Vasily Livanov and his son Boris. There were three drunken actors in the Union - Vysotsky, Dal and Livanov©

Once upon a time this was a very happy, intelligent family. Father - Sherlock Holmes, famous throughout the country, Vasily Livanov. Mother is a cartoonist, Elena Livanova. Their son, Boris, seemed to have all the conditions to make a career and name for himself. But everything was ruined by envy own parents and a bottle... Terrible news that Livanov’s son is in New Year's Eve hacked to death a drinking companion with an ax, shocked the film circles of Moscow. But it didn’t seem to surprise the parents themselves, even though it almost gave them a heart attack. Just a few months before the tragedy, the Russian “Sherlock Holmes” said in an interview:

I myself am afraid of my son... After all, this is not the first time that he rushes at his mother, then at me. We are very unhappy...

Nikas Safronov, a friend of the accused’s mother, recalls the same thing:

There was an attempt to attack his mother; Boris did not respect his parents at all. But I believe that this is absolutely not their fault. After all, they forgave everything, literally everything... And hoped for the best.

Director Mark Zakharov confirms his words:

Livanov did not teach his son any of this...

But are the parents, especially the father, really innocent? There are other opinions...In the early 80s, the filming of the film "Sherlock Holmes" was underway full swing. The first episodes, released in 1979, brought instant popularity to Vasily Livanov. But as often happens in the families of actors, who are overwhelmed by enormous popular love and are extremely busy and have no time left for children, perhaps this is the reason that Boris and his parents moved away from each other.

For some reason Boris is very angry with us! - said Vasily Borisovich. – It seems to him that he is not in demand, he could achieve more...

Once upon a time, Boris wrote scripts and acted on the theater stage. But everything was abandoned for the sake of aimlessly drinking alcohol day after day. Even his own young daughter Eva. The Livanovs' entourage says that in Lately the son and parents could not communicate calmly at all - it all ended in a scandal, almost a stabbing... It seems that the last incident was some kind of act of recognition of one’s own powerlessness in the face of circumstances...

Let us remember that during a showdown, Boris Livanov is believed to have hacked his friend to death with a kitchen hatchet.

As the police told KP, they walked in the apartment until 9 am. Meanwhile, the owner of the apartment fell asleep quite early. He opened his eyes only when the company gathered for more. He ran out after them with a meat hatchet. And already at the entrance, Livanov hit 31-year-old Igor Khromov several times with it. He died on the spot.

Criminal investigation officers are looking for a chopping hatchet that Boris’s wife, Ekaterina, threw out the window. She says she doesn't remember where he fell. Now experts are working on the spot with metal detectors, searching the snowdrifts around the house.


“They took a man out. He was drunk as hell. We were later told that this was the son of the famous artist Livanov...”

For residents of house number seven on Druzhby Street in Khimki near Moscow, where an emergency happened with the son of a famous actor, a drunken fight is, in general, a common occurrence.

Already on the first floor, KP correspondents were met by a local resident snoring peacefully right next to the elevator. The neighbors, who have not yet recovered from New Year’s Eve, rattling their shopping bags with “fuel”, indifferently step over the poor fellow.

Last year my grandfather’s father made a resolution on New Year’s Eve! To death! - an 18-year-old boy living in this house shared with KP. - They put you in prison! Now the guy has been killed. We think they hit him on the head with a bottle... We don’t know Livanov. The drinking party was on the seventh floor in Dimka Gorokhov's apartment. He drinks heavily, but the guy is sincere. Lives with his mother. And we learned about the son of actor Livanov from the police. They interrogated us as neighbors and said that a certain Livanov had killed a young guy.

Neighbors of Gorokhov, whom, according to them, Boris Livanov came to meet on the evening of December 31 New Year, they claim that they found the body on staircase between the sixth and seventh floors at nine in the morning.

I went to take out the garbage, and I saw a young guy lying on the stairs covered in blood! - one of the residents of the entrance told “KP”. - We all drank heavily yesterday, well, I thought that the kid just had too much. And then, when a couple of minutes later he went out to smoke, people were already milling around on the staircase, they said that the guy had been killed. His passport was found next to him. He was born in 86th year. Apparently he lived nearby, also from Khimki. But I haven't seen him here before.

There were still traces of blood at the murder scene. Scattered everywhere White powder- operatives were looking for the fingerprints of the criminal.

Our elevator was turned off this morning. Because he was covered in blood. Apparently, the fight had already started there,” a man living on the sixth floor shared with reporters.

Local residents only found out about the involvement of Vasily Livanov’s son Boris in the murder when the police arrived at around 10 am:

They took the man out. He was drunk as hell. We were later told that this was the son of the famous artist Livanov. Gorokhov (the man whom Livanov came to visit - editor's note) had a drunken group gathering in the stairwell all the time.

I celebrated New Year at Gorokhov's. “I live in the next door,” 29-year-old Mikhail Izvolsky told us. - This is the first time I’ve heard about this Livanova. This surname is not familiar to me. There were many guests there. My friend Seryoga Glushko was also with me. By morning we ran out of booze and I was sent to the store to get a “bubble”. I went home to get money, and when I returned from the store, they didn’t let me into the entrance. I look: the police and the ambulance have arrived. Well, I went home to sleep. I still don’t know who killed and who was killed.

but survived difficult years. In 2009 Boris Livanov was convicted of murder, went to prison, and was released on parole in 2014. Recently, the actor became a guest of Boris Korchevnikov’s program “The Fate of a Man” and for the first time openly spoke about the circumstances of what happened.

Boris Livanov was married only once. His chosen one, Ekaterina, did not like the artist’s parents because she abused alcohol with her husband.

“Katya has always been very positive, but some things brought her down. Of course, she and I drank, I drank all my life along with everyone else, but for some reason they always noticed me, even if compared to the others I was almost not drunk. Some time after the birth of our daughter, we had to separate,” said Boris. According to him, the fatal blow for Catherine was that their daughter Eva was born deaf - this is what provoked her addiction to alcohol.

44-year-old Boris Livanov never denied that he was a difficult child. He often lacked parental attention, and his successes were perceived by his star relatives as unremarkable events. On the air of the program “The Fate of a Man,” Boris frankly admitted: his relationship with future wife Catherine were a kind of attempt to attract the attention of her father, the famous artist Vasily Livanov, and mother.

This affair, which Boris’s parents opposed, resulted in the birth of his daughter Eva and numerous sufferings. The fact is that the heiress of the couple was born deaf, and this was a big blow for her mother.

“You see, there are such optimistic people who are simply not prepared for the blows of fate. When it turned out that Eva was deaf, it was simply a shock for Katya. It was as if all the circuits inside her had burned out. Then problems with alcohol began. In the end, I had to pick up Eva and leave,” the artist admitted.

It would seem that parting with the mother of his only daughter was a thing of the past, and another one had already begun in Livanov’s life. romantic story. However, on the ill-fated New Year's Eve in 2009, Boris again found himself next to Catherine. Then during the feast he inflicted serious injuries to a stranger, after which the latter died. The actor himself claims that he does not remember anything about that night, and therefore what happened still remains a mystery to him.

“I woke up at the police station with no idea how I got here. At first, this did not cause me any concerns: at that time I had visited almost all police departments in Moscow. And then someone says to me: “Why did you kill a man?” At first I thought it was a joke, but I didn’t remember anything. There are a lot of questions in this case. Witnesses said that I was holding the knife in my left hand, although I am right-handed. Someone claimed that I was defending myself. The man I killed was drunk, his blood did not clot from large quantity ppm If he had been sober, he would have received minor injuries, but in the end the blood flowed and flowed,” said Livanov.

After lengthy trials, the actor was given a disappointing sentence: eight years in a maximum security colony. This would have broken any other person, but Boris repeatedly noted that the Livanovs simply did not know how to give up. In prison, he began to engage in amateur activities, preparing concerts and performances. “I had two options: follow the path of a thief or do what I know how to do. But again, what kind of thief am I? I chose the second one, because I could do something really good and necessary. Prison is a place where there is nothing left of you except inner rod. It doesn't matter who your parents are. It was there that it became clear to me who I really am,” the heir to the famous dynasty emphasized.

And while Livanov was trying to get through the most ordeal in his life, his parents fought hard for their granddaughter. Eva's mother insisted that the girl should live with her. However, her behavior raised more and more questions from the guardianship authorities. That is why it was so important for Vasily Borisovich and his wife to take the girl for themselves.

After 5.5 years, Boris Livanov was freed. The actor is sure that the terrible test was not given to him in vain, because it was thanks to this that he was able to improve relations with his parents, become more caring towards his daughter and find love. Now the artist is happy next to Maria Golubkina, believing that she is the very woman he has been waiting for.

And yet, Livanov regrets that New Year’s skirmish on the landing, which turned into remorse for him and a long test of strength.

Now Kirill is 48 years old, and for 35 of them he has been trying to prove that he is a relative of the artist. At the age of 12, the boy learned that his father was Livanov from his mother, who worked with the famous Soviet “Sherlock Holmes” at the Soyuzmultfilm studio.


Having learned about his relationship with the actor, Gilyarov came to meet him. However, Livanov allegedly refused to recognize Kirill. The actor allegedly drove the teenager away and threatened to call the police.

Arriving at the program, the man was sure that he not only looked like Livanov. In his arsenal are supposedly secret letters and love notes from the actor addressed to Gilyarov’s mother. Kirill had previously made an attempt to prove the paternity of a celebrity, but Vasily Borisovich flatly refused to take a DNA test. And finally, Kirill achieved an examination.

After much persuasion, Vasily Livanov’s ex-daughter-in-law Ekaterina, who at one time gave birth to “Sherlock Holmes”’s granddaughter Eva, agreed to it. The woman in the studio admitted that she didn’t really believe in Kirill’s relationship with star family, but still decided to dispel all doubts.

In turn, experts confirmed that Gilyarov does not intend to claim the Livanovs’ inheritance by establishing paternity. Experts also agreed that Kirill’s mother really told him about his relationship with Vasily Borisovich.

At the end of the program, a bitter truth for the hero was revealed. The verdict was announced by Ekaterina Livanova: the probability of kinship with her daughter Eva was only 1.13%, therefore Kirill Gilyarov is not the son of Vasily Livanov. The man took this news with dignity and restraint, saying that it was a big test for him.

Let us remind you that Vasily Livanov has three children: daughter Alexandra and sons Boris and Nikolai. While the younger heir works as an artist and animator, the eldest has not yet found himself. Boris became famous for the grim story of how he was convicted of murder in 2009. However, a few years later he was released on parole. Now the man is actively promoting himself thanks to his affair with actress Maria Golubkina.

Boris Livanov is a Soviet film and theater actor, in his filmography there are over thirty films and more than twenty roles in performances of both Russian classics, such as “Three Sisters”, “Woe from Wit”, “The Brothers Karamazov”, and foreign ones, including including “The Marriage of Figaro”, “Othello”.


Boris was born into the family of provincial theater actor Nikolai Livanov on May 8, 1904. The talent of his father, the founder of the future acting dynasty, can only be judged by how it manifested itself in future generations, because film archives with Nikolai Livanov’s performance simply do not exist.

During civil war sixteen-year-old Boris Livanov fought for a year under the command of Alexander Strizhenov, whose sons Oleg and Gleb also became famous actors. But soon Boris was expelled from the army due to the fact that he hid how old he really was.

Having chosen an acting profession for himself, Boris Livanov began studying at the 4th studio of the Moscow Art Theater, and made his debut in 1925 on the stage of the same theater in the play “Tsar Fyodor Ioannovich”, playing the role of Andrei Shuisky in it. He also participated in the productions of “At the Gates of the Kingdom”, “Untilovsk”, “Othello” and others. The actor’s bright character was noticed by viewers and critics after his roles as Count Almaviva in “Crazy Day, or The Marriage of Figaro” and Nozdryov in “ Dead souls", staged in 1934 and staged by Mikhail Bulgakov. In this role, the charm of his personality was especially felt.


In the theater, Boris Livanov successfully played roles both in the classical repertoire and in plays by modern authors. For forty years he participated in many productions of the Moscow Art Theater.

In the 40s and 50s, Livanov made the most of his creative abilities. Among his notable roles are Solyony in the production of “Three Sisters”, Chatsky in “Woe from Wit”.

The directorial work of Boris Nikolayevich Livanov began in 1953, when he was commissioned to stage the play “Lomonosov”, where he also played the role of the great Russian scientist. Since then, Livanov has combined two jobs in the theater, acting and directing. Boris Livanov directed the plays “Our Youth”, “Front”, “Boss” and became one of the first to work in Soviet time directors who began staging performances based on the works of Dostoevsky in the theater. In The Brothers Karamazov in 1960, he played Dmitry in his own way. The last theatrical role played by Boris Livanov in 1963 was the main role in "Yegor Bulychev and others." At the end acting career Livanov continued to work only in a directorial capacity. The last performance he staged was the famous Moscow Art Theater “The Seagull” by A.P. Chekhov.


The main thing for Boris Livanov, of course, was the theater, but he played many more roles in cinema. He began acting in films before he began acting in the theater. He played his first film role in the fairy tale “Morozko,” beloved by viewers to this day. Later, Livanov starred with such famous Soviet directors as Eisenstein, Kozintsev, Romm, Kheifitz and others.

Among his best film works: Dubrovsky in the film adaptation of Pushkin’s story “Dubrovsky”; Prince Pozharsky in the historical film “Minin and Pozharsky”; captain Rudnev in the heroic film “Cruiser “Varyag””; Lomonosov in the biographical film “Mikhailo Lomonosov”.

In 1953, the actor vividly played the role of Prince Potemkin in Romm’s historical film “Admiral Ushakov.” Contemporaries who saw him not only in films or on stage, but also heard the characteristic Lebanese bass with its famous pauses on the radio, recall that Boris Livanov was very popular. In his last film work, he brilliantly played a surgeon in the film “Degree of Risk,” based on the then sensational story of the outstanding “Thoughts and Hearts.”

Personal life

Boris Nikolaevich had an extraordinary sense of humor, his well-aimed, well-spoken phrases often became aphorisms, and he was also good at drawing cartoons and caricatures. One day the famous Kukryniksy invited him to work together, to which Livanov said: “I can’t. You’ll have to sign: “Are they Kukryniksy?”

He highly appreciated the talent of Boris Livanov. He was awarded many government awards and state prizes for acting and directing. In 1948, Boris Nikolaevich Livanov became People's Artist THE USSR. Theater tales are still told about the actor’s relations with those in power. He did not fawn over his superiors and was distinguished by freedom of speech and sharp tongue. Once at the Moscow Art Theater they presented a group of young actors by name, and the day before Khrushchev spoke at the CPSU Central Committee with a public exposure of the anti-party group Malenkov-Kaganovich-Molotov.

Photo: Boris Livanov

Molotov's patronymic name is Vyacheslav Mikhailovich. Among those represented was. Livanov instantly reacted to this combination; his remark immediately followed: “Vyacheslav Mikhailovich is innocent! ...And Lazar Moiseevich?” , the son of an actor, said that according to Stanislavsky, any person of art has two paths - to love art in himself or himself in art, Boris Nikolaevich had a love for art in himself, he clearly understood the value of the talent given to him by the Lord.

In 1970, Livanov was supposed to be approved as the head of the Chekhov Moscow Art Theater. During his vacation, while Boris Nikolaevich and his wife Evgenia Kazimirovna were vacationing in the south, the theater troupe turned to the Minister of Culture Furtseva with a request to appoint him as the head of the theater. Having learned about this, Boris Livanov was very worried about what had happened and did not enter the theater for two years.

He lived only 68 years. There is a memorial plaque installed at house 6 on Tverskaya Street, where he lived since 1938. In 2003, the release of the “To Be Remembered” program was dedicated to him.

Livanov’s personal life was always of interest to his fans, but was closed from prying eyes. His The only son Vasily continued family traditions and also became a favorite actor among the audience. The grandson of the famous actor, born two years after the death of his grandfather, was also named Boris. Unfortunately, his fate is quite sad. He brought a lot of grief to his parents. Having started a quite successful film career in his youth, Boris led a wild life and was convicted of murdering a man. Now he is free, he has a daughter, Eva.

Selected filmography

  • 1924 - Morozko
  • 1927 - Kastus Kalinowski
  • 1936 - Dubrovsky
  • 1939 - Minin and Pozharsky
  • 1949 - Battle of Stalingrad
  • 1949 - Fall of Berlin
  • 1960 - Dead Souls
  • 1968 - Risk level
  • 1970 - Kremlin chimes

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