Where does Malinin live with his family? Alexander Malinin: biography, personal life, wife, children, family

Ustinya Malinina - Russian aspiring singer, daughter people's artist Russia Alexandra Malinin.

Childhood and family

Ustinya was born on November 23, 2000 in the family of composer, singer and artist Alexander Malinin and his wife, gynecologist and owner of a chain of pharmacies Emma Valentinovna. The girl has a twin brother Frol, an artist.

Malinina also has half-brothers Anton (a businessman, Emma’s son from her first marriage) and Nikita (a singer and composer, from her father’s first marriage to Inna Kurochkina, violinist of the VIA “Singing Guitars”), as well as a half-sister Kira from her father’s marriage to singer Olga Zarubina (Malinin recognized his daughter only a few years ago).

Ustinya Malinina studied at one of the best schools Bavaria. The girl's parents always had different views on future profession daughters: Alexander dreamed of his daughter becoming a singer, while Emma Valentinovna saw Ustinye as a doctor. In the end, the girl decided to follow in her father’s footsteps. She, the owner of a beautiful soprano, was accepted into the Bavarian State Opera without any problems.


WITH early years Ustinya studied music with her brother - played the piano, sang, studied musical notation and musical literature. At the age of 4, the girl wrote her first song.

Alexander Malinin said in an interview that he always wanted to see his children become musicians, but never put pressure on them. As a result, Frol became an artist, while Ustinya to a greater extent proved herself in the world of music.

In November 2015, Ustinha prepared a surprise for her father’s birthday by debuting a song of her own composition dedicated to her father. In September 2016, Alexander and his daughter recorded their first joint song, “Show,” with which they later performed at the holiday entertainment program « New Year's Eve on the First."

At the end of 2016, Malinina recorded her first album, all of the songs of which she wrote herself - both lyrics and music. It is noteworthy that the girl writes songs in English and Russian. At one of the interviews, Malinin admitted that he was very proud of his daughter and wished Ustinya success in this difficult matter.

Malinina chose the name Usty.M as her creative pseudonym, although later the girl more often performed under her real name. The title track of the collection, “Break the Pain,” soon became freely available for download.

Ustinya Malinina – “Barefoot”

In the spring of 2017, listeners were able to get acquainted with the singer’s songs “BAE” and “Barefoot,” and at the beginning of the summer, Malinina’s father and daughter recorded a new song “Please” (in Russian).

Alexander and Ustinya Malinin - “Please”

Personal life of Ustinya Malinina

It is difficult to judge whether Ustinya’s heart is occupied or not - judging by the girl’s page on social networks, she devotes all her time to creativity, study and travel.

The girl considers fishing to be her hobby. Malinina says that she often goes fishing with her father when he returns from tours. “This means a lot to me,” the singer shares.

The scandal in the family of Alexander Malinin is gaining serious momentum.
A month ago ex-wife performer of romances, singer Olga Zarubina, through our newspaper, invited him to do a DNA paternity test. In order to once and for all close the question of who gave birth to daughter Kira. This story excited the musician’s entire family.
After the publication of the material, our editorial office received a call from Alexander Malinin’s homeland - from the Ural village of Kosulino, where his father Nikolai Vyguzov lives. - Help me find Alexander’s phone! - the excited one jabbered male voice. - His father, my dear neighbor, was taken to the hospital with a heart condition. Sashka completely forgot about him. But Kolya is not a boy, he is 76 years old!

Alexander and Emma Malinin with their children Frol and Ustinya now live in Germany
Having dialed Nikolai Stepanovich's number, we heard the voice of his current wife Tatyana. (He divorced the singer’s mother Angelina Anatolyevna more than 30 years ago.)
“Yes, my husband is really sick,” she confirmed. “But we don’t expect help from anyone.” Sasha said on a TV show that he would keep in touch with his father. But these are empty promises... I haven’t trusted this family for a long time. By the way, do you know that Malinin is not his mother’s last name, as he says, but a fictitious one? In fact, mother Angelina was Malinova before marriage. But these are minor things. It’s no small thing that Sasha never helped his father. Never! But Kolya did not spare anything for his son. Every month I sent him decent amounts. Eh...

Angelina Anatolyevna
Oleg, younger brother Alexandra is also good. 53 years old, and still he comes to us from Yekaterinburg like a beggar, with his hand outstretched. He works as a driver. She’ll come and tell you three stories like a mangy woman (in the Ural dialect - a talkative woman - M.S.-Sh.) I was here recently. Do you know what he needed? From somewhere I found out that we own all the real estate on our common son Anton was rewritten, so I got worried. By the way, we have already helped Oleg with housing - we gave him a two-room apartment and two garages. He squandered this wealth: he drank it, he lost it at cards.
- Do you think Olga Zarubina did the right thing when she suggested Alexandra take a paternity test?
- Let him do it, of course, so that the Vyguzovs will calm down. By the way, Nikolai Stepanovich never doubted that Kira was his granddaughter. And we treat Olya well. She normal person. He calls to inquire about his health. Nice woman.

Nikolai Stepanovich. Shot from Channel One
I feel bad for her daughter Kira. Emma, ​​Malinin’s current wife, believes that all the children she did not give birth to are strangers to the Vyguzovs. Some kind of insanity! She never accepted my son and Kolya. I can say: Sasha is sure that Kira is his daughter, it just seems to me that he is under the thumb of his wife, who holds both money and real estate in her hands. That's why he sits and doesn't drink. And his mother does not perform, because she is there on a bird’s license. Yes, you can’t spoil Emma... But, I repeat, we don’t need anything from this family! Kolya just wants to establish a connection with his son. After all, we don’t even have his phone number. And how my husband would like to hear his native voice. Especially now. You understand...

Olga Zarubina intends to prove that 30 years ago she gave birth to Malinin

Advanced granny

Of course, we decided to call Alexander Malinin’s mother, Angelina Anatolyevna.
“You’ll forgive me, but I don’t know what’s going on,” she began the conversation with caution. - I’m sitting on the sofa, and next to me is a tablet in which my Sasha sings. I am an advanced granny, although I celebrated my 75th birthday in November. I use a computer and communicate with my children and grandchildren on Skype - they now live in Germany. Mine are there too younger grandchildren Frol and Ustinya are studying. I don’t know if we bought an apartment in Germany or rented it.
- Why didn’t you go with them?
- Oh, you can’t drag me there with a lasso. My southwestern district of Moscow is the best! I don’t really know the capital. She herself comes from a remote village in the Kostroma region.
- Angelina Anatolyevna, well, you are a wise woman. Advise your son and his wife to stop the war with Zarubina. It’s no good for decent people, educated people behave like that!
- I'll say this. Sasha, of course, was wrong to call this girl a homeless person in the program, but she really is a homeless person, she has no place to live. I think Zarubina is to blame for everything. She is a liar and raised her daughter to be the same. She got into someone else’s family when my Sanka lived with Inna Kurochkina (the musician’s first wife, who gave birth to his son Nikita. - M.S.Sh.). There was such an episode.

Olga's daughter Kira, living in the American city of Seattle, with her boyfriend, rock musician Kevin
One day Sasha and little Nikita come to visit us in Sverdlovsk - Inna left for the sea at that time. And suddenly Zarubina shows up. “Sasha,” I ask my son, “why does this girl not go to the hotel to spend the night, but to us?” He began to fuss, saying they work together. They say that she came not alone, but with other members of the ensemble. That’s when Olya jumped to him... That’s how she broke up Sasha’s family. And when Zarubina got ready to go to America, she knelt in front of Sasha to allow her to take her daughter with her. He allowed it. And Olga, at the first opportunity, gave the girl a different patronymic and surname, and registered her as her husband Evdokimov. Let them do DNA, the girl doesn’t look like us at all. Emma said that we need to do a test. There was a case when Sanya ended up in the hospital. She didn’t come to him because she was already confused with someone else. All! I can’t talk more about Zarubina. I have already suffered so much in my life with this Zarubina and with all of Sasha’s wives. Well them!

Alexander Malinin’s relationship with close relatives began to deteriorate literally from childhood. Thus, Alexander renounced his own father because he divorced his mother. I said nasty things to my friend stepbrother(father's son from his second marriage) on one of the TV shows.


Malinin’s personal life also did not go well for a long time. The artist was in several marriages, from which he now has four children. According to the Komsomolskaya Pravda website, the singer does not get along with all his children, except Anton, the son of his wife Emma from a previous marriage.

According to some information, Malinin does not communicate with his eldest son Nikita, who once became famous thanks to the “Star Factory”, because he left his father’s group and began making his own music. At first, Malinin did not recognize his daughter from singer Olga Zarubina. Only a DNA test confirmed his paternity. By the way, biological material It was not Alexander himself who submitted the test, but his father Nikolai. The artist flatly refused to participate.

A certain Lyudmila Koroleva, who nursed Malinin’s twins Frol and Ustinya, spoke on one of the talk shows about the fact that the singer’s family has very strict rules. Lyudmila said that she was paid generously, but there was one serious condition. “No right to sleep. The schedule is two to two, no right to sleep,” said the nanny. “It’s whatever you want.”

The studio audience was horrified by this demand. However, the woman courageously worked in the Malinin family. However, the Queen noted, in turn, made a demand to provide her with a driver. “Suppose, if I work for two days without the right to sleep, then be so kind (I didn’t drive a car yet) to provide me with a driver from the metro, because it takes two hours to get to this house... The nanny will arrive exhausted,” said Lyudmila, immediately adding that Alexander provided her with a driver for the duration of the job. The nanny noted that, of course, lack of sleep affects one’s well-being. "But who cares?" – the nanny asked a rhetorical question.

Singer Alexander Malinin is spending his vacation in the Italian resort of Forte dei Marmi in the company of his wife Emma, ​​twins Frol and Ustinya and granddaughter Arianna; all adult family members share photos from their vacation.

59-year-old Alexander Malinin is happily married to his third wife Emma, ​​who is a Doctor of Medical Sciences, a gynecologist. The singer has an adult son, Nikita, from his first marriage and a daughter, Kira, from his second wife, Olga Zarubina. With my current wife the artist raised twins Frol and Ustinya. He also became the father of Emma's son from previous relationships Anton. The young man has already started his own family and given grandchildren to his family.

Frol and Ustinya Malinin graduated from 10th grade this year and went on vacation with their parents to Italy. In addition, the Malinins took with them their granddaughter, Anton’s daughter Arianna. The singer, his wife Emma and children Frol and Ustinya published several photographs from the luxurious Italian resort of Forte dei Marmi.

In one of the photos, the artist is sitting in a cafe, and Anton’s daughter is sitting on his lap; in the other, Alexander and his wife are walking along the beach, holding the baby in their arms.

« Summer. Sea. Rest. Family. FDM“,” Malinin signed the photo.

« Beloved granddaughter!!!", reads the caption under the photo.

Alexander Malinin does not lie on the beach all day, but stays fit by cycling.

« Today my son Frol and I took a ride through the Tuscan villages", the singer commented on the photo.

The Malinins’ daughter Ustinya is also not wasting any time. 17 year old girl trying to start musical career. Ustinha has already released her first video and often performs at concerts with her father. Therefore, after going to the beach, Ustinya does not relax, but learns notes.

« Learning notes after the beach?❤️?”, the aspiring singer signed the photo.

Alexander Malinin has been an incredibly popular singer for almost thirty years. He performs both romances and popular pop songs. Fans are watching his development creative activity, marveling at the diversity and ability to present the song to listeners. The star believes in God. He goes to church every week and confesses.

In his personal life, Malinin is happy. He found a beloved woman who is able to understand him in any situation. The artist has four children who were born in three marriages Alexandra. The man tries to improve relationships with everyone.

Height, weight, age. How old is Alexander Malinin

Having performed at one of the festivals held in Jurmala, Alexander Malinin became incredibly popular. Every year he has a growing number of admirers of his talent who know everything about the man, including his height, weight, age, how old is Alexander Malinin. In 2018, our hero will celebrate his 60th birthday. A grandiose tour is planned, which will end before the New Year holidays.

Alexander Malinin, whose photos in his youth and now are presented in large quantities, weighs about 70 kg. The man has been observing fasts since the mid-80s of the last century. The artist looks several years younger than his biological age. He has a height of 177 centimeters.

Biography and personal life of Alexander Malinin

The biography and personal life of Alexander Malinin is incredibly rich. The popular performer himself does not hide anything from his fans, as he sees no reason to hide any information.

Our hero was born in 1958 in the Urals. Father - Nikolai Stepanovich Vyguzov and mother - Angelina Anatolyevna Malinova worked at railway. The boy did not grow up alone in the family. He has a younger brother Oleg, with whom he is still friends.

Sasha grew up athletic. He played hockey and was fond of skating. In addition, the boy studied music and dancing. After school, I decided to follow in my parents’ footsteps, but I realized that it wasn’t for me and I quit.

Our hero studied pop art. He calls this time the period due to which he developed his natural talent.

In 1977 young man drafted into the Army. During his years of service, the future artist practiced his musical talent by playing in a military orchestra.

Having been demobilized, Alexander goes to the capital Soviet Union. Here he sings and plays in various VIAs. The performer's popularity came during the period of his work with Stas Namin.

In the mid-80s of the last century, Malinin survived an accident. The man decided to be baptized because he realized that only God could help him in such a terrible car accident.

In the late 80s, the singer took a different last name. He changed his surname Vyguzov to Malinin. Soon our hero won the Jurmala Song Festival. From now on solo career The artist is developing at a rapid pace. He performs pop, classical songs and romances. From this period, the singer began touring very fruitfully. He often delights fans with new songs.

The singer's personal life is busy. He was married three times, but only on the third attempt did the popular pop singer become happy. Together with his wife, the artist is raising two children.

Family and children of Alexander Malinin

The family and children of Alexander Malinin are the wealth that our hero protects.

The father of the popular performer worked on the railroad. The man left the family when Sasha was still a teenager. My dad didn't pay child support. Alexander did not communicate with his father for many years. Recently, a man was shown on the NTV channel. He tried to reach his son. Malinin says that the hero shown on television is not his father.

The singer's mother was a railway station worker. The woman helped her son in his development. She lives not far from Alexander, who bought a house for his mother.

Malinin is the father of many children. A man communicates with almost all his children, trying to understand them in various situations.

Son of Alexander Malinin - Nikita Malinin

The popular performer became a father for the first time in the early 80s of the last century. Despite the divorce from his first wife, the artist helped in raising the child. He visited him often and paid alimony.

At the beginning of the new century, Alexander Malinin’s first son, Nikita Malinin, became a participant in one of the seasons of the popular show project “Star Factory”. The young man declared himself as a talented singer. He became the winner.

In 2016, Nikita participated in the One to One show program, showing many original images. Currently, the young man is actively performing. Its popularity is increasing every year.

Son of Alexander Malinin - Frol Malinin

In 2000, the popular artist became the father of a charming boy. He was born a few minutes earlier than his twin sister. The parents decided to name the boy after the calendar. That day was Frol's day. So that the son would have a good patron, it was decided to name him Frol.

The son of Alexander Malinin, Frol Malinin, graduates from school in 2018. After graduation schooling Frol decided to enter one of the capital's universities. What he decided to become is still unknown. Our hero repeatedly talks about his son’s talents on his Instagram page.

Daughter of Alexander Malinin - Kira Evdokimova

In his marriage to the once famous singer Olga Zarubina, Alexander became a father for the second time. This time he had a daughter, who was named Kira. When the girl was little, she and her mother went to permanent place residence in the United States of America.

The girl was raised for many years by her mother’s second husband. She considers him to be her real father. Only in 2011, the popular pop singer revealed that the girl was his daughter.

The daughter of Alexander Malinin, Kira Evdokimova, does not communicate with her biological father. She considers him a stranger to herself.

Daughter of Alexander Malinin - Ustinya Malinina

The daughter of Alexander Malinin, Ustinya Malinina, is youngest child artist. The girl was born a few minutes later than her brother. girl with young age I was dancing. She decided to become a choreographer.

IN school years Ustinya studied well. She is currently a graduate of the school. The girl quite often comes to her father’s performances. She, according to the popular performer, is his talisman. Ustinya looks like her mother, but she inherited her character from her star father.

Ex-wife of Alexander Malinin - Inna Kurochkina

At one of his concerts in his youth, the popular performer saw a girl. According to him, he fell in love at first sight. She was an artist and worked in a vocal and instrumental group. After some time, they registered a marriage in which the couple’s first child, Nikita, was born.

Alexander Malinin’s ex-wife, Inna Kurochkina, raised their son, and her husband often went on tour. At this time, he met a new object of love - Olga Zarubina. The young man was not used to lying, so he told Inna that he fell in love with someone else. The man packed his suitcase and left, maintaining a good relationship with his ex-wife.

Ex-wife of Alexander Malinin - Olga Zarubina

There was not a person in the Soviet Union who had not heard songs performed by Olga Zarubina. Soon the marriage was concluded. The lovers spent everything together free time. But after the birth of their daughter Kira, the marital relationship ended.

After the divorce, Alexander Malinin’s ex-wife, Olga Zarubina, left for permanent residence in the United States of America. WITH ex-husband she didn't communicate until recently. A woman got married for the second time overseas. Her new husband became the real father of her daughter.

Alexander Malinin's wife - Emma Malinina

In the early 90s of the last century, a popular pop performer at one of his concerts saw a woman, seeing whom he lost his head in love. At first she rejected all the star’s advances. Emma was married, but after some time she left her husband for Malinin, taking her son.

In the mid-90s, the woman became the official wife of the artist. She agreed to register a church union with the man. After some time, twins were born in the marriage.

Alexander Malinin’s wife, Emma Malinina, became a real guardian angel for the artist. She manages everything. Successfully work in your own gynecological clinic, take care of the house and children, and also please your spouse.

Instagram and Wikipedia Alexander Malinin

Instagram and Wikipedia of Alexander Malinin are maintained quite actively by the popular artist. Here you can find out the most detailed information about the creativity and biography of the star.

Wikipedia contains information about creative path our hero. Here are presented all the compositions ever performed by Alexander. On the page you can find out who Malinin was in a relationship with.

The pop artist is registered on social networks. He runs a page on Instagram. Here fans can view photos of Alexander taken in different periods creative activity. On the page you can listen to various songs by Malinin.