Abdulov about Alferova. Love stories

“If we are so close today, who said that this is forever?..” - these lines from the song “Dawn - Sunset”, which was performed by the most popular film couple in the country in an enchanting duet, became prophetic. The divorce of Alexander Abdulov and Irina Alferova after 15 years of marriage came as a shock to many fans. What happened? Who initiated the breakup and could it have been avoided?

They met in 1976 on Irina’s first working day at the Lenkom Theater. That morning she ran into Abdulov at the door, hurrying to the troupe’s gathering. He, as he later admitted, fell in love at first sight. But Irina did not immediately see her prince. Sasha seemed to her awkward, ugly, with hair of an absurd red color. At that moment, Oleg Yankovsky approached them, looked at Alferova, then at Abdulov and, pointing at Irina with his hand, said to Sasha: “Oh, your wife!”

At first, Irina rejected Abdulov’s advances; she did not believe in the seriousness of his intentions. Perhaps the actress’s coldness only spurred Alexander on. In the end, he melted the beauty’s heart and, when the theater was on tour in Yerevan, he proposed marriage. To which Irina said: “If you carry me in your arms from the theater to the hotel through the park, then I will marry you.” Alexander was not afraid of such an answer and carried future wife much further. Returning to Moscow, they got married. The wedding took place in the common kitchen of the theater dormitory of the native "Lenkom". The celebration became a shining example holiday during times of stagnation and total shortage and was extremely modest. There was no groom's suit and wedding dress brides Both are visitors - he is from Fergana, she is from Novosibirsk. Aspiring actors received only 80 rubles at the theater and could not think about any luxurious festivities.

They lived together for 15 years. No one suspected that she herself beautiful couple Soviet Union there are problems. The secret became clear only when colleagues from Lenkom noticed that Abdulov spent the night in his dressing room for several days in a row. It was then that it became clear: she and Alferova broke up. Some were sure that Irina was jealous of Alexander for his crazy success in cinema and theater, because the actress acted much less, and a real star Alexander was in the family. Others said that Irina could no longer tolerate her husband's passion for the casino. There were also those who argued that the actress herself was to blame for everything, who had an affair with famous singer. But the majority was sure that the couple divorced because of Abdulov’s constant infidelities.

What could have become the real reason divorce? Why didn’t the family solitaire game between Irina Alferova and Alexander Abdulov work out? Friends and colleagues of the actors talk about this in the program - Tatyana Dogileva, Otar Kushanashvili, Alexandra Yakovleva, Alexandra Zakharova, Georgy Martirosyan, Alexander Lazarev, Konstantin Koshkin, Vsevolod Shilovsky, Dmitry Astrakhan, psychic Irina Khramenkova, artist Danila Fedorov and others.

Maria Feoktistova

Alexander Abdulov and Irina Alferova: “I couldn’t live in a state of eternal celebration...”

16 chosen

She still remembers him with longing, calling him her “pain” (especially today - on his birthday). A after all, at the first meeting she could not even think that anything could work out with him...

He could not resist her beauty and was ready to fight for her with all the men of the Soviet Union, for her attention...

They were the most beautiful couple in the USSR, for many years refuting all suspicions and rumors that the beautiful and famous cannot be happy together...


She was born in Novosibirsk into a family of lawyers. Although my mother dreamed of becoming an artist in her youth. She owes her luxurious hair, which were preserved even during the war. And in general, Irina grew up as her mother’s daughter (they even went to GITIS in Moscow together).

Irina came to the Novosibirsk amateur theater by accident - after the performance, the chief director of the studio approached her, a high school student, and offered to try herself in the theater; she did not even hesitate. It was natural for her.

Later, having already received a certificate and graduated from school, she no longer saw herself outside the theater world. But the theater studio was no longer enough for this - it had long outgrown it, and there was a lack of a real school. So he and his mother went to enter GITIS.

We were riding for luck - the first round of exams had already ended. But Irina managed to attract the attention of teachers... And enroll. In her first year, Fate gave her a chance to find family happiness- her course was invited to the Bulgarian embassy, ​​and there she met her future first husband - the son of a diplomat, Boyko Gyurov. The romance did not start right away. More precisely, there was no novel as such, in principle. We talked, met... But one day Boyko called and asked to come.

He lay covered in a cast after the accident. Irina began to visit him. And then he just proposed to her. And it doesn’t matter that they know each other little, the main thing is that he loves her.

The wedding was noisy, fun, student. And the next day Irina left to shoot her first serious film - Walking through torment(1977). In between filming, she managed to move with her husband to Bulgaria, give birth to a daughter, Ksenia, become friends with the Boyko family, enjoy a calm, measured life in abundance... And get tired of it. At the end of filming the second part of the film, she realized that the only place where she felt happy was Moscow. Friends were surprised, but a decisive conversation with my husband dotted all the i’s.

Irina was going nowhere. My daughter had to be sent to Novosibirsk for a while, and she herself had to huddle in corners and grab offers.

Even as a child, she decided within herself that there should be theater in her life. And she was immensely happy when Mark Zakharov invited her to join the Lenkom troupe. But then she didn’t even suspect that, in addition to the treasured theater stage, she would “give” her a meeting with Him...


He was born into a theater family in Tobolsk, but spent his childhood in Fergana, his mother’s hometown. He was youngest son in their big family.

Despite the fact that Alexander appeared on stage when he was only five years old in the play “The Kremlin Chimes” (his father worked as a director at the local drama theater), Alexander did not have a strong desire to connect his destiny with this area of ​​art. He played sports, was fond of music...

His father insisted on his son entering the Shchepkinsky Theater School. But the first attempt was unsuccessful, and in order not to waste a year, Alexander entered the Faculty of Physical Education of the Fergana State Pedagogical Institute. And in the spring I tried my luck at GITIS.

His graduation performance became a ticket to the Lenkom Theater - Mark Zakharov offered the newly minted actor the main role in the play based on the story “Not on the Lists” by B. L. Vasiliev. After this, their destinies became intertwined. And after some time, at the door of Lenkom he met Her...


She was hurrying to the first meeting of the theater troupe, where she had just joined the service. He ran into her at the door... And immediately began to “bombard her with ideas” about the upcoming work. It was 1975.

She has already won a certain share of men’s hearts after the release of the film “Walking Through Torment” (1977). He shone on the stage of “Lenkom” and has already gained fame as the soul of any company. But the first thought that flashed through her head, looking at this red-haired, angular guy: " With whom I’m definitely not in any danger, it’s with him..."

The first person to “marry” them was Oleg Yankovsky. One glance was enough for him to understand that they should be together. They did not resist fate for long and got married in 1976. It all happened in Yerevan, where Lenkom was on tour. Alexander carried Irina in his arms for an hour, trying to get her to say “yes.”

“Love is something that is not understood by the brain. As soon as she becomes reasonable, calculating, that’s something else. Love is crazy, crazy and whatever you want it to be. Over time, it develops into a habit, life goes on, and that’s it. And at first it’s an unearthly state, when you don’t walk, but fly, when you can go crazy from the touch of a hand - a completely uncontrollable process.”

From an interview with Alexander Abdulov.

For Irina Alferova, since her youth, the phrase: “Die, but don’t give a kiss without love” was a rule of behavior. She did not torment her fans, did not play with them like a cat with mice, and did not single out anyone. Some mothers of young sufferers were openly perplexed: they say, who does she want? Is it really a prince on a white horse?! “I kept quiet and knew to myself that I needed just one. And I waited for fate to give me this meeting,” the actress later recalled.

She waited - and waited. Young Alexander Abdulov, then just Sasha, turned out to be the spitting image of a prince from a fairy tale. Tall, broad-shouldered, with sad eyes and a smile beautiful face. They seemed made for each other.

Prince named Alexander Abdulov

But they might not have met. At that time, Irina Alferova was in poverty: life with her first husband, Bulgarian businessman Boyko Gyurov, was not going well. No apartment, no registration, no money... And in her arms - a one and a half year old child. Alferova was not hired - who needs an inexperienced actress who has not worked a day on stage? They say that Irina’s friends helped her: someone rented a room in a communal apartment, someone donated money from time to time. She already wanted to return to her parents in Novosibirsk. How long will she have to suffer herself and torment little Ksyusha?! Leave, just leave!

She didn't leave. Fate finally rewarded her for her patience: one day, accidentally getting to a rehearsal in Lenkom, Irina Alferova dared to talk with the main director, Mark Zakharov, and she was accepted into the troupe. There she met her prince. His name was Sasha Abdulov.

...The theater was on tour in Yerevan. IN free time lovers walked through the park: the foliage rustling underfoot, the piercing blue of the sky - the perfect backdrop for a romantic date. Alexander asked: “Will you take me as your husband?” “If you carry it in your arms across the entire park, I will answer!” He grabbed her and did not let go of his precious burden even when the park was far behind. Returning to Moscow, they got married.

“Irina Alferova and I had a brilliant wedding: there were two of us. We were at the registry office, then at the church, then we came to the hostel and celebrated the wedding there,” Abdulov later recalled. The newlyweds settled in a hostel, and later, thanks to the efforts of Evgeny Leonov, they received an apartment. Alexander found common language with two-year-old Ksyusha, who began to call him dad. (He worried about her until his last days, rejoiced at her wedding and, as if real father, was jealous of Ksenia towards other men).

Irina Alferova and Alexander Abdulov. What fairy tales are not written about

Fairy tales often end with the words: “After the wedding, they lived happily ever after.” In the life of the most beautiful couple in the country, everything was, alas, not so. Alexander turned out to be the leading actor of the Theater. Lenin Komsomol, a favorite of director Mark Zakharov - the actor was, as they say, in great demand. Rehearsals, premiere shows, tours. Filming, filming, filming. Some even thought that he had “unhealthy popularity.”

While her husband was shining, Irina vegetated in the crowd. Alexander was not going to bother for his wife: “My Irka is very beautiful and talented. They’ll take her without me!” But they didn’t take it. Moreover, everyone around - both spectators and journalists - as if by agreement, admired her unearthly beauty, but for some reason no one exclaimed: “Lord, how talented she is!” How amazingly, how soulfully he plays!” Alferova did not dare to leave the theater; she kept waiting for a real, big role, but it never came. And when, on the advice of Evgeny Leonov, Irina asked the director to include her as the second cast in “An Optimistic Tragedy,” she received a decisive refusal.

And then there are these constant calls from my husband’s fans... Both angry and supposedly sympathetic: your husband is completely cheating on you, ah-ah! How. Irochka, you didn’t know this? Oh, poor you, poor... naive. Beauty has never stopped a single man from cheating!

Subsequently, Abdulov honestly admitted his love for women: “Yes, I’m a womanizer, a womanizer. Thank God it’s not blue.” To the actor’s credit, he never flaunted details, believing that “it’s not masculine to establish yourself in women’s circulation.”

Don't part with your loved ones

Yes, the then Sasha Abdulov was not created for quiet family life. As people say, his “skin was on fire” - he loved gathering noisy companies around him, spending time in restaurants, going fishing. He had no intention of leaving Irina. Where to go? For what? From a beloved woman, an object of tenderness and endless admiration?! How could this fit in with his endless hobbies? Yes, it could - man's love completely different.

Irina didn’t demand anything from him, she avoided a showdown in every possible way - she couldn’t and didn’t want to. And when she starred in the video of singer Alexander Serov, rumors spread about their alleged romance. Viewers, as often happens, confused the screen fairy tale with life. There was no romance, and there could not have been: despite the abundance of fans, Alferova did not waste her time on affairs, she still loved her husband.

Yes, she loved him, but she could no longer live with him. In 1993, the couple separated. Later, in an interview, she admits: “You see, Sasha has done a lot in his life, but that’s how he is! And I understand him. I just need something completely different in my life. And everyone needs him! To all women!

Star couple Irina Alferova and Alexander Abdulov. Life after love

On film set During the film “Sheriff’s Star,” the actress met Sergei Martynov. He turned out to be unambitious and, despite his external beauty (it was not for nothing that in the seventies and eighties of the last century he played both fairy-tale princes and White Guard officers), absolutely indifferent to the flattery of fans. Sergei became not only a husband for Irina, but also a guardian angel.

But also old love does not rust: ten years after their divorce, Abdulov told reporters: “I had one wife - Irina Alferova.” He invited her to his entreprise performance; they starred in the same film (“Trap”). It’s rare that someone manages to maintain warm, family relationships after a breakup. They saved it. Heavy, terrible disease Alexandra Abdulov, Irina Alferova worried about his death, as only a loved one can worry, dear person. Probably, if they had not divorced then, they would have lived together until his last days. What a pity that history does not know the subjunctive mood. What a pity…

Alexander Abdulov met Tatyana, a Mosconcert dancer, in 1975 at friendly party. According to Leibel, it was love at first sight - at night after the party they stayed overnight as guests in the same room... She almost immediately moved to Abdulov’s tiny room in the theater dormitory.

The artist called Tanya his wife and helped her enter GITIS. It seemed to everyone around that the wedding was a matter of time. All the Lenkom artists were jealous of Tatyana, and they were jealous of her “in a black way.” But a two-year romance with a handsome aspiring actor turned out to be a fairy tale with an unhappy ending. As Leibel says, Abdulov insisted on her abortion, and six months after that, the actor admitted to cheating with Irina Alferova. The separation was painful and long. Tatyana believed that Abdulov would return. According to her, he himself admitted that he wanted to be with Irina only because she would soon become a star. Lenkom management wanted to create a beautiful acting couple and promised to give Abdulov a two-room apartment for his wedding. Leibel did not believe in their union, but Abdulov and Alferova signed.

Many years later, in a frank interview, Tatyana Leibel admitted: a month after the wedding, Abdulov spent the night with her. Then Tatyana already had a new relationship - she was dating the star of the movie fairy tale “Aladdin’s Magic Lamp” Boris Bystrov, whom she married. Bystrov was in love, and Tatyana agreed to the marriage either out of revenge, or out of a desire to finally forget Abdulov. The marriage lasted three years, and true love Leibel met in 1983. In 1989, the dancer and her husband moved to Canada, where they still live.


In the late 90s, Tatyana came to Moscow and met with Abdulov. He called her to his house in Vnukovo and, as Tatyana says, offered to be together again. Of course, this was out of the question, but from then on Leibel and Abdulov began to be close friends, she often came to see the artist in Moscow. Last time Leibel and Abdulov saw each other a year before the actor’s death.

Irina Alferova

Irina and Alexander met in Lenkom in 1976. At that time, the actress was divorcing Boyko Gyurov, the son of the Bulgarian ambassador, with whom she gave birth to a daughter, Ksenia, and new love was not part of her plans.

And yet Alferova and Abdulov got married, and Alexander immediately adopted the girl, the future actress Ksenia Alferova. Ksenia and her stepfather even hosted the children’s program “Alarm Clock” together. Ksenia learned about her biological father in her youth, but her attitude towards her stepfather did not change at all. Even after the divorce, Abdulov did not leave adopted daughter. “No matter what they say, I declare that Ksyukha is my daughter, I gave birth to her, I know all her ailments, all her anxieties and I worry with her,” the actor commented on attempts to discuss Ksenia’s biological father. In 2013, in memory of her father, Alferova, together with her husband Yegor Beroev, released the documentary film “The Inventor”.

Irina Alferova and Alexander Abdulov were married for 17 years and were married. The family seemed ideal, but in the 90s scandals began. The first crack arose due to the autobiographical book “Notes of a Mean Girl” by journalist Daria Aslamova, who mentioned a connection with Abdulov. According to rumors, Abdulov generally married Alferova for convenience and began to cheat almost immediately after the wedding.

Next, rumors appeared about Irina’s affair with Alexander Serov (the actress starred in the singer’s video “Do You Love Me”), and in 1993 the actors announced a divorce, which became very ordeal for both.

“Sasha has done a lot in his life,” says Alferova. - But he is like that! And I understand him. I need something completely different in my life, but I understand why he did all this. Everyone needs Sasha! To all women! It’s for everyone!”

Galina Lobanova

The actor fell passionately in love with Galina Lobanova. He moved a young girl from Rostov to Moscow and lived with her for 8 years, but never proposed. Lobanova really wanted to become Abdulov’s legal wife, but in the end her persistence became the reason for the separation. Who was this girl? She introduced herself as a ballerina and indeed studied classical dance in her youth, but was not a member of any troupe. Living with Abdulov, Galina worked as a theater manager, and after breaking up she left for the USA, where she got married. She did not communicate with journalists.

Galina was with Abdulov during a difficult period of his life: the artist drank a lot, smoked uncontrollably and became addicted to gambling. He could spend several days at roulette, winning and immediately losing tens of thousands of dollars. The artist’s health was rapidly deteriorating: Abdulov suffered from thrombophlebitis.

Yulia Meshina

A year before his death, Abdulov became a father for the first time. In March 2007, lawyer Yulia Meshina, 22 years younger than the actor, gave birth to a daughter, Zhenya. She gave birth in a legal marriage: 13 years after her divorce from Irina Alferova, the artist again wanted to become a husband. Moreover, your last love Abdulov took him away from the family - at the time of the beginning of the affair with the actor, Yulia was married to businessman Alexander Ignatenko, the son of the director of the ITAR-TASS news agency.

A talented actress, beloved by millions of Russian television viewers, Constance Bonacieux, first wife and simply beautiful woman The Soviet Union - that’s what Irina Alferova became for many. The girl with the eyes - that’s what Irina’s classmate was called at the institute. Later, the actress’s cornflower blue, bottomless eyes and her smile inspired not only directors, but also artists and musicians.

Childhood and youth

Irina was born in March 1951 in Novosibirsk. Parents Ivan Kuzmich and Ksenia Arkhipovna Alferov went through the Great Patriotic War, and after returning to civil life both became lawyers and worked as human rights activists all their lives. Born into the family eldest daughter Tatiana and then Irina.

Official website

In her youth, Irina’s mother dreamed of an acting profession; she passed on her passion to youngest daughter. Already as a child, the future screen star staged fairy tales with neighboring children, and in high school she enrolled in a theater studio. The girl appeared on stage along with students and researchers.

On the advice of the studio's chief director, after graduating from school, Alferova went to enroll in Moscow, at GITIS. Mom approved this choice. Ksenia Arkhipovna accompanied her daughter to the capital.


Irina’s creative biography began in 1972, when the aspiring actress was awarded a diploma. If at the very beginning of her studies it was difficult for a girl to show creativity, then in her final years Alferova found herself at good standing. The artist was offered vacancies in several capital theaters at once.

The offer received from director Vasily Ordynsky to play Dasha in the epic “” suspended Alferova’s appearance on the theatrical stage for 5 long years. The director set a condition: either cinema or theater. The young actress was so captivated by the image of Dasha, as well as the film itself, that she agreed to the condition.

The artist was able to strengthen her status as a star after the release of her films, which rightfully took their place in the gold fund Soviet cinema: “Don’t part with your loved ones” and “Premonition of Love”, where she appeared with Alexander Abdulov.

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Irina Alferova and Alexander Abdulov

In the new century, Irina Ivanovna devotes more time to the theater. Sometimes he appears on the stage of Lenkom, but more often he plays at the School of Modern Play, a repertory theater in which he feels at home.

Here Irina Ivanovna became a truly sought-after and realized actress. Alferova was lucky to play the main characters in the plays “A Man Came to a Woman,” “The Seagull,” “Bear,” and “Night with a Stranger.”

In recent years, the actress has rarely pleased fans with her appearances on screen, but all projects turn out to be rated. This is what happened with the comedy film “Yolki-2”, where Alferova appeared in leading role Yulia Snegireva from the episode “Chimes and Airplane”, and with the joint Russian-French project “Rasputin”, in which Irina managed to reincarnate as Princess Zinaida Yusupova.

Personal life

The actress is not very fond of journalists, because in essays about her, reporters persistently adhere to the common cliche, portraying the actress as “unhappy.” But Alferova’s personal life was happy.

Irina's first husband was a diplomat from sunny Bulgaria Boyko Gyurov. The young people met at one of the creative evenings at the Bulgarian Embassy and soon became friends. Gyurov was fond of auto racing and once had an accident during a competition. The plastered Boyko asked Irina to come. The girl could not leave her friend in trouble and began to visit often, and a romance began between them.

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Irina Alferova and her daughter Ksenia Alferova

After the wedding ceremony, the actress left with her husband for Bulgaria, where her only daughter Ksenia Alferova was born. Irina had everything that Soviet women could dream of, but the actress fled to Moscow, where there was nothing. Alferova wanted to play, so she could not settle down in Bulgaria.

Everyone considered her second marriage to Alexander Abdulov “stellar,” and the couple was called the most beautiful in the Soviet Union. Alexander adopted Ksenia in early childhood, and the girl learned about the existence of her own father only in adolescence. Despite the news, Ksyusha remained in warm relations with Alexander Abdulov, which is visible to everyone joint photos. Ksenia managed to meet Boyko Gyurov as an adult.

After 17 years of marriage, in 1993, Alferova and Abdulov separated. For many, this gap was unexpected. But, apparently, the two stars felt cramped together.

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Irina Alferova and her husband Sergei Martynov

2 years after breaking up with Abdulov, Irina Alferova got married again. The third husband was actor Sergei Martynov. The romance broke out on the set of the film “Sheriff’s Star”. At the time of their acquaintance, Martynov was married to Ksenia, the sister of a popular TV presenter, but the marriage was bursting at the seams. The lawyer wife was offered a lucrative contract in London. Ksenia Martynova agreed and left for England with two children. Sergei did not want to leave - he was in demand in the profession he loved.

Later, when Ksenia tragically died, Martynov’s children Anastasia and Sergei came to Moscow. They and Irina Alferova’s nephew, Alexander, the son of her late sister Tatyana, found a second mother in this woman.