New photos of Zoya Berber. Zoya Berber: biography, personal life, family, husband, children - photo

Zoya Berber is one of the youngest and most famous actresses of our time, the Ural blond beauty shows everyone that chance plays a very big role, and even an accidental casting can completely change your whole life, making you a star. Having starred in many TV series, the girl created intrigue around herself; most people became interested in her biography.

Height, weight, age. How old is Zoya Berber

Height, weight, age. How old is Zoya Berber? These questions have always interested many fans of the actress. Looking at the photo of the white-toothed, energetic beauty, it’s hard to imagine that she is already 27 years old. Another reason for active discussions is the height and weight of the actress. In the photographs the girl looks quite slim, even of a thin build. She weighs 50 kg and is 174 cm tall, which allows her to look like a beautiful, slender girl, which is important for an actress. What was the beginning of the actress’s career? How ordinary girl Zoya from the Urals has become worldwide famous star and incredibly popular among young people who love to watch TV series with her participation? The biography and personal life of Zoe Berber will answer all these questions. It’s hard to imagine, but the actress considers herself not beautiful enough, she doesn’t particularly like her body, but her parameters are almost model-like. The girl could even make a career in modeling business!

Biography and personal life of Zoe Berber

Biography and personal life of Zoe Berber is very interesting topics. The girl made the world happy with her birth on the first day of autumn, 1987, in Perm. She was named Zoya in memory of her beloved grandmother, and the beautiful and unusual surname was passed on to her granddaughter from her grandfather, a famous musician. Has Jewish, German, Tatar roots. She studied at school No.91, the educational institution had a strong theatrical bias. Berber studied well, herself early age showed theatrical inclinations and a lack of fear of audiences. Even then, the girl performed several roles, taking part in several school plays. Starting from the age of seven, she actively studied at a music school and successfully completed 5 classes in piano.

One of my favorite musical genres is blues. Her own father instilled in her such music. Also in school years the future student reached out to male professions, technical specialties. However, as soon as school ended, the girl entered a choreographic college, and then learned to model clothes. After finishing her studies at the Perm College of Design, Zoya managed to build herself her favorite outerwear, in which she went to say goodbye to educational institution. She also went to Perm state institute art and culture (B. Milgram’s course), however, I did not study there for long, because it was necessary to interrupt the learning process in order to star in the series “Real Boys”

Family and children of Zoe Berber

The family and children of Zoe Berber are of great interest to journalists because about their family life Zoya Berber does not talk much, but willingly gives interviews to journalists. For a long time, the general public thought that the girl was dating a man who starred in the same movie with her - Nikolai Naumov. Nevertheless, the gossip was refuted - Zoya had a period of pleasant relations with the screenwriter, Alexander Sineguzov. In the spring of 2015, the actress made fans happy that she was pregnant. However, the ubiquitous fans initially decided that this was a “Duck” launched in order to attract attention to the star. However, the information was soon confirmed, and the father of the child turned out to be Alexander Sineguzov. On June 29, a daughter was born, whom the couple named Nadya. The couple has not officially married yet, but even without this they feel very happy.

Daughter of Zoya Berber - Nadezhda Sineguzova

Zoya Berber's daughter Nadezhda Sineguzova was a welcome child; the girl prepared for pregnancy with all responsibility and eventually gave birth to a charming daughter in the summer. The girl is already learning to take her first steps with the help of a special gurney, which she can lean on in order not to fall. My daughter was born with allergies, but her mother does everything possible to minimize allergic manifestations. Zoya pays great attention to her daughter’s development, takes her to foreign languages, and also actively develops it physically.

Zoya Berber's husband - Alexander Sineguzov

Zoya Berber’s husband Alexander Sineguzov works as the chief screenwriter of the popular serial film “Real Boys” and is also Zoya Berber’s husband. Born in 1987, in the city of Chita. Just like Zoya, the guy had the most ordinary family. Alexandra's mother worked as a school teacher. At the age of 18, the young guy moved to Moscow. He studied at the Peoples' Friendship Institute, majoring in international economics. In my first year I actively participated in the local KVN, and by my third year I was closely involved in it. He performed with his team in Moscow and Sochi. Before “Real Boys” appeared, he also wrote scripts for Daesh Youth, Video Battle and his other works. It was on one of the sets that such a sudden acquaintance took place, a fateful meeting of two hearts. Things broke out between the young strong feelings, they decided to live together. This happened in 2010

Photo by Zoe Berber for MAXIM magazine

Photo of Zoya Berber for MAXIM magazine, impossible, because Zoya Berber is one of the few Russian stars who have not performed nude or erotic photo shoot. However, she has had roles in a swimsuit, and fans would like to see the beauty naked. The girl has tough moral principles– do not take candid photographs. Because of this, there is even more interest in her person; in her film series, the beauty dresses up in outfits that can highlight a beautiful female body, perhaps for this reason many want to see her undisguised charms. Fans believe that the star will look even more beautiful in underwear. Many fans, especially male ones, actively fantasize about what a naked Zoya Berber would look like. Moreover, the large magazine for men “Maxim” regularly makes offers to young women that are more than profitable in commercially, however, the beauty regularly refuses. You can see that she has a slender, beautiful body, which means that the photographs would turn out excellent and arousing interest. She rejects invitations to MAXIM magazine, apparently waiting for the photo to be posted in Playboy, and not in vain, because everyone knows that after the publication of candid photographs, the public regains interest in a celebrity. Keep in mind that if you come across hot photos somewhere with supposedly Zoya Berber, do not flatter yourself, it is likely that this is not true. High moral qualities do not allow a girl to arrange nude photo shoots.

Instagram and Wikipedia Zoe Berber

Instagram and Wikipedia (,_Zoya_Rudolfovna) Zoe Berber Also of great interest to general public, who really wants to lift the curtain on the secrets of the actress’s personal life. Zoya is a young woman, and therefore social networks play an important role in her life. It is there that the beauty shares her photographs, which are always robbed a large number of likes, reposts. Zoya has Account on VKontakte, as well as Instagram (, where the celebrity shares her beautiful photos. I would like to note that the star is quite active on her social networks and regularly pleases fans with new photographs. Among other things, the beauty has a personal page on Wikipedia. In addition to Instagram, VK, Zoya has a personal account on Twitter and Facebook, which makes it possible to communicate with foreign fans. Social networks the beauty tries not to abuse it and spend more time in the company of her beloved daughter and husband.

Russian actress Zoya Berber has occupied a place of honor for many years as one of the most sexy women countries. She woke up famous after her role as Lera Oborina in the youth sitcom “Real Boys.” But few people know that creative biography The stars didn't start out so enchantingly.

Young woman for a long time I was looking for my way, tried many professions, trying to find myself, and did not even dream of connecting my life with cinema.

Childhood and youth

Zoya Rudolfovna Berber was born in Perm on September 1, 1987 in the family of a jazz musician. The girl was named after her grandmother, and the rare surname was inherited from her grandfather, a Greek by nationality. Zoya Berber's mother has German, Jewish and Tatar roots.

The future star of Russian cinema studied well at school, showing theatrical abilities from childhood. Not a single school production was complete without Zoe’s participation, but nevertheless the girl did not want to become an actress. Oddly enough, Zoya’s dream was to become a mechanic.

Dreams are dreams, but after school Berber applied to the choreographic school and immediately changed her mind, withdrawing her application for admission. It’s hard to believe, but the recognized beauty, who has model parameters (Zoya’s height is 174 cm, weight – 50 kg), had complexes about her appearance. The girl openly disliked her figure.

Soon Zoya chose the specialty of a tailor, enrolling in the Perm College of Design. Upon completion, Berber herself sewed a denim jacket, in which she went to the prom.

The girl didn’t even think that her biography would be connected with cinema. After graduating from college, the future celebrity entered the Perm State Institute of Art and Culture on the course of Boris Milgram.


In 2009, Zoya Berber took part in the “Space of Directing” festival, and a year later she played in the play “The Bullet Collector”. In 2010, Zoya decided to try herself at the casting of the multi-part project “” on the TNT channel. The girl passed the audition and was approved for the role of Lera. In addition to Berber, the director selected for the main female roles,.

Zoya Berber in the TV series "Real Boys"

For the sake of filming, Zoya took some time academic leave so as not to be limited by studies. The parents did not like this idea, but their daughter had to come to terms with her decision.

In the new series, Berber played a girl from a wealthy family who falls in love with a simple guy Kolya. He became the actress's partner, famous actor and fellow countryman Zoe. The first season of “Real Boys” was an incredible success, and the aspiring actress overnight became a star of the youth audience. Directors began offering new roles in TV series.

While there are no film masterpieces in Zoe Berber’s filmography, the young actress burst onto the Olympus of Russian cinema so quickly that she is able to stay there for a long time. Popularity came to Berber at the age of 24, but, according to the actress, it did not affect her in any way. Zoya is modest in this matter, believing that she is still far from being loved by all the people, but she plans to move on and develop further.

In 2011, Berber tried her hand at working in a dubbing studio. Together with her colleagues from “Real Boys” Nikolai Naumov, the actress took part in the dubbing of the film “Strangers on the Block”.

The fantastic comedy turned out to be similar in theme to the popular Russian series, so the voices of the beloved artists sounded organically in it.

A new successful project in Zoe Berber’s cinematic biography was her work in the Channel One series “Fartsa”. This film was appreciated not only by the audience, but also by film critics, and the role of Nadya Vostrikova allowed the actress to declare herself at a serious professional level.

Zoya Berber in the series "Farza"

The artist’s filmography also includes roles in music videos. In 2014, she starred in the resonant video “Russian Plantain” Russian group"25/17". The collaboration continued, and in the next video, entitled “New Virus,” Zoya tried herself as a singer. During the filming of the video, she was accompanied by Russian actor.

The actress often stars in projects on the TNT channel. Zoya was remembered by the audience for her participation in the show “Improvisation”, where she appeared as a guest.

Group “25/17” - “New Virus”

According to Maxim magazine, Zoya Berber took 5th place in the “Sexiest Girl in Russia” category, which surprised herself. Many men admire the girl’s shape, but the actress herself is in no hurry to appear naked in front of cameras, believing that such methods of achieving audience interest are unacceptable.

The film actress does not pay attention to such interest in her person. Online "Instagram" It’s not so often that you see Zoya in a swimsuit, but candid photos sessions is out of the question. Berber is one of the few celebrities who was included in the rating of Maxim magazine solely due to her natural femininity and attractiveness, without erotic photos to her credit.

In 2017, the celebrity spoke about filming the new season of the sitcom “Real Boys.” According to the actress, the new episodes of the favorite television series will be bright and funny, and viewers will see smart and charismatic characters in new interesting situations.

Many TV viewers have repeatedly stated that they are fed up with “Real Boys,” but the actress reacts harshly to criticism of the film. According to Zoya Berber, only a few actors get a chance to get into such projects, subsequently forgetting about the difficulties of public perception.

“When you start acting in such projects, over time you forget about the problems that arise during the work. If you ask most actors whether they will participate in filming again, many will say yes. Over the 7-8 years of filming the sitcom, I haven’t felt tired,” notes the actress, commenting on her work in the popular series.

Personal life

Zoe Berber's personal life is shrouded in mystery. The actress does not comment on relationships with men. At one time, Zoe Berber was credited with having an affair with her partner in the TV series “Real Boys,” Nikolai Naumov. But the actress did not comment on rumors about her personal life, neither confirming nor denying this information.

The star later confirmed that the romance is on film set nevertheless, he was, but Zoya’s chosen one was not Naumov at all, but the screenwriter of “Real Boys” Alexander Sineguzov. The young man came to Moscow from Chita, and over time he became best friend Nicholas.

The girl did not advertise this relationship for a long time. However, in March 2015, news appeared on the Internet that Zoya Berber was pregnant, but the actress flatly refused to reveal the name of the child’s father. Actor Anton Bogdanov, Zoya’s colleague in “Real Boys,” told the press that the father of the child is Alexander Sineguzov. Thus, Bogdanov dispelled speculation that the actress’s pregnancy is fictitious and that this is only a PR stunt to promote the series “Fartsa”.

Zoya Berber's common-law husband, Alexander Sineguzov, worked as a screenwriter in KVN before the series “Real Boys.” On June 29, 2015, it became known that Berber became the mother of a charming baby. The daughter was named Nadezhda.

Following Lera Oborina, her heroine, Zoya also found her happiness. However, the actress does not believe in prophecies, but is not surprised that the events presented in the series “Real Boys” are transferred to her real life.

“I don’t believe in prophecies, especially since in the series I have a boy Misha, and in life I have a girl Nadya. Being a mother is a great happiness, incomparable to anything in the world. At the same time, I wouldn’t want to concentrate only on the role of a mother, so immediately after the birth of my daughter, I began to receive new offers. And today, when I am in demand in cinema, I would not like to take another break, even if it is connected with such a happy event. All I need today is more work,” said Zoya Berber.

The actress believes that family and children are the most important thing in life, and quarrels that arise during communication with a loved one cannot become an obstacle to happiness.

“In family life, nothing can be left to chance; you need to constantly talk about everything, even about little things. We need to find the reason for the constant quarrels,” says the actress.

It is interesting that the actress considers herself a lazy person, claiming that she has more than once had to struggle with a lack of hard work. According to Berber, laziness is a strong enemy, negative factor. It leads to problems in the future, such as depression, which can affect general state person.

Zoya Berber now

The actress continues to participate in filming today. In addition to her work in the 6th season of “Real Boys,” the actress received main role in the comedy “Happiness! Health! The film describes the events that took place at three weddings - Russian, Tatar and Armenian, which were celebrated simultaneously. In addition to Zoya, the main roles were played by Marina Fedunkiv.

The second significant work of 2018 is the main female image in the series “”, where he became her partner in the frame. Heroine Zoya, Sveta, ex-wife Special forces officer Yura, unable to bear his long business trip to a hot spot, goes to a businessman. Filming of the action movie has not yet ended, the premiere is expected in 2019.

In 2018, the actress became the TV presenter of the show “One Day in the City,” which is broadcast on the “My Planet” TV channel. Together with co-host Diana Jalalova, she visited Budapest, Naples, Brussels and other European cities. In each episode, Zoya and Diana need to short term visit the most iconic and unusual places the city you are visiting - museums, cafes, restaurants, memorable streets or famous squares.

In 2018, the actress became a victim of fraud by the developer of the Laikovo residential complex. She signed the contract back in December 2017, but it soon turned out that the construction was frozen, and construction company declared herself bankrupt. The artist will have to repay the amount borrowed on the mortgage in full. For 20 years, Berber will be forced to transfer more than 60 thousand rubles monthly to Sberbank of Russia. Now the actress is preparing documents for the court.


  • 2010-2018 – “Real boys”
  • 2011 – “Strangers on the block”
  • 2012 – “Love”
  • 2015 – “Farza”
  • 2018 – “Happiness! Health!”
  • 2019 – “Prospects”

The young actress Zoya Berber became popular after she played the role of Lera Oborina, the beloved girl, and then the wife of the main character, in the youth series “Real Boys,” broadcast on one of the Russian television channels. Her attractive appearance and acting talent could not go unnoticed. Today you can see several photo shoots of Zoe Berber online, but you won’t find candid photos. And all because Zoya has a principle - not to be naked in the frame.

Men's dream

Every year, on the website of the popular men's magazine "Maxim", a competent jury, whose members are one hundred men of different professions and age categories, select the top 100 girls who are considered in Russia. Zoya Berber appears on this list every year, and in 2011 men even gave her fifth place. Then the actress lost victory only to Alina Artz, Maria Kozhevnikova, Victoria Bonya and Vera Brezhneva. The staff of Maxim magazine has more than once explicitly hinted to Zoya Berber that a glossy photo shoot and a photo on the cover is a good proposal, but the actress has not yet given her consent.

In one of her interviews, Zoya Berber focused on the fact that she is not ready to show her naked body to the viewer. The twenty-six-year-old actress rejects offers to shoot topless, even though they come with enviable regularity. Fans of Zoe Berber do not lose hope that someday the girl will please them with a candid photo shoot in Maxim magazine, because girls who appear on its pages often receive profitable offer, which promote them up the career ladder.

And while waiting for this event, we have the opportunity to enjoy the beauty of the young actress by looking at a photo of a non-nude Zoe Berber.

At all times, the film industry could make a person famous throughout the country in an instant, and the twenty-first century was no exception.

The very first television role of the charming Zoe Berber attracted the attention of viewers to her and brought fame and recognition. But who is this girl and what did she do before her starring role in the series “Real Boys”?

Zoya is from Perm. The girl's family has rich history, very different nationalities mixed in it. So grandpa future actress was Greek, and my mother has a whole bunch of blood, Tatar, German and Jewish roots are mixed in her!

It should be noted that Zoya inherited her creative spirit from her father, a well-known jazz musician in narrow circles. As a child, Berber was very different from her peers - she was spontaneous and very creative.

At the same time, I studied excellently and, in addition to lessons, managed to do a lot of other things.

So not a single school production or matinee was complete without her participation, and the girl also attended choreography lessons.

It should be noted that dancing occupied a special place in Zoya’s life. She loved to devote herself completely to music and many noted her remarkable talent in this field. Interestingly, the girl’s dancing idol was Michael Jackson!

This American artist simply captivated the soul of the young Permian, although for a long time she considered him a woman. Why? It’s just that, according to the future star, a man cannot move so organically in dance.

It is not surprising that after school the girl first applied to the choreographic school. Berber was enrolled in the first year without any problems, but she soon dropped out.

It turned out that when Zoya saw her fellow students, she decided that compared to them she looked too thin and therefore it was not worth studying here further. Having told her parents that she was not accepted into the choreographic department the girl took the documents to the Perm College of Design.

Zoya chose this establishment because she liked to sew as a child.

The girl studied well, but the teachers noted that she should not be a fashion designer, the girl was too active for this profession and it would be better for her to choose the profession of an artist.

Therefore, having received her diploma, she decided to listen to this advice and entered the Perm State Institute of Art and Culture.

The future star enrolled in a course directed by Boris Leonidovich Milgram, who strongly advocated for his students to actively participate in various productions and filming.

Therefore, even during her studies, Zoya managed to play in the production of “The Bullet Collector” on the stage of the Scene-Hammer theater and took part in the international festival-forum “Directing Space”, and in 2010, she went to the casting of the series “Real Boys”. As it turned out, it was latest event turned out to be one of the most important in the life of the actress.

As Berber herself recalls, there were so many people at the casting that she immediately realized that there was nothing “shine” for her here. But it was precisely this seditious thought that led to Zoya calming down and... successfully passing all the tests. Moreover, the aspiring actress got not a cameo role, but a central one!

For the sake of filming, the girl even had to take a sabbatical leave, but the actress herself does not regret it because now Zoya Berber for many has become Leroy Oborina, a girl from high society, who falls in love with the most ordinary Permian named Kolyan (plays).

The audience liked this sincere heroine so much that after the release of the first episodes of the series, Zoya woke up famous. It should be noted that the actress herself admits that she has a lot in common with this screen image. Like Lera, Zoya always comes from the heart, acts in a fit of feelings, and not according to the decision of the mind.

Perhaps that is why she was able to get into character so easily. Despite the fact that the series “Real Boys” is still being released, Zoya Berber does not stop working only in it.

Interesting notes:

It’s interesting that filming “Real Boys” changed not only the professional, but also the personal life of the young actress. At some point she started love affair at work with the screenwriter of the film Alexander Sineguzov, which later developed into a strong civil marriage. In 2015, the couple had a daughter, Nadezhda.

Despite the exotic surname that smacks of the Middle East, Zoya Berber is a native of Perm, where she was born on September 1, 1987. And judging by her patronymic Rudolfovna, her Nordic beauty has German roots. Nevertheless, it has quite taken root on Russian television screens in the domestic product.

Who is Zoya Berber? The actress’s Instagram today collects a lot of likes, magazines give her a place in the top ten sexiest women in Russia, and fans follow the news of her life. Fame came to Zoya, not a professional actress at all, although she graduated from theater school, in 2010, when filming of the series “Real Boys” began. The series continues to air to this day. In preparation for release in 2015 new job with the participation of Zoya - “Farts”.

While filming in Moscow, Zoya does not forget about her native Perm, where she plays in the theater with unusual name"THEATRE-THEATRE". She is capable not only of the frivolous role of the major Lera, but also, say, Sophia in “Woe from Wit.”

And fans are happy not only with “theatrical” deviations from serial work, but also with photo shoots in magazines. For MAXIM, Zoya starred in an extremely erotic photo shoot. There are no problems finding her candid photos on the Internet. So you will be convinced that Zoya’s place in the sexy top was not accidental.

The best photos on Instagram Berber Zoe

Without exaggeration, there are few examples when a single role makes an actress popular among the people. The fact that Zoya is loved is best demonstrated by photos on Berber’s Instagram. There is never too much Zoya: viewers of the series subscribe to her official blog, and as of April 2015, Zoe Berber has 108 thousand subscribers.

Almost every day Zoya Berber posts a new photo or video on Instagram. So, for example, in March 2015, fans were able to find out that Zoya was really expecting a child. She tags new posts with tags in the style of “ovulants” who are immoderately delighted with their children. There is no doubt: the topic of pregnancy and motherhood will make Zoe Berber’s Instagram even more popular.

Zoe's fans who appreciate her as a beauty from the list of the sexiest women will also not be disappointed. Now, for obvious reasons, she does not post candid photos. But as soon as she becomes a mother, she will probably show off her beautiful form: status obliges. And if you want to find such photos now, just scroll back a few months.