Actor Jim Carrey: biography, filmography. Jim Carrey's personal life

Hollywood actor Jim Carrey was sued lawsuit. The widower of Catriona White, Kerry's ex-girlfriend, who committed suicide, blamed the actor for the woman's death.

According to Mark Burton, Jim supplied Catriona with drugs from which she died from an overdose. “Kerry used his wealth and celebrity status to illegally obtain and distribute highly addictive, lethal, regulated psychotropic drugs,” the widower said.

Catriona died in September 2015, after breaking up with Jim Carrey. The body was found by police at her home in Los Angeles. While dating the actor, Catriona was formally married to Burton.

The widower claims that Kerry received prescriptions for Percocet, Ambien and Propranolol under the name Arthur King. Jim allegedly gave these drugs to White despite knowing that she was prone to depression and attempted suicide.

The actor stated that Catriona stole these drugs from him. But the plaintiff insists that Kerry is simply trying to hide his involvement in White's death, Reuters reports.

Jim Carrey responded to these statements by saying that “there come times in life when you need to stand up for your honor.” “I will not tolerate anyone intending to take advantage of me or the woman I loved. “I really hope that in the near future people will stop trying to profit from what happened,” he added.

Kerry and White started dating in 2012. Catriona worked in film as a make-up artist. Their romance lasted several months. The close relationship between them resumed in May 2015.

When Catriona passed away, she was 28 years old and Jim was 53 years old. The cause of death was a drug overdose; pills were found near her body. The police found the deceased in the house.

“I can’t believe that you’re not around for three days now. I could try to move on with my life, try to mend my broken heart. I could, but this time I have neither the strength nor the desire. I'm sorry that you felt like I wasn't supporting you. I tried to give you the best part yourself,” White wrote, addressing Kerry.

In her message, she also asked for forgiveness from her family and friends. “I am not made for this world,” Catriona wrote.

Last October, Kerry attended the funeral ceremony of his former lover. He carried the coffin with the body of a 28-year-old girl. According to the actor, he was deeply saddened by the news of Catriona's death.

“She was kind and gentle - a true Irish flower, too sensitive for this earth, for whom loving and being loved was the most important thing in life. My thoughts are with her family and everyone who loved her. For all of us it was terrible blow", he said.

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Jim Carrey is a comedian with a vulnerable soul. His filmography includes more than two hundred works. He has been awarded various awards.

The childhood of the future comedian

Jim Carrey was born in 1962 in the province of Canada. He - His sisters are Rita and Pat, and his older brother is John. Jim has French, Scottish and Irish ancestry. His parents are musicians. Mom, Kathleen, was a singer, and father, Percy, was a saxophonist. The mother suffered from neurosis, so those around her considered her a mentally unstable person. When the future actor turned 14 years old, the whole family moved to permanent place residence in Toronto. He attended Trinity School, Northview and Agincourt Institute. Because of permanent shift places Jim studied in the tenth grade for three whole years.

Due to financial difficulties, Carrie's entire family had to work part-time at a factory that produced car tires. The hero of our article washed toilets, floors and did wet cleaning in the premises. Due to unsuccessful development and the difficulties of adolescence, Jim was taciturn and a withdrawn teenager. After being laid off and lacking funds to survive, the family moved to live in a van. Only after the father found a stable job was the family able to return to Ontario. Jim Carrey lived in his homeland for eight years and during this time he graduated from Eldershot School. In the late 70s, he became the founder of the rock band Spoons. The main directions of the group were: funk and punk rock of the “new wave”. He later got a job at a steel mill.

The making of a future artist

Since childhood, the future comedian loved antics. He performed in front of classmates and relatives, could parody famous people. Carrie repeatedly tried to show his talents to the world, sending videos of his performances to television shows. IN adolescence He and his father visited a comedy club, where the host of the show and the audience laughed at the future artist. The comedian closed himself off even more.

Jim Carrey dared to speak only two years later. And this time the performance went smoothly. The public was delighted with the artist and predicted that he would become a famous comedian. Later he got a job at this club. His boss, Litrais Spivak, called Jim the main star of the scene. The artist tried to imitate who was at the peak of popularity in the early 80s. At the same time, Jim moved to the capital of US cinema - Los Angeles. He gets a job at the Comedy Store, where he is noticed by Rodney Dangerfield - the famous They begin collaborating together, Jim now works as a "warm-up" before performances.

Start of a career

From that moment on, Jim decided to become a famous artist. He tries in vain to get on television. Fails the casting for the film D.C. Cab, as well as auditioning for the talk show Saturday Night Live. The actor continued to work at the club, where he parodied celebrities. In the mid-80s, the American magazine People published an article that Jim Carrey became the best young parodist. The photo was published on the pages of glossy magazine, which attracted the first fans. Featured in the magazine helps the future famous artist get on the TV screen. He was given the role of Skip Tarkenton in the TV series The Duck Factory. But the project was closed after 3 months, and the life of the parodist was filled with depression. He again began to fail at auditions, abandoned tours and disappeared for two years. He sculpted cartoon characters and played minor roles.

Later he met his brother, Keenen Ivory. They invited Jim to participate in the In Living Color program. The talk show was on the air for 4 years. During this time, the actor became very popular, and his first loyal fans appeared. They began to recognize him on the street. People passing by asked for autographs and selfies, telling others, “That's Jim Carrey!” The actor’s filmography has gone uphill. He starred in the following films: Rubberface, All in Good Taste, Copper Mountain, Once Bitten. In 1986, American director Francis Ford Coppola noticed him and invited him to star in the film Peggy Sue Got Married. The actor further expanded his filmography with such films as “List of the Dead,” “Pink Cadillac” and “Earthly Girls Are Easily Available.”

Family tragedies

In 1987, Jim married Melissa Womer, a waitress at the club where he worked. In September of this year, the newlyweds give birth to a daughter, who was named Jane Erin Carrie. After eight years family life the couple separates. The daughter remains to live with her mother. During his debut films, Jim meets famous actors and asks producers to sponsor his own show. But a tragedy occurs in the actor’s family. After rumors about the death of one of the family members, the press is trying to find out who died in Jim Carrey. The show “Unnatural Act” appears on TV screens, which he dedicates to his deceased mother. Her kidneys failed. Kathleen did not wait for triumph youngest son. Three years later, Jim's father dies.

Triumphant works

In 1993, Carrie began her triumphant work - "Ace Ventura: Pet Detective". The actor acts as a screenwriter, comes up with the image of Ace, hairstyle and plays main role. The film exceeded all expectations. Carrie is nominated for the MTV Movie Awards. Ventura's character became an immortal idol, according to Empire magazine. In 1994, another cult film awaits him - “The Mask”, based on a comic book series. The actor was nominated for awards: BAFTA, MTV Movie Awards, Golden Globe Award, Oscar.

Next, Jim takes part in the American comedy film Dumb & Dumber. Lauren Holly, who took part in the filming, is Jim Carrey's lover. A passionate romance begins between her and the actor. Subsequently, it results in a fleeting marriage that does not last long - ten months. In 1995, the parodist starred in the third film of the Batman Forever tetralogy, thanks to which he was nominated for an MTV award.

Awards and prizes

This was followed by a sequel: "Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls." Carrey won awards for Best Comedy and Best Actor. In 1996, the actor began collaborating with He starred in the film The Cable Guy. The role in the drama was his debut, since he had previously only played in comedies. The comedian received awards for best villain and comedy role. Next, the actor takes part in the show Saturday Night Live, in which he was not accepted in 1980 due to a casting failure. He further performs in the sketch show Roxbury Guys and stars in the film Night at the Roxbury.

In 1997, the comedy “Liar, Liar” was released on television, where the hero is forced to tell only the truth for 24 hours. Critics left positive reviews of the film. The actor was nominated for a Golden Globe Award and was awarded by MTV for best role. In 1998, he starred in the film The Truman Show. This role was the first dramatic one in the actor’s career. Fans and admirers were delighted with the picture. The parodist collected a record number of awards. He was nominated for four awards: The British Academy, Golden Globe Award, MTV and Oscar. Carrie considers the script for this film to be the best and most interesting of her entire career.


He took part in the films Simon Birch and Man On The Moon, which did not pay off at the box office. Critics reacted negatively to the film, and the director regretted choosing this particular actor. Jim received a Golden Globe Award. In the early 2000s, he returned to the comedy genre. He took part in the following films: “Me, Myself and Irene”, “How the Grinch Stole Christmas”. Then there were works in the films “Majestic” and “Bruce Almighty”. The film's co-stars were Jennifer Aniston and Morgan Freeman. The following films were released in 2004: Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind and Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events. Next was the work Fun with Dick and Jane.

In 2005, after breaking his contract with the UTA agency, Jim's career began to fade. In 2007, the actor tried his hand at the thriller genre in the film The Number 23, which did not bring much success. In 2008, he voiced the cartoon Horton Hears a Who. The same year the film Yes Man was released. Then there were the following films: “A Christmas Story”, “I Love You Phillip Morris”, “Presidential Reunion”. In 2011, he again took part in the show Saturday Night Live and starred in the comedy Mr. Popper's Penguins. In 2013, the films The Incredible Burt Wonderstone and Kick Ass 2 were released.

Carrie's personal life

At the peak of his popularity (from 2005 to 2010), Jim Carrey dated In 2009, the daughter of a waitress at the Comedy Store got married. In 2010, she gave birth to a son - grandson Jim. They named him Jackson Riley Santana. He received his surname from his father. Nine months later, Jane divorced her husband. The son stayed with his mother.

In 2012, the comedian began dating Catherine White. Then their relationship lasted only a few months. Three years later, Catherine White and Jim Carrey were happy together again. They had a whirlwind summer romance. In September 2015, the actor left his beloved five days before the tragedy that later occurred. Ex-lover left a suicide note explaining her decision. Jim Carrey is to blame for the girl's death. The suicide occurred on September 24. Katherine committed suicide due to her breakup with the comedian. The cause of death was an overdose medicines. White was 28 years old. The comedian himself admitted that he also always struggled with depression and even wanted to write a book on this topic. Now he can't get over the fact that his ex-girlfriend committed suicide because of him.

09 October 2017

How the actor survived the suicide of his fiancee, argued in court that it was not he who brought her to this point, then he almost went crazy, but found the strength to return to cinema.

Jim Carrey. Photo: Dave BEDROSIAN/Future Image/

This happens often. The life of comedians - people forever fused with a smile and synthesizing laughter out of thin air - suddenly turns into hell. Maybe because buffoonery is just a disguise for a lost soul. Often this ends in tragedy.

Such was the case with the great Max Linder, a graceful dandy and silent film star of the early 20th century. At the age of 41, the comedian committed suicide.

That's how it was with Soviet actor Frunzik Mkrtchyan, whose wife went crazy and whose daughter was killed in an accident, after which the actor became an alcoholic and died in front of his son - he also inherited a mental disorder from his mother.

This was the case with the touching Briton Robin Williams, who suddenly fell into hopeless depression - .

One of the most flexible and “convex” actors of our time, Jim Carrey, was going towards this. However, the Canadian literally at the last moment pulled himself out of the swamp by his hair, like Munchausen. Soon we will see the actor in the comedy series “Childhood”.

"She was a delicate Irish flower"

The stunning success of the films “The Mask”, “Dumb and Dumber”, “Liar Liar”, “The Truman Show”, “Bruce Almighty” and “Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind” is left behind. Two Golden Globes stood on the shelf. And at the beginning of the tenth Jim starred in cute films like "Mr. Popper's Penguins", the sequel to "Dumb and Dumber" and developed as a producer.

Jim and Catriona were a happy couple, despite their 23-year age difference. Photo: Legion-Media

30 years have passed since the actor's only daughter, Jane Eirin, was born. There were many women around him. The actor’s heart was, if not completely broken, then pretty battered. At first he experienced a painful separation from Playboy model Jenny McCarthy, with whom he lived for five years. Then he started a short-term affair with Russian student Anastasia Vitkina. And in 2012 on film set the actor met Catriona White, a makeup artist from Ireland. The couple was seen in restaurants and at events: she laughed at his jokes and signature grimaces, kissed and hugged his waist during walks. But a few months later the couple suddenly separated. After this, White very quickly married a certain Mark Burton - this happens in predictable Russian TV series when the heroine decides to take revenge. Catriona's marriage fell apart after two years. In the spring of 2015, the girl resumed her relationship with Kerry, and everything seemed to be heading towards the wedding. But on September 24 of the same year, as it turned out, they broke off their relationship again. Three days after that, in his own home in Los Angeles. She was 28 years old.

Next to the corpse were two important pieces of evidence - a bottle of pills and Catriona's suicide note. It read: “For three days I couldn’t believe that you weren’t with me. I could try to put my broken heart back together. I could, but this time I have neither the strength nor the desire. I'm sorry that you felt like I wasn't supporting you. I tried to give you the best part of me." Jim Carrey responded: “She was a truly kind and gentle Irish flower, too sensitive for this world.”

At a funeral in Ireland, like Robinson Crusoe. He carried the coffin on his shoulder - everyone remembers the photo.

At the funeral in Ireland, the actor carried his beloved's coffin. And he cried. Photo: IMP Features/Collins/EAST NEWS

Devil in the flesh

The examination showed that before her death the girl took a cocktail of three potent drugs.

First, the relatives filed a lawsuit. The mother of the deceased, Bridget Sweetman, said that Kerry infected Catriona with three sexually transmitted diseases, and then abandoned her after learning that she was sick. According to the girl’s mother, she received positive tests in 2013, when Kerry and White were still dating. But the actor told his friend that this was not his problem; Catriona could have gotten infected anywhere.

Feeling crushed and spoiled, as Bridget Sweetman claimed, her daughter became addicted to psychotropic drugs. It was Jim who supplied them - after all, he was not interested in publicizing this story. Mrs. Sweetman called Kerry a true devil-tempter, a heartless and despicable exploiter.

“You did nice things for me, but you destroyed me as a person. I was infected with HPV (human papillomavirus). Before I had nothing, but I had self-respect, I was happy man. I loved life, I was confident in myself, and you introduced me to drugs and girls of easy virtue, with mental disorders and diseases."

Then widower Mark Burton came to the fore - legally the most close relative deceased, because they did not have time to divorce - and without hesitation he dumped the correspondence between Kerry and White. “I wanted to talk to you before signing the document, since we were discussing something else,” Katriona texted. “All I'm trying to do is do what you asked me to do.” I want to write to you every second.” But Jim was hurrying the girl somewhere: “You understand what I’m talking about. Hurry up, stop being a brat. I want to be your friend, but you continue to be a brat."

The widower insisted that it was Kerry who gave his wife a sexually transmitted infection. And this is one of important factors that pushed her to commit suicide. Burton assured that the actor persuaded the girl to sign a contract in which Catriona would indicate that she had no complaints about illnesses. This is what the correspondence allegedly confirmed. The defense insisted that the actor took the drugs for himself.

"I went into the forest to find a fairy"

The court examined it carefully. The investigation established that Kerry actually bought psychotropic drugs and gave them to Catriona, probably knowing about her tendency to depression. He took the pills under a false name - Arthur King. In Hollywood, many celebrities do this so that information about their illness does not leak to the media.

The best psychotherapy for Kerry was drawing. In his paintings he reflected all the accumulated pain. Photo:

In the trial, which began at the end of 2016, Kerry insisted that gonorrhea and herpes, which he could have passed on to his lover, did not relate to the fact of suicide. And he asked the court to take this into account by canceling the claims. The defense argued that statements of claim It is not clear whether the actor is accused of negligence or deliberate incitement to suicide.

Los Angeles judge Deridre Hill refused to recognize the actor's innocence. The circumstances of the case require a detailed analysis. The next trial of the actor is scheduled for April 28, 2018. During the grueling litigation, the actor changed a lot. Older. Kerry stopped caring for his beard, which stuck out in all directions, like Porfiry Ivanov’s, and dialed overweight and in the photo he smiled in an emphatically artificial way—the imprint of pain, frozen as a thorn in the actor’s eyes, was looking into the lens.

Against this background, another unpleasant story surfaced: the mother of the deceased recalled that the actor publicly promised to pay for Catriona’s funeral expenses. But he didn't. Under oath in court, Kerry admitted that this was so. And he explained: one of the girl’s relatives has his own funeral agency, so the family can cope without his help.

After several very strange comments to the press, Hollywood began to doubt the actor’s mental health. But he healed himself with art. He painted pictures and a book. “People were wondering where I had gone,” Kerry said. “I went into the forest after a fairy, you know, when this happens, you definitely follow her.” I searched for a very long time and now I am calm.” Hieroglyphs, Bruce Lee, children's faces in bright yellow tones. Drawing freed the actor from emotional burden - he created without thinking about anything else. In addition to paintings, Kerry is writing a novel with writer Dana Vachon. The public transformation happened at the 74th Venice Film Festival, where Jim came to present documentary about comedian Andy Kaufman. 55 years old and wearing a rocker biker jacket. It was a different Jim. The same Jim.

Recently it became known that French director Michel Gondry (“Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind”) will direct the comedian. This time in the series “Childhood” (Kidding). The plot centers on Jeff, nicknamed Mr. Pickles. He hosts children's programs, the audience adores him, but the comedian's personal life is bursting at the seams. Large family disintegrates, and Jeff's depressive nerves slowly seep onto the screen. Doesn't remind you of anything?

The actor was absent from television screens for ten years. And soon we are again. The same as before. With only one difference: his eyes went out forever.

    Actor Jim Carrey is alive and well, ready for new film achievements! He is now 51 years old and doing great.

    The news of his death spread across the RuNet, perhaps this is some kind of cruel joke or a grave mistake. Perhaps in this way they are trying to lure users to their site, that is, someone is making money from this. IN lately This tactic has become widespread due to rumors of the death of famous people.

    We can only wish Jim Carrey good health and more comedic roles!!!

    This is just another canard, you don’t need to believe it, this is what they write about it.

    You can find many refutations about this on the Internet. Previously, this rumor about the death of Jim Carrey had already passed in 2012 and was also refuted.

    Jim Carrey died. And a few weeks before him, another 15 stars died, and Michael Jackson is still alive, and Lenin is turning over in the mausoleum. As usual, this is an Internet canard. I wonder if those who put such news online get anything from it?

    Who has not been buried on the Internet for the sake of profit? Sites come up with such news so that there are transitions to them. Sergei Bezrukov, Grigory Leps, Jackie Chan are those who were remembered in ten seconds, and they have already been buried several times. You should not believe such rumors, especially those posted on one website.

  • Jim Carrey died?

    From time to time, rumors appear on the Internet about the death of this or that star, but then everything turns out to be nonsense. In 2012, Jim Carrey was already buried once, this is the second time he was buried. Probably waiting for him long life.


    Today, the actor is alive, healthy and has no plans to die, all that is written on the Internet is nonsense. There was no cardiac arrest, there were no heart problems at all, there was nothing... It’s just that someone is not making a very smart joke.

  • Indeed, it turned out to be just a duck. Jim Carrey is healthy and feeling great.

    In general, such sad events with stars usually make it to the top of the news, and when the information comes from some narrow sources, it usually turns out to be someone’s stupid joke.

    Of course, all this turned out to be unverified information. Our media and the Western ones, as always, in pursuit of sensation, made another mistake. In fact, Jim Carrey is alive and well, which is what he wishes for everyone - he considers this fact an unfortunate mistake. However, this is not the first time this has been reported similar kind in relation to others.

    All this is an advertising bait that lures you to visit this or that site on the World Wide Web. The Canadian is very much alive and well. If this Hollywood comedian, the man with the rubber face, as they call him, really died, then all means would be loud about it. mass media, television news and so on, but we don’t hear or see it. And even if you click on this news or advertisement, this does not mean that you will be taken to the one that interests you. Usually there will be an advertisement for a new browser game where you need to invest real money, a site with pornographic content, or some other nonsense. Jim Carrey feels great at 51 years old and is ready for new film achievements.

    Jim Carrey on at the moment actually alive, he is alive and well. The news of his death, which spread across the RuNet, is most likely some kind of stupid joke, or perhaps someone made a grave mistake in publishing this news. In fact, I would be very sad if an actor like Jim Carrey suddenly died, I watched a lot of films with the participation of this actor, this talented person whom you constantly want to watch in his comedies to lift your mood and just laugh.

    The news that the popular actor Jim Carrey died of heart failure appeared less than a day ago on MDK. But don’t rush to get too upset. By latest information Jim Carrey is alive and well. Lately we have already begun to get used to this kind of ducks.

    Jim Carrey is fine and rumors of his death are not true. In general, this is a common tactic for making money on rumors about the death of a famous person. After all, if such rumors appear, then someone makes money from it, and in this case it is the yellow press and yellow Internet sites. They simply make money from advertising on the wave of requests.

    No. Jim Carrey is alive and will live for a long time, since such a rumor appeared. If this were true, then such information would appear on major news resources. But this is all a lie, especially when it is written in banners, advertising, and so on.

    Nowhere except MDC is such nonsense written, so don’t believe it)

    Jim Carrey is not dead, the famous comedian's press secretary said. But rumors about the artist’s death quickly spread throughout the world. It is unclear who launched them and for what purpose. Either the journalists or the comedian himself made a joke...

    This is most likely an unfortunate misunderstanding, the magnificent guitarist JJ Cale died today, someone must have misunderstood and let it slip, JJ Cale's name is Joni Cale.

  • Jim Carrey died?

    Jim Carrey is alive and well, which is what he wishes for all living fans of his acting talent...

    Spreading unverified rumors about the supposedly reliable and confirmed fact of death famous people, both Russian and foreign, unfortunately, are not uncommon on the Internet today. Especially on various kinds publics in social networks and blogs. Who needs this and why? I don't understand. Cheating turnips and attracting attention to your own Internet resources? Why do you ask?

    The weirdos starting with M from MDK VK live up to their name. Although the reason for the appearance of such posts is also unclear. They seem to have about three million subscribers... It looks like the topic is working, probably all of their subscribers fell for such fictitious, hot news.

    Recently they buried Brad Pitt, also in absentia, Marina Vladi, and some other Russian and foreign actors are buried from time to time... Now a virtual bony one with a braid has come for Jim Carrey. Who's next?