Humorous performance for the New Year. A sketch from Santa Claus

New Year's corporate party is a time when the whole team gets together, you can relax a little and forget a little about too strict decency and dress code. Leading corporate parties Funny New Year's skits will certainly come in handy, which will allow you to attract participants from the audience. If it turns out that there is no presenter at the corporate party, the colleagues themselves, with the help of these skits, can put on a fun performance and entertain themselves and their comrades.

Scene No. 1 “How the snowmen played Santa Claus”

A snowman appears on the wall, and on the other side a similar one walks with his back to him. They crash into each other.

1 S-k. - Greetings, snow brother!

2 S-k. - And I greet you, where should you take me?

1 S-k. I wanted to ask Santa Claus for something, but I just can’t get there!

2 S-k. But we can come up with Santa Claus ourselves, for example, why am I not frosty?

1 S-k. - Why are you and not me?

2 S-k. - So you need to make wishes!

1 S-k. - Well, yes... (the second one gets into a pose) - well... oh, no! Grandfather should sit like this! (shows and looks) - No, I don’t like you, give me help from the audience! So, who will organize the coolest Grandfather?

Several participants are selected.

Snow. - So, our Grandfather has the biggest... (looks with an unambiguous look at the belly area) - But that’s not what you thought, the biggest big belly! Well, who has the best? Men should stick out their bellies and measure them. The dispute is resolved by applause. We need to leave two or three people.

1 S-k - And our grandfather also wears a robe, shoes and a cap! (takes out an old terry robe, slippers and baby’s cap). We put it on, we put it on.

2 Sn. (look carefully)- And when did you last time Have you seen Frost?

1 S-k - I haven’t seen him yet, I’ve only heard about him!

1 S. - That’s understandable...And now we still need deer! Grandfather always comes on reindeer, always! So, who's the best deer here? We are announcing a casting for the best deer! Active men are selected.

The music sounds: “I’ll take you to the tundra,” to which the men must portray the best deer.

2 Sn. “So these have been found, all that remains is to find the sleigh.” We'll probably take those reindeer that didn't pass the casting for the sleigh. (Puts the “sleigh” on all fours, puts the “deer” in front, puts grandpa on the “sleigh”. Next there will be a small relay race from one destination to another. The heroes must run around the obstacle and return). – Now let’s go, whose team will reach the right place and return back, those heroes will be the only representatives New Year's characters!


1 Sn-ik - Well, now such cool grandfathers on reindeer need someone?

2 Sc. - Who? Do such cool peppers really need someone?

1 Sn-ik. - Certainly! Snow Maiden! Or rather, two Snow Maidens!

2 Sn. - ABOUT! Let's arrange a casting! We’ll hardly put everyone in place like this and start choosing.

1 Sn. - No, no, no! We need to give them a test! What kind of women do you like?

2 Sn. - I... uh. Wow (shows something). A. no, like this (shows again). But no, no, I really like these!

1 Sn. - Oh, I don’t understand you, let me choose! I love cheerful and active people.

Game "Dance medley"

All interested girls and women are invited and, one by one (or cut into one track), a variety of compositions are included for them to dance to. For example: “Kamarinskaya”, “Gypsy”, “Rap”, “Techno”, “Waltz”, “Lambada”, “Tango”, “Quadrille”, “Rock and Roll”. The heroes each choose a girlfriend. Who took the most active part in the game.

1 Snow. - Well, that’s all, Santa Clauses have been found, and Snow Maidens are here too. You can celebrate a holiday too!

2 Snow. “You came up with a great idea, and we’ll take the gifts for ourselves!”

1 Snow. (looking into the hall) - Something tells me that they won’t let us out of here alive.

2 Snow. - We'll shoot back! He takes out firecrackers and salutes.

1 Snow. - Look, everything is in its place... oh, I’ll have to give it as a gift...

Gift giving occurs. Gifts can be humorous and each one can be personalized according to the recipient’s character, for example:

  • “For the nosy one” - a mousetrap.
  • “For the hungriest” – a spoon.
  • “For the coldest one” - tea or a glass of cognac.
  • “For the youngest” - a rattle. Dummy.
  • For a teetotaler - a bottle of kefir.
  • “To the Ulcer” - festal.
  • “The most beautiful” = Baba Yaga mask.
  • “For the least confident person” - a mirror.
  • “The most talkative” - a traffic jam or a gag.

New Year's scene No. 2 “Seeing off the passing year”

The Snow Maiden enters the stage and pulls the Old New Year.

Come on - look, what else do you have to do here, you see how many people there are, and everything is completely not to your liking! It's time for you to leave. Leave!

Art. N. God - For me? I won’t even think about it! Where will I go? Into oblivion? To eternity? Look at me: Age is in its very juice, one might say - in bloom! For me, maybe, on the contrary, everything is just beginning! Find more such heroes in the hall!

Snow. - And I will find it! Men, let's prove to this old... (whatever you can call it, depending on the company) that he no longer has the same strength.

Game "Let's compete with sausages"

Several men come out and are given sausage balls, which are very difficult to inflate. The whole joke is that they inflate them to the best of their ability, some have a very small sausage, some have a larger one, and some have a very large one. The hero also participates.

Sn-a - Well, grandpa? Your sausage is quite small. I have no strength for anything anymore!

Art. N.G. – Happiness is not in the size of the sausages, but in their quantity! (pretends to be gnawing on a ball, diverting the topic in another direction)

Sn-ka - So you don’t want to leave?

S.N.G. - No, I’m not going anywhere! I'm staying here! And if you want me to leave, create for me the best conditions for this!

Sn-ka - What conditions will we create for you?

S.N.G. - Well, for example... I want a luxurious chaise lounge!

Sn-ka - So, we need the help of the audience! Who among those present is looking forward to the New Year? (answer) We can't hear! That's it, it means we urgently need to kick out the Old One who is ready! You need to be a sun lounger for a bit!

A man comes out better girl, sits on the floor or chair, old year on his lap.

Sn-ka - Well. Are you satisfied?

Art. N.G. - No, it’s over, how can you be satisfied? Would you like some more champagne? So, where's my champagne?

The Snow Maiden calls several girls and chooses a girl with a figure similar to a bottle of champagne by general vote. They “put” it in the hand of the Old Year.

Art. year - So, what else do I need... Oh! I want a gift! I want it to be like in my youth...

Snow. - Yeah, you admit your old age!

Art. year (looked sharply at her)- No, of course, I just put it that way! I want the poem to be told to me. It would make me happy!

Snow. - Well, we must fulfill all the wishes of this old hooligan! Who's ready?

He sets up a stool on which people recite poems.

Art. year - Great, great! Exactly what I wanted! As the doctor ordered... (grabs his heart, drops the “bottle of champagne”). - Oh, save me! Help!

Snguroch. - Oh, what to do, what to do? Is there a doctor in the room? Is there anyone who knows how to save? Well, maybe the one who does artificial respiration? No, right? Eh, you'll have to die, grandpa, there are no people here willing!

Art. year - If it’s a man, then I’d rather lie here, but if it’s a woman... (dreaming).

Sn. - You are hard of hearing, there is no one, even if you pay! Are you ready to pay?

Art. year - Well, I can only drink cognac!

Girls are called, they must leave Art on their face. year as many kisses as you are ready to drink shots of cognac.

Old Year - (looking in the mirror) Yeah, what am I going to tell my girlfriend now?

S-chka - do you also have a girlfriend?

Art. Mr. - Otherwise!

Sn. - Come on, we'll fix everything! Is there a make-up artist in the hall? And the one who has a steady hand and who can sketch the whole thing?

Two volunteers are called to powder and apply makeup to the hero.

Snegur. - Wow, what a “reindeer” you are!

S. God - You yourself... Which one? (looks for a mirror) Oh, the mirror is missing...

Snegur. - And now we’ll draw you.

Game "Portrait"

The same or other two heroes are called and blindfolded, they draw the grandfather. The game can be adjusted to your own taste: you can have one portrait, you can have two, or even organize drawing in teams. Each person will take turns drawing some part of the face and body.

Art. year - So, I understand, you’re kidding me, so yes? That's it, they made you angry! I'm leaving, I'm not interested in being here anymore!

Snow. - Well, finally! Now you can celebrate the holiday! (The chimes strike and firecrackers explode.)

Scene No. 3 “Adult fairy tale about a turnip”

The grandmother (presenter) comes out, as if visiting a fairy tale.

Grandmother -

Hello, guests, gentlemen, how long did it take you all to get here?
Is it good in the world, or is it bad there? What kind of miracle is there today?
There is a computer, I heard, laptops, and cell phones are quite a few!
Why should I surprise people? Should I tell a fairy tale?
I just need help, she will be fine!

Continues - To begin with, I will invite different heroes, For example, I remember the fairy tale about the two Ivans, the game there was like this... what about it... the king of the east exchanged it for a songbird... (The audience must guess “the sea is agitated once”). Let's play.

Game "The sea is agitated once." The figures should all be outlandish and intricate, but most importantly, they will need to be brought to life in the end. So to speak, to justify what was shown.

Bab-ka - There are many fairy tales in the world, so I can’t count them,

For example, “Turnip” is ours, there is nothing tastier or more beautiful than it!

(Calls two male participants)

Baba says: Grandfather planted... One plants, the other plants. The turnip has grown enormously and enormously! Healthy and healthy! And he began to pull such a miracle... He'll pull... (to the participant) Pull, don't hesitate (shows how to pull, by the ear or by the ears), but he can't pull it out. What to do? Grandfather called his grandmother, call her! (participant calls) - Well, who calls you like that, why does your grandmother need you, such a weakling! This is how, this is what you should call (shows a pack of gifts). - Understood? (comments) Look, grandma was so happy, she came running, she almost forgot about the turnip, but grandfather is not a fool: grandma is great and pulls the turnip! They pull and pull, nothing works out for them, they have lived to old age, apparently they no longer have the same heroic strength! They called their granddaughter... well, who calls you that, this is what you offer your granddaughter! (gives a wallet with money). Look, look, let's go, let's go! (depicts) Look at the youth they have become! And again nothing works out for them. What an unfriendly team! The granddaughter began to call Zhuchka, her friend is like that. Bug came running. Well, at least you can lure the Bug with something, she just wants to find adventures to the fifth point, and she is of little interest in the details!

Continues the story- And again, peace and quiet, the turnip firmly dug its roots in! Apparently the root is not small, since it sits like that. Bug Murka called, that gang of watering cans, I’ll tell you, they’re going to make a fuss here about who is the most beautiful of them, ugh! No sense! And finally, they called the mouse in unison! (To all participants) We call, we call, in unison! A mouse came running (calls from the hall, always in short skirt) - Mouse, where are you going to pull the turnip or on... you don’t risk pulling it in such transparent clothes. Once you pull it out, the root will catch on to you... (hits himself on the lips) - Oh, I’ve become quite talkative, we’re working. Let's work, my children!

Granny goes on to say: So, all the heroes are in place, they pull and pull, nothing happens! Then they started digging, digging, digging, digging (they pretend to dig in a circle of turnips, they move in any dance, for example, you can include a waltz or tango). Did they dig up a turnip? But no, they didn’t dig it up, maybe put the mouse in front, huh? Her mini skirt will make anyone leave their homeland! Come on Mouse, work, work! Dance him something like that!
Beautiful music turns on, “Mouse” dances for “Turnip” and in the end takes her away from her place.

Oh, I'm glad to be friends!
My fairy tale is over!
Congratulations on the holiday,
May all your wishes come true!

Three New Year's scenes have come to an end, we hope you can use them at your corporate event.

The scenario contains an option with a banquet hall, the number of employees is 20 people. If your event is for more people, then just add a few .

Characters: Santa Claus, Snegurochka (they are also presenters), employees.

Props: gifts for participation in the competition, scissors, colored ribbons, rain, tape, colored cardboard, marker, 4 scrapers, 3-4 hard-boiled eggs, cards with dance names and song titles, auction lots, men's shirts, men's gloves, glass jars , coins.

Father Frost and Snow Maiden enter the hall to the music.

Father Frost :
We came to you today
We'll have fun with you
I wish everyone, friends,
Smile and get drunk!

Snow Maiden :
Grandpa is joking, out of the way,
Apparently the old man is tired
Good evening dears,
The hour of miracles is now!

Father Frost :
The most important, first toast,
Your boss will say,
He brought you gifts
The most important leader!

(The director of the organization makes the first toast, with which he opens the holiday)

Snow Maiden :
They say it's the year of the rooster
It will be bright and cheerful,
Are your friends waiting for him?
Is the house full of gifts?

Father Frost :
I'm already waiting for this year
Maybe I'll find my grandmother
Maybe someone younger
I'll take it and love it!

Snow Maiden :
Me too, I’m dreaming here,
To replace grandfather,
So that on a holiday with the newlyweds,
Come under my arm!
In general, I wish everyone
May your dreams come true,
Please accept my congratulations,
We are starting the holiday!

Father Frost :
And let's start with you, perhaps.
From menu selection to table,
You will compose it,
Well, I’ll help you eat!

Competition "New Year's Menu".
3 participants are selected. Everyone should name as many as possible New Year's dishes to a given leading letter. For repetition - relegation. The winner will receive a prize.

Snow Maiden :
So, we decided on the menu,
You need to raise your glass,
And now the accountant will be
Congratulations to your team!

(The accountant says)

Father Frost :
This is what I thought, my dear Snow Maiden, how do you feel about the fact that I will give you my New Year’s gift in 2018?

Snow Maiden :
I don’t understand something, what does it mean that I have to wear an old fur coat for another year?

Father Frost :
But what difference does it make, they don’t value you for your fur coat!

Snow Maiden :
Maybe not for a fur coat, but that doesn’t mean a new one isn’t needed! And although, as you know, I’ll be leading the next corporate event naked, but what’s the difference?

Father Frost :
Don't get angry, otherwise you'll melt! There will be a fur coat!

Snow Maiden :
Why did you start the conversation?

Father Frost :
Yes, just to keep the conversation going! Somehow we got distracted.

Snow Maiden :
So, we have decided on the menu, it’s time to decide on the alcohol, which is on festive table will stand! But the whole difficulty is that in order to stage it, we need to solve the riddle.

(Alcohol riddles. Whoever gives the most correct answers will receive a prize)

Riddle options:
1. The national drink of all times,
Passed through copper pipes,
Often cooked on the stove,
Well, you name it.

2. Burns the mouth and throat,
But at the same time they drink together,
Usually served in glasses
But they also drink from glasses.

3. Subtle aroma, what a bouquet,
Beautiful color and tartness, sweetness,
Stays in barrels for many years
Well, have you guessed it yet?

4. Sometimes ladies drink a drink,
Adding juice and ice
And it contains something like grass,
Sometimes it hits my head.

5. Quenches thirst, gives a belly,
Goes well with fish
Everyone understands perfectly well
Malt will be included in the composition

7. They often drink it with cola,
They also pour it into barrels,
The most important for pirates,
Sometimes it costs a lot.

8. Goes great with tonic,
The taste is sometimes unusual
Drink with lemon and ice
No friends, I'm not talking about rum

9. Rich aroma and color,
And we have no one closer to us than him,
It plays so easily in a glass,
And the stars always shine

10. Bubbles and gases,
They play in a glass,
We're like aristocrats
Well, who can guess

(Riddle options may be different)

Father Frost :
And now, my congratulations,
Friends will read to us,
Those who are also in leadership
And you can’t live without them!

(Toasts are made by department heads, or one on behalf of everyone)

Snow Maiden :
Stand together, stand in a circle,
You all join hands,
In a round dance you are friends,
Spin around in no time!

Competition "Moonwalking round dance".
All participants stand in a circle. One is selected and stands in a circle. The participant’s task in the circle is to squat down and, while everyone is dancing in a circle, move and repeat: “I am a little moonwalker.” Whichever participant laughs first will take a place in the center of the circle.

(The presenters announce a musical break lasting 10-15 minutes)

Snow Maiden :
And now, I give my word,
To all employees now,
We want to hear a toast from you,
At this moment and at this hour!

(Employees read out)

Father Frost :
There were rhymes and dances,
And now we are waiting for the show,
The most fashionable, New Year's,
Who are the ready friends among you?

Competition "New Year's Dress Up".
3-4 participants are selected. Everyone is given the same set: scissors, colored ribbons, rain, tape, colored cardboard, marker, 4 scrapers. The task is to make a rooster costume from a set and parade in it. Execution time 3 minutes. The best costume will receive a prize.
You will need: scissors, colored ribbons, rain, tape, colored cardboard, marker, 4 scrapers.

Snow Maiden :
Let's drink to the coming year,
So that everything will be fine with us,
So that the year was the previous one,
May we be lucky in all matters!

Father Frost :
So that there is a lot of money in our house,
So that caviar stands on the tables,
To make all the neighbors jealous,
Only ashes remain from failures!

Snow Maiden :
So that you glow with happiness,
So that love lives in the soul,
So that all wishes come true,
For this, let's drink to the dregs, friends!

Father Frost :
Oh, I feel so good, I’ll sing now!

Competition “I Sing on Cotton”.
The task is as follows: all the guests at the table begin to sing together, clapping, any New Year's song. On the second clap they stop singing, but continue to sing to themselves; on the next clap they sing out loud. It will turn out very funny, since many simply will not fall into the rhythm.

Snow Maiden :
I think it's time for us to dance,
We'll set the rhythm now
There will be hot rock and roll
Let's start lighting it up now!

(The Snow Maiden announces a musical break for 15-20 minutes. Before the musical break, you can hold a dance competition)

Dance competition for girls “I dance everything in the world”.
Cards with the names of the dances are prepared in advance. 3-4 participants are selected. Each of them draws a card with the name of the dance. You have 2 minutes to prepare. All dances are performed to Russian hits of the 80-90s. There is a prize for the best performance.
Dance options for cards: hopak, Russian folk, salsa, lambada, cha-cha, cancan, striptease. Options for musical compositions (write on a separate card): N. Koroleva “Little Country”, E. Belousov “Girl, Girl”, E. Osin “A Girl Crying in the Machine”, A. Varum “Winter Cherry”, Combination “Ksyusha, Ksyusha ", Na-na "Faina", A. Apina "The knot will be tied."
You will need: cards with the names of the dances and the names of the songs.

Father Frost :
Do you know who is the coolest in your team? So I don’t know, I suggest you find out!

Competition "There is no cooler".
Only men participate in the competition. 3-4 people are selected from all participants. Place a plate of hard-boiled eggs on the table (according to the number of participants). The host announces that one of the eggs is raw (although this is not the case). Participants must take turns breaking their egg on their forehead. The tension grows with each egg, and the audience's spirits rise.
You will need: 3-4 hard-boiled eggs.

Snow Maiden :
As this competition showed,
That everyone in the team is equal,
We drink to the dregs for equality,
You are all cool, well done!

Father Frost :
And now the auction
Let's organize it for you, friends,
We will distribute gifts
You can't miss the moment!

Announced " New Year's auction».
The presenter shows the lot and sells it for the highest price. Each lot may have its own price and not always monetary.
You will need: lots.

Lot options (may be different):
1. A bottle of champagne with the inscription “Corporate party 2018. Thank you for being with us.” (Starting price from 50 rubles)
2. Day off during the week. (Starting price from 150 rubles)
3. The right to be in the role of director. (Starting price from 250 rubles)
4. Not going to work after winter weekends. (Starting price from 500 rubles, or fulfillment of the presenter’s wishes)
5. The opportunity to leave work 2 hours earlier.
6. Possibility of being late for work by 2 hours. (Starting price from 200 rubles)
7. 3 days off during the week. (Starting price from 600 rubles)
8. Daily praise from the director throughout the week. (Starting price from 700 rubles)
9. Dinner at the director’s expense in any restaurant. (Starting price from 1000 rubles)

(Such lots must be approved by senior management)

Snow Maiden :
Who knows how the Rooster crows?

(They answer her)

Snow Maiden :
Great. Let us all reproduce together! Since it’s the year of the rooster, you still need to respect the bird and make it happy!

Competition “I’ll sing, I’ll dance, I can do anything”.
3-4 participants are selected. The task is to crow a given song and at the same time walk like a rooster. Whoever gets it right will receive a prize.

(After this, a musical break is announced. 20-25 minutes)

Father Frost :
I suggest you drink for the New Year,
Let him bring with him,
Joy, happiness and luck,
Loot and good mood to everyone!

Snow Maiden :
Fun, passion, affection to everyone,
Let him bring wealth,
Let's have a drink with you, we are friends,
May good luck come to your home!

Father Frost :
But I’m wondering how smart the guys are who work in this company?

Snow Maiden :
And this is what we will check now!

Competition "Nimble Fingers".
3 pairs are selected (man, woman). Men wear a men's shirt, and women are given men's gloves. The task of women is to button up their shirt while wearing gloves. Time to complete 1 minute. The one who can do it faster will receive a prize.
You will need: men's shirts, men's gloves.

Father Frost :
Let's drink to dexterity, friends,
We all always need it!

Snow Maiden :
Team spirit is always valuable
Let's check this out, gentlemen.
I ask you all to gather together,
It's time to prove unity!

Game "Coins".
Participants are divided into several teams. Each team receives a glass jar and coins (according to the number of participants). The goal is to toss your coin without using your hands or mouth. The team that threw greatest number coins will win. Place jars at a distance of 2 meters.
You will need: glass jars, coins.

Snow Maiden :
I offer you a drink for you,
You are so friendly, so interesting,
May miracles fill every hour,
Always work together!

(A musical break is announced in which you can spend music competition. For example, you can hold a “Touch” competition. The conditions are simple. When there is a pause, the presenter says what needs to be touched. For example, touch your nose, tree, leg, green, etc.)

Father Frost :
Our holiday is coming to an end,
It's time for us to part,
I congratulate you from my heart,
Happy year of the bird - the Rooster!

Snow Maiden :
Lastly, you need to drink
To consolidate desires,
So that the Rooster brings good luck,
So that we can live well!

It is important to remember that the roles need to be played out, the hall decorated in accordance with the theme of the holiday, and that thoughtful musical accompaniment is the key to a fun holiday.

New Year is a fabulous holiday! Agree, not only children, but also adults, on the eve of the main holiday of the year, begin to expect miracles and magic. Therefore, it is not surprising that one of the most popular scenes at New Year's parties and corporate events is a fairy tale. Usually the host invites the holiday participants to feel like New Year's heroes or popular fairy tale characters. At the same time, there is no need to learn large roles, since the format of the skit is often comic and involves a minimum of lines and musical accompaniment. There is even a separate version of the fairy tale-improvisation to music, in which the participants must come up with their own lines and movements for their characters. You can also make a fairy tale remake in a modern way. For example, take the plot of Kolobok as a basis, but give its characters more modern characters. But whichever option you choose, a fairy tale for a corporate party for the New Year 2018 (ideas with video below) will ideally complement any scenario for this holiday.

A fairy tale for a corporate party for the New Year 2018: holiday scenario

One of the advantages of a fairy tale number for use in New Year's scenario- versatility of the format. The fabulous action fully corresponds to the mood of this holiday and is interesting for both adults and children. But if we talk specifically about the use of a fairy tale in a scenario for a corporate party in honor of the New Year holiday, then it also helps to create a relaxed atmosphere. Agree, when else but at a New Year's corporate party will you be able to see the chief accountant in the image of Baba Yaga, and the director transformed, say, into the Snow Maiden. It is important to note that fairy tales are different. But often they are all united by a funny plot and a cool ending.

Options for fairy tales for a holiday scenario for a corporate party for the New Year 2018

If we try to classify fairy tales, we can distinguish several main types:

  • musical tales(dialogues between participants must be accompanied by music and songs)
  • fairy tales-improvisation (they do not contain dialogue, and the participants themselves come up with the words and actions of their characters)
  • fairy tales-remakes (the plot is based on everything famous work, and the characters and dialogues were rewritten)
  • medley fairy tales (instead of dialogues, they use cuts of music and phrases from songs)

Any of the above options can be used when writing a script for New Year's corporate party. But remember that the most complex version of an improvisation fairy tale can only be used when the team has many creative and liberated people who are capable of creative thinking. Otherwise, the performance will not be successful: the participants will be constrained, will not be able to make a joke or make a decent joke, and will remain disappointed with the performance.

Another version of a fairy tale that is suitable for a New Year's corporate party is a story invented by the entire team. This is a written format that will require a large piece of paper. The theme of such a fairy tale can be anything, but it is advisable to choose a New Year's plot. The presenter writes the first sentence of the fairy tale, leaving only last word. The task of each participant in the holiday is to write one sentence, focusing only on the last word of the previous author. At the end, the New Year's fairy tale is read out loud by the presenter - it always turns out to be very creative and fun!

A funny fairy tale improvisation for adults with music for the New Year for a corporate party, video

An improvisation fairy tale is one of the most fun numbers at the New Year's cooperative party, but at the same time one of the most difficult. After all, no matter how thoughtful and interesting the script may be, the whole holiday can be ruined by this one scene. Ideally, an improvisational fairy tale is best held at the end of the evening, when its participants are as relaxed as possible and ready to show their creativity, turning off excessive modesty and shyness. Often, a fairy-tale number with improvisation consists of a given plot and individual comments from the presenter, which should coordinate the participants in the right direction. In other words, after the task has been announced, the characters in the scene must come up with the movements, words and character of their characters themselves. But if you doubt that the participants have enough artistry, you can also use a lighter version of a musical improvisation fairy tale. In this version, there are either no dialogues at all, or they are replaced with phrases from popular films and songs.

Video with examples of funny fairy tales and improvisations with music for a corporate party in honor of the New Year for adults

Next you will find several examples with videos of what a New Year's fairy tale-improvisation for adults can be. Remember that it is better to choose the plot of such a fairy tale based on the characteristics of the team and the characters of the direct participants in the act.

Thematic fairy tale for the New Year 2018 Dogs for a corporate party with gags and jokes - ideas for the script

Since the upcoming New Year 2018 will be held under the auspices of the Yellow Dog, the corporate party scenario can be diversified with a thematic fairy tale with gags and jokes. This means that instead of everyone’s favorite Turnip or Little Red Riding Hood, you can take as a basis the plot of a fairy tale, book, or cartoon related to dogs. It is not necessary that the dog be the main character of this work. The option of a minor character who suddenly comes to the fore in your thematic fairy tale is also quite suitable. In this case, children's cartoon characters are well suited: Ball from Prostakvashino, Volt, the Barboskin family, Dog (m/f Once upon a time there was a dog), etc. Heroes of everyone's favorite fairy tales, for example, Artemon from Pinocchio, are also suitable. You can also take the same Turnip as the basis for the plot, but shift the emphasis specifically to the role of the dog.

Ideas for jokes and gags for a themed scenario with a fairy tale for a corporate party for the New Year 2018 Dogs

Special attention It’s worth paying attention to what jokes and gags it is advisable to use for the scenario of a New Year’s fairy tale for a corporate party. Many people bet on fairly explicit jokes, which are accompanied by dancing and jokes for adults. But we should not forget that such a format may be unacceptable for the team and its individual members. Therefore, it is much more effective to use good humor without unnecessary vulgarity and vulgarity. For example, men are often cast in female roles in New Year’s fairy tales, and they have to dress up in the outfits of their heroines. In this case, it is better to refuse too short dresses and skirts, and give preference to a long sundress or individual accessories (kokoshnik, handbag, hat, wig) rather than an outfit. The same goes for women who are asked to act in male roles. Agree, it is unlikely that any of the fair sex will new year party you will want to neglect exquisite makeup for the sake of a painted mustache.

Modern fairy tale “Kolobok” for a corporate party for the New Year 2018, based on roles with music, video

One of the most popular fairy tale adaptations with simple roles and cheerful music for corporate parties in honor of the New Year is a modern variation of Kolobok. Since the plot of this fairy tale is well known to everyone, the participants have no problems learning their roles. In addition, the option itself modern fairy tale“Kolobok” for a corporate party for the New Year 2018 is very versatile in its roles and music. It is suitable for both a small party and a huge company. In addition, the tale about Kolobok is short, so you don’t have to worry that the number will be drawn out. An example of how you can play out the fairy tale about Kolobok in a modern way at a New Year's corporate party can be seen in the following video.

A fairy tale for a corporate party for the New Year 2018. Dogs must be present in the holiday scenario. This fun and cool number with roles and music always lifts the spirits of both participants and guests. And she also creates a special atmosphere of magic! And you must admit, it’s rare that adults have the opportunity to visit a real New Year’s fairy tale. We hope that our ideas for fairy tales with jokes at a corporate party will help you create a wonderful holiday that will be remembered with smiles for a long time!

New Year is one of the most amazing and long-awaited holidays! Not only children, but also adults who also want to believe in miracles are looking forward to it!

Give your colleagues some real fun winter's tale, or rather, several new fairy tales that will not only give your work friends the opportunity to have fun, but also show off all their talents and abilities! This funny scenario for a fun company, with musical accompaniment, artistic transformations, and jokes will allow you to turn your New Year's corporate party into a truly unforgettable event.

Cool converted fairy tales for corporate New Year parties for adults, here you can download for free. Have a great time participating! An unforgettable experience awaits you!

New Year's fairy tale “Teremok in a new way”

Props and scenery:

1. Designation “teremka” it is necessary to make a square measuring 2x2m. Height 20 cm. The frame can be made of cardboard.

2. A large beach umbrella on a stand will represent the roof.

3. Additional props: mop, plate with spoon, centimeter (measuring).

4. Recording light instrumental music (for background), rhythmic dance music (Disco Crash - New Year is rushing towards us).

5. A bag with cards that describe roles, moods, emotions:

1 card:

Who? - Mouse.

Which? - Nervous, hysterical. He always shouts his “pee-pee-pee!” loudly!

What is he doing in Teremka? – Mops the floors

2 card:

Who? - Frog.

Which? – Stern, persistent, unhurried. Your “Kwa-kwa!” pronounces like an opera singer.

What is he doing in Teremka? - Feeds you lunch.


3 card:

Who? - Bunny.

Which? - Cheerful, nimble, mischievous. After every jump, his tail wags!

What is he doing in Teremka? – Measures clothing parameters with a centimeter.

4 card:

Who? - Chanterelle.

Which? - Sexy, flirty. Sexily purrs: “Urrrr!”

What is he doing in Teremka? - Flirts, seduces.

5 card:

Who? - Gray wolf.

Which? – Confident, daring, a sort of “decider”, he came to the “showdown”. He coughs as if he was coughing: Cough, cough! Cough cough!

What is he doing in Teremka? – He attacks everyone all the time and threatens!

6 card:

Who? - Bear.

Which? – Smiling, kind, loves everyone very much! He says his “RRRRR” as if he’s saying “I’ll catch up!” I’ll catch up!”

What is he doing in Teremka? – He climbs in to hug and kiss.


  • Presenter (folder with the script);

To somehow designate all the characters so that they are recognizable, just a few elements in clothing are enough.

  • Mouse (headband with ears and tail, apron);
  • Frog (put a green frill (collar) on your clothes, you can also wear green gloves, a chef’s apron and a cap);
  • Bunny (headband with long ears, small tail);
  • Chanterelle (yoke, red collar and fox tail);
  • Gray wolf (dressed like a hooligan, unbuttoned shirt, gold chain around his neck, purse (like in the 90s) on his side, cap, cigarette in his mouth);
  • Bear (on the head is a hat with round ears, a vest, warm knitted socks, large galoshes).

Scene #1

Host: Dear friends! New Year is always a return to childhood. How long have you read the children's fairy tale “Teremok”?

The guests answer: A long time ago!

Host: Do you remember? What was happening there?

All in unison: Yes!

Host: If I were you, I wouldn’t be so sure! Would you like us to check it out? Or let's remember everything together?

All in chorus:

Host: I need six volunteers!

Selects the most colorful ones from the audience: the tallest, the shortest, the thinnest, the fattest, etc.

Host: Who would you like to play in this fairy tale?

Participants speculate.

Host: Well, that would be ideal, but here at our fabulous New Year’s corporate party there are miracles everywhere. Even the most ordinary fairy tale can turn into an interesting and unforgettable action! Pull it out of the bag and see who will be who!

Without looking, participants pull out cards indicating who and what they should be in this fairy tale. It will be funny when you big man for example, he will get the role of Mouse! Or the frailest one - the role of the bandit Wolf or Bear!

They are taken away and assistants dress them up in elements. The participant who will play the Mouse is given a mop, the Frog is given a plate and spoon, and the Bunny is given a tailor's centimeter.

The disguised artists go out to the Presenter, who tells the task.

Host: So, in our cool remade fairy tale, only I speak! You are well known and possible ways portray your hero. The bunny jumps to Teremok, the frog jumps, etc. You can and even should make the sounds of your character, demonstrate his behavior and manners.

All this is done taking into account the emotions and mood that are written in your card. And one more thing: once you get to Teremochek, if you suddenly hear this kind of dance music (the chorus of the song “New Year” by the group “Disco Accident”), you must, again, taking into account your given mood, perform the actions that were indicated on your cards!

It is advisable for the audience to sing along to the song. And the main condition is that all actions are performed only in interaction with each other! Are you all going to live together?

Participants agree. They leave.

Scene #2

Light instrumental music plays in the background. As soon as new hero appears in Teremka, dance music is briefly turned on, to which they will each perform their action.

Host: So, dear friends, sit down comfortably! Now you will hear, and at the same time you will see completely a new fairy tale called "Teremok".

In one of the very nice dacha cooperatives, someone took and built a very neat little Teremok!

(Helpers take out a cardboard frame representing the Teremok. In the middle, instead of a roof, they place a large beach umbrella on a stand.)

Presenter: Past, on our own important matters Little Mouse ran ("Mouse" runs out, hysterically yelling "PEE-PEE-PEE!").

The Mouse was surprised that there was such a treasure, and no one lived there! She ran around the Teremok three times (the Mouse runs around), and, making sure that there were definitely no owners there, she moved into it! (The mouse steps over and immediately begins to wash the floors).

The Frog-Frog also jumped along the same path, along the same road! (The participant portraying the Frog jumps, singing “Kwa-kwa!” in an operatic style.)

When I saw Teremok, I couldn’t help myself! She came closer and asked Mouse if she could live there with her?

- Come in! It will be more fun together! – she answered and let her friend into Teremok.

Dance music turns on and the frog begins to feed the mouse, which washes the floors under its feet.

Host: The smell from afar have a delicious lunch heard the Bouncing Bunny! (Bunny gallops) And when he came to him, he saw Teremok and was stunned! Oh, how he wanted to live in it! Is it possible? – asked the Bunny.

- Can! - Mouse and Frog waved invitingly and ushered the new tenant into Teremok.

Dance music is turned on: the Mouse must wash the floors under the feet of its neighbors, the Frog must feed everyone in turn, and the Bunny must take measurements from both the Frog and the Mouse.

Host: The main party girl, Vixen, also joined in on the fun! (The participant in this image comes out with a sexy gait, purring) Well, who wouldn’t like this kind of entertainment? Of course, she asked to live in Teremochka! And the owners weren’t against it!

Dance music is turned on: the Mouse washes under the Frog, the Bunny, the Fox, the Frog feeds everyone in turn with a spoon, the Bunny measures everyone, and the Fox dances sexily in front of everyone.

Host: But, as in life, so in a fairy tale, nothing is so simple: hearing the noise and din, smelling the delicious smells wafting from the windows of Teremochka, the Wolf came to the house. (The Wolf comes out imposingly, coughing. He approaches Teremochka). Well, again, how this happens in life, he didn’t really ask! He opened the door with his foot and walked in!

Dance music turns on: everyone does their own thing, and the wolf “runs over” everyone in turn.

Presenter: The frog, seeing such a thing, stopped right next to Gray and let’s feed! And he - “run into”! It is not known how it would all end, but then the Bear walked past.

(Smiling and playfully growling, the participant who plays the Bear comes out).

Presenter: The Bear approached Teremochka and looked at how the animals were having fun there! How they wash cleanly, how they spoon-feed, how they measure joyfully, how they dance sexily! Even Mishka immediately fell in love with the Wolf and his attacks! Entered Teremok and let's hug and kiss everyone!

To the tune of dance music, everyone goes about their business with everyone else, and Bear hugs and kisses everyone on the cheeks!

Host: You may ask why he didn’t ask the residents for permission to live? Why? After all, this is HIS Teremok! He built it for himself! How did you see this? fun company, I immediately decided to live and leave them all here!

Dance music is playing. All heroes interact with each other, constantly changing partners.

Corporate New Year's fairy tale “Kolobok in a new way”

Props and scenery:

  • To stage the fairy tale “Kolobok”, it is necessary to make the facade of a Russian hut with opening window shutters from plywood or thick cardboard.
  • The house needs to be beautifully painted in the Old Russian style.
  • Forest elements: decorative bushes, stumps, etc.
  • Recording backing tracks of music different nations: for the scene in the grandfather and grandmother's house - an old Russian melody, for the scene with the hare - a rap beat, for the scene with the wolf - Georgian tunes, for the scene with the fox - Chinese, for the scene with the bear - accordion playing.


1. Storyteller (dressed in a Russian sundress and kokoshnik);

2. Kolobok-Italian (on his head is a hat with a pompom and a long bright scarf);

3. Hare – American (rapper cap);

4. Wolf – Caucasian (thick mustache, airfield cap);

5. Fox – Chinese (kimono, fan, matching make-up);

6. Bear – Russian (earflap hat, accordion).

Scene #1

In the middle of the stage is the frame of a hut on supports. There is a chair behind. Old Russian music sounds. A storyteller appears in the window.


In one house, on the edge of the forest
Once upon a time there lived a grandfather with his old lady.
Grandma and grandfather in that hut
Suddenly they baked a bun.

The most beautiful gingerbread man,
Round, round, and ruddy.
He jumped off the stove at once,
He rushed off into the forest in the night.

Ran away from grandma
He ran away from his grandfather.
They're both crying, here's a hint
That's the beginning of our fairy tale.

Sit down, guests, make yourself comfortable,
Listen to the story in more detail.

Scene #2

Set forest elements. The bun comes out and dances. The music is in rap style.


Our bun is not simple,
He is not Russian, not native.
Look, he's dressed to the nines!
Because he's Italian.
Humming independently
Something like “bravissimo!”

(A hare appears on stage).

And a hare meets him,
He appears to be American.

The hare raps:
Hello, Kolobok, where have you come?
Whom did you look for and who did you find?
I know you ran away from your grandparents.
You came to me, I was waiting for you!

(Music turns off)


The bun rolled
Along the path, through the woods!
And then according to our fairy tale
The gray wolf comes out
Caucasian nationality!

(Georgian chants sound, the Wolf comes out)

Such a serious man
With gray, rough, prickly bristles.

Gray ox:

Uh-uh, buddy, where are we headed?
I won’t let you go further until we support the feast together!
Not accepted in our area,
Stay hungry when visiting!


The table is set, the guests are sitting,
To the left, to the right, toasts sound more beautiful!
“For the hare! For grandma! For grandfather!
And we won't let you go until lunch.
Don't be offended, he says, you're on ME!
You will be a snack on our table!

Our little bun thought.
And he slipped away on the quiet!
(Music turns off)

He goes and is a little sad,
Suddenly he hears an accordion sound!
(The sound of an accordion plays)
He sees that it is neither far nor close,
A clumsy bear comes out to him!
Plays music, plays,
And the bun is already eating from afar.

(The bear comes out.)


He came closer and smiled.
He swallowed his saliva and licked his lips.


Well, that's it, the bun has rolled in!
And it turned into my lunch.
Shut up, I won't listen!
How I want to eat!


Kolobok was not a little scared!
He turned around, dodged and ran!
I'd roll as fast as I could, if only I had them!
So the branches hit me in the face and hit me!

(Music turns off)

And then his strength ran out,
AND scary moments ended.
The bun smiled and shook himself off.
He turned around through his ruddy side.
Here he goes further slowly
And suddenly meet a beautiful fox!

(A Chinese melody plays and Lisa comes out to it)

Our bun was stunned by its beauty!
Lost for speech, he sat down on the ground.
This could only happen to him
Only he could fall in love with a fox!


Come closer to me
Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you!
I want to take a look, my friend,
Your ruddy, bready side.
I want to get to know you!
Or rather, rather, gobble it up!


The fox jumped on the bun,
She grabbed her sides with her claws!
And let's torment him,
And at the same time humming.


Stupid, stupid bun,
Your head is round

→ New Year>" url="">

17.02.2019 | Looked at the script 5 Human

The grandmothers enter and immediately go to the tree.
Matryona in the Snowflake costume, Flower - Squirrel.

Matryona: Well, you see, Little Flower, the tree is real, and you were deceived, deceived...
Flower: Yeah!.. She’s just like in childhood, wow! That's all I...

Scenario for New Year's corporate party for presenters

14.11.2018 | Looked at the script 14598 Human

Well, all the guests are at the table!
New Year is like a snowball!
It grows every moment!
Brings us joy and happiness!
So let's congratulate each other!
Have a nice time everyone!

Eat and drink, gentlemen!
Years are not a problem!
There is no reason for...

Cool entertainment for the New Year “Well, you give it!”

13.11.2018 | Looked at the script 115595 Human

Phrases of the participating heroes:
New Year - Come on!
Santa Claus - Why don't you drink?
Snow Maiden - Both-on!
Old ladies - Wow!
Leshy - Well, good luck!
Waitress - Where are the empty plates?
Guests - Happy New Year!

On the eve of the New Year...

Scenario for the New Year's holiday for adults “Two boots - a pair”

12.11.2018 | Looked at the script 21963 person

From behind the scenes the song “I got drunk and drunk” is heard. Baba Yaga and Kashchei are hiding behind the Christmas tree. Staggering, the shabby Snow Maiden enters without a belt, wearing only a mitten. He looks around at the guests and exclaims joyfully:

SNOW MAID: Oops! How many men are there! ...

Comic horoscope for women for the New Year

12.11.2018 | Looked at the script 14553 person

Ladies who are CAPRICORN, don't be too strict!
You can drink - but not much!

I dare to assure you of this - love will overtake AQUARIUS!

For FISHES I will give the following forecast: Bouquets of scarlet roses await you!

For ARIES I will say in verse: there will be no problems with...

New Year celebration scenario for adults

11.11.2018 | Looked at the script 20476 Human

The Snow Maiden enters after the presenter’s introduction:
We have opened the doors to our beautiful hall,
And everyone saw the forest guest!
Tall, beautiful, green, slender,
It glows with different lights!
Isn't she a beauty?
Do we all like the Christmas tree?

There are quite a few...

New Year's skit for adults “Snowman”

11.11.2018 | Looked at the script 15677 Human

I'm a very strange snowman
I had a freak out!
I slipped on the ice
And I forgot where I was going.

I've been on the road for 7 days already,
My legs rolled away.
Only one carrot sticks out,
The nobles stuck it in cleverly!

This head injury
I ruined everything, alas!
I woke up on...

New Year's musical script for adults for the year of the pig

11.11.2018 | Looked at the script 22515 Human

KHRUMEO AND KHRULIETTA. New Year's OORK-OPERA for the year of the pig.

A funny “pig” parody musical performance in verse. New Year's parody of the classics, dedicated to the Year of the Pig and Boar.

OVCHITA (with indignation):
What are you talking about?! Senora...

A scene from a New Year's fairy tale for adults

11.11.2018 | Looked at the script 13328 Human

Music. MARIA SERGEEVNA, aka the Hostess, appears on the club stage
New Year's ball.

MARIA SERGEEVNA. Dear friends! The time has come to call Santa Claus and his granddaughter. Let's get three or four together! Grandfather Frost!.. Once again! Grandfather Frost!..

On stage...

Scene. New Year's fairy tale for adults. Koschey and his wife.

11.11.2018 | Looked at the script 11904 person

Baba Yaga:
How are you doing, Koscheyushka?
I haven't seen you for a long time.
You chavoy are out of your mind
There's a pimple on my lip.
Oh, you'll waste your health
On the family path.

Try hare droppings
He is vigorous, he will get through,
He is much more powerful than honey,
Although it doesn't taste like honey.