The Shura singer showed a photo from the family archive. Nobody knows who he is

Shura is a singer, biography, whose personal life is of interest to thousands of his fans. Do you also like the work of this shocking performer? Then we recommend that you study this article.

Singer Shura: biography, parents

He was born on May 20, 1975 in Novosibirsk. In what family was the future singer brought up? Let's take a closer look at this.

Sasha’s biological father was a certain Vladimir Shapkin. But our hero doesn’t remember him. Shura's parents met when they were very young. Svetlana was then 17 years old, and Vladimir was 20. Soon the girl became pregnant. In May 1975, she gave birth to a son, whom she named Alexander. The boy's father refused to marry Sveta. They broke up for good.

New family

Shura's mother was still young and attractive girl. She wanted to improve her personal life. After some time, our hero got a stepfather - Nikolai Medvedev. It was he who gave the boy his last name. In this marriage another son was born, who was named Misha.

Svetlana and Nikolai lived together for several years. Then came the divorce. The woman was left alone with two children. Sasha became more and more like his father. And this greatly irritated his mother. Svetlana could yell at her eldest son over a trifle. But she loved Misha, cared for and cherished him. One day Shura found himself in a shelter. True, he did not stay there long.

The only person who cared about Alexander was grandmother Galina. She took the boy to her when he was 9 years old. The elderly woman surrounded him with attention and care. A few years ago my grandmother died. The disco star of the 1990s still calls her a holy woman and remembers her with kind words.


The biography of the singer Shura indicates that he did not have a musical education. However, this did not stop him from becoming one of the most recognizable Russian singers.

Sasha’s first performance in front of the public took place at the age of 13. He often came to the restaurant where his grandmother worked as a cook. And one day the boy was asked to go on stage and perform his favorite song. I must say that everything went well. The local audience received his performance very well. After this, the boy began to dream of the stage.

At the age of 16, Sasha got involved with bad company. These guys taught him to drink, smoke and swear. The grandmother tried to guide her grandson on the right path. But he didn't listen to her.


In the 11th grade, Alexander still managed to pull himself together. The biography of singer Shura says that the guy went to Riga. There he completed design courses. Then Sasha went to Moscow.

Creative path

The outrageous singer performed at the Manhattan Express club. That evening the guy made influential acquaintances. And soon a new star appeared on the stage.

In 1997, the biography of singer Shura was expanded important event. Then his debut album with the simple name Shura went on sale. The entire edition was sold out by fans in a couple of weeks. The song “Cold Moon” conquered all Russian discos.

In subsequent years, he continued to delight listeners with new compositions. “The Summer Rains Have Stopped,” “Don’t Believe Your Tears” and “Do Good” became real hits.

Singer Shura: biography, illness

After the release of his second album, the popular performer disappeared. Information leaked to the press that Sasha was seriously ill. Envious people and ill-wishers started talking about his drug addiction. And this really happened. But Alexander Medvedev ended up in the hospital for a different reason. He was diagnosed with testicular cancer in advanced stage. Our hero could only believe in a miracle.

The biography of singer Shura is a clear example how difficulties do not break character, but strengthen it. He was able to cope with the disease. Due to reception large quantity hormones necessary for treatment, our hero gained a lot of weight. It took him several months to get into shape.

In the late 2000s, the singer returned to the stage. Not a trace remained of his shocking image. Not everyone liked the “updated” Shura. He only had a few concerts a month. Tickets sold poorly. To regain his former popularity, Alexander Medvedev began appearing on TV. In the program “Musical Ring” he even had his own section - “Do good.”

Television projects

Many fans are still interested in the biography of singer Shura. The photographic performer often appears on the covers of magazines and newspapers. And all because he continues creative activity. Behind Lately Alexander Medvedev managed to try himself in different fields. Let's take a closer look at this.

In 2007, Shura appeared in the show “You are a superstar!” (NTV). The best stylists worked on creating his new image. As a result, he turned into a brutal and elegant man. The winner of the show was And Shura took an honorable second place.

In 2015, the Russia-1 TV channel launched the 3rd season of the One to One parody show. Alexander Medvedev took part in this project. The images he created were not always accurate, but evoked positive emotions from the audience.

Personal life

During the period when our hero was at the peak of his popularity, all sorts of rumors circulated about him. His shocking appearance and inappropriate behavior raised a lot of questions. For example, many people considered Shura to be a representative of sexual minorities. And the singer was in no hurry to refute such rumors. The main thing is that his person arouses such interest.

In May 2010, during the celebration of his 35th anniversary, he introduced his chosen one to the guests. Brunette Lisa made a good impression on the singer’s friends and colleagues. Their acquaintance with Alexander took place in the capital's Opera club. The girl worked as a promoter in this fashionable establishment. Shura spared no expense on the bride. He gave Elizabeth a Mercedes and several pieces of jewelry.

To date, nothing is known about their relationship. Our hero prefers to hide his personal life from prying ears and eyes.

Relationship with mother

On May 19, 2016, on the eve of his birthday, Shura went to Novosibirsk. He bought a bouquet of flowers for his mother. Our hero called her apartment for a long time, but no one opened the door. The singer sat down on a bench. And a few minutes later I saw my mother approaching the entrance. She walked past without even saying hello. Sasha only managed to hand her flowers. This behavior of the mother did not surprise the famous artist. But this time he hoped that he would make peace with her.

On his birthday, Shura went to the “Let Them Talk” program. Andrei Malakhov has prepared many pleasant surprises for him. The singer openly told viewers about his attempt to reconcile with his mother. Many people were moved to tears by his words.


A talented guy with a bright appearance and fine mental organization. Shura (singer) is exactly such a person. Biography, family and details of his personal life - all this is voiced in the article. Let's wish the famous artist more hits and fans!

Singer Shura. Photo: personal archive of Alexander Medvedev.

Alexander Medvedev, known under the pseudonym Shura, is a colorful figure. Inconceivable outfits, platform shoes and missing front teeth attract the public no less than vocal abilities. By the way, the singer has no musical education. The nugget spent his universities in restaurants, where he sang from the age of thirteen. Alexander inherited his artistry from his grandmother, who was of gypsy blood and performed amazing romances. Flipping through Family album, Shura talked about how he got rid of his drug addiction, defeated cancer and charmed Patricia Kaas.

1. I am thirteen years old. I'm passing through Moscow - going to Riga for design courses. You can say that I fell in love with Moscow from the first candy. When I was five years old I was given a box chocolates with the image of the Kremlin. I took it out into the yard and treated it to the guys. Then he cut off the cover with the picture and hung it above his bed. I said that I would definitely live in this city. And the dream came true.

2. Central park of the city of Novosibirsk, where I spent my childhood and youth. A very happy time. From the age of thirteen I sang in restaurants, earned money and took the kids from my class to the park to have fun. We walked, rode carousels, ate barbecue. I have never spared money for entertainment, for my family and friends.

3. This is me at my good friend Natasha’s dacha. I really like this place near Moscow. We often relax here, barbecue, and make fish soup. Well, yes, I like to fool around. These lambs are ceramic floor sculptures. Did you think they were alive? Ha ha ha.

4. I am with my grandmother Vera Mikhailovna, the closest and most adored person to me. She always supported me, gave me her blessing and money for all my endeavors. The grandmother was of gypsy blood and sang romances beautifully. She also had a skirt made from forty pieces, lined with bottle caps along the edges. When grandma walked, the skirt rattled like a tambourine.

5. Filming some TV program. I was a TV presenter. In total I had twelve different female images. As for Ksyusha Sobchak, we get along great. For her birthday, she often books a concert with my participation. I respect her, love her and say: “If I ever marry, then only someone like Sobchak.”

6. I’m at the Metelitsa club, running my own program. This is my last bleaching blonde: even then my hair began to fall out a little. I was diagnosed with cancer. I perceived what happened as a pattern. I had prophetic dreams that, they say, you will make it if you don’t stop taking drugs. But it was hard to stop. The illness became an incentive to quit, leave the environment that was sucking money from me for drugs, and completely change my life.

7. My twenty-second birthday. We celebrate it at the Metelitsa club. My girls are with me good friends. They sang in some youth group. Now I don’t remember the name, it quickly faded away. I love my birthday. I always celebrate it on a grand scale, noisy, fun and insanely expensive. Although I am getting older and older.

8. I’m in the guise of Baba Yaga, singing a song from the cartoon “The Flying Ship”, with the backing vocals “Buranovskie Babushki”. That day I had to go to the dentist and had my upper teeth. The director exclaimed: “Look at Shura: how responsibly he prepared for the role!” It was a fun number.

Shura is called the most outrageous singer modernity. This favorite of women and children is shrouded in a fog of rumors, gossip and mysteries. He decided to shed light on some of them

Sasha, it’s no longer a secret to anyone that you had big problems with drugs. Is this completely over now?
- Yes. I was really on drugs for three years. It was a very difficult period. Somehow I managed to work, but I also had to eat drugs.

- What do you mean “had to”? Force fed, or what?
- Yes, the whole party is like that! Don't you think they are saints? Russian show business just full of drugs. I really wanted to try it too. There was simply no strength to resist. Let's just say I wasn't smart enough. Thank God it's all over. I completed a rehabilitation course in a good clinic. It’s good that I survived this, that no one will tempt me with this now. There are no more drugs in my life. Now I'm alive healthy man. I'm working normally again.

- It seems like your mom helped you a lot?
- Yes, she came from Novosibirsk, got me into a clinic, lived there with me. The treatment, by the way, was not expensive, although a lot of things were prescribed. The course cost about two thousand dollars.

- Why have you gained so much weight?
- Because after the treatment I developed a beastly appetite. There are no more sunken cheeks and blurred eyes, you can see for yourself.

- If it’s not a secret, how much money did you spend on drugs?
- Everything was spent... Therefore for a long time I had neither an apartment nor a car. Everything was spent on friends, on restaurants, on drugs. It probably cost fifteen thousand dollars, or even more. But during the treatment, none of my colleagues were with me. I was silent about my illness. It was scary to look at me insane, so I behaved very separately.

- Sasha, who is the closest person to you now?

- Of course, mom. Now she lives with me in Moscow. For me she is also a friend. My mother helps me a lot - both in clothes and in repertoire. I'm glad about this, because before we weren't friends and didn't communicate much. Only when mom realized that her son was not doing such nonsense did things begin to work out for us. a good relationship. And so she gave me complete freedom, but we were not friends.

- Many people say that you have a progressive form of star fever. What do you think about this?
- star fever I had it right when I was on drugs. She passed unnoticed by me. And for those around me, probably, too, since I was sitting at home, not getting out.

- Scandals with organizers, disruption of performances, shocking behavior - is this a thing of the past or does this still happen?
- At one time it was fashionable to behave provocatively. The scandals were necessary, I had to go through it. There was such a Shura before. Now I'm different. Calmer, more professional and cultured. Now I arrive at all concerts on time, even earlier, which surprises everyone.

- At one time there was a story about how you hit your headmistress on the head with a suitcase. This is true?
- I'll tell you how it all happened. I'm flying from Switzerland to Sheremetyevo-2. On this day I am scheduled to have an important concert with Berezovsky in Moscow. I go up to my director and ask: “Please tell me, Snegol, where will the concert be?” “This information will cost you money,” my director answered me. Naturally, she got hit on the head with a suitcase. That's where we parted. It was just one blow, but serious and correct. Anyone in my place would do the same. But there was no beating.

- Is Snegol the girl who sheltered you in her communal apartment when you had nowhere to live?
- Yes she. I have not forgotten all the good things she once did for me. But then it was a different Snegol, who later changed a lot and fell in love with easy money. She, like many, was spoiled by show business.

- How is your personal life now?
- Amazing. I love and I am loved. Everything is fine. In this regard, I do not suffer.

- Is it true that you had an affair with current spouse Natasha Koroleva Tarzan?
- Precisely because he is now the Queen’s husband, I would not want to answer this question. I'll just say one thing: I love beautiful people and it doesn’t matter to me what gender they are.

- It was rumored that during drug addiction you, as a singer, have come to naught. This is true?
- The drugs that I used, fortunately, did not affect the ligaments. Although there are, of course, a lot of people who completely suppress their voices. I retained my ability to work. After I stopped using this poison, my vocal range even increased. Not Mariah Carey, of course, but somewhere already close. I can sing in falsetto, I can sing in bass. I can sing in an operatic voice. I can’t say exactly how many octaves I take, because I don’t know solfeggio well.

The performer of the hits “Do Good” and “The Summer Rains Have Stopped Making Noise” is being evicted from his apartment by his relatives through the court

Missing front teeth, a bald head, high-platform shoes and strange outfits - this is what singer Shura looked like when he appeared on stage in the mid-nineties. They called him gay, a feathered wonder, mentally unstable. By show business standards, the Shura project was extremely successful, but in 2002 the singer disappeared as suddenly as he had appeared, and reappeared only five years later. The artist transformed himself, changed his crazy outfits to a solid suit, put in teeth...

As a child, Alexander Medvedev (real name Shura) was not loved, and was not taken seriously in his youth. Now the court is trying to deprive him of his apartment birth mother. ABOUT lawsuit and not only 38-year-old Alexander Medvedev was interviewed by the host of the “We Talk and Show” (NTV) program Leonid Zakoshansky.

* “I returned to show business as a completely different Alexander Medvedev,” says the artist

— How did you find out that your mother sued you?

Shura:— My mother sent a lawsuit for my eviction from an apartment in Novosibirsk to my director by mail. IN statement of claim she pointed out that I have several apartments in Moscow and my own office. Although in reality I have nothing in Moscow! No registration, no apartment, not even a car!

In general, I was in shock, although I always knew that any inappropriate act could be expected from her. But still, this is my own mother! She could have called me and suggested, Sasha, let’s sell the apartment, I would have understood. But act on the sly! So mean...

Director and friend of Shura Pavel Deperschmidt: — When Sasha saw this lawsuit, at first he didn’t even understand what was happening, he was so amazed. He paused, then said: “Okay, let him check out of the apartment.” A minute later it dawned on him: “What is this, am I going to be homeless now?” After all, now he can’t go to the bank, or get a foreign passport, or get medical insurance... Sasha loves his mother, sends her money. And she states in the lawsuit: “We do not maintain relations with him. Presumably lives in Moscow.”

The artist’s lawyer Alexander Treshchev:— It is impossible to discharge the singer from the apartment unless he provides documents proving that he owns other real estate. The court cannot rule in favor of the mother and throw Alexander out onto the street. (The court granted the claim of singer Shura’s mother for the loss of his right to use an apartment in Novosibirsk. Alexander Medvedev appealed this decision. - Ed.)

- Do you really not communicate with your mother at all? Maybe, at least for some reason family holidays is she calling you?

Shura:- Never. Recently I was attacked on the street with a knife. They talked about this on TV and wrote in the newspapers. And even then she didn't call me. Only one day on my birthday (I turned 25) my friend Natasha secretly found my mother’s number in my phone and called her. When my mother answered the call, Natasha literally forced her to talk to me. We talked for the first time in a long time. They talked for a long time, even both of them burst into tears. But this was an isolated incident.

*Singer Shura: “In the middle90sthe public could only be surprised by a shocking image and complete absence complexes"

— Have you visited your mother recently?

Shura:- Well, first of all, not visiting my mother, but at home. I still think it's mine native home, although I don’t even have keys, because my mother constantly changes the locks. Last time I was there about five years ago. And during that wonderful time when we worked seven days a week, I sent my mother $500 from each concert for several years.

— How did your mother treat you as a child?

Shura:“I was an unwanted child, she wanted to get rid of the pregnancy.” Mom called me a miscarriage and always found a reason to scold me. It seems to me that she loved my father so much that when he left her, she began to blame and hate me. Imagine, she didn’t even allow me to call her mom - only Sveta! Otherwise she would beat me. As a child, I couldn’t understand why my mother couldn’t be called mom, but I didn’t want to get punched in the face either...

One day I returned from school early and found my mother with her lover. Out of jealousy, I cut off all the buttons on his clothes. And in general, he then tried in every possible way to quarrel between them - he “kissed” his shirt with red lipstick, and put soldier’s shoulder straps in her pockets. But I was not a bad son! I loved my mother and still love her. I was always drawn to her, gave her gifts made with my own hands, and she... gave me away to Orphanage, when I was nine years old. Why? Yes, I just disturbed her, because my mother was young, and the apartment was one-room. She tried her best to arrange her personal life, but potential suitors for her hand were blown away like the wind when they saw children's things in the apartment. So she blamed me for her loneliness.

— Was life bad in the orphanage?

Shura:“I was always a lively kid, and in the orphanage no one bothered me much. Moreover, I often went to my grandmother’s restaurant, where she worked as a chef, and picked a bunch of fruit there. By the way, my mother strictly forbade me from telling my grandmother that she sent me to an orphanage. Grandma continued to think that I lived at home. So, I picked fruit from her and distributed it to the children. This is how I earned myself immunity and even, one might say, authority.

— So you didn’t lose your front teeth in an orphanage?

Shura:- Knocked out my teeth younger brother Misha (Mikhail Dudchenko. - Ed.). And I still have a lot of scars from him. Mom constantly pitted us against each other and wanted us to be at enmity.

The artist’s mother was not present in the studio, but in her interviews she tries to justify herself. "There was no orphanage! - states Shura's mother Svetlana Medvedeva. “I didn’t have a husband, I was alone with two boys, and they had endless fights, so much so that the glass in the doors broke!” I sent Sasha to boarding school so that he could live in peace for at least a week. But as soon as he complained, she immediately took him away. Terrible things happened at the boarding school - children hurt each other, set fire to beds... Sasha only stayed there for a month.”

Shura:“My grandmother took me from the orphanage, she was the only one who needed me.” I was teased at school and after sixth grade I dropped out. Yes, yes, I didn’t even finish school, can you imagine! Why do I need education when I have a “honorable diploma” from the school of life. But he began performing at the restaurant where my grandmother worked.

— Did your stage image begin to take shape already then?

Shura:- Yes, and also thanks to my grandmother. Grandma is the most cheerful and sincere person in my life. One day, two weeks before the New Year, she began to wear an unusual gypsy skirt, which was embroidered with... bottle caps. My grandmother also allowed me to try on her wigs, of which she had a lot. And so, at the age of 12, I began to put on my grandmother’s costumes, jewelry, and platform boots and go on stage dressed like that. I sang songs by the groups “Tender May” and “Modern Talking” and, you know, received a storm of applause.

“But it wasn’t your performances in the restaurant that made you popular.” How did you manage to reach a new level?

Shura:— You can say that the restaurant gave me a chance. It was there, when I was 17 years old, that I met the young musician Pavel Yesenin. Pasha wrote several songs for me, and over time they became hits. The first person to appreciate my album was my grandmother. She said: “You sing so well! But I didn’t understand what language.” Then Pasha convinced me that I would be successful with this album. And I went from Novosibirsk to Moscow. By the way, five years later Pasha became a famous composer - he wrote songs for Alla Pugacheva, Diana Gurtskaya, Dima Malikov.

It’s clear that no one was waiting for me in Moscow. For two weeks I lived... in botanical garden, right on the bench! It’s good that it was summer - I picked berries and ate. It was fun. During the day he begged, and at night he went to nightclubs and looked for at least some kind of work. He even agreed to be a dishwasher. And when he really wanted to eat, he offered his songs in exchange for a bowl of soup. One Moscow prostitute saved me. She took pity on me and let me live with her. But for some reason she was afraid to leave me at home alone, so she took me with her to work. So I was in the right place at the right time. In one of the most popular clubs in Moscow, a casting was held for aspiring singers. This was my chance! I was the last one to go on stage, wearing a fur coat and bright makeup. In the mid-nineties, the jaded Moscow public could only be surprised by a shocking image and a complete lack of complexes. And in the end, I was one of hundreds of applicants who got a job in a prestigious nightclub.

Pop artist Alexander Peskov:— I was on the jury of this competition. When Sasha came out, I was stunned, in a good way this word. And I thought: “Wow, how brave!”

Journalist Otar Kushanashvili:“Even though I was warned to take Validol with me to his performance, I thought that this was said for form’s sake. But it turned out to be true.

Shura:— The managers announced me as the son of Russian emigrants from America. The director of Zhanna Aguzarova came up with this game: “You sing one song in English, pretend that you don’t understand anything in Russian and leave.” But in fact, I didn’t know a word of English! I had to bluff. The lack of teeth played a hand here - English sound“the” was very easy to pronounce. One day the famous stylist Alisher saw my performance. He was working on his image best stars Russian stage- Sofia Rotaru, Zemfira, Pugacheva, Kirkorov, Rasputina...

Alisher asked me only one question: am I ready to become a star? He convinced me to add some details to the image. When working on the image, we were guided by Ozzy Osbourne and Marilyn Manson. In general, Shura was a blast.

— How did you feel when you became a star?

Shura:“I was blinded, dizzy in an eternal holiday. Along with popularity came a bunch of pseudo-friends. I borrowed money left and right, paid for everyone at banquets, bought drinks, threw parties... I'm generous, yes. Money doesn't mean much to me at all. If it's enough to buy my dog ​​a piece of meat, everything is fine. This is important to me, but money is not.

But I still remained a lonely Novosibirsk boy. And that’s why, when they first offered me drugs, I didn’t refuse. I was accustomed to such rubbish that you get used to incredibly quickly, but it causes constant feeling anxiety and irritation. I constantly had a headache; one unkind word was enough for me to fall into hopeless depression. At the slightest provocation he would shed tears and throw tantrums. I became uncontrollable - I threw myself at the guards, pulled assistants by the hair, disrupted concerts - it’s terrible to remember. But the public was only entertained by this, everyone thought it was a show, and no one understood that in fact I was just dying. At concerts there were five thousand people in front of me, but when I came home, I was left alone. I constantly heard in my head: “Nobody needs you.” And I had to suppress these thoughts with drugs.

— When did you decide to quit drugs?

Shura:— One morning I saw that my dog ​​had nothing to eat. And I have nothing either - the refrigerator is empty, there is no money. I decided: to hell with all these crowds of guards, retinue, let it all go... far away! I realized that I want to go back to normal life, and voluntarily went to a drug treatment clinic. Just in time, as it turned out. Doctors discovered I had knee cancer. In two months I was supposed to die. And then, when I called all my “friends” and asked them to borrow at least a little money to save my life, every single one of them told me “no”. At that moment I could have gotten drunk, called drug dealers, forgotten, but I pulled myself together and survived! The operation was performed, everything went well.

Treatment for cancer took place simultaneously with treatment for drug addiction. I was lying under two IVs: in right hand They put chemistry on me and anti-addiction drugs on my left side. I had time to reassess my life and I felt sick of myself. After leaving the hospital, I threw away all my heels, terrible outfits and began to clean myself up. But because of chemotherapy, I had another problem - my metabolism was disrupted, I gained weight from 46 to 130 kilograms! I was terribly embarrassed by this, afraid to leave the house, not to mention the stage. No diets or diet pills helped. I had to take desperate measures: I borrowed money from the owner of the establishment where I started my career and had liposuction. I don't hide it. I had 50 kilograms of excess fat removed.

— Was it scary to return to the stage after a five-year break?

Shura:- Terrible! Besides the fact that I was still fat, my hand began to shake. When I was invited to speak at a private party, I was more nervous than ever. I understood that if even one person let me know that they noticed my hand, which was just shaking, I would burst into tears. But everything worked out - I spent the performance sitting on a bar stool, with my hand under my butt. And the fear began to recede. And I gradually returned to show business. But a completely different Alexander Medvedev.

Prepared by Ilona VARLAMOVA, especially for FACTS

The boy was born in Novosibirsk, into a family that cannot be called prosperous. This is because his parents paid much more attention to his brother. Only at the age of 16 did the guy find out that the father who raised him was not actually his own: when Sasha received his passport, his mother suddenly asked him to enter a different middle name there.

This explained everything: several years earlier the guy had been sent to an orphanage, where he was raised for some time until his grandmother took the baby home. They were involved in his upbringing. She instilled in the child a passion for extravagant clothes and similar antics.

Grandma was an ordinary cook, but in the evenings and weekends she loved to put on incredible makeup, dress like a pop diva and sing romances in front of the mirror. Sasha began playing music with her, and used his discovered vocal talents for part-time work: he sang in restaurants.


But the guy had to learn. For some reason, he chose Riga as the city where the future singer stayed to study. Music education the guy never got it - he chose the design department. His unusual, extravagant taste, now backed up by his knowledge of the “mathematics” of style, will play a decisive role in Alexander’s life.

He went to Moscow from Riga without a penny. In one of his interviews, Shura says that at first his refuge was benches in the botanical garden, and later a small apartment on Leninsky, which he rented together with the prostitute Tanka. The young man continued to sing in restaurants - now in the capital, but it did not bring in a lot of money. They were only enough to pay for rent and food for themselves, Tanka and her Pekingese dog.

However, the future Shura did not wander for long. The necessary acquaintances were quickly made in the restaurant, including with producers and fashion designer Alisher, who gave Shura valuable advice on the completeness and integrity of his unusual image. The creative guys became very good friends. It is known that Shura still collaborates with Alisher.

Do good

The singer's breakthrough performance took place in one of the most fashionable clubs in the capital. He was immediately remembered, and then fell in love, first with the Moscow crowd, and then with the whole country. The light and goodness that radiated from the young lisping boy with powerful energy and deep voice conquered even conservatives and ardent opponents of the era. Soon the hits “The Summer Rains Have Stopped,” “Cold Moon” and “Do Good” scattered throughout the entire territory of the former USSR.

Shura really got into the flow. Dance compositions and positive lyrics became hits, the strangely dressed and professionally made-up singer himself actively supported the image of a homosexual, in a word, Shura as a project was extremely fashionable and popular.

He received staggering salaries, was loved and had extraordinary prospects. In those days, Shura managed to buy an apartment in the center of Moscow, which today is valued at 60 million, as well as earn and save significant funds. Even with the fading of the pop fashion of the 90s, he was still popular, until he literally disappeared from the radars of his fans overnight.

The disappearance was strange and illogical: time had not yet driven Shura from the stage, shocking behavior was only welcomed in the early 2000s, the singer’s performance seemed to last for another three decades. But he just disappeared.

Terrible diagnosis

Shura will appear more than five years later. Plump, bald. The same attentive blue-eyed gaze now followed the life of the stage from behind glasses, and smiling, the singer beamed with a Hollywood smile. The singer stunned his fans, eager for details, with his confession: then he went to the hospital with certain symptoms. From a regular therapist I quickly got to an oncologist, from where within a week I was on my way to undergo a difficult operation.

Shura was diagnosed with cancer, the first symptoms of which he missed. The singer admitted: in the wake of his popularity, he tried drugs, which worsened his cancer. Cancer of a delicate organ - the testicle - was in an advanced stage at the time of going to the hospital and had already metastasized. But a hundred times more difficult than the operation was the course of chemotherapy, which was difficult for the singer.

In parallel with treatment for cancer, he underwent rehabilitation for drug addiction. Some of the procedures were in Russia, others were performed by Shure in one of the clinics in Switzerland. In total, the singer spent about one million dollars on a five-year rehabilitation course. Numerous friends from show business helped the sunny and kind guy with money.


He returned to the stage after an eternity. Other songs were already sung here, other performers appeared on stage. He was not destined to become a triumphant man, but Shura still had his admirer.

On the day of his 35th birthday, Shura debunked the main myth about himself: he brought the charming brown-haired Lisa onto the stage, whom he introduced as his bride.