Personal life of Dmitry Maryanov. Why did Maryanov contact his ex-wife before the tragedy? Details are known Director Alla Surikova remembers the actor

“Competitor” talks with a famous Russian actress.Bright, radiant and simple beautiful woman. A former Russian film actress, at the peak of her career she left Moscow following her lover to distant Irkutsk. Today everyone knows a wonderful couple - the family of Andrei Zakablukovsky and Tatyana Skorokhodova. Creative, interesting people. Surprisingly, interest in this couple does not fade. Today Tatyana does not act in films, does not play in the theater, and television is a thing of the past, but she is always gladly invited to any interesting projects, be it photo shoots for fashion magazines or broadcasts on federal channels. Why? Probably because this amazing woman combines optimism and charisma. She personifies the image of a homemaker. The family lives outside the city, in a large and beautiful house, where almost everything is done by the hands of the father of the family. Tatiana - mother of many children(there are five children in the family), a loving and beloved woman.

Tatyana, you live outside the city. Many people know about your amazing, large and hospitable house. But life outside the city doesn’t bring any difficulties? How is your day structured?
- I now have three schoolchildren, so the schedule depends very much on them. Without a city apartment, of course, it became difficult. After all, children are growing up, and they still have a lot to do besides school. It happens that our whole family arrives in the city at eight in the morning and leaves at nine in the evening.
- In some sense, is your life subordinated to the routine of your children?
- (Smiles.) Not in any way, but absolutely straight. It's not their fault that we live so far away.
- What kind of mother are you? How do you raise children?
- Love and trust. (Smiles.) True, when another child begins adolescence, it seems to me every time that I don’t know anything about education. Of course, we try to explain in any quarrels between children that this is their brother or sister, in childhood everyone quarrels, then you will be the closest people to each other. The younger ones, for five whole minutes after a quarrel, swear that this is completely impossible in their case!.. Well, the main principle, which I consider basic and, perhaps, even sufficient, is Camus’s statement: “The freedom of one ends where the freedom of another begins.”
- How was your childhood? Tell us about your parents.
- With pleasure. My dad was an engineer. Many thanks to him, he was a born teacher. Thanks to him, I am well versed in all technical disciplines. And she easily passed the notorious strength of materials test while studying at one of her many institutes. Dad could tell you about everyone quite simply, literally on his fingers. physical processes happening in the world. My mother is a very creative person. How she got into medicine is a big mystery to me! At one time, apparently, she simply had nowhere to turn around. But she more than makes up for it at home events. (Laughs.) Because our family holidays are so fun! Recently we celebrated my grandmother’s ninety-year anniversary. It was such a wonderful holiday, an amazing home concert. Everyone was so passionate about it that my aunt was even a little upset as a joke - the guests didn’t eat anything, everyone was passionate about the show. Mom loves to stage theatrical performances and performs in many roles herself. She now lives in Irkutsk. Previously, my parents and I lived in the Far North, in Yakutia. One of the most vivid childhood memories is how we went to pick snowdrops in the spring with our parents. I also remember puppet theater performances that we often staged at home.
- Tatyana, how did they let you, my beloved daughter, go to Moscow to enter a theater university? After all, many parents have a certain stereotype about this profession.
- (Smiles.) You could say I was pushed out! Although for some reason my dad thought that I would enter the biology department in Irkutsk. Why? It remains a mystery to me. And he was very surprised when he found out that my mother and I had already bought tickets to Moscow and that I was flying to the theater exams. Mom, apparently, was taking revenge for her non-theatrical career. WITH prom I returned at six in the morning, and at eight we already flew to Moscow. They arrived at four in the morning, and at eight they were already at the Shchepkinsky school.
- The release of the first film with your participation was certainly a very significant event for your parents.
- Yes. But it so happened that they visited me on the set, my dad often flew on business trips, and my mother flew in, they came to the filming with pleasure. film set.
- Tatiana, are you probably tired of the journalists’ questions and the topic of your acting past in general?
- Yes, to be honest, it’s nice to remember this only sometimes. So as not to forget. I live for today, in another present. Friends of the actors remain, we communicate with pleasure. Edik Radzyukevich, Sasha Zhigalkin, Dima Maryanov. We correspond with Maria Poroshina, but we still don’t match in Moscow.
- And in Irkutsk you found for yourself interesting activity. We were a TV presenter and starred in commercials. We started teaching etiquette courses.
- I haven’t taught yet, because the group is not recruited. But as soon as I do, I’m ready to start this work right away. Representatives of one training center, who organizes and conducts various courses, asked if I would like to try. I found it very interesting, although I don't officially own it. But the direction is interesting, due to the general illiteracy of the population. Not in the literal sense of the word, of course.
- Then about the level of our culture. For example, you are walking down the street, you see people, their communication, dialogues. Are there any moments you don't like that are downright creepy?
- In general, everything is changing, of course, for the better. Ten years ago, when I first came to Irkutsk, when Andrey brought me here and said: “Let’s live here,” I was a little confused. We arrived, I went for a walk around the city, went to several places, looked, came back all in tears and said: “I can’t live here.” What shocked me first of all was the rudeness. Moreover, Andrei asked me to directly tell in detail what, for example, they told me in the store and how I responded. After listening, he laughed for a long time and said: “Nobody was rude to you, that’s just how they talk here.” I didn’t believe it: “And the tone in which it was said?..” Then I realized that this was really just a local manner, such an intonation in the voice, as if they were attacking you. I don’t know why, maybe because of difficult living conditions. And Andrei told me: people here are very kind, just a little rude. I also don’t like the general reluctance to restrain oneself. The other day, in one courtyard on a children's playground, I watched a picture of a young mother scolding children riding on a carousel. It’s not written anywhere on the playgrounds that children, say, over eleven or twelve years old are prohibited from playing there. And here is this woman with her own small child in the most unrestrained, rude form, she began to make comments to these big children: “What are you doing here? You don’t belong here.” A question arose inside me: who said they didn’t belong here? If they follow the rules of politeness and behave carefully, why don’t they have a place on the playground? These are little things, of course, but I notice such moments, and I think that in this direction there is simply unplowed ground.
- And when you left the capital after your husband, what did he promise you?
- He didn’t promise me anything. We actually once told each other: never say “never” or “forever.” Because we are living people, time flows around us, and everything changes. We decided that we will be together as long as we feel good together, that’s all. Andrey simply became sad after a while in Moscow. Everything was great with him there, he’s open, good man, combined with the fact that he is also a professional in his field. And this just has a wonderful effect on people. Anyone who works with him once can no longer refuse him. Everything would have worked out well for him in the future in terms of work in Moscow, but he just felt sad. He kept saying that he wanted to come here, both fishing and hunting. And at that moment I was faced with a choice: either I stay in Moscow without Andrey, or I go to Siberia with him.
- Your choice probably shocked your colleagues and acquaintances.
- Everyone is still surprised. After all, objectively this decision cannot be called smart. Because Irkutsk is a place where for a long time people were exiled; the climate here is difficult to live in. But nevertheless, love and personal happiness came first for me. After an already established career, it seemed to me that I could afford to follow my feelings.
- Your husband is in demand in his profession and in Irkutsk. The premiere of “Satisfaction”, a film by Anna Matison, will soon take place, in the filming of which you and Andrey also participated.
- Yes, Andrey was involved as a cameraman, and I was a line producer. By the way, this film was included in the program of the last Kinotavr.
- Tatyana, what can you say about Russian cinema in general? Do you like it?
- From what I watched recently, I really liked the film “Wild Field” by Mikheil Kalatozishvili. We can’t compete with Hollywood in producing blockbusters, but we can do without it and make our own movies differently. And this “different” thing in “Wild Field” touched my soul so much... I advise you to watch it. The film, as Andrey said, is a cameraman’s dream, the shots are so slow and long. Beautiful landscapes, mountains. Somewhere it even echoes my northern childhood. And a bunch of wonderful acting, lively and unexpected scenes.
- Is it possible to watch movies now just as a spectator, and not as a professional? Or always through the eyes of the actress?
- All my life, I always watch movies as a simple spectator. If I really liked the film, I can watch it a second time or even a third time, and then yes, I will watch with interest and note some points for myself. And for the first time I watch it as a spectator and nothing else - I cry, I laugh. (Smiles.) By the way, I cry where I’m supposed to and where I’m not supposed to.
- What are your plans for the summer?
- This summer will be so “unresting.” (Smiles.) There are work plans. We have our own premises in which we want to open something. But for this, a lot still needs to be done. It’s too early to talk about details, but this is a creative project related to children. I hope it will find a response in the hearts of people. Trips and travel are postponed for now, because business comes first. By September we should already have launched something, brought it into the right type. And so I’ll rest at home, in our country it works out very well.
- Your intra-family project is “Family Motor Rally”, a journey through the cities of Russia through Kazakhstan, with a bunch of children. When will you repeat and again set an example for families with children on how to relax?
- In general, this event is difficult organizationally and financially too. But my family and I would, of course, like to do something in this spirit. Then we traveled fifteen thousand kilometers. The start was in Irkutsk, further along the route were Kazakhstan, Volgograd. We planned to go to Crimea, but after Kazakhstan we didn’t want to go there; various border measures stopped us. And we stayed near Gelendzhik, parked the car three meters from the sea, parked a scarf and rested. Afterwards we went to Moscow, but my friend from Minsk called, and we decided to visit her. Then it turned out that they forgot their things in Gelendzhik, called the guys with whom they were vacationing there, and went to pick up their things in Smolensk. From there to Moscow. The plans were to visit St. Petersburg with a museum program to introduce children to cultural heritage. (Laughs.) But the children begged for mercy. Everyone is really tired. We lived in Moscow for another week and went home. We made a film about our journey; we had a video camera on almost the entire time. In general, now we need to start with St. Petersburg.
- What can you say about the roads?
- The roads are bad, but I think something has changed in four years, perhaps they have become better. The roads in Belarus are simply gorgeous. And it’s difficult to say when we will have good roads. After all, for this you need large number cash in the budget. And so that they don't steal. But I am an optimist and still believe that this is possible.
- Money and in general material assets What place do they occupy in your life?
- I never thought about money, because somehow it was always there - not a lot and not a little, but just right, so as not to require close attention. Now, of course, we have to think about them, because the children have already grown up, but have not yet grown up. When I was a child, my dad earned enough money in my family, and we could afford everything, within reason. Mom could very rarely say no. When I was a student and lived in Moscow, I also never felt an acute shortage of money. There was a scholarship, my parents sent me a little. I went to thrift stores, spent a long time looking for something special - and as a result, I looked just right. The worst period of my life in terms of image came at a time when I was fabulously, obscenely rich. Now, when I look back at photographs from those years, I understand this. I just went to the boutique that opened at that time on Kievskaya and bought the first suit I came across for crazy money. I think: “Why should I suffer, go looking, invent?” The things in my wardrobe were very expensive. (Smiles.) But now I look at the photo and understand that there was not much taste in that period.
- A moment of self-criticism - is it acceptable for you?
- Absolutely necessary! I have to draw conclusions from my mistakes so as not to make them again.
- Tatyana, what would you say are your interests and hobbies? Some people collect stamps, others enjoy dancing. Is there something like that in your life?
- My hobby is not original: I play the piano. Once I graduated from music school, then for fifteen years, if not more, I did not approach the instrument. And then I suddenly wanted to play so much, I suddenly realized what an outlet it was for me. Now I’m learning Chopin’s nocturne - it’s very, very difficult, you can break your fingers. People rest differently. (Smiles.) Well, it’s not like watching TV, after all! I have three TVs in my house, and I spend most of my time at home turning them off.
- Why is there such a dislike for TV?
- What's good about it? It seems to me that television throws out a lot of evil and bad things. During pregnancy, for example, I couldn’t watch the news at all. She forbade bringing newspapers home. Not all, of course. There is a list that is possible. When I light the fireplace, I take a newspaper, and even if I accidentally come across some bad news, then I walk around sick for several days. I mean news that concerns some incidents, terrible cases involving children, and so on and so forth. And that’s why I don’t watch TV. You know, once upon a time a journalist I knew, an American, said about his compatriots: “I can’t stand them!” I was so surprised and asked: why? He answered me: because they are all lazy, uninterested in anything, nothing is important to them except what is happening on their street. I supported him then. Really, how can you be so limited? And now I understand them, because if you want to help someone, you have the strength, the spiritual impulse - look around, and you will find someone who needs your help. And when you learn about someone’s grief on TV or in the newspaper, as a rule, you cannot help. When I see grief happening somewhere in the world and I cannot help, I really suffer from it. Maybe I express it in an exaggerated way.
- What about the Internet?
- He is somehow kinder to people. Of course, there are floating windows, but you can deal with them. But in general, on the Internet you choose what you watch and read.
- Do household chores take up a lot of your time?
- Housekeeping, by the standards of a private house, is kept to a minimum. Of course, this is mainly cleaning. There are many children in the house, they help, some are assigned the first floor, others the second.
- What about the garden?
“I don’t force anyone to do anything there.” Because it's disgusting when you are forced. If children want raspberries or sorrel, they themselves ask in the spring: “Where will our sorrel grow?” I say: “If you dig up this bed, there will be sorrel.” They'll dig it up. Or they ask: what’s with the peas? I say: it is overgrown with grass. They'll go weed...
- Flowers?
- Not very much. (Smiles.) We have horses, and they have already eaten the flowers many times. The fact is that our plot is quite large, and in order to have a beautiful, spotless lawn, I let them out, and they carefully eat up all the excess grass. I don't like a lawnmower, we have one, but I can't when it smells like gasoline. And when the horses come out, I cover a few flowers with a blanket so that they don’t eat them. And the rest on the site are trees, pines, cedars, and various shrubs.
- What is the secret of your popularity among journalists and the public? You haven’t acted for a long time, but you still appear from time to time on TV and on the pages of magazines and newspapers.
- (Laughs.) For me, this is a big mystery. Sometimes I wonder what it is that I spread around myself. I was thinking about this recently. Each person has his own mission on earth. It may be such a big word, but I’m not ashamed of it. Someone has a mission to become president and work for the good of their country. For some, the mission is to build a beautiful shopping and entertainment center. Someone needs to save people or be a doctor. When I thought about my mission, I realized that it was definitely not filming a dozen films. Yes, it was good, interesting, but you can’t call it a mission. Who did these films change, someone's fate? Maybe I was just unlucky and didn’t have such films in my career. But after our trip “Family Motor Rally”, for two years people came up to me on the street and asked: are you the same people? And they said: “Thank you! We decided to have another child. We were so afraid, it seemed to us that this was impossible and we couldn’t cope. But we saw how easily you cope.” And there were not even five or ten such people, but much more. (Smiles.) You could say I improved the birth rate and showed people how happy you become when you have big family.

There have been big changes in the biography and personal life of Tatyana Skorokhodova; over the course of several years of work in the camera, she managed to add to her list of roles.

Tatyana Aleksandrovna Skorokhodova was born on August 2, 1968 in Irkutsk. WITH early childhood she loved to recite poems and speak in public. 1991 became a landmark year for Tatyana; she graduated from the B.V. Shchukin Theater School, course of Yuri Avsharov.

Tanya began her ascent to the Olympus of success by working in the “Scientific Monkey” theater, which hosted active participation graduates of Avsharov's course.

The actors were Skorokhodova and Maryanov, unknown at that time; they also took an active part in the program called “Your Own Director,” in which the guys appeared in a comedic role. The audience remembered them from small television reprises. First main role actress - she played a girl named Dina in the film of the same name.

Tatyana Skorokhodova in the film “Risk without a contract”

This mystical drama, directed by Fyodor Petrukhin, attracted the attention of millions of viewers.

Then came offers to star in other films, among which were: “Our Man in San Remo”, the melodramatic story “Love”, the action movie “Called the Beast”, the comedy “Alphonse”, “Risk without a contract”, “Love on order” "

Tatyana Skorokhodova in the film “Our Man in San Remo”

In 1993, Tatyana Skorokhodova played together with Dmitry Pevtsov in the action film “The Mafia is Immortal.” This was the last notable work of the actress and then for many years everyone forgot about her. The departure from cinema marked new stage in Skorokhodova’s life, even if she did not have time to realize herself as an actress.

Tatyana Skorokhodova in the film "Alphonse"

There was stagnation in Soviet cinema, and a kind of black stripe, Tatyana, as if intuitively sensed the approaching storm and decided to try to reveal her other talents.

A new stage in my career after many years

Tatyana met cameraman Andrei Zakablukovsky, with whom she created strong family. They left the capital for Irkutsk, where she began to take part in photo shoots, became a model, as well as a presenter at the AIST company, and even ran for State Duma deputy in Irkutsk. She devoted herself to children, Tatyana Skorokhodova’s personal life and biography is filled with bright events, even despite the fact that she completely stopped appearing in the frame. Together with her husband Andrei, the actress is raising four children: daughters Anya and Marika, sons Darik and Danil.

Tatyana took the place of editor-in-chief in a local magazine called “Stolnik”; she wakes up every day with her beloved viewers, being a presenter on YWAM radio.

Together with her work colleague Konstantin Ozerov, Skorokhodova talks about the news and shares her impressions of new films and TV series that have only recently appeared on the screen.

Recently, Tatyana has been acting in films again; in 2011, a film with her participation, “Satisfaction,” was released, followed by the film “Pokhabovsk. Reverse side Siberia." The last movie was filmed in Irkutsk and the actress is very proud of it. Local cinema allows her to surprise viewers. Skorokhodova believes that domestic television There are not enough films for adult audiences, since they usually make comedic stories for teenagers, and the older generation has absolutely nothing to watch.

Tatyana was quite surprised when she learned that the creative directors, cameramen and producers of new films are representatives of the younger generation. She is not at all against such fruitful cooperation and is always ready to listen to opinions talented people. Photos from Tatyana Skorokhodova’s personal life and her biography can be found on the Internet.

The actress is often asked the question, what role would she like to play? Tatyana dreams of a dramatic film, where she will appear as a brunette with character, who finds herself in difficult life situations and tries to cope with difficulties.

Ironically, she always gets the roles of blondes, easy-going, cheerful and freedom-loving individuals.

Skorokhodova believes that being a blonde is much easier, more fun and optimistic than being a brunette. Because of Tatiana, Andrei left his wife Larisa, and the actress considered herself to blame for what happened. But Zakablukovsky did not back down; every weekend while the actress lived and worked in Moscow, he flew to visit and they spent these precious minutes alone with each other. Biography and personal life of Tatyana Skorokhodova, she does not hide photos of her children. The woman is grateful to her husband for a large and strong family, which she values ​​very much.

Andrey often makes her happy original gifts, this man managed to win her trust and do everything possible to keep the relationship reverent and unusually sincere. This couple has earned the proud title of one of the exemplary families of Russian cinema.

“The puppyish delight in him remained ineradicable”

Relatives and friends of Dmitry Maryanov cannot believe that everyone’s favorite, joker and... He was only 47 years old. He managed to star in more than 90 films.

"MK" managed to contact his first great love, common-law wife Tatyana Skorokhodova, whom the actor met at the Shchukin Theater School and lived in a student dormitory for three years.

Director - Dima and I were in touch all the time. When he was in Irkutsk on tour, he always came to visit us. My husband and I received him very warmly. (Tatyana Skorokhodova married cameraman Andrei Zakablukovsky. In their marriage they had four children: sons Danila and Darik, daughters Anya and Marika - Auto.)

And when he called, he began the conversation with the invariable phrase: “I’m great! Praise me,” Tatyana continues to say. - Last time we called each other in the spring. He had a ton of plans. He was glad that he received an award at the theater festival. He shared that rehearsals were starting for a new play. A very productive period had finally begun in his life.

Director Alla Surikova remembers the actor:

- How do you remember him?

Dima came to us in his second year for a stage movement class. I liked him from the back. Then she looked into his eyes and thought: “Well, just a child!” He had such a clear, pure and open look. There was immeasurable kindness in him. He was a very positive, sociable person. This kind of person is a holiday. He always worked like an ox and did not spare himself. For him, work always came first. Whatever was in Dima’s soul, no matter what cataclysms he experienced, he found an outlet in work. He used to say: “No one can cancel the performance, we need to rehearse.” Then he already gave the impression of a serious, respectable artist, but the puppyish delight in him remained ineradicable.

- Which role of his, in your opinion, was the most successful?

Of course, I will not forget the musical feature television film “Above the Rainbow,” which was filmed in 1985 at the Odessa Film Studio in “clip format.” For me, Dima remained the same selfless boy named Alik Raduga, a dreamer, owner of a remarkable imagination, ready to immediately rush to help.

- Now they say that he has recent years there were health problems.

He didn't tell me about this. At one time he shared that he had gained weight. But then he enthusiastically talked about how he was lost in the gym, and how many kilograms he had already managed to lose.

- Will you come to the funeral?

I would like to see Dima off to last path. But I think it will be very difficult to get a plane ticket from Irkutsk now.

Circumstances of the actor's death:

The actor's girlfriend gave birth to four children

More than fifty films with the participation of Dmitry MARYANOV were released, including “Above the Rainbow”, “ Dear Elena Sergeevna!”, “Countess de Monsoreau”, “Radio Day”, “Obsessed”. Despite his impressive track record, information about his off-screen life is still scarce and unreliable. Express Gazeta conducted its own investigation. It turned out that the list of his love victories is no less impressive than his filmography.

The first serious feeling came over me Dmitry Maryanov V student years. It was then, while studying at Shchuk, that he fell head over heels in love with a classmate Tatiana Skorokhodova. Already in those years, the girl was spoiled by the attention of respectable gentlemen, and boys her age did not exist for her at all. However, Maryanov became an exception. They first met eyes in a stage movement class. But their romance began only six months later - Dima beat around the bush for a long time, courted awkwardly and ineptly.

“Maryanov seemed like a child to me, because I’m two years older than him,” recalls Skorokhodova. - Showing signs of attention was funny and touching at the same time. When our romance began, I was basically the leader in the couple. Once I organized a trip to Riga for a couple of days. I remember how we let balloons into the sky and soap bubbles all over the street. We had fun like little children! Sometimes we quarreled, but for more than a day I could not be offended, I immediately went to peace. I was especially irritated by his condition after drinking with friends. Who would like a drunk man? True, when he brought some trinket, all grievances were immediately forgotten. One day we were walking down the street, passed a display case with spillikins, and I really liked one necklace. After some time, he took it and bought it for me! Then we sat without money.

Maryanov and Skorokhodova’s love lasted three years. They did not formalize the relationship, although many long-time friends of the couple are sure that Tatyana was the first legal wife Dmitry.

We lived in a dorm, and we had a great time together. We didn’t even think about such conventions as a stamp in a passport,” she said ex-lover artist. - Or maybe my friends prophesied it. According to the plot of the film “Love,” where Dima and I starred together, I am marrying him. Our guys immediately said: “ Bad omen! You will never get married in life." And so it happened. Although everything was very serious with us and then I looked at him as a husband.

They parted without scandals. Why? After graduating from college, Tanya wanted certainty, and Dima wanted to go for a walk. In 1993, in once again playing a mistress Dmitry Pevtsov in the film “The Mafia is Immortal”, Skorokhodova went to her native Irkutsk, where she met her future husband, a cameraman Andrey Zakablukovsky. Soon they got married, and Tatyana left acting career. Her current profession is mother. Tatyana has four children: sons Danila and Darik, daughters Anya and Marika.

Carefree father

In 1994, Dmitry Maryanov met Olga Anosova. Former fashion model, returning from fashion shows from Paris, entered the directing department of VGIK. Despite the fact that the lovers lived together, they saw each other quite rarely: Maryanov disappeared on tour with Lenkom productions, and Anosova did not leave classrooms and at the same time starred in videos. Nevertheless, both dreamed of a son.

But even when Olya became pregnant, Dmitry was in no hurry to propose to her. Seeing the baby, the actor could not take his eyes off him for a long time. It soon became clear that the father was not going to babysit the child. All the worries about the baby fell on Anosova, and the artist continued to go about his business. Undoubtedly, such a relationship cannot last long, and at one point Olga drove Dmitry not only from the apartment, but also from her life.

- And now Maryanov is helping the child?- I asked when I met Olga.

He always helped financially. Now, for example, he pays for Dani’s private school - 15 thousand dollars a year. Naturally, we do not make lists of who bought what for our son. I now run a large advertising company, we produce commercials for television. So I’m not in poverty either.

- Are there any disagreements with Dmitry?

Only on the topic of a child. A standard accusation from him: “Why are you raising our son to be a girl?!” And I: “How else can a woman raise him? If you don’t like it, come and give it yourself.” - “Well, yes, you’re right.” That's all! The conflict is over. Or, let’s say, I call him: “You haven’t called your child once in two weeks!” - “Well, yes, I’m wrong, give him the phone.”

Vulgar person

- Did you have a hard time with the breakup with Maryanov?

Not at all. Very soon I had a man who became a reliable support. But I will always be eternally grateful to Dima. He gave me the most important thing in life - a child. We kept it very warm friendly relations. And we even consult with each other about our other halves.

- And what can you say about his girls?

Of course, I don’t remember all of them - he had too many of them. One girl and I worked together in a modeling agency. Only she was in the children's workshop, that is, 12 - 13 years younger than Dima and I. This Zhenya Brik(also known by her surname Khirivskaya. - E.A.). Now she is married to Valera Todorovsky. Very good girl from an intelligent family. Valerka immediately appreciated it and took it away from Dimka. Todorovsky had previously been married to Natalia Tokareva. They got married at almost 18 years old. They have two children. But Valera also cannot be called an exemplary family man. True, not a single girl captivated him so much that he left his family. But Zhenya is a different story. I am sure that it was not by chance that she chose Valera, because she realized that you couldn’t cook porridge with Dimka.

I remember Dmitry highly praised his ex-girlfriend- Olga Silaenkova, dancer from the Mossovet Theater. He said that he was surprised at himself. Why?

Of course! She's not on his level at all, in every sense. A very vulgar person. The girl was nothing of herself and, as soon as she had Dimka, she immediately sat on his neck. Stopped working. All she did was start a showdown. (Due to constant scenes of jealousy, I broke up with Silaenkova and her ex-husband- actor Alexey Makarov, whom she married shortly before meeting Maryanov. - E.A.) True, I didn’t interact with her much, but those times were enough for me.

It just made my hair stand on end! One day I call Dima, I want to ask why he didn’t keep his promise and didn’t come to Danka. And suddenly on background I hear her voice. Olga says to me: “Come on, Olya, fuck... him too!” That's how she talked! They diverged several times and came back together again. And then he started skating in the show " Ice age» paired with Ira Lobacheva, and they began an affair. I felt better. After all, I let my son go to that house, and I don’t care who he communicates with there. I really like Ira. She succeeded in life, a true professional. I think Dimka is very lucky. But, as always, he hesitates. That’s why he has a new woman every three years.

The famous actor Dmitry Maryanov got married only at the age of 45. Before that, he had five common-law wives. The artist's first wife was actress Tatyana Skorokhodova.

They lived with her for three years in a hostel. Then the girl got tired of waiting for her beloved to call her to the registry office and she turned him away. The separation of Dmitry and Tatyana was painful, the actor even turned gray nervous soil. The artist’s next common-law wife was fashion model Olga Anosova. In 1996, the couple had a son, Daniel. However, the woman hoped in vain for a happy family life, after the birth of the child, the husband stopped spending the night at home and Olga kicked out the careless dad. Dmitry's third wife was actress Evgenia Khirivskaya-Brik. Their relationship lasted for five whole years, until Zhenya met director Valery Todorovsky, who took her to the altar. Then Dmitry Maryanov started an affair with Olga Silaenkova. The girl accompanied her lover almost everywhere: both on filming and on tour, but something didn’t work out in the relationship and the young people broke up. However, Dmitry did not grieve alone for long. New lover Figure skater Irina Lobacheva became an actor. They met on the show Ice Age. The athlete was just going through a painful divorce from Ilya Averbukh. At first Dmitry consoled the woman as a friend, then as a lover. When Irina realized that Maryanov was not going to make her his legal wife, the woman proudly left.

A few months after the breakup, Dmitry acquired a personal psychologist - Kharkov resident Ksenia Bik, who within a month moved to the actor in Moscow, and soon moved her 6-year-old daughter Anfisa to the capital. Ksenia became the only woman who managed to drag the ladies' man into the registry office. Xenia younger than husband for 17 years and is still afraid to leave Dmitry alone even for 10 days.
Dmitry and Ksenia got married on September 2, 2015, and before the wedding they lived together for three years in an unregistered marriage. Daughter - Anfisa (born 2009). She is the natural (biological) daughter of Dmitry Maryanov, and not the adopted one, as the couple admitted after the wedding.