Fortune telling for the old new year for love and the future. “My dear, where are you?”: fortune telling for the Old New Year

For a long time in Rus', Vasilyev's Day was celebrated on January 14 (January 1, old style). This day was endowed with a special magical power and was even considered prophetic. That is why the night from January 13 to 14 was dedicated to fortune telling. Everything that was predicted on Vasiliev’s Day definitely came true.

This day was especially important for the girls, because they wanted to know their fate in advance. For Vasil’s meeting with Malanka (New Year’s Eve), the girls prepared in advance, preparing candles and everything necessary for long night fortune-telling. They gathered in a crowd in the hallway and told fortunes. From old books literary works, research into folklore, these fortune-telling have reached us. Why not tell your fortune, because such a night happens only once a year!

Semyon Kozhin. Christmas fortune telling.

Fortune telling with a well

This custom came from our western neighbors - the Bulgarians. Exactly at midnight they had to draw water from the well in complete silence. Such water was called “dumb”, it was believed. That she has magical powers. The girls threw a bag into the water with some symbolic object for her: a handful of grain, a ring, a bouquet of dried flowers, etc. The girl, who, due to her youth, had not yet taken part in fortune-telling, took out these bags one by one. The girls took the objects caught in the silent water home and put them under the pillow to see their betrothed in a dream.

Attracting the Groom

There was quite interesting ritual luring the groom. The girls poured bread crumbs onto the stove door and lured the rooster into the house so that he would peck those crumbs. Rooster as a symbol masculinity, tempted by the treat, personified a happy, fertile year, and in addition, it was believed that the girl from whose hands the rooster pecked the grain would get married that year.

A. Emelyanov. Christmas time.

Fortune telling with walnuts

At midnight, in complete silence, you should take 12 walnuts out of the bag one by one and put them in the same order as they were taken out on the table. They symbolize the 12 months of the year. From the first nut taken out, which represents January, to the last - December, you need to carefully crack these nuts. Good nut kernels mean prosperous months, dry kernels mean lean months, moldy or blackened kernels portend trouble or illness. Worm means mortal danger. Good kernels need to be eaten, and nuts with flaws should be burned and buried in the ground, so trouble can crush the house.

Fortune telling "Eavesdropping"

There were many similar fortune-telling, but they all boiled down to one thing - you had to listen, and guess your fate based on what you heard. For example, it was necessary to go out to a street intersection at night and listen to sounds. Fun, laughter, and the ringing of bells foreshadowed marriage and a cheerful life, while crying, the sound of an ax, and swearing foreshadowed misfortune. They also went to eavesdrop at the huts: successful conversations promised good life, and swearing and silence predicted something bad.

Unknown artist. Cartomancy.

Wax fortune telling

Take some cinders wax candles. Place them in a metal bowl and melt them, then immediately pour the liquid wax into cold water. When frozen, a certain figure is formed, from which it will be possible to predict the events of the next year. Perhaps the figure will look like a house, which means you will soon get your own home, which for an unmarried girl is tantamount to marriage. A shapeless figure means misfortune. A pit or cave, a grotto is the most dangerous figure, portends serious illness or death. A tree with raised branches is a sign of joy, with branches lowered - a sign of sadness. A candle or ring - for a wedding. Much in this fortune telling depends on the imagination of the fortuneteller.

Fortune telling by shadow

Crumple up the newspaper, place it on a plate and set it on fire. It is important to crumple it not tightly, but so that the newspaper can still transform when burning. After the fire goes out, bring the plate with the ashes to the wall and the shape of the shadow cast by the burnt newspaper can be used to interpret the future.

Fortune telling for the betrothed

Fortune telling is simple and quite common. You need to go out into the street at midnight and ask the first person you meet what his name is. The name of the betrothed will be the same.

A. Venetsianov. Fortune telling for the betrothed.

Hair fortune telling

On January 14, at exactly midnight, pour water into a bowl, sprinkle it with a pinch of ash, a pinch of sugar and a pinch of salt. Stir the water, and when it settles down, throw in two hairs - yours and your loved one's. Leave everything like this until the morning, and in the morning look: if the hairs are intertwined with each other, it means that you will be together, if they are at a distance from each other, it means a quick separation, and if one hair is drowned, it means the illness of the person whose hair it is.

Love spell for love

According to legend, this ritual helped to get rid of loneliness and overcome the crown of celibacy. It was necessary to come to the nearest church at midnight on New Year's Eve and walk around it 12 times.

Fortune telling by log

Interesting fortune telling using logs was carried out in Rus'. You had to go into the woodshed blindfolded, choose a log at random and bring it into the house. Which log did you choose? The husband will be like that. An even, smooth log with thin bark means a young and handsome husband. Rough bark - no handsome husband. An old tree means an aged husband. If the bark is peeled off, it means a poor man. Thick beautiful bark with rich relief - a rich groom. A big, thick log means a strong, healthy man. Knotty log - to big family, every bitch is a child. If you don't have a wood yard, you can do this reading in the park. Let them blindfold you and spin you around, then walk forward with your arms outstretched. Until you hit a tree. Now open your eyes and judge your “betrothed.”

So, Aries, Leo and Sagittarius - fire signs, the main assistant in fortune telling is FIRE.

You are recommended to read fortune telling using three twisted candles, each of which symbolizes something different: one - New Year, the second is well-being, the third is negative. Arrange them in this order: first the second, then the first, then the third. Light them all at the same time. The New Year's candle in the middle will be your pointer. Even burning of the candle of the year means a more or less stable situation in affairs, everything will happen: both good and bad. If the candle begins to flow from the side of a good candle, expect success, prosperity, good luck. And if from the outside negative candle- Beware of troubles.

Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces - water signs, in fortune telling your assistant is WATER.

Pour water into a basin and attach pieces of paper to its edges. male names. Now place an empty nutshell in the basin and blow on it. See what name the shell is nailed to, and with that it will get to live out its life. Instead of names, you can write on pieces of paper: money, new clothes, house, car, health, trip, new job etc.

E. Chernysheva. Epiphany fortune telling.

Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn- earthly signs, but instead of the earth you will be helped by its gifts - GRAINS. In addition, the earth is also represented by coins. You can also use them in fortune telling.

You can make any wish by looking at a coin, and then carry it in your pocket all the time until the wish comes true. Only at this time you cannot lend money.

You can also tell fortunes using grains of rice. Hold your hand over the rice, palm down, and say your question, then take a handful of rice and place it on a napkin. Even number grains means “yes”, odd means “no”.

O. Kiprensky. Fortune telling with a candle.

Gemini, Libra and Aquarius - air signs, in fortune telling you will be lucky where NATURE itself will be your allies.

If it's a snowy year, you can tell fortunes in the snow. Lie on your back in the snow, then get up and walk away without turning around. In the morning, inspect the place where they lay. If the footprint in the snow is rough, crumpled, then the husband will be rude, unyielding, and if the snow is soft, smooth, then the husband’s character will be the same. If the imprint is covered up, then you won’t get married soon. And if there is a mound, danger awaits. A clear, even print, deep and correct - means good husband and a strong family.

The Old New Year, which is celebrated on the night of January 13-14, is a special, mystical time. It is believed that it is on this night that the best time for fortune telling. How to find out your destiny, the name of your betrothed or date upcoming wedding– read the material.

Why do they tell fortunes for the Old New Year?

The Christmastide period (from January 7 to January 19) has long been considered special; people believed that it was on these days that fate could reveal its secrets and mysteries. We learned about the future through fortune telling and various folk signs. Single girls on the night of the night they wondered not only about their future, but also about their betrothed.

During the Christmas season, you can find out not only the name of your betrothed, but also the color of his hair, character or figure. As well as the wedding date, number of children, successful or unsuccessful marriage.

People believed that fortune telling on the night of January 13-14 was the most truthful. There was even such a saying: “Everything that the red maiden wishes for Vasily will come true, but what will come true will not pass.”

Fortune telling for Christmas time - the most accurate and truthful

Folk traditions of fortune telling are forgotten, losing their form and content. However, on the night of January 14, many girls still want to look into their future, as our great-grandmothers once did. If you also want to tell fortunes on this mystical night, read the material about how this can be done at home.

How to prepare for fortune telling for the Old New Year

Before fortune telling, you need to get in a serious mood, let your hair down, untie all the knots that are on your clothes (belts, straps, decorative elements), remove your bracelets and rings and accurately formulate the question that interests you.

How to tell fortunes for the Old New Year

If you are guessing about your future husband, then this should not be done in family home. At this moment, men should not be present in the house.

They say that every fortune-telling for the Old New Year had to be done without doubting its veracity, only then it would certainly come true.

Fortune telling with a comb

Before going to bed, the girl puts a comb under her pillow with the words “Betrothed, mummer, come and comb my hair.” If in a dream she sees a man combing her hair, then this year she will be married to the man who dreamed about it.

Fortune telling for the Old New Year with a comb

Fortune telling with cups

For fortune telling you need several cups (as many as there are people doing fortune telling). A ring, a coin, bread, sugar, onion, salt are placed in cups, and a little water is poured into one cup. WITH eyes closed, each of those who guess, in turn, chooses a cup.

Predictions for the future are as follows: ring - for a wedding; coin - to wealth; bread - to prosperity; sugar - for fun; onion - to tears; salt means bad luck, and a cup of water means life without much change.

Fortune telling for marriage with candles

You need a bowl of water, shell halves walnut, in quantity, equal to the number those who tell fortunes, and the same number of small candles or their pieces. You need to insert the candles into the shells, light them and let them float in a bowl.

Fortune telling for the Old New Year with candles

The girl whose candle burns out first will be the first to get married. Accordingly, the girl whose candle burns last will be the last to get married. If someone’s shell sank with fire, that girl will never be married at all.

Fortune telling for the future husband

Another very popular fortune telling for the Old New Year is searching for the groom under the pillow. To do this, you need to place pieces of paper under your pillow with men's names written on them. In the morning, take out one of the leaves. The name on it will be the name of your betrothed.

You can also go out into the street at midnight and ask the first person you meet for their name. They believe that whatever name they give you, that’s what your future husband will be called.

Fortune telling about the character of the future husband

On the night of January 13-14, before going to bed, girls need to put playing cards with the image of kings. In the morning, without looking, you should draw one card. Whichever king the girl gets, so will the husband: the king of spades is old and jealous, the king of clubs is military, the king of hearts is young and rich, and the king of diamonds is desirable.

Fortune telling for the Old New Year with cards

Fortune telling for the betrothed with a stocking

Girls will have to prepare for this fortune telling in advance - buy stockings. Before going to bed, you need to put on a new stocking on one leg and go to bed. At the same time, the girl must say: “Betrothed, mummer, come take off my shoes.” A man who takes off a stocking in a dream will become a future husband.

Fortune telling by thread

Insert three threads into three needles: black, white and red. Have someone carefully pin them to the back of your clothing. Without knowing in what order the needles are located, pull out one thread. The red thread means imminent marriage and the birth of a baby, white means loneliness, and black means marriage will not bring you happiness, you need to pay attention to career growth.

Fortune telling for the Old New Year by thread

Wedding fortune telling

On the Old New Year at midnight, girlfriends go out into the yard and, taking turns blindfolding each other with a scarf, spin them around several times, and then push the girl in the back. If she goes towards the gate, she will soon get married. If she goes to the porch, then she will have to sit as a girl for another year.

Fortune telling on dumplings

The housewife, preparing dumplings with potatoes, puts “surprises” in some of them along with the usual filling: coins, rings, nuts. The fortune telling itself occurs directly while eating the dish. Whoever gets what falls is waiting for him.

A coin or some grains - for wealth, a thread - for the road, salt - for tears, sugar - for a good and prosperous life, a ring - for marriage, a nut - the presence of two gentlemen, pepper - a new boyfriend, a cherry pit - for replenishment in family.

Fortune telling for the Old New Year with dumplings

Fortune telling on cereals

In a circle you need to place saucers with different cereals: buckwheat, millet, rice, semolina, oatmeal, pearl barley, and pour water into a separate saucer. The girls take turns spinning in the center of the circle raw egg and watch which way it will roll.

If to buckwheat - the groom will be rich, to millet - he will be blond, to rice - he will be married, to semolina - the groom will be from the north, to pearl barley - the groom will be a military man. Water means that the girl is waiting for travel. If the egg spins in place, it means that the girl will not get married this year.

Fortune telling by wish

Before going to bed on January 13, write 12 wishes on separate pieces of paper, carefully roll them up and place them under your pillow. When you wake up in the morning, pull out 3 of them - they will definitely come true in the new year.

Fortune telling for the Old New Year at will

Since time immemorial, the traditional time for divination was the Russian holiday - the Old New Year and it was celebrated on January 13th. It is this day in ancient Rus' endowed with magical powers and was prophetic. It was believed that fortune telling for the Old New Year made it possible to obtain reliable information on any issue.

Only we, the Slavs, have such a concept as “Old New Year”. Humorists often use irony in a similar way, marveling at the Slavic weakness of celebrating holidays that, it would seem, no longer exist.

However, this is not entirely true... From one position, the Old New Year is, of course, a non-existent holiday, since it is celebrated according to the old style (or rather, according to the so-called Julian calendar, which was in force before Russia adopted the modern Gregorian calendar).

But, from a different perspective, the festive night from January 13 to 14 is also the Generous Evening (Vasiliev's Evening) - a holiday that came to Orthodoxy from paganism and marked the richest day of the year.

It was “on Vasily” that the Slavs set rich tables, slaughtered a pig, and said prayers, spells and requests to various deities for the next year to be fertile and prosperous.

For girls, both evening and night from Melanka to Vasily (January 13 was celebrated as the day of St. Melanka, and on January 14, the church day of memory of St. Basil the Great) was a long-awaited time of divination for the future and for love.

It was on the basis of such Slavic pagan fortune-telling practices, and then their Orthodox interpretations, that traditional fortune-telling for the Old New Year for the betrothed, for fate, for family life, as well as modern Christmas fortune telling, which have safely reached us.

Fortune telling on Vasiliev Evening was considered auspicious sign, since it fell on the middle of Christmastide. This time was one of key points in a year when all fortune-telling showed only the truth and telling fortunes was not something that was not prohibited, but was strongly recommended.

Interestingly, this could not be prevented even by the fact that rituals of this kind were often rejected by the church and the authorities.

The simplest and most common of all types of fortune telling for the Old New Year was fortune telling on a shoe.

To perform this fortune telling, you had to take your shoe and at midnight, standing on the threshold of your own house, throw it away into the street.

And here, as they say, wherever the shoe lands, the little one will come from there. When carrying out this divination, it was necessary to take into account that for different areas, fortune telling may have its own variations of decoding, since the buildings are different everywhere.

For example, if a shoe fell with its nose towards the church, this could mean marriage, if its nose towards a military unit - a military groom, if towards a factory - a hard-working husband, etc.

Another easy to perform fortune telling was “large” or “rice”.

To perform this fortune telling, you need to take a cup of cereal or rice and say the following words over it:

“Tell me, fate, what should I expect: good or evil?”

And after that you need to make a wish.

At the same time, while making a wish, you need to pour rice from the mug onto the table. As soon as the grains are on the countertop, you need to select black or bad grains from the scattered grains and count them.

The final odd number of selected grains will indicate that the wish will not come true, and an even number will indicate that it will come true.

Fortune telling with wax - the meaning of the figures

One of the main fortune-telling “for Vasily” was done on wax. True, to carry it out it was necessary to have a wax candle on hand (only this was suitable for these purposes, and not a paraffin candle) and to have a good imagination. The essence of fortune telling was as follows:

Wax was heated in a separate metal vessel; usually 1-2 candles were melted for this. It was collected in another vessel cold water, which often served as melted snow.

Then the resulting liquid wax mass was carefully poured into water, so that the wax fell freely and took any shape.

In water, figures made of liquid wax instantly hardened. After that, they were taken out of the water and, based on their outlines or the shadows they cast, they tried to guess their future.

As a rule, there were no uniform rules for interpreting the results of this fortune-telling, so both the shape of the wax figurine and its meaning had to be thought out independently.
Many interpretations of wax figurines were taken from folk symbolism:

  • ring - quick engagement,
  • bed - health problems,
  • cross - blow,
  • the person is a good friend,
  • heart - new love etc.

Subtle fortune-telling for the Old New Year

On the evening of January 13, one could also encounter interesting fortune-telling. They were produced as follows:

  1. A special bowl (dish) with water was placed on the table, which was covered with an opaque scarf.
  2. All guests who came to the feast took off any jewelry and put it in this bowl
  3. When songs began to be sung at the table, during each new one, an object was taken out at random from the bottom of the dish: who it belonged to - that’s what the song is about.

“Towel” fortune-telling for the Old New Year for the betrothed was also popular among our Slavic ancestors.

For him, the girls took snow-white, clean, brand new towels (towels) and hung them outside their window just before going to bed.

At the same time, one had to remember to say special words:

“My betrothed, you are my mummer, come quickly and dry yourself with a towel!”

Then I had to go to bed and go out early in the morning and feel the hanging towel. If it was wet or damp, it means future husband came and in the coming year the girl will get married.

And if the towel remains dry and untouched, it means that the girl will have to sit and live with her parents for another year.

Fortune telling for the Old New Year with eavesdropping had a special charm. They could be a hundred different ways, but definitely at night on Old New Year:

You could walk under the windows of other people’s houses and listen to conversations:

  • if they were cheerful, then life will be like that,
  • if you’re boring, then you’ll be sad all year,
  • if songs are sung - there will be a wedding,
  • if they are silent, nothing will happen.

The girls also ran to the church at midnight and listened to what would be heard from behind its closed doors:

  • if the deceased means there will be trouble in the house,
  • if wedding chants mean love and happiness,
  • if there is silence, then for a quiet year.

In addition, fortune telling with cards for love is still popular among girls.

They also listened to the dog barking, wondering about the area where they would have to get married. To do this, they went out into the courtyard of their house and asked in a whisper:

“Bark, bark, little dog, bark, bark, little gray top!”

Then they listened to where the dog was barking from. If the barking was from afar, it means that you will have to go far to get married; if the dog barked in your yard, it means that you are destined to live very close after the wedding. The direction from which the barking of the dogs came was also important.

Fortune telling on bread, ring and hook

Another fortune-telling for the Old New Year involved the use of improvised materials - a ring, a piece of bread and a fish hook. This divination required the participation of several girls (at least 3) and was carried out as follows:

  1. A ring, a hook and a piece of bread were placed directly on the floor, all covered with a scarf.
  2. Then they stood in a circle from the scarf and turned around themselves 5 times

After which the scarf was quickly removed, and each girl grabbed one of the items:

  • the bread went to the one who marries a rich man,
  • ring - for a girl who will soon have to wait for matchmakers,
  • the hook is for a girl who is destined to live her whole life with the poor.

The next fortune-telling - “Glass and Ring” - was usually done at night (the later, the better), since it required a certain deconcentration of thought.

To carry it out, they took an ordinary glass (uncut and with a flat bottom).

Two-thirds of the water was poured into it, and then the ring of the girl who was telling fortunes was placed in the middle of the bottom of the glass.

She sat on a chair next to a standing glass and had to peer intently into her own ring until she saw the facial features of her future husband there.

Another native Slavic Old New Year's fortune-telling was carried out using the most ordinary... dumplings! And since in those days they were made exclusively by hand, the one who prepared them had a unique opportunity to organize an exciting fortune telling for their guests or household members.

What was needed for this divination?

A girl or woman made dumplings with potatoes, adding various symbolic little things to the filling - coins, seasonings, sweets, decorations, etc.
During the festive dinner, guests took away the treats, unaware of who would get the dumplings with what.

As a result, based on what kind of thing ended up in a person’s food, they judged his near future:

  • the ring signified a wedding,
  • a piece of other food (for example, a roll or carrot) - prosperity,
  • coin - financial well-being,
  • oversalted filling - tears,
  • sweet filling - joy,
  • cherry pit - having a child, etc.

Fortune telling on bulbs

This simple, but promising, fortune telling on bulbs was carried out by several girls at once. They each chose an onion and planted them in their own pot or placed them in water.

Then their task was to see which of the planted bulbs would come up first. The one whose sprouts appeared before everyone else will have to go ahead of the others and get married.

Options for fortune telling for the Old New Year

The list of fortune telling presented above is, of course, not exhaustive, but only represents the most popular old New Year practices for determining one’s future.

Having studied with its help the most popular Slavic fortune-telling for the Old New Year, any girl can try them on her own.

We have chosen the simplest modern truthful fortune telling for the Old New Year for the betrothed, marriage and fate. Conveniently, these New Year’s fortune telling can be done at home. So invite your friends to visit and try true modern fortune-telling for the Old New Year 2015 at home.

We have chosen 8 simple and quite modern Christmas fortune telling on the betrothed, marriage and destiny, which can be done at home with your friends.

8 interesting truthful fortune-telling for the Old New Year on January 13 for the betrothed and fate:

  • Fortune telling for the Old New Year 2015 on grains

Yuletide fortune telling on grains is one of the most simple fortune telling for love for the Old New Year 2015. Pour any cereal into a small jar. Formulate a question that interests you, and with your left hand take a handful of cereal from the jar. Now count the grains. Even number grain means a positive answer to the question.

  • Yuletide fortune telling on an egg

Prepare fresh egg, make a small hole and carefully pour the contents into a glass of water. After some time, the protein will coagulate. You can judge the future by what form it takes. For example, if you see a church in a figurine, it means a wedding, a ring means an engagement. A car, ship or plane - this is for travel, business trip, etc.

It is believed that Christmas fortune-telling for the Old New Year from January 13 to 14 is the most truthful and accurate. Therefore, it was on this night that the girls were still in Kievan Rus got together and wondered about love and the future.

  • Fortune telling for the Old New Year from a book

For this New Year's fortune telling On January 13, it is best to choose a book with spiritual content. Without opening the book, guess the page number and line number at the bottom or top. Now open the book to the desired page and read the selected line. Depending on what interests you most and interpret the selected paragraph of the book.


  • Fortune telling for the Old New Year using a wish on the water

Prepare two identical glasses. Fill one of them to the top with water. Having made a wish on the evening of January 13, begin pouring water from one glass to another. Do this several times. And now look at the surface on which the glasses stood. If no more than two or three drops remain on it after transfusion, the wish will come true. If there are more drops, its implementation will be a little more difficult.

  • Christmas fortune telling by shadows at home

This New Year's fortune telling for January 13 is quite simple. Prepare a saucer or flat plate, a sheet of clean paper, a candle and matches. Crumple up a piece of paper and place it on a plate. Now gently scoop up the paper ball. When the leaf finishes burning, use a candle to make its reflection on the wall. By looking at shadows (with a good imagination) you can learn about your future.

  • Fortune telling for the Old New Year on the character of the groom and marriage

Various objects are placed in a bowl or saucer, which the girls must take turns pulling out. You can put anything in a bowl. The main thing is that there is a clear comparison with some trait or quality of life. For example, sugar sweet life and a good, kind character of the spouse, a ring - marriage, a glass - fun life, a gold ring symbolizes rich life and so on.

For fortune telling to be truthful, it is best to do this after sunset. Also for truthful fortune telling You should make sure that there are no pets nearby - neither cats, nor dogs, nor any other living creatures.

  • Fortune telling for your betrothed for the Old New Year 2015 using matches

For this Christmas fortune-telling for the groom, prepare a matchbox and several matches. Place a match on each side of the box: one is you, the other is the man you like. Light them and wait for them to burn out. If the heads are facing each other, this means that the guy and the girl will be together.

  • Yuletide fortune-telling for the Old New Year 2015 for the betrothed by ring

Prepare an ordinary glass glass. Fill it three-quarters full with water. Carefully lower it to the middle of the bottom. Now look through the water into the middle of the ring. According to ancient belief, an image of your betrothed should appear in the middle of the ring.

please your family and friends with gifts and drink champagne, sparkling merrily from the many New Year's lights.

This is a fabulous day when you want to believe in miracles and feel like children. Let there be more magic in our lives, and then the world will become kinder, and all our wishes will surely come true!

What is the Old New Year, why does this holiday still exist, in which countries is it still relevant?

January 24, 1918 at Soviet Russia The Council of People's Commissars decided to catch up with the progressive world and move from the archaic Julian calendar in Gregorian. On the same day, a corresponding decree was formulated and adopted. Two days later - January 26 - Lenin signed it.

Go to Gregorian calendar The Bolsheviks had been trying since November 1917, but could not agree on the form of the transition. Discussions boiled down to two projects. According to the first of them, it was supposed to switch to new calendar for 13 years, dropping 24 hours each year. The second project, which Lenin advocated, assumed a one-time transition, which ultimately happened.

- In order to establish in Russia the same with almost everyone cultural peoples calculation of time, the Council of People's Commissars decides to introduce a new calendar into civil use after the month of January of this year. Because of this, the first day after January 31 of this year should be considered not February 1, but February 14, the second day should be considered the 15th, and so on,” the text of the decree said.

And already on the night of January 13-14, 1919, Soviet citizens had an additional reason to drink, because they had already celebrated the New Year in the new style, and the old style was still used by the church and was not completely forgotten.

Thus, the tradition of celebrating the Old New Year is almost 100 years old.

In Ukraine and Belarus, a Generous Evening is celebrated on this day, which includes celebrations, festivities and fortune telling. The generous evening of January 13 is very similar to Christmas Eve before Christmas. However, the dishes are no longer meatless: there should be sausages, meat, lard, pies, dumplings, and pancakes on the table.
The whole family should gather for a festive dinner. Ask each other for forgiveness and wish you happiness and prosperity in the new year.

In addition, the Old New Year is celebrated in the countries that were part of Yugoslavia. This is done especially actively in Serbia, Macedonia, Kosovo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as in Montenegro, where the church uses the Julian calendar.

Finally, they celebrate the Old New Year and North Africa. The Berbers do this. True, for them, unlike Europeans, this is a real New Year, because the Berber calendar, in fact, is a not very literate tracing from the Julian. They celebrate the holiday on January 12th.

Fortune telling for the Old New Year

The Old New Year is a special, mystical time. It is believed that the night from January 13 to 14 is the best time for fortune telling.
Despite the fact that Orthodox Church categorically does not approve of various rituals of guessing the future, which people resort to during Christmas time, nevertheless, fortune telling remains a favorite Russian pastime.

The start for the famous Christmas fortune-telling was given by the Christmas holiday, but fortune-telling can be done until January 19 - Epiphany.
In the period between January 8 and 18, it is customary to ask the names of late passers-by in the hope of finding out the name of the future chosen one, to throw a shoe into the darkness and see who will pick it up, to guess what awaits us by the coffee grounds or by the outlines of burnt paper.
Of course, all this is just entertainment for people gathered in a group to fool around. But few dare to attempt one of the most reliable and mysterious fortune-telling known in Rus' - to try to see the betrothed in the mirror.

By folk beliefs, on the night of January 13-14, all prohibitions are lifted, mysterious forces rush to Earth. Some are to harm people, others are to help.
Vasiliev's evening is recognized as special - January 13, when the result turns out to be highly accurate, even prophetic. No less successful in fortune telling is January 18 - Epiphany Eve.

In the old days, girls, going to tell fortunes, were in a serious mood. They mentally fenced themselves off from real world and turned to supernatural forces.
They placed two mirrors: one large, the other smaller, facing each other with their front sides. Two candles were placed between the mirrors and looked through the top of the smaller mirror. It turned out to be a long corridor, gradually darkening and going into the depths.
You need to look into this deep part, and after a while you begin to see various objects there, by which the future is determined.
By the way, it’s better to guess non-residential premises or in the attic.
At the beginning of fortune telling you need to say: “The betrothed-mummer! Come to me, dressed up!” .
They say that sooner or later a person destined for you appears in the mirror.

By the way, there is a more mystical, in my opinion, version of this fortune telling. You need to sit in absolute darkness in front of a mirror with a candle in the middle of the night.
An important condition is that no one else should be in the room!

You must look carefully at the reflective surface. After about 5 minutes it will fade. Then the betrothed, or rather the devil who has taken his guise, will be reflected behind the glass.
The girl must start shunning him so that he disappears, saying “Forget me!” Otherwise, evil spirits will materialize.

Preparing for fortune telling:

You need to get serious;
- let down your hair;
- untie all the knots that are on the clothes (belts, belts, decorative elements);
- remove bracelets and rings;
- mentally isolate yourself from the real world;
- accurately formulate the question.

On the night from January 13th to 14th, we have another chance to wish for something that we didn’t have time for the New Year, or to say the main words to our near and dear people.
The Old New Year is a day when you need to let go of old thoughts, old moods and open your heart to something new, for something to come and to come!

May the year be easy but bright! Pleasant, but not empty!

Happy holiday!