Stella Baranovskaya Cancer Instagram. Actress Stella Baranovskaya died of cancer: she was accused of spending the money collected for treatment on buying apartments and cars

According to Katya Gordon, the actress died in agony. IN recent months Stella Baranovskaya was supported by Anfisa Chekhova, Zara and Lera Kudryavtseva, and some relatives turned away from Stella. The woman left behind a small child.

Lawyer Katya Gordon announced on Instagram that actress Stella Baranovskaya, who had been battling a serious cancer for a long time - acute lymphoblastic leukemia, had died. In December, a woman came to the studio of the “Live Broadcast” program and talked about the procedures she had to go through.

Anfisa Chekhova tried to the last to save Stella Baranovskaya, who had cancer

StarHit contacted Katya Gordon to find out how Stella Baranovskaya spent her last days. According to the lawyer, the actress was helped by her star friends - Lera Kudryavtseva, Anfisa Chekhova and Zara. However, the disease progressed and the woman’s condition did not improve.

Friends of Stella Baranovskaya cannot come to terms with her death

“We have been in touch for the last few days, Stella’s child even stayed at my house... Stella’s grandmother and her friend Olya told me this sad news at five in the morning. Now we are organizing the funeral... In recent days, she could not walk and experienced hellish pain,” the lawyer told StarHit.

Stella Baranovskaya: biography, where, in what films did she star?

Having received an acting education, Stella simply did not have time to realize her acting talent in the film industry, almost immediately after graduating from university she fell ill with leukemia.

It is known that she played in the film “Grandson of an Astronaut,” a film directed by Andrei Panin, and a number of episodic roles in several films and TV series.

Stella Baranovskaya: what did she become famous for, what was her cancer, and what did she die from?

Stella was diagnosed several years ago with lymphoblastic leukemia, in other words, a severe form of blood cancer. Stella was diagnosed at the end of 2015.

This young girl wanted to live so much; in fact, her career was just beginning. She received an acting education, but never had time to prove herself.

As soon as Stella found out that she had cancer, she began to raise money for treatment on social networks. She completed just one course of polychemotherapy and felt better, which she told her fans about. She refused traditional treatment and tried to be treated with unconventional methods.

After some time, Stella was accused of fraud. Stella herself said that she was miraculously healed. Social media users were indignant, accusing the girl of making up her diagnosis in order to get rich. Stella herself often published photos from expensive resorts and looked happy and healthy.

Later it became known that Stella hastened to announce her recovery. On New Year's Eve 2016, the girl became ill. But Stella did not immediately go to the doctors. She was diagnosed with leukemia in January. She started chemotherapy, but then suddenly stopped because it was very difficult for her emotionally. At that moment she felt better again.

Stella traveled to Mexico, where she was given an injection that supposedly kills cancer cells.

All this time, the young actress was supported by her son. He went through all stages of treatment with his mother. Also next to Stella were Lera Kudryavtseva, Anfisa Chekhova and singer Zara.

Stella died very hard. In recent days, she simply could not walk and experienced hellish pain. Stella's son was with Katya Gordon at that time. The 5-year-old boy is survived by his grandmother and father, who did not take part in raising the boy.

Larisa Kryuchonkova, Stella’s mother, supported her daughter’s choice in terms of methods and examination. “I was in the hospital with her. I was allowed to live in the ward. I saw how she felt after chemotherapy,” the relative noted.

The “Live Broadcast” program team contacted an American clinic where they are treated using the detoxification method. There people listen to unique lectures, attend yoga classes and infrared sauna. According to a representative of the medical institution, three weeks must pass after chemotherapy before you can come to the clinic.

Baranovskaya was not known until early 2016. But everything changed when she was diagnosed terrible disease- acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Many stars called for help for the young actress, publishing in social networks records of her serious illness. Thanks to the efforts of Anfisa Chekhova, Anna Semenovich and many others, the whole country learned about Baranovskaya’s misfortune. They started collecting money for her treatment, but soon many began to wonder: did the girl really have cancer?

Photos of Baranovskaya from expensive resorts around the world began to appear online. And she didn’t look like a cancer patient: the girl, who was not even thirty, looked very lively and even seductive.

At the end of 2016, Stella took part in the “Live Broadcast” program. There she explained that chemotherapy did not help, and she turned to alternative treatments. The audience was divided into two camps: some believed the actress, while others just decided that she was a fraud.

But on the morning of September 4, sad news came. Stella Baranovskaya died. She died “in wild agony” - Katya Gordon spoke about this through tears on her Instagram page:

Probably one of the most terrible blows What happened to Stella was that some of the people closest to her also turned away from her.

She " desperately believed in a miracle. And also in the people... who let her down», — Anfisa Chekhova writes on Instagram.

Stella has a small daughter.

After long struggle Actress Stella Baranovskaya died of cancer.

It is a complete shock to me! That there is still an opinion that Stella is a fraudster, and allegedly speculated on her illness in order to gain additional popularity and raise money for her alleged treatment. Here is one of the VKontakte groups where spiteful critics gathered. I’m simply amazed, and I wasn’t born yesterday, how stupid and worthless a “person” can be and at the same time the same “truth-rubs” have families and children!! It’s hard to even call such creatures people. Rest in peace Stella.

Stella's friends expressed their condolences on social networks.

Katya Gordon was the first to announce the death of Stella Baranovskaya on her microblog on Instagram. The singer published a video in which she addressed the ill-wishers of the deceased. In the footage, Gordon said with tears in her eyes that the people who accused Stella Baranovskaya of lying “Stella died somehow martyrdom... in wild pain and worried about the fact that you are Max Kotin, even in this situation you turned away from your little son. And she also cried because of your post Madina Tatraeva that she was a charlatan... her friends helped her... and she lived in poverty... Artem gave money to rent an apartment, Anfisa, Zara helped as best they could... but there is no person... there is a child Danya with a dash in the paternity column... and grandparents, rich socialites don’t even want to know about him...” Gordon signed the video (the author’s spelling and punctuation have been preserved. - Note ed.).

Anfisa Chekhova also mourns Stella Baranovskaya. In her microblog on Instagram, the TV presenter published a touching post: “My little beautiful girl! Who so wanted Love, and to be understood... She wanted to follow her own path and meet support along it! Who struggled so much and desperately believed in a miracle. And also in the people... who let her down. Thank you for everything you taught me!!! Thank you for the Love you gave. When there is a lot in the heart, words get stuck in the throat. I scold myself for not having time last time tell you that I love you. But you know, Tiny. We will definitely meet again! Until the next life, my sweet girl! I'm sorry I couldn't give you everything I could have. Have a nice flight, my angel."

Let us remind you that Stella Baranovskaya took part in the “Live Broadcast” program. The actress told how she managed to overcome a serious cancer disease - acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Stella Baranovskaya told viewers about all the procedures she had to go through. However, few believed that the actress managed to defeat the disease in such a short time. On New Year's Eve, Stella felt unwell. The actress turned to doctors only a month later. Specialists diagnosed her with “leukemia” and prescribed a course of chemotherapy.

According to Katya Gordon, the actress died in agony. In recent months, Stella Baranovskaya was supported by Anfisa Chekhova, Zara and Lera Kudryavtseva, and some relatives turned away from Stella. The woman left behind a small child.

04.09.2017 10:42

Lawyer Katya Gordon announced on Instagram that actress Stella Baranovskaya, who had been battling a serious cancer for a long time - acute lymphoblastic leukemia, had died. In December, a woman came to the studio of the “Live Broadcast” program and talked about the procedures she had to go through.

StarHit contacted Katya Gordon to find out how Stella Baranovskaya spent her last days. According to the lawyer, the actress was helped by her star friends - Lera Kudryavtseva, Anfisa Chekhova and Zara. However, the disease progressed and the woman’s condition did not improve.

“We have been in touch for the last few days, Stella’s child even stayed at my house... Stella’s grandmother and her friend Olya told me this sad news at five in the morning. Now we are organizing the funeral... In recent days, she could not walk and experienced hellish pain,” the lawyer told StarHit.

Stella Baranovskaya had spiteful critics who treated her extremely unkindly and harassed the actress on social networks. Among them was Madina Tatraeva, who also took part in the filming of a talk show with Boris Korchevnikov. Katya Gordon said that such speculation is not true. Baranovskaya refused traditional methods of treatment because they did not help her.

“I want to debunk all the rumors that were circulating behind Stella’s back. They said that she allegedly refused treatment. She did not refuse treatment and underwent more than one course of chemotherapy. All medical documents are available. It just didn’t help Stella at some point. It is not for us to condemn a person who was in dire condition and resorted to different methods treatment,” Gordon shared.

According to the lawyer, Stella Baranovskaya did not have the significant amounts of money that spiteful critics attributed to her. “She didn’t even have her own home in Moscow,” says Gordon. The actress and Anfisa Chekhova turned to Katya to determine the paternity of her child and draw up a will. However, Baranovskaya’s plans were not destined to come true.

“We filed a lawsuit and were going to file for paternity, but Stella was in critical condition. We didn't have time to file a claim. I wrote requests for help to Stella, so that she would know that her child, who is exactly like Maxim (the alleged father of the actress’s son - Approx.), would not be abandoned, but they remained unanswered. Stella was never a charlatan and died in the wildest pain. And there was never any exorbitant money collected allegedly for pseudo-diseases. And the car was given to her by her friend Artem, with whom she had been friends since childhood,” Gordon said.

TV presenter Lera Kudryavtseva is also having a hard time coming to terms with the fact that Stella Baranovskaya passed away so early. She shared her grief with fans on social networks.

“The most beautiful, kind, gentle girl. I can't believe it and find it the right words. How you suffered and suffered, how many trials befell you on your fragile soul. Rest in peace, girl,” a friend of Baranovskaya wrote on the microblog.

In short creative biography actress Stella Baranovskaya had only one role, after which they learned about the artist and started talking about her. This is the role of a seriously ill woman who needed the help and sympathy of others. Some believed Stella, others called the game fake and unconvincing. There is no information about Stella Baranovskaya’s childhood.

Born future actress in 1987, presumably in Moscow. Who her parents are is unknown. The girl developed a warm and family relationship not with her father and mother, but with her grandmother. None of Baranovskaya’s relatives are connected with the world of cinema, which did not stop Stella from entering the Moscow Art Theater School. But fate gave the girl too little time to make a career in cinema.


After receiving a diploma of higher acting education, Stella Baranovskaya, like most of her fellow theater graduates, starred in episodes of TV series and low-budget films. But the roles she was entrusted with were too small for the viewer to notice and remember the aspiring artist. Stella does not have a filmography list because she was not mentioned in the credits.

The only picture that is remembered when talking about Baranovskaya is the tragicomedy “Grandson of an Astronaut” and Tamara Vladimirtseva. The actress starred in the cameo role of a girl in a foreign car. But the name of Stella Baranovskaya cannot be found in the credits of the comedy.

Illness brought fame to the artist. Celebrities learned about Baranovskaya’s difficult fate: the girl’s misfortune touched the hearts of the singer and. The stars, through social networks, asked their fans to help Stella, who was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia in America.

There was not enough money for expensive treatment. Ill-wishers also “helped”, accusing Stella Baranovskaya of faking an illness and wanting to profit from gullible fellow citizens. Haters even organized groups on social networks where they threw mud at the sick woman.

Skeptics shared rumors, saying that they saw Baranovskaya in different parts of the capital, happy and without signs of illness. Referring to photographs of the woman on Instagram taken in America and Mexico, they accused her of wasting multimillion-dollar donations on clothes and resorts. At the end of 2016, Stella Baranovskaya appeared in “ Live", where she shared details of the disease and treatment.

The actress had to decide to film and make revelations because of bullying and an avalanche of accusations. A certain Madina Tatraeva was especially zealous in this, calling Baranovskaya a charlatan. Madina’s posts on social networks hurt the dying Stella, forcing her to justify herself and refute the lies.

Personal life

If you believe Stella Baranovskaya’s star friends, who helped her with money and collected funds for treatment, the actress had an affair with a certain Maxim Kotin, the son of wealthy parents. Kotin’s mother is Irina Winter, interior designer and art director of the Mosfilm Gallery. Photos of the woman end up in gossip columns. In Vogue magazine she talked about her luxurious garden near her house. According to Katya Gordon, judging by her Facebook profile, Winter has famous and wealthy friends: gallery owner Aidan Salakhova, lawyer, artist.

Igor Kotin, Maxim’s father, formerly headed the media department of the representative office of the Swiss company Glencore. The man’s name is on the list of founders of a capital company investing in energy. Katya Gordon wrote to Maxim and his parents about Stella Baranovskaya’s troubles, talked about her son and grandson, and showed pictures of the terminally ill woman and six-year-old Daniil. But there was no answer, correspondence with Ekaterina was blocked.

Saved on social networks joint photos Stella Baranovskaya with Maxim Kotin, but they cannot become proof of his paternity. We did not have time to complete genetic testing and other legal actions. When Stella Baranovskaya was in the hospital, Daniil was taken in by Katya Gordon, Anfisa Chekhova and Zara. Stella's grandmother is very old and cannot take care of the boy.

Illness and death

Stella Baranovskaya celebrated New Year's Eve 2015 with her boyfriend in America. I felt unwell on January 1st. She came to the clinic with a fever and sore throat. Three days later, after a biopsy, the woman was given a terrible diagnosis: cancer. Doctors prescribed chemotherapy, but it won't go away full course Stella couldn't because of severe intolerance.

Stella’s mother, Larisa Kryuchonkova, lived in the ward with her daughter when she was undergoing chemotherapy, and saw Stella’s torment. The producers of the “Live Broadcast” project contacted a clinic in the USA, where they are treated using the detoxification method. The hospital nurse confirmed that Stella Baranovskaya was treated by them. Baranovskaya refused chemotherapy and resorted to alternative medicine. In Mexico, Stella was promised an injection that would kill cancer cells.

For unknown reasons, the meeting with the doctor fell through. Then there were metaphysical techniques. Weiland Rodd, ex-husband singer, treated Stella Baranovskaya with a diet: juices, vegetables and fruits. The woman resorted to treatment with chlorophyll and spirulina. For a while the patient felt better and it seemed to her that she was cured.

In the summer of 2017, the disease returned. The actress was dying a painful death from leukemia; doctors called her condition hopeless. Stella's kidneys and liver failed. According to the grandmother, her granddaughter’s heart stopped in the early morning of September 4. Baranovskaya’s friends took charge of organizing the funeral. It is unknown who little Danya will stay with. Stella did not have time to file a lawsuit against the boy’s father.