner and did not provide...

Business, 29 March 2017, 13:53

MSU responded to reports of the demolition of the Shuvalovsky and Dominion complexes... the year the Inteko company, then owned by Yuri Luzhkov's wife Elena Baturina, began. In 2011, she sold the company to the BIN group. According to the terms...

Business, 27 March 2017, 17:32

Rosreestr denied demands for the demolition of residential complexes on the territory of Moscow State University ... hectares of land at Moscow State University, the Inteko company belonged to the wife of Yuri Luzhkov, Elena Baturina. However, in 2011, she sold the company to the BIN group. By...

Business, 27 March 2017, 15:00

Inteko responded to reports of the threat of demolition of residential complexes in Moscow ... in 2008, construction began by Inteko CJSC, which then belonged to Elena Baturina, the wife of the former mayor of Moscow Yuri Luzhkov. However, in 2011... The media learned about plans for the construction of a residential complex by Don-Stroy on Baturina's land.... The bulk of the construction will take place on a plot of land that previously belonged to Elena Baturina. The Moscow Urban Planning Commission in December 2016 approved the planning project... at the intersection of Michurinsky Prospekt and st. Lobachevsky, which previously belonged to Elena Baturina and became the subject of proceedings with the Bank of Moscow, Vedomosti writes with... The court rejected the complaint of Baturina’s company against the decision for 33 billion rubles. ... the arbitration court of appeal rejected the complaint of the company CJSC "Territorial Directorate "Setunskaya" Elena Baturina on the refusal to recover 33.6 billion rubles from the Ministry of Finance of Russia... the Ministry of Finance 33.6 billion rubles. In its lawsuit, Baturina’s company demanded compensation for losses for the seized land in Moscow - so... and not confiscated in favor of the state. The Federal Property Management Agency demanded three land plots from Baturina’s company with total area

about 16 hectares in 2010 ... Luzhkov spoke about the talent of Baturina, who topped the Forbes rating ... -Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov said that he was proud of his wife Elena Baturina, who for the fourth year in a row topped the list of the richest women in Russia according to ..., August 26, Forbes published a list of the richest women in Russia, in which Baturina again took first place. According to the magazine, her fortune increased by $100 million over the year and amounted to $1.1 billion. Baturina owned the investment and construction corporation Inteko, which in 2011...

Business, 31 March 2016, 14:22 Baturina achieved the declaration of bankruptcy of a former business partner ... Yuri Luzhkov Elena Baturina was declared bankrupt former top manager

the company “Inteko” founded by Igor Vardanyan, which she founded, follows from the published court materials. Baturina requires... months. The arbitration also ordered Vardanyan to reimburse Baturina for the state fee in the amount of 6 thousand rubles. Elena Baturina, whose net worth is estimated by Forbes at $1...

The Moscow authorities decided to seize 7.4 hectares of land from Baturina’s company ... The Moscow authorities will seize about 7.4 hectares of land in the village of Terehovo in the northern ... territory of the Mnevnikovskaya floodplain from a company affiliated with the structures of Elena Baturina. They are now owned by Reno Immobilienhandels GmbH, controlled by Baturina. In October 2014, it became known about the intention of the authorities... in its lawsuit, Baturina’s company demanded to pay losses for seized land plots in the west of Moscow. According to the Forbes ranking, Elena Baturina is the richest...

Business, 15 March 2016, 21:17

The court refused to recover 33 billion rubles from Russia. according to the claim of Baturina’s company ... The court rejected the claim of Elena Baturina’s company to recover over 33 billion rubles from Russia. The wife's company... the Moscow court rejected the claim of CJSC "Territorial Directorate "Setunskaya", owned by Elena Baturina, for recovery from Russian Federation represented by the Ministry of Finance, about 33 ... amounts to 18.5 billion rubles, said a representative of the plaintiff. However, Baturina’s company believes that the assessment was carried out with violations, the cost...

Business, 25 Feb 2016, 17:47

Luzhkov's wife launched a development project in New York ... Elena Baturina invested $10 million in Moscow. Housing prices in this area are growing by 5-6% per year. The wife of the former mayor of Moscow Elena Baturina ... the acquired buildings are currently used for commercial purposes , however, Baturina’s company is exploring the possibility of changing the category of the land plot, which will make it possible to deploy here... similar projects,” Baturina’s words are quoted in the press service report. In August 2015, Elena Baturina again topped the list of the 500 richest women in Russia, compiled... Luzhkov's brother-in-law left the colony... representative of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia Kristina Belousova. The day before, the Supreme Court of Kalmykia replaced Baturin's prison term with a fine. Instead of serving in a colony... and 10 months, the businessman will have to pay 300 thousand rubles. fine Baturin was convicted in July 2013. According to investigators, in... Baturin said that he signed the bill on the direct orders of his sister - the president of Inteko CJSC, the wife of the former mayor of Moscow Elena Baturina, but the company denied this. Baturin ... Elena Baturina spoke about the conflict with the wife of Dmitry Medvedev ... The wife of the ex-mayor of Moscow Elena Baturina told Forbes about the conflict with the wife of the Russian Prime Minister Svetlana Medvedeva. According to Baturina, she had to give away the Moscow gymnasium she built. The wife of the ex-mayor of Moscow Yuri Luzhkov, Elena Baturina, gave an interview to Forbes Woman... due to “the loss of trust of the President of Russia.” The fortune of his wife, Elena Baturina, Forbes estimates at $1 billion. The magazine put her at the head... Baturina again topped the list of the richest women of Russian Forbes. Elena Baturina for the third time topped the top 50 richest women in Russia by... $1 billion Wife of the former mayor Moscow, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Inteco Management Elena Baturina for the third time topped the list of the 50 richest women in Russia, compiled by... Forbes Woman. Her fortune is estimated at $1 billion. Last year, Baturina also became the richest woman in Russia. Then her condition will also... Baturina will sell abandoned pigsties to Moscow for 90 million rubles. . The city will have to buy buildings from the wife of ex-Moscow mayor Yuri Luzhkov for the construction of the metro... The Moscow government is going to seize two abandoned structures from Elena Baturina's structures non-residential premises in the village of Terehovo of the North-Western administrative... Luzhkov, his former deputy Vladimir Resin canceled the project. A year later, Elena Baturina sold her main business - the development company Inteko - to the co-owner of the BIN group... amounts to 90.8 million rubles, inventory - 3.9 million rubles. Elena Baturina, who has been living in London for several years, takes first place... Elena Baturina topped the ranking of the richest women in Russia... President of Inteco Management, wife of ex-mayor of Moscow Yuri Luzhkov Elena Baturina retained first place compared to 2013 line... ", Olga Belyavtseva with a fortune more than twice that of Baturina - $450 million. The top three richest women in Russia is closed by the general director of the Internet... Alexandra Lutsenko. The group's directors also include Natalia's daughter Elena. CEO Muslim Latypov's Bakhetle LLC borrowed from $315 million... Former bank Elena Baturina was involved in a criminal case... 2010. The Russian land bank belonged to the wife of the former mayor of Moscow Elena Baturina, who sold 98% of the bank's shares shortly after the departure of Yuri Luzhkov... Elena Baturina will invest 10 million euros in solar energy... The wife of the former mayor of Moscow Elena Baturina decided to invest 10 million euros in solar Italian energy and... competitors in the field of green energy. It's about O own funds Baturina, an Inteco representative explained to RBC. Re-Pro investments, like distribution... from the point of view of solving various environmental problems“, Baturina’s words are quoted in the message. The company plans to increase the installed capacity to 135 MW. Now the power... The Ministry of Internal Affairs turned to Austria for help in interrogating Elena Baturina... Elena Baturina as a witness in the case of theft at the Bank of Moscow. How The department reported that this was due to E. Baturina’s systematic failure to appear... she did not receive properly executed summonses. The Ministry of Internal Affairs emphasized that E. Baturina had already been invited three times to testify in this case... the police promised an official invitation for interrogation. in case of E. Baturina’s failure to appear for questioning, take “exhaustive measures” to carry out the necessary investigative actions... Yu. Luzhkov’s wife admitted to giving bribes to officials The wife of ex-Moscow mayor Yuri Luzhkov, businesswoman Elena Baturina, admitted that she had to pay bribes to officials . Investigation Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Tatyana Gerasimova. She recalled that the subpoenas of E. Baturina, who is in the status of a witness, were transmitted through Y. Luzhkov. Previously... "Premier Estate", which is presumably associated with the company E. Baturina. It was previously reported that E. Baturina has repeatedly (February 25, 2011, March 4, 2011, 8 ... the Ministry of Internal Affairs does not insist on interrogating the wife of Yu. Luzhkov ... will force the wife of ex-Moscow mayor Yuri Luzhkov, businesswoman Elena Baturina to testify. This was reported in the investigation department... Tatyana Gerasimova radio station "Echo of Moscow". She recalled that E.'s summons ... a deal to purchase Inteko Group of Companies from the wife of the ex-mayor of Moscow Elena Baturina, the press service of the credit organization reports. The deal was approved by the Federal Antimonopoly Service... and petrochemicals in the capital. However, the clouds began to gather over E. Baturina’s development business (which flourished during the 18 years of her husband’s mayoralty)...

Family friend, billionaire Yuri Gekht tells

- says family friend, billionaire Yuri Gekht

Why aren't criminal cases brought against LUZHKOV? - Vladimir PUTIN was asked at one of the recent press conferences.

It's too early. And why do you think that there is nothing about Luzhkov? - the president answered slyly...

Millions of people are eagerly awaiting the trial of the ex-mayor of Moscow and his cunning wife. And among them, of course, Yuri GEKHT - a friend of his youth and former accomplice of Yuri Mikhailovich, and now his irreconcilable enemy. Hecht was once a member of the Supreme Economic Council under the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation and a major bourgeois. And now he is a simple Israeli pensioner and, in fact, a criminal wanted by Interpol.

On the eve of Elena Nikolaevna’s anniversary (she will turn fifty dollars on March 8), Yuri Hekht was visited in the Promised Land by the special correspondent of Express Gazeta.

I have always defended Luzhkov, - Yuri Georgievich assures. - Even in 1993, when angry deputies wanted to remove him from the post of mayor. The capital was then writhing in dirt and poverty! At a meeting of the Presidium of the Supreme Council, I managed to repel Luzhkov. In fact, he is a strong business executive. The seasoned boor Elena Baturina is to blame for everything that happened to him later. Previous wife - Marina Bashilova, daughter of the first deputy minister chemical industry USSR, - created by Luzhkova. And this matron made Yura the founder of corruption in Russia! For example, I was personally present when Luzhkov bought land in Sochi for next to nothing...

Baturina’s parents worked as machine operators at the Frazer plant, and her father was a real alcoholic. Elena, too, after school, did not go to university, but to the machine tool. Then, only halfheartedly, I graduated from the evening department. I got some training and got into the Moscow City Executive Committee for a “bread and butter” position - the commission on cooperative activities. As Luzhkov said, he went there on some business. We met. Elena was even less attractive than she is now, although she was a quarter of a century younger than him. But she grabbed Yura with an iron grip!

According to Hecht, having come to power, Luzhkov made him his confidant. Out of gratitude to his old friend, he had to grit his teeth and endure communication with his eccentric wife.


Not only was I allowed into the house, but I personally arranged for Baturina to go to the best Moscow maternity hospital named after Grauerman! - Hecht remembers. - Due to her young age, she was terribly afraid of the first birth. A week later, I gave Elena a watch for 300 dollars - then it was a decent amount - as a present for the newborn. Baturina had never tried on such elegant things: she ran around with a watch like a child. In those years there were no stores imported goods, and I often traveled abroad. Baturina's girls were dressed and shoed. I also kept in touch with Luzhkov’s children from a previous marriage. But Elena did not let them on the threshold. Junior Alexander I could still come to my dad’s work, but the eldest Mikhail was afraid. Elena arranged this for her husband! Misha took his father's betrayal seriously. Started drinking. Of course, Luzhkov did not like this. (My son, by the way, worked in the gas industry, and as soon as Luzhkov was removed, he was also asked.)

It was Hecht, according to him, who persuaded Luzhkov to begin competitive investment in capital real estate.

Luzhkov, having become mayor, did not know what to do, says Hecht. - There is no money, there is devastation, but the city needs to be rebuilt. In June 1992, at the height of Gaidar's all-consuming reform, I proposed to him the idea of ​​private investment in construction. Yura doubted: “Who will go? Such a risk! I say: “I am!” And he was the first to take part in a competition to invest in the construction of two prestigious buildings in the capital.

Yuri Gekht proudly calls himself a “hereditary papermaker” - since 1740, his ancestors have been producing paper. During perestroika he was lucky:

The Ministry of Forestry and Pulp and Paper Industry decided to unite the most backward enterprises in the industry that did not feed themselves. And I was appointed general director of Sokolniki Production Association. It also included the Serpukhov paper mill. In 1987, I rented it, and in ’89 the association was privatized. The ministry allowed me, as director, to receive 49 percent of the shares, the rest remained with the team. But then privatization began according to Chubais, and everyone who was not too lazy began buying shares from workers right on the streets. By decision of the general meeting, people did not sell to strangers, but trusted me to buy out the remaining shares. Since then, I have often heard whispers behind my back: “The first Soviet billionaire is coming.” But I couldn’t even touch this money, I never used the dividends - I directed everything towards the development of production. Now the enterprise has been destroyed, more than a thousand people have been laid off. Only one paper mill in Vladimir is operating, and the Serpukhov mill was captured by raiders...


Luzhkov was afraid of his wife like fire, - says Yuri Georgievich. - He pulled me home every Saturday. One day we were sitting with him and Tsereteli. It's almost midnight and he won't let us go. We understand: another scandal is brewing. Elena comes out in a hastily wrapped robe and says: “It’s time to go to bed!” Yuri doesn't react. Then she comes up, takes off her slipper and slaps him on his bald head!

And what did you do at the Queen’s reception in 2004 in London? Tony Blair had just come to power. Everyone has gathered, we are sitting and waiting for Baturina. Yuri is running around, nervous. Finally, Elena enters the hotel with a racket. Luzhkov: “Lena, the queen is waiting for us!” - “Nothing, he’ll wait.” Seven minutes later, Yuri jumps out into the hall in red spots: “We’re going without her!”

In the USA in mall Elena suddenly shouted at Luzhkov so loudly that the entire delegation burned with shame. And in Munich she went to horse farm. There she was given the sperm of one of the best stallions. She immediately hid the priceless flask at the hotel, but when she began to pack her things to leave, she could not find it. City Hall employee Vladimir Lebedev offered to check her suitcase, but she got angry and gave young man a few slaps. In Moscow, after a customs inspection, we decided to see if all the things were in place, and we found a flask with sperm in her suitcase!


Hecht had a serious conflict with Baturina in 2004 in the office of the first deputy mayor, Vladimir Resin, who oversaw the construction.

There I learned: Lena wanted three old residential buildings near the Arbatskaya metro station, which belonged to me. (Now they are owned by Telman Ismailov.) I wanted to build a hotel on this land. I evicted 240 families, talked to each tenant personally - I didn’t receive a single complaint. Invested $23 million in the facility. But after the default, construction could not begin. I understand: there is a formal reason to find fault, Lena will not back down. I agreed to sign an agreement on the transfer of objects, but only on condition of payment of compensation: “Lena, return what you spent!” But she told Resin: “Let his friend Luzhkov compensate him.” I couldn’t resist and hit the table with my fist: “You’re just a village boor!” Luzhkov first tried to help me out. But Baturina stood her ground. As a result, she brought contracts for the purchase of all objects, and the amount of compensation was 50 thousand rubles! Realizing that I would not sign, he and Resin offered me three dilapidated buildings on Arbat: garbage dumps bought by Caucasians that needed to be resettled. Even 150 million dollars would not be enough for me! I came to Resin and said: “Am I now going to resettle all of Moscow at my own expense?” He said that I would not sign the agreement until it was stated in it that the eviction would be carried out at the expense of Moscow. But Luzhkov betrayed me and did not sign.


In 2004, Hecht suffered from severe kidney problems, and he decided to receive treatment in Israel.

And shortly before leaving, three people close to Luzhkov warned that an attempt was being prepared on my life, - says Yuri Georgievich. - The first to call was Vice Mayor Joseph Ordzhonikidze - he oversaw the hotel and gambling business. He started talking about some nonsense. I told him: “Did you call me for this?” Suddenly he gets up from his chair and whispers: “Yura, leave immediately, I beg you!”

Events were not long in coming. First, Hecht had an accident: a truck blocked the way for his car. Hecht and the driver miraculously survived:

Soon I was accused of kidnapping a man, a certain Vladimir Baryshnikov-Kuparenko, who was supposed to deliver German equipment to my factory, but deceived me: the equipment did not arrive on time. I punched this Baryshnikov in the face and threatened to terminate the contract and collect the amount paid to him and damages. This scoundrel saw on my table the magazine “Kompromat.RU”, in the creation of which I participated. IN latest issue described in detail how Baturina received land plots for construction without competition and how funds were transferred through Mosbusinessbank and Bank of Moscow budget resources to finance her ventures. Baryshnikov decided to take advantage of my conflict with Baturina and went to see her with this magazine. Elena immediately bought the entire circulation, and they developed a scheme to eliminate me from the market.

According to Hecht, the operation was supervised former boss Moscow police Colonel General Vladimir Pronin.

Baryshnikov staged his kidnapping, - explains Yuri Georgievich, - allegedly carried out on my order. He imitated an escape from my office, where the kidnappers allegedly locked him for Saturday and Sunday, and he supposedly went into the toilet, climbed out through the window and arrived by taxi to the reception of the mayor of Moscow, and then turned to law enforcement agencies with a statement. On the basis of this nonsense, they arrested the athletes with whom I was seen in the restaurant in the evening after the competition - I supervised sports in Serpukhov. They were made the perpetrators of this pseudo-kidnapping. They gave me eight years. I did my best to get them out. They were released after two years for a huge bribe.

After successful operation After a kidney transplant, Yuri Georgievich gained hope of returning to Russia.

“I’m not hiding,” says the exile. - I correspond with Interpol, but everyone is “looking” for me. I was denied a Russian pension and a Russian international passport, despite court confirmation that I am a Russian citizen. Through Telman Ismailov, Baturina took all my property. I haven’t communicated with Luzhkov since then - it’s useless: he, in fact, became her hostage. But I must return to Russia to prove my innocence. The only thing I ask from President Putin and Prime Minister Medvedev is to give me the opportunity to personally participate in the investigation of the criminal case.

The daughter of Yuri Luzhkov and Elena Baturina, Elena Luzhkova, received Cypriot citizenship.

Daughter of former Moscow mayor Yuri Luzhkov and herself rich woman Russia Elena Baturina - Elena Luzhkova - received Cypriot citizenship. This follows from the data of the British register of legal entities. Previously, a series of publications showed that many wealthy Russians have island passports (Cyprus and Malta). For example, billionaire Oleg Deripaska and Yandex founder Arkady Volozh. These are “golden visas”, which make it easier to travel around the world.

Elena Luzhkova is 25 years old. She lives in the UK. The girl graduated from the University of London, majoring in politics of Eastern European countries. As Yuri Luzhkov recently said, his daughter Elena now works in London “in one of the structures associated with the hotel business.”

Elena is also trying to do business on her own. In 2016, she registered the company Whip Limited. Profile - “other types of business support activities not included in any categories” (registry data). And previously Elena had another company - Claredron education (its profile was no more clear).

The cards of both companies indicate that Elena has Cypriot citizenship.

“I no longer have the Whip company, I recently closed it,” Elena Luzhkova told Life. — She doesn’t plan to do anything, I registered her so that no one would steal her name, but this is no longer relevant to me. The Clarendon Company also did nothing and also registered in order to have the right to use the name. Yes, it is also closed. Regarding business in the future: I don’t want to talk about something ahead of time, so that if it doesn’t work out, then I won’t have to report on it later.

In a conversation with Life, the girl did not deny that she has a Cypriot passport. Confirm and tell details too.

“About the passport, I’m afraid I can’t answer you, it’s personal,” she said.

Elena noted that she goes to Russia on vacation, but spends most of her time in the UK because she works there.

In order to obtain a Cypriot passport, a foreign citizen must invest at least €2 million in real estate in the country or €2.5 million in Cypriot companies or government bonds.

At the same time, give up your home country no need - but you can travel around the world, obtaining visas more easily. This is why this program is called the “golden visa”.

Elena Baturina’s structures invest in Cyprus real estate much more more money than what is needed to obtain citizenship. As reported, in the summer of 2018, she will begin building a residential complex in Limassol (a city in the south of Cyprus). The investment will amount to €40 million. By the way, Baturina herself is listed in the British register of legal entities as a Russian citizen.

In early March, it became known that billionaire Oleg Deripaska also has a Cypriot passport. This was reported by the British newspaper The Guardian and the Center for the Study of Corruption and Organized Crime. It turned out that Deripaska took advantage of the citizenship in exchange for investment program.

In January 2018, RBC reported that hundreds of wealthy Russians had received Maltese citizenship. Among them are the founder and co-owner of Yandex Arkady Volozh and members of his family, the owner of the investment and development company O1 Properties Boris Mints and members of his family.

By the way, younger sister Elena Luzhkova, Olga, also lives abroad. She opened and manages the Herbarium bar near Baturina's Grand Tirolia hotel in Kitzbühel, Switzerland.

He himself spends a lot of time on his farm near Kaliningrad, where he grows buckwheat, wheat, barley and breeds horses and sheep.