Fortune telling for Christmas time, Christmas time fortune telling. Fortune telling for wishes on Christmastide

Hello, dear friends and site guests! Let's talk today about fortune telling, and specifically about it. And when else to wonder if not during the Christmas season, it lasts from Christmas to Epiphany. From January 7 to January 19 is Christmas time. Let's take a closer look at what they are like, these fortune telling for Christmas time.

And it all starts on Christmas night! She is magical, fabulous and so makes you believe in miracles; even the most non-believers, somewhere deep down in their souls, believe in miracles.

Why do people tell fortunes specifically on Christmastide? There is a belief that these numbers bring the world of reality and the world of spirits into contact. Therefore, you can look into the future and find out about your destiny.

That’s how we are built, we want to look into the future, to find out about our destiny. This is especially interesting for young people, they really want to know what kind of betrothed he will be. I would like to look at least a little into the future.

I want to warn you that Christmas fortune-telling is a very serious matter and requires compliance with certain rules.

You shouldn't guess at home, it's better to do it in non-residential premises(bathhouse, barn, attic), if fortune telling is associated with mirrors, animals and cards.

If you are going to guess, remove the cross, rings and let your hair down (if it is long).

Suddenly a situation arises when you feel scared (knocks, blurts somewhere), just say, “Keep me out, mind me.” These simple words help, even protect. That's what old people say.

Ways to tell fortunes at Christmas time

My dear readers, nevertheless, I would not advise you to tell fortunes on mirrors. This fortune telling is best done under the guidance of a fortune telling specialist. And for yourself, you can choose simpler and harmless methods.

Prophetic dream

The very first and most pleasant way to find out your future is through sleep. Dreams during this festive season can be prophetic and through a dream you can learn a lot: who will be your betrothed, what events await you, how life will make you happy or sad.

In the evening, take a lock, a bag and your favorite dress, put the dress in the bag and lock the bag with the lock, and put the key under the pillow. When you go to bed, say: “Come, my betrothed, for the key, unlock my dress.”

Before going to bed, pour water into a glass and place it on the table next to you, say: “Come, my betrothed, give me some water.” Whoever comes in a dream will be your soul mate.

You can make a dream based on the day of the week:

Say these words before going to bed. My grandmother taught me this.

  • Tuesday - “from Monday to Tuesday, I look at the windowsill, with whom to live forever, come spend the night.”
  • Wednesday - “Wednesday, Wednesday, dream of bread or water, bread is good, water is bad.”
  • Thursday - “Thursday, Thursday, buy - sell, find - lose. If I find it, it’s good; if I lose it, it’s bad.”
  • Friday - “Friday, Friday, whoever loves, let him dream.”

In the morning, wake up and analyze your dream, it’s even very interesting, sometimes you dream about it, but in fact it actually comes true.

Read about how I overcame insomnia.

Fortune telling with shoes for the betrothed

And this ritual with shoes is very simple. Take a boot, felt boots or slipper, go out onto the road in the evening and through left shoulder throw it on the road.

Wherever the shoe points its nose, that’s where you’ll expect the groom. If the shoes are pointed towards the house, do not get married this year.

Fortune telling on a gold chain

There is a beautiful fortune telling on a gold chain, you need to tell fortunes before midnight. Take off the chain, pick it up and warm it up. Shake it in your hands and throw it sharply on the floor. The whole fortune telling is how the chain will fall. What figure the chain forms will be your prediction.

  • A straight line means success and luck in life.
  • A circle means a closed situation, a difficult situation.
  • The triangle is great luck in all matters and in love.
  • Confused - illness and difficult financial situation.
  • Heart - you are loved and love will bring you a happy life.
  • Snake - expect betrayal, beware of slander and gossip.

The most favorite fortune telling, this is fortune telling on wax. The girls gather in the evening, stock up on candles and vying to guess the meaning of the melted figures.

For this fortune telling you need candles, preferably wax ones, and a dish of water. We light a candle, and as soon as the wax begins to melt, we take the candle in our hand and move it over a dish of water. The movements should be circular. The wax drips and figures are created in the water. Half a minute is enough to get a figure.

We take the figure out of the water and consider what it reminds you of and what it is associated with. Let your imagination run wild. Associations must arise randomly. What you see is what awaits you this year.

You can also look at the shadow of a wax figure on the wall, turning it, the shadow can tell a lot...

You can look up the hint on the Internet, type in the search engine “meaning wax figures» and get a full transcript.

Note: after you have taken the figure out of the water, and there are a lot of wax droplets left in the dish, this is a good thing financial situation, to money. And if you haven’t formed a single large figure, but only droplets, then nothing significant will happen this year.

There are many methods of fortune telling, I told you only about the most popular ones, which I myself once used.

Video - truth and myths about fortune telling at Christmas time

Christmas time is amazing time, a time of joy, fun, goodness. People visit each other, give gifts, and do charity work. And young people sing carols, and fortune telling at Christmastime becomes a small miracle for them. Dear friends, I wish you joy, goodness and good mood! With love and respect, Alevtina

Witchcraft and fortune telling have long attracted the attention of people, becoming part of pagan rituals. In Rus', these customs gradually lost their meaning due to the adoption of Christianity. However, predicting fate using fortune telling still exists in our time. This custom continues to be followed mainly by women. Moreover, not only young girls love to guess, but also their mothers and even grandmothers. This allows the rules and secrets of such predictions to be passed on from generation to generation.

Fortune telling for Christmastide

The most wonderful and magical time throughout the year is almost two weeks - from January 7 (Christmas) to January 19 (Epiphany). This period is called Holy Week. It is believed that this is the time when the gates of heaven open, which allows a person to know his destiny.

The tradition of fortune telling at Christmas time goes back to ancient times. These days, the pagan Slavs celebrated the “solstice.” Our ancestors believed that the heavenly body turns to summer, and winter to bitter frosts. The Magi believed that during this period the borders of the worlds were crossed. At the same time, the souls of the dead gain the opportunity to be transported for a short time to the world of the living. These days people could ask otherworldly forces for advice and help.

The stable and wonderful tradition of Christmas fortune-telling, which originated in ancient times, has survived centuries and enjoys constant success among representatives of the 21st century. Of course, modern practices have undergone some changes over the entire period of their existence. However, we can say that they have expanded and multiplied, and also absorbed many extraordinary and new methods of divination.

Fortune telling rules

As in previous times, fortune-telling at Christmas time is carried out mainly by those girls and women who are eager to find out about their love that has not yet come and about their future family life. And no matter how many years have passed, a person’s desire to find out what will happen tomorrow is still just as strong.

According to psychologists, any fortune telling, like a dream, is primarily a dialogue with your unconscious. It is the internal state of a person that makes him see certain symbols and figures in burnt paper and in coffee grounds, as well as in hardened wax, a drop of which fell into the water. With the help of the subconscious, we begin to see problems that have passed our attention, and immediately outline ways to solve them.

On Christmastide, fortune telling is carried out for the future of the house at midnight. An atmosphere of mystery should be created for them - darkness, silence, candles, fire. All this helps to cut off unnecessary irritants and give you the opportunity to concentrate on the main thing. At the same time, intuition is activated, which we simply do not have time to listen to in our hectic life.

Rituals to fulfill wishes on Christmastide are carried out alone. But sometimes a group of girls gathers around the table. After all, together it’s not so scary. In former times, fortune tellers took off their belts and jewelry, and took out ribbons from their hair, believing that this would allow them to receive more positive flows of energy sent by external forces.

After this, direct preparation for fortune telling should occur. To get complete answers to questions asked, it is necessary to formulate the existing problem as accurately as possible. What the Higher Powers will tell the fortuneteller will largely depend on this.

Fortune telling during Christmas time for the future should be carried out in a well-ventilated room. The air in the room should be fresh, but not cold, to create a pleasant and comfortable atmosphere. It is advisable to light incense that has a relaxing and calm aroma.

For fortune telling on Christmastide with wax, both natural wax and paraffin candles can be used. They are chosen in different colors, depending on the questions to which the fortuneteller wishes to receive an answer. So, for a love theme you will need red items. Answers to financial matters can be obtained by using yellow candles, as well as gold and orange. To determine the future, they must be green or light yellow.

The shape of the fortune telling candle is also important. The product must be level and without tilt. Otherwise, it will be impossible to achieve uniform combustion, which will affect the correctness of the answer obtained.

If the result is not very encouraging and you receive negative information, do not panic. Fortune telling for wishes at Christmas time is primarily a parting word or a warning. They should not at all be considered as a final verdict that is not subject to appeal.

The ritual performed will allow you to receive tips from the Higher Powers. The information received must be carefully considered so that the best way to influence a difficult situation is found. It is worth remembering that a person is the master of his own destiny. It is unreasonable for him to withdraw from solving pressing problems. Compliance with a list of simple rules will allow you to find out what awaits the fortuneteller in the future, so that he has time to insure himself against force majeure and various surprises.

Making wishes for the year

Most people look forward to December 31st. After all, it is believed that it is on this night that one can test the effect of magic by wishing for something that will most likely come true next year. But no less effective are fortune telling for wishes at Christmas time. These rituals are performed for love and happiness, money and good luck.

Fortune telling is often done at home at Christmas. It is believed that something magical happens on this night. Rituals for Epiphany are no less effective. As a rule, both of them come true much faster than on other days.

Formulation of desire

The fortuneteller's request should always be in the present tense. The following formulations are considered incorrect: “I wish that I were rich.” The past tense “was” is used here. A person should not expect any fulfillment in this case. The universe does not understand his request, believing that “he was rich.” The phrase “Thank you for my wealth, which is growing day by day,” will have a completely different meaning.

In addition, requests should not contain overly critical or negative judgments. After all, Providence will take everything literally. For example, let’s take the statement “I have a nosebleed, but I want...”. Anyone who says this may begin to suffer, for example, from chronic sinusitis. You should also not want something “at any cost.” After all, it could be your own health or the life of loved ones. So you should be very careful with such formulations.

It is ideal if, after fortune-telling a wish, a positive verbal or written message is made for Christmastide. For example, the phrase “This is done joyfully and easily” or “It only brings benefits” may be said.

When fortune-telling wishes at Christmastime, you cannot use the word “should.” It is considered by the Higher Powers as an order. Don't think negative thoughts about other people. A negative message, according to the laws of the universe, will return as a boomerang tenfold.

The energy of gratitude and love should be invested in fortune telling for the fulfillment of a wish during Christmas time. It is necessary to say “thank you” for what you already have, without being afraid to ask for more. When formulating desires, the words “at least” and “at least” are not used. Such a request will be satisfied in a minimal amount, and the person is sometimes surprised that he, for example, has lived all his life in a small room in a communal apartment. But he wanted it himself.

It is also necessary to clearly imagine your desire, not to make anything abstract or ambiguous that can be misinterpreted or interpreted in two ways. How to make a wish for Christmas time so that it comes true? To do this, it must be presented simply and clearly. But most importantly, the fortuneteller needs to feel it, be saturated with its energy and understand that in subtle world it has already been fulfilled. All that remains is to correctly materialize your request into reality.

Ritual to fulfill wishes

Very effective ritual The making of a talisman will appear on Christmastide. To do this, it is necessary to attach, for example, a flat figurine made of clay or any other material to a string or braid. The main thing is that small parts can be glued to this item.

After this, you will need to finally decide on your desire. Next, small elements are glued onto the talisman, which symbolize a request to To higher powers. For example, if your desire is to increase energy, then a red pebble should appear on the figure. The request for deepening commercial thinking must be expressed in the form of a coin. Anyone who wants to acquire a sharp mind must stick any sharp object on the talisman. It is easy to purchase the necessary part at a sewing or esoteric store.

How to fulfill your wish on Christmastide? To do this, the talisman must be wrapped in cloth. The color of the fabric should also symbolize the request with which a person addresses the Higher powers. For example, success and money love green, while passion and love love red. The talisman prepared in this way should be hidden under the tree until the Old New Year. This period is necessary to “charge” the amulet, which is then carried with you for several days, and then kept nearby (in a pocket, under a pillow, in a purse, etc.).

Using paper

What kind of wishes can be made for Christmastide? During this magical period, a piece of paper and a pen will help you turn to Higher powers for help. They will be the main attributes of quite simple fortune telling on Christmastide. On one half of a sheet of paper a person should write down everything that he would like to get rid of in the new year. The second contains a list of what he wants to purchase.

How do you make Christmas wishes with paper? The fortuneteller must cut off the first half of the leaf, tear it into small pieces and throw it away. The same part where the most secret requests are written must be rolled up and placed in a secluded place. After a short period of time, it will become noticeable that life circumstances have begun to change for the better.

Also, on the night of the Old New Year, you can write down a wish on a piece of paper and put it under the tree. At noon the next day the note must be burned. This is also one of the simplest fortune telling for Christmas time, which will lead to the fulfillment of a wish.

Using candles

How to tell fortunes on a wish during Christmas time? There is a special ritual that will be most effective if performed in the evening hours of January 13th. There should be a maximum of six wishes. How to make a wish for them? To do this, you will need to light six candles at 11 p.m. Each wish is voiced the same number of times, which is then written down on paper with a date indicated when it should be fulfilled.

Next you need to wait until midnight. Already at the first strike of the chimes, the paper with written wishes is burned, and its ashes scatter in the wind. At the same time, the person must say three times: “Everything that is mine will return to me, it will turn into a bird of happiness.”

There is also fortune-telling for Christmastide using wax. In this case, a mirror is also used. It must be taken in a round shape. The fortuneteller lights a candle and applies its wax to the mirror. A cherished desire is also written on it with charcoal. After this, the mirror should remain in a cool place for some time. After 3-4 hours it is sprayed cold water. If you can see a wish written on the glass, then it will certainly come true. A clean mirror will tell you that the person’s request will not be satisfied.

Use of symbolism

What fortune telling during Christmas time are considered the most effective? To fulfill his request, a person needs to mentally formulate the most important and cherished desire. After this, he must realize its spiritual component. In other words, why he needs it, and what it will allow him to change in life. For example, dreams of new apartment should be associated with coziness, comfort and safety. The desire to start a family certainly coexists with the joy of close relationships, fatherhood, motherhood and love. The spiritual component of travel lies in relaxation, new experiences and knowledge of the previously unknown.

After giving clarity to the idea, you need to come up with a symbol for it. So, when celebrating the Old New Year, one of the following can be placed on the table. national dishes a country you want to visit, a salad shaped like a heart, a car, etc.

Next, you should make a wish in a whisper, voicing its spiritual meaning. The prepared symbol of your request must be completely eaten within New Year's table. It will be simply wonderful if your loved ones, loved ones and relatives help with this. In this case, the energy of desire will increase significantly.

Using champagne

How can you ensure that a person has good luck and happiness all year round? For this purpose in New Year's Eve from January 13 to 14, you need to pour a glass of champagne and, sipping from it, lower it into the drink after each sip index finger. You should hold it until all the bubbles burst. Next, use this finger to lubricate the temples. Such a ritual means “anointing” for good luck.

If you have a desire that is related to your career or professional activity, at midnight it must be mentally pronounced three times, loudly saying after each time: “It will be fulfilled.”

After the champagne bottle has been emptied on the night of January 13-14, leaves with wishes written on them, rolled into tubes, are placed in it. Instead of cork, use plasticine or wax. The bottle is placed in a secret place until the next New Year.

Using threads

This fortune-telling during Christmastide is often called “grandmother’s”. For it you will need to prepare 9 threads of different colors, cutting them into 15 cm lengths. A braid should be woven from these pieces. It will contain colors such as yellow and white, green and red, gray and purple, brown, black and blue. While braiding, it is important to concentrate your thoughts on your desire. Finished product Place it on the balcony or window at night. In the morning, after waking up, the fortuneteller says three times: “Scythe, I got up, I made my cherished wish, tell me the truth and don’t languish for a long time.” After that with eyes closed One thread is pulled from the product. The answer will lie in its color. What will they tell the person?

  1. Green will indicate the unreality of the request and the fact that it will not come true.
  2. Red will please you with the speedy fulfillment of your desire.
  3. Gray will tell you that the person’s request is stupid. Because of this, it is unlikely to be able to come true.
  4. Yellow will tell you about the imminent fulfillment of your desire (after 2-3 months)
  5. Black will indicate a 50/50 probability of execution.
  6. Violet will confirm that your plans will certainly come true.
  7. Blue will indicate that you should not wait for the wish to come true.
  8. Bely will also confirm that a person should not have hopes that his plans will be fulfilled.
  9. Brown will tell you that your wish will certainly come true.

How to achieve your goal?

You can carry out simple fortune-telling for Christmas at home, which are quite effective in terms of the occult power inherent in them. The completed rituals will help a person in the new year to definitely achieve his cherished goal and fulfill what he has been dreaming about for a long time.

To do this, you will need to take a deep plate and pour some holy water into it at midnight from January 6 to 7. The dishes should immediately be taken outside or placed on an open balcony. She should stay there until the morning. Immediately after the sun will rise, a plate of water must be brought into the house. After this, a thin church candle, which must be moved clockwise over the plate. At the same time, one of the Christmastide conspiracies to fulfill a wish must be read 12 times. His words are: “The Savior was born and the world was transformed. Our salvation has come, and with it the solution has come. Son of God, Lord Jesus, help, help the slave (the name of the fortuneteller is pronounced) to solve the matter, achieve the goal, break through the obstacle. Let the problem (its main essence should be briefly stated) be solved thanks to Your word. Amen (pronounced three times).”

It is a mistake to think that in order to obtain the desired result when fortune telling at Christmas time, it is important to have magical abilities. During this magical time, everyone can make a wish. To perform it, the magic that is literally in the air will be enough.

The tradition of Christmas fortune-telling has its roots in the distant pagan past. With the adoption of Christianity, divination and magic began to be considered a great sin. Playing with fate, trying to penetrate into the future is a dangerous activity. It may happen that the prediction is false, but the person believed in it. So it won’t take long to ruin the life of yourself or someone else. However, there are days in the year when all prohibitions are lifted, and witchcraft does not bring trouble. This is, of course, Christmas time. In essence, any fortune telling is fortune telling based on desires. True predictions - whether they are good or bad - are soon forgotten. Maybe for this reason, once a year you can become curious about fate - find out the truth and forget.

Christmas time is a time for well-deserved rest and collective entertainment.

Fortune telling with cards based on wishes was not very practiced in Rus'. It is much more interesting to find out the future in colorful details - which side the groom will be from, what his name is, what he looks like. These are all girlish questions, and older people were interested in the harvest, the fertility of livestock, the weather in the coming year, and so on. These questions could be answered during Christmas time. When does Christmas fortune telling begin? You can begin them immediately after the appearance of a star in the sky, announcing the Birth of the Savior.

What young person entering adulthood does not dream of finding out her destiny? Fortune telling for girls' wishes is, first of all, questions about marriage. What lies ahead - prosperity or poverty, will there be children, health and prosperity in the family? All this is very interesting!

All year long, hardworking people have a lot of worries: in the spring - sowing, in the summer - mowing, preparing supplies for the winter for the family and livestock, in the fall - harvesting and winter sowing. Christmastide falls during the most serene period - from the Nativity of Christ to Epiphany and the Blessing of the Water. Having spent a year in labor, in Filippovka, in fasting and abstinence, having defended the long solemn Christmas service in the church, the people began fun and festivities, which lasted two weeks. During daylight hours, they prepared hearty and plentiful food - borscht, jellied meat, pies, pies. They made a lot of pies, because Christmastide means visiting, eating, and caroling. It gets dark early in winter. Traditional gatherings and entertainment begin at sunset, when Christmas fortune-telling begins.

Christmas time as an occasion to make new acquaintances

Each locality had its own experts in the most accurate methods of prediction. They certainly tried to invite them to their party, because even the simplest fortune-telling for the fulfillment of a wish would be desirable to be colored with more precise details. The fortuneteller was lured with treats, cajoled with gifts and kind words. Experienced fortune tellers were a kind of actors. The famous underwater prophecies were accompanied by the performance of special chants and round dances. Girls, going to visit for fortune-telling at Christmas time, dressed up in the most beautiful dresses, tied up their hair with ribbons and colored scarves - after all, there would definitely be young men in the company. During such gatherings, young people met, had fun, got married, and on Maslenitsa, parents sent matchmakers to have a wedding on Krasnaya Gorka.

Under-the-radar fortune-telling

The most colorful and crowded fortune-telling of wishes at Christmas time took place with the participation of a matchmaker and was called sub-divination. Such parties usually attracted a lot of people, there were both boys and girls. The guests participating in the action put their rings, earrings or other small personal items into a large dish with water, and the matchmaker also put bread, salt and ash there with the appropriate sentence. The youth danced around her singing. At the end of each verse there is a matchmaker with the words “What happens, cannot be avoided!” took out two objects. The owners took their things, and the action continued until the dish remained empty. If a couple of objects belonging to two girls or two boys were taken out, then the matchmaker, at her discretion, could put them back or give them back to the owners.

There were other options for under-the-radar fortune-telling. In this case, each verse of the underwater song contained brief description any event - wedding, travel, birth of a child, wealth, poverty, illness, death - everything that accompanies a person’s life and stands out as the most significant. For each story noted in the song, an object was taken out of the dish. The prediction was interpreted in accordance with what was heard

Fortune telling on cards

Yuletide fortune telling- This is collective entertainment. It’s not interesting to guess on maps in a company. This is an activity for two, because a fortune teller usually tells one person for a long time and in detail about his future, past and present, and those around him may get bored at this time. And yet, the demand for this kind of interpretation of fate during this period is very great. Tarot readers sign up those wishing to queue for a certain hour, because fortune telling with cards based on a wish using a Tarot deck is not available to many. This is a whole philosophy, but there are more simple ways. Yuletide fortune-telling using the cards of the French fortuneteller Madame Lenormand is much shorter and more accessible. Pictures depicting a ring, a road, rats, a coffin, a child, the sun, a book and other objects and phenomena very clearly demonstrate what the coming year has in store for the questioner.

You can find out about marriage through the usual playing deck, using court pieces taking into account the suit. This Christmas fortune telling on cards looks like this. Men speculate on kings and jacks. At night, these cards and one lady, denoting the fortuneteller herself, are placed under the pillow. Next you need to say: “I go to bed on the Zion Mountains, three angels in my heads. One sees, another will tell, the third will predict my fate. All the good things will come true, but the bad things will not come true and will be forgotten.” After this, you can’t talk to anyone until the morning. You need to go to bed before midnight. And the next day, immediately after waking up, the first card that comes to hand is taken out. If this is a lady, it means that the girl will not get married in the next year.

Fortune telling for the betrothed

There is another common and no less simple fortune telling based on the desire to find out about the groom. A comb is placed under the pillow, this procedure is accompanied by the following words: “Betrothed-mummer, come to me dressed up, comb your little head.” In the morning, there should be a hair on the comb under the pillow. The bride recognizes the groom by its color.

Single girls They hung a towel out the window at night and said: “Mummer, come and wash with me.” If the towel turns out to be wet in the morning, it means that this year the fortuneteller will meet her future husband, and if it remains dry, then she will have to wait until next year.

A simple fortune telling using three tea or coffee cups it told whether the girl would get married, get a fiance, or remain single until next year. Under each cup you need to put a ring, a flower and a ribbon. If the choice falls on a flower, then the girl will meet her betrothed, if it’s a ribbon, then she’ll be a free bird all year, but if it’s a ring, then everything is clear.

What were family people wondering about?

Married women, wanting to know what gender the child would be, poured water into a large spoon and froze it. They looked at it in the morning, and if the ice turned out to be convex, it means that a boy will be born, if it is concave, it means a girl, and if it remains flat, it means that there will be no addition to the family yet.

Economic people did not forget about and made weather forecasts for the whole year by month. To do this, they took 12 bulbs and immediately after Christmas church service laid them out in a row on the windowsill. All vegetables were sequentially designated every January 19th and they were examined. Wet denoted rainy months, and dry denoted dry weather. In this way, work could be planned, such as roof repairs or planting.

Scary fortune telling

Brave girls went to the bathhouse to cast spells. There, according to legend, the bath spirit lived, which on Christmas days could show the girl her future husband. Bath fortune-telling for wishes on Christmastide was carried out at night, when everyone had already gone to bed. The girl took with her two mirrors and a white plate filled with water without a pattern. Having removed all clothes except the shirt, untied the knots and removed them from the neck pectoral cross, she, fortune-telling by the light of two candles, was setting up a corridor of mirrors. Having counted twelve reflections, the girl turned her gaze to the plate of water and peered into it. As soon as a face appeared there, she had to immediately turn everything over and, grabbing the cross, run away from the bathhouse. This was a very dangerous activity, since the bathhouse spirit could scare a curious woman to death and even strangle her if she hesitated. And such cases have happened.

The most desperate ones went to church. Fortune telling with candles was carried out as follows. The girls lit candles and placed them in front of the altar. Based on the sequence in which they burned, the order of marriage was determined. And by the soot and crackling of the candles they judged what the marriage would be like.

Fortune telling with fire

Candles were also used for another way of predicting fate. So, they lit a long thin candle and held it tightly, without moving, over a dish of water until a small cinder remains. As the wax dripped, it created a variety of patterns. Interpreting them required a remarkable imagination. You should count on the help of girlfriends with caution. After all, everyone has their own destiny, and they can see something that relates to themselves, and not to the one who held the candle, and willy-nilly distort the prediction.

There are very interesting things to do if you want to know the main events of the beginning of the year. The prediction takes place in 3D format. You will need a clean white wall and large leaf it must be crushed into a large soft lump, placed on a tin tray and set on fire. The lighting must be turned off, since the image can be read by the shadows on the wall cast by the burning paper. To make fortune telling successful, try it first with a small sample of paper. When you are sure that the shadows are clearly visible, you can proceed to the main action. This fortune telling is accurate, because subconsciously every person knows his destiny, but we do not always know how to use our own intuition.

Fortune telling with glasses

The events of the year can be determined in one more way. Take four identical glasses, number and place four elements in them - ring, salt, bread and sugar. The girl or boy, that is, the one who asks the question, closes his eyes. One assistant spins the fortuneteller around the axis, the other swaps the glasses. Then the questioner is brought to the glasses, and without looking, he chooses one of them. If there is a ring in it, it means there will be a wedding or engagement; if salt - sorrows, bread - rich life And good job, sugar - serene and happy year. The one who chose the ring can find out when it happens to him important event- marriage or engagement. To do this, the glasses are emptied and the person is spun around again. Glass number 1 means January, February or March, number 2 - April, May or June, 3 - July, August or September, 4 - October, November or December.

Funny fortune telling

Pets also took part in fortune telling. In former times they loved so-called bird fortune-telling. Whether the wish would come true or not depended on which paw the hen or rooster crossed the threshold first: if it was the right one, then the wish would come true, but if it was the left one, then it would not. The bird was frightened by a noisy gathering of strangers, ran away, they poured grains on it, and persuaded it to come in.

A group of friends can have a lot of fun if they decide to do fortune telling with a large chest filled with a wide variety of utensils or a wardrobe. To help the fortune tellers, they need a child of five to seven years old who does not understand things very well. The youth are blindfolded, and the child takes out various objects from the closet and asks: “Whose is this?” The one who answers: “Mine” is untied and given the chosen item. When all participants have been interviewed and given things, you can begin to interpret the meaning. Since any Christmas fortune-telling applies only to the coming year, the main events of this period for each of the characters are determined by subject. Threads, belts, ties, shoes or a suitcase always portend a road and travel, the key is the acquisition of real estate or a car, trousers that a girl gets, even if they are women's, promise a new acquaintance with a man, if a young man gets a skirt, then he will have new girlfriend, glasses and bottles indicate many festive feasts with alcoholic beverages, tableware - for communication with friends and guests, beautiful jewelry and expensive fur - for wealth, socks, slippers, unpresentable things - for poverty, books - for study, weapons symbolize war , toys portend the birth of a child or pregnancy, etc.

Fortune telling from books

To do this, they take six volumes of different subjects, for example, the Bible, fairy tales, novels and some reference books. Questions are formulated approximately as follows: “What do I need to do or what should I do to fulfill my desire?”, “What will be the most significant for me this year?”, “How will my professional life turn out?”, “What new will happen in my personal life?” ?. Without looking, he takes the volume and opens it. Next, still without opening your eyes, your finger points to the place where the prophetic text is written. It must be read and comprehended. The theme of the book indicates the main concerns of the coming year, and the selected text is an answer to a direct question.

Modern fortune telling

With the transition of the calendar to new style New methods of divination have also appeared, for example, a wish is made in advance, and at the time of the Moscow chimes it is written down on a sheet of paper, set on fire and thrown into a glass of champagne. During the fireworks, everyone clinks glasses, hugs and drinks champagne along with the ashes. In order for this New Year's fortune telling to work, the desire must not only be written and swallowed, it is very important that the paper burns completely and the ashes do not spill onto the tablecloth. This ritual usually greatly enlivens the feast. Not everyone believes in its effectiveness, so they laugh when they see how their friends are fussing, counting on such magic. Residents were very lucky with this fortune telling Kaliningrad region. Recently, they have heard the chimes of the Moscow Kremlin and the President’s speech twice, because to them New Year comes later than everyone else in Russia. Accordingly, fortune telling on paper based on desire is done twice. The second time, they are usually better prepared - matches are at hand, and the paper is not too hard and not too light (so that it burns quickly and does not scatter before it gets into the glass). In general, you can guess for each wish only once, otherwise contradictory answers will appear and you can get confused. Although, if you treat this as a joke, a game, a reason to have fun, then why not...

Christmas traditions and rituals are a great occasion to diversify your everyday routine, renew communication with old friends, and make new acquaintances. Such traditions must be preserved and cherished. Many will say that any magic is a dangerous activity; it is no coincidence that the church condemns divination and fortune telling during Christmas time, but you should not take this very seriously and be afraid of such a sin. There are worse things. Take Christmas games with a bit of humor. Our ancestors, having played with fate on Christmastide, plunged into the night from January 18th to 19th, thereby washing away the sins of two holiday weeks. After this, ordinary life began with its simple concerns and interests, and Christmastide remained in the memory as a bright and cheerful episode.

Christmas time in 2018 begins on January 7 and will last until the 19th. At this time, you can tell fortunes for your betrothed and simply find out what awaits you ahead.

Christmas fortune telling, collected for you by the site team, does not require special training. All that is required of you is self-confidence and the desire to find out what is hidden from you. Use the holidays to achieve prosperity and good luck not only in your personal life, but also in business.

Fortune telling for the betrothed

1. Before midnight, unmarried girls should cut threads of the same length and burn them on a burning candle, while thinking about their lover or that they want to meet a loved one. The girl whose thread burns out faster will be the first to find happiness in her personal life.

2. An unmarried girl can call a randomly dialed number in the dark. If a man answers, then happiness in love will come soon. If a woman, then a girl will stand in the way and interfere with your personal happiness.

3. Before going to bed, you need to drink a glass of water with salt dissolved in it. After this say: “The betrothed will appear in a dream and give you something to drink”. The one you dream about will, according to legend, become your husband.

4. Before going to bed, place four kings from a new deck of cards under your pillow. A man who appears to you in a dream in red promises a kind and generous husband, and in black - one who is tight-fisted and stingy with compliments.

5. During the holy week, unmarried girls can tell fortunes which of them will get married first. To do this, you need to take turns throwing the ring towards the door. The girl whose ring reaches the threshold can collect a dowry for a quick wedding.

Fortune telling for the future

1. At night, fill a wide container clean water and light a wax candle. Pour wax into the water, saying: “Wax patterns blur, secrets reveal what awaits me, indicate”. Based on the resulting images, you will be able to interpret what awaits you in the near future.

2. Place a few symbolic items in a bag and tuck it under your pillow. Choose things that have meaning for you. So, a key may mean a quick move, a ring will foretell marriage, and so on. In the morning, without looking, take out the first object that comes to your hand.

3. Take several glasses or small containers of the same size. Put a ring in one, bread in the second, a coin in the third, salt in the fourth, sugar in the fifth. Close your eyes and move the containers around, then pick one at random. Sugar promises a cheerful and carefree life, a coin promises financial stability, bread means that your home will be cup full, salt - for tears, and a ring - for a quick marriage.

4. Crumple up a sheet of clean paper, place it on a flat surface and light the candle. The shadow you see will tell you what the future holds.

5. Draw a circle on a piece of paper and divide it into several parts. Write any questions you have on it. Read them out loud and hold the pendulum to the paper. If it sways from side to side, then the answer to the question will be negative. Circling in a circle or moving back and forth promises a positive response. Ask questions so that the answer is clear.

Many fortune-telling, which our ancestors carefully passed on from mouth to mouth, are also popular in modern world. Some consider such a pastime to be mere pampering, while others actually get answers to their questions and know what they can expect in the near future. We wish you good luck and prosperity in 2018, and do not forget to click on the buttons and

11.01.2018 02:15

Fortune telling at Christmas time at home: methods

The most reliable time for fortune telling is during Christmas time, this is the period from January 7th to almost January 22nd. During this period, you can guess about love, wealth, family life. Christmas time is the period from the Nativity of Christ to Epiphany. During this period in Rus', girls gathered in groups used to tell fortunes. The guys did not stand aside either, who also wanted to find out whether his betrothed would love him or whether his parents would agree to matchmaking.

There is a huge number, everyone is guessing Slavic peoples. Let's present some of the most famous and not difficult fortune telling.

In the snow

If fresh snow has recently fallen, walk through it around midnight so that the tracks are visible. If in the morning it turns out that the footprints have not been trampled, this promises an easy marriage, but if on the contrary, it means that the husband will dominate in everything.

If you want to find out the age of your future chosen one, you need to go outside at midnight, just like Christmas, and throw a handful of snow. If the snowflakes fly away, the husband will be much older. Snowflakes land on your face - the young husband will get caught.

By shoes

If a girl or guy wants to find out in which direction the other half lives, you need to throw your shoes over the fence, then look in which direction the toe of the shoe is pointing - that’s where happiness lives.

For the betrothed

During the Christmas season, a girl should pour water into a glass and add a little salt. The glass should remain near the bed all night. Before going to bed they say: “My betrothed, mummer, give me some water to drink.” At night this betrothed will appear in a dream.

You can do the same with a comb, repeating the same words as with water, only instead of words about drinking, accordingly, you need to tell him to comb his hair.

Fortune telling by strings

The girls gather late in the evening, each takes an identical piece of thread and all light them from a candle at once. Whose thread burns out faster will get married first. But if the thread does not burn to the middle and goes out, this girl should not be married.

On matches

This is a very interesting fortune telling for a couple. Two matches are taken, inserted on the sides of the matchbox and set on fire, before that, the matches are named after the girl and the guy. If matches look at each other after burning out, they will live happily together.

Wax and water

The simplest and most common is fortune telling using wax dripping from a burning candle into a bowl filled with water. Wax can produce all kinds of images - from letters to full-fledged images. Here it is important not to forget to use your imagination. When asking the name of your future spouse, you will need to make out the letters in the message. In questions about the future, try to understand the wax images.

Burnt paper

Another interesting way fortune telling is as follows: crumpled paper is set on fire in a dark room (it is better to do all this with the utmost care so as not to start a fire) and placed against the wall. The task is to discern the images drawn by the shadow of the flame.

Coffee grounds

For coffee lovers, such fortune telling will be a double pleasure. There will be a clarification right away - it is best to use finely ground coffee. The principle of fortune telling is quite simple - we drink brewed coffee, see the grounds remaining at the bottom, turn the mug upside down in two directions - away from ourselves (for the future) and towards ourselves (for the past) - and place the upside down on the saucer. We wait a couple of minutes for the grounds to completely spread and dry. Then we turn it over and find the traced coffee symbols. The same procedure can be carried out not just by guessing at the past/future, but with the designation specific issue. To decipher the symbols, you can turn to the Internet, or you can connect your own associations.

Counting grains

Dedicated to those who don’t mind counting the number of grains in a handful. For fortune telling with the desire to get an answer to a “yes/no” question, you will need a jar with some kind of cereal or grain. Holding over the can left hand palm down (why the left - because you cannot sin with the right, and magic, although allowed during the Christmas period, is still considered evil spirits), we ask a question and take out a handful of loose substance from the jar. And we keep count. Even number grains will express a positive answer, and odd - vice versa.