Ilya Bachurin commented on rumors of a wedding with Nadezhda Sysoeva. Nadezhda Sysoeva was compared to the former lover of Ilya Bachurin

Nadezhda Sysoeva is an actress, participant in Comedy Woman on TNT. It ended in 2016 high-profile romance with a member of the Banderos group, and immediately began a new relationship with Ilya Bachurin, whom she reportedly stole from actress Ravshana Kurkova.

Not long ago, there were rumors on the Internet about the imminent marriage of Nadezhda Sysoeva and Ilya Bachurin, but in one of the interviews the man denied this and also shared details of their relationship.

The businessman said that before starting a relationship, he and Nadezhda met many times at various events, and managed to get to know each other better. They haven't discussed the topic of the wedding yet.

Ilya is attracted to femininity in Nadezhda; the businessman claims that in all life situations she behaves like a true lady. She always trusts him without asking unnecessary questions, she is quite flexible, but when necessary she knows how to defend her opinion, the site reports. So Ilya said that Nadezhda has a sense of purpose, and this really attracts him in women.

She herself is from the small city of Krasnoyarsk and honestly defended her right to participate in one of the largest television shows in the country. Nadezhda is very strong-willed, despite the fact that on stage she is presented in the image of a rather soft and gentle girl. On at the moment their relationship is almost a year old and they are dating.

Nadezhda Sysoeva was abandoned by her husband: the actress’s comment about Ilya’s ex-lover

Before starting a relationship with Nadezhda Sysoeva, the general director of the Glavkino company was in a relationship with Ravshana Kurkova for 4 years. Ilya Bachurin said that they separated because they were both too busy with work, but fans believe that the reason was Nadezhda Sysoeva, who, according to rumors, stole the businessman.

Recently, Ilya and Nadezhda met Ravshana at Kinotavr, the meeting passed calmly and there were no sidelong glances or altercations. In her microblog, Nadezhda said that she was pretty tired of such comparisons, and her patience had already run out.

Entertainment is present in one way or another in the life of every person. One likes to spend time with friends in a club atmosphere. The second one prefers active recreation like jogging in the park with a dog. Still others are part of the fan crowd at a concert of a visiting star.

Others plug headphones into their ears and scroll through the tuner in search of their favorite radio station. And it's good that there are people who change general idea about the entertainment sector, they understand that in this workshop it is possible and necessary to produce a high-quality product. One of these people is producer Ilya Bachurin.

Childhood and youth

Ilya and brother Evgeniy were born in Moscow into a family of future engineers, and at that time students of the Moscow Aviation Institute. The boy studied at a school where a number of subjects were taught in English, devoted time to sports and aircraft modeling, attended a music school where he studied violin and piano. I chose a prestigious institute to continue my education foreign languages, seeing himself as a teacher in the future.

Ilya Bachurin in the army

From his student days, Ilya was drafted into the army. After two years of service in the signal troops in civilian life, the guy was met by another country, Soviet Union no longer existed.

Bachurin realized that his studies could wait, but in the current situation it was preferable to earn money. He joined the new formation of businessmen emerging in Russia. But even then Ilya understood that he wanted to do business not only for the sake of money, but that the business should bring pleasure.

Business and creativity

In the nineties, rightly called the dashing years, Russia turned into a platform for everyone to make money possible ways, legal and not so much. The first generations of businessmen understood little about the workings of the capitalist economic machine. This fate did not spare Bachurin either.

Ilya and his partners came up with an idea - maybe they should aim for something bigger. This “bigger” became a world star: the guys set out to organize a concert in Moscow. Young entrepreneurs invested a fortune in the project - $4 million. And they were miserably lost.

Ilya Bachurin organized the first concert of Michael Jackson in Russia

The idea of ​​Jackson's show failed - the concert did not pay off. Muscovites, preoccupied with much more pressing problems, did not want to pay a lot of money even for a star of such a scale. But Bachurin himself admits in an interview that he is still impressed by the personality of the king of pop.

Such a major fiasco did not bother the future producer. Ilya decided that you need to be well versed in what you want to do in life, and he went to study. Bachurin received an economic education at the Academy of Management and improved his qualifications in the UK. In 1994, Ilya Bachurin began working at the largest Russian sports and entertainment complex, Luzhniki.

The next page in the biography was radio. Ilya, together with his partner, organized the first radio station broadcasting dance and alternative electronic music, called “Station 106.8 FM”, later called “Station 2000”. The radio station gave impetus to the development of DJing in Russia and introduced listeners to the genres of trance, hardcore, and jungle. The first program director of the “Station” was Evgeny Rudin (), Bachurin was general director.

In 2000, Ilya switched to television, accepting an offer, and headed the music directorate of Channel One. Bachurin’s arrival at the “first button” was marked by the appearance of new programs, the most famous of which was “Star Factory”. Then Bachurin worked as editor-in-chief and head of music development for the MTV channel, which was gaining popularity among young people. This work was remembered by a team of talented and passionate people.

To prepare for the 2014 Olympics in Sochi, Bachurin was appointed vice-president of the organizing committee. As Ilya said in an interview, this job is a dream. In 2008, Bachurin together with founded the Russian Hollywood - the film and television association Glavkino. The company's interests include production, preparation and distribution of film products. Ilya does not consider what he is doing now as a way to make money, since, according to him, 98% of cinema is unprofitable.

Personal life

The personal life of Ilya Bachurin is no secret. At 23, Bachurin married Polina, an artist and interior designer. In a twelve-year marriage, daughters Yana and Vasilisa were born. Over time, Ilya and his wife went their separate ways. After the divorce, the parents managed to keep warm relations. Vasilisa studies at art school at the State Humanitarian University, is interested in horse riding. Yana is passionate about singing and playing the accordion. The famous father gives the girls freedom in choosing a profession.

In 2012, Ilya Bachurin and the actress met. The holiday romance resulted in 4 years of marriage, three of which the beauty showed off the ring on right hand. But it didn’t come to the wedding - Ravshana and Ilya broke up.

Ravshana Kurkova calmly comments on the breakup with Bachurin; he remains close to her. Ilya, in turn, said that work won over relationships, and he is not ashamed of the years he lived with the girl.

Ilya Bachurin now

Now the media are closely monitoring the development of the socialite’s romance with a participant in the Comedy Woman show. According to Bachurin, during their meetings at various receptions they took a closer look at each other. Nadezhda Sysoeva liked the qualities that “catch” Ilya - femininity, romance. She doesn't ask unnecessary questions. And at the same time, the girl, despite her fragile appearance, has an inner core.

When asked by journalists when the wedding would be, Bachurin said that this topic had not been discussed. The producer is used to people periodically trying to marry him.

Ilya Bachurin is considered a fashionista in the social circle. In the photo he is with a constant smile, stylish and irresistible. "Instagram" the producer demonstrates his love for casual style. Ilya is also interesting to listen to: he conveys his accumulated experience and systematizes knowledge by giving lectures at MGIMO. IN pedagogical work uses personal observations and experience.

In October 2017, Bachurin participated in the 19th World Festival of Youth and Students in Moscow as a creative producer. Delegates from 180 countries came to the festival. In November 2017, Ilya and Nadya attended a closed party for GQ magazine dedicated to awarding the most stylish couples according to the publication.


  • 2011 – “Iconoscope”
  • 2012 – “August. Eighth"
  • 2013 – “Pilaf”
  • 2014 – Olympics in Sochi
  • 2015 – “Living Water”
  • 2015 – “Four Seasons”
  • 2016 – “Army, I love you”
  • 2016 – “My boyfriend is a robot”
  • 2017 – 19th World Festival of Youth and Students

For more than six months now, the director of Glavkino has been dating Comedy Woman participant Nadezhda Sysoeva. The lovers do not hide their feelings for each other and visit social events, and also share joint photos in social networks. Fans of the couple are waiting for Ilya to propose to the girl, but the celebrities are not rushing things and believe that everything has its time. Recently, Bachurin gave an interview to journalists in which he spoke about his soulmate. According to the man, he admires the artist.

“Nadya is unusually feminine in all her manifestations and in a variety of situations acts the way I think she should behave true lady. She knows how to rely on the man who is nearby, trusts him without asking unnecessary questions. She skillfully pretends to give her man the role of first violin. Nadya is quite flexible, but at the same time she always has own opinion and, if necessary, he will definitely defend it. In addition, she has another quality that disarms me in women - determination,” said Ilya.

The man also noted that he likes girls who are curious and interested in the world around them. According to Bachurin, a developing personality who has an idea of ​​where he is going next is always interesting. “Nadya, by the way, is exactly like that. Very strong-willed, despite her soft stage image. Just imagine - she came from Krasnoyarsk and immediately found herself in the capital in one of the largest television projects, honestly defending her right to participate in it,” the producer shared.

Let us recall that the next rumors about the marriage of Ilya Bachurin and Nadezhda Sysoeva appeared in early April. Then the upcoming ceremony was actively discussed in the social circle. The celebrities themselves, who rarely comment on their relationships, preferred not to make loud statements about a possible change in marital status. “StarHit” managed to contact Ilya, who clarified the public’s speculation. “No, we are not preparing for a wedding. Everything is fine with Nadya, but we’re not talking about going to the registry office yet,” said the producer, dotting all the i’s.

We also add that earlier the public discussed the novel by Ilya Bachurin and actress Ravshana Kurkova. The separation of the stars became known in early May last year. During a recent interview, the producer noted that they tried to fight for the relationship. “But work probably defeated us. But I am not ashamed of the years lived openly, without any falsehood or game, and I do not feel sorry for them. It was just love at first sight...” – Ilya told

The fans waited a very long time. This beautiful couple was an example for many happy family, however, there is still debate about whether they were officially married.

A little about Ravshana’s life

Undoubtedly, it is interesting whether Ravshana Kurkova and Ilya Bachurin got married. The biography of the actress is also very interesting, so let’s pay attention to life story Ravshany.

Ravshana Matchanova (that was her maiden name) was born in August 1980 in Tashkent. Her mother Rano Kubaeva had enough famous actress and film director, father Bahram Matchanov was also an actor. Since childhood, Ravshana was a creative and musical child; she graduated from a music school in parallel with her general education. Already at the age of 12, she made her debut in the film “The Secret of the Fern.”

The girl studied at the pedagogical state university and at the same time was a student at higher directing courses.

Ravshana really wanted to become a famous actress, but she had to start from deep behind the scenes - she worked as a makeup assistant, an assistant director, and a talk show editor.

The series “Barvikha” brought her all-Russian fame, after which Kurkova’s filmography was continuously replenished with new works. Today Ravshana is in great demand. She participates in various projects, plays in the theater and acts in films.

First love

Ravshana Kurkova's first husband is Semyon Kurkov. The young people met back in student years. Their relationship was full of love and romance, and the couple ended up having a modest wedding.

The marriage did not last long, without passing the test of fate. The actress lost her child as a result of a spontaneous miscarriage, and the couple could not survive this grief together. Despite this, Ravshana kept her last name ex-husband, because it was under it that she became famous.

Take two

Kurkova's second husband was an actor whom she met at film set. After a short civil marriage the couple legalized their relationship and played two weddings - in Moscow and Tashkent. Disagreements in the family began when Ravshana realized that Artyom did not want children. Over 4 years of marriage, she never managed to convince him, and as a result, the couple divorced.

Ravshana + Ilya

The wedding of Ravshana Kurkova and Ilya Bachurin was the most anticipated show business event in recent years.

The young people have been together since 2012. In 2013, a marriage proposal was made, but Ravshana Kurkova and Ilya Bachurin were in no hurry to get married, explaining that they were happy without a stamp in their passport.

The lovers spent a lot of time together, as evidenced by numerous photos on Ravshana’s Instagram profile. However, in the spring of 2016, the actress stopped delighting her subscribers with pictures with her beloved. Many thought that the couple was preparing for the wedding, but fans did not receive any posts about this or photos of Ravshana Kurkova and Ilya Bachurin at the wedding.

There will be no wedding

In May 2016, it became known about the separation of Kurkova and Bachurin. The couple hid this for a long time and refrained from commenting.

First to tell fans about this official representative actress Ravshana Kurkova, and a little information later The actress herself confirmed it. “As all people part, so do we. Even now I can’t say anything bad, Ilya is very dear person“- this is how the actress commented on the breakup with Bachurin.

The reasons why the wedding of Ravshana Kurkova and Ilya Bachurin never took place are still unknown. Some suggest that Ilya did not have enough attention due to Ravshana’s excessive busyness, others say that he was extremely dissatisfied with his lover’s nude photo shoot for Maxim magazine.

What's next?

The breakup with Bachurin did not unsettle the actress, because she never hurled any insults or accusations at her ex. Kurkova continued to work productively and recently began dating actor and stuntman Stanislav Rumyantsev. Their love on stage, in the play “Black Russian,” smoothly flowed into real life.

Fans still carefully follow Ravshana’s Instagram page and already know that the lovers do not leave each other a single step: they travel together and even filmed several small sketches for one travel company.

The actors recently visited Sochi, where they spent their leisure time in a very active and extreme way. Many people noticed in one of the photos wedding ring on ring finger Ravshany. She has not yet given any comments on this matter, but there are other facts indicating that Kurkova has again become a married lady. For example, one of Rumyantsev’s friends left a comment hinting that the young people are in honeymoon, under photo together couples in Sochi.

We can only wish the actress happiness in family life, the embodiment of all plans and, of course, long-awaited children. Let's hope that the failed wedding of Ilya Bachurin and Ravshana Kurkova, as well as her divorces from her first and second husband, are far in the past, and a long and happy marriage with your current lover.

It must be said that Bachurin and Sysoeva preferred not to advertise their relationship. Hope for a long time did not publish photos of them together on her social network page. However, hide secret connection They never got it from the public. For Bachurin, this novel was far from the first. The producer lived in a legal marriage for 12 years, and after the divorce, he dated actress Ravshana Kurkova for four years.

Evil tongues said that it was Sysoeva who became the reason for the separation of Bachurin and Kurkova. However, Ravshana did not confirm this fact in one of her interviews. “We remained on good terms with Ilya, despite the speculation of journalists who interpreted our separation differently. We are adults. This happens when people separate,” she told OK!

Before meeting with the producer, Nadezhda was in a relationship with Roman Pan, the lead singer of the Band’Eros group. For the Comedy Women star, the break with the singer became a real test. “I honestly still think we’ve been jinxed! There were so many photos on social networks, interviews, posts screaming about our happiness. Still, you need to protect your personal life from prying eyes and evil tongues,” Nadezhda wrote then in her microblog. Apparently, bitter experience taught the actress to hide the ups and downs of her personal life from prying eyes. This is probably why Sysoeva and Bachurin refuse to comment to the press about their separation.

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