Recent events in the life of Yevgeny Petrosyan dealt a severe blow to his health. Evgeny Petrosyan - biography, information, personal life

IN at a young age It is enough to make a minimum of effort to lose weight. After 45 years, losing extra pounds becomes increasingly difficult for a number of reasons: it slows down motor activity, women are approaching menopause and their metabolism is decreasing. However, some pop stars prove by their example that you can lose weight at any age. In 2018, this was demonstrated by the famous comedian Elena Stepanenko, the wife of Yevgeny Petrosyan. Very soon, the beloved artist will turn 65 years old. Perhaps she decided to transform herself for her anniversary. the site looks into how Stepanenko actually managed to lose weight. Is her transformation a consequence of a certain diet or is it all “to blame” plastic surgery?

Photos of Elena Stepanenko before losing weight

Elena Grigorievna was never distinguished by her slimness, which did not spoil her at all. She always looked elegant and dressed tastefully, emphasizing her feminine curves.

Periodically, the comedian dialed overweight, however, fans did not criticize her figure. The star herself also did not make a tragedy out of it, continuing to give ironic monologues, including those touching on the topic of losing weight.

However, in an interview, the comedian admitted that the fight against extra pounds conducts regularly, although not always successfully. Noticeable results appeared several years ago, but the latest changes in Stepanenko’s figure turned out to be simply amazing.

How did Elena Stepanenko lose weight: diet, plastic surgery or illness?

Yevgeny Petrosyan's wife, Elena Stepanenko, practiced periodic strict diets and separate meals, but these methods turned out to be ineffective. The weight came and then came back with an “increase”.

Giving up attempts to change the parameters on her own, the artist turned to specialists. The choice fell on a sanatorium in Bavaria, offering clients to lose weight through therapeutic fasting. The result was achieved, but it was short-lived. For some time, Stepanenko completely stopped dealing with the issue of losing weight, without denying herself anything.

Until 2016, Elena was unable to lose much weight. But in 2018, she dramatically lost weight and became noticeably slimmer.

This time, Yevgeny Petrosyan’s wife did not want to reveal the secrets of losing weight, which gave rise to a lot of rumors. Some are confident that surgical intervention was not necessary, others attributed a serious illness to the artist, while others believe that she was driven to exhaustion by her difficult relationship with her husband. According to one of the most likely versions, Stepanenko again turned to star nutritionist Margarita Koroleva. Previously, she had already been noticed at the Center for Aesthetic Medicine, since she had been a client of the establishment for some time.

In addition to the “Royal Diet” recommended at the clinic, which is based on fruits and vegetables, the comedian practiced the “Kremlin Diet”, which involves limited consumption of carbohydrates. Most likely she was picked individual plan weight loss based on physiological parameters and characteristics of the body.

Photo of Elena Stepanenko after losing weight

On March 8, 2018, one of the federal channels broadcast Elena Stepanenko’s benefit performance, where she showed off her amazingly slender figure.

Spectators and Internet users noted the transformation of the comedian, but there was some criticism. Many thought that the star looked worse than usual, and this thinness did not suit her. Do you think that Elena Grigorievna needlessly exhausted herself with diets?

Evgeny Petrosyan does not like to talk about his personal life. And yet, one day he said: “True family happiness came to me the fourth time.” Everyone knows his current wife and stage colleague Elena Stepanenko. Who were her three predecessors?

The artist has never been ladies' man and did not set myself the goal of conquering as much as possible more women. He just wanted family warmth and a strong rear. And fate, although not immediately, gave Petrosyan this happiness.

First the second one, then the first one

Evgeniy met his second wife earlier than his first. This happened while studying at the All-Union Creative Workshop pop art(VTMEI). In fact, he wanted to get into the Moscow Art Theater School and was sure that he would be accepted: in his native Baku, Evgeny Petrosyants (this is what is written in the artist’s passport) was rising star, even local newspapers wrote about him. While still at school, Zhenya began performing with a variety troupe and playing in the theater.

In addition, on the advice of his actor uncle, he carefully studied the Stanislavsky system. However, the Moscow Art Theater admissions committee hinted to Evgeniy that he had overdone it: “You, young man, have already developed your own acting style, but we need raw material.” Undeterred, Petrosyan went to the exams at VTMEI, passed them brilliantly and began studying.

Charming and liberated, in comparison with his fellow countrymen, Moscow girls seemed like celestial beings to the young Bakuvian, but his heart was won at first sight by the languid brunette Anna Kozlovskaya, the daughter of the famous opera singer. She was seven years old older than Evgeniy Petrosyan and came to the workshop to get a second education.

Evgeniy became Anna’s faithful knight: he carried her suitcases when they went on tour, took her to the cinema and cafes, gave flowers and asked for nothing in return. She could not help but guess what feelings he had for her Petrosyan, she even liked him: from an intelligent family (father is a professor of mathematics, mother is an engineer), well-mannered, noble, intelligent, with a spectacular appearance. But for Anna he was just a friend, and besides, the girl was embarrassed by the age difference. True, later she nevertheless decided to bestow her favor on him: they began a short, stormy romance, which stopped after a couple of months at Anna’s insistence.

Hasty marriage

Evgeniy began to earn extra money in line with future profession since the first year, fortunately I gained experience in Baku. He hosted various events and worked as an entertainer at concerts. One day, Leonidov Utesov himself noticed Petrosyan and called him to announce the numbers of his orchestra. It was incredible luck...

At one of the concerts, Evgeniy was introduced to attractive girl, sister of the famous ballerina Victorina Krieger. The young man, who had recently experienced a difficult breakup with Anna, threw himself headlong into the pool. On the very first evening, he made a date, and a couple of weeks later he proposed marriage to a new acquaintance.

Young family for a long time huddled in a dorm room: Evgeny Petrosyan was scrupulous and did not want to ask anything from his new relatives. But his career was taking off, and soon the couple, who by that time had already had a daughter, Victorina, named after the famous aunt, moved into their own apartment.

Evgeniy adored his daughter. He often took her to performances, and when the girl turned six, she made her debut on the big stage. Quiz read a poem dedicated to her dad, which caused a storm of applause in the audience. However, he subsequently dissuaded his daughter from becoming an actress. And not only because this profession takes a lot of energy: I simply understood that the girl did not have any bright talent in this area.

It was only thanks to her daughter that the hasty marriage lasted for several years. The young couple, who did not know each other at all before the wedding, very soon discovered that they had practically nothing in common. Eugene’s wife did not like his constant absences, tours, concerts, and especially the fans who appeared as soon as he began to gain popularity. Tired of tense relationships in the family, Petrosyan suggested that his wife separate. She agreed, especially since he left the apartment to him and his daughter.

The divorce did not spoil the relationship with Victorina: Evgeniy still took her on tour, brought her gifts, helped in every way he could. A serious quarrel between father and daughter occurred at the moment when Victorina decided to marry a foreigner and go to America. Petrosyan was categorically against it. The thought that his only daughter would live overseas, and his grandchildren would speak a foreign language, was unbearable for him.

Then for the first time in their lives they quarreled and told each other offensive words. Victorina left, and for several years the connection between them was broken. Both regretted what they had said in the heat of the moment, but neither father nor daughter dared for a long time to take a step towards reconciliation. Over time, of course, they made peace, and today they often visit each other, and the artist has the opportunity to communicate with his two grandchildren.

And again the fatal brunette

After the divorce, Petrosyan again began to seek the favor of Anna Kozlovskaya. He set up a chance meeting, said that he was free and that his feelings had not cooled down. Anna hesitated: she was flattered by his devotion, his attention and care were pleasant. During this time, she also experienced an unsuccessful marriage, she wanted peace and stability, and Evgeny offered just that. Everything was decided by chance.

One day Anna and Evgeny went to a restaurant. At that time, Petrosyan's hair was dyed fiery red - it was necessary for the role. Three tipsy men at the next table began making greasy jokes about this, hinting at his gay. Evgeny rushed at them with his fists. Anna was terrified: she had no doubt that he would get full program. But her enraged boyfriend forced the entire company to flee. It was after this incident that Anna, admiring Eugene’s courage, agreed to marry him.

And yet she did not love him; Petrosyan felt this and suffered greatly. However, he did not lose hope that over time feelings would appear, that he would be able to win the heart of his beautiful wife. Instead, another man won her heart: Anna fell in love with a famous neurosurgeon and went to him. “Why did you marry me if you didn’t love me?” - Evgeny asked when Anna was packing her bags. She just shrugged. Kozlovskaya’s relationship with the neurosurgeon ended in a scandal: he raised his hand against her, she called the police...

Anna married twice more, and both marriages ended in divorce. In moments of melancholy and loneliness, she called Evgeniy. He listened, reassured, but did not offer to renew the relationship, although Anna may have hoped for it. She had hurt him too much to start over.

Nuclear tests and a bouquet of lilacs

After his divorce from Anna, Evgeniy married a lady who in no way resembled ex-lover. Her name was Lyudmila, she was distinguished by a soft, calm character and aristocratic manners. An art critic by profession and vocation, she did not tolerate anything rude or familiar. With her, Evgeny Vaganovich came to his senses after the storms he experienced...

In 1979, Petrosyan fulfilled a long-time dream - he opened the Theater of Variety Miniatures. When he was recruiting artists, GITIS graduate Elena Stepanenko came to audition. Petrosyan liked the lively girl with an amazing talent for transformation, and he took her into the troupe. For several years she remained for him just a colleague, a ward, for whom he needed to find funny numbers, with whom they rehearsed and went on tour.

In her youth, Elena Stepanenko was a fragile girl with a wasp waist, and Petrosyan always liked ladies with curves. Maybe that’s why he didn’t perceive her as a woman for a long time. Elena, secretly in love with her leader, just sighed and thought about how to attract his attention. She was already completely desperate when, during a tour in Semipalatinsk, he unexpectedly gave her a huge bouquet of lilacs. “At the Semipalatinsk test site then they were nuclear tests, so our love bomb exploded,” jokes Elena Stepanenko. Since then, lilacs have been her favorite flowers.

By that time, Evgeniy and Lyudmila were already living separately from each other. She could not stand his rhythm of life, his frequent absence and the turmoil associated with concerts and tours.

And she was also hurt that her husband was surrounded attractive women who look at him with undisguised admiration. Constant calls ex-wife Anna also added fuel to the fire. Lyudmila left.

Evgeny Petrosyan and Elena Stepanenko: Applause for two

Elena Stepanenko became ideal companion life for Petrosyan. Unlike previous wives, she perfectly understood all the features of his profession. Moreover, from the very beginning they worked in pairs and still do not stop creating joint performances. Endless concerts, spectators, traveling - this is their common reality, in which they always support each other.

Petrosyan’s friends say that Elena found a way to his heart, including through his stomach. Having grown up in a family of cooks, Stepanenko knows hundreds of recipes from many cuisines of the world. And Evgeniy Vaganovich always loved to eat deliciously. In the old days, he often had to make do with scrambled eggs, especially on tour. But now his menu includes delicious and healthy dishes- his wife tries to monitor his health.

Another task that she does not trust to any housekeeper is her husband's shirts. Elena Grigorievna always strokes them with her own hands, because only she can do everything right, as Evgeniy Vaganovich loves.

The tabloid press divorced them more than once, writing about the comedian’s mistresses and his wife’s new hobbies. In response, Petrosyan simply shrugs it off: “They write, it means we haven’t gone into circulation yet.” To spite all their ill-wishers, they have been together for more than thirty years and still never cease to surprise and delight each other. Evgeny Vaganovich goes to all his wife’s concerts, despite the fact that he knows her numbers by heart. He worries about her when she performs alone, and after the concert he always gives her a luxurious bouquet, if the season allows - lilacs.

Sometimes during joint performances, Petrosyan and Stepanenko receive notes: “Is it true that you are getting a divorce?” Having received a negative answer, fans breathe a sigh of relief.

The couple does not hide the secret of their marital happiness: “In our family there is no main thing. We are two halves of one whole and are always ready to give in to each other.”

Name: Elena Stepanenko
Date of birth: 08.04.1953
Age: 64 years old
Place of birth: Volgograd, Russia
Activity: spoken word artist, actress, Honored Artist of Russia
Marital status: Married

The comedian, who performs on stages as women of the people, is loved by many television viewers. What was Elena Stepanenko’s path to national fame, and what else fans don’t know about her biography, family and children - read more here.

Childhood and youth

Stepanenko Elena Grigorievna was born on April 8, 1953 in Stalingrad. Now the city is called Volgograd. The girl's father worked in a restaurant, and her mother worked in a hairdresser.

The dream of performing on stage and entertaining the audience began in Elena when she was very little. She loved to sing and dance. IN adolescence visited the musical comedy theater. She received her first role in a drama club, in the play “Before Dawn”. There the girl played a girl of easy virtue. In addition, she loved swimming and practiced it professionally. I could easily swim across the Volga.

Elena Stepanenko in her youth

Studied at school No.67. After graduation, she entered the Volgograd School of Arts. A year later, she moved to the capital of Russia and submitted documents to GITIS for the department of musical actors.

Interesting: Sergey Drobotenko: personal life, wife, children

A nineteen-year-old girl did this on the advice of the famous Moscow tenor Tuboltsev, who accidentally walked into the school. At first he listened to her, and then said that her place was in Moscow.

In 1979, Elena Stepanenko performed on stage for the first time, which influenced the artist’s biography. During the same period, she began working at the Moscow Variety Theater of Evgeniy Petrosyan, with whom she later created strong family, unfortunately, without children.

Work in the theater

She performed on stage in several theatrical productions and also performed solo. For short time she managed to become a leading artist. Humorous parodies and monologues performed by her attract viewers of different ages.

It is worth highlighting the most striking, cheerful monologues of Elena Stepanenko:

a parody of "Blue Light";
"Women Who Sing";
« Ideal woman"; "Nuclear Button"

In these numbers she sings, dances, and also copies various artists. By the way, earlier the texts for some of the woman’s numbers were created by Mikhail Zadornov.

Actress on stage with her husband

A few years later she left to work at the Theater of Miniatures. To get into the place, she had to go through a difficult casting. There she was involved in all performances. Towards the end of the 90s, she began to be invited to the programs “Full House”, “Curved Mirror”, “Blue Light”. On set, she read "Letter to Clinton," "Excursion" and much more.

Later, she was able to organize her own programs “Kyshkin House” and “Elena Stepanenko Show”. Their genre is a screen theater of miniatures. Each scene requires a lot of effort and time. The most successful today are “Dumb and Dumber”, “Crazy Men”, “Moscow Guide”.

Stepanenko during a concert

Personal life

Elena experienced her first love when she was still a schoolgirl. For the object of adoration, Igor Pavlotsky, she did new hairstyles, dressed up and put on makeup every day. Once she even dared to invite the boy to her house for some treats. The feelings went away after finishing school.

After some time, the girl fell in love with Vladlen Khristenko, an opera singer, but, unfortunately, he could not reciprocate her feelings. First official husband there was Alexander Vasiliev, a famous pianist who worked with Vladimir Vinokur from 1982 to 1988. It was he who helped Elena go on stage, accompanied her on humorous performances.

With her husband Evgeny Petrosyan and his children

A little later, in the same theater, I met Yevgeny Petrosyan. It is interesting that Vasiliev and Petrosyan are very similar in appearance.

After several years of cooperation, Elena Stepanenko, whose biography is being updated and is now being updated with new events, began dating Evgeniy and divorced her husband. Their family had been falling apart for a long time, especially since there were no children together.

For Petrosyan, marriage to the artist was the fourth, but they have been together for more than 25 years. They have a lot of joint numbers, we can say that they are together both at work and at home. Unfortunately, Elena never became a mother.

This topic was touched upon several times in various interviews, gradually becoming very painful for the woman. And Evgeniy has a daughter from a previous marriage.

Elena Stepanenko with her husband

From the outside, a married couple seems ideal; husband and wife complement each other. None of their colleagues saw them quarreling during rehearsals. The humorous union gave Elena Stepanenko not only stability in the family, but also a new round in her stage biography. Unfortunately, their tour schedule was so busy that there was no place or time for the children. The woman did not want to undo everything she had achieved and spend several years on maternity leave.

Information spread on the Internet that not everything in the family was as smooth and calm as it seemed. There was talk about Petrosyan's affair with a young actress. This turned out to be true, which became a blow for Elena, but she did not give a divorce to the traitor. Despite what happened, they still live together.

But there is something that binds the childless married couple. This is a craving for rare items. Their house is full of paintings by famous artists, as well as antique dishes. They go to auctions together and use every opportunity to buy something unusual and interesting.

Elena Stepanenko today

Elena Stepanenko has another hobby - flowers. She grows exotic plants, treating everyone as to my own child. Feeds, cares and talks to them.

Despite her busy schedule and the difficulties that have arisen in the family, Elena Stepanenko tries to devote time to her husband. She prepares his food, irons his things, is attentive to his health and tries to support him in everything. The wife's concern is another reason why creative family does not disintegrate.

The life of an artist now

The comedian continues to perform on stage, showing the audience new funny numbers. But now she began to often appear alone in front of large audiences.

In 2016, she performed at the “Humorina 2016” festival in the Sochi concert hall “Festivalny”. There she read the monologue “Newlyweds” and sang the song “The Clock”. In August 2017, the first episode of the television program “Saturday Night” was released, in which she works as a psychologist.

Yevgeny Vaganovich Petrosyan was born on September 16, 1945 in the capital of the Azerbaijan SSR, Baku. The family name of our hero is Petrosyan. His father was a mathematician, and his mother was an engineer. They hoped that Evgeniy would continue one of their professions, but their dreams were not destined to come true. Little Zhenya participated in amateur performances while still at school, read poems and feuilletons, fables and took part in skits. Later he led concerts alone and in pairs with comrades. At the age of 15, he went on his first tour with the sailors' club.

Evgeny Petrosyan: biography, family, children

At the age of twelve, the boy admitted to his uncle that he really wanted to become an artist. He did not dissuade his nephew and advised him to read about Stanislavsky’s system. Zhenya not only found these books in the library, but also took notes on them. The family was sincerely happy about the boy’s small successes in amateur performances, but his mother and father stubbornly did not believe that he would become an artist.

Having barely graduated from school, Zhenya Petrosyan successfully passed the exams at the All-Russian Creative Workshop of Pop Art, but the guy did not enter the Moscow Art Theater. The talented guy’s mentors turned out to be such famous masters as Rina Zelenaya and Alekseev. The talented guy has been performing successfully since he was seventeen.

In the sixties, Petrosyan was accepted as an actor in the troupe at the People's Drama Theater.

Later, the humorist successfully read the works of Zadorny and Hight, Izmailov and Minnikov, Koklyushkin and Tsapik. He performed in 1964-1969 as an entertainer in the State Orchestra, led by the famous Leonid Utesov, and later worked at the Mosconcert. At the same time, he hosted the New Year’s “Blue Lights”.

Petrosyan and his children: photo

Evgeniy’s first wife was a close relative of the ballerina Krieger; her name is not indicated in any source. Apparently, the woman remained in the shadow of her famous sister. From her, Yevgeny Petrosyan has a daughter, Victorina, born in 1968. The girl began performing in her father’s numbers quite early, always causing a storm of applause. Pretty soon the couple separated.

Yevgeny Petrosyan’s daughter often went on tour with her father and had a serious quarrel with him only once. Her father was against her marrying an American and moving to permanent place residence in the USA. Later, the famous comedian and Victorina reconciled, and now he often sees his grandchildren Andrei and Mark.

Anna Kozlovskaya and Lyudochka - wives of Yevgeny Petrosyan

Yevgeny Petrosyan’s second wife, Anna Kozlovskaya, is the daughter of a once famous opera singer. Anna was seven years older and performed together with Petrosyan, announcing concert numbers. This marriage lasted about a year and a half, as Anna went to the famous Greek neurosurgeon.

A certain Lyudmila, the third wife of Yevgeny Petrosyan, worked as an art critic and lived in Leningrad. The lady was a rather gentle and amazingly educated woman. Lyudmila periodically appeared on stage with Evgeniy Vaganovich.

In the seventies, this famous comedian hosted the television programs “Art Lotto”, “Evenings of Humor”, “Morning Mail”, “Full House”. Since 1975, he has been the director of numerous humorous performances at the Moscow Variety Theater.

In 1979, Petrosyan was able to open his own project - the Theater of Variety Miniatures. He continued to appear in it with monologues, mono-scenes, musical parodies, and feuilletons. Numerous actors performed quite often in the new genre of sideshow. Petrosyan also acts as a stage director.

In the same year, Petrosyan created the Center for Variety Humor, a kind of museum that collected a variety of magazines, posters, program programs, and photographs of humorous topics.

Personal life of Yevgeny Petrosyan

Yevgeny Petrosyan’s personal life changed quite dramatically at this time. A young artist appeared in his theater - Elena Stepanenko. She knew how not only to amuse people and sing, but also to change voices, transforming into her character. The couple a few years later collaboration it started stormy office romance, which ended with a breakup with Lyudmila and a wedding with Lena. This significant event happened in 1986.

In 1991 Petrosyan became People's Artist Russia. Namely, from that time on, Yevgeny Petrosyan’s biography was replenished with active work on television. He performed in the television programs “Full House” (1987-2000), “Laughing Panorama” (1994). Later he became the author of the series of programs “Joke after Joke” (2002-2005) and “Distorting Mirror” (2002-2016).

In 1995, President Russian Federation awarded the famous humorist the Order of Honor for his contribution to art.

Creative family of Evgeny Petrosyan

The family of Evgeny Petrosyan and Elena Stepanenko never ceases to delight their fans with new creative sketches and solo programs. Enough long time Elena is the author and director of joint performances, which enjoy constant success.

Quite often, the couple’s joint friends claim that Yevgeny Petrosyan’s family is based on the joint creativity and outstanding culinary abilities of Elena Stepanenko.

Evgeny Petrosyan became a nominee for the Silver Galosh award, but did not receive this comic award. Humorous programs and numbers are quite often criticized, but the army of admirers does not diminish from this fact.

Elena Grigorievna Stepanenko. Born on April 8, 1953 in Stalingrad (now Volgograd). Soviet and Russian conversational artist, actress. Honored Artist of Russia 1995.

My father is a cook in a restaurant and also worked at a chemical plant.

Mother is a hairdresser.

She dreamed of becoming an artist early childhood: With three years sang, danced, recited poetry, and took part in amateur performances. As a teenager, she began attending the musical comedy theater and never missed a single performance. She played her first role in the school drama club, in a play based on Ida Evand’s play “Before Dawn.” Elena was entrusted with the role of a girl of easy virtue, who invited the revolutionary to go to be shot instead.

"From the age of three, I performed at home, standing on a stool when guests came. I sang absolutely everything I heard anywhere. I grew up very active child. By the way, I am a master of sports in swimming and in my youth I could easily swim across the Volga, because our family lived in Volgograd. And now, if I get to the sea, I can swim for two hours. But as a child, I was interested not only in sports. I loved to sing and literally every other day I went to performances at the local Operetta Theater. In general, the dream of becoming an artist arose in me somehow by itself,” she recalled.

She graduated from school No. 67. Then she studied at the Volgograd School of Arts for 1 year. In 1972 she came to Moscow and entered GITIS (the department of musical actors).

“I was 19 years old then. One day, the famous metropolitan tenor Tuboltsev came to our school for a vocal lesson. He listened to me and advised me to go to Moscow, to appear with celebrities. So I went. And everything worked out - I got in the first time,” she said .

Since 1979 she began performing on the stage. From the same year - actress of the Moscow Variety Theater of Evgeniy Petrosyan.

Having started working at the Petrosyan Theater, Stepanenko played leading roles in all performances: “ Good word and the cat feels good” (1980), “How are you?” (1986), “Inventory” (1989), “We are all fools” (1991), “Country of Limonia, village of Petrosyaniya” (1995), “When finance sings romances” (1997) , “Family Joys” (1999), “Passion-Faces” (2001), “With great regards” (2004), “A Country on the Rise” (2007-2008) and others.

Among the most memorable monologues of that period, one can note her humorous numbers “Nuclear Button”, “Ideal Woman”, “Women Who Sing” and a parody of the “Blue Light” program. In these numbers, the artist not only spoke, but also sang, danced, and transformed into different stars stage. The satirist wrote the scripts for many of her numbers.

In 1985, Stepanenko won the title of laureate of the All-Russian competition of artists of humorous genres.

In 1995, she was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.

Since the late 1990s, she began to regularly participate in entertainment television programs on central TV channels: “Full House”, “Blue Light”, “Crooked Mirror”.

Then she organized her own programs “The Elena Stepanenko Show” and “Kyshkin House”, which in their style and form are a miniature television theater that requires constant labor-intensive preparation. In the new time great success had such sketches as “The Clock”, “Crazy Men”, “Moscow Guide”, “Dumb and Dumber” and others.

She plays in theater and pop comedy performances with her husband.

Has experience in cinema. She made her debut in 1990 in the comedy “Suicide”, followed by the drama “The Mousetrap” based on the play by Agatha Christie. She played in the comedy “Formula of Happiness”, the musicals “Little Red Riding Hood”, “Morozko”, “ Goldfish».

Elena Stepanenko in the film "Little Red Riding Hood"

She voiced such famous cartoons as “Scarecrow-Meow”, “Not at all Scary”, “One Morning” and “Dora-Dora-Tomato”.

"From my point of view, a woman and humor are a more compatible concept than a man and humor. Yes, yes! Women have their own logic, which can be funny in itself. Women laugh louder, louder, more cheerfully, sincerely and more actively than men This is a fact! Our humorous experience shows that the female audience is different in better side from purely masculine. And remember, men: not everything that wears makeup is a woman.", says the artist.

Elena Stepanenko's height: 168 centimeters.

Personal life of Elena Stepanenko:

She was married twice.

The first husband is Alexander Vasiliev, a former famous pianist (he looks similar to Petrosyan), from 1982 to 1988 he worked with Vladimir Vinokur. It was her first husband who brought Elena to the big stage - she parodied the actors and sang, and he accompanied her. Now he works in the jazz ensemble of Vadim Eilenkrig, and has another family.

Alexander Vasiliev - the first husband of Elena Stepanenko

Second husband - Evgeny Petrosyan.

We met in 1979, when Evgeny Vaganovich opened his Theater of Variety Miniatures and announced a casting for artists - GITIS graduate Elena Stepanenko came to audition for him. “We were somehow simultaneously drawn to each other. There, at the test site, nuclear tests were carried out, and so a love bomb exploded,” Elena Stepanenko recalled. Before this, Petrosyan was married three times. They got married in 1985.

“He is my teacher, director, stage partner and husband,” says Elena about her husband.

Stepanenko and Petrosyan have a common passion: they collect antiques. Those who have visited their home say that it is simply a museum with original paintings by Polenov, antique furniture and dishes, as well as antique vases. The couple visit almost all Russian and international antique salons and auctions and spare no expense on expensive purchases. Stepanenko’s weakness is luxurious vases.

The media have repeatedly written about the upcoming divorce of Petrosyan and Stepanenko, citing unofficial sources. In the summer of 2018, it was reported that.

Filmography of Elena Stepanenko:

1990 - Mousetrap - Mrs. Boyle
1990 - Suicide - Cleopatra Maksimovna
2000 - Formula of Happiness - godfather
2001-2003 - Kyshkin House - Malvina Stepanovna Kysh
2008 - Goldfish - godfather Agrippina
2010 - Morozko - narrator
2012 - Little Red Riding Hood - Queen Stepmother

Voice-over of Elena Stepanenko's cartoons:

1981 - One Morning - vocals
1981 - Not at all scary
1982 - Scarecrow-Meow - girl
2001 - Dora-Dora-tomato