New Year's musical fairy tale "how Santa Claus was looking for his wife." Scenario “How Santa Claus didn’t want to give Snow Maiden in marriage”

Leila is sitting on the stage with a guitar and music is playing. Then the BIG BOSS walks by and sees her.

BB: Hello, can you sing chanson?

Leila gestures, of course dude!

BB: Do you want me to make a star out of you?

Leila: Yes - yes, uncle, I want to, otherwise I really want to eat.

BB: Only for this you need a plan, and I have one, let’s go, I’ll tell you.

There are sounds of fighting, etc.

Oleg wanders across the stage and suddenly sees the Snow Maiden running past him, the Bodyguard pushing her from behind, and Santa Claus running after them, desperately screaming. When this picture repeats itself again, but in the other direction, Oleg cannot stand it and slows down Santa Claus.

Oleg: Grandpa, what's going on here?

Father Frost: Oh, they stole my granddaughter, they stole my granddaughter.

Oleg: Who are you anyway? Otherwise your face seems familiar to me.

Father Frost: Eh, the generation has moved on, they don’t even know Santa Claus anymore!

Oleg: Oh, well, sorry, I just didn’t expect to meet you here. It seems like you don’t often walk around these parts, except maybe on New Year’s Eve.

Father Frost: So, since it’s Santa Claus, you can’t go for a walk anymore! Otherwise, they have driven all sorts of stereotypes into their heads. Actually, my granddaughter, my Snow Maiden, was stolen.

Oleg: Horror.

Father Frost: Don't say so. At first I was happy, I thought she’d finally get married, she’d stop hanging around discos, settle down, and I’d have less trouble—she wouldn’t take any guys home. But it turned out that it was the big boss who kidnapped her. And he has no serious intentions. And then I don’t need scandals, our family is still aristocratic.

Oleg: Listen, we need to save her. I would help you if...

Father Frost: Moskvich? With a car? Not married?

Oleg: Well…

Father Frost: In general, so, you help me save her, and I will give you the hand of my granddaughter and half the kingdom in addition. OK?

Oleg: Swept away.

(At this time, the Snow Maiden and the bodyguard run back, the first screams silently)

Father Frost: Eh, where to look for my Snow Maiden, where can I find her now? Not clear.

((((Number or competition))))

Snow Maiden, bodyguard and big boss.

Bodyguard: Well, pray. Now I’ll call the big boss! Hey, big boss, I brought her. (Stomp and suddenly our “big boss” comes out)

Big Boss: E-he-he-he-he. Hello, Snegurka. I'm the big boss and everyone here listens to me. It's clear?..

Snow Maiden: ... A-ha-ha, how cool (tugs his cheek) are you the big boss? (The bodyguard moves the Snow Maiden away and speaks)

Bodyguard: Yes, this is the big boss and everyone here obeys him. And you are no exception.

Big Boss: That's right, you keep her here for now, and I'll go and rest. (Leaves)

Snow Maiden: And this big boss of yours is just a sweetheart.

Bodyguard: Yeah, don't tell me. He wants to appear serious and for me to always agree with him. So cool.

Snow Maiden: Yes, but it’s too small!

Bodyguard: Well, it is what it is. I buy him plants every day.

Snow Maiden: That's right, you and I know how to eat.

((((Number or competition))))

Santa Claus + Angelica POLICEMAN

LIKA: Well, well, well, I see their traces. They were here and went north. Elementary Watson!

Father Frost: Okay, okay. You are very quick-witted. But it seems to me that it will be better with JIPIERES.

LIKA: Uh, wait... where did you get JEEPERES?

Father Frost: This generation, they think they are so cool, but Santa Claus does everything the old fashioned way. They've driven themselves into stereotypes here! Or do you think that I don’t even know about the Internet? I created the same classmates in VKontakte, just under different logins.

LIKA: It’s tough, whoever you tell, they won’t believe it. But how does JEPEERS help you search for the Snow Maiden?

Father Frost: Oh, I put a bug on her. To always know which nightclub to send the reindeer sled to. Otherwise she is in such a state... In general, it is dangerous for her to travel on public transport. She's a complete reveler for me. Instead of a decent blue raincoat, he wears a miniskirt. And also an aristocratic family... She's probably in the club, send her there!


Grandfather Moreau


Father Frost


Father Frost: Why, why, can you imagine Santa Claus in green? So I can’t. You better tell me what kind of four-story house this is.


Chanson plays and Leila sings. When he finishes, the director pays the big boss and they leave. Then DM and Sasha come.

Club music playing

DM: Yes, there seems to be nothing here, look at the girls.

Oleg: Yeah, cool!

DM: We need to shake off the old days, remember how to dance. Where is this club director?

Ira: I'm here dudes. Yo. Today we have a super New Year's party!!!

DM: Ask DJ to play something like that so that oooooh.

Ira asks to play the music, but at first the DJ plays the wrong one. DM is indignant. DJ puts it better and DM dances.

DM: Listen, there was no BB here, otherwise we are looking for him!

Ira: He galloped over there, maybe you’ll have time!!!

((((Number or competition))))

Snow Maiden and Bodyguard.

Snow Maiden: Listen, what color does the big boss like?

Bodyguard: Black... why do you need it?

Snow Maiden: Yes, yes. I'm thinking about what to wear for lunch.

Bodyguard: Well, well, well, don’t even look at him. He's mine, period.

Snow Maiden: Yeah, yours, you can say it again. Compared to me, you're just a piece of muscle.

Bodyguard: You're basically a bag of bones.

Snow Maiden: You don’t know how to dress properly!

Bodyguard: No, that's exactly it. We are perfect for each other. I'm strong and he's weak, I'm tall and he's short, he's a big boss and I'm a little bodyguard...

Snow Maiden: - ...he is smart, and you are stupid, he is handsome, but you are not

Suddenly it comes out big boss: Girls, girls, don't quarrel.

Bodyguard: How can we not quarrel here? Tell her who's cooler here?

Big Boss: Well, what are you doing? I only took her prisoner because of her grandfather’s money.

Snow Maiden: Like, only because of my grandfather’s money. And I was hoping... Ham (Slaps him in the face)

Bodyguard: And you made me jealous just because of stupid money... Boor (also slaps), let's go, Snow Maiden, stay away from this impudent person!

((((Number or competition))))

Santa Claus and Oleg.

Oleg: Listen, Santa Claus, since we have already met, tell me why deer, and not horses, donkeys, or, in extreme cases, camels?

Grandfather Moreau Z: Oh, this long history. Well, let’s discard the horses right away, because they don’t know how to fly.

Oleg: So do deer, donkeys and camels know how?

Father Frost: Well, of course, or did you think that Gagarin was the first to fly into space. God forbid. People had not yet invented the wheel when the first donkey landed on the moon. And camels actually brought water to Mars. But I don’t use camels because they hot climate love, they won’t survive at the North Pole. And donkeys are too stubborn - they will never stop on a roof where there is no parking sign. So only the deer remain.

Oleg: Okay, why the red color of the clothes?

Father Frost: Why, why, can you imagine Santa Claus in green? So I can’t. You better tell me what kind of house this is?

Oleg: Oh, this is a ruble, there are a lot of nightclubs here, maybe Snegurochka is there, let’s go have a look.

There is one boss, then the Snow Maiden.

Big Boss: So, we need to write a ransom note. So, dear Santa Claus... if you want to see your granddaughter alive... then come to the Berloga cafe and bring... So, how much, how much? Let there be 10 million. Plus 496 rubles for feeding... So thin, but she eats like an elephant. Total 10 million 496 rubles plus VAT.

Snow Maiden enters: So... dear Santa Claus... yeah, in the Berloga cafe... yeah, how much? Only 10 million, boor! (Slap) How could you sell it so cheap? At least twenty. What will I tell my friends? For example, they bought Cinderella for 17 lemons, and Snow White for 20. Or do you think that I’m only worth 10 million?

Big Boss: Okay, I'll write 25.

Snow Maiden: That’s another matter... By the way, maybe we’ll meet again when I’m ransomed?

Big Boss: I’ll give you a ride on the yacht, I’ll have it by then. Leila and I even wrote a track about this.

The song comes on, we hung on the yacht for 2 weeks.

Snow Maiden: How romantic...

((((Number or competition))))

Santa Claus and Oleg.

Oleg: Oh, look, Santa Claus, a note. From the big boss. So, dear Santa Claus... in the Berloga cafe... oh, 25 million.

Father Frost: How many? 25 million for this naughty party girl. Yes, it's not even worth 10. He would also offer me a flightless donkey for a million! Although, I'll probably still pay. An aristocratic surname obliges.

Oleg: Yeah, it’s good that the oligarch gave us 25 lemons because we were able to persuade his daughter not to burn the Christmas tree!

Father Frost: Yes, we will need this money now. Just tell me where it is, the Berloga cafe?

Oleg: Oh, this is in Bereznik. There is such a village.

Father Frost: Oh, I know, I know, the children are the most naughty there and the fewest gifts need to be taken there. Okay... Let's go.

((((Number or competition))))

All together, on one side the boss, Snow Maiden and bodyguard, on the other Oleg and Santa Claus.

Oleg: Here are 25 lemons, as agreed.

Bodyguard: Your product (Lets down the Snow Maiden)

Snow Maiden: Uh, wait, I haven't said goodbye yet.

Father Frost: Enough, give it to us, bloodsuckers.

Snow Maiden: Grandfather, wait, let me say goodbye to my friends normally. Sasha, bye, if you have problems with your makeup, call me.

Bodyguard: And you call if you need brute female power.

Snow Maiden: Big Boss, we will meet again on the yacht, so... no goodbyes.

Big Boss: I will buy an icebreaker to visit you on North Pole, Babe. Wait for me.

Father Frost: Snow Maiden, look what kind of groom I found for you, huh? Handsome!

Snow Maiden: Grandfather, what are you, this morel? The big boss is a tough guy, but this one...

Father Frost: Eh, won’t you marry him?

MBOU Rozhentsovskaya Secondary School

Sharangsky district, Nizhny Novgorod region


senior counselor

Rozhentsovo village



Father Frost

Snow Maiden

Scene 1.

Monkey1: Believe it or not, Santa Claus lived in this world

And he had a granddaughter Snegurochka

Neither beautiful, nor scary, neither blush nor pale

And she’s not nice, and capricious, and harmful.

Neither in finery nor in brocade

And general

Santa Claus is sad and hangs his head

And there are serious reasons for sadness

It's time to marry the Snow Maiden and call the suitors

Father Frost and Snow Maiden come out

DM. Oh, I'm in trouble, I'm in trouble! All granddaughters are like granddaughters, but my Snow Maiden is still a girl.

WITH. But I don’t want to, I don’t want to, out of calculation,
And I want it for love, for love.
Freedom, freedom, give me freedom,
I’ll fly high like a bird. (to the tune from “The Flying Ship”)

DM. Let's try, maybe you will fall in love with someone. Monkey, my assistant, go to television on Zelenaya Street and advertise that we are marrying Snegurochka, we are waiting for everyone to attend this what’s his name… casting.

They're leaving

Scene 2

A guy comes out and talks on the phone

Boy. Ale, yes yes, I hear you, just let me put on my headphones. I'm listening to you, come on

Monkey. Yes, where is this Green Street, where is this television, give him an advertisement, but he didn’t tell him how to get there. Man, can you tell me how to get to Green Street?

Boy. Yes, yes

Monkey. well, well

Boy. I'm listening

Monkey. how to get to Green Street

Boy. speak louder it's hard to hear

Monkey. how to get to Green Street

Boy. repeat

Monkey. are you deaf or something?

Boy. no no

Monkey. then I repeat how to get to Green Street

Boy. what, what

Monkey. listen boy, I'm asking you in a good way. How to get to Green Street

Boy. Didn't understand

Monkey. what is not clear. how to get to Zelenaya Street (shows with gestures)

Boy. ahh, I see

Monkey. Well, finally, it’s clear. (pause) Well, if it’s clear, then tell me

Boy. what

Monkey. Hey, you hear the brake, it’s a pity for you to tell me how to get to this Green Street

Boy. No

Monkey. well then last time please tell me please

Boy. What

Monkey. how to get to Green Street

Boy. listen what you're doing tonight

Monkey. I'm going to Green Street

Boy. where to where?

Monkey. I can hit

Boy. ok come on

Monkey. what, hit?

Boy. yes, yes

Monkey. with great pleasure, but lastly, maybe you can still tell me how to get to this Green street

Boy. Yes

Monkey. Well

Boy. 200 bucks

Monkey hits with a bag

Boy. I'll call you back, the hooligans attacked

Video “Announcement”

Scene 3

Monkey. Santa Claus didn’t have time to turn around, and there was already a huge line for the hand and heart of the Snow Maiden.

Father Frost. Well, what are you waiting for, call the first one.

The song “Natural Blonde” is playing

The groom comes out and admires himself in the mirror all the time.

Dm, Snow Maiden and Monkey raise signs 0 points, 10 points, abstain

Blond: Well, Snow Maiden, will you marry me?

Snow Maiden: Listen, groom, look up from the mirror and count, you don't pass by points.

Blond: I didn’t really want to, but there are many who want my heart.

He leaves singing: natural blond

Snow Maiden: Grandfather Frost, the new year is coming, let's take a break, the children of the Rozhentsov school have prepared a lot of interesting things for us, let's take a look.

Father Frost: Oh, really, Monkey, announce it.

Monkey: I listen and obey. 5th grade performs the skit “Once upon a time under New Year».

5th grade performance

Father Frost. Well done 5th grade. We made grandpa happy. But we need to continue.

Monkey. The second groom is invited to the casting. Groom, groom. Somehow fell asleep. I'll go and have a look.

Father Frost. Well, for now we’ll watch one video congratulation from the children of the Rozhentsov school.

Video congratulations

Scene 4

Monkey pulls out a big bag

Monkey. Snegurochka is a package for you, and a note is attached.

Snow Maiden. Reads: I can’t come myself, I’m sending my gifts.

Monkey. How interesting.

Music Soso Pavliashvili“Where are you, honey.” Dance

Georgian: wow, how beautiful, just a peach.

Father Frost. Well, don’t let go of your hands

Snow Maiden. Here, here.

Georgian. Marry me. I sell at the market, you will always be dressed in either Armani, Versace, or Abibas

Snow Maiden. Maybe adidas

Georgian. Listen, what else is Adidas? Here is Abibas, this is a company

Snow Maiden. You are not suitable for us.

Father Frost. Snow Maiden, this is not fashionable now, you need to say: we will call you back.

Snow Maiden. We will call you back

Georgian: I'm waiting for a call

Georgian leaves

Father Frost. Oh, well, these suitors of yours have tired me out.

Monkey. Sit down and watch the 6th grade performance.

6th grade performance

Scene 5

Father Frost. Wow what interesting tale in 6th grade. But we must not forget about the grooms.

Monkey.Sniffs. You smell something marine.

The groom comes out to Gazmanov’s song “Sailor”. Dance.

Snow Maiden. Dear, you haven’t forgotten why you came.

Sailor: Oh yes, I dream about marrying you, Snow Maiden, at night.

Snow Maiden. Well, yes, I noticed. We will call you back.

Father Frost. You are harsh with him, maybe he would improve.

Snow Maiden. So, grandfather, do you want me to be happy or do you no longer care who you marry me to? Monkey, what do we have next according to the scenario.

Monkey. And we have a 7th grade performance

7th grade performance

Scene 6

Monkey. What a performance, well done. Grandfather Frost, did you like it?

Father Frost. The guys performed very well. I'm just worried about the Snow Maiden.

Monkey. Don’t worry, suitors from all over have gathered for our casting, so we’ll find a groom for our Snow Maiden. And it seems to me that I hear someone’s steps.
Pushkin comes out and reads a poem

An oak tree was cut down near Lukomorye
The golden chain was taken down to the museum
The cat was released into the animal farm
The mermaid was put in a barrel
And they wrote “Cucumbers”
And they sent it across the sea...

There on unknown paths
Potatoes have been growing for a long time,
Skeletons wander around in sandals
Traces of broken Lada
And Mercedes on chicken legs
Stands without windows, without doors

There are thirty-three heroes
They are looking for 3 rubles in the trash,
And their beloved Chernomor
Yesterday they stole fifty dollars,
And he himself shouts that everyone is a thief!

There Bab Yaga wanders around the market
And it breeds speculation.

Ivan Tsarevich is depressed -
On Gray wolf- bi, flies.
And the hero is all show-off
Still flying in the clouds.
And it instills fear in children!

Pushkin. Something is wrong. I started writing an ode to the Snow Maiden, but I again had paths, a mermaid, and heroes.

Monkey. Oh, I was worried, but you try again


I remember a wonderful moment:
You appeared before me...

My Snow Maiden, I didn’t buy you flowers
Didn't say a word to you
We are tormented by spiritual thirst.
And you are offended, cow.
I decided that I was stupid and unsociable.

Snow Maiden. Am I the cow?? Yes I will, yes we will... we will call you back..

Monkey: No, we won't call you back.

Father Frost. What does he understand about beauty, don’t listen to him. Let's better watch the 8th grade performance.

8th grade performance.

Scene 7

Snow Maiden. I really liked 8th grade. But I’ll probably never get married, no matter what.

Ivan's dance to Russian folk music

Ivan: It’s not fate, but what about me?

Father Frost. Ivan, why did you come to dress up as a groom? You're a fool.

Monkey. Here, here. We met this Ivan not long ago. Just a fool. Moreover, he has problems with hearing.

Ivan. Yes, by the way, I graduated from Lobachevsky University with honors.

Monkey. Did you buy it in transition?

Ivan. If you don't believe me, look.

Monkey. Oh, definitely real.

Father Frost. If so, then let the Snow Maiden decide for herself

Snow Maiden. I agree that Ivan should marry you. (embarrassed)

All the heroes come out and sing the final song

And if all this is framed with appropriate musical excerpts, then the result will be fun and spectacular entertainment, from which both spectators and participants will enjoy.

Proposed New Year's musical fairy tale "How Santa Claus was looking for his wife"- exactly like this, you don’t need to rehearse it in advance, the props will be enough headbands, caps, skirts, the main thing is to have a good mood and include the corresponding cuts from the songs clearly according to the script. (Thanks to the authors of the ideas used in the plot of the fairy tale)

Script for a musical fairy tale

Sounds 01. Please turn it off

Presenter: This story happened on the eve of the wonderful New Year holiday, a holiday from which each of us expects a miracle: the poor dream of wealth, the sick dream of health, and the lonely dream of meeting their love... After all, they say on New Year everything is possible..

Sounds 02. Time to believe in miracles

Presenter: So, our fairy tale begins...

Sounds 03. Visiting a fairy tale

Presenter: In a forest clearing in winter forest Once upon a time, a beautiful Christmas tree grew and blossomed, we meet

It sounds 04. And I am the May rose

Presenter; The Christmas tree stood and was sad, because in this forest no one sees her beauty, out of frustration she said to her mother:

It sounds 05. I’m standing again..

Presenter: And nearby, in his ice palace, there lived neither a king nor a prince, but the great New Year's wizard, Father Frost. And he had it all: a magic staff, a workshop for making gifts, and a beautiful granddaughter, but he didn’t have love and a faithful friend nearby... let’s meet Santa Claus!

Sounds 06. Lonely man

Presenter: And so he read in the horoscope that he would find his destiny in New Year's forest, and she will be prickly, but beautiful, and only she will be able to hug him, understand him and warm him up. Without thinking twice, Santa Claus went there, he walks, and Snowflakes meet him, who are also looking for happiness. Let's meet.

(Three Snowflakes come out dancing.)

Sounds 07 “Everyone wants to love”

Presenter: The snowflakes saw Santa Claus, were delighted, and let’s flirt with him, they’ll touch him on the cheek, then they’ll throw themselves into hugs, they’ll tickle Santa completely.

Presenter: The beautiful Elka watched all this with annoyance; she tried to draw Father Frost’s attention to herself, even sang a song to him, but no matter how hard she tried, she could not distract Father Frost from the young seductresses. Let's see..

Sounds 09. January is ringing...

Presenter: And Santa Claus was completely weakened by the attention and caresses of the Snowflakes, and began to think about himself:

Sounds like 10. Who cares about such beauty...

Presenter: And the Snowflakes circled around him, but Frost still understood that he couldn’t handle three, he had to find the most caring and ardent one among them. First, I resorted to the scientific method, measuring the length of each arm and leg. (takes out a centimeter and measures it)

Sounds 11. Ay, yay, girl

Presenter: At this time the tree made a second attempt and began to sing again.

Sounds 12. I'm all alone

Presenter: But again Santa Claus did not hear her, and you know why, because this is a fairy tale, and in fairy tales a miracle only happens the third time. And our Moroz scratched his beard and decided to use a creative approach - he organized a casting among the applicants. Let's watch the performance of the 1st Snowflake.

It sounds 13. And I'm a girl from Rostov

Presenter: Good, but let's watch the 2nd...

Sounds 14. Gypsy

Presenter: I lit it, you can’t say anything, the word is on the 3rd

Presenter: Grandfather swam and was completely confused, but then the Christmas tree could not stand it, she parted her branches and came forward

Sounds 16. Tsigel, Tsigel

Presenter: Santa Claus reacted to the beacon, of course... The snowflakes had to move, but Frost remembered that he needed a very hot hug, so he measured the length of Elka’s arms and legs, and in the meantime Elka promised him

Sounds 17. I'll kiss you..

Presenter: And Santa Claus immediately opened his heart to her..

Presenter: And the Christmas tree and Santa Claus began to hug, and the Snowflakes danced around them and rejoiced

Presenter: What will come of this love story in the future we do not know, we only know that in New Year's Eve Something extraordinary can happen to anyone and now we will greet our actors with friendly applause

Sounds 20 People are celebrating the New Year.. (to applause)

Presenter: And now everyone is dancing!

Sounds 21. New Year's.


Fairy Esperanta
Snow Queen
Baba Yaga
Snow Maiden
Father Frost
2 presenters


1st presenter.

As soon as the chimes strike 12,
The high door will open.
And the New Year will come to stay...
Believe in him with your soul!

2nd presenter.

And before the clock rang,
Let's make a wish so that coming year
Brought us everything we wanted
May he bring us good luck!

1st presenter.

The world is now as in good fairy tale,
All wrapped in “rain” and serpentine.
Under the flickering sparklers
Quietly melting old year like smoke!

2 presenter.

Chu, you can hear a rustling behind the wall
And someone's voices.
It's time to invite you to the stage
Miracles from fairy tales.

Action 1

Herald. Everyone! Everyone! Everyone! The king invites the inhabitants of the glorious and beautiful kingdom to a fairy-tale palace, where a ball will be given on the occasion of the New Year! And you can be sure that the ball will be grandiose! Hurry to the palace! Hurry up! Hurry up! Hurry up!

King (sings).

Kings can do anything, kings can do anything
And sometimes they decide the fate of the whole earth.
But whatever you say, marry your son for love
Not one, not one king can.
(sad) At least I can't.
Is everything ready for the New Year's ball?
(loud) Urgently invite the Chancellor - the keeper of the great royal seal!

The Chancellor appears, holding a notepad in his hands.

So, did you send telegrams with New Year’s greetings?
(The Chancellor nods.) Gifts have been prepared for the guests, I hope? What about our Christmas tree?

Chancellor. The tree, Your Majesty, is simply magnificent. It will do honor to any palace.

King (examines the Christmas tree). It is what it is – a beauty. Are the paths to the palace cleared of snow?

Chancellor. Cleared, Your Majesty... (confidentially) You are all in worries, Your Majesty, you don’t have a moment of peace.

King. What peace there is here! Now that I’m marrying my son, maybe I’ll rest. I have one plan. Why hasn’t our sister, the fairy Esperante, arrived yet?

Chancellor. Not yet.

King. It's about time, it's time. All hope lies with her. By the way, where is the prince?

Chancellor. Prince, Your Majesty is in the library as usual. He chose the thickest book and reads.

King (indignantly). Reading! I’m exhausted, I’m organizing a ball, I’ve named the guests, and he’s reading books! Come on, get him here immediately!

The Chancellor runs away.

The king sighs.

King. Well what are you going to do! Everyone’s children are like children, but this one... After all, he knows that vacations have been declared by royal decree!

The Chancellor returns with the Prince.

Prince Hello, father. What happened in our kingdom?

King (angrily). New Year has happened in our kingdom!

Prince. Yes, this, of course, happens.

King (sits on the throne). I declare the royal will. Today, no later than midnight, you, Prince, must choose a bride from among the guests. Immediately after the New Year celebrations, I am retiring, and you will rule the kingdom!

Prince. Father, why such haste?

King. With you, Prince, there is no other way. What choice were you given? Was there a Princess and the Pea? And the granddaughter of the Frog Princess? Overseas princesses have all visited our palace - but you all turn your nose up! And here comes my dear sister!

Music is playing. The fairy arrives with her retinue. Sings "Down Piccadilly..."

Now New Year's holiday.
The fireworks haven't gone off yet.
Magical, fun holiday
It's happening in our palace.
I am a fairy, a beautiful fairy.
Look how good she is!
And you can believe me:
My soul is beautiful.

King. Sister, stop flirting! ( Hugging). You know, Esperanta...

Fairy. I know, I know, I’m a fairy after all. You, my brother, have always been stubborn, but you, dear nephew, are not right in everything. Let's decide this: The Prince will be friendly to everyone at the ball, and maybe he will like some girl. And then a miracle will happen: any wish made today will come true, and the Christmas tree will light up with magic lights.

King. You, my sister, as always, judged fabulously fairly.

Prince. I don’t believe in these fairy tales, but you can try.

Act 2

Herald. Listen! Listen! Listen! Royal decree! Today, no later than the main royal clock strikes midnight, the Prince must find a bride among the guests! Immediately after the celebrations, His Royal Majesty retires, and the management of the kingdom will be entrusted to the Prince! This is the will of the king!

Music is playing. The king sits on the throne, next to him is the Prince and the fairy Esperanta, the Chancellor.

The "brides" arrive.

A bridal fashion show is taking place. During it, the Prince shakes his head negatively.

Mother appears with Marfushenka.

Marfusha. Mom, and mom, am I beautiful?

Mother. Very much, Marfushenka-darling! Just a princess!

Marfusha. Mom, I want to get married! For the prince!

Mother. Well, come out! When the Prince sees you, he will fall from the beauty of your writing.

Marfusha takes out the mirror, looks at it and calls her mother.

Marfusha. Mommy, brush your eyebrows!

Mother smears. Then he becomes touched.

Mother. Yes, you, Marfushenka, are already the best!

Marfusha. Mom, tie the bow!


Now, Marfushenka-darling! ( Admiring).
Princess! No, not the Princess, but the Queen!
Let's go to the groom quickly!

They approach the throne and bow.

King(leans towards the Chancellor). What kind of bride is this? Where did this come from?

Chancellor. Let me introduce, Your Majesty, Marfushenka-darling.

Mother. Gorgeous. Smart girl. A jack of all trades.

King. Who? This crocodile?

Mother. What a crocodile! Well, you weren’t born a beauty, what are you going to do now?

Marfusha. Mom, I want to get married!

Performs the song “I Want to Get Married” by the Cote d’Azur group.


You are my visual beauty,
You are my elegant bride,
There's no need to be sad
The girl will not be left without a groom.

They leave.

Act 3

The soundtrack of the wind sounds.

Chancellor. Your Majesty, the blizzard has cleared up! Probably all the roads were covered with snow.

Music sounds and the Snow Queen appears.

King. Good evening, mysterious stranger! I have never met you at our balls before. How did you manage to get to our palace in such a snowstorm?
The Snow Queen sings to the tune of “I Kissed You”:

Snow Queen.

I came from a winter fairy tale.
All made of snow-silver.
My friends are frost and frost.
Now I'll freeze everyone.
I'll ruin your fun.
I will charm all the brides.
I'm bored to hell.
I won’t tolerate your ball.
Wow! Wow! Wow!

King. God! Who is this? What a woman! What a temperament! What an expression! Masha Rasputina? No, not her! Babkina? It doesn't look like it! Pugacheva? Exactly Pugacheva! Alla Borisovna! Come join us for a holiday!

Snow Queen. What kind of Pugacheva am I to you? I'm the Snow Queen!

King. Snow Queen? Brrr... I'm terribly afraid of the cold! But I will melt your heart! I offer you my hand!

They sing a song to the tune of “Madame Broshkina”.

After all, I live alone.
Such are the things.
The son has grown up and his
It's high time to get married.
Today at the ball
We'll pick a bride.
And then you and I
we'll live well.
After all, I, me, me
Tender soul
My beautiful, Madame Snow.
It’s so good, mine is so growing,
That I found you
And we will have everything
I'm fine with you.

Snow Queen.

And I live alone
In halls of ice.
And Kai was taken away,
and it's time for me to get married.
But, besides the Cold, brrr...
Nobody got married
And you, king, are like that
In juice and single.
After all, I, me, me
Tender soul
Even though I’m cold, Madame Snow.
It’s so good, my dear Pusy-pussy,
That you found me.
And we will have everything
You're fine.

King. However, what miracles! My heart is filled with love for you! And the guests are wonderful, and the Christmas tree is just lovely!
As are you, my dear. Please come here!

Act 4

The sound of a falling shell is heard and Baba Yaga appears on the stage.

Baba Yaga. Ugh, oh, you, your money is bent! ( Examines a broom.) The technology failed again! Wow! The microcircuit burned out. Koschey slipped it. The expiration date has long passed. I got there by force! Well, what are you staring at? Where is the groom? Where is the groom?!

Sings a song to the tune of “Even if you are a little over thirty” by Serduchka.

Even if you are a little over 300,
You can just marry a prince.
The sun shines equally on everyone on the planet
Both the princess and the simple Yaguditsa.
Listen, Prince, you and I are not children.
I am more beautiful and wiser than anyone in the world.
I will kiss you, I will dance you
And I will make you forget everything in the world.
You would come, I would smile,
If he started pestering me, I understood.
If you had called me, I would not have turned away.
That's it.
If you were happy, I would try.
I would have driven the king to panic.
Only the prince is not there. Where did he go?
I didn't understand.

Chancellor. Listen, old man! You should get out of here!

Baba Yaga. Who is this old rotten stump?! Who are you talking to like that, you miserable icicle!

Chancellor. Sorry lady, I was wrong!

Baba Yaga. Like this! I'm leaving! They didn't understand me here! Does a woman need much? Well, a good husband, a diamond ring for his birthday, pendants with diamonds for the holiday, a Mercedes car for the New Year! Yes, flowers every day! This is the kind of woman I am! Modest - one flaw - beautiful. Guys, keep in mind that property disappears for 300 years!

Chancellor. You are our most beautiful, you are our wisest, you are our oldest!

Baba Yaga. Again? That's it! You got me!

Chancellor. I won’t, I won’t, it broke. Stay, I will be your prince.

He gives her his hand and makes her sit next to him.

Action 5

Chancellor. And now - the continuation of the ball. Let me remind you: the prince chooses a bride! Parade of the so-called Snow Maidens!

The Snow Maiden's fashion show follows in modern outfits. Among them appears the real Snow Maiden in a traditional outfit.

Chancellor (Jumps up in delight.) Here! Just what you need! What naturalness, grace, beauty! (Hugs the waist.) Which modeling agency are you from, darling? You know, honey, I have great connections. Why do you need a prince? Let's make you the queen of the catwalk. So what are you doing tonight?

Snow Maiden. I don't understand what you're talking about. Which agency? I am the Snow Maiden. I'm looking for my grandfather. He is lost here somewhere, and there is very little time left before the New Year.

The prince looks at the Snow Maiden with all his eyes.

Fairy. Prince, do not forget: before midnight you must make your choice.

Prince. Can I ask you to dance? ( They start dancing to the Fairy's song, then leave).

The fairy sings a New Year's song. Then the Prince and the Snow Maiden run in.

Prince. Father, I did everything as you ordered. This is my bride.

King. Of course, I’m a little excited, but order is order: I want to congratulate all the inhabitants of the kingdom, everyone who loves the New Year holiday, as well as both of you, my children ( teared up).

Snow Maiden. And here comes grandpa!

Action 6

Father Frost.

There are so many people in the hall,
Glorious holiday will be here!
So they told me the truth
That they are always waiting for me here!
I was with you a year ago,
I'm glad to see you again.
I'm still the same gray haired one,
But just like young!

Snow Maiden.

So, friends, today we have
Happy holiday New Year.
Let's all, as they say,
Laugh, sing and have fun!


They say on New Year's Eve,
Whatever you want,
Everything will always happen
Everything always comes true!

We wish you bright
And happy days
Health, success,
Good friends!

Father Frost.

Have fun today!
Spin around to the rhythms of the music!
Let the carnival be bright.
We will continue the ball with dancing!
And maybe someone will sing with us!

A common song is played to the tune of the song by the group “Korni” “Happy Birthday, Vika.”

The blizzard was covered with white snow,
The city seemed to disappear for people.
And in the parquet hall the country swirls
Under the wonderful name "Lyceum".
We have gathered here today
To celebrate the New Year together.
It's good that everyone is having fun
And maybe someone will sing with us:
Let it be rainy and warm somewhere,
And we have bad weather.
Loving our winter, and the frost, and the snowdrifts,
We sing with love:
“Happy New Year, friends, Happy New Year!”

New Year's musical fairy tale "How Santa Claus was looking for his wife"

Sounds 01. Please turn it off

Presenter: This story happened on the eve of the wonderful New Year holiday, a holiday from which each of us expects a miracle: the poor dream of wealth, the sick dream of health, and the lonely dream of meeting his love... After all, they say on New Year everything is possible..

Sounds 02. Time to believe in miracles

Presenter: So, our fairy tale begins...

Sounds 03. Visiting a fairy tale

Presenter: In a forest clearing in the winter forest, there lived, grew and blossomed a beautiful Christmas tree, we meet

It sounds 04. And I am the May rose

Presenter; The Christmas tree stood and was sad, because in this forest no one sees her beauty, out of frustration she said to her mother:

It sounds 05. I’m standing again..

Presenter: And nearby, in his ice palace, there lived neither a king nor a prince, but the great New Year's wizard, Father Frost. And he had everything: a magic staff, a workshop for making gifts, and a beautiful granddaughter, but he didn’t have love and a faithful friend nearby... let’s meet Santa Claus!

Sounds 06. Lonely man

Presenter: And then he read in the horoscope that he would find his destiny in the New Year's forest, and it would be prickly, but beautiful... and only she would be able to hug, understand and warm him. Without thinking twice, Santa Claus went there, he goes, and Snowflakes meet him, who are also looking for happiness. Let's meet.

(Snowflakes come out dancing)

Sounds 07 “Everyone wants to love”

Presenter: The snowflakes saw Santa Claus, they were happy, and let’s flirt with him, they’ll touch him on the cheek, then they’ll throw themselves into hugs, they’ll tickle Santa completely.

Sounds 08. Laughter

Presenter: The beautiful Elka watched all this with annoyance, she tried to draw the attention of Santa Claus to herself, even sang a song to him,

Sounds 09. January is ringing...

Presenter: but no matter how hard the Christmas tree tried, she could not distract Grandfather from the young seductresses. And Grandfather Frost was completely weakened by the attention and caresses of the Snowflakes, and began to imagine himself:

Sounds like 10. Who cares about such beauty...

Presenter: And the Snowflakes were circling around him, but Frost still understood that he couldn’t handle five, he had to find the most caring and ardent one among them. First, I resorted to the scientific method, measured the length of each person’s arms and legs (takes out a centimeter and measures)

Sounds 11. Ay, yay, girl

Presenter: At this time, the Christmas tree made a second attempt and began to sing again..

Sounds 12. I'm all alone

Presenter: But again Santa Claus did not hear her, and you know why, because this is a fairy tale, and in fairy tales a miracle only happens the third time. And our Moroz scratched his beard and decided to use a creative approach - he organized a casting among the applicants. Let's watch the performance of the 1st Snowflake.

It sounds 13. And I'm a girl from Rostov

Presenter: Good, but let's watch the 2nd...

Presenter: I lit it, you can’t say anything, the word is up to the 3rd

Sounds like I kept flying

Sounds shamelessly beautiful

Sounds like Dolce Habano

Presenter: Grandfather swam and was completely confused, but then the Christmas tree could not stand it, she parted her branches and came forward

Sounds 16. Tsigel, Tsigel

Presenter: Santa Claus reacted to the beacon, of course... The snowflakes had to move, but Frost remembered that he needed a very hot hug, so he measured the length of Elka’s arms and legs, and in the meantime Elka promised him

Sounds 17. I'll kiss you..

Presenter: And Santa Claus immediately opened his heart to her..

Sounds 18. I'm tired

Presenter: And the Christmas tree and Santa Claus began to hug, and the Snowflakes danced around them and rejoiced

Sounds 19. Oh, oh, oh

Presenter: We don’t know what will come of this love story in the future, we only know that on New Year’s Eve something extraordinary can happen to anyone, and that now we will greet our actors with friendly applause

Sounds 20 People are celebrating the New Year.. (to applause)

Presenter: And now everyone is dancing! Sounds 21. New Year's.