Tell fortunes whether he loves his wife. Love fortune telling “Loves - loves not”

Personal relationships between a man and a woman are so complex and unpredictable that sometimes only fortune telling on 36 playing cards can help predict the development of events. How does your chosen one treat you, what are his true intentions, does your couple have a future, the deck lifts the curtain on these and other secrets classic cards. Some various layouts will help every woman understand difficult situations with your loved one.

Most people in the world want to find love or get married. With the help of this prophetic action on 52 cards, you can learn the secret of your marriage destiny - whether you will get married and how soon this will happen. You can lay out cards for love in fortune telling only once a year at Christmas or at any other time. It is no longer possible to make such predictions again until the current year changes.

“Crown of Love” - online fortune telling for a loved one
The gift of the goddess Aphrodite has the power of purity and eternal love, never dying, reviving and awakening the hearts of lovers. Fortune telling with the help of the Crown will tell the loving girls' hearts everything about the guy they love, about the man they like - he loves or doesn't love, wants or doesn't want, and how the relationship will develop further...

"Chamomile" - classic fortune telling
What to do if it’s winter outside, or you live among asphalt and haven’t seen a chamomile for a long time? Yes, and running around every time in search of a hidden flower is quite difficult. Let flowers continue to decorate nature, now you can use chamomile love fortune telling for love at any time using the website www.???...

“Flower” - online fortune telling for a loved one
Suitable for girls. A humorous description of a loved one, comparing your loved one to a flower and giving in a nutshell a very harsh description of his behavior in his personal life. This fortune telling should not be taken completely seriously, but, as they say, there may be some truth in every accident.

"Postal Dove" - ​​fortune-telling oracle
Doves have long been considered a symbol of peace and love; lovers are often called “doves.” There are many myths and legends that glorify the ability of pigeons to bring peace to any situation. Is our free fortune telling on love is dedicated to romantic feelings. The carrier pigeon will bring you the answer to a secret question and answer - YES or NO!

"Book of Changes about love" fortune telling online
Yin and Yang are two opposite poles - feminine and masculine, dark and light, distant and close. These opposites brought out of oblivion everything living and non-living on Earth. Natural phenomena, our development, the events of our lives - all this is the result of attraction or, on the contrary, the collision of Yin and Yang... In this fortune telling for love you will come into contact with the wonderful energy of the cosmos!

Fortune telling about relationships and feelings

"Book of Fates" - questions about love
Book of Fates - besides general issues, she is most often approached with love questions. The Book of Fates is a kind of road sign. When starting romantic fortune-telling, try to abandon the problem, calm down and try not to think about the bad. After all, if you are negative about the situation, then there can be no question of a positive answer.

“Hearts” - fortune telling for a loved one
If you are here, it means you are in love and you know that love is beauty, greatness, brilliance, power, crushing force! In front of you best fortune telling for love for all lovers - fortune telling “Eleven Hearts”. This is a kind of oracle. This relationship fortune telling will definitely clarify your relationship with the person you like!

You don't have to be in a state of choice between two partners. The main thing here is the desire to look into your future about love. This prediction is great for Valentine's Day, but you can tell your fortune at any other time. The short forecast may surprise you.

“Love Thermometer” - fortune telling for relationships
How to determine if you are loved and how much strong feelings is your husband or boyfriend experiencing love? If love is truly present, then this natural impulse of the soul is difficult not to notice. Attention, respect, views, words are a guiding thread. And also intuition. When we look somewhere or at something or at someone, we perceive the object not only consciously, but also subconsciously...

Not every guy immediately confesses his love to a girl. Sometimes he is mysteriously silent, and you are tormented by questions: “Does he love me? What is the future for our couple? Internet, mom, girlfriends offer different variants how to find out about his feelings. If female pride directly interferes with asking a person, then try the old method: fortune telling (using Tarot, water, paper, etc.).

The simplest fortune telling using a chamomile is “Loves, does not love.”


  • Formulate the question precisely and briefly;
  • mentally concentrate on the image of your loved one;
  • if the answer is uncertain, do not guess again on the same day;
  • It’s better to ask about love in the dark, by candlelight.


This option answers specific question, delivered using the particle “li”: “Does the guy love me?”, “Will he become my husband?” To carry out fortune telling you will need: paper, pen. The procedure itself is simple, but it requires concentration. The sequence is:

  • write down the question and count the letters in each word;
  • Now add up the resulting numbers;
  • keep adding until you are left with a prime number from 1 to 9.

Fortune telling by the number of letters in a question

And look what it means:

  • “one” - no doubt, the answer is positive;
  • “two” - “no”, but there is hope for a successful outcome;
  • “three” - everything will work out with the boy, but trials await you;
  • “four” - you will have to make an effort to influence the outcome of the case;
  • “five” - if you try, success awaits you;
  • “six” - there are few chances, but trust fate;
  • “seven” - a positive outcome depends on your efforts;
  • “eight” - the answer is negative, but you can influence the situation if you want;
  • “nine” - today it’s better not to guess.

On the dashes

To learn about love with a person.

  • Draw lines on paper in a vertical direction.
  • Constantly ask questions in your mind: “Do you love me?” or “Will you be my husband?”
  • When you stop, draw a transverse line between them (the letter “n”).
  • Drawing lines in a pair means the answer about love is positive.
  • If not everything, then there is no future with the boy.

On the mirror

For fortune telling to tell the truth about love, be patient and attributes: mirror, candle, towel. The fortune telling sequence is as follows:

  • place a mirror on the table in a dark room;
  • light a candle in front of it and gaze intently at the reflection;
  • if the figure of a man appears there, then this is your future husband;
  • say “mind me,” cross yourself and place the mirror face down.

On the water

Take attributes for fortune telling: a glass of water, a strong thread, a ring, preferably a silver one. Do the following:

  • tie a thread to the ring;
  • slowly lower it into the glass, holding it by the thread;
  • mentally ask about your loved one;
  • if the ring hits the wall before reaching the bottom of the glass, then the young man loves you;
  • if not, he is indifferent.

Fortune telling for girls with a ring

On rice

  • Take a handful of rice;
  • thinking about the guy, pour it out on the table;
  • if the number of spoiled grains is a multiple of two, then this means feelings;
  • if not, then he doesn't think of you as a couple.

In a dream

To find out about a guy’s feelings, when combing your hair before bed, say:

“My dear, betrothed, mummer, come to me and comb me.”

Put a comb under your pillow, in a dream you will see a guy or a man who will become your husband.

Fortune telling by spider movement

If you see a spider on the wall, make a wish for your loved one: “Does he love me?” If an insect crawls up, the guy is interested in you; a spider climbs down the wall - the boy is indifferent.


Tarot fortune telling is complex: in order to find out the answer to the question and not distort the message of the cards, first get acquainted with the meaning of the Elders and Minor Arcana. The sequence of the layout and the proximity of the images also influence the situation. However, some Tarot layouts are also suitable for a beginner. To get an answer to the question whether a boy or a man loves you, lay the cards face down like this:

  • the first is what attracts your loved one to you;
  • the second (immediately below the first) - what he thinks about your relationship;
  • third (to the right of the previous one) – does a person have love;
  • fourth (to the right of the first) – your future in the near future;
  • fifth (in the center) – how the relationship will end (long-term perspective).

The meanings of Tarot cards and their combinations will answer the questions: “Does a man love me? Will he become my husband or not?

Playing cards

There is an easier way than using Tarot. To find out whether a man or a boy feels love for you, make the “Loves or not” layout:

  • shuffle the deck and cut with your left hand;
  • lay out 6 cards face up, with 6 more underneath them;
  • if the images are the same diagonally, then replace them with new ones;
  • continue laying out rows to the end;
  • then collect the cards and lay out 5 at a time and so on;
  • When you put it in two, count the number of rows.

Playing cards will answer the question

The interpretation depends on the number of pairs:

  • 2: he has love for you;
  • 3: it's just sympathy;
  • 4: he misses you;
  • 5: thinks;
  • 6: there is another one.

When fortune telling for love, as with any other, do not despair if the answer is negative. Sometimes it's a warning that your loved one will become an ex if you don't take active steps. Remember: you make your own decisions and are responsible for what happens in your life.

We all, sooner or later, experience first love and the first doubts and experiences associated with it. Do you already know this feeling? Many girls, feeling love for a boy, try in every possible way to find out whether it is mutual. It is very scary to approach a boy and ask him directly, because you are so afraid that they will refuse you and laugh at you. How to find out who really loves you, and for whom you are just an acquaintance? You can watch how the boy behaves towards you, and also tell fortunes about him.

Recognize a boy in love by his behavior

Boys are also embarrassed by their feelings because they are afraid of seeming funny. They are good at hiding their love, but an observant girl will always notice the one who is in love with her. How can you tell which boy loves you by their behavior? There are several true signs.

  • He is always happy to see you, even when he has Bad mood. He greets you with a smile, often calling you by name.
  • He likes to watch you furtively, and when you notice this, he immediately looks away because he doesn’t want to be noticed.
  • In your presence, he often gets embarrassed, blushes, and tries to put himself in order (straighten his hair, clothes, etc.).
  • He is always ready to help you if needed.
  • He is interested in knowing as much as possible about you. He listens with interest to what and how you say, and often asks you about your life. He can also ask mutual acquaintances and your friends about you.
  • He can give you beautiful compliments or give you nice little things.
  • He will get jealous if he notices how sweetly you are chatting with another boy.
  • Even if you said something stupid, he will not laugh at you, take everything calmly or pretend that he didn’t notice anything.
  • He tries to be near you as often as possible.

Fortune telling, tests, omens

Now you can find many psychological tests and fortune telling that will help you determine how this or that boy treats you, and understand which of them loves you.

We offer you several tests that will help you find out who loves you. You need to wish for a specific boy and answer the questions honestly.

Many girls, wondering: “Does he love me?”, turn to various fortune telling. You can also use some to understand whether a boy loves you.

  • The simplest and most well-known fortune telling is fortune telling with a chamomile. You just need to pick a daisy you like and gradually tear off its petals, saying “loves” and “dislikes” to each torn petal in turn. The last torn petal will let you know whether the boy loves you or not. You can also get together with your friends, draw a large daisy with petals on paper, cut it out and write the boy’s name on each petal. Then the daisy must be turned over so that the names are not visible, and let each girl tear off one petal at random. Whose name appears on the petal is the one the boy loves.
  • The girls consider this fortune telling to be true. Take a piece of paper and a pen and start drawing sticks in a row, and when you feel that’s enough, say “Stop!”, go to the next line and continue drawing again until the moment when you want to say “Stop!” This should give you 4 rows of sticks. Once all the sticks have been drawn, cross out three sticks in each row until you end up with 2, 1, or 0 sticks left. When you cross out all the extras in all rows, you will get four numbers. Write them down in a row and see the interpretation.
  • There is also one simple fortune telling with matches. Take a box of matches, pour out all the matches from it, take two of them and secure the box at opposite ends. Now try to light both matches at the same time and watch how they burn. If the matches lean towards each other, then there is definitely something between you. If the matches "look" at different sides, then it’s not fate. When performing this fortune telling, be sure to make sure that nothing catches fire, so put out the matches in time!

There are also a number of signs by which you can find out whether you are loved. If you dream of a boy, then you need to look at what day of the week you had this dream:

  • PN - I like you a lot;
  • VT - will fall in love with you;
  • SR - will write a letter;
  • TH - his love for you will be eternal;
  • PT - date;
  • SB - separation;
  • VS - he loves you.

There are also signs. For example, if your lips itch, this indicates a kiss in the future; right hand- about an unexpected meeting; left - expect a gift from him; heels - you will have a date with him soon; head - his thoughts are occupied only with you; cheeks - for love.

If your face lights up on Monday, he is discussing you with someone; on Tuesday - loves, but hides; Wednesday - wait for recognition; Thursday - a quick date; Friday - mocks you; Saturday - wants to cheat on you; Sunday - loves and is waiting for a date.

Fortune telling “Does he love me” allows you to answer the most exciting question about love. The most important component human life is love that makes every person seek answers, confirmation and reassurance. To get answers, you turn to fortune telling with Tarot cards, focusing all your attention on one question: “Does he love you or doesn’t he love you?” Love is, perhaps, the main motive that makes us turn to fortune telling with cards. Fortune telling on likes and dislikes answers questions about the reciprocity of feelings that you experience for another person.

Very often, the question - does he love me - is just a desire to think about a loved one whom you love and desire. Fortune telling with questions: “Does he love me?” or “Do I love him?” does not actually require an answer, it gives you the opportunity to think about your loved one, imagine him next to him and feel close to him. In such a situation, it is possible, and simple romantic fortune-telling will give you a short answer to the question: yes - no, but you can use more detailed

You can pick up a deck of Tarot cards and move on to more complex, but also more informative

The most famous fortune telling for answering the question “Does he love me?” or “Loves or doesn’t love?” - of course, . Click on a chamomile flower and you will quickly receive an answer to the question that worries you so much. Fortune telling is simple, but true and time-tested. Your grandmothers also used daisies to tell fortunes to answer this question, as eternal as the world.

And here and now we will talk about simple layouts on Tarot cards, allowing you to quickly get a card from the Tarot deck, answer the questions: “Does he love me?” or “Do I love him?” and get an answer.

The easiest fortune telling on cards “Loves - does not love”- this is a fortune telling with six cards that you draw randomly from the deck, three of them are associated with you, and three are associated with the object of your love. Lay out the cards in a row and interpret as follows:

1 card – characterizes you as your loved one sees you;

Card 2 – symbolizes the person you love;

3rd card – talks about your desires, indicates what you like;

4th card – talks about the desires of a loved one, indicates what he likes;

5th card - indicates what you don’t like;

6th card - indicates what your loved one doesn’t like.

This layout allows you to get general idea about a person, and also draw a parallel between you and your loved one, find out what you have in common and what your differences are.

If you need fortune telling in order to get an exact answer “Yes - No” to a simple question “Loves - does not love,” then there are simple and quick fortune telling using Tarot cards. By taking out just one card from the deck, you can get a specific answer. Cards with even numbers mean the answer “Yes”, those with odd numbers symbolize the answer “No”.

If before starting the fortune telling “Does he love me?” you wish that the Major Arcana represents the answer “Yes”, and any Minor Arcana represents the answer “No”, then by drawing just one card from the deck, you will receive the answer. The likelihood of getting a positive answer is reduced due to the smaller number of Major Arcana in the deck compared to the Minor Arcana, but the answer “Yes” will be all the more pleasant for you.

Another simple way to tell fortunes using cards “Loves - does not love” is to count the cards. Shuffle the deck and remove cards, starting with the top card, one by one. The cards are counted until the first Major Arcana appears. If the number of Minor Arcana you count is even, then the answer is “Yes,” if it is odd, the answer is “No.”

You can guess the answer “Yes” to any index card. The deck is shuffled and laid out in two parts: one card to the right, the other to the left. One part means “Yes”, the other means “No”. Then both parts are considered, the answer depends on which part the map index is in.

You can reduce the fortune-telling “Does he love me” to intuition, combined with the main meaning of the card. Only the Major Arcana are taken from the deck, one card is drawn from them. If you consider it positive, then the answer received will be “Yes”; if its value is rather negative, then the answer will be “No”. For example, positive cards include the Sun, Peace, Lovers, Magician, and negative cards include Tower, Death or Devil.

Such simple answers are simplistic and minimize information, they do not allow you to reveal the amazing abilities of the Tarot, reflect all the nuances of the situation and give you deep messages. The above methods will be useful in combination with other fortune telling and card layouts. Fortune telling on Tarot cards and layouts on Tarot cards will help you understand the main points in your relationship with your loved one, understand whether your chosen one loves you or not, and receive recommendations from the wise Tarot. Even in the most beautiful love stories, each party experiences uncertainty and doubt. Fortune telling with Tarot cards helps to understand and overcome these moments.

It often happens that you confuse your strong emotions with love, allowing your fantasies to completely take over you. A simple fortune telling and “Yes-no” answer to the question “Do I love him?” one card drawn from the deck reveals your true feelings and the reasons why you experience them, can provide comprehensive explanations for your emotions.

Fortune telling on cards “Loves - loves not” gives not only an answer, but also allows you to confirm hopes for reciprocity or fears if feelings are unrequited. These feelings and exciting anticipation can radically change your destiny. You want the answer to be positive and encourage you; a negative answer, on the contrary, will weaken your faith in yourself.

Here it is necessary to continue fortune telling so as not to be captured by the inexpediency of your own hopes and fears. It is necessary to read the Tarot and ask questions that affect your self-confidence, fear and self-image. Such a simple question: “Why am I afraid to ask him how he feels about me, whether he loves me?” It is best suited in a situation where in fortune-telling it is necessary to understand whether a loved one loves or not.

Tarot fortune telling will reveal whether he loves me or not, whether a guy or a loved one loves me or not, will answer if you ask the question: “How can I understand whether he loves me or not?” The answer to this question will help you develop an action plan and tell you the right steps you need to take to clarify the nature of the relationship that worries you. The question “How can I let my loved one know that I love him?” will put you in an active position and outline a plan for your further actions. This question is perhaps the most useful, facilitating the beginning of contacts with your loved one. Fortune telling with Tarot cards for the future will tell you how you should move forward if your relationship truly contains the prerequisites for a love story.

To start fortune telling online for free, click the picture below. Think about the person you are guessing about. Hold down the dice until it feels like it's time to take the plunge.

Fortune telling online for free using bones - Does he love me? Helps resolve the situation by determining whether your partner loves you or not. A very simple fortune telling that can be carried out and understood by anyone, even an inexperienced fortune teller, since all the answers are very definite and understandable. Carried out using two dice, not suitable for frequent use, only individually or in turning points Your relationship.

Dice throwing technique

For the sacrament, purchase two dice and do not use them for anything other than fortune telling. You will also need a glass for mixing them. It must either be specially designed for these purposes and purchased in a specialized store, or, in the absence of such an opportunity, simply new and not imbued with anyone’s energy. Imagine a partner whose attitude you want to know about yourself and ask the cubes to give you the answer. Place them in a glass, cover with your palm and shake it thoroughly. Then roll the dice onto a flat surface. In this divination, it is necessary to take into account each of the values ​​of the dice, and not their sum. In order to better understand the method of performing fortune telling, carry it out with our help. To do this, click on the cube located below on the page.