Livanov's ex-wife and mother-in-law warn Maria Golubkina about the groom's terrible illness. Vasily Livanov’s daughter-in-law: “They didn’t let me meet my husband from prison! Boris Livanov with his father

Famous acting dynasties may become related this fall

About two months ago, knowledgeable people told us that Maria GOLUBKINA, who for almost ten years after her divorce from Nikolai FOMENKO, did not want to even think about serious relationship, a permanent man appeared. And she is supposedly going to get married again. The actress was not eager to reveal the name of her lover, skillfully encrypting and covering her tracks. Imagine our surprise when we finally found out that Masha now lives with... Boris LIVANOV - the eldest son of “Sherlock Holmes”, who served six years in a maximum security colony for murder!

Maria and Boris have known each other for a long time - they studied together in Shchuk. They say that already in their student years they had a casual connection. That quick and drunken episode has no meaning Golubkina, nor Livanov didn't give it. And in the winter we met at some theatrical banquet, sat down to remember our youth and somehow naturally went to spend the night at her house.

LIVANOV became for GOLUBKINA a prince on a white horse. Photo:

My daughter told me about Borka’s lyamurs and Golubkina for the first time at Easter, she told us Ekaterina Khruleva, ex-wife of Livanov’s son, who gave birth to a daughter, Eva, in 2002. - According to the court, my girl lives with the Livanovs ( when Boris was imprisoned, custody of Eva was transferred to his parents. Vasily Borisovich and Lyudmila Artemyevna managed to prove that Ekaterina- bad mother. - A.V.). The daughter, of course, knows who her dad hangs out with. She and Masha went to church on Easter and to the theater a couple of times... But no matter what they say now, no matter what engagements they announce, I personally think all this is not serious. I know Borya like crazy. Believe me, he has not yet completed a single task. And how many of these women he had after his release! First with the TV presenter Geley Frolova confused, then the actress Vika Zakharova went by ear. Probably until he fucks all his classmates, he won’t calm down. And he still has a lot of them - after all, Borya was not kept in any university for a long time. So I wandered from theater to theater.

1990 Photo:

- Why was he, the son and grandson of such famous artists, kicked out from everywhere?

Yes, I drank endlessly! Here Vasily Borisovich and his little wife, foaming at the mouth, prove to everyone that it was I who spoiled their son - I made him into a drunk, and brought him to prison. It was because of me that he supposedly got drunk then and grabbed a knife because he was jealous. Yeah! But for some reason the Livanovs are silent about the fact that they themselves coded their son when he was barely 18. They took him to the dacha, “stitched him up” and locked him there for a month. Borka himself told me about this. I also have a certificate from the hospital - I took it for the trial when the Livanovs took Eva away from me. The doctors then explained to me that at that age it is impossible to “stitch up.” Because of this, Borka's metabolism was completely disrupted and the roof was completely torn off. And in general, alcoholism is hereditary among the Livanovs. Everyone knows that there were three in the Union terry drunk actor - Vysotsky, Dahl and Livanov. Marina Vladi I even brought them a “capsule for three” from France to encode. And now Vasily Borisovich is pretending to be a saint!

Bori and Masha have many common interests. (2017) Photo:

- So Boris was drinking heavily even before he met you?

Certainly! We met at the courses Alexandra Porokhovshchikova, when Borya was already driven away from everywhere. I’m a little older; by that time I already had a daughter. But Borka had a crush on me and literally didn’t give me any way. He wrote poetry, accompanied him home and, if I didn’t let him in, got drunk and spent the night on the site. One day, he showed up to class drunk. Alexander Shalvovich asked me to have a preventive conversation with him and threatened to expel him. But then Porokhovshchikov drank with us all the way while we were driving from Yaroslavl on tour! And Borka’s parents immediately disliked me. I am like a bone across their throat. Even now.

Wedding dress Maria wore it twice in her life: to her wedding with FOMENKO and to the opening of the Moscow Film Festival four years ago. Photo by Artyom KOSTENKO

- So you and Borya have been divorced for many years!

We would never have divorced if the Livanovs had not forced us. Artemyevna ( Lyudmila Livanova - Boris's mother. - A.V.) was terribly jealous of my son. And then she started having health problems - almost all of her female parts were cut out. So it hit her - she began to perceive any woman as a rival. And Vasily Borisovich kept worrying that since I gave birth to Borya’s daughter, I would start laying claim to their apartment. Why the hell did she give it to me if I have my own in Khimki?! I immediately said to Bora: “Let me write a refusal letter!” We drew up a marriage contract, according to which I refused everything, but the Livanovs were not satisfied with this - they demanded our divorce.

This luxurious mansion, which Nikolai left to his wife and children after the divorce, is now run by another man. Photo by Ruslan VORONOY

Broken ribs

- Eva constantly lives with her grandparents. Are you still not satisfied with this state of affairs?

Certainly! I will fight for her to the last. The next court hearing is due to take place in July. Maybe this will change something. Evka will soon be 15, but her grandmother and grandfather have put so much fuss into her head... Although she often writes to me on WhatsApp about how bad she feels there and that no one needs her. Dad has no time for his daughter now - he’s running after women. And here, because of the crisis, I lost my job and was unable to pay alimony for Eva. So the Livanovs wrote up a statement, and now I have a criminal record for debt. I’m sitting without work - who needs it with such a story?.. Artemyevna is taking revenge on me for no reason. I forgot how my beloved son once drove her under the table and kicked her as hard as he could. I can say that I saved her from death then. As soon as Bora takes a drink, she completely stops thinking. That night, January 1, 2009, he went wild out of nowhere.

After 12 years of marriage, FOMENKO left the actress for the head of the press service of the Federation Council, Natalya KUTOBAYEVA. And surprisingly, he managed to cheat on her too. Actually, as it happened more than once in my marriage to Masha. Photo by Artyom KOSTENKO

- Did he beat you too?

Broke my nose and ribs. But I loved him. And she always forgave.

- Do you love him now too?

All her life GOLUBKINA considered Andrei MIRONOV her father, and still keeps the name of her real parent a secret

I love. And I know that he loves. We call each other and meet periodically. Before spring break, Eva was picked up from school together and the three of us sat in a cafe. Last time We picked up our daughter from school together and took her to a cafe. I suggested: “Let’s ignore everything and sign again. We will live with our family as before.” But Borka is like a heifer: he wants it and he injects himself. After prison, he depends even more on his parents - on full content they have.

Vasily and Elena LIVANOV raised their sons Borya (second from left) and Kolya the same way, but they could not even imagine what kind of “surprise” the eldest would give them in their old age

- Did you talk to him about Golubkina?

When I asked about Masha, Borka laughed and told me not to worry - he was not going to marry anyone. Livanov, of course, has a lot in common with Golubkina. Masha is also not a fool to drink. I wouldn’t be surprised that it all started when he and Borka were drunk. So, if you look at it: why the hell is this prisoner?! Yes Fomenko Never in his life would he allow some unemployed criminal Livanov to live next to his children, in the house he built with his own money! But even if the wedding happens, everything will go according to the standard scenario: first poems and flowers, then bruises and tears. And poor Golubkina will go on talk shows with a beaten face and complain about her drunkard husband. You'll see, everything will be so!

Ekaterina carefully preserves memorable photos: how she and her daughter went to the sea (Turkey, 2012)... Photo.

Scandal in the family people's artist Russia, the famous Sherlock Holmes - Vasily Livanov. While the actor's son Boris is serving time for murder, the famous dad took his disabled daughter away from his ex-wife. According to Ekaterina Livanova, the girl was kidnapped right from class by the wife of the People’s Artist Elena Artemyevna: “They are hiding Eva in country dacha, I haven’t seen her for three months.”

The woman recalls how the Livanovs said that the child was spoiled and asked for an abortion. Recently, a criminal case was opened against Catherine for non-payment of alimony. Who should 12-year-old Eva live with: her famous grandfather or her cashier mother? Is it possible to entrust the upbringing of a child to grandparents, who were against an unwanted granddaughter, and why now do they dream so much of becoming parents for Eva? We listened to the warring parties.

GITIS students Katya and Boris met on New Year's Eve 1998. And five days later, in New Year's Eve slept together. A couple of days later Katya’s doorbell rang, she opened it and was stunned...

Borya stood on the threshold with his things and said: “Now I will live with you,” recalls Ekaterina. - In front of my amazed mother, he brought in his bags and began to arrange things like a businessman. I didn’t show off, I left it with myself, especially since I, frankly speaking, fell in love.

At that time, Boris, the son of the nationally famous actor Vasily Livanov, was a free student at GITIS on the course of Alexander Porokhovshchikov, and Katya received a second higher education at the same university. Boris has a lot behind him unsuccessful attempts to get an acting education, which his dad clearly had no desire to help him with, a lot of whirlwind romances, and Katya got a divorce and Small child on hands. This is how their story began.

When I was nine months pregnant, we went to the registry office. There was no wedding; they signed secretly from Borya’s parents. They didn't accept me right away. I remember when Borya brought me to my first meeting, his dad Vasily Borisovich didn’t even greet me and went into another room. Apparently this was beneath his dignity. Mother Elena Artemyevna drank tea with us out of politeness. We almost didn't communicate anymore. The husband said this: “Mom doesn’t love you, because she didn’t see competitors in my other women, but I’m drawn to you.” Borya never got along with his parents and ran away from home from the age of 14. I always wanted independence, but they literally broke it. So he began to drink often, just like his dad. There was such a case: Borya went to his parents’ dacha near Moscow, and Vasily Borisovich was having another binge at that time. My husband called me from there drunk and shouted into the phone: “Katka, my boss and I got drunk, now we’ll take guns and shoot everyone.” Both of them, when they drink, become bad, it completely knocks their heads off. Borya beat me and my mother several times because he was drunk. Although, I won’t hide, I also drank with my husband and at these moments I could remember his ex-women, and for this I received a slap in the face.

Vasily Livanov

Katya speaks about her lover with such trepidation that you remember the words from folk saying“He hits - it means he loves.” She even talks about bruises with special tenderness. Griboyedov in “Woe from Wit” clearly noted: “Whoever is in love is ready for anything” and even go to a mental hospital for the sake of his beloved...

Borya many times even before the relationship with me lay in psychiatric hospital, where he was treated for alcoholism. When we started living together, his parents put him there again. It’s not just that Bori had a “squirrel”. I then decided to lie down with him to take care of my husband. She came to the hospital and said that I was also an alcoholic. The doctors refused at first, seeing that I was normal, but I began to beg them. As a result, I was assigned to a ward with grandmothers who suffer from depression. I entertained them there. And now, when they began to sue Boris parents because of my daughter, his dad Vasily Borisovich went to this hospital and, as I think, reached an agreement with the doctors there. In court he presented a certificate stating that I have chronic alcoholism. In this regard, the court limited parental rights. I began to appeal the court decision, take tests, go to doctors to prove that I was a teetotaler. And the Livanovs decided not to wait for the next meeting, but simply showed up at their daughter’s school and took her away from class. Now they are hiding Eva in a dacha in a gated community near Moscow. I did not see own daughter already three months. We only correspond with her via SMS and sometimes talk on the phone. Look what she writes to her sister Masha: “Mom can’t calm down with grandma. Actually, mom needs to be treated properly, but she says she doesn’t need it.” Vasily Borisovich and Elena Artemyevna are simply zombifying my daughter, instilling in her all sorts of nonsense.

The son of the star of the films “The Unsent Letter”, “The Master and Margarita”, “The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson” Boris Livanov is now serving his sentence in one of the colonies of the Voronezh region. In 2009, after New Year's Eve, he was detained on suspicion of murdering 31-year-old Igor Khromov. Katya vaguely remembers those events:

At first we celebrated at home with my mother and children, then Borya suggested going to visit our friend Lena at the neighboring house. When they arrived, she was not at home. A 17-year-old son and several adult men, who were clearly over 30, were sitting at the table. I started calling Lenka, she did not answer. In general, we decided to join them. Borya went to the store and bought vodka and a snack. I remember only in fits and starts, my husband did almost nothing at all... So what, we were drunk. As it turned out later, Borya went out onto the landing to smoke with a certain Igor, and after that the man was found dead with a knife wound. The husband was taken to the “monkey barn”. I came to him with a drink, well, a man needs to get over his hangover... The cops didn’t let him in. Well, then he was transferred to a pre-trial detention center. I went to see him every weekend. He gave me notes through a lawyer, and I did everything I asked. This is what my husband wrote about: “Buy three liter bags orange juice, pour half of each and pour in half a liter of vodka. When you hand over these packages, give 500 rubles to the person who will take this juice. I hope you can do everything quietly and calmly, as they say, without fuss and suicide. Let's relax at least a little in the house. Kiss Eve, hello everyone. Hugs."

Father Bori appeared in court twice and made scandals. At the sentencing he was generally insulted appearance the prosecutor, she then went and changed her clothes and demanded for her husband... nine years! That's how he got his sentence. When Borya was transferred to the Voronezh prison, contact with him was severed. Vasily Borisovich already tried there. He asked me to be removed from the list of people who may have the right to a date. He began to turn Boris against me. But it’s okay, I still love Borka and I write letters to him and send him photographs. He doesn’t answer, but I’m really looking forward to him, I’m sure that Boris still loves me, he’ll come back and we’ll live together... If only I could get my daughter back.

After six years of marriage, in 2005, Boris and Katya divorced. According to the woman, her lover’s parents insisted on this.

They told him: if you don’t divorce her, you won’t get housing. After we filed for divorce, his parents bought him a two-room apartment in Moscow. When Borya was imprisoned, I said that I would rent out this apartment, since I need to feed and clothe Eva. Vasily Borisovich and Elena Artemyevna then filed a lawsuit to restrict my parental rights and took my daughter away. They now rent out an apartment for 42 thousand a month, and at Eva’s expense they also receive 60 thousand a month: 20 thousand is their daughter’s disability pension (the girl has been hard of hearing since birth. - Author’s note) and 40 thousand for child care. Therefore, it is beneficial for them to have their daughter with them. But I didn’t give birth to my child for them! When Evochka lived with me, she went to an art studio, took ballroom dancing, and every year we went to the sea. I bought her a laptop and a tablet. The daughter had everything she wanted. I never prevented Eva from communicating with her grandparents. I don’t understand why they took my baby? I beg you, help me get my daughter back. I don’t have the same connections as Vasily Borisovich, I’m a simple cashier in a restaurant.

We reached Vasily Livanov:

My daughter-in-law is an inadequate drunk. There is a court decision, so Eva is with us. I don’t think it’s necessary to discuss this at all.

The actor hung up.

It seems there will be no end to the war for the child. The former daughter-in-law of the Soviet film actor Ekaterina assures that she will sue endlessly. None of the warring parties is going to seek compromises.

Ekaterina Livanova

In the presence of our correspondent, Katya called her former father-in-law:

Vasily Borisovich, hello. This is Katya. Me and my mother want to see Eva. Why didn’t you allow us to congratulate her even on her birthday?

Go to court.

The People's Artist hung up and did not answer the phone again.

When I was pregnant with Eva, my parents convinced my husband that I had spoiled the child and persuaded me to have an abortion,” recalls Katya. - And now they just deprived me of my daughter. I will do everything to be close to Evochka!

Date of Birth: 1974

TV presenter, writer, son of the famous Soviet actor Vasily Livanov and grandson of Boris Livanov. Boris Livanov born into a family famous actor Livanov and animation film artist Elena Artemyevna. Boris has younger brother Nikolay, cartoonist.

Biography of Boris Livanov

He studied at the Shchukin School, GITIS, and was often transferred due to poor attendance. Boris Livanov's only film role was his debut in the film " Don Quixote returns"in 1997. The directors of the film were Oleg Grigorovich and Vasily Livanov. Boris's father played main role Don Quixote, and Boris - Samson Carrasco.

Personal life of Boris Livanov

In 2002 Boris Livanov and his first wife Catherine had a daughter, Eva. The Livanov family is known for scandals in the press due to Boris’s drunkenness. In 2003, mother Elena Livanova wrote a statement to the police against her son, who threatened her with violence. Boris tried to attack her when she came to his apartment, where he, in a drunken state, handcuffed his wife to the radiator.

In 2009 Boris Livanov was convicted of murder. He served his sentence in a maximum security colony and was released after four and a half years. Since 2014, Livanov lived at his parents’ dacha, wrote two books, led family archive. In 2016 Boris started dating Angelina Frolova, with whom he studied at GITIS. The actress has two sons - Klim and Demyan.

In 2017 it became known that his son famous actor and actress Maria Golubkina began a serious romance and they are planning a wedding. The Golubkina and Livanov families had known each other for a long time; Maria and Boris studied together at the Shchukin School. In the program “Secret for a Million” Livanov stated that he had been in love with Golubkina for 25 years.

“You could say we have known each other all our lives. How could it be otherwise? There are three generations of actors in my family, Bory has four. He is the grandson of the legendary actor Boris Livanov and the son of People’s Artist Vasily Livanov, with whom my uncle Kirill Lascari was friends,” Maria Golubkina said in an interview. - He had just entered, and I was studying a year older. I didn’t even doubt that he had brilliant prospects, that he would be a prince and a lucky guy all his life... And then our paths diverged. I got married, gave birth to Nastya and Vanya, Bori also had a daughter, then a well-known difficult story happened to him. And then we met at a new stage in life: free and not yet quite old.”

Ekaterina Khruleva said that new darling her ex-husband will not find happiness in this marriage and, like her, will walk around “with a beaten face.”

Boris Livanov’s ex-wife Ekaterina said that Maria Golubkina is in vain hoping to marry the son of the legendary “Sherlock Holmes”. The woman is sure that an affair with an artist means nothing to Boris. And if the wedding does take place, Golubkina’s marriage to Livanov will not be sweet.

« My daughter told me for the first time about Borka’s lyamurs and Golubkina at Easter. According to the court, my girl lives with the Livanovs. The daughter, of course, knows who her dad hangs out with. But no matter what they say now, no matter what engagements they announce, I personally think it’s all frivolous“, said Ekaterina Khruleva, the ex-wife of Boris Livanov, who gave birth to his daughter Eva in 2002.

According to the woman, Boris has been dating one of his former classmates for a long time, then another. " I know Borya like crazy. Believe me, he has not yet completed a single task. And how many of these women he had after his release! At first he got confused with TV presenter Gelya Frolova, then he got into trouble with actress Vika Zakharova“Eg.Ru quotes Ekaterina.

At the same time, Khruleva is sure that Livanov still has feelings for her. " I know what he loves. We call each other and meet periodically. Before spring break, Eva was picked up from school together and the three of us sat in a cafe. I suggested: “Let’s spit on everything and sign again. We will live with our family - as before.” But Borka is like a heifer: he wants it and he injects“- said Livanov’s ex-wife.

When Catherine asked ex-spouse about Maria, he just laughed. " He told me not to worry - he wasn’t going to marry anyone.“Khruleva shared.

Meanwhile, according to her, Golubkina and Livanov have a lot in common. " I wouldn’t be surprised that it all started when he and Borka were drunk. So, if you look at it: why the hell is this prisoner?!“- Ekaterina was indignant.

Khruleva is sure that even if the wedding takes place, Golubkina will not find happiness in this marriage. " Everything will go according to the standard scenario: first poems and flowers, then bruises and tears. And poor Golubkina will go on talk shows with a beaten face and complain about her drunkard husband. You'll see, everything will be so“, noted Ekaterina, adding that her ex-husband often beat her. " Broke my nose and ribs. But I loved him. And I always forgave“, Khruleva summed up.

Let us remind you that on June 17, on the air of the “Secret to a Million” program, Maria Golubkina admitted that she was marrying the son of the legendary actor Vasily Livanov, Boris. Despite the fact that the chosen one has not yet given her a ring, they live together and intend to get married soon.

43-year-old Maria Golubkina went through a difficult divorce 9 years ago. Her husband Nikolai Fomenko fell in love with another woman and decided to leave Golubkina, with whom he lived for 12 years. But all this time, Fomenko supported and communicated with his son and daughter from his marriage to Golubkina. The couple’s children study abroad, and Golubkina herself lives in the mansion that Fomenko left to her and the children after the divorce. Lately her lover began to visit her. Finally, the actress has arranged her personal life - Golubkina is preparing for her wedding with 43-year-old Boris Livanov, the son of People's Artist Vasily Livanov.

Masha assured in the “Secret to a Million” program that she is not afraid of her chosen one’s past. Let us recall that Boris Livanov was convicted of murder for 8 years, served his sentence in a maximum security colony in the Voronezh region, and was released after 5 years, thanks to his exemplary behavior in the colony. According to the official version, Boris Livanov, in a drunken brawl, killed a man with whom he drank alcohol in the same company. Livanov was released in 2014, settled at his parents’ dacha, began writing a book, and maintaining a family archive. He and his wife are divorced, and their common daughter Eva lives with him and the elder Livanovs.

Maria Golubkina and Boris Livanov are familiar with student years— we studied together at the Shchukin School. The couple has been dating for almost a year.

“Masha was charming and unattainable, because she had friends older and smarter than us,” Boris Livanov said in the studio of the program. “I always liked her: with this pure, unclouded feeling, I came to visit her to voice the idea of ​​​​a project. But literally fifteen minutes later I forgot about the purpose of the visit. I understood why Masha couldn’t get out of my head for twenty-five years - it turned out that I was in love

Golubkina admitted that at first she doubted the sincerity of Boris’s feelings:

- Does he want something from me? For me to look after him? Does he want to sit on my neck? That's what I thought, but then I appreciated that he was smart, handsome, talented, his parents would be better than mine. He can snap his finger and girls will appear, but he chose me. And then I decided that this was my last time.

We have collected 10 facts about Boris Livanov that are known only to his relatives.

1. On that fateful New Year's Eve when the murder occurred, Livanov found himself visiting his ex-wife, although he lived with another woman. In an interview, Boris Livanov admitted that at that time he had a creative crisis, and the relationship with his beloved, whom he had been pursuing for a long time, was overshadowed by everyday troubles. He hasn't worked or written for 2 years. But there was a smart and intelligent woman nearby, this calmed and pleased the parents, but not Boris. Therefore, he visited his ex, and there a drunken fight and tragedy happened.

2. During visits in prison, Livanov’s parents told their son that the same woman Natasha had forgiven everything, loved him and was waiting for his return from prison. But when Boris was freed, it turned out that no one was waiting for him. He registered on social networks, found his beloved, but it turned out that she was no longer available.

3. But soon after being released on parole, Boris Livanov himself changed his status marital status V in social networks to "meets". Having mastered social networks with the help of his daughter, Boris began communicating with Angelina Frolova. They studied together at GITIS, in addition, the couple even had a relationship in their youth. “Spring began in autumn for the first time twenty years ago. And then there was long winter and again it’s spring here,” Livanov beautifully and skillfully wrote about his feelings.

Angelina has two sons, they managed to make friends with Boris and his daughter. But the couple broke up. After which Boris met for a short time with another former classmate.

4. During the trial of Boris Livanov, a friend of his ex-wife Ekaterina confirmed that during meetings with Boris, Katya mixed psychotropic drugs into alcohol. And she did this to get her husband back.

In an interview after his release, Boris and his family said that he did not remember the events of January 1st. Allegedly, he was not drunk, but was in a lethargic, not entirely adequate state; the policemen who arrested him also spoke about this.

Vasily Livanov and his ex-daughter-in-law Catherine.

5. Boris Livanov claimed in an interview that he remembered and would have felt that he had killed a person even in an unconscious state: “Not for a minute did I have the feeling that I was guilty of the death of a person... I consider what happened a monstrous tragedy that not only took life person, but also forced two families to go through hell—the deceased’s and mine.”

Boris Livanov in the studio of the “Secret to a Million” program.

6. Vasily Livanov emphasized that Boris’s life went downhill, he started drinking when he fell in love with Katya: “All his girls were from good families, beauties. And here is a strange character, free to the point of indecency, drinking.” The father explained his son’s choice by the fact that Borya wanted to know his friend’s side of life. In addition, next to her there was no need to live up to a famous surname and achieve something.

The famous actor Vasily Livanov said that his life rests on 3 pillars: family, faith and work. “I’m generally happy with life. The Lord does not test whomever he does not love. The test was given to my family so as not to rest on our laurels. After all, everything was very good.”

7. But Katya talks about ex-husband amazing things: “I broke my nose, my ribs. But I loved him. And she always forgave.” And the woman’s mother told in an interview how she, too, was beaten by her daughter’s husband—after the beating, she even ended up in the hospital. Ekaterina constantly emphasizes in her communications with journalists that when she met Boris Livanov, he was drinking. But the man always wanted a child, and when Ekaterina couldn’t get pregnant for a long time, he went to Juna to find out the reasons. She recommended that Boris not drink; he abstained from alcohol for six months and soon learned that he would become a father.

8. Before his divorce from his wife, Boris asked his parents to exchange their large apartment in the center of Moscow in order to get his share. In response, they bought their son a separate two-room apartment, where they registered Eva.

9. Boris still sometimes meets with ex-wife– their daughter is being raised in the Livanov family, so it happens that mom, dad and Eva go to a cafe and go for a walk. Eva also knows her future stepmother.

10. So far, Boris does not have a stable, decent source of income. Writing big money doesn't bring. Therefore, Livanov’s parents provide for his daughter. He dreamed of being an actor, but he only likes his start in Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson. Orne played a street boy who, when asked by the detective, “Anything else, gentlemen?” - says: “One cigar for everyone, sir!” Three other films in which he starred in the 90s were never released. Then the man hosted the program “Endless Journey with Boris Livanov” on the RTR channel, but left due to a conflict with the management. Boris has his own apartment in Moscow, in addition, he often visits country house parents on Nikolina Gora.

Livanov father and son. Maria Golubkina in the studio “Secret for a Million”.
Young Golubkina and Livanov - this is how they looked when they met. Photo: social networks. Bride and groom: Golubkina and Livanov. Photo: Facebook