December 22nd is winter day. What is important to do on the winter solstice

Solstice refers to the astronomical event in which the sun occupies either the highest or lowest point relative to the earth's horizon. This event affects the length of the day, it lasts either maximum quantity time of the year, or minimum.

The solstice can be observed twice a year, in winter and summer. The winter solstice is characterized by the minimum day length and maximum length nights. The summer solstice is exactly the opposite of the winter solstice in terms of the length of day and night.

In 2017, the winter solstice will occur on December 21 at 16:27 GMT or 19:27 Moscow time.

Winter solstice December 22, 2017. Winter Solstice Traditions

The winter solstice is traditionally celebrated in many cultures. The ancient Celts equated the birth of a new sun with the Yule holiday.

The decoration of the house on this day had to be special. First of all this spruce branches. They were hung everywhere: above the entrance to the house, between interior doors, inserted into windows, laid out on the fireplace. Be sure to place something symbolizing the sun in the center of the largest room of the house, in which it was customary to gather guests. It could have been an orange, a product of golden, sunshine.

On the day when the old sun went to rest, large ritual bonfires were lit. These fires were specially lit so that they would help the new sun to be born and help maintain its strength in its early stages.

At the same time, the Eastern Slavs celebrated Kolyada. Kolyada in Slavic mythology- god of the new sun. His other names: Kaledi, Cadmus, Kolodiy. This deity symbolized the transition of the year. Among the people, the day of his veneration came the day after the winter solstice. This day was considered the Slavic New Year.

Kolyada Day was celebrated on a special scale, with songs and folk dances. The traditions of the day especially concerned gifts. On Kolyada it was customary to give a gift, albeit small, to everyone to a loved one. The Slavs believed that the god of the new sun was not favorable to stingy people and did not illuminate their lives sunlight. It was believed that a stingy person who did not please a single person New Year, will live in darkness all year.

Winter solstice 2017: how to celebrate December 22

On December 21, another solar year will end. Already on the 22nd the sun will rise again, and will already be renewed. The countdown to the new solar year will begin. End of the solar year good time for carrying out various practices, ceremonies and rituals.

  • Conduct meditation. A good effect will come from cleansing meditations that help you free yourself from something unnecessary and outdated. It is also recommended that after cleansing, move on to visualizing plans for the new solar year. It’s worth preparing yourself a list of planned things to do in advance. Before meditation, you need to read this list and, closing your eyes, imagine that everything has already happened. If these plans are truly worthwhile and strong vibrations of the energy plan were sent at the moment of visualization, everything planned will be realized in a short time.
  • Make wishes. Traditionally, on the day the calendars change, they make a wish. Asking for something cherished and hidden on the day of the winter solstice is akin to making a wish on a falling star on New Year's Eve.
  • Carry out magical work. Recommended focus: increasing strength, replenishing vital energy, healing from physical and mental illnesses, well-being and prosperity.
  • Conduct fortune telling. You can tell fortunes for love using a mirror, or next year.
  • Get out. For something good to come into life, you need to clear the space for it. You should clean the room, throw away all old, broken things. All things that were not useful during the year should be collected in boxes and taken to people in need. It wouldn’t hurt to wash the doorways, thresholds, and most importantly the windows. It is through them that flows of power enter the house. A cluttered space interferes with the implementation of plans and the fulfillment of desires.
  • Let go of the past that has become obsolete. On December 21, right at sunset, you should go outside or open the window wide. Bring a piece of paper and a pen with you. While the old sun goes below the horizon, you need to try to remember all the bad things and all the negative things that happened in the past. real year. This could be relationships with people, the people themselves, illness, litigation, job changes, loss of money, unpleasant conflict situations. You need to write about all this on paper, and then burn this paper with fire. Leave to burn just before the setting sun. All the bad things will go away along with the old sun. And the next morning, along with the new sun, the long-awaited cleansing and relief will come.

December 22nd is the winter solstice. Rituals

The day of the winter solstice carries special magic, and this magic must certainly be used for your benefit. There are several well-established rituals.

Seed of Intent

The ritual is performed individually. It is not advisable to tell anyone about it. On the day the sun rises, you need to go to the market or flower shop and buy any one seed there. This seed needs to be brought home, placed in a cloth moistened with water and the words of an ancient conspiracy whispered over it:

“One seed at a time, I honestly intend (what do you want to do next year, for example, buy a car), so that my intention comes true, germinates, and sinks its roots firmly into the ground. It will also be the same, and so be it. Amen".

The seed should be placed in a glass or pot of soil. The soil needs to be watered for exactly seven days, but not much. Then water it every month on the full moon. The seed must remain in this soil until spring. In the spring, dig a hole in the street under any tree that has not dried up and place the soil together with the seed in this hole. If something grows by then, it will still need to be transplanted under a tree. Within a month after this, the intention will begin to come true.

Winter solstice in 2017. Healing bath

When the sun changes, a person is renewed. This process is inevitable; a person is subject to the influence of heavenly bodies. Updating can be very painful, especially if a person is not ready for it. Cleansing with healing water can help speed up and smooth out this process.

To do this, you need to fill the bath with water at a comfortable temperature. Place candles throughout the bathroom, light them, turn off the main light. Turn on calm, relaxing music. Lie down in the bath and close your eyes. First you need to imagine how the body becomes very heavy. So heavy that the water stops pushing the body onto the water surface.

After this you need to tense up a little. Imagine that dark streams flow from the body into the water. These currents must come out and at the same time bring relief to the body and soul. You need to wait until your body feels completely at ease. Only after this can you drain the water, while you still need to lie down and imagine that everything bad is flowing away along with it.

Winter solstice in 2017. Heart's desire

This ritual is suitable for those who have a desire that has never been voiced out loud. This is an important rule, since what is said out loud is no longer considered a cherished desire. This desire must be written down on a blank piece of paper without saying it out loud. Then roll this piece of paper into a thin tube.

After this, light a thick candle. You will also need a fireproof container. Set fire to the leaf at one end, and while it burns you need to hold it over this container, saying:

“Silent, and in that cherished, that which is in the secret corner - that in my soul, everything is on fire - all that flame will consume, everything that is in space will go, everything, then up to higher powers it will come. And from them it will come back - yes, fulfilled, and such that contentment will come. Yes, such discontent will go away. Let it go - it will be fulfilled, it will come true, but the forces will not forget.”

After this, let the leaf burn completely in a fireproof container. The ashes will need to be collected in a small bag. As soon as there is a snowstorm or strong wind outside, these ashes need to be shaken out into the street. All rituals must be performed on the day of the winter solstice.

Table of winter solstices until 2025

Year Date and time in Moscow
2017 December 21 19:28
2018 December 22 01:23
2019 December 22 07:19
2020 21 December 13:02
2021 December 21 18:59
2022 December 22 00:48
2023 December 22 06:27
2024 December 21 12:20
2025 December 21 18:03

Another mystery of nature associated with the main source of light and heat took place from December 21 to 22. The name is winter solstice. From the point of view of astronomy, the following happens: the tilt of the axis of our planet Earth becomes greatest towards the Sun. After the 22nd, the length of the day increases, the length of the night decreases. On December 21, the first day of the winter solstice, the next cycle of the Sun begins. Many signs and magical actions are associated with this phenomenon among the people.

Winter solstice day signs

From time immemorial people have noticed changes in nature. The turn of the sun did not go unnoticed; people waited for it with trepidation and prepared for it. There are a number folk signs related to the weather on the day of the winter solstice.

  • Frost on the trees on December 21 and 22 - expect a high grain harvest.
  • To find out what fruit harvest to expect in the new year, cut 3 cherry branches. Put them in water room temperature in the kitchen. If delicate white flowers appear on them before Christmas (January 7) New Year, expect an excellent harvest of fruit and berry crops.
  • Do you want to increase your apple harvest in the new season? Go to the garden on December 22 and shake the apple and pear trees for an excellent harvest.
  • To find out what weather to expect on December 31st, take note of the weather on Solstice Day. What is the weather like on December 22, the same on December 31.
  • The wind direction at the solstice will remain unchanged until the equinox on March 22.
  • If it is sunny from December 22 to 25, then wait for late spring, and do not rush with sowing, otherwise frosts will ruin everything. And, vice versa: cloudy day 25 promises early spring, and the year is expected to be fruitful if the weather is cloudy at noon on December 25th.
  • The 12 days, starting December 25th, make a weather forecast for the next 12 months ahead. Ancestors always kept track of these days to create their weather calendar. 26.12. showed what the weather would be like in January, 27 in February, and so on.
  • If December 25th is sunny, get ready for a frosty New Year on December 31st. Cloudy 25.12 means that warm and cloudy days will set in at the beginning of January.

Winter solstice rites, rituals, conspiracies

Our ancestors regularly celebrated Solstice Day year after year. It was considered a great holiday not only in Rus', but in all countries of the world. Solar rebirth was a symbol of rebirth; on this holiday they performed various rituals, held street rituals, read conspiracies, and made a wish.

The most common ritual was to burn a fire. Also on this day it was necessary to wash in order to rid oneself of filth. To eliminate troubles, people read various conspiracies. According to magicians, on the day of the solstice, any conspiracies work, even those that people come up with themselves.

Conspiracy from troubles

To perform this ritual, you will need two sheets of paper plus a pencil. Choose free time December 22, write on one piece of paper everything negative that you want to get rid of, and on the second - what you want to attract, positive, good.

After transferring the negative onto paper, tear the sheet into small pieces. Go outside, stand with your back to the wind, release pieces of leaf into the wind. Another piece of paper with good wishes fix it above the mirror, which is the largest in the house. Then, every day for 12 days in a row, morning and evening, read the following plot:

Ritual to fulfill wishes

Solstice is the holiday of the new sun, the day when wishes are made. Rituals are performed not only on December 22, but also on December 23, 24 or 25. Let me remind you that in 2017 the solstice coincided with Mercury retrograde, which means that you need to be careful with the choice of desires. You can’t make a wish for everything related to relationships and love. Mercury is an insidious planet; any magical actions have the opposite effect.
There are no prohibitions for other desires on the worldly plane. To help - a wish spell, carried out on the day of the solstice, it will help fulfill your plans.

For the ceremony to make your dream come true, you will need: candles, loose clothing, a candlestick, live fire (matches will do). Take a wax church candle, a thick one will not work, only a thin one.

How to make a wish correctly: technique

The ritual of wishing is performed before bedtime, so that after it you don’t have to do anything else, but go and go to bed. Before the action, put on a loose dress or a long tunic made of natural fabric. If you don’t have such clothes in your wardrobe, then a cotton sheet tied with a knot on the shoulder will do. Retire to a separate room.

Sit on a chair, armchair, or floor in lotus position.

Light a candle. Look through the fire and try to unfocus your eyes. Let your mind relax. Your gaze should be hazy, as if passing through fire.

Imagine the state you will feel when you get what you dream of. Create a state of happiness within yourself. Hold it. Rejoice. Catch the feeling of joy and happiness in your body, as if you own what you dream of. Concentrate on this feeling. And then quickly, clearly, with energy in your voice, ask for what you want. While doing this, look directly at the candle flame.

Continue looking at the fire until the candle burns out. Wait for the last spark, after which you can consider the ritual over, go to bed.

Home protection ritual

The energy of the solstice can be used to create protection for your home. Not only private houses and cottages, but also urban apartments need protection. You may need to clean out your living space before installing home security. You can do this yourself. But, if you want 100% results, use the help of specialists, especially if “guests” from another world live in the house.

A conspiracy to protect a home will work more effectively if the living space is clean and free of negativity and destructive destructive programs. Attention, when we talk about the cleanliness of the apartment and house, we do not mean physical cleanliness, clean floors, shelves and order, in this case we're talking about a little about something else, about the energy purity of the home.

So, the house is cleaned, every room is clean and orderly on the physical, energetic and subtle levels. Proceed with the ritual.

Protective spells gain additional power if the ritual is performed on the solstice. Days of the full moon, spring or autumn equinox are also suitable for this action.

What is needed for the protective ritual: rowan wood, red threads, red natural fabric, dry herbs: St. John's wort, basil, anise. You can also prepare stones: turquoise, agate.

A rowan branch is suitable as a tree; it is better that it is thick and not very long.

Take a piece of red cloth and place it on the table. Place rowan, dry herbs and stones in it. Carefully wrap everything up and tie it with red thread. In this case, you should say 7 times:

As you say these words, tie one knot each time. The result is a bundle tied with 7 knots. The protective amulet for your home is ready, keep it in a secluded place.

How to make a wish on the solstice

There are also a number of simple rituals associated with the material plane that are performed at the solstice.

  • Take a clean white sheet of paper and write your wish on it in red ink. Roll 7 times and place close to the body. Women can put it in their bra, and men can put it in the breast pocket of their shirt. Carry the piece of paper with you always until your plan comes true, and put it under your pillow at night.
  • On the night of the solstice, write a wish on a piece of paper. Burn it and scatter the ashes to the wind.
  • Take a piece of paper and write one wish on it. The leaf must be small so that it can go inside hot air balloon. Inflate the balloon, say your plan again and release it into the sky. To make the balloon fly better, you can fill it with helium.
  • Before going to bed, calm down and relax. Close your eyes. Try to enter a calm state at the level of meditation. Mentally speak or whisper the request three times and immerse yourself in meditation. At the end of it you should fall asleep. If everything happened as it should, then your wish will quickly come true, since your consciousness falls into the alpha state, thanks to this the ritual has power.

Ritual for healing

Solstice Day is great for healing from ailments and rituals to gain strength and wisdom. You need to prepare for it ahead of time. To do this, conduct several cleaning sessions. You should also perform the “Forgiveness” practice, more about it in this article:

In parallel with spiritual and energetic cleansing, you should visit a bathhouse or take a shower to thoroughly wash your body.

Before performing a ritual for healing or gaining strength, prepare the necessary attributes for it. You will need 4 candles (paraffin candles are suitable), 2-3 incense sticks, dried flowers and herbs St. John's wort, wormwood, basil and juniper. You also need aromatic oils of rosemary and pine.

Choose free time for meditation. Prepare the room. Light the candles and place them in the corners. Turn on the incense sticks and light the aroma oils. Choose music.

Stand in the center of the room and begin meditation. Don't forget to express your greetings and gratitude to the Sun, God, and the Universe. Only after you give out the energy of gratitude, say what you want, while imagining that the Sun is shining directly on you.

This ritual can be performed at sunrise. Wait for the sun to rise and go! If you do everything correctly and sincerely, your wish will be heard and quickly come true.

All rituals described here can be performed within 3 days after December 22 to 25 inclusive. Happiness and joy to you!

Study signs, perform rituals and ceremonies, improve your life!

November 15, 2015

On December 22, 2015 at 7:48 am Moscow time the Sun will reach its lowest point V southern hemisphere sky, which will mark the beginning of astronomical winter. The night before the winter solstice is the longest of the year; post winter solstice duration daylight hours will gradually increase.

Winter Solstice- traditions, customs, signs:

Winter Solstice Day is a special time; our ancestors dedicated to the winter solstice special attention. In the period from December 21 to 24, in the Vedic tradition, the New Year was celebrated, various rituals were held in honor of Kolyada and the Birth of the new Sun. The main attribute of the Winter Solstice and the celebration of the Vedic New Year was a fire, with the help of which the “newborn” Sun was invoked. At this time, pies were baked and a variety of dishes were prepared, among which the obligatory presence on the table was porridge with raisins and honey (popularly called kutia). This is delicious and healthy dish You can also add dried fruits, candied fruits, nuts, poppy seeds, sesame seeds. The tastier the kutia, the more prosperous the New Year will be! Pies with various fillings were on the table in abundance, which symbolized prosperity in the house, well-being and health of the family.

An important tradition of the Winter Solstice, which, unfortunately, has not survived to our time, is the remembrance of ancestors. On the days of the Winter Solstice from December 21 to 24, our Slavic ancestors commemorated their deceased relatives and brought pies and other treats to the graves.

The signs of the Winter Solstice are more related to agriculture, since for our ancestors agriculture was an integral part of life and a means of subsistence:

If there is frost on the tree branches on the Winter Solstice on December 21-22, this means a good grain harvest

If on the day of the Winter Solstice you cut a few cherry branches, put them in water, and they bloom before January 7, then the fruit trees will bring a big harvest

Winter Solstice in:

Winter Solstice is the most... favorable time for magic. It is not for nothing that the night before the Winter Solstice is called “witchcraft,” since it is the “Witchcraft Night” that is intended for carrying out the most powerful magical rituals.

In 2015, the day of the Winter Solstice falls on , one of the most powerful energy days in the Lunar month. The waxing Moon on the day of the Winter Solstice is a wonderful opportunity to change your Destiny for the better, to attract happiness, love, prosperity and health into your life! Don't miss this opportunity on the Winter Solstice!

Magic rites and rituals to attract money, love, health and prosperity on the day of the winter solstice can be carried out after midnight, but still the maximum effect will be given by magic rites, conspiracies, spells at sunrise - on the day of the winter solstice you must definitely meet the dawn.

On December 21-22, 2015, you can perform any magical rituals, read conspiracies for improvement financial situation, attracting love, promoting health. But under no circumstances should you remove damage, the evil eye, read conspiracies and prayers to get rid of anything! On the waxing moon, all magical rituals for deliverance negative energy give exactly the opposite effect!

On the day of the Winter Solstice, it is very important that all your thoughts are in a positive mood; At this time, you cannot be sad, offended, cry, swear, or give in to despondency. The period of the Winter Solstice is a time when you need to recharge yourself with positive energy! That is why our ancestors organized festivities on the Winter Solstice, set tables with the most delicious dishes, joked, had fun, sang and danced. The Winter Solstice Day is not the time for fasting, dieting, or all kinds of body cleansing procedures. On this day you need to get positive energy, including from your favorite treats.

The Winter Solstice Day is very suitable for making amulets, talismans, and amulets in the shape of a circle symbolizing the Sun.

Winter Solstice is a “time of Power” when your every wish will be heard and fulfilled throughout the year, until the next Solstice.

You need to make a wish for the Winter Solstice at dawn, when the “newborn Sun” appears. Stand facing the east, relax and think about what you really really want, make your wishes carefully and meaningfully. When making wishes for yourself, do not forget about your loved ones, relatives, loved ones, children. Ask for their health, happiness and prosperity, thank them for all the good things and forgive them all the insults. Thank the Sun for all your successes and achievements of the past year and make a wish for yourself.

Winter Solstice in:

On the day of the Winter Solstice, the Sun leaves the sign of Sagittarius and moves into the sign of Capricorn, which means a transition from the warm, expansive energy of Jupiter to the cold, constraining and limiting energy of Saturn. At this time, all processes in nature slow down, and we observe how everything around us plunges into its winter sleep.

The energy of Saturn, which rules the zodiac sign Capricorn, exerts its influence on a person, making him more thoughtful and judicious. Under the influence of Capricorn and Saturn, we want to take risks and do extravagant things less and less, and more and more to analyze, collect information and plan.

This is why the Winter Solstice is the best time to make plans for the future; If you decide at this time to plan your further actions, rest assured that you have a very high chance of doing everything right and achieving your cherished goal.

Winter Solstice - meditations:

On the day of the Winter Solstice, the Sun moves into the sign of Capricorn, the zodiac sign ruled by Saturn. This means that the time has come to rethink your achievements, plans and goals, to penetrate into the essence of your desires and realize what lies at their basis. Think about what you are striving for, what is most important to you. To meditate, you need to choose one of your most cherished desires and try to visualize it, imagine that it is already coming true.

On the day of the Winter Solstice, it is best to meditate by candlelight, which can be arranged in the shape of a circle, symbolizing the Sun.

Since in 2015 the day of the winter solstice falls on the 11th lunar day, the main symbols of which are Fire Sword, labyrinth, crown and mountain range, you can use these signatures when meditating. This day is also associated with Kundalini energy, which enhances the powerful energetic influence of the Winter Solstice. On this day, the opportunity to change your Destiny better side very big! However, you need to be careful in everything, especially in visualizing desires. People who constantly practice meditation can awaken their inner fire, after which they will be able to rise to the highest level of their spiritual development.

In general, the day of the Winter Solstice in 2015 is a unique opportunity to rise one step higher in search of yourself, your true purpose, your higher self. This is the best time for those who realize the importance of the spiritual world, because it is a harmonious spiritual world that makes a person happy in the material world.

The “Labyrinth” meditation on the day of the Winter Solstice will help in finding an important decision, an answer to an exciting question, solving a problem, getting out of a confusing situation, or in search of your own Spiritual path.

Since the Labyrinth is a symbol of the 11th Lunar day, coinciding with the Winter Solstice, this particular meditation will give a good result.

For meditation, try to visualize the labyrinth that you have to go through to find the exit (from difficult situation, problems, etc.). If it is difficult to visualize a labyrinth, you can create it using a regular stick, drawing it on any soil, sand, or snow. There is no need to create a complex labyrinth with many entrances and exits; draw or visualize a simple labyrinth in the shape of a circle, in which there is one entrance, one exit and a center.

Imagine that you are standing in front of the entrance to a labyrinth; think about what you are looking for, what question or situation worries you, what problem you need to solve, take a deep breath and start your journey.

Try to relax, let go of your worries, don’t think about the problem, and just walk through the labyrinth, calmly, slowly. All you need to do is listen to your sensations, feelings and emotions. When you reach the center of the maze, the answer to your question may come to you, important decision, insight. You yourself will understand when it is time to go to the exit.

Winter Solstice - fortune telling:

Winter Solstice is the best time for fortune telling! Tell fortunes on the “Witch Night” of the Winter Solstice to get answers to the most exciting questions about love and relationships, the future and Destiny, about material wealth and health.

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One of the most important dates year, from 22 to 25 there were three days of darkness, and on December 25 the New Year began - the birth of the baby Kolyada.

For us living today, it should be curious what our ancestors chronology since ancient times it has been carried out solar calendar. (logical isn't it? :))

Kolyada- this is the Baby Sun (the newly born Sun), his Christmas has been celebrated since ancient times on December 25th. Kolyada time: from December 22 (winter solstice). - until March 21.

Yarilo- this is the Sun, which has gained strength, burning, fierce. Yaril time: from March 22 (vernal equinox) to June 20.

Kupaylo- this is the Sun in full bloom. Kupail time: from June 21 (summer solstice) to September 21.

Horse- this is the aged Sun, aging, losing strength, kind and affectionate. Khorsa time: from September 22 (day autumn equinox) - until December 21

The night from December 21 to 22 is the longest of the year; on this day the gates of the interworld opened slightly, the line became thinner.

Horse "died" and went to other worlds, opening the gates. They tried to give him everything they wanted to get rid of in the new year and burned it in ritual bonfires.
The period of time from December 22 - to December 25 - three days of darkness, when all "debts" were covered, "sins" were washed away, and oneself and the house were cleansed, preparing for the onset of the New Year - the birth of Kolyada.
On these days, they commemorated the Ancestors, communicated with the Spirits, went to visit, and gave gifts - wishes.

On the night of December 25, they extinguished all the fires in the house and, with the appearance of the first star, they lit a new one, as a symbol of the birth of the New Year.

And here’s what astrologers and esotericists write about these days:


The holiday of the longest night, from December 21 to 22, the so-called Mother's Night, is considered sacred by many peoples, and the days before and after it are the most powerful of the year, when you can really change your fate - be reborn in the same way as the Sun.

The darkest time -

The week preceding the winter solstice, in Druidical traditions, is considered a period of timelessness, when the old god of the past year already loses his power, and new god next year has not yet been born.
This is the darkest time of the year, at the turn of which the Sun begins to gain its strength again. This period has long been considered the time when the gates to the astral spheres open and ghosts, spirits and souls of people can freely penetrate from one world to another.

Since at this time “the sky opens,” you need to carefully monitor your thoughts: destroy negative and gloomy ones in the bud, think about good and lofty thoughts.

This week is favorable for prayer and meditation. All this will have special power thanks to the natural rhythms.

To protect yourself from the effects of evil during this period, you need to keep lit candles in your homes, since fire is endowed with enormous power that can protect against any negative influence.

Solstice - turn of fate -

The 12 days after the Winter Solstice are a very energetically charged time. Strong streams of energy descend on the Earth, which activate the matrix of creation. During this period, not only the rebirth of the soul is possible, but also the renewal of life, a change in its negative factors.

In order to take advantage of the opportunities this time provides, you need to do the following:

Mentally or in meditation, get rid of everything unnecessary, outdated, both in your home and in your soul. You can write on paper everything you need to get rid of and burn it;

Make plans for the entire next year (it is advisable to write them down in a notebook), starting with household purchases and repairs and ending with personal growth;

Make three secret wishes, the fulfillment of which you are really looking forward to in the coming year;

On the evening of December 21, set a rich, well-fed table and feast to your fill various goodies. This tradition is considered a guarantee that the whole year will be just as satisfying, rich and profitable. Even pets can be given more food this evening than usual.

On the morning of December 22, try to meet the sunrise and congratulate it on its birth, thanking it for everything it gives us.

It’s time to pay off debts and pick up tails, to burn the past and no longer needed on a winter bonfire, to watch how troubles and misfortunes dissolve in smoke. It’s time to prepare for the transition to a new stage, for the turning of the wheel. On December 22 there will be a bright holiday of the winter solstice.

The winter solstice is a special time. This day unites and synthesizes the Roman Saturnalia, the Scandinavian Yule, and Christian Christmas. The Celts called this day Deuoriuos Riuri - “ great division, holiday of frost."

Over the millennia, during which the Winter Solstice was celebrated year after year, this day has acquired such layers of meaning, so deeply embedded in human culture that, whether we like it or not, this holiday will influence us in any case.

In order to understand what the features of this holiday are, let’s take into account two points:

— in many traditions, the annual metamorphoses of the Sun were considered as a model of the work of the Universe. The holidays of the Wheel of the Year were celebrated, and the Sun acquired anthropomorphic features and became an active subject in the eyes of people. We are the same as our gods, and our gods are the same as us.

— people were not always sure that they would be able to survive until spring. Lack of supplies and, as a result, hunger, cold and darkness - winter was the most difficult time of the year for our ancestors.

And in the end, out of a premonition long winter and darkness, from the feeling of cold and lack of resources, from uncertainty in the future, the myth of dying and reborn deities was forged. On the longest night of the year solar god descended into the underworld to die there and then be reborn again. The winter solstice holiday is a celebration of death and resurrection.

This is the turning point of the year, at which you can “tweak” your destiny. This is the transition point from old life to a new one.
This is the border between the dead and the living.
This is the joy of life, scorched by the frosty breath of death.
The most paradoxical moment of the year is darkness, alienation, cold and evil, on the one hand, and a new conception, “good news”, the guarantee of the coming Spring, on the other.
For example, on the Winter Solstice holiday, cattle were usually slaughtered. First of all, for purely utilitarian reasons - you can’t feed him in winter. But, nevertheless, it was on these days that our ancestors ate the most fresh meat. In addition, most of the beer and wine stored in the summer were stored in the cellars. It turns out that people, enjoying the abundant food and drinks, kept in their heads the thought of a couple of hungry months in the future.

IN Greek mythology these days, Hades, the god of the underworld, was allowed to appear on Olympus among other deities, which means that death was revered and welcomed on a par with life.
In many cultures, it is customary to make sacrifices on the winter solstice. To shed blood so that winter, having had its fill, will still begin to subside. Therefore, we, modern people, need to be ready to sacrifice something: old ideas that have warmed up in our souls, patterns of behavior to which we are accustomed. Recognize the importance of what has become obsolete, let it go and give room to the new.

How to celebrate

The winter solstice is a holiday scorched by the breath of ancient traditions. This is the turning point of the year, at which you can “tweak” your destiny. The birth of a new one requires the cleansing of space from those “old coals” that no longer burn, but only take up space and dirty the hearth. In the days before and after the Solstice, it will be useful to keep your thoughts and feelings clean, putting things in order and making room for new things.

— Pay off debts, remembering even the smallest amounts
— Thank those people who have become your support and support this year. If gratitude is also crowned with a gift, it will be especially good.
— Do a general cleaning of your home, car, and places where you spend a lot of time. It will be useful to sort things out and give away those that are no longer useful, clear out storage rooms and conduct an audit.
— The same thing should be done at the information level — tidying up the computer’s hard drive, conducting an audit of social connections
— At least a light fast is recommended, and alcohol and other mind-altering substances should be avoided.
— Resentment, anger, uncertainty are points of energy loss. For the new year, try to bring balance to your energy accounting.
— You can plan what you would like to achieve next year. Due to the accentuated earth element, it is important that your plans are specific and detailed, including specific steps to achieve the goal, and not just a “Mrzd request.” 😉

It is better to celebrate the holiday itself in the company of people with whom we are connected. general ideas, interests and endeavors. It is beneficial to have a live fire not only at the holiday, but also in the form of candles lit at home during the week before the holiday - in the dark. The table should be modest, almost ascetic - Venus in Scorpio does not favor excesses.


The astrological transition of the Sun into the sign of Capricorn will occur on December 22 at 4 am. Capricorn is a sign closely associated with career prospects, unapproachable heights, long-term prospects, ascetics and directors. Capricorn jumps along steep cliffs, not at all embarrassed by gorges, landslides, or the lack of a direct road to the goal. Capricorn is perhaps the most vigorous hybrid of a materialist and an idealist in the entire Zodiac. All material plans, all jumping from rock to rock necessarily have a specific idea behind them that warms Capricorn.

So these days we need to find between the material and the spiritual. So these days we need to find between the material and the spiritual. You should not focus only on the ideal component of your projects, that is, dreams. You can’t throw yourself into monetization and making a profit and lose sight of your dream.
If you plan projects for the next year, then take into account pragmatic earthly sentiments - with a financial plan and clear steps to achieve. This is not a reason to deny yourself a dream. It is only important to understand the first step you will take to achieve it. And do it after the Solstice. 😉

This solstice can have a transformative effect on people whose significant chart indicators are in the third decade of mutable signs (Virgo, Sagittarius, Gemini, Pisces). Now their fate may change track. It is especially important for them to be conscious and honest with themselves and others so that the turnaround turns out to be for the good.

Most of the energy and attention should be spent on completing and closing the old one. Before the Solstice, it is better not to start or discuss new projects. We need to give them time to mature. Assess what takes up your strength and energy—whether actions, relationships, reading your feed? social networks. Evaluate whether it benefits you. Ask yourself the question honestly and answer it honestly.

Bisextile with Jupiter, Mercury and Venus in Scorpio at the top will help bring order to matters of finances and relationships. For example, this is a good time to close ties with other people, conduct final negotiations, and pay off debts of any kind. This way, entering the new year will be much easier, and there will be more inspiring events in it.

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The Winter Solstice has been celebrated in most countries of the world since Neolithic times (5 thousand years BC), as evidenced by archaeological finds. Find out below what kind of holiday this is, what its traditions are, and how modern people can celebrate it.

Celebration traditions

Date of Winter Solstice - December 21-22. She is the one who is considered astronomical beginning winter. This is the shortest day of the year, after which the duration of daylight hours increases. In the opposite hemisphere of the Earth, the shortest night of the year and the Summer Solstice will occur at this time.

Thousands of years ago, the day of the Winter Solstice was revered among the pagans of the world. European peoples The holiday was called Yule or Juul, the Romans called it Sol Invictus, and in Iran Yalda. In the past, the end of December was marked by the end of preparations for winter, and easier days began in everyday life.

The Romans, Greeks and Egyptians made sacrifices to the gods on December 21 so that they would return the Sun to the sky. In northern Europe they praised Odin, held noisy feasts, and sang songs. Scandinavians and Slavs considered bonfires, symbolizing the Sun, an important part of the celebration. The Mayans performed real performances similar to modern rope jumper performances.

With the advent of Christianity, Catholic Christmas was assigned to the date of Yule. The similarities between Yule and Christmas traditions are not at all accidental. Christian customs were based on pagan ones - the people did not want to part with their usual rituals. Festive spruce, mistletoe, gift-giving and a generous feast - all this existed in the pre-Christian period. The birth of the sun turned into the birthday of Jesus Christ.

The most famous mass modern folk festivals take place near Stonehenge. Thousands of people from all over the world gather every year to celebrate astronomical winter.

Yule cat - patron of the holiday

Yule cat

European pagans believed in the Yule cat - a not very friendly personification of the holiday. He is black, fluffy and huge, the size of a bull. The cat's eyes glow with yellow light, his claws are made of iron. Possibly Russian "Eshkin's cat" has something in common with the patron saint of the winter holiday.

The celebration lasted about two weeks, and all this time the Yule cat was busy hunting for idlers and breakers of traditions. According to legend, he will steal food from the table if the feast is not generous and cheerful enough. The cat also steals gifts intended for children who have behaved badly throughout the year. He is merciless towards those who harm domestic animals, especially cats.

Beliefs say that the Yule cat can steal a child from a family that neglects the traditions of the holiday. The holiday patron does not like those who celebrate Yule alone; he will punish or even kidnap.

New clothes are one of the holiday traditions. To protect themselves from the cat's tricks, on Yule morning they bought new clothes, often made of red wool. It was supposed to be worn until the celebration was over. About those who celebrated Yule in old clothes, they said: “he put on the Yule cat.”

Winter Solstice Day among the Slavs - the customs of their ancestors

The eve of the winter holiday was named deity of winter and death Karachun. On the eve of the Solstice, winter takes over, power over the world until spring belongs to the dark ones pagan gods. After the longest night of the year, a new sun is born in the form Kolyada, one of the forms of Dazhdbog. While he is young, the sun warms weakly, but by spring God will grow up and there will be more sunlight.

The Solstice is followed by Veles days, which last until mid-January. Veles was associated with Santa Claus, his doll certainly decorated the pagan’s house in winter period. Most likely, Christmas signs and customs were formed on the basis of the Veles days.

In the old days they believed that dark forces could prevent the solar deity from being reborn, and they helped him in every possible way. Therefore, an important attribute of the Slavic holiday of the Winter Solstice was a large fire, as a symbol of the sun. It was bred from oak and pine logs before sunrise. At night they told fortunes and caroled, which later became part of Yuletide Traditions.

The celebration began at dawn. After greeting rising sun, our ancestors held noisy feasts with songs and games, danced in circles, and jumped over fires to cleanse themselves of negative energy. Dishes of wild boar, pork and other meats were obligatory elements of the feast. Uzvars, nuts and pastries were served on the table.

While honoring the Sun, they did not forget about the forest gods. Offerings were left for them - uzvars and round-shaped ritual pastries, which, again, represented the newborn Sun. Treats were also given to deceased relatives.

Signs and traditions for the Winter Solstice holiday

Fire is one of the most important attributes of Yule. But at the end of December the weather is rarely conducive to outdoor picnics. It's nice if you have a stove or fireplace. Otherwise, use candles. They prefer red, orange and other fiery shades. You can symbolically burn several branches of oak or pine. As you light the fire, say:

The fire burns - it saves the family from harm, the flame plays - it drives away evil spirits.

Sun salutation with lights is another one ancient tradition holiday. There is plenty of room for imagination here. You can leave burning candles near the eastern window, or go out into the field with sparklers. A prerequisite is to do it at dawn.

Pork dishes were mandatory elements of the feast in most countries celebrating Yule. This is a reflection of the custom of taking oaths on a boar's head on this day. Support this delicious tradition, and luck will be on your side all year long.

Dress up the fir tree, decorate the house with garlands and branches of evergreens. Ancient pagan traditions are not so far from those observed by the majority modern people. Once upon a time christmas tree called the Yule tree. Even making wishes comes from Yule traditions. But on December 21-22 this is done not at midnight, but at dawn, looking at the awakening daylight.

Buying gifts is an important part of any holiday. According to signs, the one who pleases other people's children with toys and sweets will soon have a new addition to the family. New clothes will also come in handy for you to protect yourself from the Yule Cat.

There is an ancient tradition of the winter holiday - to plant any indoor flowers. For each flower you can make a wish. If it withers, it won’t come true. Cut cherry branches are placed in vases. Their flowering will decorate and fill the house with a subtle aroma.

In pagan times, it was customary to predict fate on the Winter Solstice. Try to find out what the future holds using maps, water, paper and other tools. Can "overhear" your future. Go outside at night and listen to random passersby. Their words will tell you what to expect from fate. During the day, it’s also worth taking a closer look at passers-by. Happy couples often meet - good luck in love. Have you witnessed a theft or fight? Be vigilant, spirits warn of problems.

A new beginning on the Winter Solstice is a good sign. Any business will be successful. Yule is the right time for serious deals, marriage proposals, and job searches. The proposals voiced on this day can be accepted without doubt. Declarations of love on the Winter Solstice lead to happy marriages.

Dreams seen during the period from the eve of the holiday to the end of the Veles days are prophetic. Before going to bed, you can think about a certain problem, then your dreams will suggest a solution. But remembering and interpreting them will be more difficult than usual.

In Spain, they believe that walking around the house with a suitcase attracts travel opportunities. If you don’t have enough money, free time or energy for your dream tour, try this simple ritual for the Winter Solstice - it works well.

If you believe winter signs, what the weather was like on December 21-22, this will be the case for the New Year. Frost portends a good grain harvest, wind means there will be a lot of pears and apples in the summer. Rain - for a warm but rainy spring.

Yule rites and rituals

In the old days, mummers went from house to house and sang hymns dedicated to Kolyada, the god of the winter Sun. They danced around sick people so that healing would come faster. In the modern world, the ritual can be carried out only in a circle of like-minded people. But you can sing the hymn to Kolyada at home, alone. Its purpose is to pay homage to the Sun. Read when you light candles in honor of the daylight:

Bose Kolyada!
Glorious and Trislaven be you!
Thank you,
for your gracious help to our Childbirth!
And may You be our intercessor in all our deeds,
now and ever and from Circle to Circle!
So be it, so be it, so be it!

Worshiped at the Winter Solstice deceased relatives, but they do this only after sunset. Treats for them should be left at the place of death. Offerings are left at crossroads for the missing. Choose the deceased’s favorite dishes or what was cooked on festive table on this day. Leave a candle or lamp near the treat. In your own words, invite the deceased to have a meal, ask him not to harm you and your family, and to help the living as much as possible. After that, go home without looking back.

Spells for the Winter Solstice

The energy of the birthing Sun contributes to the practice of magic. December 21-22 is a favorable time for any positive witchcraft. Meditation and other spiritual practices will have a greater effect than at other times. Witches, sorcerers, esotericists do not miss this strong time, like the day of the Winter Solstice.

The simplest holiday ritual is writing lists. At dawn, take two sheets of paper. On one write down what you would like to get rid of. You need to burn this list, imagining how the negativity leaves your life. On the second sheet, describe what you would like to receive. It should be stored for a year away from prying eyes and then burn it. You can cross out items that have already been accomplished, add new ones, and adjust the list in other ways.

Cleansing the Family

Goddess mother

Magical work to improve the situation with Rod works best during the Winter Solstice. One of these conspiracies is addressed to Mother Goddess- the female archetype, which in one form or another is present in all religions of the world. It is read at home on the eve of the holiday, with a lit candle:

Take off, Mother Goddess, with your own hands, what is tangled on the roots of the ancestral, what is imposed on the roots of evil, what is said with evil lips, what is broken in ignorance of the unclean. Truly so!

Put out the candle with your fingers. At night, after the shortest day of the year, light it again and say:

The world will get along well and the fate of my family will be improved! So be it!

This time the candle should burn out completely. This conspiracy removes negativity from all relatives: evil eyes, curses and other unpleasant magical programs.

Wish come true

In order to fulfill a wish with the help of the magic of the Yule night, you will need 6 ribbons 2-3 meters long. Take the colors that suit your desire. For example, gold, silver and green are for money. Pink, red and white - for desires about personal life. Yellow, purple and orange represent creativity and good luck in learning.

Light a white candle. Tie the ribbons into a knot, saying your wish out loud. Weave a braid from ribbons, while simultaneously holding what you want in your mind’s eye and reading the plot:

On Yule night, by candlelight, my destiny trudges along. I weave ribbons - I call on fate: I weave exactly - I will bring it to life (your desire in one phrase).

Repeat the spell all the time while you are braiding your hair. At its tip, tie a knot with the following words:

May what I say come true! I conjure my Fate!

Place a braid of ribbons around the candle, leaving the last one to burn out. When the flame goes out, hide the braid in a secluded place. It must not fall into the wrong hands, otherwise the wish will not come true. When you get what you want, the scythe should be burned with gratitude to the Higher Powers.

How to charm an amulet for Yule

It has long been made for the Winter Solstice protective amulets and talismans. They must be purchased on the same day, better in the morning. You can make a talisman yourself, it can be a pendant or ring, a bag of herbs or a regular pin. Listen to your intuition, it will not let you down. The plot goes like this:

Protect me from the evil eye, so that I do not know refusal, protect me from sidelong glances and from the damage of evil rituals.

After reading it, put on the amulet and keep it with you always. Repeat the spell every year.

Winter Solstice is one of eight pagan days of power a year, when the energy of the Earth and the Sun is especially strong. At this time, one should honor the ancient gods and express respect for the ancestors and their traditions. In the old days, they believed that those who observed holiday traditions were lucky in literally everything.