Monica Bellucci and Vincent Cassel: photo from a family album. What star children look like and what they do Children and family of Monica Bellucci

Today Monica Bellucci is happy mom two charming girls. They appeared in a happy marriage with famous actor Vincent Cassel. Detailed information about the star family is presented in the article.

Birth of first child

The wedding of Vincent and Monica took place on August 3, 1999. After five years of marriage, their first baby was born in a prestigious Roman clinic. The date of birth of Virgo's daughter is September 12, 2004. The popular actress experienced it at the age of 38. She is sure that the child came into the family at the right time. By this time, Monica had already visited many countries, achieved universal recognition and financial well-being.

Second pregnancy

Monica Bellucci's next daughter was born on May 20, 2010. The happiness of motherhood visited the actress for the second time at the age of 45. When she found out about her situation, she experienced real fear of the impending changes in her body. Monica said that women after forty years are afraid of an unsuccessful pregnancy and health problems. And after the baby is born, new problems arise psychological nature. First of all, mature ladies are concerned about how to keep their husband so that he does not run away to another person. And for this you need to remain an attractive and interesting woman.

In an interview, the newly-made mother said that the second birth was faster and easier than the first. Everyone advised not to delay the replenishment, but Monica did this only when she was completely ready for important event. Besides, such events are not a movie. Pregnancy cannot be produced and the entire process cannot be controlled. There is some luck in this matter. The fact that Monica and Vincent did not have to turn to a surrogate mother or IVF for help is real happiness.

Husband's reaction

She was surrounded by Vincent's love. He literally glowed with happiness. The second daughter was named Leoni. The name for the baby was invented long before she was born.


The daughters of Monica Bellucci and Vincent Cassel could not save their parents' union. 19 years old serious relationship and 14 years old happy marriage ended in divorce by agreement of the parties. In 2013, the era of life together for one of the most beautiful couples on the planet ended.

As Monica reported, no one is to blame for what happened. Gradually, the interests of each began to differ more and more and soon their paths radically diverged. It takes two partners to dance tango. And when they look at different sides, then nothing will work. How good parents, Monica and Vincent created the most comfortable conditions for the children. Therefore, the girl’s parents’ divorce was painless. They continue to communicate frequently with dad and spend a lot of time with him. Monica Bellucci and her daughters live in Lisbon.

Grown-up Virgo and Leonie

Deva and Leonie very rarely catch the eye of the paparazzi. But in the latest photographs you can already see a teenager and a schoolgirl, and not little girls. Society wants to know more about the lives of star children, but this is not possible due to great secrecy from prying eyes. The only thing that can be accurately traced is the style of clothing, which gradually changes over the years.


The actress prefers classic black. But for her daughters, she chooses the most positive and life-affirming shades. More often, Monica Bellucci and her daughters buy dresses with a loose fit and lace trim. IN color scheme there are no restrictions. Clothes can be of any tone: from boiling white to bright purple.

This is a real weakness of the girls and Monica herself. Virgo has already switched from a child's style to a teenager's and tries to imitate her famous mother in everything. Her wardrobe already has quite a lot of dresses and unusual combinations. Perhaps soon Virgo will become a complete prototype of Monica and will completely copy her style of dressing. On latest photos girls, there is a clear tendency towards this.

Society's opinion

Not without criticism. Monica Bellucci and her daughters rarely appear anywhere, but once they were captured by a photographer. The pictures that were leaked online caused confusion and critical reviews regarding appearance Virgos. They note that Monica Bellucci’s daughter Virgo looks older than her age and it would do well for parents to pay more attention to the issue of clothing.

Monica Bellucci is not only a very beautiful and gorgeous woman, she is also a wonderful mother. Today, the children of Monica Bellucci and Vincent Cassel are growing up; two wonderful daughters are surrounded by care and affection from their parents.

Children of Monica Bellucci – photo

Monica and Vincent officially registered their marriage in 1999. Everything was fine with their personal life and the couple decided to have a child. Monica was already thirty-eight years old at that time, but according to her, this was the best age to have a child, because she had already tried everything in life and achieved great success to now invest in your children.

In the photo: Monica Bellucci and Vincent Cassel in their youth

It was at this age that Monica gave birth to her first child in a Roman clinic. The biography of Virgo's daughter begins in September 2004. The family has expanded by one little man, whom everyone loved, both Monica and her husband. A photo of young Monica and her little daughter is presented below.

The next pregnancy “delighted” the woman unexpectedly; she found out about it at the age of forty-five and was simply shocked. First of all, she was afraid that she would not be able to carry this child, because she herself knew many cases where girls after forty were unable to maintain a pregnancy. Another cause for concern was the question of how to look attractive even in such a difficult period, so that the husband would not stop admiring and would not look at other women.

Despite all the warnings, the girl, who was named Leonie, was born very pretty and healthy, and the joint birth was successful. Vincent himself really wanted a second child and was incredibly glad that they were able to do it on their own without the help of specialists.

But still, even in this wonderful family there are quarrels and disagreements. Having two wonderful girls did not save the couple from divorce. They separated without scandals, explaining their divorce by saying that over time their interests had completely changed. At the same time, the couple made sure that the divorce did not greatly affect the children. Monica Bellucci and her children remained to live in Lisbon, and dad often visits them.

Monica Bellucci's children now

Today in 2018, a lot has changed in the lives of girls. They have grown up a lot, but their mother does not want them to communicate with journalists. However, latest photos of Monica Bellucci's children, taken accidentally by journalists, confirm that the girls are no longer babies, but growing ladies.

52-year-old actress Monica Bellucci, like many Hollywood stars, tries not to reveal details of his personal life, much less bring his children’s children out into the world. The actress carefully protects her two daughters from Vincent Cassel from the attention of the press and cameras: six-year-old Leonie and 12-year-old Deva. So the heirs of the actress appear rarely, but, as it turned out, aptly.

From actor Vincent Cassel he has two daughters - 12-year-old Deva and six-year-old Loeni Cassel. Until recently, Bellucci managed to avoid being caught by photographers in informal settings. But recently the Milanese paparazzi photographed the star with her daughters leaving the hotel.

The photo of Monica and her 12-year-old daughter Deva was taken near the hotel where Bellucci was staying. The appearance of the young girl amazed the fans of the actress.

Since Deva last time caught on camera lenses, she has undoubtedly grown up. And how! Young Kassel has outgrown famous mother, whose height, by the way, is 171 cm. In this regard, she apparently took after Vincent, whose height is 187 cm. At the same time, she already uses makeup and dresses in outfits of bold styles.

Monica's fans still noted that it was too early for 12-year-old Deva to wear such revealing outfits.

Let us remember that from 1990 to 1995 Monica was married to photographer Claudio Carlos Basso. In 1999, Monica married French actor Vincent Cassel. U star couple Two daughters are growing up: 12-year-old Deva Cassel and six-year-old Leonie Cassel. In August 2013, Monica and Vincent divorced.

13-year-old Deva and 7-year-old Leonie are the daughters of one of the most beautiful couples- actors Vincent Cassel and Monica Bellucci.

Bellucci and Cassel lived together for 19 years, but years later they decided to break up, maintaining friendly relations.

Now Deva and Leonie live with Monica, who is ready to spend all her time with the children, but they often see their father.

Deva and Leonie, 2014

“When the girls were little, changing diapers was not humiliating for me,” Vincent recalls. “And now they have grown up and accompany us everywhere.”

Monica and Virgo on the beach, 2010

Vincent and his daughters on vacation, 2016

According to sources, girls study in several schools at once in different countries, including in the capital of Portugal, Lisbon. They speak four languages: Italian, English, Portuguese and French and often travel with their parents.

“For some time, my eldest daughter Deva even thought that I wasn’t working,” Monica recalls. The actress spent so much time next to the children. “She really liked that we were constantly traveling, living in hotels and learning new things.”

Monica with her youngest daughter Leonie in Rio de Janeiro, 2013

Girls' appearance

Fans of Bellucci and Cassel are arguing about who she looks more like eldest daughter Virgo - like Monica or Vincent, but they agree on one thing - the girl looks much older than her years. Already today, the eldest daughter, despite the fact that she just turned 13, has surpassed Monica in height, whose height is 171 cm. It is possible that she will follow in her mother’s footsteps and also become a model.

Virgo is very reminiscent of Monica in her youth:

Deva and Leonie, 2016

Virgo is not shy about wearing revealing outfits for her age. Recently, the paparazzi photographed the actress leaving the hotel with her daughters; Virgo was wearing a long dress with a high slit and bright makeup on her face. Another time, Virgo was dressed in a black light blouse with a bare belly and a piquant neckline.

Monica with her daughters, 2017

By the way, after these paparazzi photos there were a lot of dissatisfied comments. Long dress with such a deep neckline, it looks very provocative on a 12-year-old girl - even loyal fans of the actors came to this conclusion.

13-year-old Virgo looks noticeably older than her age

Monica tries to protect her daughters from intrusive paparazzi - she tells few details about their lives and does not publish photographs. Nevertheless, the growing Virgo is arousing more and more curiosity among journalists, and it seems that the girl herself is flattered by this. Not long ago, she posted a selfie from the gym on the Internet.

It is unclear how Monica feels about the fact that her daughter has matured so early, but in her interviews she makes it clear that above all she values ​​independence.

“It’s important to understand,” says Monica, “that neither our men nor our children belong to us.”

About youngest daughter little is known, but in our opinion she also looks like Monica: