Emin Agalarov and his mistresses (photo). Restrained relationship or hostility? A body language expert analyzes Emin Agalarov's relationship with his ex-wife Leila Aliyeva and his current wife Alena Gavrilova Agalarov divorced Aliyeva


38-year-old Emin Agalarov, unlike many of his colleagues, does not open up to fans. Artist for a long time did not admit that he had separated from his wife, 33-year-old Leyla Aliyeva. But then he assured that they parted quietly and peacefully. But not everyone believed it. Emin refuses to talk about his relationship with his newly-made wife, 31-year-old Alena Gavrilova. The question involuntarily arises: what is Agalarov hiding? Woman.ru, together with a professional, tried to figure out whether Emin had sincere feelings for Alena and what connected him with Leila.

Recently Russian media reported that Emin Agalarov will become a father for the third time: insiders claim that the wife of the musician and entrepreneur Alena Gavrilova is seven months pregnant. The spouses themselves do not comment on this information. The artist and ex-model are generally a rather secretive couple. Emin's fans are sure that he is happy with Alena, and are glad that their handsome idol finally has full order in personal life.

WITH ex-wife Emin, as he himself admitted, failed to build a family with Leyla Aliyeva.

In 2015, the divorce of the daughter of the President of Azerbaijan and a businessman became the logical conclusion of a beautiful, but not the most happy story love.

Over the past few years, the marriage of Agalarov and Aliyeva has been purely formal.

Woman.ru decided to find out why the relationship between Emin and Leila failed, and whether he is as happy with Alena as he is trying to demonstrate to the public. Profiler Ilya Anshchenko will help us answer these questions. However, first we suggest recalling the brightest moments of the musician’s personal life.

Oriental fairy tale and European divorce

It seems that Emin Agalarov was destined to meet Leyla Aliyeva. Their stories are indeed similar: both were born into wealthy, socially respected families and both received a good education. Emin and Leila met in the early 2000s at ski resort in the Alps and immediately liked each other.

However, the musician had to make a lot of efforts to be able to see the daughter of Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev.

In 2005, Emin turned to the head of the Republic with a request to allow him to look after Leyla, but received a decisive refusal, despite the fact that Ilham knew the artist’s father Araz. Only on the second attempt did the singer manage to prove to the beauty’s dad that he was a worthy man, and he allowed the young people to communicate. They say that Leila, who did not agree with her parent’s ban, put pressure on him herself, becoming interested in Emin.

After several months of courtship, in February 2006, Agalarov and Aliyeva became engaged. Of course, before this, according to tradition, the artist asked the father of his chosen one for his hand in marriage. And in April of the same year, the lovers played two lavish weddings- in Baku and Moscow.

After the celebration, Leila moved to her husband in the Russian capital. The girl was not afraid of the fact that she would live in another country, and began to actively engage in social and charitable activities. The singer’s wife headed the Heydar Aliyev Foundation and began publishing the glossy magazine “Baku” for the Azerbaijani diaspora.

In 2008, Leila gave birth to twin sons Ali and Mikail. Fans were sure that the celebrities had no problems in their marriage. However, over time, Agalarov and Aliyeva lost interest in each other and separated: Leila flew with the children to London, and Emin remained in Moscow. The musician tried to come to the UK as often as possible to see his heirs. Alas, the couple was never able to return the former passion to the relationship.

The couple did not appear together in public for a long time and did not tell the public about what was happening between them.

Only in 2014, rumors first appeared on the Internet that Emin and Leila had separated, and in May 2015, Agalarov and Aliyeva confirmed on social networks that they had officially divorced. The artist said that he and his ex-wife decided to publicly announce the breakup immediately after receiving the divorce papers, so as not to mislead fans.

“If two people do not have a personal relationship, it is stupid to imitate family life; it is easier to get a divorce, maintain friendship, and raise children. None of us betrayed the other, did not offend, we did nothing at all bad friend to a friend. And now our relationship is even better than it was in marriage,” Emin reasoned.

True, Agalarov also admitted that the biggest failure in his life was his “failed marriage.” According to the artist and businessman, he should have chosen another wife, and Leila another husband.

The ex-spouses were really able to remain on friendly terms: they are raising sons together. The musician tries to spend every free minute with the boys. By the way, Emin accepts Active participation in raising not only Ali and Mikail, but also Leila’s adopted daughter, Amina. The artist considers the little girl his own, dotes on her and always takes her to him when he comes to pick up his heirs.

Attempt number two

In the fall of 2015, Emin admitted that he would not be ready to marry again soon. “Despite the fact that my relationship with Leila is wonderful, my experience in starting a family is still unsuccessful. Divorce is definitely a failure. And I don’t want to try a second time yet. And I don’t have time,” the businessman said in an interview.

Moreover, Agalarov did not hide the fact that he has a difficult character. Emin has repeatedly said that he is “not a darling” and that not every woman can withstand his constant claims. However, such an understanding woman was found - and very quickly. Already in April 2016, Russian media reported that the entrepreneur was having an affair with ex-model Alena Gavrilova.

Insiders claimed that the couple cooed sweetly at a charity ball for the Mikhail Rudyakov Foundation, but posed separately for photographers.

According to rumors, the musician and the former fashion model began dating long before his official divorce, but these speculations of Internet users remained just that.

Fans did not know much about the artist’s beloved. "Miss Mordovia 2004" was a member for several years civil marriage with billionaire Rustam Tariko, who left his wife Tatyana for her. Alena and Rustam have common son, whose name is the same as his father. The lovers' relationship ended two years after the birth of the heir.

Agalarov and Gavrilova did not comment on the fact that they were together for a long time. However, in July 2016, Emin published his first joint photo with Alena on Instagram, and fans no longer needed other evidence that the artist’s heart was not free.

In December of the same year, Agalarov and Gavrilova appeared together on the red carpet for the first time. The musician and his fiancee came to the Fashion New Year Awards and happily posed for photographers.

After this, to the delight of his fans, the artist began to more often post romantic shots with his beloved on the social network and even filmed her in his video for the song Good Love, though for some reason in the role of a vengeful ex. Meanwhile, fans began to wonder when Agalarov and Gavrilova would announce their engagement.

In the summer of 2017, Emin proposed marriage to Alena, but they got married only a year later. In July 2018, the lovers got married at the Agalarov Estate golf club near Moscow, where the entire capital's world gathered.

It is noteworthy that Leila publicly congratulated ex-husband Happy wedding and wished him happiness.

The honeymoon of the newly-made spouses took place in Baku: the lovers went there so as not to miss the “Heat” festival, which Emin has been organizing together with Sergei Kozhevnikov and Grigory Leps for several years now.

Recently it became known that Gavrilova is seven months pregnant. Alena and Emin have not yet confirmed the information that they will soon become parents. However, many fans of the couple don’t need proof: attentive fans even noticed a rounded belly on the bride in the video from the celebrity wedding.

We can only be happy for the newly-made spouses - especially if the expert confirms that they are happy together. We give him the floor - all the details are in our gallery.

Emin Agalarov named the reasons for his divorce from Leyla Aliyeva. According to him, it was caused by the lack of freedom for everyone. The singer also believes that it is stupid to imitate personal life, so it is easier to get a divorce and maintain friendship for the sake of the children.

For the first time in several months, Emin Agalarov spoke about true reasons divorce from the daughter of the President of Azerbaijan Leyla Aliyeva. So, the singer said that they specifically reported this on their pages in in social networks, because it “makes life easier.”


"It is necessary to give each other a chance for personal happiness. It can be for both of us only under the condition of absolute freedom. If two people do not have a personal relationship, it's stupid to imitate family life, it’s easier to get a divorce, maintain friendships, raise children,” Starhit quotes Agalarov with reference to Hello! magazine.

According to him, The divorce took place by mutual desire.“None of us betrayed the other, didn’t offend, we didn’t do anything bad to each other at all. And now our relationship is even better than it was in marriage, very good,” Agalarov said.

He noted that nothing has changed for their children.“Our goal is to raise children together and do everything for their sake,” the singer said. He noted that he is very proud of his children, who, as the singer states, already speak three languages, and also add three- and four-digit numbers in their minds.

According to him, on this moment he doesn't know whether he can fall in love again or not. However, he stated that he could like any woman.

Emin Agalarov today is the idol of many women in our country, because this man has attractive appearance, as well as in the most beautiful voice. Today, many people know the singer by the name Emin, that’s what he nicknamed himself on stage, his creative pseudonym repeats his name, so it will be extremely difficult to confuse the singer with another famous person. Not many people know that Emin is also the author of his songs, as well as a composer; this young man has already distinguished himself with talent in entrepreneurship, and is also the father of two children. Today we will tell you a little more about Emin Agalarov and his mistresses, and also describe the man’s career and personal life.

Singer Emin Agalarov: biography, wife and children

The love story of Irina and Araz can be called truly magical, because it began in childhood, the young man studied with his beloved not just in the same school, but also in the same class, after school the paths of these young people diverged slightly, although the couple were in relationship, the man chose a polytechnic university for himself, and Irina went to study to become a teacher. When the training was completed, the young people decided to get married, and in 1979 Emin was born; the future singer spent his entire childhood in the capital of Azerbaijan. After some time, the young man also had a little sister.

Although the parents of the future artist Russian stage and they did not live too richly, yet the father and mother tried to give as much as possible to their children, and this concerned not only material wealth, but also parental attitude and upbringing. Thanks to this arrangement in the family, Emin even now tries to give his children the best, and besides this, he pays his sons a lot of paternal attention. Already in 1983, Emin’s family decided to move to the capital of our country, and so the young man came to Moscow for the first time, while the family lived in an area called Chertanovo, and it could not be called quiet in those years. In the capital, the young man went to a regular school, it was there that he met friends who drew him into an unpleasant company, and in order to protect his son from problems, the father decided to send the future singer to Switzerland.

Perhaps Emin Agalarov’s personal life began precisely from the first days of independence, but upon arrival in another country, young man I had to live in a boarding school, where the teachers observed extremely strict discipline, and this is what helped the young man acquire such a persistent and strong character.

Until the age of fifteen, the young man lived on the Internet, but even in such a strict environment, the young man tried to somehow realize himself. Emin organized card tournaments to win some money for personal needs, and he was very good at earning money this way. After graduating from online school, singer Emin’s personal life began to develop more actively, as he went to live in America.

Emin in business and career

When it was the nineties, the future singer had already moved to live in the USA, and that’s where he decided to start own business, since this was of great interest to the young man, while studying at a business college, the man additionally tried to realize himself in various online stores, and often advised customers who visited electronics stores. In addition, the young man worked as a shoe salesman and for some time was involved in an online watch store. Already when Emin became a wealthy and respected man, he often said that he needed the simplest work as a valuable experience; without it, a man would not have been able to understand the value of money.

Of course, at that time, no one was interested in the biography and wife of Emin Agalarov, but as soon as the man began to receive large incomes and appeared at social parties, the girls tried to find out more about the attractive young man. While the man was engaged in his activities as a seller, his father helped him get up to speed on his own business; already in 2012, Emin returned to live in Moscow, where he began working in the company with his father. A company called Crocus Group operates even today, Emin and his father are still its leaders.

How did the singer's career begin?

Of course, today information about Emin Agalarov and his mistresses is often of interest to fans, because the man himself has very attractive appearance, but first we should learn more about how the singer gained such enormous popularity among the public. As Emin’s relatives say, the man has a pragmatic and creative character, which is why the young man decided to try himself in music.

WITH early childhood the grandmother instilled in her grandson a love of melodic romances, and in his youth Emin himself chose Elvis Presley for himself.

The singer himself says that he early age wanted to be on stage, which he did at the “Open Mic Night” project, where the young man performed at the age of eighteen. After this, the young man often performed in various bars, but Emin always did it only for his soul. But even such a simple job showed that the young man simply needs to develop his talent and go on the big stage to amaze the audience with his voice.

Initially, the singer himself said that his main job was running a business with his father, for this reason singing can act as a hobby, and despite the fact that there was quite a lot of work in the company, already in 2006 the young man released one famous album called “ Still", after which a whole series of discs with compositions by this singer were released. In 2012, the man not only received awards for his work, but was also able to perform at Eurovision as a contestant from his home country. Of course, already at that time the personal life of singer Emin was in full view of the whole country, many fans wanted to know even minor details family life performer.

This year turned out to be very productive for the man, and at the end of it came the release of his first album, which contained songs exclusively in Russian, which only attracted the attention of the press to Emin Agalarov and his mistresses. The album was called “On the Edge” and included fourteen different compositions at once, and already in 2014 another Russian-language album of the singer was released. It is worth saying that the second album was recorded together with such celebrities as Stas Mikhailov, Ani Lorak, and Grigory Leps.

How did Agalarov’s personal life develop?

Probably today many girls want to know more about the biography, personal life and divorce of Emin Agalarov, the man himself does not hide the details of his personal life, so there is something to tell about the singer. The man has not only a large fortune, but also a very attractive appearance, for this reason Emin chose his wife according to his status. The singer’s wife was Leyla Aliyeva, who is the daughter of the President of Azerbaijan. As the man himself says, he was truly smitten by the girl’s beauty, but Emin wanted to do everything according to the strict traditions of his homeland. To begin with, the singer decided to ask Leila’s hand in marriage from her father, and only after that the young man began to court his beloved; the lovers’ wedding took place in 2006, and the courtship did not last so long. Since Emin and his wife were quite wealthy, they held two weddings at once, which took place in Baku and in the capital of our country.

It is necessary to mention that quite well-known personalities in the country came to congratulate the newlyweds, for example, even Vladimir Putin and George Bush were present at the ceremony.

A couple of years later, Emin had two sons in his family, and as the singer notes, it was at that moment that the relationship with his wife began to deteriorate greatly. After some time, the wife decided to take the children and leave for London, and Emin himself continued his career in Moscow, but spent every weekend with his family. After a few months, the man got tired of this life, and he officially admitted to breaking up with Leila.

As the spouses say now, they are trying to maintain friendly relations, Leila does not interfere with Emin’s communication with children.

The singer claims that the sons practically did not notice the expense of their parents, since the man rarely appeared at home anyway, today he constantly visits the children, the couple decided to raise children together, even without being married. Even after the couple separated, Emin continues to communicate not only with his own sons, but also with adopted daughter Leila, whose name is Amira. Already in December last year, the singer was captured in a photo with Alena Gavrilova, the girl is a model and, according to preliminary data, has been in an affair with a man for several months.

Leyla Aliyeva - public figure Azerbaijan, Chief Editor and founder of the Baku magazine and vice-president of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation.

Childhood and youth

Leyla was born on July 3, 1984 in the family of the President of Azerbaijan and statesman Mehriban Aliyeva. Leyla is the granddaughter of Heydar Aliyev, the former president of Azerbaijan. Leyla has a sister Arzu (born 1989, film producer) and a brother Heydar (born 1997, student at the Azerbaijan Diplomatic Academy).

Leila was born in Moscow, however school education received at gymnasium No. 160 in Baku. Many people graduated from this school at one time. famous figures, including writer and translator Chingiz Huseynov, critic and TV presenter Vitaly Vulf, composer Leonid Weinstein, film director and TV presenter and many representatives of the KVN “Guys from Baku” team.

In 2000, the girl entered the European School of Business (ESB), and then graduated from MGIMO’s master’s program with a degree in Political Science.


In 2006, the girl moved to Moscow, where she began to engage in social activities. In the spring of 2007, Leyla was appointed head of the Russian representative office of the non-governmental non-profit Heydar Aliyev Foundation. The foundation, headed by Mehriban Aliyeva, Leyla’s mother, was founded to honor the memory of the statesman and convey the ideas of national statehood to young Azerbaijanis.

On December 19, 2007, the first issue of the Baku magazine was released in the capital of Russia, of which Leila became the editor-in-chief. The magazine, published in Russian, writes about history, art, culture, life, traditions and peculiarities modern life Azerbaijan. In the spring of 2011, a presentation of the English-language magazine “Baku” took place in London for a wider audience of readers.

On May 8, 2008, Aliyeva launched the “Justice for Khojaly” campaign. The purpose of the event is to tell the whole world the bitter truth about the Khojaly massacre, the mass murder of civilians by Armenian militants in the winter of 1992. The fund's rallies took place in many countries, including the UN headquarters in Geneva.

Since 2008, Leila has served as the chief coordinator of the youth forum of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, the largest and most significant official government Muslim international association.

In April 2009, Aliyeva took the initiative to found the Azerbaijani Youth Organization of Russia (AMOR), the main task of which is to unite young Azerbaijanis living in Russia and promote Azerbaijani traditions.

In 2011, Aliyeva was appointed vice-president of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation. In the summer of the same year, for her fruitful activities and services in the development of the Azerbaijani diaspora, by decree of President Ilham Aliyev, Leila was awarded the Progress medal.

In October 2013, Leila was awarded the Order of Saint Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess Olga III degree - the award went to the girl for her assistance in installing the monument in Astrakhan.

In December 2013, Aliyeva was awarded the medal “For Services to Volgograd region» - for fruitful actions aimed at social and economic development region.

In the fall of 2015, he awarded Aliyeva a medal for her contribution to strengthening cooperation and friendship with Russia, developing and maintaining economic ties, and popularizing the Russian language abroad.

Leila's biography was supplemented by the founding of the IDEA project - Initiative for International Dialogue on Environmental Protection.


Since childhood, Leyla Aliyeva loves art and writes poetry. Her most famous poem is "Elegy". The verse dedicated to grandfather Heydar Aliyev was first published in the Azerbaijan newspaper in December 2008 - on the 5th anniversary of his death former president countries. In 2012, the poem was included in literature textbooks for 5th grade students.

In April 2016, a presentation of Aliyeva’s collection of poems “If the Stars Became Steps” took place in one of the Moscow bookstores. The collection is also dedicated to Heydar Aliyev. In the same year, the Belarusian publishing house “Zvyazda” (Minsk) published a collection of Aliyeva’s poems “Leaf” (translated by T. Sivets).

IN free time The girl paints and enjoys visiting art exhibitions. Aliyeva's works can be seen on her official website.

Personal life

In April 2006, Leila became the wife of an entrepreneur, vice-president of the Russian holding CrocusGroup and a musician of Azerbaijani origin. The girl first met her future husband at the ski resort of St. Moritz in Switzerland. In order to start caring for Leila, Emin asked for official permission from her father.

150 guests were invited to the wedding from Aliyeva’s side and 90 from Emin’s side. The banquet took place in the large Moscow shopping center Crocus City Mall. A famous stage designer and producer took part in organizing the celebration, and music, lighting and sound equipment was brought from the UK. According to unofficial information, thousands of orchids and white roses were chartered from the Netherlands to the banquet hall. After the wedding ceremony, the couple honeymooned in the Maldives.

On December 1, 2008, in a maternity hospital in the United States, Leila gave birth to twin boys, Ali and Mikail. In 2015, Aliyeva and her family performed the umrah (minor pilgrimage, hajj) to Mecca.

After 9 years of marriage, in May 2015, the couple announced their divorce. Agalarov commented that he and Leila separated by mutual desire. The musician added that now their relationship is much better than in marriage, and their separation did not affect the upbringing of their children.

Leyla Aliyeva with children

In July of the same year, Leila took the child from the orphanage. The girl Amina lived in one of the orphanages, which was assisted by the Heydar Aliyev Foundation. A year later, on his Instagram page, Agalarov published a photo in which he posed with Leila’s adopted daughter. Emin shared that he treats the girl like his own.

According to rumors, Leila repeatedly turned to plastic surgeons for help. The girl does not comment on such statements, but photographs before and after the alleged plastic surgery confirm that Aliyeva at least enlarged her lips with the help of special injections.

Leyla Aliyeva today

Now Leyla Aliyeva continues her social activities, participating in numerous cultural, sports and social events in the country.

In March 2017, Leila, together with the IDEA association, presented a 40-minute documentary film “Azerbaijan. Saving goitered gazelles." The film reflects the progress and results of the work done within the framework of the program for restoring the historical habitat of gazelles (artiodactyls of the gazelle genus) in Azerbaijan.

Currently, together with the Ministry of Ecology, Leila is developing a project for a complex for the reintroduction of bison in Shahdag national park Azerbaijan.

Also at the beginning of April 2017, Leila took part in the planting of orchards for low-income families in the Ismailli district. In the future, it is planned to implement the project in other parts of Azerbaijan.

Emin Agalarov - real star modern show business. It’s impossible not to fall in love with Emin Agalarov’s songs and his languid voice; his sparkling eyes and attractive appearance drive girls crazy. So What will the biography of Emin Agalarov tell us, and will it reveal to us the secrets of his personal life? We’ll find out in the article: .

Biography of Emin Agalarov

Emin Agalarov was born in sunny Baku in 1979. When the boy was 4 years old, his family decided to move to Moscow, but their school years Emin spent time in Switzerland, where he studied at a private school. In the difficult 90s, Emin’s parents had a hard time, and they were forced to go to live in America. After school Emin came to his parents, and there he entered the United States at New York University on the faculty business management.

Like his father, Emin was a born businessman. So in New Jersey he opened his first clothing store, then several shoe boutiques in Madison Avenue and New York. Upon returning to Russia in 2001, he became the commercial director of Crocus City Hall, while he is the owner trademark UBOAT watches, the owner of the Crocus City Hall concert hall and has several brand boutiques.

Music in the life of Emin Agalarov

Since childhood, Emin has been drawn to music. When he was 18 years old, he made his first debut in New Jersey, where he participated in the Mic Night project. It was then that the future performer realized that there was a huge gap between professional and musical activities, which he would definitely overcome. And he really succeeded, in 2006 his first album Still was released, after which was followed by 6 more albums, two of which the singer released it in collaboration with producer Brian Roaming.

Emin Agalarov's songs become hits and occupy high positions in many European chats. In 2011 he was nominated for a Grammy Award, and in 2012 he performed as a special guest at Eurovision.

Personal life of Emin Agalarov

Since childhood, Agalarov has become accustomed to luxurious and beautiful life, no wonder that Emin Agalarov and his mistresses were not from ordinary families. So Leyla Aliyeva, the heiress of the leader of Azerbaijan, became his companion. Meeting with future wife took place at a ski resort in Switzerland. Trembling feelings immediately arose between the future spouses, which quickly grew into serious relationship. Despite the fact that Leila’s dad did not approve of his daughter’s choice, the girl continued to meet with Emin and soon the couple announced their imminent marriage. Photo by Emin Agalarov and Leyla Aliyeva

In 2006 Emin Agalarov and Leila officially got married. Considering the conditions of both spouses, it is not difficult to guess what scale it was. After two years of married life, Leila gave her husband two twin sons: Ali and Mikaila. Leila lived with her sons in London, and spent more and more time in Moscow. It was then that rumors began to appear about an upcoming divorce, which took place.

Ex-wife of Emin Agalarov with his children and now lives in London. As the singer himself admitted, they failed to create a real strong family. But, despite the failed marriage, Leila and Emin remained good friends and do everything so that their children grow up happy, because personal life of Emin Agalarov– these are his sons, as the artist himself assures.

Today the singer and businessman is the most eligible bachelor and many are interested Emin Agalarov and his mistresses. Oddly enough, after the divorce, the singer was alone for a long time and did his best to hide his personal life. But recently, Agalarov came out with new lover, former model Alena Gavrilova. It is not known how long this relationship will last and what it will lead to, but the couple no longer hides their tender feelings for each other. See above the photo of Emin Agalarov and Alena Gavrilova.