Juna Davitashvili: biography. The Legend of June: “secret materials” A year ago, healer Evgenia Davitashvili died

June 23rd, 2015

Original taken from sadalskij Juna was actually born in 1935, not 1949. I just always hid it.

Dmitry Bykov about the mysterious fate and abilities of Juna, as well as how her personality foreshadows the revolution in Russia.

Not a single kingdom in an era of decline can do without its Rasputin. His role is threefold. First of all, it heals. Secondly, it predicts. And thirdly, it establishes a connection with the people from which it came. True, he necessarily comes out not from the midst, but from somewhere on the side: Rasputin was a sectarian, a man with a mysterious biography.

Juna and M. Mastroianni

It seems that Juna’s true biography is now impossible to restore. There is no documentary data: how to prove that she treated and, most importantly, cured Brezhnev? How can I confirm or deny that I worked as a waitress in Tbilisi? Vasily Aksenov, let’s say, he himself told me that he saw this waitress in a cafe and was amazed by her unusual beauty, and most importantly - gaiety: everyone loved her. And when he saw her in full glory, being already in exile himself, he recognized her immediately. No one will ever know how she got to Moscow.

Juna with Arkady Raikin, Leningradsky Prospekt, July 27, 1983

It is more or less certain that to the very top Soviet power Raikin conducted her: she gave him several massage sessions, he felt relieved and asked Brezhnev, taking advantage of a long-standing acquaintance, for an apartment for Juna.

In 1979 - again, we have to rely only on rumors - she received it, and in the eighties, in the fall, Brezhnev suddenly spoke quite briskly, stopped swallowing his words and even began to look up from the piece of paper. And it was in vain that sensible skeptics repeated that they simply changed his dentures: the word “biofield” had already come into use, and there was more than enough occultism under the guise of science in the late USSR.

The “Obvious - Incredible” program existed to give all these hobbies the appearance of science. Let me remind you of the main intellectual fashions of this era - their detailed chronicle was left to us by Vysotsky, who himself was passionately interested in all these things (and, by the way, gave birth to the same pseudo-religious cult): talking dolphins, aliens, Filipino healers, the Bermuda Triangle, Indian-yogis-who-are-they , spiritualism, and Juna.

Stephen Kotkin, the famous American Sovietologist, author of the most detailed and best biography Stalin even mentions this phenomenon in lectures on Soviet history:
- My God, of course, she was not any kind of healer. I even doubt that she was allowed, so to speak, to the body. All European courts considered it prestigious to have their own Nostradamus; even Yeltsin had his own occultist - General Georgy Rogozin, who died last year. And since power in Russia is the main brand, Juna became popular among bohemians; poets and singers revolved around her, like Rasputin...

Juna, Pope

She was a good actress, she made an impression, her eyes widened. superstitions in general are always strong in Russia... As for Brezhnev, he was treated by the best Soviet specialists, and he did not need psychics. The greater or lesser extent of his lethargy depended solely on the dose of sleeping pills.

Juna next to her apartment on Arbat. Mastery lessons.

Leonid Mlechin, historian, journalist, biographer of Brezhnev:
- The only person who mentioned Juna in connection with Brezhnev is Baibakov, Chairman of the State Planning Committee. By his order, they gave her an apartment on Arbat, hence the rumors about her helping the Secretary General. Chazov never mentioned anything like this. Although he does not hide, for example, that Brezhnev was visited and successfully treated by Mongolian healers. I seriously doubt that Juna was even taken to him. A person who would heal Brezhnev (and the main problems there were with atherosclerosis; laying on of hands cannot be cured) would receive unlimited influence over him. And somehow there would be people at court who could prevent this.

...The closest friendship with Juna was maintained by Stanislav Sadalsky, a favorite of Moscow bohemia, a comedian, an expert on other people's secrets and a spreader of rumors. He brought me to Juna the only time in the mid-nineties.

The atmosphere was exactly like in the famous Rasputin apartment on Gorokhovaya. I saw the same one in the studio of the famous hypnotist Vladimir Raikov - he was also in great fashion in the late eighties, he starred in Klimov’s “Agony” as Khvostov, Klimov believed in hypnosis and psychics, was friends with Juna and visited her (and on film set“Agonies” was even brought in by Messing, who noted that Petrenko, who was cast in the role of Rasputin, also has a small gift of clairvoyance).

Juna with Andrei Tarkovsky, Leningradsky Prospekt, September 12, 1981

Something was constantly brewing in Juna’s apartment, silent women in black scarves glided by as shadows, the hostess herself only drank cold water, which she called her favorite drink. No healing or predictions were demonstrated - Juna at that moment relied on her talent as an artist and poet. She told me how in 1986, at the beginning of April, she suddenly wrote poems about “black and white reality” - and then Chernobyl struck.

She showed her paintings, all identical, with big-eyed horses and oriental princesses. She gave the impression of a not very smart, but essentially good-natured woman who was out of her depth. Subsequently, a rather harsh article “Marshal Juna” appeared in the “Interlocutor” under the heading “Sacred Cow,” which ridiculed her passion for all kinds of tchotchkes (she constantly called herself an academician of countless academies). Then her secretary, a rather poor poet, and then she herself called me several times expressing various indignations, and Juna even warned me that if I continued to write such articles, I would definitely become a murderer - literally or figuratively, not specified. Then, however, either extrasensory sense or mutual friends explained to her that the article was not mine, and the onslaught stopped.

“Stas,” I asked Sadalsky, whom I have known for many years and consider, with all his incessant clowning, a man great mind, - how did you meet?
- Through Kostya Raikin. I served at Sovremennik, she helped his father a lot, and I wanted to meet her. Baibakov actually gave her an apartment then. That she helped Brezhnev is absolutely certain.

- Has it ever helped you?
- I didn’t ask, I’m not sick with anything. Only once, when I swore in front of her, she bit me jokingly - quite seriously, until I drew blood. And then she licked it with her tongue - and everything healed, even without a scar.

- Do you think she really could do anything?
- Without a doubt. I just couldn’t recent years when I got old. She was actually born in 1935, and not in 1949. I just always hid it. I wanted to be like Alla Pugacheva, I always competed with her. All her relatives could do something like that, her sister burned through the fabric with her fingers...

But Juna didn’t like her relatives. She liked strangers much more, but she didn’t get along with her family, and I think now they will quickly tear apart all her property. I wonder where, for example, a three-kilogram will go golden crown Assyrian kings.
-Where did she get this crown?
- I don’t know where it comes from, but where it will go is very interesting.

- Why do you think she singled you out from everyone else and never drove you away?
- I was a jester at her court. I'm a clown. Maybe she was amused by my blah blah blah, or maybe it was just that the jester was allowed to tell the truth, and sometimes she wanted to hear it.

...Of course, not a single word of Djuna Davitashvili could be trusted. I’m now reading the interviews with her that were pulled out into the light of day. different years- this is a feast of self-PR without the slightest connection with reality. So she says that she cured Robert Rozhdestvensky of burr - but Robert Rozhdestvensky never burred before meeting her, and if he stuttered - he stuttered until the end of his days, and this did not interfere with his pop fame.

Andrey Dementyev, Andrey Voznesensky, Dzhuna, Ilya Reznik

So she says that she treated Ronald Reagan, although no one would have allowed her to see Reagan for any kind of massage, in this case American medicine is invariably vigilant... There was so much Khlestakovism in her speeches that no one took them seriously, and her attempt to replace official medicine was probably not harmless and seduced many, and even drove them crazy. But at the same time, here’s the strange thing: she was still kind.

Vladimir Motyl, Dzhuna

The same Sadalsky told how Vladimir Motyl (Stas starred in “The Forest”) was worried that he didn’t have one state award. Come on, said Juna, I’ll make you a prince? And from then on she called him “Prince Motyl”, and he beamed. The joke is quite in the spirit of “White Sun of the Desert.”

Vadim Erlikhman, historian, biographer of Nostradamus:
- Juna perfectly learned all the lessons of Nostradamus - he also made all his predictions either retroactively or in an extremely confused form. But Nostradamus is a prediction in itself: the appearance of such figures always marks a decline. After all, it arose at the beginning of the French religious wars. At other times, his chances of success were negligible.

Juna, K. Gundyaev

And here it seems to me that the prediction contained in Juna’s very fate is important. It was not me who noticed that our time almost literally, even abundantly copies the revolutionary era of the beginning of the last century. Here is an outbreak of protests, reminiscent of the fifth year, and the reaction, and the war of the fourteenth, and the Chelyabinsk meteorite - a copy of the Tunguska, but adjusted to the scale by about 10,000 times. That's all the rest - with the same amendment. So here it is.Grigory Rasputin, with whom Djuna Davitashvili so accurately relates , died just shortly before the Russian February Revolution. After the start of the war. And he often said that while he was alive, nothing threatened the monarchy, but then...
In Russia they don’t like analogies, they are afraid of them and call them quackery.
And all over the world it is called comparative studies.

Almost everything that is known about this famous Russian seer was told by her herself. The fact that many facts are not known for certain is her merit, because Juna diligently hid what she did not want to share, and some versions of her stories about her life had disagreements.

Juna's real name is Evgenia Davitashvili. She was born in the village of Urmia, Krasnodar region Russia. Her fate is difficult and confusing. Juna's father is an emigrant from Iran, Yuvash Sardis. His mother Juna last time I saw it when I was four years old. As she said in one of her interviews with journalists, her mother is Russian. However, Juna called herself the Queen of the Assyrian people. Juna calls Nikolai Baibakov, who was the chairman of the USSR State Planning Committee and Stalin's People's Commissar, his second father.

During her life, Juna was the president of the International Academy of Alternative Sciences, but she graduated from a technical school of completely traditional medicine. This gave her the opportunity to go to the hospital, where, as Juna said, she first felt her extraordinary strength.

After graduating from college, Juna worked in Tbilisi, where she met her future husband, Victor Davitashvili.

Juna was in a short marriage with Igor Matvienko. They say that even Robert de Niro courted Juna. Many men sought her attention, many dedicated their creativity to her. Juna herself performed on stage with Igor Talkov and Andrei Derzhavin. Andrei Tarkovsky wanted to film her in his film, but Juna’s film debut took place in the film “Youth of a Genius.”

In addition, Juna painted, wrote poetry and stories.

I first realized that I had extreme power as a future healer in a hospital, even before I received my diploma. During an operation in the hospital, where Juna was only a nurse, the woman stopped the bleeding. Without her, doctors could not do this, and the situation could have ended fatally. Later, Juna repeated this in the gynecological department of the hospital: Juna touched the wound and in 10 minutes not only stopped the bleeding, but also healed the wound.

Then they asked Juna if she could cure Brezhnev. Juna was in close contact with and helped Brezhnev, Andropov, Chernenko. As the seer herself said, Leonid Ilyich gave her a large apartment. And although there is official confirmation that general secretaries The Central Committee of the CPSU turned to the healer, no, Juna herself talked about this fact, however, without going into details. She said that this is a medical secret.

In addition, the media reported that the artist Ilya Glazunov, actors Robert de Niro, Giulietta Masina, Marcello Mastroianni, director Andrei Tarkovsky and even Federico Fellini were patients of the psychic.

Juna talked a lot about herself amazing stories. In particular, the seer noted that while she was working in a hospital in Tbilisi, they tried to poison her, and Juna, according to her, even died. One of her colleagues, also a nurse, slipped something into Juna’s coffee, after which the psychic was hospitalized. This happened on the eve of Easter, and, as Juna herself says, she died on the night of the holiday. She says she doesn’t remember well the period when she was in the hospital. I came to my senses only when I found myself in Sheremetyevo. This is how the mysterious seer ended up in Moscow.

The biggest tragedy of her life was the death of her 26-year-old son Vakhtang, who was in a car accident in 2001. His death changed Juna’s life: she became a recluse, spent all her time at home, did not receive or treat people, to a greater extent trying to be at the cemetery, near the grave of my beloved Vakho.

It will be difficult to find out the truth about Juna, because she herself said that she does not know herself.

Juna died in Moscow on June 8, 2015 at the age of 66. According to actor Stanislav Sadalsky - close friend Juna, before she died, she lay in a coma for two days.

President of the International Academy of Alternative Sciences, healer, astrologer Evgenia Yuvashevna Davitashvili (Juna) was born on July 22, 1949 in the village of Urmia, Krasnodar Territory.

Her father, an emigrant from Iran, stayed in Russia, meeting his future wife, Kuban Cossack. The girl's great-grandmother was a village healer. In early childhood, Juna allegedly showed the gift of healing. Even then she supposedly knew how to relieve headaches, treat hernias, heal wounds, and did not give special significance such her abilities, and those around her were not surprised, believing that the ability to heal was passed on to her by inheritance.

In 1968, she graduated from the Rostov Medical College and was assigned to Tbilisi (Georgia). She worked as a nurse at the Railway Hospital. In addition to performing her main duties as a nurse, Juna “treated” patients by performing manual manipulations - a method of contact and remote massage. At the same time, the patients allegedly felt its influence and described it as “penetrating heat.” The condition of the patients allegedly improved after these manipulations.

In 1980, Juna moved to Moscow, worked in a district clinic, then continued to work in a specially organized laboratory at the clinic of the USSR State Planning Committee, where she cured many employees and their relatives. Vladimir Vysotsky, Robert Rozhdestvensky, Rasul Gamzatov, Arkady Raikin visited her reception.

In Moscow, many experiments were carried out to study the Juna phenomenon. In September 1980, Juna was invited to conduct experiments at the Institute of Neurology of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences. This institute is the first Moscow medical science center, who was tasked with giving an opinion on Juna's abilities. Professor Nikolai Vereshchagin was appointed head of the commission. According to Vereshchagin, Juna did not diagnose and did not have a special effect. Moreover, the professor was inclined to classify Juna as a representative of medical occultism.

On May 29, 1982, June had the opportunity to once again prove the truth of her phenomenon. She was invited to speak at the club of the Institute of Biophysics, not far from Moscow, in Pushchino, where the scientific center of the USSR Academy of Sciences was located. In the laboratory, Juna measured the temperature of experimental rats using her hands. The experiments were successful. After some time, Juna was hired as a senior researcher at the Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics. She did not work in this position for long.

In 1991 she headed the International Academy of Alternative Sciences.

Juna was married to Viktor Davitashvili, and the couple had a son, Vakhtang, who died in a car accident at the age of 25.

Name: Juna (Evgenia Davitashvili)

Age: 65 years old

Activity: healer, doctor of medical sciences, poetess, artist

Marital status: Divorced

Juna: biography

Djuna Davitashvili is probably the most popular psychic of the USSR. The country did not know a more famous healer or astrologer than the mysterious woman in black clothes and with numerous expensive jewelry; she was called a mystery and a phenomenon, invited to the most influential and famous houses, trusted to treat pop stars, politicians and priests.

For short time her name has gained wide popularity in our country and far beyond its borders. Famous artists painted many portraits of Juna, poets dedicated enthusiastic poems to her healing gift, and authoritative scientists even coined the term “Juna phenomenon.”

Future famous healer Juna Davitashvili (born July 22, 1949 in a deep province - in the village of Urmia, Krasnodar Territory, in the family of an emigrant from Iran, Yuvash Sardis. She is Assyrian by origin.

Juna's father Yuvash Sardis came to Soviet Union from Iran on business, but got married and settled in the village. He worked on a collective farm all his life. But he wasn't a simple person. As many of Juna's relatives claimed, she - exact copy his father. Yuvash Sardis could also predict the future and even predicted his own death. According to the healer herself, she had a difficult relationship with her mother. Her daughter seemed too strange to her: many of little Juna’s antics frightened her mother, and she often punished the girl.

Juna's childhood and youth were difficult. The family lived very poorly. The girl had to start labor activity from the age of 13 on a collective farm in Kuban.

After graduating from school, Juna (Evgenia) Sardis entered the Rostov College of Cinema and Television, but left after two years. According to another version, Juna graduated from the Rostov Medical College and was assigned to Tbilisi.

Psychic and healer

The fame of a healer, which came to her in Georgia, played a fatal role in Juna’s life. Chairman of the USSR State Planning Committee Nikolai Baibakov heard about it. Evgenia Yuvashevna Davitashvili was taken to Moscow and, as she claimed, separated from her husband.

In 1990, Juna Davitashvili organized the International Academy of Alternative Sciences. In those years, fame and glory came to her.

IN different times Juna's patients were the General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee, Pope John Paul II, artist Ilya Glazunov, film actors Juliet Mazina, film directors and. Juna treated many others.

In her own words, Juna could have saved famous director Andrei Tarkovsky from brain cancer. The director himself sent a car for the healer, but Juna could not come to him. Tarkovsky was treated in Germany, but the psychic was unable to cross the border.

Constant close contact with high-ranking officials has greatly changed daily life Junes. The healer was constantly assigned security, and she was accompanied by KGB representatives. There were rumors that the clairvoyant's phone was tapped, and there were many bugs in her apartment. No one officially confirmed this information, but Juna stopped communicating on personal topics by phone.

Mostly Juna was engaged in non-contact massage. During the massage session, the healer diagnosed and sometimes cured serious illnesses. At the same time, she did not give any prescriptions, medications, pills or potions, nor did she cancel doctors’ orders.

Juna Davitashvili herself was “studied” more than once by scientists, not believing in her unique abilities. And they were very surprised: experiments on Juna in the laboratory of the Institute of Electronics and Radio Engineering revealed that her hands in the “working mode” heated up so much that the heat was enough to heat the body of another person, and at a distance. With this energy, Juna performed non-contact massage on patients (the so-called “laying on of hands” method), on which her treatment method was based. The fact that this is a physical effect, and not a hypnotic suggestion, has been confirmed by many experiments.

But scientists also know many cases where people were able to heat individual parts of their body as a result of self-hypnosis and auto-training, other effects, such as special radiation or magnetic field, which Juna’s fans talked about, scientists have not recorded.

Daily experiments in various Moscow research institutes exhausted her strength. It often happened like this: a car came to pick her up, and Juna was taken to another laboratory without any explanation. For the purposes of the so-called “purity of the experiment,” they took me into a dark room and ordered me to work. Once they even ordered me to strip naked - they were looking for magnets hidden on my body.

Juna has patented 13 inventions in the field of medicine. One of the works is the “Juna-1” biocorrector, a physiotherapeutic device that has no analogues in the world. It is used for the treatment and prevention of diseases in the field of cardiology, urology, gynecology, pediatrics and other areas of medicine.

Interestingly, Juna’s activities were approved Christian Church, which is a rare case. Even at a time when the unrecognized Davitashvili was trying to prove that various diseases could be treated with non-contact massage, Patriarch Pimen invited her to his place. Subsequently, he received Juna more than once and talked with her for a long time. The Lord blessed Juna for good deeds and even gave him a gold Naira watch with a gold bracelet decorated with amethysts as a souvenir.

Juna often visited the alleys near Prechistenka, where many prominent church figures lived, and no less often invited them to her place. In 1981, Juna hosted Vladimir Mikhailovich Gundyaev, at that time the rector of the Leningrad Theological Academy and Seminary, and later the head of the Russian Orthodox Church.

In the Vatican, Juna met with the Pope and presented him with her painting “Mary Magdalene.” In the late 1980s and 1990s, Juna became a media personality. The psychic, known throughout the country, was often invited to television.

Davitashvili was an extremely gifted and multifaceted person. She wrote poems, stories, painted pictures, and performed on stage. A film was made about her, using footage of her joint performances with and.

At various times, Juna was awarded more than thirty medals and awards, including the Order of Friendship of Peoples, awarded in April 1994 by decree of the President of the Russian Federation. She is a Hero of Socialist Labor of the USSR.

Skeptics and ill-wishers called her “in a skirt” and a charlatan. Fans of her gift considered Juna Davitashvili an omnipotent sorceress. During the perestroika years, citizens of a dying country were eager to know their fate, to find new life guidelines, find happiness quickly and painlessly. Juna, Alan Chumak, Kashpirovsky were in great demand in those years. But Juna’s abilities were recognized by both the scientific world and the church.

Believers were not turned away even by the defiant statement that Juna allowed herself in 2011 on the program “Let Them Talk”: the healer declared herself “the daughter of God.”

Personal life

In her early youth, while staying in Tbilisi, Juna met her future husband, Viktor Davitashvili. It was there that she lived for several happy years. Her son Vakhtang was born in Tbilisi. After moving to the capital, the marriage broke up.

In Moscow, Juna acquired not only fans, but also friends. In the 80s of the last century, Juna’s apartment was something similar to a music salon: stars constantly appeared as guests of the hospitable woman music scene, they sang in the house, had fun, shared creativity. In an interview, the healer mentioned more than once that she had “her own gang,” consisting of, and.

Juna sang a duet with Igor Talkov several times. The psychic turned out to have a pure soprano, and the clairvoyant’s contemporaries argued that she could well have made a career on the stage if she wanted. Juna called Talkov a knight of Russia, and considered their friendship very beautiful, but later they also had disagreements.

Much more serious conflict happened to a healer with. The prima donna also ran something similar to a salon - the lack of clubs and other entertainment venues affected it, the musicians gathered and spent evenings in apartments. Two famous, popular and influential women could not help but meet, but their very first personal meeting turned into scandal and enmity.

Alla herself invited Juna to visit, and she, despite a bad feeling, agreed. The healer arrived late, and the already tipsy company, led by Pugacheva, began to insist that Juna drink the “penal drink.” The clairvoyant, who did not drink strong alcohol, began to refuse, Alla began to insist. As a result, Juna hit the singer with an ashtray and ran away from the apartment. Later, Juna herself told the press that she did not remember and did not understand how this even happened. According to rumors, it was after this fight that Pugacheva made her first plastic surgery– removed the ugly scar on her lip left from the blow.

Juna continued to appear in the world, there were always many men around her, both patients and fans, but for a long time the press could not get information about romantic relationships clairvoyant. There were rumors that Juna took a vow of celibacy to support her gift.

In 1986, Juna was married to the composer and music producer, which at that time was not yet popular and successful. Compared to Juna’s other guests, he was lost, and evil tongues were sure that Igor had decided to marry for convenience. True, this marriage lasted only 24 hours: the healer quarreled with her stepbrother and decided to get married to spite him, but left straight from the wedding table in New Year's Eve. After a failed romance with a healer, Matvienko’s professional career took off sharply.

According to rumors, Djuna Davitashvili had many admirers and admirers. But few of them were able to win the favor of the oriental beauty. They say that Juna refused even Robert de Niro without regret.

Tragedy with my son

In recent years, Djuna Davitashvili has not worked. Her healing gift disappeared after tragic death son Vakhtang in 2001. According to rumors, Vakhtang was injured in a car accident, Juna tried to heal her son, but her gift failed the healer - her son died.

The grief-stricken woman became a recluse after the tragedy; she did not give interviews and rarely appeared in public. Juna shared her grief with fans only in 2014 on the program “Alone with Everyone.”

The circumstances of the death of Juna's son are still not completely clear. According to Davitashvili herself, Vakhtang did not suffer in an accident at all, he was killed in a sauna.


According to him, Juna was in a coma for two days. She felt bad right on the street, not far from the house where the woman had gone to the store to buy groceries. The ambulance took her to the hospital, where the healer underwent surgery, but they could not save her. Doctors found out that the cause of death was atherosclerosis of the carotid artery; the operation could have saved the fortuneteller if Juna had gone to the hospital much earlier.

Juna's funeral took place at the Vagankovskoye cemetery, the healer rests next to the grave of her son. Fans claim that during the farewell, mystical events began to occur: Juna almost rose in the coffin, her hands became warmer, and a mystical aura was felt around the healer. Some even decided that Juna was alive and tried to call ambulance, they offered to put him in a coffin mobile phone.

Actress Laura Keosayan as Juna

After the death of the clairvoyant, many predictions remained, both intended for specific people and telling about the future of the entire country. Juna predicted economic recovery for Russia and getting rid of sanctions, and the West would soon repent for its manipulations. The healer’s legacy was not only prophecies, but also folk memory. In 2015, the series “Juna” was filmed about the biography of the famous healer, in which the actress took on the role of the healer.

Juna Davitashvili- Soviet and Russian healer, astrologer, poet, president public organization"International Academy of Alternative Sciences". According to her own statement, she was the owner of a number of awards, certificates and patents, presented for review on her official website.

Juna (Evgenia Yuvashevna) Davitashvili
Birth name: Evgenia Yuvashevna Sardis (Assyrian - Dzhuna Bit-Sardis)
Occupation: healer, astrologer, poet
Date of birth: July 22, 1949
Place of birth: Urmia village, Kurganinsky district, Krasnodar region, RSFSR, USSR
Citizenship: USSR→Russia
Date of death: June 8, 2015
Place of death: Moscow, Russia

Born Juna Davitashvili July 22, 1949 in the Kuban in the village of Urmia, Krasnodar Territory, in the family of an emigrant from Iran, Yuvash Sardis, and a hereditary Cossack woman, Anna Grigorievna. After studying for two years at the Rostov College of Cinema and Television, she left it and went to Moscow. According to another version, she graduated from the Rostov Medical College and was assigned to Tbilisi, where she met her future husband, Viktor Iraklievich Davitashvili.

In Tbilisi Junu Davitashvili Influential people, artists, artists, poets knew her as a healer. In 1980, the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Georgian SSR, Zurab Pataridze, advised the head of the USSR State Planning Committee, Nikolai Baibakov, to invite Junu for the treatment of Baibakov’s wife, whom she could not help official medicine. Juna arrived in Moscow. With his authority, Baibakov enrolled Juna as an expert in the departmental clinic. On August 16, 1980, journalist Lev Kolodny published an article about her in the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper, after which Juna became famous throughout the USSR. Juna Davitashvili was hired as a senior researcher at the Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics named after V. A. Kotelnikov Russian Academy Sci. A laboratory was created there to study the “Juna effect.”

RAS Academician Eduard Kruglyakov said that Evgenia Davitashvili agreed to undergo examination in the physical laboratory of the Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics in Moscow with ultra-sensitive instruments and it turned out that Juna- nothing more than a highly qualified masseuse, but this is not enough to heal the sick.
Juna Davitashvili lived in Moscow at Bolshoi Nikolopeskovsky Lane, building 3, where she also received visitors. In 1990, she organized the International Academy of Alternative Sciences, and in June 1994 she was elected vice-rector of the Open International University of Alternative Medicine in Colombo, an organization created by immigrants from the Soviet Union, for 5 years.
In 1986 Juna Davitashvili was in a short marriage with Igor Matvienko.
In 1989, the State Committee for Inventions and Discoveries issued June Davitashvili author's certificate for healing with “non-contact massage”.

In 1995 Juna Davitashvili took part in the elections in State Duma as part of the “Juna Bloc” (full name: “Pre-election bloc, including the leaders of the Party for the Protection of Pensioners and Veterans, the Party for the Eradication of Crime - Law and Order, the Party for the Defense of Health Care, Education, Science and Culture, the Party for the Defense of Youth, the Association of Free Trade Unions, the Justice Party , Nature Conservation Party (Association of Military Journalists, Association for the Development of the Health of the Younger Generation, Association for the Spiritual Revival of Science, Russian Confederation of Free Trade Unions)"), the first three - Evgenia Davitashvili (Juna), Andrei Volkov, Alexander Pankratov-Cherny, the regional group included Alexander Lebed, Yuri Zakharov, Alexey Kadochnikov.
The platform of this political bloc had a general democratic character: “the priority of universal human values, subject to the preservation national characteristics" This was the second of the blocs in these elections, consisting of mythical organizations headed by assistants to the State Duma deputy of the first convocation Andrei Volkov, against whom a criminal case was opened in 1994 under Art. 147 part 3 - fraud and extortion. The bloc received 0.47% of the votes.
In 1997 Juna Davitashvili proclaimed herself Queen of the Assyrian people.
In addition to healing, Juna She was actively involved in creativity: she painted, wrote poetry, stories, and performed on stage with Igor Talkov and Andrei Derzhavin.
On December 3, 2001, Juna’s son Vakhtang was in a car accident in Moscow. A pedestrian was crossing the road in front of his Volga and, trying to avoid an accident, Vakhtang made a sharp maneuver and collided with another car. After the death of her son, she lived as a recluse.

Juna Davitashvili died in Moscow on June 8, 2015 at the age of 66. According to actor Stanislav Sadalsky, before his death Juna two last days I was in a coma. She will be buried at the Vagankovskoye cemetery next to her son.

Order of Friendship of Peoples (February 14, 1994) - for services in providing assistance in the treatment and psychological rehabilitation of war participants and active social activities.

Legends of June
According to some media reports (as well as interviews), at various times Juna’s patients included General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee Leonid Brezhnev, artist Ilya Glazunov, film actors Juliet Masina, Robert de Niro, Marcello Mastroianni, film directors Andrei Tarkovsky and Federico Fellini. However, there is no official confirmation of participation in treatment. Juna is not mentioned in the memoirs of the attending doctors and nurses.
It was also alleged that she had many awards, including the title of Hero of Socialist Labor, the UN Medal for Strengthening Peace, the Order of Woman of Peace and Justice, Uniting the Spirit of Humanity, the personalized medal for Courage, and the rank of Colonel General of the Medical Service. On January 12, 1993, the Council of Veterans, “as a sign of gratitude for many years of care for Afghan soldiers and as a sign of future cooperation,” awarded Juna the honorary rank of Colonel General of the Medical Service with the right to wear a uniform. However, there is no official confirmation of all these awards.

According to the vice-president of the Berkut Special Service Veterans Association, historian, retired general Valery Malevanny, in the early 1980s, Juna tested foreign intelligence officers at the GRU Center for Parapsychology of the Human Brain. He also claims that she received the Order of Friendship of Peoples in 1994, allegedly for facilitating the signing by foreign partners of the Sakhalin-1 and Sakhalin-2 production sharing agreements on terms favorable to Russia.
In 2015, filming of the television series “Juna”, based on the biography of the healer, was completed. IN leading role- Laura Keosayan, director - Vadim Ostrovsky.

Juna. I listen to my hands. - M.: Physical culture and sport, 1988.
Juna. Poetry and painting Miniature book. - Supplement to the magazine "Poligraphy" No. 3, 1989.
Juna. Contactless massage. Preventive technique. - M.: Physical culture and sport, 1989.
Songs of Juna. Collection. - Soviet composer, 1990.
Davitashvili E. Yu. I am Dzhuna. - Rostov-on-Don: Editorial office of the magazine “Don”, 1990. - 208 p. - ISBN 5-7509-0208-0.

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Mulyarov E. Juna. - AST, Olympus, 1999. - ISBN 5-7390-0855-7, ISBN 5-237-01653-7.
Rudenko, Boris The Phenomenon of Yuri Gorny. Part 3 // Science and life. - 2004. - No. 3.