Who is Jasmine's husband now? Difficult trials in Jasmine’s life: beatings and arrest of her second husband

Ilan Shor is suspected of stealing a billion dollars from the Moldovan banking system

The 38-year-old singer Sara Lvovna SHOR, whose maiden name was MANAHIMOVA, in her first marriage - SEMENDUEVA, has been in sadness for the last two weeks. general public known by her stage name JASMINE. The reason for this was serious problems, which arose from her current husband, the father of her 4-year-old daughter Margarita and 2-month-old son Miron, 29-year-old Moldovan oligarch Ilan SHOR. On June 21, he was detained in the Moldovan capital Chisinau by the National Anti-Corruption Center. And three days later, the Buyukansky District Court, at the request of the prosecutor's office, issued a warrant for his arrest for a period of 30 days.

I don’t know who needs this and why?! - wrote Jasmine on his Instagram page. - I don’t understand why justice is done through a performance, and not based on the observance of the law... It makes me sad when I see so much pretense... when I see people who slept on my husband’s doorstep, praising him to the skies just to get publicity or secure financial support... and today they are announcing what kind of Ilan Shor bad... and they are putting pressure on him to be arrested... But I am sure that the truth will put everything in its place. Ilan did not want to do anything bad to anyone... All I want is for Ilan to be treated fairly, so that this nightmare ends as soon as possible... We have high hopes that in a few days Ilan will be home and will be able to defend himself by demonstrating their innocence in the course of a fair investigation and equitable justice...

The SHORA estate near Moscow occupies half a hectare: 1. Master's house; 2. Garage with premises for security and servants; 3. Swimming pool and gym; 4. A guest house under construction, which will also have a recording studio.

Of course, Jasmine was lying, pretending that her husband was arrested without any reason. It has long been no secret that Ilan Shor was involved in many dark affairs in Moldova. Three years ago, a famous Moldovan politician, leader of the popular movement “Antimafia”, told our newspaper about this (No. 39, 2013):

Ilan Shor inherited his business from his late father Miron. IN Soviet times Miron emigrated with his family to Israel, and in the early 90s returned to Moldova and opened a chain of stores “Moldclassica International”, selling clothes, shoes and perfumes famous brands. U Mirona Shor were good connections in the leadership of Moldova. He enjoyed the patronage of our then President Petra Lucinskogo. Without such patronage, it was simply impossible to create a large business in Moldova. Along with the business, Ilan Shor inherited his father’s connections. He was a very convenient man in the hands of the Chairman of the Liberal Democratic Party, former Prime Minister Vladimir Filat and Vice-Chairman of the Democratic Party, former Vice-Chairman of Parliament Vladimir Plahotniuc. On the one hand, they used various services from Shor. On the other hand, it was a cover for their activities to take over the economy of the Republic of Moldova. In particular, Ilan Shor took out a loan of one billion lei from Banca de Economii and used this money to buy 30 percent of its shares, as a result of which the state lost control over the bank. Formally, Shor became a beneficiary of Banca de Economii or, more simply put, a beneficiary. But as such, in this case he was only fulfilling an order for Filat. So to speak, he was a figurehead. Shor provided other services to his patrons. For example, he provided his personal Learjet 60 aircraft for private use to Filat and Plahotniuc when they held government positions. For this, Shor received various preferences from them. Thus, an unprecedented favorable treatment was created for the Dufremol chain of duty-free stores that belongs to him. The Liberal Democratic Party of Moldova achieved the adoption by Parliament of the Law banning the sale alcoholic drinks after 10 pm. All stores are subject to this Law, except for Ilan Shor stores. Through his duty-free chain, he sells thousands of bottles of alcohol at night. Thus, his stores are a serious financial “hole” of the Republic of Moldova, where huge amounts of money are spent uncontrollably, which could replenish the state budget...

1. Master's house; 3. Swimming pool and gym; 4. A guest house under construction, which will also have a recording studio.

Extorted $250 million

At the end of 2014, funds in the amount of one billion dollars were discovered missing from Banca de Economii and two other banks controlled by Ilan Shor, which amounted to about 20 percent of the assets of the entire banking system of Moldova. During the investigation of the criminal case initiated in this regard, Jasmine's husband was searched. He himself was summoned several times for questioning by the National Anti-Corruption Center. And in May 2015 they even put me under house arrest. True, thanks to his participation as a candidate in the elections for the mayor of Orhei, he was quickly released. And in October 2015, he turned himself in to the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office and admitted his participation in fraud with Banca de Economii money and other criminal acts. But he blamed everything on his patron Vladimir Filat, who allegedly used blackmail and other means to put pressure on him and extort him large sums, totaling $250 million.

Daughter Margarita... Photo: Instagram.com

In 2010, my company Dufremol was involved in a legal dispute with the Le Bridge company regarding the abolition of Le Bridge’s exclusive rights to duty-free trade in goods in the duty-free zone along all borders of the Republic of Moldova,” Ilan Shor testified on the website newsmaker.md, which has at its disposal turned out to be a protocol of his surrender, signed by the head of the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office Adrian Popenko. - Despite our very legitimate demands, lawyers warned that the economic court and specifically its chairman Kolenko Aureliu there is pressure from Vladimir Filat, who in the meantime was the Prime Minister of the Republic of Moldova, in order to make a decision against us. At the same time, our company was hit by a hail of unfounded and repeated unscheduled inspections by regulatory authorities (customs, tax, Ministry of Internal Affairs) ... After several hints from different sides that the issue needed to be resolved with Vladimir Filat, I decided to call him... Our conversation at that time turned out to be productive, since Filat took the pressure off the organs and stopped pressing Aurelia Kolenko(the court decided in our favor on November 16, 2010)... To stop the pressure on me and Dufremol, Vladimir Filat was paid at his request 500 thousand US dollars in cash... Immediately after the first agreement, I made an offer to Filat to allow duty-free trade in petroleum products in the customs zone of the Republic Moldova. The law did not prohibit this, but a government decree was required. Filat agreed to ensure such a resolution, which he did on October 27, 2010...

He asked for $1 million to support this project. I paid an advance of 500 thousand, and the rest after the gas station started operating... Suddenly, on September 28, 2011, customs refused to approve the withdrawal land plot for the construction of a gas station. Immediately after this, Filat approached me with an offer to buy out a number of Banca de Economii loans worth about 1 billion lei and said that he would solve the issue with customs and gas stations. My auditors analyzed the proposed loans and their collateral and stated that their real value was no more than 80 million lei. Naturally, I refused. After which Filat began to put pressure on me with the threat of canceling the Government resolution on gas stations and hints about complicating the work of Dufremol... explaining that he urgently needed this, since it was his Ministry of Finance that managed the bank and made a “hole” of a billion lei, and the redemption of these loans would remove problem... In the end, we agreed on the following: loans worth a billion lei are issued to my companies, Filat provides credit resources from Banca de Economii, then with this money a “bad portfolio” of Banca de Economii is bought, that is, this is just a money spin, not real purchasing bank debts... I did this under Filat’s promise that he would repay this entire amount of loans from his sources during 2013. However, no contributions were made on his part. He motivated their absence by the fact that when we agreed, Filat had an agreement with others political parties, that he will become prime minister again, and since this did not happen, his options are limited. Since a lot of money was required to pay interest on loans for false ransom, I had to take out more and more loans every month. At the end of the summer of 2013, I warned that I would be forced to inform law enforcement agencies of the entire situation, since I could no longer plunge into a debt hole. Then Filat offered to buy Banca de Economii together with him, earn money in 2-3 years and cover these losses...After we gained control and came to manage the bank, Filat began asking regularly cash sometimes for his business, sometimes for political needs. In total, at the end of 2013 and until September 2014, the amounts issued to him amounted to about 60-80 million dollars. Loans were mainly taken out for my companies, but were sent to several of his offshore companies... By the end of the summer of 2014, Filat asked to provide him with a loan in the amount of $180 million, which I refused. Filat put unprecedented pressure on me; if the above amount was not paid to him, he promised to take away the Dufremol business, arrest me and a number of my employees and relatives. I gave up and decided to issue the required funds in the form of loans...

While her husband languishes in dungeons, the singer takes sunbathing to meet him in freedom, tanned and refreshed. Photo: Instagram.com

$40 million confiscated

Based on this testimony, Vladimir Filat was deprived of parliamentary immunity, arrested and a criminal case was opened against him. After lengthy proceedings, the Buiucani District Court found the former Prime Minister of Moldova guilty of corruption and sentenced him to nine years in prison with confiscation of property worth more than $40 million. Meanwhile, Ilan Shor was successfully elected mayor of the city of Orhei and led the political movement “Equality”, which nominated him for this post. Perhaps he hoped that after he surrendered Filat law enforcement agencies will leave him alone. However, instead, the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office brought new charges against him for loan fraud and, citing the fact that he could flee to his wife and children in Russia, secured his detention.

Mr. Shor is a very controversial figure associated with a huge number of scandals, admitted an associate of Vladimir Filat Viorel Cibotaru, who after his arrest headed the Liberal Democratic Party of Moldova. - It is difficult to judge what role he played in the case of Mr. Filat. Trial this case was conducted in an absolutely uncivilized manner, virtually behind closed doors. There was no official information about either Mr. Shor's testimony or Mr. Filat's answers. Thus, we were deprived of the legal right to know what we are accused of. former leader our party. But we know that Mr. Shor is one of the main defendants in the investigation into the theft of a billion dollars from Banca de Economii, which, commissioned by the National Bank of Moldova, was carried out by the American detective agency Kroll. Filat's name is not included in this investigation. And the name Shor appears on literally every page. Especially in the conclusions, where detectives from the United States note that he is behind this theft as an operative, and, possibly, as a planner...

The singer spoke about true reasons the arrest of her husband.

On May 6, the husband of the popular singer Jasmine, 28-year-old businessman Ilan Shor, was arrested. The man is accused of stealing a billion dollars from Banca de Economii, of which he was chairman of the administrative board in November 2014.

In addition, it became known that criminal liability Moldovan authorities want to involve not only Ilan Shor, but also his friends, who, according to the head of the press service of the National Anti-Corruption Center, Angela Starinsky, could cover for Jasmine’s husband and participate in the withdrawal of funds from three commercial banks in the Republic of Moldova. We are talking about Banca de Economii, Banca Sociala and Unibank.

Liberal Party deputy Yuri Kirinchuk supported the decision of the law enforcement agencies of the republic, assuring that by purchasing Unibank shares, Shor wanted to obtain loans for his companies, which he did not intend to repay.

Today Jasmine decided to speak out on this topic. The artist published a post on her social network page in which she claims that her husband was framed. The girl said that she considers the actions of the Moldovan security forces a huge mistake, and the campaign launched around him in the press and society as “deliberately denigrating, discriminatory and clearly a political game.”

This story is vague, and it is not yet clear whose side is true. However, it is worth noting that since January, Jasmine’s husband was banned from entering the territory for six years Russian Federation. Neither Shor nor his wife commented on this situation, but rumors leaked to the press that this was due to financial transactions that allegedly caused damage to Moldovan and Russian banks in the amount of 100 million rubles.

Let us remember that Jasmine and Ilan Shor have been together since 2006, and in 2012 the couple had a daughter, Margarita.

“I went on vacation with the children, Mikhail and Rita, on May holidays. Suddenly in the morning everyone started literally cutting off the phone: “What’s wrong with Ilan?” I was even confused and taken aback. It’s good that my loved ones were next to me - they supported me, reassured me... It’s no secret that my husband and I live in two countries, we don’t see each other every day. Ilan, how a real man, does not let me know about his business affairs, much less his problems. He solves them on his own. And then, out of the blue, he was arrested. True, I immediately found out that we're talking about, thank God, about house arrest. And this is a significant difference. “I am sure that this story is a planned action to discredit his name.”

Jasmine also shared her dissatisfaction with the scandalous materials about her that appeared in the media.

“On the same day, five scandalous materials about me and my family appeared on one of the sites. Moreover, all this news does not stand up to criticism. And in this difficult situation, I am very grateful to my friends, whom I know for sure were called by journalists, but none of them commented! Because they are my friends."

The girl was shocked by press stories about a certain producer named Lavrov, who allegedly revealed some details about her personal life and work.

“I have never communicated with this person, we don’t know each other at all! He apparently took the facts of my stage life from my biography and passed them off as his intimate knowledge. He claims that Ilan allegedly spent tens of millions of dollars so that Alla Borisovna Pugacheva would sing a duet with me and direct my show in the Kremlin Palace. This is complete nonsense! I was really lucky to work with Alla Borisovna. Only this happened in 2003. Almost ten years before meeting Ilan!

Also, Mr. Lavrov is haunted by ticket sales for my shows. We always, I emphasize this, always (!) give 10% of tickets for each of our concerts to orphanages and other charitable needs. I have never hidden this. And he says that we almost force people from the street into the halls. It's a mystery to me."

Singer Jasmine is an example of true perseverance and courage. The artist does not despair, despite the fact that her lover is behind bars. Although, without a doubt, what was happening was a severe test for her. Jasmine admitted to StarHit that the arrest of Ilan Shor was a shock for her. Let us also recall that in at the moment the artist is forced not only to worry about her husband, but also to take care of the children. A few months ago, there was an addition to Jasmine’s family.


Friends try to actively support the singer. To keep her from despairing, they staged a flash mob, the purpose of which was to give Jasmine additional strength so that she would not become discouraged. She was one of the first to publish a photo on Instagram with the hashtag “#freeShor” close friend Jasmine Olga Orlova. “Ilan, you are strong, I know! You must fight injustice. We, your friends, support you!” the ex-member of “Brilliant” wrote on her microblog.

Olga was joined by other show business figures who decided to help Jasmine and her husband with kind and encouraging words. Thus, according to Philip Kirkorov, a person’s guilt should only be determined by the court, and it is too early to draw final conclusions. “Ilan Shor cooperates with the investigation, presents evidence of his innocence and, moreover, does not try to hide from justice,” says the singer.

In turn, Nikolai Baskov noted that Ilan Shor is his friend, good man, a wonderful family man and responsible mayor of the city of Orhei, and also expressed hope that in the near future the situation with the arrest of the entrepreneur will be resolved. “My dears, anything can happen in the life of every person!.. I want to express my support and attract public attention,” the artist shared his opinion.

And Alexander Buinov wrote in his microblog that he has known Shor for quite a long time, and, according to the popular performer, he is an intelligent, self-sufficient and reasonable person. “Let's support Ilan, his entire family, beloved Jasmine! Good luck! Thank you to everyone who understood me!” the singer summed up his message to the fans.

The action of the stars was continued by many concerned residents of Russia. They also took a photo with a poster with a hashtag calling for the businessman’s release.


Jasmine’s first husband was the owner of the capital’s restaurant chain “Eldorado” and “La Gourmet”, as well as a construction business in Sochi, Vyacheslav Semenduev; their marriage lasted about 10 years.

The acquaintance of Jasmine and a successful businessman was quite unusual. A successful entrepreneur saw a photo from Jasmine's family's holiday. The young singer made an indelible impression on him. After some time, Semenduev met a girl and proposed his hand and heart. Jasmine was 17 years younger than him.

The wedding ceremony of Semenduev and Jasmine was held according to Eastern traditions. The man gave an impressive bride price of one hundred thousand dollars for his bride. However, the wedding of the oriental beauty and the businessman was overshadowed by the death of close people of both newlyweds. Then Jasmine buried her mother, and her chosen one buried her father and older brother. The celebration didn't go quite as the couple had planned. Semenduev invited Konstantin Raikin and Mikhail Grushevsky to Derbent to perform without musical accompaniment.

After the wedding, the newlyweds left for Moscow. They threw a party for their best friends in a small restaurant. Among the guests of honor of Jasmine and Vyacheslav was Alla Pugacheva.

Semenduev also admitted that he always wanted his wife to live a full life, and not just be a homemaker, as is usually customary in Eastern families. Over time, he realized that Jasmine wanted to study singing. At the start of her career, the aspiring singer was advised by composer Vladimir Matetsky, who advised eastern girl named Sarah, take the pseudonym Jasmine. This is how her musical career began.

Jasmine released several songs that became hits, people began to recognize her and invite her to perform at concerts. The singer toured not only throughout Russia, but also abroad - in the USA, Israel, Spain, Germany, Canada and other countries.

From the outside it seemed that the artist’s life was ideal. Loving husband-businessman, charming son Mikhail, rotations on federal TV channels and major radio stations, cooperation with top officials Russian show business- with Alla Pugacheva, Philip Kirkorov, Nikolai Baskov, Igor Nikolaev...

However, in 2006, a shocking event occurred involving Jasmine. The singer openly stated that she was being beaten own spouse. She was admitted to the hospital with a concussion, a fracture of the nasal wall, abrasions, bruises and hematomas. At first, the star remained silent, but what happened to her was so outrageous that she was constantly asked the question of who did it. As a result, Jasmine admitted: Semenduev showed physical aggression towards her. And moreover, he did this more than once - according to the artist, throughout their entire life together, her husband raised his hand to her. All this time, Jasmine endured courageously because she was afraid of publicity. However, after the incident received widespread coverage in the press, she decided to file for divorce.


Moldovan entrepreneur Ilan Shor, who has been in business since he was 15 years old, appeared in the singer’s life after breaking up with Semenduev. He helped the artist heal her mental wounds and recover from scandalous divorce With ex-lover. At that time, it was very difficult for Jasmine; she even had to share her own son with Vyacheslav.

“When I saw, I realized that this woman had to be mine. I looked after her for a long time... I made a decision and we started life from scratch. Sarah’s past is the past and it doesn’t interest me,” Shor said on Channel One’s “Let Them Talk.”

The wedding of Jasmine and Ilan Shor took place in September 2011 and was perhaps the most luxurious in the history of Moldova. It was attended not only by celebrities, but also by politicians and businessmen. From the very early morning they flew into Chisinau, delighting gossip reporters on duty at the airport in the quiet capital of the state in southeastern Europe. Among the guests of the ceremony were Lera Kudryavtseva, Irina Allegrova, Nikolai Baskov, Alexander Buinov, Philip Kirkorov and many others.

Especially for the ceremony, the walls of the Chisinau Palace of the Republic were covered with silk from Italy, its steps were strewn with scarlet rose petals, and tables with raspberries and champagne were placed around the entire perimeter of the banquet hall. A red carpet led to the gazebo where the newlyweds sat, along which the relatives and friends of Jasmine and Shor were sitting.

In her second marriage, Jasmine again faced difficult trials. Her husband became a defendant in one of the most notorious thefts of recent times, when a billion dollars were withdrawn from three Moldovan banks. Shor was the former head of the administrative council of one of these organizations, as well as the owner of two others. Then the American agency Kroll was involved in the investigation and compiled a secret report based on the results of its work.

Last February, Moldovan law enforcement agencies began conducting searches and interrogating bankers, and Ilan Shor became one of the witnesses in the case. As a sign of support for her husband, Jasmine canceled the concert in Chisinau.

The situation around the theft of huge sums of money soon gained such resonance that the Chairman of the Moldovan Parliament Andrian Candu published in social networks text of a classified report from a foreign company. It did not name the names of the suspects, but revealed the schemes by which the currency was withdrawn.

In October of the same year, Shor confessed to the National Anti-Corruption Center and described in detail the chronology of the corrupt actions of the Moldovan politician Vladimir Filat. According to Ilan, in total he paid Filat about $250 million. After a court hearing in June 2016, the former Prime Minister of Moldova was sentenced to nine years in prison.

However, this was not the end of the litigation in Jasmine’s life. At the end of June, it became known that her husband was detained in a new case of large-scale fraud and money laundering. Due to heart problems, a doctor is regularly called to see Jasmine’s husband. According to journalists, at meetings that required his presence, Ilan Shor was wearing a bulletproof vest for security purposes.

Jasmine herself said in her interviews that she did not understand what was happening and called the situation a “misunderstanding.” According to the singer, the prosecutor exceeded his powers. In an interview with reporters, Shor’s lawyer said that at first he and Ilan were summoned for questioning, but instead the businessman was taken into custody. According to Jasmine’s husband’s lawyer, there was no argument from representatives of the law. However, the singer does not give up and continues to believe in the best. She is confident in her husband's innocence.

“I thank everyone who is next to us in these difficult moments and everyone who mentally supports Ilan... I am sure that the truth will put everything in its place. Ilan didn’t want to do anything bad to anyone, so he was silent for a long time. I tried to live and work, I tried to use the example of Orhei to show how it is necessary to govern the city! I believe in the truth,” Jasmine wrote on her Instagram.

On Wednesday, the National Anti-Corruption Center officially announced the arrest of a person involved in a scandalous case of billions in theft from three banks in the country. It turned out to be the husband of singer Jasmine, 27-year-old Moldovan millionaire Ilan. “Businessman Ilan Shor was brought to the center today as a defendant in the case of fraud surrounding three banks,” NAC press secretary Angela Starinsky told reporters. She noted that new arrests and interrogations are planned for the near future. Previously, the millionaire was in the status of a suspect. In addition, two more detainees were reported in March, but their names were not disclosed.

Shore has not officially commented on his detention.

The loss of money from three banks in Moldova - Banca de Economii, Banca Sociala and Unibank - became known in November last year. Shor was the ex-head of the administrative council of the first bank for six months and is a co-owner of the other two. The American agency Kroll was involved in analyzing the situation in financial institutions. However, the auditors' report turned out to be classified. It was made in 33 copies, each with the name and position of the person to whom it was intended. The Kroll company, as the Moldovan government assured, did not consent to the publication of the report so as not to harm the investigation.

The police continued the investigation, which many citizens of the country considered too slow. In February, Moldovan law enforcement agencies conducted searches and interrogated local bankers, and Ilan Shor also gave testimony.

Then singer Jasmine pointedly canceled a concert in Chisinau, scheduled for March 5 at the National Palace. The organizers explained that the concert was canceled “for technical reasons.”

Outraged by the progress of the investigation, Moldovan citizens took to the streets of Chisinau last Sunday, May 3, demanding the resignation of the country's leadership and the punishment of those responsible for the disappearance of a billion dollars from banks. The organizers claimed that they had gathered 40 thousand people.

After popular unrest, the Chairman of the Moldovan Parliament, Andrian, published a classified report on his Facebook page.

The 84-page document is marked “confidential,” but Candu noted that he is publishing the report “at his own responsibility,” since “discussions on this topic are acquiring false accents.” “As a politician, I believe that the public should have access to this document, paid for with citizens’ money, analyze it and better understand what exactly happened,” Candu said.

The report does not name specific culprits, but did reveal a scheme for siphoning off money. Analysts found that from 2012 to 2014, shareholders changed in three banks, as a result, the bank’s property ended up in the hands of “a number individuals" During this time, banks issued large loans, which were transferred to the accounts of offshore companies in the UK and Hong Kong. The total amount was about $1 billion (13.3 billion lei).

Ilan Shor himself stated after the publication of the report that he was studying it. “In many ways, there is what we talked about before: that the hole was formed even before the private investor arrived and we had to cover it,” Shor told the newspaper “in Moldova.” “The bank was robbed before private investors arrived!” - says the businessman. In March, at a press conference, he said that his work at Banca de Economii consisted solely of resuscitating the institution.

Shor places responsibility for the non-repayment of loans on the former management of the bank and, in particular, on the ex-Minister of Finance of Moldova, Veaceslav Negruta.

Ilan Shor is the CEO of Dufremol, which is a duty-free trade operator in Moldova, and the owner of several companies that he inherited from his father. He is also the owner of the Milsami football club. He was born in Tel Aviv, but his family moved to Chisinau when he was two years old.

The wedding of singer Jasmine (née Sara Manakhimova) and a Moldovan businessman took place in 2011. Before this, Jasmine was married to businessman Vyacheslav Semenduev. In 2006, the singer broke her nose and caused a traumatic brain injury. Having recovered, the singer filed for divorce. She sued for the right to raise them common son. Jasmine met Shor at one of the social parties in Moscow. After the wedding, their daughter Margarita was born. The couple live in two cities. Shor flies from Chisinau to Moscow for the weekend.