The lover of Stella Baranovskaya, who died of cancer, did not recognize their common son. The son of the deceased Baranovskaya remained ownerless Maxim, the father of Stella’s child

At the beginning of September 2017, the Internet was full of rumors that the young actress Baranovskaya had died. But who is Stella Baranovskaya? What made her famous, and what disease took her life?

Stella Baranovskaya was young and beautiful girl, an aspiring actress. She was born in Moscow on July 26, 1987. There is no information about her childhood, it is only known that from a young age she dreamed of becoming famous actress, so I went to study at the Moscow Art Theater after school.

Where was Stella Baranovskaya filmed?

The girl had little contact with her parents; mostly she maintained close relationships only with her grandmother. After receiving her diploma, Stella, like all graduates of the acting department, began going to castings and auditions, but she was unable to get a more or less noticeable role, although she did manage to play bit parts in some films.

It is quite difficult to list which films Stella Baranovskaya has starred in; they cannot be included in the actress’s filmography, since her name did not appear in the credits. The roles were too small and unnoticeable, so her name and face remained unfamiliar to the viewer. Back then, few people knew who Stella Baranovskaya was. The most significant film in her career was “Grandson of an Astronaut.” This is a film by Andrei Panin, in which Stella starred in a small episode as a girl in a car. But it was not filming that brought her fame, but illness.

Onset of the disease

On the morning of January 1, 2015, Stella felt unwell and was forced to go to the hospital, where she was immediately sent for examination and material was taken for a biopsy. Later, the results became known that turned out to be worse than any assumptions - acute lymphoblastic leukemia.


When the girl’s misfortune became known to a wide circle, she had “star” friends: Katya Gordon, Lera Kudryavtseva, singer Zara and Anfisa Chekhova. They did not stand aside, began to help the girl, announced a fundraiser, leaving messages on the Internet that Stella Baranovskaya was dying. Money collected barely enough for such an expensive treatment. Doctors prescribed a course of chemotherapy. At first, Stella strictly followed the instructions, but later she developed a severe intolerance to the chemicals and it was decided to stop the course, since the girl had to experience terrible torment, and there was no positive result.

Stella decided to resort to alternative medicine; she went to a clinic in the states, where they promised to cure her using detoxification. This method was not successful, after which she left for Mexico, where she was going to meet with a doctor who promised to cure her with just one injection that kills cancer cells. However, the meeting broke down literally at the last moment; there is no information about the reasons. Next, the actress resorted to metaphysical techniques, treatment with chlorophyll and spirulina. Ex-husband Irina Ponarovskaya, Weyland Rodd, tried to cure Stella using his technique (fruits, vegetables and juices).

Scandal in society

The collection of funds for treatment caused not only a wave of sympathy among the people, but also a wave of mistrust. The girl posted photographs taken in America and Mexico on the Internet. Many have concluded that Stella is not receiving treatment, but is spending the money of her sympathizers on vacation. Even groups were created in social networks, where the girl was thrown with mud. Madina Tatraeva especially spoke out on this matter. According to her, she knows firsthand what cancer is. Madina expressed her doubts about the actress’s illness in a rather rude manner. Rumors arose that Stella was seen first in one part of Moscow, then in another, but she did not look like she was dying.

Participation in the “Live Broadcast” program

In December 2016, Stella Baranovskaya took part in the filming of the “Live Broadcast” program with Boris Korchevnikov, where the girl had to justify her spending and respond to attacks from Madina Tatraeva. Then she was sure that the disease had subsided. She stated that she was able to overcome cancer and talked about the techniques she used. However, unfortunately, it was only a remission.

Then, during the program, we managed to get through to a clinic in the states where Stella was being treated. A representative of the clinic confirmed that the actress underwent detoxification treatment with them.

Personal life and son

The actress is survived by her six-year-old son Danya. Presumably his father is Maxim Kotin, but he did not recognize the boy. His name does not appear on the birth certificate. Max Kotin's parents are wealthy people, whose friends include eminent lawyers. It is known that Stella tried to introduce her son to his paternal grandparents, but was put out on the street by security along with the boy. At that time there was no talk of any illness, so the girl gave up trying to improve relations with the child’s father and his relatives and dealt with it herself.

The girl's parents were not too interested in her life. It is known that when Stella was undergoing chemotherapy treatment, her mother lived with her in the ward. This is where the support ended. Stella said that her mother did not help her with treatment. She also said that she doubted that the grandmother would take care of her grandson, so when her condition worsened, she asked her friends to convince the child’s father to take Danya.

She wrote a letter to Kotin and his parents, where she said that Stella Baranovskaya was dying, described in detail the course of the girl’s illness, photographs of her and photographs of the boy, but never received an answer. Moreover, the correspondence was blocked on social networks, leaving not the slightest chance to reach the relatives of Stella’s son. The girl's mother did not express any desire to take her grandson.

Baranovskaya was going to file a claim to establish paternity, but never had time to do so - her condition worsened sharply, she had to go to an oncology clinic.

Last days and death

The first message about Baranovskaya’s death appeared on Katya Gordon’s Instagram in 2017. With eyes full of tears, she said that Stella’s grandmother and her friend Olya contacted her in the morning. It became known that the girl’s heart stopped.

In recent days, Stella was in terrible pain, her kidneys and liver were failing, doctors refused to give her a second course of chemotherapy, since the girl’s condition would not allow her to endure additional stress. The actress’s body was exhausted; a few days before her death, she stopped getting up and could no longer walk. All this time, while Stella was in the hospital, her son stayed with her friends, Anfisa Chekhova, Zara, Katya Gordon and Lera Kudryavtseva.


The organization of Stella Baranovskaya's funeral was carried out by her eminent friends; they also covered all associated expenses. There is no information about whether the girl’s parents took part in this process. On September 8, the funeral of Stella Baranovskaya took place.

Public outcry after news of death

After the girl’s death, reproaches began to pour in towards her ill-wishers that they were in vain attacking the unfortunate girl, stirring up discussions and spewing accusations, driving the actress, not believing that Stella Baranovskaya Madina Tatraeva did not give any comments on this for two weeks after the girl’s death about this, after which she posted a post on Instagram, where she wrote that she had never called Stella a charlatan. She claimed that she only expressed distrust in the methods that the girl resorted to. According to her, ideas to recover infrared sauna in an American clinic or to be treated with chlorophyll were doomed from the very beginning, and Stella should have adhered to the doctors’ advice and continued to undergo chemotherapy courses.

What will happen to the boy?

The further fate of Stella's son remains uncertain. For the first time after the funeral, the baby lived with the singer Zara. She told how they went shopping together, Danya chose a butterfly for his mother, he wanted to do something nice. The singer never decided to tell him the terrible news about her mother.

Later, Stella’s grandmother took the baby, but the woman is already quite old and will no longer be able to take care of him. Neither Stella's parents nor Dani's father expressed a desire to take the child.

Stella Baranovskaya, who announced her recovery from cancer, died from cancer. The cause of death was blood cancer - acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Blood cancer still killed the young actress Stella Baranovskaya, who became recent years a fairly well-known media person.

30-year-old actress Stella Baranovskaya is not very well known to the general public as a performer bright roles. Although she starred a lot in television series and films, she did so in small episodes and was often not even mentioned in the credits. For example, she played a girl with a foreign car in the 2006 tragicomedy “Grandson of an Astronaut,” directed by Andrei Panin.

Many did not believe that Stella was really sick. One of the ill-wishers was Madina Tatraeva, who accused the actress of not being sick and spending the money collected for treatment on the purchase of personal belongings and real estate. Baranovskaya also has a son from Max Kotin, but according to Katya, the boy’s father does not pay attention to him.

It is known that shortly before her death, Stella contacted Katya Gordon’s law office and asked to draw up a will and also to establish paternity of a child whose birth certificate had a dash in the “father” column.

Katya tried to contact Daniel’s supposed biological father, Maxim Kotin, but he ignored her message. It is noteworthy that Maxim’s father, Igor Kotin, was previously the head of the media department of the Swiss company Glencore. Currently, he is listed as the founder of NFR Energo LLC, and his mother, Irina Wintour, is the art director of the Mosfilm Gallery.

After the birth of the boy, Stella came to Maxim’s family to show them the baby, but the child’s grandfather asked the guards “to remove this bastard from the house and not let him in anymore,” after which Baranovskaya no longer turned to them for help. However, upon learning about the disease, she decided to officially establish paternity. IN lately the child lived in the family of the singer Zara, and now his great-grandmother has taken him in with her.

Stella Baranovskaya: biography

Stella Baranovskaya was born on July 27, 1987. She graduated from her studies in acting, but her talent was not destined to fully develop: the actress learned about a dangerous diagnosis in 2015 - doctors diagnosed her with acute leukemia.

IN short period When the disease briefly subsided, Stella managed to star in the film “The Grandson of an Astronaut,” where she played a girl with a foreign car. The film was released in 2016. Baranovskaya also played episodic roles in some TV series and films.

Millionaire Maxim Kotin, from whom Stella Baranovskaya gave birth to a son, Danya, does not want to know his child.

A 30-year-old actress who has a son, Danya, from millionaire Maxim Kotin.

As close friends of Stella - and - Baranovskaya loved the beautiful and luxurious life. Obviously, this is how Maxim, a millionaire from Rublyovka, conquered her at one time. He gave the girl rides in expensive cars and took her to prestigious restaurants and nightclubs.

However, the fairy tale ended for Stella when she found out that she was pregnant. Maxim demanded that the girl have an abortion. However, he stated that starting a family is not part of his plans. And later he completely abandoned Stella. He did not want to see her, even when she became seriously ill.

The terrible news about the diagnosis found Baranovskaya in America with her fiancé. According to Larisa Pokhilchuk, a nurse at the hospital in Minnesota where Baranovskaya went, the chosen one turned away from the girl after learning that she had cancer.

"When she was discharged with her mother and Danya, they had nowhere to live. They stayed at my house... At that very moment she experienced betrayal loved one. The groom didn't even lift a finger to help her...We had several long conversations in the kitchen. What Stella experienced in her 30 years, some people do not experience in a hundred years. So many betrayals, so many difficult situations", the nurse recalled.

Danya is the son of Stella Baranovskaya and Maxim Kotin

Also, Maxim Kotin did not want to recognize his son Danya, whom Baranovskaya gave birth to despite his demand to terminate the pregnancy.

Now Maxim has another girlfriend, she privately told Stella’s friends that the “bastard” in the Kotin family will never be recognized. “By the way, even Maxim’s girlfriend wrote: “I know this story, and all my close people know this story, but they consider him illegitimate, so they don’t want to see him,” Gordon said.

According to Katya Gordon, she sent the guy a photo of both Stella and the child, but Maxim’s family refused to communicate in any way.

In turn, Katya Gordon spoke about how she tried to get the child Stella Baranovskaya recognized by his biological father Maxim Kotin, son socialite Irina Winter - Dani's grandmother.

The staff of the show “Let Them Talk” also tried to contact Irina Winter, but the woman replied that she was vacationing in Venice and refused to talk.

Irina Winter - mother of Maxim Kotin

Stella’s friends remembered the persecution of skeptics and enemies that befell the actress on the Internet. They believed that the girl was faking the disease for personal gain.

Chekhova noted that Stella tried to provide support to other people who were struggling with serious illnesses. “She always helped. All the sick. She sent flowers to the same Madina who opposed her, supported her, listened to her. They initially communicated as friends. After which Madina, out of the blue, suddenly decided to go against her,” said TV presenter.

Also in the talk show, those who knew Stella said that she was going through chemotherapy very hard and was experiencing hellish torment, which is why she later refused this procedure.

“Stella has a very high pain threshold, she literally climbed the wall from pain during chemotherapy. She went through six steps, but didn’t pass the last one, it was too painful for her,” Pokhilchuk noted.

It was because of this that Baranovskaya turned to alternative medicine. Shortly before her death, the actress was treated by healer Akylbek from Kazakhstan. The editors of the program tried to contact the man, but he refused to talk about the artist’s treatment. At the same time, Anfisa Chekhova noted that Stella always noted that after sessions with him, her pain went away and she could sleep peacefully.

Stella Baranovskaya. “You didn’t believe me, and I died.” Let them talk

Stella Baranovskaya’s grandmother Lidiya Petrovna Kryuchonkova also came to the program. She said that she raised her from the very moment she was discharged from the maternity hospital, because the girl’s mother worked and she did not have time to raise her daughter. When the grandmother found out about her granddaughter’s diagnosis, she was speechless. Now she, like all Stella’s loved ones, is worried about her fate six year old son Dani.

“For me, he is the last straw of life, I have to help him, because my daughter is inadequate... I know about Dani’s father that when he was 10 months old, his father did not give up on him. He may have wanted to, but his parents were against it... When she became pregnant, he said: “I’ll give you money, have an abortion,” but she didn’t have it,” Lidia Petrovna shared.

Lydia Kryuchonkova - grandmother of Stella Baranovskaya

Baranovskaya’s father, Stanislav Kanteladze, appeared in the finale of the talk show. He flew from the USA to Moscow for her funeral. “I don’t know about Stella’s mother, but I think that no parent wants to harm their child. We communicate with her. We have a grandson, we must raise him. First of all, we must agree among ourselves how we will do this to do, this is a very difficult question. Of course, it would be good for the child if he went to America and was raised there... I would like to take him, but we’ll see how we agree,” said Stella’s father.

Stanislav Kanteladze - father of Stella Baranovskaya

In recent days, Stella Baranovskaya was going to file a lawsuit against the father of her son, who is not involved in raising the child, but did not have time. Now her friends are doing this - Katya Gordon and Anfisa Chekhova.

Stella Baranovskaya was born in the capital of the Russian Federation.

Stella's work turned out to be completely short-lived... Stella played only one role, after which they began to be recognized on the street. And what is most surprising is that this role was not in the theater or in the cinema, but in life.

When they started saying that Stella terminally ill Not everyone believed it. Some believed that she actually needed support. Others say that this is just cheap PR, which is also not at all convincing. Only after the girl’s death did everyone believe it.

About children's and youth There is very little information left about Stella, practically no photos at all. We only know that Stella was raised by her grandmother, and she considers this person the closest in the world.

Neither the girl’s mother nor her father were associated with the stage, but Stella dreamed of playing in the theater since school. After graduating from school, Stella enters theater school. Baranovskaya could become great actress, after all, she had all the makings for this, but her life was too short...


Stella's career as an actress is not rich, but catchy and noticeable. The girl graduates from theater and begins acting in low-budget films. At first they only got supporting roles. It happened that the girl was not even mentioned in the credits.

Stella gained fame from her role in the tragic melodrama “Grandson of an Astronaut.” What is most surprising is that in this film the girl was also not listed in the credits as an actress. One got the impression that they simply didn’t notice her.

Deadly disease

Illness brought popularity to the young actress. Many Russian stars began to support the girl. From that moment on, they began to recognize her as an actress who was in a terrible life situation. They came to Baranovskaya’s aid such stars as: Zara, Lera Kudryavtseva.

Posts from VKontakte and Instagram began to appear from famous people with a request to help the young actress. The girl traveled to the USA, where she was diagnosed, practically a death sentence, with cancer. Photos began to be published in magazines. Some were sympathetic to the young actress, but the girl did not have enough money for treatment.


When they started talking about Stella all over the country, she made friends: Lera Kudryavtseva, Zara, Anfisa Chekhova. The girls helped as much as they could and collected money. There was barely enough money...

Doctors prescribed Baranovskaya course of chemotherapy. At first, she did everything that the experts prescribed, but it only brought terrible torment, and Stella decided to let everything take its course. The treatment did not bring results.

In America, Stella found a clinic that promised to cure cancer in an unconventional way. But that didn't help either.

Then Baranovskaya goes for treatment in Mexico, where they promised to heal with just one injection. But for some reason the girl never saw a doctor.

Negativity on the Internet

It is completely unclear why people treated Baranovskaya with such misunderstanding. Viewers believed that this was just another PR, so that they would start to remember about an actress who could not build a career. There were rumors that the girl was quite healthy, and with the money raised she bought a new car.

Stella took part in the show “Live”, where she said that she was actually sick and was not abusing her position, that the money actually went towards treatment.

Personal life

Almost nothing is known about his personal life. The girl was in romantic relationships With Maxim Kotin.

But as soon as Stella found out about the terrible disease, neither her lover nor his far from poor parents were nearby.

Stella has a son who is 6 years old, and most likely his father is Max.

Death of an actress

The girl did not have time to become famous actress,death took me from my life too early. But for us, Stella is a courageous girl who was able to overcome the disease when her loved one turned away.

The first symptoms of the disease appeared in 2015. Stella didn't feel well. An examination showed that the girl had cancer. The girl could not recover, the pain went away and then appeared again...

Stella did not have time to become a famous actress, but because of her illness the whole country was worried about her.

Who is the child with now?

Dani's at the moment fate is uncertain. Immediately after Stella's funeral the baby lived with Zara. The singer treated him like to my own son. The child was choosing a gift for his mother, who was no longer alive... Zara did not dare to tell the baby that her mother was no longer alive.

After some time Danya Stella's grandmother took her, but the woman is no longer young and will not be able to take care of the boy. Stella's parents and supposed father did not express a desire to take part in raising their son and grandson.

According to Ekaterina, Stella’s parents are now claiming custody of the boy. “During her life, she asked not to give him to his mother. She said that she would kill him. Also, my great-grandmother spoke on Channel One about the fights that took place in the family,” says Baranovskaya’s friend.


“There is no talk of adopting Dani Baranovsky now... Everything is complicated... Nobody needed him except the 80-year-old granny and the dying Stella... Now he has become needed... Unfortunately, we know a lot of negative facts about those who are among the applicants for custody,” Gordon wrote on Instagram. “And since this was Stella’s main request to me personally, I will inform the guardianship authorities about this and ask them to take control of this situation and study the conditions of the child’s potential life,” said Ekaterina.

At the same time, she complained that now there is nothing else left to do but watch the situation develop: “ the legal successors will dispose of the fate of, in my opinion, an abandoned, ownerless (Stella simply did not have the strength...) child.”

Note that Katya Gordon was one of those who, before last day supported cancer patient Stella Baranovskaya. It was she who first reported the tragic news of the artist’s death on her Instagram page. For a long time Stella fought acute lymphoblastic leukemia, but the disease turned out to be stronger. Together with Ekaterina, the actress was assisted by TV presenter Anfisa Chekhova, singers Anastasia Stotskaya and Zara. Moreover, the latter even sheltered Baranovskaya’s six-year-old son Daniil for some time. Previously, Zara said that Danya is with her great-grandmother.