Sharp-tongued Tsar Peter the Great. The navigators Kumovya are boorish brats

“Navigators are boorish creatures, but they know their job very well. And, therefore, let them into the wardroom and give them a glass. During the boarding battle, do not allow them onto the upper deck, so that they do not confuse the Christ-loving army with their disgusting appearance.”
From the decree of Peter I

Friends! Today, January 25, Russia celebrates a professional holiday - Day of Navigators of the Navy of the Russian Federation. Anecdote on the topic:
-Are you a navigator?
- Navigator.
— Explain, please, what kind of expression you have: “drift angle”?
- We don’t have such an expression.
- Why not?
— There is an expression “a chervonets from the nose”….

Wow, a gold piece off the nose! And what will the “head of the transport department”, comrade, tell us about this, which of these, well, about whom the Tsar wrote a decree - captain 2nd rank Alexander Dedyuev, a submarine navigator, who gave the best years of his life to the submarine fleet?

Hello Ivan! For a long time, navigators were considered second-class sailors; Stanyukovich’s stories mention their land ranks. We started training specifically as a navigator in the 50s. Before this, they were released as watch commanders. That is, a lieutenant could become a miner or an artilleryman, or he could become a navigator. The specialty is called “Navigation Navigation”, navigator engineer. Five years of training.

In the Soviet Navy, during training, as a rule, there were two long-distance cruises. My course followed the route Sevastopol-Annaba-Kronstadt, and Kronstadt-Conakry-Sevastopol. While studying at the 6th Higher Officer Classes, I managed to once again go on the Kronstadt-Oran-Kronstadt cruise (the training ship “Hasan”, the Turks stopped letting it through after it sank some of their crew in the Bosporus). The rest of the internships were in the fleets after each course. At our school there was no division into submariners and surface officers. Upon graduation, they went not only to submarines and surface ships, but also to aviation (in my graduation, the guys even got into ekranoplanes), and border troops (there was a specific selection there). We were trying to get into the nuclear submarines and submarines, the possibility of long-distance missions and the primary position of captain - lieutenant.

They stayed in navigator positions for 5-7 years, maximum, then went to assistants, first mates, and so on. The wisest ones sat until they were navigators, after which they were transferred to teaching jobs in big cities.

The technology on different ships varied greatly in complexity and tasks. I happened to serve on a strategist with an inertial navigation complex, and someone had one gyrocompass in charge. What else is interesting? Commanders usually had a special relationship with navigators. Only the navigators were allowed to see what was given to the commander in the package before leaving the base station. The most commonly used navigation word: discrepancy, it seems to me.

On the dignity of guests at assemblies having (1700)SN..
Before appearing as a multinational guest, you must be:
- I washed carefully, without skipping any places;
- I shave carefully, so as not to damage the ladies’ tenderness with vile stubble;
- half hungry and only a little drunk.

When you come to visit, familiarize yourself with the layout of the house in advance with ease, especially noting the location of the closets, and put the information aside in that part of the mind that is less subject to guilt than others.

Consume foods in moderation, so that your heavy belly does not hinder your dancing. Drink the potion at will, rather than hold your legs, if they refuse, drink while sitting. Do not offer it to someone who is lying down, so as not to choke, even if he asks. Glory to the one who choked, for this death is honorable in Rus'.

If you don’t know the measure, rely on your wife - this guard has a greater vigil than the sovereign’s.

Place the drunk ones carefully so as not to damage them and not interfere with the dancing.

Fold separately, observing the floor, otherwise when you wake up, you won’t end up embarrassed.

Having sensed trouble, do not panic, slowly follow to the place mentioned, but do not hesitate along the way and use all your strength to keep the belly that villainously betrayed you in the fortress.

Being without a wife, or even, God willing, single, to the charms of ladies
look not with open greed, but on the sly - they notice this too, no doubt. In this manner, you will respect them and will not be branded as impudent.

Do not use your hands, be very careful and only receive a clear sign that it is allowed, otherwise you will wear your embarrassment on your face for a long time.

Without singing there is no fun in Rus', but it begins with a sign
to the owner, don’t go into a rage, listen to your neighbor - roaring alone
You become like Valaam’s donkey, and with your musicality and sweet voice, on the contrary, you will win many praises from the guests.
Remember, a lady’s heart is malleable to music.

We have noticed that in the assemblies and on the Nevskaya prospect, other dandies in Spanish trousers show off insolently. I order them to be caught, taken to the Foundry Yard and flogged with a whip until these trousers turn into rags. Do not look at the cries and title of those punished

Consume foods in moderation, so that your heavy belly does not hinder your dancing.

A subordinate should look dashing and silly in front of his superiors, so as not to embarrass his superior with his understanding.

“Navigators should not be allowed into taverns, because they, boorish bastards, quickly get drunk and cause trouble.” -

“During a battle, navigators should not be allowed onto the upper deck, because with their vile appearance they upset the entire battle.”
I instruct gentlemen senators to keep their speeches in the presence of people not in writing, but only in their own words, so that everyone’s stupidity is immediately visible.

The navigator is a boorish nature, eager for women and wine. But for knowledge of cunning sciences they are allowed into the wardroom and given altyns for vodka.

“All projects must be very good, so as not to waste the treasury and not cause damage to the Fatherland. If anyone starts to blurt out projects anyhow, I will deprive him of his rank and order him to be beaten with a whip.”

Trade is a thieves' business, and therefore they should be given a meager salary, and they should be hanged one per year, so that it would not be a shame for others.

I was thinking... Maybe these Decrees should be supplemented? Maybe someone wants to add to these creations?

The last Tsar of All Rus' from the Romanov dynasty, the first All-Russian Emperor became famous for his reforms, which favorably influenced the development of Russia. Peter I was not only famous for his hard work, but also had a sharp tongue, so the quotes from Peter the Great are quite powerful and assertive. Many who have studied history will agree that Peter I, also known as Peter the Great, is known to all of us as a rather extraordinary person.

As one such example of the Great Monarch’s originality, I would like to cite several particularly interesting decrees he issued.

● “I instruct gentlemen senators at assemblies and in the presence to speak only in words, and not in writing, so that everyone’s stupidity is visible to everyone. Peter."
A similar decree also did not bypass Peter’s favorite - the navy:

● “All ranks of naval crews, from sailors to admirals, when visiting foreign countries, should not drink themselves to death, so as not to disgrace the honor of the navy and the Russian state.”

More to come...
“Navigators should not be allowed into taverns, because they, boorish bastards, quickly get drunk and cause trouble...”
“During a battle, navigators should not be allowed onto the upper deck, because they upset the entire battle with their vile appearance.”

An acquaintance (from the navy) said that he had heard about such a decree of Peter the Great, according to which if they found a sailor who had not returned from the tavern to the ship drunk, lying with his head towards his ship, then such a reveler would get off with only a slight fright, saying that he had too much, of course, but still I tried to go back, although I didn’t get there. Now, if you are unlucky and a sailor is found in the same form, but with his head away from the ship, then he will be whipped. According to rumors, in some places this decree is still in effect. There is no reason not to believe this, knowing that sailors are generally quite superstitious.

And here's about the army:

“Officers of infantry regiments on horseback are prohibited from appearing in cavalry units, because with their disgusting position, like a dog sitting on a fence, they arouse laughter in the lower ranks of the cavalry, which serves to the detriment of the officer’s honor. »

A couple more decrees, without any hint of humor, sound quite vital:

“I ordered the governors to collect monsters and send them to the Kunstkamera. If I wanted to send human monsters there not because of the appearance of their bodies, but because of their ugly morals, there would be little room for them. Let them wander around the national cabinet of curiosities, they are noticeable among people. »

“During the cleaning and repair of ships, all garbage must be removed so that nothing falls to the bottom. And whoever of his own does this, himself, if an officer, for any shovel (garbage) the first time he will lose a month’s salary, for the second time - six months, for the third time he will be fined by having his rank taken away and written down as a private. And as a private for the third - to Siberia for hard labor" -

Decree of Peter I of 12/09/1709

Epic quotes from the formidable king...

● A subordinate must look dashing and silly in front of his superiors! So as not to confuse your superiors with your understanding.

● Speak briefly, ask little, go away!

● Evil cannot fly quietly.

● In honor of the New Year, make decorations from fir trees, amuse children, and ride down the mountains on sleds. But adults should not commit drunkenness and massacres - there are enough other days for that.

● To be afraid of misfortune is to see no happiness.

● And everything went as before. Nothing happened. Over Moscow, over the cities, over hundreds of districts spread across the vast land, the twilight of a hundred years soured - poverty, servility, lack of contentment.

● When the sovereign obeys the law, then no one will dare to resist it.

● If there is a desire, there are a thousand ways; no desire - a thousand reasons!

● In our country, if a thief is not a thief, it means he is stupid, and honor is not an honor; it is only an honor to be proud of others.

● He who is cruel is not a hero.

● Forgetting service for the sake of a woman is unforgivable. To be a prisoner of a mistress is worse than a prisoner in war; The enemy can have freedom more quickly, but the woman’s fetters are long-lasting.

● What kind of Russia is this, a sworn country - when will you move?

● Don’t trust three: don’t trust a woman, don’t trust a Turk, don’t trust a non-drinker.

● No one can use ignorance of the law as an excuse.

● Reasoning is higher than all virtues, for every virtue without reason is empty..

● Our commerce is already like a sick girl, who should not be frightened or depressed by severity, but encouraged by affection.

● An ungrateful person is a person without a conscience; one should not trust him. Better an obvious enemy than a vile flatterer and hypocrite; This is such a disgrace to humanity.

● Whoever starts making speeches, do not interrupt the other, but let him finish and then the other one should speak like honest people should, and not like market women.

● I have a presentiment that the Russians will someday, and perhaps during our lifetime, shame the most enlightened nations with their success in science, tirelessness in their work and the majesty of their firm and loud glory.

● Delay is like death.

“It is necessary to create regiments of naval soldiers (depending on the number in the fleet) and divide them according to captains forever...” With this Decree of Peter I of November 16 (27), 1705, the history of the Russian Marine Corps began. According to unverified data, the same Peter later used to say about them, those naval soldiers “... are boorish spawn, hungry for wine and women, and therefore I command: to give English cloth in moderation, and if you are in a foreign port, do not let them ashore , because when they get drunk, they won’t say a good word, and they’ll immediately start a fight. But pay your salary regularly, because they know their business!”

Happy Marine Corps Day!

My story, which connected me for 2 years with the Marine Corps, began more prosaically. And today, on the next Marine Corps Day, I will tell it to you, dear friends and readers.

1980 I already knew at the military registration and enlistment office that I would be drafted into the navy. I didn’t really know what to do in the navy, and therefore, when my friends and I were offered to go to DOSAAF and take a course for telegraph operators, I went without much hesitation! It was fun working with the telegraph! Punched paper tape, posting teletypes, the CTA device, encryption and decryption - all this looked quite interesting, and did not take much time. In general, I graduated six months later with a telegraph operator’s certificate, and practically with a military specialty “in my pocket”!

STA telegraph apparatus. I spanked 150 beats per minute already in 1981!)

The call crept up unnoticed. On October 26, 1981, after two days of standing on the parade ground in Yegorshino, “buyers” from Vladivostok came for us and we, after standing for decency for several more hours in the rain in Koltsovo, took off on the Sverdlovsk - Irkutsk - Vladivostok flight. In Irkutsk it was minus 20. The padded jackets immediately turned into pieces of ice that we wore on ourselves. “Sugrev” was already rowed out in Yegorshino, there was nothing to warm ourselves with and we chattered our teeth for several more hours, beginning to endure the “hardships and hardships” of military service.
We arrived in Vladivostok late in the evening and had to wait another night in the tent camp for conscripts. It was there that I first became acquainted with the then-famous drink in certain circles, “Triple”!
My sad howls about love on the guitar somehow melted the soul of some foreman, and he was moved at the next performance of “Where the maple rustles...” invited me into the tent. The stove was burning with kerosene, a drunken midshipman was sleeping on the bunk, there was a frying pan with cold fried potatoes on the table, and the foreman, opening the chest, offered me a choice of about a hundred tins of cologne, carefully selected from the conscripts! :)
“Have you ever had a drink?” asked the foreman!
- Otherwise...I tried not to lose face!
- Choose then!
Nothing came to mind except the word “Triple” and I chose a funfair of cologne!
“We’ll dilute it,” asked the foreman!
“Do as you please,” I hesitated, and he poured us a glass of whitish diluted liquid, which smelled like the horror of perfume and already on the table caused certain urges!
We drank and ate potatoes. Then another glass. Then I played some more guitar and I remember drinking a lot, trying to get rid of the horror of the aftertaste of triple cologne!
In the morning we were brought to a unit called “Crew” for distribution throughout the fleet. I was assigned to a submarine and was very sad about the next three years somewhere under water. Passed the pressure chamber. Friends tried to break their noses there, feigning an inability to bear the pressure, I no longer cared about anything. After Irkutsk, I became very ill and crawled around the carriage with a temperature of about forty.

Suddenly, on the third day of lying on the crew’s bunk and mournfully awaiting my fate, I saw EARTH!!! Valerka, my friend from Uralmash, has already served for a year. He served immediately on the crew. He held a high position - he led a team of soldiers, recruits, who collected empty lemonade bottles from each crew, carefully stored them and handed over glassware to the reception. The business was very profitable, because thousands of conscripts passed through the equipment. Valera was in charge of the cash register, which he shared with God knows who, but at that time he “lived” not in the unit, but in a rented two-room apartment next to the crew! We drank. We started talking. Valerka offered to stay and serve with him, live in the same apartment, and earn money)). But THREE years. I asked him to “do” anything, but only TWO! Valerka was a little offended, but gave in! It was a matter of minutes to buy my documents and transfer them to the Marines, and the very next day two brave Marines came for me, with whom I went to the division. On the way, I asked them with faint hope if they had medicine there, because I was very sick. I still remember the answer. Yes, they say! “Pizdulin with repetition” - are you satisfied)))? I think I was beginning to understand that it would be more interesting with Valerka)))!

1982 Senior sailor Budkevich)

In the communications battalion, which was part of the 55th Marine Division of the KTOF, where I was brought in the evening, it was a little uneasy... Someone was doing pull-ups on the horizontal bar, throwing weights over their shoulders, someone was lying on the bunks, young soldiers were fluttering everywhere, my , washing, hemming, wiping everything that is not washed, not sewn and not washed! Someone was “knocked on the soul” in the aisles between the bunk beds. It was dull, sad and a little scary. The uncertainty of what was happening frightened me and gave me sad thoughts.
In the morning I woke up from a strong kick on the bed net of the second tier. Everyone was rushing somewhere in a mad whirlwind. Construction. Cross. Monday - Wednesday - Friday - 3 kilometers, Tuesday - Thursday - 6 kilometers, and Thursday - in gas masks. Saturday is a busy day, and after Sunday the march is 10 kilometers with deployment. It was Wednesday. The entire division ran out of the positions and everyone ran one and a half kilometers to the beginning of Snegovaya Street and one and a half kilometers back. After running about 100 meters, someone from the side suggested we turn into the bushes. It was Andrei from Izhevsk, who had already served for six months and knew the places where it was possible to “mow” from cross-country. We ran into the bushes. We smoked. “Unnoticed” wedged into the formation of the battalion, which was fleeing back. Suddenly I saw Andryukha plowing his face across the asphalt. Before I had time to be surprised by this, a strong kick just below my back forced me to come into contact with the harsh customs of the Marines! :) The author of the kicks was Senior Sergeant Chuzhinov. By our standards, he was just an old man, since he was drafted at the age of 26. He wasn’t very happy about this either, and we periodically felt it ourselves!

They gave out the form. The grandfathers did not take anything away. It took a week to get used to the foot wraps. Foot wraps were for summer and winter, wrapped over yuft ankle boots; after lights out they dried and wore out. All night. It was possible to wash, but there was no place to dry it, since the dryer was filled with the things of the “scoops,” “grandfathers,” and “demobilizers.” The first days the footcloths hurt my legs a lot. They were beaten to the blood, but if this happened on the “drill line” you had to hit the ground with your boot and endure, endure...
I learned a lot again!) I learned how to look for larvae of linen lice in the long johns provided, and then “fry” them with an iron so that these creatures do not breed in my own things. I learned not to notice, or rather, after a week I got used to the smell of foot wraps. Knew by heart all the members of the Politburo of the CPSU Central Committee, and the secretaries of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions!)))
I learned how to beg for bread in a bread slicer. It's very simple! They took with them Vova Mnyakin (now the village of Ilek, Chelyabinsk region), with a face as round as the moon, they went to the bread slicer, Vovka tilted his moon-shaped head to the side and asked in a plaintive village voice: “Guys! Give me some bread! I want to eat!”) )) The bread cutters who were touched usually gave two loaves! This was enough to hide in a hill and quickly kill six of them together with a couple of cans of Volna pate!)
I hated the guitar! The fact is that out of the “singers” and “guitarists” I was the only one in the draft, so until the last demobilization left, every evening I took a place in the change house and sang. He played and sang. Same thing. Almost two months. Every day. The skin on my fingers began to rust from the strings, and demobilizers sat down every day and asked, “Ilyukha, let’s talk about the whirlpool...” But I did not participate in washing and cleaning demobilization clothes, did not rush around the division in search of a cigarette, did not blow myself up in the galley at night, so that fry potatoes for someone. They took care of the guitarist)))

After six months of outfits, park maintenance days, alarms, painting curbs, drill training, political information and other “combat and physical” skills, I understood a little about the balance of forces of the battalion, learned to write beautifully (!) and went to headquarters - the chief of a combat unit. Became a "staff clerk"! My functionality included a lot - daily maintenance of the unit’s order book, a little secret information, setting up and removing clothing and food allowances, receiving food and dry rations, going on vacations and business trips, drawing secret maps of exercises, participating in these exercises, which, however, did not cancel daily cross-country races, parachute training, airborne landings and other military delights.

A year has passed so quickly! I learned to sleep standing up, do a “turnover”, drink rectified alcohol without a snack, extract alcohol from iodine, eat lunch in five minutes and fell in love with onions and pieces of fat in soup, smoke a cigarette on a needle when there is half a centimeter left, sleep in an outfit on a hill, hugging a dog for warmth, walking in formation, doing “rise-and-fall” in 45 seconds 20 times a night, running ten easily and without straining, showing bangs from under a beret (after six months), drinking “tea” in a jar from under the stew, immediately after eating it, eat sugar “bitingly” and eat half a loaf of bread in a minute!

Navigators. “The navigators are boorish creatures, and they won’t pass by a glass, but they know their job poorly, and therefore I command them to pay their salaries and let them go to taverns”! - Tsar Peter said about his naval navigators who trained in “England” and “Germany”. We pilots, not evil and only among ourselves, called this category of flight personnel “whores.” They were included in the crew for the purpose of testing the aviation skills of co-pilots and during long-distance one-time flights. “Give me the position of the plane using two side radio stations,” navigator Petya Burygin, who himself recently graduated from navigator school, checked me, still a young co-pilot. I see the position of the plane relative to the terrain clearly, but to avert my eyes I turn the radio compass frequency knob and draw two straight lines on the map from Ukhta and from Izhma to the place I see below me. "Ooo! Well done! – the navigator is surprised and delighted at my dexterity and accuracy of determination. “There is an error of less than five hundred meters in the calculation using radio navigation!” The weather in the North is not always “white and fluffy”. More often these are gray everyday life with clouds up to the tops of the spruce trees and visibility limited to almost zero. In such conditions, we have access to instrument flights and rely entirely on radio navigation. When performing long-distance and long-duration flights, navigators were willingly hired into the crew. They were responsible for most of the paper work: preparing flight maps, making calculations, receiving collections of intermediate, alternate airfields and destination airfields. Getting ready for a long flight. Preliminary and pre-flight preparations have been completed and permission to fly has been received. The weather is calling! Heading towards Aktyubinsk, in northern Kazakhstan. We fly quietly for three hours. The co-pilot provides orientation, determining the location of the aircraft using his flight map, and the navigator rests. Only occasionally does Alexey pick up the tablet and nod approvingly. His work will begin later, when we fly over the border of the Komi Republic, but here everything has been flown far and wide... Having brought his finger to the edge of the map, the co-pilot pushes Lyoshka in the side with his elbow: - Take out your glued cards, my sheet is out. The navigator digs through his briefcase for a long time, his face becomes crimson, and his neck is drawn more and more into his shoulders. “I forgot to get it from the Bureau of Aeronautical Information,” he blinks at me, his gray eyes wide open, like a schoolboy. I also feel an increase in adrenaline in my blood. There is confusion in my head: “The commander is responsible for everything and everything, which is who I am. You can, of course, return to Syktyvkar, citing poor visibility along the route... And then? Explain yourself over the phone with your boss... No! We're flying to Perm." After setting the frequency of the Kudymkar airfield radio station, it becomes easier. Although it is weak, there is a signal, and the radio compass needle shows the direction steadily. - Yesterday, while preparing for the flight, I saw on your map a “restricted zone” shaded in red. We'll fly there and they'll shoot you down right away! Or the fighter will be lifted, and this, you know, will be a scandal for the whole of Ivanovo! - I turn to the navigator in the hope that he professionally remembers these zones. “Yes, commander, there she is, behind the road, where the forest is continuous,” Lyoshka answers, not quite confidently, turning his head to the sides. We go out to Kudymkar and see, lo and behold, a plane taking off from the airfield. We ask his crew to switch to “their” frequency, which all pilots know. This channel is not recorded on magnetic media on earth. He is our life! At this frequency, you can warn crews about the danger so that they do not venture into fog or ice, and you can talk to a friend about the problem without fear of prying ears. “I’m flying to Perm,” the commander of the plane that took off answered the request, “follow me.” “Where should we go?” - I thank my colleague. Lyoshka, who seems to be sick, is sent from Perm to the base by regular plane. The senior navigator of the detachment, Sasha Zakhv...enko, arrives to replace the “ill” comrade. This card brought not playing or fortune-telling cards, but real ones, flying ones! He's also a cunning one!.. The whole squad laughed after one of the races, where he was a navigator as part of the crew. When returning home, we decided to travel from Moscow by train, rather than fly the next day and spend the night somewhere in a hotel. On the train, they say, we’ll sleep at night, and after lunch we’ll be home! The Vorkuta train, which goes through Pechora, was waiting at the Yaroslavl station. On the door of the restaurant, as always, there is “No space”..., but I just want to have a snack and a lick: there is an “anti-alcohol” law all around, and in the evening the men of the nearest districts of Moscow flock to the station restaurants, where, although it’s small, they pour it! Sashek, cunning, in uniform and a GA cap, through the glass shows his red, and even with a coat of arms, navigator’s certificate to the doorman. He takes it out of his tablet and shows some photo of his friends in civilian clothes: “Didn’t these appear here? - he asks and dictates some seven-digit phone number to the quiet and slightly stunned doorman, on record. “If they show up, call quickly!”... The question of visiting a restaurant disappeared instantly! They seated us at a service table behind a column, from where we could see the entire room, and they were served very quickly! .. Order: “... the crew of the MI-2 helicopter... flight detachment... control took off from the MVL Kedva airfield. While climbing, the helicopter hooked its main rotor onto a communication line crossing stretched over the Izhma River. From a height of 30 meters, the helicopter fell onto the ice of the river and collapsed. The crew, consisting of the helicopter commander and the squadron navigator, died. I ORDER: 1. Mark on the flight maps all crossings of communication lines through rivers, towers and other artificial obstacles more than 50 meters high. 2. ..." Lyoshka is not with us... For about five years I started flying after college. He died while performing this simple flight. It was early spring, darkened but still strong ice on the river and visibility in a light haze of at least three kilometers. It turns out that in the morning he went to work to carry out his last flight. A young wife and an unfinished house “from the builders” were left on Earth in an “interesting situation.” Alexey, even though he dreamed of a garden, did not have time to plant trees, as a real man should in this life... (In the photo I am in St. Petersburg taking courses at the Academy of Civil Aviation)