About the personal of Alexander Alexandrovich Lazarev. Children and family

On May 7, 2018, the Soviet and Russian actor theater and cinema, employee of the Lenkom theater Alexander Lazarev Jr.

Wedding and life together

At the time of the painting (05/07/88) the bride was a student at Moscow State Institute of Cinematography.

She became a certified translator of children's literature after a year of marriage. Almost 30 years have passed since that time, and the constancy of the spouses’ relationship is similar to the groom’s parents, star actors A. Lazarev and S. Nemolyaeva, who celebrated their 50th anniversary of marriage. Alina was born in the family of Yuri Ayvazyan, a master of sports of the USSR in gymnastics, his wife Natasha Golubeva, is engaged in journalistic activities.

At the beginning of their life together, they huddled in the house of Sasha’s relatives, then with Alina’s mother, but amid conflicts, the couple decided to live separately.

Another challenge for the actor’s wife was the army of fans. With the advent of popularity, representatives of the fair sex showed genuine interest in the new screen star, but he never cheated on his beloved. She always trusted him, and women’s adoration even flattered her. In addition, Lazarev, as a decent family man, always shares what is happening with his wife. Now Alina has refused professional activity

and completely devoted herself to her family, and at one time her income exceeded her husband’s salary, this was very depressing for Alexander. With the birth of his daughter Polina, his wife refused a prestigious position in the largest American company. And 10 years later an unplanned child appeared, the boy was named Sergei.

Alina admits that she had never imagined herself as a housewife before, but the work took a lot of time, to the detriment of the family, so she easily parted with what she loved. The star artist about his wife: “Lina and I support friendly relations . It is important. We never felt the desire to separate or somehow defend our territory. Having lived together for more than 25 years, we are never separated for long, even during vacation. My wife is a strict critic, forgetting about family ties , she undertakes to harshly evaluate the fruits of my creativity. And I appreciate that. This is a kind of whip that allows you to move throughout for long years


As teenagers, the future spouses socialized in the same company, the girl went to a nearby school, and lived not far from her future chosen one. Alina admits that she saw Sasha as an interesting and attractive guy. A bright accent in his appearance was blue sports shoes with yellow inscription famous brand, which by that time was “a novelty.” Lazareva Jr. I was captivated by the fact that with a girl you could always find general theme for conversation, and this communication did not obligate anyone. No girlish grievances or intrigues were noticed behind her. She was very sociable and charming, but feelings arose later, a few years later.

They met at Alexander's house. Alina regarded further events as signs. So she had long been jealous of her friend with the last name Lazareva - she was overcome by an uncontrollable desire to have the same data in her passport. Sasha’s future wife really liked the house in which her chosen one lived; she told her mother in the 5th grade that she would live there. Knocking on the door, young Alexander opened it, dressed in a T-shirt with the inscription “May 15” - this is the day when she celebrates her name day.

Trust has become the determining factor in their relationship; they see each other as reliable and decent people, incapable of betrayal. But they are different. Sasha is a “lark”, Alina is a “night owl”, he is neat and pedantic, she prefers “creative disorder” at home. At first, the husband tried to re-educate his chosen one. This took several years. They quarreled, were offended, and then the man suddenly realized that there was no point in putting pressure on her. Sometimes she will put things in their places so as not to irritate her husband.

Polina Lazareva - successor of the acting dynasty

Born 05/18/90. in a family where acting runs in the blood. In addition, her famous grandmother also grew up among people for whom theater or cinema always came first. Polina never thought about finding a different path.

The rising star differed from her peers in her love of knowledge, which allowed her to graduate from school as an external student. Then she decided to enter RATI - GITIS, where she successfully passed the selection process and studied at the directing department. In 2010, she joined the service of Comrade Mayakovsky, where she shared a dressing room with an eminent relative, Svetlana Nemolyaeva.

She played her first serious role in the play “A Month in the Country” in 2011 (her heroine is Vera). Later Lazareva Jr. dressed in the role of a peasant woman from “A la Russe Peisan” and Zina from “Uncle’s Dreams”.

And she made her film debut at the age of 7, starring in “Starry Night in Kamergersky”. In 2006, the film “Mistakes” appeared before the audience. strong women" and "Dream Park". In 2010, a film with her participation, “Everything is for the Better,” was released, then she starred in episodes of “Collectors.” The girl found herself at the peak of popularity after the film adaptation of the film “Lyuba” and the series “Katya”. In 2015, Polina played S. Korolev’s heiress, Natasha, in “Chief Designer.”

It is known about the celebrity’s private life that she consisted of romantic relationships with actor E. Koreshkov.

From literature, the representative of the acting dynasty chooses classics. She likes to enjoy watching films where the famous grandmother was filmed - according to her, she scrolled almost 200 times “ Love affair at work" She was worried that her classmates and teachers were confident that she would quickly take an honorable place at Lenkom (where her father works) or at T. Mayakovsky (where her grandmother performs). I participated in the acting competition on a general basis.


In the world of cinema, creative couples with many years of experience family life you can count on your fingers. Among them was the Lazarev dynasty - father and son. They stayed away from the temptations that surround actors on film set, premieres, festivals and other events, but remained faithful to their chosen ones.

An exception to the rule or Lazarev's axiom

Ubiquitous journalists repeatedly asked Alexander Lazarev Jr. how he and his father managed to remain happily married for so many years. The artist laughed it off and cited as an example a quote from his parent Lazarev Sr.: “How incurious you are!” Everyone understands in their own way what the famous artist meant.

Alexander, the guru’s son, also remains “incurious” Soviet cinema, which celebrated its 50th anniversary in April. In May 2018, Lazarev will celebrate his pearl wedding with his beloved wife Alina. He met her at the age of 14. The young people lived next door, but studied at different schools. It took them 7 whole years to accept the most important and important decision in life - marriage.

According to Lazarev Jr., it never occurred to him to cheat on his wife. Alina joked more than once: “All your comrades and colleagues have replaced old friends with new ones, and you are hopelessly behind them!” The actor considers this the norm, a family axiom of the Lazarevs.

A worthy example

Alexander grew up in full, happy family, where both parents were famous media personalities. To some extent, they became an example for him, showed what a real a strong family. Marriage is a great, scrupulous work of both partners, built on trust, understanding, support, the ability to listen and give advice. Even criticism needs to be done correctly. Each family decides for itself what rules it lives by, but there must always be a balance and genetics will not help avoid mistakes here.

The key to the success and longevity of the Lazarev Jr. family is the friendly relations of Alexander and Alina. Contrary to all stereotypes and fashion trends, they spend all their free time outside of work together: relaxing in the country, traveling or simply enjoying each other at home.

Alina has become a real critic for her husband, who can gently correct some flaws in her work. Alexander listens to his wife’s advice, calmly and adequately perceives her comments. He is grateful to her for this, because in his profession such support and help are important and valuable.

The Lazarev family went through many trials, but in every situation they supported and believed in each other. At the beginning of her family life, Alina worked as a translator of children's literature, earning many times more than her husband, an aspiring theater artist. However, she knew that the day would come and Alexander would occupy his niche in the world of cinema and become one of the most sought-after actors. And so it happened, only now Alina sits at home, doing housework.

Alina Ayvazyan’s cunning plan to “Become Lazareva”

The story of how Alexander and Alina met began back in 1981. They crossed paths in the same company. Classmates and young people from neighboring yards knew that he was the son famous artists: Svetlana Nemolyaeva and Alexander Lazarev. Therefore, the guy was not deprived of the attention of the girls, each of them saw themselves next to a handsome, well-mannered young man.

Alina's family was simple, her father, Yuri Ayvazyan, was involved in sports, and her mother was a journalist. Their marriage did not last long; their daughter was not 5 years old when they divorced. Already at a conscious age, the girl told her mother that she liked Lazarev Jr. and would certainly marry him. In addition, she had a friend with the same name as Alexandra, this fact made Alina very angry. Because the girl firmly decided that she should have such a surname.

Having matured, the girl began to communicate with the son of famous artists, but she never showed that she was in love. Alexander liked Alina because she was unobtrusive, simple, sociable and very charming. One day she came to visit Lazarev Jr., and he had the inscription “May 15” on his T-shirt. The girl considered this a fateful sign, because the date coincided with her birthday.

The couple dated for about two years. They planned the future: study, career, and then wedding and children. But passion and feelings decided otherwise; the young people legalized their relationship in 1988. So Alina Ayvazyan’s plan or dream came true.

Harmony of generations is the key to understanding

After the wedding, the young family moved to live with Alexander’s parents, where there were quarrels and excesses. Then the newlyweds lived with Alina’s mother for some time. After a year and a half of married life, the girl became pregnant. The first reaction was fear of how this news would be received by the spouse, who had just begun to build a career. Contrary to his fears, Alexander was happy and dispelled all his wife’s worries.

Alina never tires of repeating that she is behind her husband like behind a stone wall. Although he has one small drawback - his pedantry, because of which conflicts arose in the beginning. Alexander loves order, makes sure that everything is in its place, arranged by color and in strict order. In contrast, his wife is the complete opposite, loves creative chaos and does not focus on various little things.

Only after the birth of her daughter Polina, she was able to understand that she should not try to change a person and prove him otherwise. It’s easier to meet your loved one halfway, to find a compromise that will suit both.

When the second child, son Sergei, was born, there were disagreements with experienced grandparents, who criticized the methods of raising children. Lazarev Sr. had a negative attitude towards hardening, in a fit of anger he threatened to deprive parental rights daughter-in-law and son.

Alina’s relationship with Svetlana Nemolyaeva went well from the day they met. The mother-in-law supported the girl in every possible way, which helped her quickly get used to the creative atmosphere that reigned in the Lazarevs’ house.

The biography of Alexander Lazarev Jr. is closely connected with his personal life, of which his beloved wife and children will forever remain an integral part. The marriage of an actor and a philologist may seem incredible at first glance. An eccentric fiery girl who brings chaos everywhere, and an icy pedant, a true adept of order. The Lazarev family is a real example of how real love can unite any opposites.

Alexander Lazarev Jr. decided to follow in the footsteps of his father, so his personal life and biography are closely intertwined with the world of cinema, and children rarely appear in the press. Having started his career in childhood thanks to a talented parent who brought his son to films in which he starred, the young actor later “created himself.” Having developed his talents, Alexander Alexandrovich became famous TV presenter, a popular theater artist and leading actor at the Kinokadry agency.

Born into the family of actors Alexander Lazarev (senior) and Svetlana Nemolyaeva on April 27, 1967 in Moscow, little Sasha with early years proved that he knows how and can act in films. But the child took his first steps towards popularity at the age of 12, taking part in the play “Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk.” Performing the role of Fyodor Lyamin on the stage of the popular theater. V. Mayakovsky, the boy enjoyed collecting his first glimpses of fame, working with outstanding artists from 1979 to 1981.

Then, thanks to his parents, he appeared as a boy in the film-play “The Mystery of Edwin Drood” (1980) based on the novel by Charles Dickens. A year later he starred in the serial detective “Profession – Investigator” (1982), playing Mitya Vekshin.


The parents of Lazarev Jr. were happy to learn that their son decided to continue his stellar career and helped him prepare for the exams. Despite the fame of her mother and father, Sasha had to enroll in drama school on her own. After all, the Moscow Art Theater opened its doors only to talented young people, without paying attention to who their parents were.

When Alexander took part in the competition, he not only managed to prove that he wanted and could play, but also took a course with the famous teacher Ivan Tarkhanov. Under the care of a strict teacher, the aspiring artist had no time for entertainment. He diligently practiced each lesson and learned new roles, striving to improve and develop every day.

But training to become an actor did not become a reason for deferring conscription into the army, where Lazarev was taken at the end of his first year. Therefore, having returned from military service in 1987, he continued his studies, but already on the course of twice State Prize Laureate and strong teacher Alexander Alexandrovich Kalyagin.

During the three years of his student life, the actor starred in two films. He played the role of a patient in court in the drama “The Characters Didn’t Mesh” (1989) and embodied the image of Vidoplyasov in the film-play “The Village of Stepanchikovo and Its Inhabitants” (1989). Then, in parallel with the protection thesis starred in the drama “Sunset”, playing the role of a raider. Immediately after graduating from studio school young artist invited to the Lenkoma Theater (1990).

Interesting! Not wanting to draw attention to his loud and well-known surname, Lazarev chose to take the pseudonym A. Trubetskoy. It was he who was indicated in the credits of every film and performance. And only after receiving a diploma, and with it more prominent leading roles, Alexander transformed into Lazarev Jr.

Despite the fact that the actor from 1980 to 1996 received interesting images in various film projects, fame came to him only after the release of the tragicomedy “Dead Man’s Buddy” (1997). The film, shot with the joint cooperation of Russia, France and Ukraine, brought the artist worldwide fame.

The name of Alexander Lazarev Jr., his biography, which touched upon topics such as personal life and children, filled the front pages of well-known publications. The actor began not only to be recognized on the streets, but also began to be invited to interesting projects professional directors and producers. Currently, the young artist has 87 works in film projects, and most of the roles are major ones.

Fact! Alexander Lazarev Jr. has repeatedly proven to the public that his multifaceted talents and acting qualities were inherited from equally gifted parents. The artist began receiving his first awards for services to the theater and outstanding performance on stage in 1996, being one of the youngest employees of Lenkom.

And in 1999 he was awarded the title “People’s Artist of the Russian Federation,” which is a huge achievement for a theater worker starting his career.

Small but significant wife

Members of the press regularly draw the attention of fans of the work of Alexander Lazarev Jr. to his numerous novels with interesting women, illegitimate children and other fictitious details of his personal life from a non-existent biography. But every time the popular actor denies even the possibility of an affair. After all, he is wholeheartedly devoted to his one and only Alina Lazareva.

Lazarev Jr. met the girl who later became his wife in school years. A relationship that began with mutual attraction ended in something more serious and meaningful. Together Alina and Alexander went through all the hardships of life, when Lazarev’s career had not yet brought serious earnings and fees.

Interesting! The petite woman who gave birth to the actor’s two wonderful children, Polina and Sergei, still remains young and attractive. Incredibly bright, sociable and loving the world My wife translates children's literature and is fluent in several languages.

Initially, the lovers did not want to rush things and enter into a rash marriage. They saw an interesting future in which they would both graduate from college and be able to earn money for their wedding on their own. But at a certain moment, Sasha could not stand it and asked Alina to marry, while still a student at the Moscow Art Theater. This happened spontaneously and unexpectedly for the young people, who immediately began planning the special event.

After getting married, Alina Lazareva, who proudly bears the surname she had dreamed of since school, did not plan to become a mother. She wanted to continue pursuing her plans to build a career, travel, and save for the future. But at the age of 23, an unexpected event happened. Alina found out about her pregnancy. The news upset the girl, who had just entered adulthood, but made Alexander immensely happy.

With the birth of Polina, the young parents found a real idyll in family relationships, which becomes the object of discussion and envy on the part of Lazarev Jr.’s colleagues. The popular actor, who had been trying to re-educate Alina for several years of marriage, suddenly realized that it was pointless. After all, Polina was born with her own unique character, to which it was impossible to make any adjustments.

Realizing this, Sasha realized that if he could not re-educate his daughter, then he should not offend his wife. Since then, conflicts in everyday life for married couple are over. Alina continued to create in her work and bring madness and chaos into the apartment, and Sasha continued to maintain order at least in his things. Over time, the couple learned to find compromises and not quarrel over trifles. That is why their marriage remains strong and reliable.

Alexander Lazarev Jr. told his classmate Yulia Menshova in the “Alone with Everyone” program about his childhood, parents, wife and children.

Alexander Lazarev admitted to Yulia Menshova how hard he experienced the death of his father. “Subconsciously I had the feeling that all the responsibility was on me, but knowing that we were a family and we were together gave us the understanding that we would get through this,” said the actor. According to Lazarev, over the years he becomes more and more like his father, not only externally, but also internally. Lazarev Sr., according to his son, was proud of his creative success.

As a child, the actor recalls, he brought a lot of trouble to his parents, once swam to the middle of the river, broke an antique vase, etc. But now, according to the actor’s mother, Svetlana Nemolyaeva, he is simply an ideal son; not a day goes by without him calling and inquiring about her health.

Alexander Lazarev met his future wife Alina while still studying and immediately realized that she was his only one. He, like his father, carried throughout his life his love for one woman, his wife. In the near future, the couple will celebrate 30 years of marriage. Alexander admitted that he had committed acts that could have destroyed the family, but problems only strengthened their union.

“I did so many things to destroy the marriage. I organized an engagement, gathered my parents to introduce them, spent the evening with friends in a bar and came back the next morning drunk, on my knees. I can't imagine any other woman. Here is the result: soon 30 years together,” admitted Alexander Lazarev Jr.

Alina and Alexander Lazarev are raising two children: son Sergei and daughter Polina. Polina Lazareva followed in the footsteps of her parents and chose the acting path. The artist’s children said that they were very proud of their father. They admitted that their dad is very similar to the famous grandfather. “Mom and dad are just perfect. Remembering my grandparents, it is worth thanking them for their worthy example,” concluded the son of Alexander Lazarev in the “Alone with Everyone” program.

Alexander Lazarev Jr. is a Russian actor who has carved his own niche among the stars of Lenkom, performing leading roles in the plays The Marriage of Figaro, The Royal Games, and Eclipse. He won the love of television viewers after participating in the war film “I Have the Honor!”, as well as the film adaptation of “The Idiot”.

Fate itself predetermined the path of Alexander Lazarev Jr. He was born in acting family And . A significant event for the couple took place on April 27, 1967 in Moscow.

The paternal family are intellectuals from St. Petersburg. The mother's father, Vladimir Viktorovich Nemolyaev, was a famous Soviet film director. Alexander's parents met at the theater, fell in love, and soon got married. The marriage of Lazarev and Nemolyaeva lasted more than 50 years.

Alexander always dreamed of being like his parents, which is probably why he didn’t see himself in another profession. The boy began performing on the theater stage early, at the age of 12. His debut was the role of Lyamin in the production of “Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk”. Shurik, as the family called his son, played on the same stage with his parents.

After school, Larazev Jr. entered the Moscow Art Theater School in the workshop of Ivan Tarkhanov, but after the first year he temporarily interrupted his studies due to military service. During his service, Alexander had to be both a loader and an assembler. The actor says that this period taught him a lot: Lazarev began to relate naturally to people, perceived circumstances as they were, and reacted like a man.

In 1987, Alexander Lazarev Jr. continued his studies at the Moscow Art Theater on the course. During his studies, the student occasionally acted in films under the pseudonym Trubetskoy. The young man did not want to be considered one of the “golden youth”; he tried to achieve everything on his own. In 1990, Alexander graduated from the Studio School, and his acting career began.


After graduating from theater school, Alexander did not want to go to the Theater. because my parents worked there. The young man got a job in the Lenkom troupe. His first roles on this stage brought popularity to the artist. Alexander played brilliantly in the productions of The Marriage of Figaro and The Royal Games. Tickets for the last performance were sold out several months in advance. For “Royal Games” the actor received prestigious award"Crystal Turandot" and the award named after. .

Along with big roles, Alexander Lazarev also played small ones, for example, a sailor in the play “Juno and Avos”, a villager in “Funeral Prayer”.

The talented, visually attractive artist (Alexander’s height reaches 192 cm) has always had many fans. The girls literally followed on the actor’s heels and declared their love. Lazarev Jr. reacted to popularity calmly and restrainedly, saying that he was a monogamist.

In 2003, the actor became a laureate of the Seagull Award for his role in the production of The Executioner’s Lament, and in 2006 for the play Eclipse. In 1999, Alexander was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, and in 2007 Lazarev became People's Artist RF.


Alexander made his film debut in 1982 - it was a small role in the TV series “Profession – Investigator”. But as an adult, a certified artist for a long time was simple. The directors said that Alexander had too much of a face for scripts. The actor painfully endured the forced downtime, without showing it.

Lazarev happily agreed to Alexander Belinsky’s proposal and starred in the title role of the film “Provincial Benefit Performance”. The film was a success. In the 90s, Russian cinema experienced better times, few films were shot, but Alexander managed to appear in the popular soap opera “Little Things in Life” and play the hero Nikifor in the drama “The Hunt”. In the second half of the 90s, a series of leading roles followed in the films “ Starlight Night in Kamergersky", "Friend of the Dead", "The body will be buried, and the senior midshipman will sing."

In 2000, the situation changed dramatically. Directors of films and TV series began to invite Lazarev to act in serious and interesting roles. With the participation of the artist, the musical films “The Bremen Town Musicians and Co,” directed by , and “The Game of Love” were released.

Lazarev brilliantly played broker Andrei Davydov in the melodrama “The Scam,” and Ganya Ivolgin in the film adaptation of the novel “The Idiot.” In 2004, Alexander Lazarev starred in Viktor Buturlin’s military drama “I Have the Honor!”, based on real events. The film told about the heroic confrontation of Pskov paratroopers Chechen militants in the Argun Gorge. The film caused a great resonance among the audience and received the TEFI and Golden Eagle awards. Lazarev appeared on screen in the role of Captain Chislov.

Subsequently, directors began to often offer the actor military roles: in “Zemsky Doctor” Alexander played a lieutenant colonel, in the film “Admiral” he played General Lebedev, in the series “Mistress of the Taiga” he appeared as the head of the security service.

The next significant role appeared in the actor’s piggy bank in 2006. Lazarev played the role of the popular journalist Oleg Zimin in the comedy “Park of the Soviet Period.”

The actor always approaches his work responsibly, listens to the director’s advice, and often improvises. The characters performed by Lazarev are convincing and realistic, which is probably why viewers love Alexander.

Lazarev played dozens of diverse characters. On the set of the historical film “Vivat, Anna Ioannovna!” Lazarev Jr. voluntarily jumped into the snow naked. In the film “Dying Is Easy,” viewers saw a mad maniac instead of Alexander Alexandrovich, and in the series “The Cure for Fear” he convincingly played a military doctor.

Personal life

The actor says that in his personal life Alexander is a monogamous man, and hopes to live with his only wife all his life, like his parents.

Alexander Lazarev's wife is Alina Ayvazyan. They lived in neighboring houses and studied at the same school. After school Alina entered the faculty foreign languages, after which she became a translator of children's literature.

On May 7, 1988, Alina and Alexander got married, and later the couple became the parents of two children: two years later, a daughter, Polina, was born into the family, and 10 years later, a son, Sergei.

Alexander Lazarev is not involved in scandals; despite his public profession, the actor is faithful to his wife and family. IN printed publications appear periodically family photos actor accompanied by his adored wife. Free time and Alexander spends every vacation only with his family.

Alexander Lazarev Jr. now

The film career of Alexander Lazarev Jr. does not stand still. The artist is in demand among the country's leading film directors. Every year, the actor’s filmography is steadily replenished with several iconic projects. In 2017, the Russia-1 TV channel premiered the series “Half an hour before spring,” where the artist played the role of surgeon Oleg, who decides to cheat on his wife Tamara (). At the same time, filming of the family saga “in which Alexander Lazarev played a supporting role was completed.

In 2018, Alexander Lazarev will appear before fans in the comedy “Diplomat”, in which he will play main role diplomat Luchnikov, who over the years has turned into an experienced hero-lover. In the film, Alexander stars with his mother Svetlana Nemolyaeva.

Also waiting in the wings are television series with the actor’s participation - the spy film “Operation Muhabbat”, the detective film “Sunny Circle” and the western “Tobol”.


  • 1982 - “Profession - investigator”
  • 1992-1997 - “Little things in life”
  • 1993 - “Provincial benefit performance”
  • 2000 - “Bremen Town Musicians and Co”
  • 2003 - “Idiot”
  • 2004 - “I have the honor!”
  • 2006 - “Park of the Soviet period”
  • 2008 - “Admiral”
  • 2009 - “Zemsky Doctor”
  • 2011 - “Cedar” pierces the sky”
  • 2013 - “Medicine against fear”
  • 2014 - “Ekaterina”
  • 2015 – “Fulcrum Points”
  • 2016 – “Half an hour before spring”
  • 2017 – “Crimea”