Signs and rituals for the winter solstice. What is important to do on the day of the winter solstice Earth at the point of the winter solsticeView from near-Earth space

Another mystery of nature associated with the main source of light and heat took place from December 21 to 22. The name is winter solstice. From the point of view of astronomy, the following happens: the tilt of the axis of our planet Earth becomes greatest towards the Sun. After the 22nd, the length of the day increases, the length of the night decreases. On December 21, the first day of the winter solstice, the next cycle of the Sun begins. Many signs and magical actions are associated with this phenomenon among the people.

Winter solstice day signs

From time immemorial people have noticed changes in nature. The turn of the sun did not go unnoticed; people waited for it with trepidation and prepared for it. There are a number folk signs related to the weather on the day of the winter solstice.

  • Frost on the trees on December 21 and 22 - expect a high grain harvest.
  • To find out what fruit harvest to expect in the new year, cut 3 cherry branches. Put them in water room temperature in the kitchen. If delicate white flowers appear on them before Christmas (January 7) New Year, expect an excellent harvest of fruit and berry crops.
  • Do you want to increase your apple harvest in the new season? Go to the garden on December 22 and shake the apple and pear trees for an excellent harvest.
  • To find out what weather to expect on December 31st, take note of the weather on Solstice Day. What is the weather like on December 22nd, the same on December 31st.
  • The wind direction at the solstice will remain unchanged until the equinox on March 22.
  • If it is sunny from December 22 to 25, then wait for late spring, and do not rush with sowing, otherwise frosts will ruin everything. And, vice versa: cloudy day 25 promises early spring, and the year is expected to be fruitful if the weather is cloudy at noon on December 25th.
  • The 12 days, starting December 25th, make a weather forecast for the next 12 months ahead. Ancestors always kept track of these days to create their weather calendar. 26.12. showed what the weather would be like in January, 27 in February, and so on.
  • If December 25th is sunny, get ready for a frosty New Year on December 31st. Cloudy 25.12 means that warm and cloudy days will set in at the beginning of January.

Winter solstice rites, rituals, conspiracies

Our ancestors regularly celebrated Solstice Day year after year. It was considered a great holiday not only in Rus', but in all countries of the world. Solar rebirth was a symbol of rebirth; on this holiday they performed various rituals, held street rituals, read conspiracies, and made a wish.

The most common ritual was to burn a fire. Also on this day it was necessary to wash in order to rid oneself of filth. To eliminate troubles, people read various conspiracies. According to magicians, on the day of the solstice, any conspiracies work, even those that people come up with themselves.

Conspiracy from troubles

To perform this ritual, you will need two sheets of paper plus a pencil. You are taking free time December 22, write on one piece of paper everything negative that you want to get rid of, and on the second - what you want to attract, positive, good.

After transferring the negative onto paper, tear the sheet into small pieces. Go outside, stand with your back to the wind, release pieces of leaf into the wind. Another piece of paper with good wishes attach it above the mirror, which is the largest in the house. Then, every day for 12 days in a row, morning and evening, read the following plot:

Ritual to fulfill wishes

Solstice is the holiday of the new sun, the day when wishes are made. Rituals are performed not only on December 22, but also on December 23, 24 or 25. Let me remind you that in 2017 the solstice coincided with Mercury retrograde, which means that you need to be careful with the choice of desires. You can’t make a wish for everything related to relationships and love. Mercury is an insidious planet; any magical actions have the opposite effect.
There are no prohibitions for other desires on the worldly plane. To help - a wish spell, carried out on the day of the solstice, it will help fulfill your plans.

For the ceremony to make your dream come true, you will need: candles, loose clothing, a candlestick, live fire (matches will do). Take a wax church candle, a thick one will not work, only a thin one.

How to make a wish correctly: technique

The ritual of wishing is performed before bedtime, so that after it you don’t have to do anything else, but go and go to bed. Before the action, put on a loose dress or a long tunic made of natural fabric. If you don’t have such clothes in your wardrobe, then a cotton sheet tied with a knot on the shoulder will do. Retire to a separate room.

Sit on a chair, armchair, or floor in lotus position.

Light a candle. Look through the fire and try to unfocus your eyes. Let your mind relax. Your gaze should be hazy, as if passing through fire.

Imagine the state you will feel when you get what you dream of. Create a state of happiness within yourself. Hold it. Rejoice. Catch the feeling of joy and happiness in your body, as if you own what you dream of. Concentrate on this feeling. And then quickly, clearly, with energy in your voice, ask for what you want. While doing this, look directly at the candle flame.

Continue looking at the fire until the candle burns out. Wait for the last spark, after which you can consider the ritual over, go to bed.

Home protection ritual

The energy of the solstice can be used to create protection for your home. Not only private houses and cottages, but also urban apartments need protection. You may need to clean out your living space before installing home security. You can do this yourself. But, if you want 100% results, use the help of specialists, especially if “guests” from another world live in the house.

A conspiracy to protect a home will work more effectively if the living space is clean and free of negativity and destructive destructive programs. Attention, when we talk about the cleanliness of the apartment and house, we do not mean physical cleanliness, clean floors, shelves and order, in this case we're talking about a little about something else, about the energy purity of the home.

So, the house is cleaned, every room is clean and orderly on the physical, energetic and subtle levels. Proceed with the ritual.

Protective spells gain additional power if the ritual is performed on the solstice. Days of the full moon, spring or autumn equinox are also suitable for this action.

What is needed for the protective ritual: rowan wood, red threads, red natural fabric, dry herbs: St. John's wort, basil, anise. You can also prepare stones: turquoise, agate.

A rowan branch is suitable as a tree; it is better that it is thick and not very long.

Take a piece of red cloth and place it on the table. Place rowan, dry herbs and stones in it. Carefully wrap everything up and tie it with red thread. In this case, you should say 7 times:

As you say these words, tie one knot each time. The result is a bundle tied with 7 knots. Protective amulet ready for home, store it in a secluded place.

How to make a wish on the solstice

There are also a number of simple rituals associated with the material plane that are performed at the solstice.

  • Take a clean white sheet of paper and write your wish on it in red ink. Roll 7 times and place close to the body. Women can put it in their bra, and men can put it in the breast pocket of their shirt. Carry the piece of paper with you always until your plan comes true, and put it under your pillow at night.
  • On the night of the solstice, write a wish on a piece of paper. Burn it and scatter the ashes to the wind.
  • Take a piece of paper and write one wish on it. The leaf must be small so that it can go inside hot air balloon. Inflate the balloon, say your plan again and release it into the sky. To make the balloon fly better, you can fill it with helium.
  • Before going to bed, calm down and relax. Close your eyes. Try to enter a calm state at the level of meditation. Mentally speak or whisper the request three times and immerse yourself in meditation. At the end of it you should fall asleep. If everything happened as it should, then your wish will quickly come true, since your consciousness falls into the alpha state, thanks to this the ritual is powerful.

Ritual for healing

Solstice Day is great for healing from ailments and rituals to gain strength and wisdom. You need to prepare for it ahead of time. To do this, conduct several cleaning sessions. You must also perform the “Forgiveness” practice, more about it in this article:

In parallel with spiritual and energetic cleansing, you should visit a bathhouse or take a shower to thoroughly wash your body.

Before performing a ritual for healing or gaining strength, prepare the necessary attributes for it. You will need 4 candles (paraffin candles are suitable), 2-3 incense sticks, dried flowers and herbs St. John's wort, wormwood, basil and juniper. You also need aromatic oils of rosemary and pine.

Choose free time for meditation. Prepare the room. Light the candles and place them in the corners. Turn on the incense sticks and light the aroma oils. Choose music.

Stand in the center of the room and begin meditation. Don't forget to express your greetings and gratitude to the Sun, God, and the Universe. Only after you give out the energy of gratitude, say what you want, while imagining that the Sun is shining directly on you.

This ritual can be performed at sunrise. Wait until the sun will rise and go ahead! If you do everything correctly and sincerely, your wish will be heard and quickly come true.

All rituals described here can be performed within 3 days after December 22 to 25 inclusive. Happiness and joy to you!

Study signs, perform rituals and ceremonies, improve your life!

TASS DOSSIER. On December 21, 2017, the winter solstice occurs in the Northern Hemisphere of the Earth - an astronomical phenomenon when the night is the longest of the year and the daylight is the shortest.

Movement of the Sun

Solstice is understood as an astronomical event when the inclination of the Earth's rotation axis in the direction from the Sun is greatest - 23°26". Depending on the shift calendar days The winter solstice period in the Northern Hemisphere occurs on December 21 or 22, and in the Southern Hemisphere on June 20 or 21.

In the Northern Hemisphere, at the time of the winter solstice, the Sun reaches the Tropic of Capricorn (23°26 south latitude; passes through the center South America, territories of South Africa and Australia). At this time, the longest daylight hours are observed in Southern Hemisphere, and the shortest is in Severny. At the same time, in territories located above the Arctic Circle (in summer, respectively, the Southern Circle), the solar disk does not rise above the horizon.

In the Southern Hemisphere, the winter solstice occurs when the Sun is above the Tropic of Cancer (23°26 northern latitude; runs along the Gulf of Mexico, the center of the Arabian Peninsula, southern China). Accordingly, at this moment in the Northern Hemisphere there will be the longest daylight hours of the year, and in the Southern Hemisphere - the shortest.

The solar equinox occurs when the Sun crosses the equator (March 20 and September 20). At this time, both hemispheres receive the same amount of sunlight, that is, day and night are equal in duration.

Winter solstice in the culture of the peoples of the world

Solar mythology played an important role in the history of mankind in the early stages of history. For most peoples, the winter solstice was regarded as a revival of the “power” of the Sun, and holidays were held at this time.

So, in Ancient Rome to that astronomical phenomenon The harvest festival - Saturnalia (December 17-23) was timed. Celebrations were held in honor ancient roman god Saturn, who was the patron of agriculture, and had a pronounced carnival character. During them, feasts took place, slaves were given equal rights with their masters, etc.

On December 13, Sweden celebrates St. Lucia's Day (previously, until 1753, Sweden used the Julian calendar, according to which the winter solstice fell on December 13). On this day, an election ceremony takes place for a young girl who will play the role of a Christian saint. According to one version, the name - Lucia - comes from Latin word lux, which means "light". In the context of the feast of St. Lucia, this symbolizes the transition to the beginning of spring. This holiday is also popular in other Northern European countries.

The winter solstice day in Bulgaria is considered the most suitable for various rituals and fortune telling. Its second name is Survaki (traditionally celebrations take place in New Year's Eve). On this day, survakariyas dressed in national costumes go from house to house and “cast a spell,” bringing people health, good luck and fulfillment of desires. Mandatory attributes of the holiday - New Year's greetings with wishes material well-being, a friendly masquerade, fortune telling and a meal during which boiled pork head, banitsa (layer cake with filling) and many other various dishes are served on the table.

Between December 21 and 23, China celebrates the Dongzhi Festival (from Chinese, “solstice” or “the end of winter”). According to a long-standing peasant tradition, the year is divided into 24 agricultural seasons ("nunli"), each of which is calculated according to the position of the sun. Dongzhi is the 22nd period of this cycle (it is preceded by the period of “Big Snows” and replaced by “Little Colds”).

On the day of the winter solstice, it is customary to put aside current affairs and devote time to family. A communal meal occupies a symbolic place in the celebration of Dongzhi. In the north of China, on this day it is customary to eat dumplings prepared according to a special recipe, and in the south - tangyuan - round dumplings made from sweet glutinous rice. The name of the dessert is consonant Chinese word, meaning “close family circle.”

U Eastern Slavs The Kolyada holiday was widespread, which fell on the winter solstice. At this time, young boys and girls sang traditional songs, and the listeners gave them symbolic refreshments.

- one of two days a year when the height of the sun above the horizon at noon is minimum or maximum. There are two solstices in the year - winter and summer.

On the day of the winter solstice, the sun rises to its lowest height above the horizon.

In the northern hemisphere, the winter solstice occurs on December 21 or 22, when the shortest day and longest night occur. The moment of the solstice shifts every year, since the length of the solar year does not coincide with calendar time.

In 2015, on December 22, at 8 hours 48 minutes Moscow time, the Sun will descend to its maximum in the southern hemisphere of the sky, that is, moving along the ecliptic, it will reach its lowest declination - 23 degrees 26 minutes (in the constellation Sagittarius) and astronomical winter will begin. At the latitude of Moscow, the Sun rises above the horizon to a height of less than 11 degrees.

During the winter solstice, the sun does not rise above a latitude of 66.5 degrees - only twilight at these latitudes indicates that it is somewhere below the horizon. At the North Pole of the Earth, not only the Sun is not visible, but also twilight, and the location of the star can only be determined by the constellations. On December 21, the sun crosses the 18-hour meridian and begins to rise up the ecliptic, beginning its journey towards the spring equinox, when it crosses the celestial equator.

The winter solstice has been observed since ancient times. Thus, in Russian folklore there is a proverb dedicated to this day: the sun is for summer, winter is for frost. Now the day will gradually increase, and the night will decrease. The winter solstice was used to judge the future harvest. In the old days, on December 21, they noticed: frost on the trees - to a rich grain harvest.

In the 16th century in Rus', an interesting ritual was associated with the winter solstice. The bell ringer of the Moscow Cathedral, who was responsible for striking the clock, came to bow to the Tsar. He reported that from now on the sun has turned to summer, the day is increasing, and the night is shortening. For this good news, the king rewarded the headman with money.

The ancient Slavs celebrated paganism on the day of the winter solstice. New Year, he contacted the deity Kolyada. The main attribute of the festival was a bonfire, depicting and invoking the light of the sun, which, after the longest night of the year, was supposed to rise higher and higher. The ritual New Year's pie - loaf - was also shaped like the sun.

In Europe, these days began a 12-day cycle of pagan festivals dedicated to the winter solstice, which marked the beginning of a new life and renewal of nature.

On the day of the winter solstice in Scotland there was a custom to launch the sun wheel - “solstice”. The barrel was coated with burning resin and sent down the street. The wheel is a symbol of the sun, the spokes of the wheel resembled rays, the rotation of the spokes during movement made the wheel alive and similar to a luminary.

The winter solstice was determined earlier than all other seasons in China (in Chinese calendar 24 seasons). IN ancient China believed that from that time on it was rising male power nature and a new cycle begins. The winter solstice was considered a happy day worthy of celebration. On this day, everyone - from the emperor to the commoner - went on vacation. The army was put into a state of waiting for orders, border fortresses and trading shops were closed, people visited each other and gave gifts. The Chinese made sacrifices to the God of Heaven and their ancestors, and also ate porridge of beans and glutinous rice to protect themselves from evil spirits and diseases. To this day, the winter solstice is considered one of the traditional Chinese holidays.

Solstice refers to the astronomical event in which the sun occupies either the highest or lowest point relative to the earth's horizon. This event affects the length of the day, it lasts either maximum amount time of the year, or minimum.

The solstice can be observed twice a year, in winter and summer. The winter solstice is characterized by the minimum day length and maximum length nights. Summer solstice The length of day and night is exactly the opposite of winter.

In 2017, the winter solstice will occur on December 21 at 16:27 GMT or 19:27 Moscow time.

Winter solstice December 22, 2017. Winter Solstice Traditions

The winter solstice is traditionally celebrated in many cultures. The ancient Celts equated the birth of a new sun with the Yule holiday.

The decoration of the house on this day had to be special. First of all this fir branches. They were hung everywhere: above the entrance to the house, between interior doors, inserted into windows, laid out on the fireplace. Be sure to place something symbolizing the sun in the center of the largest room of the house, in which it was customary to gather guests. It could have been an orange, a product of golden, sunshine.

On the day when the old sun went to rest, large ritual bonfires were lit. These fires were specially lit so that they would help the new sun to be born and help maintain its strength in its early stages.

At the same time, the Eastern Slavs celebrated Kolyada. Kolyada in Slavic mythology- god of the new sun. His other names: Kaledi, Cadmus, Kolodiy. This deity symbolized the transition of the year. Among the people, the day of his veneration came the day after the winter solstice. This day was considered the Slavic New Year.

Kolyada Day was celebrated on a special scale, with songs and folk dances. The traditions of the day especially concerned gifts. On Kolyada it was customary to give a gift, albeit small, to everyone to a loved one. The Slavs believed that the god of the new sun was not favorable to stingy people and did not illuminate their lives sunlight. It was believed that a stingy person who did not make a single person happy on New Year's Day would live in darkness all year.

Winter solstice 2017: how to celebrate December 22

Another solar year will end on December 21st. Already on the 22nd the sun will rise again, and will already be renewed. The countdown to the new solar year will begin. End of the solar year good time for carrying out various practices, ceremonies and rituals.

  • Conduct meditation. A good effect will come from cleansing meditations that help you free yourself from something unnecessary and outdated. It is also recommended that after cleansing, move on to visualizing plans for the new solar year. It’s worth preparing yourself a list of planned things to do in advance. Before meditation, you need to read this list and, closing your eyes, imagine that everything has already happened. If these plans are truly worthwhile and strong vibrations of the energy plan were sent at the moment of visualization, everything planned will be realized in a short time.
  • Make a wish. Traditionally, on the day the calendars change, they make a wish. Asking for something cherished and hidden on the day of the winter solstice is akin to making a wish on a falling star on New Year's Eve.
  • Carry out magical work. Recommended focus: increasing strength, replenishing vital energy, healing from physical and mental illnesses, well-being and prosperity.
  • Conduct fortune telling. You can tell fortunes for love using a mirror, or for the next year.
  • Get out. For something good to come into life, you need to clear the space for it. You should clean the room, throw away all old, broken things. All things that were not useful during the year should be collected in boxes and taken to people in need. It wouldn’t hurt to wash the doorways, thresholds, and most importantly the windows. It is through them that flows of power enter the house. A cluttered space interferes with the implementation of plans and the fulfillment of desires.
  • Let go of the past that has become obsolete. On December 21, right at sunset, you should go outside or open the window wide. Bring a piece of paper and a pen with you. While the old sun goes below the horizon, you need to try to remember all the bad things and all the negative things that happened in the past. real year. This could be relationships with people, the people themselves, illness, litigation, job changes, loss of money, unpleasant conflict situations. You need to write about all this on paper, and then burn this paper with fire. Leave to burn just before the setting sun. All the bad things will go away along with the old sun. And the next morning, along with the new sun, the long-awaited cleansing and relief will come.

December 22nd is the winter solstice. Rituals

The day of the winter solstice carries special magic, and this magic must certainly be used for your benefit. There are several well-established rituals.

Seed of Intent

The ritual is performed individually. It is not advisable to tell anyone about it. On the day the sun rises, you need to go to the market or flower shop and buy any one seed there. This seed needs to be brought home, placed in a cloth moistened with water and the words of an ancient conspiracy whispered over it:

“One seed at a time, I honestly intend (what do you want to do next year, for example, buy a car), so that my intention comes true, germinates, and sinks its roots firmly into the ground. It will also be the same, and so be it. Amen".

The seed should be placed in a glass or pot of soil. The soil needs to be watered for exactly seven days, but not much. Then water it every month for full moon. The seed must remain in this soil until spring. In the spring, dig a hole in the street under any tree that has not dried up and place the soil together with the seed in this hole. If something grows by then, it will still need to be transplanted under a tree. Within a month after this, the intention will begin to come true.

Winter solstice in 2017. Healing bath

When the sun changes, a person is renewed. This process is inevitable; a person is subject to the influence of heavenly bodies. Updating can be very painful, especially if a person is not ready for it. Cleansing with healing water can help speed up and smooth out this process.

To do this, you need to fill the bath with water. comfortable temperature. Place candles throughout the bathroom, light them, turn off the main light. Turn on calm, relaxing music. Lie down in the bath and close your eyes. First you need to imagine how the body becomes very heavy. So heavy that the water stops pushing the body onto the water surface.

After this you need to tense up a little. Imagine that dark streams flow from the body into the water. These currents must come out and at the same time bring relief to the body and soul. You need to wait until your body feels completely at ease. Only after this can you drain the water, while you still need to lie down and imagine that everything bad is flowing away along with it.

Winter solstice in 2017. Heart's desire

This ritual is suitable for those who have a desire that has never been voiced out loud. This important rule, since what is said out loud is no longer considered a cherished desire. This desire must be written down on a blank piece of paper without saying it out loud. Then roll this piece of paper into a thin tube.

After this, light a thick candle. You will also need a fireproof container. Set fire to the leaf at one end, and while it burns you need to hold it over this container, saying:

“Silent, and in that cherished, that which is in the secret corner - that in my soul, everything is on fire - all that flame will consume, everything that is in space will go, everything, then up to higher powers it will come. And from them it will come back - yes, fulfilled, and such that contentment will come. Yes, such discontent will go away. Let it go - it will be fulfilled, it will come true, but the forces will not forget.”

After this, let the leaf burn completely in a fireproof container. The ashes will need to be collected in a small bag. As soon as there is a snowstorm or strong wind outside, these ashes need to be shaken out into the street. All rituals must be performed on the day of the winter solstice.

Table of winter solstices until 2025

Year Date and time in Moscow
2017 December 21 19:28
2018 December 22 01:23
2019 December 22 07:19
2020 21 December 13:02
2021 December 21 18:59
2022 December 22 00:48
2023 December 22 06:27
2024 December 21 12:20
2025 December 21 18:03

The calendar we are used to says that the year begins on the first of January and is divided into 12 months. But nature has its own laws, which, unfortunately, are poorly coordinated with astronomy. However, our ancestors knew and respected the laws of nature. The most important holiday The day of the winter solstice was considered in the annual cycle - when will it be in 2019 and what practices are recommended for everyone? Read the details in this article.

First of all, let's figure out what the winter solstice is. On this day we can observe the longest night and the shortest daylight of the year. Magical time, isn't it? Our ancestors had no doubt about this.

Holiday dates:

  • December 21 or 22 in the Northern Hemisphere (these are all countries above the equator);
  • June 20 or 21 – in the Southern Hemisphere (Australia, most countries Latin America and etc.).

The exact date depends on the year, it's all about the calendar shift due to leap years.

In 2019, the winter solstice will occur on December 22 at 07:19 am Moscow time. If you live in another region, you can calculate the time yourself, knowing Moscow time.

On this day the Sun reaches its lowest position. Then, at the end of December and January, it rises higher above the horizon, making daylight longer.

In astrology, on this day the Sun moves from the zodiac sign Sagittarius to the sign Capricorn, and astrological winter begins (the period of the signs Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces).

Since Capricorn is associated with planning, at this time it is advisable to think through and write down goals for the coming year. Think about what is truly important to you and what you want to get rid of.

Our ancestors viewed the solstice as a time of rebirth, the emergence of hope and the joyful beginning of the path to solar abundance.

Some call the holiday the winter equinox. However, this is not true. The equinox occurs in spring and autumn, in March and September, when the day equal to night. And in winter and summer there are solstices.

Table of winter solstices until 2025

Year Date and time in Moscow
2019 December 22 07:19
2020 21 December 13:02
2021 December 21 18:59
2022 December 22 00:48
2023 December 22 06:27
2024 December 21 12:20
2025 December 21 18:03

What is so special about the solstices and equinoxes? See more about the astronomical meaning of this amazing phenomenon in the video:

Rituals and rituals

Many rituals are recommended to be performed on the day of the solstice. The fact is that this is the shortest and most mysterious day of the year. When a colossal amount of energy is generated in nature, but it does not manifest itself clearly, but is hidden in the dark corners of the longest night.

Before carrying out any rituals (several days before the holiday), it is necessary to carry out a thorough cleaning of the entire apartment or house:

  1. Wash everything, even the most secluded corners.
  2. Put things in order, put things in their places.
  3. Clear out your closet and decide what you need and what you don't.
  4. Collect unnecessary items and distribute them to those in need.

Thanks to such actions, you will clear space in your life for something new and joyful.

Ritual of letting go

  • Write down on paper everything negative and bad that happened during the year - what you want to get rid of or forget.
  • Say the appropriate words that you must choose for yourself. For example: “I forgive and let go of everything that happened” or “I leave these events in the past, let them go away and never return.”
  • Now burn a piece of paper, imagining how your sorrows are burned in the fire. And problems disappear with the smoke.
  • Feel liberated.

Ritual to fulfill a wish

A wish is made at dawn:

  • Stand facing east - look in the direction where the reborn Sun rises.
  • Thank the Sun for all the good things in your life and ask for help in the coming season.
  • Make a wish - try to mention as many details as possible.
  • Imagine that your wish has already come true. What do you feel? Let your imagination paint happy pictures.

On this holiday, it’s good to make wishes that involve renewing your life and attracting something new. It is also recommended to drink ginger tea throughout the day.

If your desire involves saving money, then the ideal option would be to open a bank savings account on the day of the solstice or the next day. By doing this, you will not only conceive what you want, but also take the first step towards realization. Which is very important.

Ritual for cleansing

Carried out in the bathroom:

  • Fill the bathtub with warm water.
  • Be sure to add sea ​​salt, because she takes on all the negativity. But it’s better to avoid foam on this day.
  • Place several candles in the bathroom (an odd number), turning off the electric lights.
  • Prepare some pleasant music for relaxation. These can be sounds of nature, religious chants, ethnic music, and so on.
  • Lie down in the bath. Imagine that your body is heavy, filled with the worries of the passing year.
  • Now visualize that water and salt are taking away all your problems. And every moment your body becomes lighter.
  • Drain the water, imagining that everything bad goes away with it. Rinse off in the shower.

After performing the ritual, you will feel a true renewal at the level of body and soul.

Winter solstice holiday among different nations

Our distant ancestors focused on natural phenomena and the movement of the Sun in calculating time periods. The winter solstice point was significant for the construction of such historical structures as:

  • Stonehenge in the UK;
  • Newgrange in Ireland.

Their main axes are oriented along the sunrise and sunset on the solstices.

Ancient Roman Saturnalia

In ancient Rome, on the solstice days, the festival of Saturnalia was celebrated in honor of the god Saturn. The celebration lasted from December 17 to 23. By this time all agricultural work was completed. And people could indulge in celebration and fun.

It was customary to temporarily stop public affairs and send schoolchildren on vacation. It was even forbidden to punish criminals.

Slaves sat at the same table with their masters and were freed from daily labor. There was a symbolic equalization of rights.

Crowds of celebrating people walked in the streets. Everyone praised Saturn. On the days of Saturnalia, a pig was slaughtered as a sacrifice, and then they began to have fun. A tradition of exchanging gifts arose, which later moved on to modern Christmas and New Year.

Yule among the ancient Germans

This is a medieval holiday, one of the main ones of the year. It was celebrated on a grand scale. The word “Yule” was used to describe the longest night of the year, which fell on the winter solstice.

It was believed that on this day the Oak King was reborn, he warmed the frozen ground and gave life to seeds in the soil, which were stored during the long winter, so that by spring they would germinate and give a harvest.

People lit fires in the fields. It was customary to drink alcoholic drink cider. Children went from house to house with gifts. Baskets were woven from branches of evergreens and ears of wheat, and apples and cloves were placed in them, which were sprinkled with flour.

Apples are a symbol of the sun and immortality, and wheat is a symbol of a good harvest. Flour meant light and success.

Houses were also decorated with tree branches: ivy, holly, mistletoe. It was believed that this helped to invite the spirits of nature to join the celebration. Spirits could bestow happy life household members.

On the Yule holiday, a ritual log was burned, the Yule tree was decorated (a prototype of the New Year's tree) and gifts were exchanged. The image of the log has been preserved in many countries to this day.

Holiday in Christianity

In Christianity, these days celebrate the Nativity of Christ. IN Catholic tradition it occurs on December 24, when the Sun, after passing its lowest point again “reborn” and rises higher.

It is believed that when Christianity replaced paganism, new Christian holidays merged with the pagans. This is how Christmas appeared in his modern form with a decorated Christmas tree and gifts for relatives and friends. After all, in fact, this is the celebration of the birth of Christ, but it is celebrated very similar to the medieval Yule.

In Orthodoxy, in connection with the use Julian calendar The date is 2 weeks behind the solstice; Orthodox Christians celebrate Christmas on January 7. However, historically it is the same date. It’s just that over the course of two thousand years the solstice point has shifted by half a month.

Holiday in Slavic culture

The Slavs celebrated the day of Karachun - the harsh deity of winter. They believed that Karachun brings winter cold to the earth, plunging nature into winter sleep.

Another name for the deity is Korochun, which means “the shortest.” The winter solstice precedes the rebirth of the Sun.

Bonfires were burned everywhere, which were designed to help the Sun gain victory over death and be reborn. After Karachun the nights waned, and daylight hours became longer.

Subsequently, this deity turned into Frost - a gray-haired old man, from whose breath bitter frosts begin and rivers become covered with ice. The Slavs believed that if Frost hit the hut with his staff, the logs would crack.

Frost does not like those who are afraid of it and hide, complain about the cold and quickly get cold. But to those who are not afraid of him, he bestows rosy cheeks, strength of spirit and good mood. This is reflected in the fairy tale “Morozko”.