Hunger during pregnancy: true or imaginary? Why does a strong feeling of hunger occur during early and late pregnancy and how can it be satisfied? When appetite increases during pregnancy.

How many sweets does a pregnant woman need?

While carrying a child, women either complain about the lack of appetite at all, or about the fact that they want to eat all the time. Uncontrolled consumption of ice cream with pickles, huge portions of pasta, fried potatoes, cakes and cookies naturally leads to extra pounds. As a result, the woman falls into depression, which, however, also begins to seize her. Let's talk about how to eat and not get fat.

The most important thing is to observe moderation in everything. If the body asks for sweet pastries in the morning, then why not allow it? Blood sugar levels are very low in the morning, and this desire is completely justified. Just try to bake it yourself to be sure of the quality of the product.

The problem is that one bun is very often followed by a second and third. And then sweet tea and fried potatoes. The feeling of fullness seems to disappear. The woman, of course, understands that she can’t eat like this, but she remembers her grandmother’s “wise” “you have to eat for two, baby,” and reaches for the next batch.


Firstly, we have all been taught to “eat what we are given”, to eat it to the end, to eat for future use and to eat away our grievances. Remember how your mother or grandmother distracted you from bitter sobs with food, forced you to eat before the road or school, and also tried to include more fats and sugar in your diet (for growing organisms)?

For our grandmothers and even mothers (for parents to a lesser extent), food was a cult. Because during their childhood there was nothing to eat, and every bite perfectly lifted their spirits. And they remembered that eating is great. We also “absorbed” this paradigm.

Secondly, by absorbing what our relatives gave us at set hours, we forgot how to listen to our body. And he knows very well when he needs to eat and with what. It’s enough to ask your body in time, which product will satisfy me best now? What taste? It is important to ask yourself this question before the feeling of hunger reaches its climax. Because in this case, any food will be used.

Thirdly, we have forgotten how to distinguish physical hunger from emotional hunger. And we drink tea with cookies every time we just want affection or communication. Because we remember from childhood that “food is great.”

And now imagine the average woman raised in such a “food model” while carrying a child. Before pregnancy, she, of course, tried to control herself, but now the shackles have fallen off. Moreover, you have to eat for two. And in general, what the mother wants, the baby also wants. As a result, she “eats up” everything that she previously deprived herself of. And regardless of the time of day.


Of course, increased appetite during pregnancy is a normal option. Under the influence of hormones, the body begins to demand food more often, reminding you of hunger in the most unexpected way. Most often, expectant mothers feel sick from hunger.

Another thing is that now you have to eat not for two, but for two. Because even a full-term baby does not need 1000-2000 additional calories from ice cream, let alone an embryo. But he definitely needs extra vitamins and minerals.

We believe that you should not strictly limit yourself during pregnancy. Breaking your habitual eating pattern will, at a minimum, cause depression. But eating “everything that is not nailed down,” referring to one’s position, is strictly contraindicated. Our body at this moment already works for two, there is no need to throw 10-20 kg of excess weight on it.

In this case, we need to follow the basic principle of nutrition: we eat everything “harmful” before 12, at lunch we maintain a balance between “harmful” and healthy, and for dinner we limit ourselves to extremely healthy protein, which is so necessary for both mother and child. If you have a craving for ice cream before bed, promise yourself to eat it tomorrow morning and go to bed peacefully. With this approach, you will definitely not gain excess weight and maintain a good mood (because following a diet during pregnancy is very difficult).

The situation with “eating for two” is aggravated by the fact that the woman minimizes movement. Especially in the third trimester, when movement is difficult. This is a big mistake. You need physical activity now because your muscles and joints need training. Another thing is that they should be gentle (stretching exercises, swimming, walking, joint exercises, some asanas).

Switching accents

If you find yourself craving one type of food during pregnancy, share this craving with your doctor. The fact is that an uncontrollable craving, for example, for ice cream, indicates a lack of calcium, and the consumption of sweets on an industrial scale may indicate improper absorption of carbohydrates. Get tested, perhaps your body is lacking some substances right now, and, unknowingly, it is sending you the wrong signals.

If possible, replace sweets with fruits and berries, and replace unhealthy fast food with healthy salads and baked meat. If your craving for a hamburger just doesn’t go away, cook it yourself from natural ingredients.

And before you put another piece in your mouth, think about whether you really want to eat? Maybe you just yearn for your “pre-pregnancy” life or need communication? Then going to the cinema with a friend will solve the problem better than tea and cookies.

In any case, keep it in moderation. And then you will enjoy both the new state and the new desires that it dictates to you.

Author of the publication: Olga Sergeeva

Eating without appetite turns into a hateful process. Especially in pregnant women. Instead of “food for two,” you can barely swallow a few bites. As a result, the body weakens, the mood is at zero, and concern for the baby appears. What to do to get an appetite, what are the reasons for its absence?

The mechanism of appetite in humans

“Appetite” translated from Latin (“appetitus”) means “desire, desire,” that is, the emotional and physiological desire to eat food. The hypothalamus, the so-called “hunger center,” is responsible for this desire. Saliva is released, the intestines begin to actively work. It is noteworthy that appetite, unlike the feeling of hunger, is not innate. In a child, it appears only after several meals. The process of developing appetite can rather be called a psychological phenomenon. It is also the so-called “limiter”; without it, a person would eat everything without experiencing pleasure. Appetite is accompanied by positive emotions at the sight of your favorite food, beautiful presentation, etc. This is an individual mechanism, each person has his own “signals”.

Causes of lack of appetite during pregnancy

Often, after learning about pregnancy, after the first burst of joy, a woman begins to worry. The reason for the unrest is a blurred figure. Indeed, many people have an increased, sometimes uncontrollable, desire to constantly eat; the fruit growing inside demands more and more. This is a natural process.

Why does this process not start for some expectant mothers? There is no appetite at all, especially in the first trimesters of pregnancy. Main reasons:

  • Hormonal changes;
  • Deficiency of folic acid and iron;
  • Constipation due to the growing uterus with the fetus;
  • Stress, ;
  • Acute phase of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

During toxicosis, a woman experiences constant nausea and frequent vomiting during and after eating. More often this occurs in the first trimester of pregnancy and disappears later.

Due to hormonal changes, a pregnant woman loses her appetite. The main culprit is the hormone progesterone, which is produced in large quantities and blocks the sense of appetite.

In the first weeks of pregnancy, the female body experiences a lack of folic acid, which causes loss of appetite.

Constipation may occur in the third trimester of pregnancy. The uterus puts pressure on the intestines, interfering with its normal functioning. As a result, the digestion process is disrupted and the desire to eat disappears.

Constant stress affects appetite even in normal conditions, let alone pregnancy. Simply put, the body “switches” to a stronger stimulus, is busy with something else and has no time for appetite.

How to regain appetite during pregnancy?

First, a woman needs to find out which food does not cause nausea. Walk through grocery stores, study the shelves, and you will definitely find something that she wants to eat.

It is better to take the first meal without getting out of bed. Ask your family to bring a cup of herbal tea, a neutral-tasting cracker, and some cottage cheese with fruit.

A woman should protect herself from stress as much as possible. Forget about nervous work, communicate with positive people.

Exercise stimulates appetite well. It is not contraindicated during pregnancy. Swimming, yoga, and special exercises for pregnant women are recommended.

During pregnancy, it is necessary to regain your appetite! The baby and the expectant mother need adequate nutrition. You need to try all methods. What else can you do?

  • Drink tea with mint - it relieves nausea well;
  • Eat often, but little, without overloading the stomach;
  • Include ginger, aromatic spices and seasonings in your food - they stimulate appetite;
  • Use beautiful dishes, set the table elegantly;
  • Eat regularly. The body will get used to it and will produce gastric juice in a timely manner, giving rise to a feeling of hunger.
  • Include more protein and vegetables, especially green ones, in your meals.
  • Walk outdoors more often.

Appetite is a psychological process rather than a physiological one. Therefore, you need to pay attention to emotions. Think about good things, dream, communicate with animals, think about meeting your baby soon. Auto-training, self-control, following recommendations will definitely bring back the desire to eat deliciously!

Attention! The use of any medicines and dietary supplements, as well as the use of any therapeutic methods, is possible only with the permission of a doctor.

Is the constant desire to eat or snack during pregnancy a manifestation of any disease, or are such changes dictated by hormones? Read more about this, as well as how to “pacify” wild hunger during pregnancy without gaining extra centimeters on your waist.

Is a good appetite always a sign of health?

A good appetite is a sign of excellent health. But can such a definition always be applied to pregnant women?

When does constant hunger indicate a metabolic disorder, and how can pathologies be distinguished from hormonal surges?

Why does pregnancy have a strong appetite?

The constant desire to eat something during pregnancy is largely a normal manifestation of a healthy appetite. However, this does not mean that constant hunger is the norm at all stages. A constant desire to eat something is a reason to consult a doctor once again.


An increase in appetite is not always a sign of illness. Often such changes are due to an increase in the hormone estrogen during pregnancy. This is the main culprit for the constant change in taste preferences and the feeling of hunger after a recent meal. Such changes are physiologically justified:

It is interesting to note that many pregnant women experience hunger after the fact of conception has become known. Psychoanalysts suggest that in this way a woman “eats” stress that does not appear outwardly.

The main symptomatic manifestation of the norm of increased appetite is a change in taste preferences. For example, a woman previously did not eat lettuce, but now she constantly wants to eat greens or drink kefir. At the same time, the number of servings for satiation has not changed; the interval between meals may only decrease.


In the case when the appetite has become uncontrollable, and the pregnant woman constantly wants to snack, this may be a sign of developed diseases. The most common diseases characterized by increased appetite:

  • Diabetes. A common disease in which the craving for sweets, flour, and carbonated drinks increases. It is not necessary to have a predisposition to diabetes; cases of “temporary” diabetes in pregnant women – gestational diabetes – are not uncommon. A dangerous pathology that requires treatment and monitoring by a doctor.
  • Thyroid dysfunction is usually toxic thyroiditis, when the thyroid hormones are produced more than necessary, and the organ itself increases in size. Any disturbances in the functioning of the thyroid gland are a serious threat to the continuation of pregnancy.
  • Depression. Disorders of the nervous system, constant quarrels, unwanted pregnancy or social factors can provoke complications, including depressive syndrome. A characteristic feature of the disease is the desire to eat any product. Appetite, provoked by pregnancy hormones, is aimed at specific taste preferences - salty, sweet, sour.

Increased appetite is not the only symptom of these diseases. Symptoms of diabetes mellitus, thyroiditis and depression include a complex of manifestations that are considered in the anamnesis.

How to cope with increased appetite in the early stages

When a constant feeling of hunger becomes difficult to control, and a pregnant woman finds herself thinking that she cannot refuse herself to eat sweet or salty foods, it is worth taking action.

After all, a healthy appetite is not only a sign of a good metabolism, but also the risk of gaining extra pounds, which will adversely affect the mother’s well-being and the child’s development.

If you constantly want to eat something in the early stages, use the following methods to control hunger:

  • Distribute your daily meals so that the portions are small, but spaced 3 hours apart.
  • Before meals, drink 200-300 grams of clean drinking water without gas and sugar.
  • Replace sweets, candies and cookies with healthy products - dried fruits, nuts, marmalade or jelly.
  • Do not think that a fruit diet is the best method to eliminate hunger. Fructose will not replace the necessary nutrients for the development of pregnancy. There is a high risk of gaining extra pounds.
  • Try not to eat 3-4 hours before bedtime.
  • Do not go to bed or rest after eating during the day.

Such simple recommendations will help normalize metabolism during hormone surges in the early stages, eliminating the constant feeling of hunger.

For snacks, use:

  • sweet cottage cheese;
  • cottage cheese casseroles;
  • kefir;
  • black chocolate;
  • dried crackers from homemade whole grain bread.

What to do if you are constantly hungry during late pregnancy

It happens that the feeling of hunger occurs exclusively in late pregnancy. Psychologists are inclined to believe that the psychological factor of the woman herself who is carrying a child is triggered. The expectant mother thinks that the more she eats, the more vitamins the baby will get. But that's not true. It is important to provide the child with a balanced diet, rich in vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates and fats in the right quantities. However, the total calorie content of consumed foods is 2500-2800 kilocalories.

If constant hunger overtakes a woman during late pregnancy or immediately at 8-9 months, then you should adhere to the following rules:

List of foods useful for reducing appetite without consequences for the child

If the above recommendations do not help, take the advice of nutritionists and eat low-calorie but filling foods:

  • Jacket potatoes, cooled. Potatoes contain up to 220 kilocalories. If you eat according to certain rules, the vegetable will help you get rid of hunger for a long time. For example, cooled boiled potatoes, peeled, cope perfectly with hunger.
  • Low-fat varieties of fish and meat. Turkey, chicken, quail, pollock or hake fillet is the best way for a hearty and healthy lunch, dinner or breakfast. More beneficial properties will be retained in the product if it is steamed or baked in the oven.

Beans are the leader in protein content, which means that after eating them you won’t want to eat for a long time.

Beans are contraindicated in late pregnancy and in cases of pancreatic diseases. You can replace it with boiled eggs and oatmeal.

  • Baked apples cope perfectly with the feeling of hunger, satisfying it for 3-4 hours. You can combine this dish with honey, nuts or cottage cheese, stuffing apples.

Many pregnant women experience a feeling of constant hunger, but such manifestations are not always the norm. In some situations, it is important to undergo additional examination in order to exclude diseases dangerous to the mother and baby. If a good appetite is the norm, you can replace high-calorie foods with healthy and no less tasty ones.

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There is a myth that as soon as a woman becomes pregnant, she begins to eat everything and constantly gain weight. However, situations very often arise when a pregnant woman loses her appetite during pregnancy. Many women do not feel hungry in the first trimester and have to force themselves to eat. Should I be worried about this? Why does loss of appetite occur?

Causes of loss of appetite during pregnancy

During pregnancy, a woman's body reacts strictly to psychological and physiological changes. Therefore, appetite can be either increased or decreased. The reasons are very varied:

1. The most common cause is toxicosis. If a woman constantly feels sick, eating food causes vomiting, and her appetite disappears. To keep food in the stomach and digest it better, you need to eat milk porridges and soups, drink water and juices. After all, the need for nutrients for pregnant women remains.

2. Deficiency of folic acid, which is necessary for any female body. If you have no appetite, you need to take iron supplements.

3. A surge of hormones can cause loss of appetite. This is especially caused by an increase in progesterone levels, which stops the feeling of hunger.

4. In the second trimester, a pregnant woman may experience constipation due to the pressure of the uterus on the intestines. Poor digestion leads to lack of appetite.

5. In the third trimester, loss of appetite is due to the stomach as a result of the growing fetus.

6. Depression, depressed mood or stress can cause loss of appetite during pregnancy.

7. Since chronic diseases worsen during pregnancy, they can cause loss of appetite.

How to increase your appetite during pregnancy

There is no need to let the situation take its course and not pay attention to the loss of appetite, because during pregnancy you need to think about the future baby. From time to time it is worth inciting the feeling of hunger, because even in the absence of taste sensations, the body is in dire need of vitamins and nutrients.

If the cause of loss of appetite is chronic disease, treatment should be prescribed by a doctor. But if the reasons are psychological or temporary, the following tricks will be used:

Loss of appetite: alarming symptoms

At the first signs of loss of appetite, you should tell your doctor who is monitoring your pregnancy. He will be able to identify the reasons for this and give the necessary recommendations.

If you experience weight loss, especially in the second trimester, you should definitely seek medical help. The doctor will prescribe laboratory tests of blood and urine, and an ultrasound examination of the fetus.

There are several immutable truths about pregnancy, one of which is associated with a woman’s dramatically changing gastronomic preferences. Today we will talk about what causes an increased appetite in an expectant mother. According to statistics, approximately half of women experience irresistible cravings for certain types of food during pregnancy. The most common phenomenon is the desire to eat salty or spicy foods. In fact, there are many theories as to why a pregnant woman changes her eating habits. Here are several popular beliefs that explain this phenomenon. Some of them are confirmed by scientific research.

This is how a child tries to communicate with his mother

And even if the first explanation does not relate to scientific facts, our great-grandmothers firmly believed in this: the type of food that the expectant mother craves indicates the gender of the baby. Yes, there were no ultrasound examinations before, but observant women identified a certain pattern. Our ancestors believed that a craving for sweets and milk indicated a girl, and a desire to taste salty, spicy or sour tastes foreshadowed the birth of a boy.

Body overheating

What happens the moment you taste a piping hot pie? The body temperature instantly rises and the sweat glands are activated. Residents of the Middle East sip hot tea from a bowl in the heat. So, with the help of sweat, they achieve a cooling effect. Well, any dishes of hot India or sultry Mexico are replete with hot spices. The savory spices also make your body break out in sweat. Moist skin, in turn, creates a feeling of coolness. Body temperature in pregnant women is slightly elevated. Since spicy foods cool the body, it's no surprise that Southeastern restaurants are crowded with expectant mothers.

Baby demands variety

Several scientific studies have been conducted to support this theory. Apparently, cravings for sour tastes (lemons, pickles or sauerkraut) are formed as a result of the baby's need for a variety of nutrients. This circumstance may also explain the strange whims of expectant mothers. For example, a woman may crave sour ice cream or peanut butter pickles. A woman’s body gets sodium from brine, and protein from cream or nuts.

Nutrient deficiency

Pregnant women often experience an irresistible craving for non-food products, including chalk, clay, paint or paper. Geophagy is more common in animals, but also occurs in humans. People most often affected by this craving are residents of subtropical regions, children in pre-industrial communities and pregnant women. This phenomenon is associated with a lack of important nutrients in the body, for example, iron or calcium deficiency. It is worth noting that consuming soil or clay can have a detrimental effect on the health of the mother and the unborn baby. Therefore, if a pregnant woman experiences such cravings, it is better to consult a gynecologist or therapist. In this case, a balanced diet and a multivitamin complex will help.


This reason for the whims of pregnant women is very similar to the previous one. Similar to eating dirt, expectant mothers may find comfort in eating chunks of ice. The exact reason why ice is the most preferred non-food craving is unknown. The most common theory is that there is an iron deficiency in the blood of the expectant mother. As you know, anemia or anemia can be easily detected by undergoing a general blood test. Some of you will hasten to object: “What does ice have to do with iron deficiency?” In fact, people suffering from anemia often complain of feeling cold. According to experts at one of the largest private medical centers, the Mayo Clinic, symptoms of iron deficiency anemia include tiredness, fatigue, sore tongue and the desire to eat ice. This is believed to reduce swelling and inflammation in the mouth. Well, if you don’t suck the ice, but gnaw it, a characteristic crunching sound is heard, which further stimulates the appetite.

Hormones are out of whack

Pregnancy brings many surprises to the female body. This physiological state can be compared to a game of ping pong, where instead of a round ball, hormones are thrown on opposite sides of the table. Scientists believe that neuropeptides Y, amino acids of the sympathetic nervous system that are produced by neurons in the brain, are responsible for increasing appetite. According to a study published in the journal Endocrinology, the production of hypothalamic neuropeptide Y increases dramatically during pregnancy. In the brain, this substance acts as a neurotransmitter that powerfully stimulates nutritional activity. This is why some pregnant women are constantly hungry. It's no surprise that after a big meal you crave French vanilla ice cream. And after 15 minutes, the expectant mother glances languidly towards the package of chips. Neuropeptides Y are present in the body of any person, but for some their levels are simply prohibitive. In addition to pregnant women, this substance is found in high concentrations in the brains of people suffering from obesity.

Omega-3 fatty acid needs

Some pregnant women who have never liked fish report cravings for seafood. There is a fairly simple answer to this question: the body of the expectant mother does not have enough omega-3 fatty acids. However, for years, doctors have warned expectant mothers against eating fish due to the increased risk of mercury poisoning. This highly toxic heavy metal is believed to enter the bodies of marine life through contaminants. The higher an individual is in the food chain, the more methylmercury may be found in its body. This also applies to long-lived fish. Therefore, women who are in an “interesting position” should avoid frequent eating of large fish (mackerel, tuna, swordfish.)

At the same time, omega-3 fatty acids are an essential component for the nutrition of pregnant women. Doctors urgently demand that expectant mothers include as much seafood as possible in their diet, not limiting themselves to one “fish” day a week. As you understand, the best option in this situation is to eat small individuals that occupy the lowest places in the food chain. It can be shrimp, pollock, salmon, catfish, cod. Well, if a pregnant woman’s body demands shark meat, then these whims will have to be said a decisive “no.”

These whims are in women's heads

It's easy to look for scientific and pseudoscientific reasons that can explain the strange food cravings of expectant mothers. So why do women crave certain types of foods or are constantly hungry? Who among us thought that the answer could be so obvious and that it does not need to be looked for in a lack of vitamins or the passionate desire of an unborn baby? A woman may say that her child is forcing her to eat an entire chocolate bar in one sitting. In fact, excessive appetite may be caused by the fact that the baby takes away some of the vitamins and nutrients from the mother. It is not for nothing that people have since ancient times recommended that pregnant women eat for two.

But if we didn’t have convenience stores and husbands ready to buy the next whim, there would probably be a lot fewer “wants.” Consumer culture provokes the emergence of all these needs. But regardless of the cause of certain food cravings, doctors strongly advise women to observe moderation. During pregnancy, the child will gain about four kilograms of net weight, everything else will be deposited on the mother’s sides.