How to close account 43 in 1s 8.2. Closing the month in accounting

Accounting account 43 is the active “Finished Products” account. It is used by organizations conducting production (including industrial, agricultural) activities to display business transactions with finished products (products).

Account 43 takes into account products produced by the enterprise intended for sale or for internal use.

The balance on account 43 is formed only by debit and represents balances finished products at any point in time. When products/items arrive at the warehouse, account 43 is debited. When selling or otherwise transferring finished products (defects, write-offs, consumption, etc.), the account is credited.

Analytical accounting for account 43 is carried out both for individual categories of finished products and for places (warehouses) of their storage.

Important! Finished products need to be accounted for in both monetary and natural units to increase the accuracy of accounting and ease of calculating the cost per unit of production.

In addition, within account 43 you can create subaccounts for accounting for finished products:

  • 43.1 – at planned cost;
  • 43.2 – at actual cost.

Accounting at planned or actual cost is determined by the standard adopted in the organization accounting policy.

Typical transactions for account 43

Account 43 correspondence

Account 43 corresponds in debit with the accounts of production (20, 23, 29), production output (40), internal expenses (79), authorized capital (80) and other income and expenses (91). Such postings indicate the acceptance of finished products for accounting.

For the loan, account 43 corresponds with the accounts of production (20, 23, 29), materials (10), general production, general and commercial expenses (29, 26, 44), defects in production (28), shipped goods (45), settlements - with debtors and creditors and intra-economic (76, 79), authorized capital (80), sales (90), shortages and losses from damage to valuables (94), deferred expenses (97), profits and losses (99). With similar postings, finished products are written off from account 43.

When accepting finished products for accounting, the accountant makes the following posting options:

Dt CT Content A document base
43 20, 23, 29 Receipt of GP from any production to the warehouse Purchase Invoice
43 79 Receipt of GP from any division of the enterprise Transfer and Acceptance Certificate
43 98 Accounting for GP as a discount for the buyer Packing list
43 80 The entry of a state enterprise as a contribution to the authorized capital Minutes of the board's decision

Postings for writing off the cost of finished products from the balance sheet:

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Dt CT Content A document base
45 43 Shipment of GP to third parties Transfer and Acceptance Certificate
80 43 Transfer of a state enterprise under a simple partnership agreement Transfer and Acceptance Certificate
94 43 Write-off of GP when a shortage is detected Commission report, Inventory sheet
44 43 GP consumption for commercial purposes Expense report
97 43 The cost of the GP used to perform the work is written off as deferred expenses. Work contract

The accounting scheme for finished products looks like this:

Examples of transactions on account 43

Example 1. Accounting for finished products at actual cost

Milk LLC produces milk. In October, 145 liters of milk were produced. The expenses of the main production amounted to 3,625 rubles, and auxiliary ones - 870 rubles.

The following entries were made for account 43:

Dt CT Content Amount, rub. A document base
20 10, 70, 69 Costs of main production are reflected 3 625 Bill of lading, certificate of completion of work, payroll, etc.
23 10, 70, 69 Auxiliary production costs taken into account 870 Same as in main production
20 23 The cost of production takes into account the costs of auxiliary production 870 Costing
43 20 The batch of milk has been received into the warehouse 4 425 Purchase Invoice

Example 2. Sales of products at retail or wholesale

Pishchevik LLC is engaged in the production of sausages and has its own store for selling products. At the end of October, 3,000 sticks of premium raw smoked sausage were produced; production costs for this volume amounted to 744,000 rubles; 1,500 sticks of sausage were given to the store for sale; retail price of one stick is 450 rubles, incl. VAT 68.64 rub.; commercial expenses amounted to RUB 25,800.

The list of products (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 31, 2004 No. 908), taxed at a VAT rate of 10%, includes raw smoked sausages except the highest grade, so in this case the VAT rate will be equal to 18%.

Here is a table of transactions for account 43:

Dt CT Content Amount, rub. A document base
43 20 A batch of premium raw smoked sausages has arrived at the warehouse of Pishchevik LLC from production 744 000 Purchase Invoice
43.1 43 Part of the finished products was transferred for sale (1,500 * (744,000/3,000)) 372 000 Sales Invoice
50 90.1 Revenue from sales through the retail network is taken into account 675 000 Implementation report
90.3 68.1 VAT VAT on sales 102 966 Implementation report
90.2 43.1 The cost of products sold through the distribution network is written off as expenses 372 000 Costing
90.2 44 25 800 Expense report
90.9 99 Profit from the sale of sausages through the retail network is reflected (675,000 - 102,966 - 372,000 - 25,800) 174 234 Turnover balance sheet

The remaining 1500 pcs. the enterprise sold wholesale (the wholesale price of one stick of sausage is 350 rubles; sales costs are 15,400 rubles):

Dt CT Content Amount, rub. A document base
62 90.1 Revenue from the wholesale sale of a batch of sausage is taken into account (350 * 1,500) 525 000 Packing list
90.3 68.1 VAT VAT on sales 80 085 Invoice
90.2 43.1 The cost of a batch of sausage has been written off 372 000 Costing
90.2 44 Sales costs written off 15 400 Expense report
90.9 99 Profit from the wholesale sale of sausages is reflected (525,000 - 80,085 - 372,000 - 15,400) 57 515 Turnover balance sheet

IN step by step instructions We will look at how in 1C Accounting 8.3 accounting of finished products and costs for them is carried out.

Before you start accounting for finished products, you need to make some preliminary settings. First of all, let's expand the functionality of the program. This can be done by clicking on the hyperlink of the same name in the “Main” section.

In the window that opens, on the “Production” tab, you need to check the box, as shown in the figure below. Otherwise, the production and release processes will not be taken into account in the program.

You most likely noticed that in our picture the “Production” flag is checked, but is not editable. This happened because the program already has documents within this functionality. To view a list of them, follow the “Production” hyperlink below.

The program generated a report for us with a list of all documents in the program that relate to production processes and product output. It is their existence that will not allow this functionality to be disabled.

The next important setting is to take into account deviations from the planned cost. When the flag is set, these deviations will be reflected in the 40th count. At the end of the month, an adjustment will be made by a special assistant to close it, and the products released will be assigned to account 43.

If you do not use such an add-on, the product release will be immediately attributed to account 43. Next, we will look at accounting reflection for both program setup options.

SOE accounting operations

Taking into account deviations from the planned cost

To reflect in the program the release of the GP produced by our organization, use the document “”. You can find it in the “Production” section.

First, we indicate all the document header data. In our example, the organization Confetprom LLC produced a certain product that was placed in the main warehouse. By default the accounting account will be 20.01.

On the “Products” tab, a list of state enterprises for which you want to reflect the release is indicated. In this example, we produced one thousand kilograms of Assorted sweets and five hundred kilograms of Cherry in Cognac. The document indicates planned prices, accounting account 43, product group and specification. The program fills in some of this data on its own.

If finished product If there is a specification, then the “Materials” tab can also be filled in automatically, which greatly simplifies the work.

Please note that our candies are set to the “Products” nomenclature type, since they are a state-of-the-art product we produce.

In the situation we are considering, deviations from the planned cost are not taken into account. This is reflected in accounting policy the absence of a flag of the same name.

In this case, when conducting a production report for a shift, the “Assorted” and “Cherry in Cognac” candies will immediately be reflected on account 43, as shown in the image below. With this setting of accounting policy 40, the account for production output will not be used.

The sale of GP is reflected in the document “Sales (acts, invoices)”.

Closing the month

Let's move on to the end of October 2017, since that was when the release of our sweets was reflected.

In the routine operation to close accounts 20, 23, 25, 26, an adjustment was made to the output of products, namely our produced candies. As you can see in the image below, the adjustment was reflected immediately in account 43.

You can immediately generate from processing the month end. In our example, only the “Assorted” and “Cherry in Cognac” candies were included.

From this assistant you can generate other useful certificates and calculations.

Without taking into account deviations from the planned cost

Now let’s go back to the accounting policy of Confetprom LLC and set the flag in the item “Deviations from the planned cost are taken into account.” Now, when releasing a GP, score 40 will be used.

Let's check this by rerunning the previously created shift production report. In the formed movements, we see that the candies “Assorted” and “Cherry in Cognac” passed instead of Kt 20.01 to Kt 40.

At the end of the month, when closing accounts 20, 23, 25, 26, the generated movements when using the setting for the need to take into account deviations from the planned cost will differ from the previous example. Adjusting output will first create movements from 20.01 to 40 counts and only after that from 40 to 43 counts.

As part of the instructions on how to close account 20, as well as other cost accounts - 23, 25, 26 in 1C: Accounting 8.3, it should immediately be noted that when checking this operation at the end of the month, the balances on accounts 25 and 26 * at the end there should not be a month; on 20 and 23, on the contrary, there may be a balance for the amount of work in progress, work or services.

*In tax accounting, until December 31, account 26 can be closed with a balance for standardized expenses (for example, advertising expenses).

From the point of view of the cost of goods produced, all expenses are classified as direct or indirect*. The first of them can, without a doubt, be included in the production process of specific types of goods, that is, they can be consumables, salaries of key production personnel, etc. The accounts of such expenses can be viewed in the “Nomenclature group” section, but indirect ones cannot, because they cannot be attributed to the initial cost certain type goods. They are usually attributed, for example, to administrative expenses, payment for the work of the administrative and managerial level, etc.

*This distinction is typical primarily for the accounting of industrial companies.

Closing cost accounts at the end of the month

Closing the 25th account, as well as 20, 23 and 26, is carried out through the corresponding regulated operation, which is located in the section “Operations/Period Closing/Month Closing” or “Operations/Period Closing/Routine Operations”.

Displaying both types of expenses in accounting

The table “Settings for reflecting and writing off expenses in accounting” (below) contains settings for both types of expenses in accounting, which are located in the “Main/Accounting policies” section.

Commercial structures whose business is based on services to manufacturers check the box next to “Performance of work/provision of services...”, to configure “Costs are written off” according to one of the options:

  • "Excluding revenue": from Kt 20 to Dt 90.02, i.e. even if there is no turnover on account 90.01.
  • “Including all revenue”: from Kt 20 to Dt account 90.02 in the context of the item groupings for which it was.
  • “Including revenue from production services only”: can be written off after registration of the issue through an act of services performed.

Manufacturers themselves must mark for execution "Output".

After these steps, a set of switches will become available “General business expenses are included”:

Thus, indirect expenses from Kt 26 will be written off to Dt of direct accounts - 20 or 23 (in the second case, at the end of the month, additional expenses will be automatically written off to Dt 20, and then from Kt 20 to 40 or 43).

If account 25 is used to display indirect expenses in a manufacturing company, then you need to establish a rule for posting them on direct accounts using the link to the posting methods discussed above. According to the accounting methodology, from 25 they are posted to Dt 20 or 23. Similarly, in the case of distribution to 23, at the end of the month the costs will automatically be written off to Dt 20, and then closed at 40 or 43.

That is, when closing the month, indirect expenses are first written off from Kt 26 to Dt 90.08 (in case of write-off using the direct costing method) or from Kt 26 to Dt 20 or 23 (according to the posting rules, if any have been established). Costs from 25 will be written off in Dt 20 or 23 according to the redistribution rules. Direct items are written off by item groups to cost.

Expenses in tax accounting

The list of direct expenses attributed to production is in the section “Main/Accounting policies/Setting up taxes and reports/Income tax/List of direct expenses.”

Expenses not listed among direct expenses will be considered indirect in tax accounting and will be written off on 90.08, and direct expenses will be written off on 40.

Finished products- main result production process enterprises. It appears in the form of products and items, the processing of which in a given organization has been completed in full, complying with the standards and specifications accepted by the quality control department and transferred to the finished product warehouse. Let's consider typical wiring on release and in accounting according to and account.

Tasks of accounting for finished products in accounting:

  • constant control over the volume of finished products and their quality, safety of stocks and their size;
  • timely and competent documenting products shipped to customers;
  • strict control over the supply of finished products and their compliance with concluded contracts in terms of quantity, nomenclature and assortment;
  • accurate and timely calculation of sales revenue, actual cost and profit.

Production and release of finished products in postings on accounts 43 and 40

The output of finished products is accounted for at planned or actual cost. In the first case, it is used, from which the actual cost is then written off and the difference between the actual cost and the planned cost is adjusted in correspondence with the account .02 using a separate posting.


Account Dt Kt account Wiring description Transaction amount A document base
() ( , ) Finished products are released from production and put into storage at their actual cost 5000 Help-calculation, cost calculation
Manufactured finished products are taken into account at their planned cost 5100 Certificate of calculation, certificate of release of finished products
.02 The difference in the cost of manufactured finished products has been adjusted (savings) 100 Help-calculation (closing the month)

How to reflect sales of products in transactions

Sales volume includes all finished products shipped to customers, regardless of whether they have been paid for or not. Products can be sold either with subsequent payment after shipment or with prepayment.


Account Dt Kt account Wiring description Transaction amount A document base
1. Sale of finished products before payment by the buyer
90.02 Finished products are sent for sale at their actual cost 5000 Invoice (TORG-12)
90.01 Reflected revenue for sold products including VAT 7080 Waybill (TORG-12) and invoice
VAT on products sold is reflected 1080
The supplier's debt for shipped products has been repaid 7080
2. Sale of finished products on prepayment
Received advance payment from buyer 7080 Payment order, bank statement
76 VAT is charged on the prepayment amount 1080 Sales book,
90.02 5000 Waybill (TORG-12), invoice
90.01 Sales revenue taken into account 7080 Waybill (TORG-12), invoice
The prepayment received earlier was taken into account as repayment of the debt to the buyer 7080 Help-calculation
76 VAT is credited from the prepayment amount 1080 Invoice

Account 43 is used in accounting by enterprises production sector to reflect transactions with finished products. In the article we will talk about the specifics of using account 43, and also consider typical postings and examples of operations with finished products.

Account 43 in accounting. Features of use

To reflect the receipt of finished products (GP) of own production, Dt 43 is used. When writing off finished products (consumption, defects, shipment, transfer, etc.), entries are made according to Kt 43.

Acceptance of GP for accounting can be carried out in several ways. Here are some of them:

Debit Credit Description Document
43 20, 23, 29 Receipt of GP from production to the enterprise warehouse (main/auxiliary/service production).Purchase Invoice
43 76 Receipt of SE as part of the enterpriseTransfer and Acceptance Certificate
43 80 GP accepted as a contribution to the authorized capitalMinutes of the board's decision
43 98 GP is taken into account as a discount provided to the buyerPacking list

Write-off of the cost of GP from the balance sheet can be reflected by the following entries:

Debit Credit Description Document
45 43 GP transferred to third partiesTransfer and Acceptance Certificate
80 43 GP transferred under a simple partnership agreementTransfer and Acceptance Certificate
44 43 GP was spent for commercial purposesExpense report
94 43 GP written off due to identified shortageCommission report, Inventory sheet
97 43 The cost of FP used in performing work is reflected in deferred expenses.Work contract

Video lesson “Accounting for finished products on account 43”

The accounting of finished products under account 43 is explained in detail, what entries are made and how transactions are accounted for. The lesson is taught by a teacher-expert of the site “Accounting and Tax Accounting for Dummies” Gandeva N.V. ⇓

Accounting for finished products at actual cost. We use count 43

Let's use an example to consider transactions in which the cost of a GP is accounted for at the actual price.

JSC Meloman produces sound equipment for cafes and restaurants. Based on the results of April 2015, Meloman JSC:

  • produced a batch of audio equipment - 152 units;
  • main production costs amounted to 1,347,200 rubles;
  • assembly costs amounted to 143,100 rubles.

The accountant of Meloman JSC made the following entries in the accounting:

Debit Credit Description Sum Document
20 10, 70, 69… The amount of expenses for the production of a batch of audio equipment is taken into account (main production)1,347,200 rub.
23 10, 70, 69… The amount of costs for assembling a batch of audio equipment is taken into account143,100 rub.Invoices, certificates of completed work, salary slips, etc.
20 23 Equipment assembly costs are included in the cost of production143,100 rub.Costing
43 20 A batch of audio equipment produced in April 2015 was received at the warehouse of Meloman JSC.1,490,300 rub.Purchase Invoice

Release of finished products at planned cost

If the accounting policy manufacturing plant If GPs are accounted for at planned cost, then when reflecting transactions with GPs it is necessary to take into account the amount of adjustments (deviations) in account 43.2. Let's look at an example.

The production company “Pitomets” is engaged in the production of food for pets.

The balance sheet of PF “Petomets” as of 07/01/2015 contains the following data:

For the period July 2015 PF “Petomets”:

  • pet food was produced for the amount of planned cost - 12,415,500 rubles;
  • Feed sold at a planned cost of RUB 13,174,300;
  • the actual cost of the GP is 11,840,400 rubles;
  • deviation (savings in production costs) – 575,100 rubles. (RUB 12,415,500 – RUB 11,840,400).

To reflect GP accounting operations, the accountant makes the following calculation of the deviation coefficient that accounts for sold feed:

Off coefficient = (RUB 185,600 – 575,100) / (RUB 3,145,200 + RUB 12,415,500) = – 0.03.

The accountant also made calculations:

  • the amount of deviation attributable to sold feed (Kt 43.2) - savings of 395,229 rubles. (RUB 13,174,300 * -0.03);
  • actual cost of sold feed is 12,779,071 rubles. (13,174,300 – 395,229 rub.);
  • the amount of deviation for the balance of feed in the warehouse is 71,592 rubles. (3,145,200 rubles + 12,415,500 rubles – 13,174,300) * 0.03;
  • the actual cost of the remaining feed in the warehouse is 2,314,808 rubles. (RUB 3,145,200 + RUB 12,415,500 – RUB 13,174,300 – RUB 71,592).

Below are the entries that the accountant of PF “Petomets” took into account the transactions:

Debit Credit Description Sum Document
43.01 40 A batch of pet food was released (PlanSS)12,415,500 rub.GP release certificate
90.2 43.01 The amount of sold feed is taken into account (PlanSS)13,174,300 rub.Packing list
40 20 Reflects the amount of feed produced according to FactSS11,840,400 rub.Costing
43.02 40 Adjustment of the cost of produced GPRUR 395,229Accounting certificate-calculation
90.2 43.02 Adjustment of cost of feed soldRUR 71,592Accounting certificate-calculation

Wholesale sales of finished products

To study the operations of implementing GP in bulk, let's consider an example.

Based on the results of August 2015, JSC “Technocrat”:

  • a batch of GP was sold (components for mobile phones) – 2,318,500 rubles, VAT 353,669 rubles;
  • cost price of GP – 1,241,000 rubles;
  • sales expenses - 84,200 rubles.

The following entries were made in the accounting records of JSC Technocrat:

Debit Credit Description Sum Document
62 90.1 The amount of revenue from the sale of a batch of components for mobile phones is taken into account2,318,500 rub.Packing list
90.3 68 VATThe amount of VAT on sales has been accruedRUR 353,669Invoice
90.2 43 The cost of components sold is written off1,214,000 rub.Costing
90.2 44 Selling expenses written off84,200 rub.Expense report
90.9 99 Profit was taken into account based on the results of August 2015 (RUB 2,318,500 – RUB 353,669 – RUB 1,214,000 – RUB 84,200)RUR 486,631Turnover balance sheet

Sales of finished products through the distribution network

If manufacturing company has its own distribution network, then the GP can be transferred for sale to a store or other outlet. Let's look at an example.

JSC “Champion” based on the results of November 2015:

  • GP produced - 147 sets of sports equipment;
  • actual costs for GP – 286,356 rubles;
  • 54 sets of sports equipment were transferred for sale to Pobeditel’s own retail chain of stores;
  • 93 sets of equipment were sold wholesale.

JSC “Champion” has set the price for GP:

  • the cost of purchasing a set of sports equipment at retail is 3,250 rubles, VAT 496 rubles;
  • GP sales price wholesale – 2,980 rubles, VAT 454 rubles.

Selling expenses trading network“Winner” at the end of November 2015 amounted to 9,840 rubles.

The accountant of Champion JSC recorded the following entries in the accounting:

Debit Credit Description Sum Document
43 20 A batch of sports equipment (147 sets * 1,948 rubles) arrived at the warehouse of JSC “Champion”RUR 286,356Purchase Invoice
43.1 43 Part of the produced GP was transferred for sale to the Pobeditel TS (54 sets * 1,948 rubles)RUR 105,195Sales Invoice
62 90.1 Part of the produced GP was sold in bulk (93 sets * 2,980 rub.)RUB 277,140Packing list
90.3 68.1 VATVAT on wholesale sales (RUB 277,140 * 18% / 118%)RUR 42,276Invoice
90.2 43 The cost of sports equipment sold wholesale is written off as expenses (93 sets * 1,948 rubles)RUR 181,164Costing
90.9 99 The amount of profit from the wholesale sale of inventory is taken into account (RUB 277,140 – RUB 42,276 – RUB 181,164)53,700 rub.Turnover balance sheet
50 90.1 The amount of revenue from the sale of inventory through the Pobeditel chain of stores was taken into account (54 sets * 3,250 rubles)175,500 rub.Implementation report
90.3 68.1 VATVAT on sales through the Pobeditel vehicle (175,500 * 18% / 118%)RUR 26,771Implementation report
90.2 43.1 The cost of sports equipment sold through the Pobeditel vehicle was written off as expenses (54 sets * 1,948 rubles)RUR 105,192Costing
90.2 44 The operating expenses of the Pobeditel chain of stores were written offRUR 9,840Expense report
90.9 99 The amount of profit from the sale of inventory through the Pobeditel vehicle was taken into account (RUB 175,500 – RUB 26,771 – RUB 105,192 – RUB 9,840)RUR 33,697Turnover balance sheet