The meaning of the Four of Pentacles in tarot layouts and combination with other cards. Minor Arcana Tarot Four of Pentacles: meaning and combination with other cards 4 of Pentacles relationship advice

Meaning of the Four of Pentacles in the upright position

The new venture will bring great profits. Success in financial affairs, successful investment of money, stability, reliability, prosperity. Lasting family happiness, love, harmony, devotion, comfort in the home.

  • reliability, contentment
  • confidence born of wealth, gift, inheritance

The correct four of pentacles tarot card predicts a period of financial and material security based on the receipt of a substantial gift or inheritance, as well as on the successful commercial activities of the Client. His hard work and business acumen led to increased status, power and financial rewards. All material and emotional needs of the Client are satisfied.

The four pentacles tarot card means property, talent, gift. Preserving what belongs to you. Inheritance. Satisfaction with personal status. In addition, an established situation in business or personal life; no worries. Good feelings about the future.

Meaning of the Four of Pentacles Reversed

Attachment to material things for the sake of one's security. Stinginess, fear of losing one's status, money, position. This condition is fraught with nervous tension, breakdowns, quarrels, scandals. Suspense, uncertainty, fear.

In relationships, the card describes strong excesses towards the material joys of life instead of spiritual rapprochement. At best, this is a successful relationship of convenience without any feelings on either side. In the worst case, the card foreshadows quarrels, squabbles over money, misunderstandings, resentment and a possible breakup.

  • confrontation, moving away from the goal, inability to control the situation
  • stinginess, fear of loss, greed, indecisiveness, obstacle
  • loss of control, loss of financial stability, powerlessness

In the wrong orientation, the Four of Pentacles Tarot indicates problems of excessive commitment to material wealth and property: greed, selfishness and stinginess. Fear of losing power or wealth is the main concern in the Client’s life, which prevents him from making urgently needed changes (the surrounding cards will show in which areas of life).

The reversed tarot card four of pentacles means opposition, uncertainty, delays, obstacles. Possible loss. Possible quarrels, especially with people close to the Questioner (for example, quarrels over property or inheritance).

Inner meaning. Given to understand the straight position of the map

The four of pentacles tarot card is a card of owning and preserving what belongs to you. The property is yours by right, you earned it or inherited it. (Note that "inherited" assets include skill and talent.)

The Four of Pentacles also suggests that the Questioner feels the need to defend or protect his property. Other cards in the layout will indicate whether this feeling is justified or not. This card also warns that resting on your laurels may be nice, but it will prevent you from moving forward and preparing yourself for the future.

Description of the Tarot card Four of Pentacles

On the Four of Pentacles Tarot card you can often see a greedy person who does not want to share his coins. This symbolizes the fortuneteller’s property and everything that rightfully belongs to him. Only human behavior here is caused not by greed, but by a feeling of the need to protect one’s property from encroachment.

General meaning and interpretation of the Tarot card Four of Pentacles in fortune telling and layouts

Direct card position

The Four of Pentacles in an upright position symbolizes hyper-caution, the desire to retain values, reluctance to share, and greed. Such an attitude is inherently hostile to life, because any attempts to “stop the moment”, to keep everything as it is, are not only in vain, but also contradict the natural course of things. Thus, this card usually indicates that you are just one step away from stagnation. If the Four of Disks finds itself in a position that requires just such behavior, then this means that at the moment it is necessary to concentrate, limit oneself in something, retreat - or, having taken up the matter, not let it out of one’s hands. If the question in fortune telling concerns something new (idea, plan, business, etc.), then in this case the card advises emphasizing the need for a comprehensive approach and attentiveness in order to understand the details, form a correct idea and assess the limits of the possibilities of the plan .

Reversed card position

Finding itself in an inverted position, the Four of Coins symbolizes disorganization, excessive workload, and too strict limits. If the question concerns money and material wealth, then Arcanum denotes stinginess or, on the contrary, wastefulness - those extremes that do not allow a person to have consistently satisfactory material security.

The meaning and interpretation of the Four of Pentacles card in fortune telling and layouts for work, affairs and career

Direct card position

Here the Four of Disks shows that the person holds on to his position, or at least expects that it will guarantee a stable income and well-being. The card predicts that many problems will soon be resolved, order will be restored and business (work) will return to normal.

Reversed card position

Tarot card Four of Pentacles, which appears in an inverted position, indicates improper organization of activities, overexertion, excessive physical effort, which may arise due to the inability to organize oneself or subordinates. Everything planned can go to waste due to stress or apathy. Sometimes the inverted Four of Coins speaks of external factors that can have, if not fatal, but still a noticeable and rather unpleasant impact on the professional activity of the fortuneteller.

Meaning and interpretation of the Four of Pentacles card in layouts and fortune telling for health

Direct card position

Health is stable, but requires adherence to a regimen.

Reversed card position

It is necessary to conserve strength.

Meaning and interpretation of the Four of Pentacles card in fortune telling and layouts for love and relationships

Direct card position

The Four of Coins indicates that a person is afraid of open, natural relationships, trying to replace them with given patterns of behavior. He “clings” to his partner, which is caused by his subconscious fear of being abandoned, abandoned. Sometimes the Four of Pentacles indicates a relationship based on the subordination of one partner to the other and imposed strict rules, the material dependence of one partner on the other.

Reversed card position

Finding itself in an inverted position, the Four of Disks testifies to conflicts and disagreements that arise due to lack of money and disorder in everyday life; portends quarrels regarding the distribution of the family budget. Sometimes reports the partner’s material interest in the relationship.

The meaning and interpretation of the Four of Pentacles card in layouts and fortune telling for personality assessment

Direct card position

Characterizing a person, the Four of Pentacles indicates his pragmatism, law-abidingness and respect for private property.

Reversed card position

The inverted Four of Denariev speaks of a conservative person who hides from everyone in his own boring and unpromising, but understandable and safe, from his point of view, world.

Meaning and interpretation of the Four of Pentacles card as a card of the day

Today you are too fixated on something that actually interferes with the implementation of your plans, so most likely you will end up with something exactly the opposite of what you wanted. Just in case, check what exactly prompted you to intervene in the course of events - fear of your own future or concern for higher things? Based on this, you need to build a plan for today.

Advice from the Four of Pentacles card in fortune telling and readings

Remember to learn from everything that happens, especially if it is a negative experience.

Miser. A strong grip. Take care of what you have. Prosperity. Hoarding. Inability to share. Preoccupation with material success. Excess savings that are not realized. Stagnation of energy. Inability to move on. Fear of any change. Fear of open relationships. Coldness of feelings. Greed that will lead to loneliness. Limited horizons.

Just act with confidence and do not expose yourself to any risk.

Do not “stick your heart” to anyone or anything: if a catastrophe happens to you, it will be only because of this.

Card of the day
Today you are determined to win, so you remind yourself to be careful, although in reality you simply lack the strength and ability to win. You are too fixated on something that actually interferes with the implementation of your plans, so most likely you will end up with something exactly the opposite of what you wanted. It’s better to remember that any initiative is punishable because it violates the secret passage of space chips. And, just in case, check what exactly prompted you to intervene in the course of events - fear of your own future or concern for higher things? Based on this, you need to build a plan for today.

Reversed card
Quarrels over property, inheritance. Extreme need for money. Refusal of a loan or credit. Budget problems. Expenses exceeding income. Extravagance. Poverty.

Teresa Francis-Chong, Terry Silvers. "Tarot for Beginners."

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The image of the Four of Pentacles speaks of a preoccupation with material phenomena and the desire to hold on to what is already there.
You see that a person has pentacles all around, but he cannot cover his back - behind the person is a city that cannot be controlled.

This suggests that no matter how hard you try to protect yourself, there is always room for surprises in life.
This man's position outside the city means that he must first take care of himself and only then about others.

However, it is also possible that he is now strengthening his powers to help those less fortunate.

Questions to ask yourself when drawing the Four of Pentacles
  • What are you afraid of?
    What do you have to lose?
  • Is someone trying to deprive you of something or someone?
  • What is “enough” for you?
  • What do you need to feel safe in this changing world?
  • What are you guarding or protecting?
Key Ideas
Be (within reason!) generous with the people around you and with yourself.

You may be afraid of loss, but you have nothing to fear except fear itself.
Feel special, different from others.
If you appreciate and understand yourself, other people will see the difference and respond to it too.

As a result, your confidence and even your abilities will increase because you will allow yourself more.

Direct card: You help friends overcome difficulties.
Don't forget about your own problems.

Reversed card: You're not being very generous with your friends, and they notice.

Direct card: You're focused on your studies, which is good, but don't forget to give yourself a break.

Reversed card: Cheating in exams is not the way to become a leader.
Don't even think about it.

Direct card: When dating someone, don't smother your partner with jealousy.

They will want to get away from you - and they will be right.
Reversed card: Don't try to control everyone.
This will not bring people closer to you; on the contrary, it will push them away.

Direct card: Everything in your family is safe and secure.

There is no reason to be uncertain.
Everything will be fine.
Reversed card: At home there is too little participation and compromise.
Everyone is busy with themselves, does not listen to each other and does not make concessions.

Direct card: The fact that you have little money should not stop you from enjoying life.

Still, the best thing about it is that it's free.
Reversed card: You become too preoccupied with the material world.
Beware of this!

Direct card: You look like a million dollars!

Reversed card: If you don't feel good, you won't look good.
The cost of clothes and hairstyles does not play a role here.

Direct card: This is the card of King Midas, the love of wealth and luxury.

You will have more money than usual, but it is better to save it for a rainy day.
Remember that money is not everything: yes, we all need financial security and safety, but there are many things in life that are equal to this, and there are many more important ones.

Reversed card: Watch your spending - now it's easy to spend more than you earn.

Fortune telling in half a minute
Madge was getting ready for a party and was agonizing over how best to dress.

She turned to the Tarot and pulled out the Four of Pentacles - it was a warning.
Cards prefer to be treated with respect.
It is better to consult cards when making important decisions, and not bother them with superficial, fleeting questions.

Annie Lionnet. “Tarot. Practical guide."

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A pentacle held by a man signifies possession.
His calm expression may mask a dangerous complacency.
If you are afraid of wolves, do not go into the forest.
This card symbolizes fear of risk and lack of faith in oneself.

Solving any issues, both material and emotional, requires certain actions and the ability to take risks.
In the Tarot of Herbs, this card contains an image of a seated figure with three discs in front of her and one above her head.

She clutches one of the Pentacles to herself and seems filled with calm and confidence, but at the same time devoid of any animation or inspiration.
The warning here is that while we may feel confident and secure when we have any material possessions, the desire for material security can stifle our growth as individuals.

While it's great to be financially independent, the desire to hold on to what we already have can stifle our inner growth and block our creative energy, causing us to stop moving forward and instead become limited to what is familiar to us.

When we place too much emphasis on the material realm, we can lose our vitality and inspiration.
Our over-caution becomes an obstacle to further change, and we develop an excessive sense of possessiveness.

We may even begin to suspect other people of unworthy motives.
This card invites us to let go of our fear of letting go of our wealth and realize why we hold on to our possessions and our emotions so tenaciously.

The Four of Pentacles in a reading can mean that you feel bogged down in material concerns.
She warns about the danger of being too stingy in material resources or in the manifestation of your feelings - you must share what you have, otherwise you will suffocate in the musty air of your limited life.

Your self-esteem may be too dependent on the possession of material things, and you will need to free yourself from certain views in order to properly re-evaluate your personality.
This card predicts strong and long-term financial well-being if you manage to become more flexible in relation to property issues.

Stuart R. Kaplan. "Classic Tarot. Origin, history, fortune telling."

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Meaning in fortune telling
Love for material well-being.
Petty person.
Inability to share.
Reversed meaning
Failures with deposits.

Creating obstacles to further profits.
Delay and postponement.

P. Scott Hollander. "Tarot for Beginners."

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The Four of Coins is a card of possession, a feeling that it is necessary to protect one’s property.

Inner meaning
This is the card of owning and keeping what belongs to you.
The property is yours by right; you earned or inherited it.

(Note that "inherited" possessions include skill and talent.) This card also suggests that the Questioner feels a need to defend or protect his possessions.
Other cards in the layout will indicate whether this feeling is justified or not.

This card also warns that resting on your laurels may be nice, but it prevents you from moving forward and preparing yourself for the future.

Value in the layout
Direct or positive: property, talent, gift.

Preserving what belongs to you.
Satisfaction with personal status In addition, an established situation in business or personal life; no worries.
Good feelings about the future.

Reversed or negative: opposition, uncertainty, delays, obstacles.
Possible loss.
Possible quarrels, especially with people close to the Questioner (for example, quarrels over property or inheritance).

Mary Greer. "The Complete Book of Reversed Tarot Cards."

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The constructive work of the Three is consolidated in the Four, giving material benefits and power.
In modern decks, it is primarily associated with the control and protection of resources, with stabilization and setting limits.

It can also mean that you are avoiding passion in your relationship.
Although traditional interpretations emphasize kindness and generosity, more recent interpretations emphasize the aspect of selfishness and self-service.

Your energy is now focused on accumulating material possessions, power and wealth and making sure you can maintain and protect them.
This may mean retiring and saving money, but on the other hand it may mean starting a new business or political empire.

In any case, safety comes first.
This card is sometimes called "the miser": it brings to mind King Midas, who with one touch turned everything into gold - including his own daughter.

The passion for hoarding can take over you and, alas, become your master.
Along with acquisitiveness and collecting supplies comes fear of loss, constipation begins, and a person loses the ability to compassion.

Perhaps you have forgotten how to relax and let go of problems.
On the card of the Waite-Smith deck, the figure covers the heart area with a shield to protect against attacks.
This gesture means presenting your rights to the occupied territory.

On the other hand, you may miss the security, comfort and self-worth of this card.
It symbolizes stability, security and inner strength, which comes from the solar plexus - the energy center of your body.

This deep-rootedness perhaps explains this card's traditional association with root vegetables.
Traditional meanings: kindness, generosity, liberality.
Gift, grace, gift.
Offer, offering.

Additional benefits.
Lunar medicine.
Pleasure, joy, fun.
Successful establishment of a business or enterprise.
Fear of loss.

Reversed Four of Pentacles
The Reversed Four of Pentacles signifies liberation, risk, and change, which both Pentacles and Fours usually find it difficult to accept.

Your reaction in any case will be quite extreme: either more fear, greed and aggressive defense, or a complete renunciation of power and property in the spirit of Siddhartha Gautama and other Indian ascetic saints.

Traditional interpretations involve restrictions and external pressures that are not your fault, but which are nonetheless fraught with obstacles, delays, and regression.
Perhaps your sink drain is literally clogged.

It may seem to you that you are surrounded on all sides and are not allowed to take a step.
At work, you could reach your ceiling and lose prospects for further promotion.
On the other hand, you may be prone to spending, speculating or gambling.

Products may drop in price and payments may be charged.
In terms of investment, this card is far from the most favorable sign: Impracticality and lack of control (or lack of “grounding”) can hinder decision-making.

Regardless of the specific reasons, you are most likely dissatisfied with your financial and material situation.
When projecting this card onto others, you may feel that they need to be controlled or that they are desperately clinging to what they have.

If other cards in the spread confirm this, relaxation and stress relief can be seen in the Four of Pentacles.
You can let go of resources and obligations that have been taking up all your attention, or remove defense mechanisms so that you can finally begin to openly express your feelings.

You can resist the government or even try to overthrow it (although your actions cannot be called particularly revolutionary) or break someone else's monopoly.
Now is a good time to reconsider what in your life needs to be protected and where your personal center of power lies.

From a magical and shamanic point of view, the card signifies the possession of power through magical tools and talismans.
It may also speak of possession by a deity or spirit that demands the sacrifice of property, social status and power in exchange for healing.

Thanks to such obsession, a person whose rights are narrow and whose ability to control is small can achieve great success.
Traditional Reversed Meanings: limited space, perimeter, circle.

Clogging, difficulty.
Secluded, confined.
Fixed, prescribed.
Borders, mileposts.
Interferences, obstacles, delays in payments.
Financial losses.
Failure in exams.

Larisa Moon. "All the secrets of the Tarot."

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Key phrase
Everything that is mine belongs only to me and will remain with me forever.
Description of the card and its internal meaning
A good illustration for the Arcana Four of Coins - a greedy child who does not want to share his toys.

There is some truth in this.
This card describes the property of the Questioner and everything that rightfully belongs to him.
Only his behavior will not be caused by greed, but by a feeling of the need to protect his property.

Other cards in the layout will tell you how justified this premonition turns out to be.
The questioner has achieved a lot: the fruits of the first success have been received, the first attempt to improve life has been realized.
At this stage, a person knows the value of money and holds on to it tightly.

On the other hand, the Four of Coins pushes the Questioner to move forward, forces him not to rest on his laurels, but to prepare himself for the future.
After all, not all tasks have yet been completed, a high position has not yet been occupied, everything possible has not yet been obtained, there is clearly little available.

You can live a long time, being content with little, but the Questioner is afraid to move forward, he is afraid of the road into the unknown.
In this case, it is necessary to carefully study the alignment in order to determine what the Questioner should do: either continue to hold the bird in his hands, or strive to catch the crane in the sky.

Connection of the card with other occult sciences
Letter - G, number - 4, Ruled by the planet - Mars, zodiac signs - Taurus, Capricorn, Correspondence according to the Book of Changes - 45 hexagram ("Reunion"), Weather conditions - cloudy, wind, Corresponding color - blue, According to Kabbalah - corresponds to the sephira Chesed.
Card meaning
Straight position
The questioner has some property.
All this belongs to him by right.
However, wealth can be not only material values, but also abilities and innate talent.

The Four of Coins does not exclude the possibility of the Questioner receiving some share of the inheritance, speaks of the established situation in business and love, promises to receive material assistance and self-confidence.

Surrounded by unfavorable cards, this Arcanum warns the Questioner about impending financial problems and calls on them to protect their property.

Inverted position
In this case, the Four of Coins confirms the Questioner’s worst fears: he will have to endure difficult trials, hardships and even losses in the struggle for his wealth.

Often this card in an inverted position indicates the division of property, quarrels with relatives over inheritance.
This card can also be seen as advice to refrain from thoughtless material spending.

Perhaps the Questioner is tired of feeling constrained and limited.
He feels an internal protest, which manifests itself in the desire to live “in grand style.”
But such a love of freedom, a clear reluctance to take into account norms, still should not cause frivolous extravagance.

Daniela Chris. "Magic book of Tarot. Fortune telling."

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The Four of Pentacles is a card of a stable financial situation, complete control over the situation.
Discipline and organization bring you financial wealth.
You follow the motto: "Money is power!" Often indicates a strong possessive instinct.

You have already achieved what you strived for, and you no longer dream of new heights.
No matter what they tell you about the need for further growth, you just brush it off - they say, that’s enough for now.
You do not intend to make any efforts to obtain even greater benefits.

Inverted is the complete opposite of the direct meaning.
Loss of control over the situation, loss of financial stability due to one’s own carelessness.
The money is flowing to no one knows where.
Feeling of complete powerlessness.

Original card meanings that come with the Rider White Tarot deck.

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IV. Four is a crowned head with a pentacle above its head; she holds the other pentacle in her arms; two more pentacles are under the person’s feet.

Straight position: guarantee of material profit; remaining true to what he has, gifts, inheritance, inheritance.

Reverse position: anxious expectation, obstacle, confrontation.

Hayo Banzhaf. Self-instruction manual for Tarot.

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Astrological meaning: Saturn in the second house as a symbol of concern for the future due to unfavorable circumstances.
FOUR DENARIUS The Four of Denarii signifies excessive preoccupation with the future, manifested in greed, stinginess and a deep-rooted fear of any change.

Such an “attitude” is inherently hostile to life, because any attempts to “stop the moment”, to keep everything as it is, are not only in vain, but also contradict the natural course of things.
Thus, this card usually indicates that we are one step away from stagnation (stagnation), and is often a harbinger of the Tower (16), meaning the rupture of the hardened crust.

If the Four of Denarii finds itself in a position that requires such behavior from us, then this means that at the moment we need to concentrate, limit ourselves in something, retreat - or, having taken up the matter, not let it out of our hands.

Rider White Tarot. Theory and practice. Series "Secrets of Predictions". Publishers: AST, Astrel, 2002

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Power Third decade of Capricorn from January 10 to 19.
Astrological equivalents: Mercury, Mars, Uranus in Cancer, houses Second and Fourth.
The third decade of Capricorn symbolizes the achievement of real material results, reliance on reliable foundations and a firm conviction in the correctness of one’s path.

This decade is characterized by practicality, constructive use of opportunities and an objective understanding of one’s benefits.
This decade is ruled by the Sun, and it poses the problem of how to manage the material abundance that life provides.

Understanding the power of material values ​​either forces one to accumulate wealth in fear of poverty, or to renounce its self-sufficient power for the sake of one’s freedom and lose everything completely.
Representatives of this decade show interest in the struggle for survival in extreme conditions, which allows them to reveal the potential capabilities of the individual, the implementation of which is limited by society.

People of this decade have natural taste: imperfection does not satisfy them.
This decade symbolizes a person’s acquisition of all the material values ​​he needs for life and future activities.

Stubbornness, inertia.
Straight position: In the upright position, the card symbolizes a certain ecological niche occupied by a person in society.
The Four of Pentacles is reliable, there is no room for chance here.

The success achieved here is natural and is the result of painstaking work.
The Four of Pentacles can symbolize a small, drab and boring home life.
These are safety, reliability, order in the house, financial stability (meager but regular pension), health (the norm is on the verge of pathology).

Strength, character, worldly needs, someone who knows what he wants, is true to his point of view, has a strong character.
Reliable partner.
A person who achieves success (but small).
The theme of the Four of Pentacles clearly echoes the theme of Cancer and the planets significant in this sign - Jupiter and the Moon.

Gifts, patronage, social benefits, and humanitarian aid can pass through Jupiter.
The moon emphasizes the importance of home, family, and reliability.
At the same time, the Four of Pentacles can sometimes mean greed.

“I earned it through hard work and I’m not going to share it with anyone.”
Ignorance explained by unseemly pretexts (“I have a family and children”).
Inverted position: In an inverted position, the Four of Pentacles indicates the negative manifestations associated with the sign of Cancer.

These are monetary losses, disorder in the world around us, especially at home; disorder in business, inability to get together, organize, laxity, obstacle, cessation of regular income, limbo, wastefulness.

Through this map there are such concepts as “my hut is on the edge”, “my shirt is closer to the body”.
The inverted Four of Pentacles is associated with the concept of a border and symbolizes a fence, enclosure, or any kind of demarcation of areas.

This can apply to both land and work (everyone takes their part).

Evgeny Kolesov. "The ABC of Tarot".

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A rich man sits on a stool; the city is visible behind him.
A man holds one denarius in his hands, another adorns his hat, and the other two lie under his feet.
This card could be called “Gried” - however, more in a moral sense than in a material one.

He is afraid or ashamed to show his feelings, each time he thinks for a long time: is it possible, is it necessary to show a loved one that he loves him?
Is it possible to be guided by the movement of the soul, isn’t cold calculation better?

But if you don’t spend energy, they dry up: if you save feelings, they “peroxide” and can eventually turn into their opposite.
The person remains lonely.
Don't be shy about your feelings, this card says; not everything in the world is verified by cold calculation.

In the “Tarot of Aquarius” it shows a person who has already overcome this “greed” of his.
In the practice of fortune telling, it can also have a direct meaning - for example, you will be denied a loan or credit.
In the direct situation, the matter is still fixable: you can convince a person to share his feelings with others or apply for money at a different address.

Inverted: The matter is practically hopeless: you can’t convince a person, and they won’t give you a loan anywhere.

The 4 of Pentacles card belongs to the element of Earth, which means it can talk about material, mundane things: money, health, order. In a favorable sense, it is a symbol of stability, excellent well-being; in an unfavorable sense, it is a crisis, loss, disorder. Let's consider the interpretation of the map in more detail.

The card indicates a person who is most fixated on material things in his life: he is dependent on money.

Interpretation of the 4 Pentacles of the Tarot in the upright position:

  • You are closed from others, unable to show your emotions. That's why you don't get them in return. A volcano of jealousy may be seething inside, but your loved ones don’t even know about it. It is important to learn how to give vent to such feelings.
  • The card represents the desire to accumulate money and save money. A person strives to save, but is extremely reluctant to spend. However, such an approach will not lead to wealth - on the contrary, you will have to constantly live modestly and cut yourself down in everything.
  • The 4 of Coins Tarot often symbolizes a conservative person, stingy in every sense. He extremely dislikes wasting money, energy and emotions; he is not ready to give, he only strives to receive.

Advice from the card when it appears in the upright position: save money, but do not try to then waste a large amount. Adhere to a reasonable distribution of finances: do not deny yourself the necessary and important things, but do not waste them either.

The meaning of the card in an inverted position

When the Four of Coins appears in a reversed position in a reading, its meaning changes slightly. The interpretations are as follows:

  • Symbolizes a person dependent on material things and power. This is a true miser who saves on everything just to save more. Even if he has a lot of money, enough for three lives, he is not morally ready to spend it - like Kashchei, who “wastes over gold.”
  • Also, 4 Coins promises health problems due to savings on doctors’ services and medications. A person puts off treatment until the last minute, just to avoid spending an extra penny.
  • Presages the collapse of a business or a reduction in wages. Money doesn’t like you and leaves your wallet quickly.
  • In the sphere of relationships, the card symbolizes control, pressure on others, despotism and authoritarianism.
  • Symbolizes a person who is stingy with emotions, cruel, indifferent to the experiences of others.

Stinginess is the main characteristic of the card. First of all, this concerns the material world, but also extends to the emotional sphere.

4 of Pentacles Tarot: meaning in relationships

In relationship readings, the card takes on the following meanings:

  • Indicates a married man or married woman. This is a person in a strong marriage. The relationship seems stable and almost ideal to others, but within the family there are a lot of problems related to finances.
  • You strive to conform to the patterns imposed by society and adhere to generally accepted rules. It's all due to the fear of condemnation and criticism. An excellent example is a girl who gets married at the age of 20 to the first person she meets, just to “make it to 25” and not be left alone. She clings to her partner in order not to be abandoned, even if she does not feel feelings.

Card advice: listen to yourself and choose a partner in accordance with your feelings. Don't live to please social stereotypes - be happy, not approved.

Watch the video about the meaning of the Tarot Four of Pentacles:

Card combinations

Experienced tarot readers always look at which cards surround the Four of Coins. This is necessary because it helps to create a more accurate and correct interpretation.

Let's look at examples of card meanings in combination with Tarot arcana:

  1. The jester is a symbol of greed, which you need to get rid of so as not to lose everything you have.
  2. Magician is a favorable time for a new business. You can open a business, look for a job.
  3. The High Priestess is a call to be careful and not share plans with people around you.
  4. The Empress promises profit, material security and stability.
  5. Emperor - you need to learn to control expenses so as not to be left with nothing.
  6. Hierophant - you are too sensitive and trusting, you need to become more indifferent to other people's problems.
  7. Lovers are a symbol of possessiveness and jealousy, which interfere with relationships.
  8. Chariot - the time will come to get the money set aside for a rainy day.
  9. Strength - don't waste energy. On the contrary, you need to look for sources for its accumulation.
  10. Hermit - a time of financial stagnation is coming. There won't be large expenses, but you won't get any tangible profits either.
  11. Wheel of Fortune - lack of peace and stability in the material sphere of life.
  12. Justice - you risk suffering from the actions of scammers, be careful.
  13. Hanged Man - you are sacrificing yourself in vain, stop and think about your own interests.
  14. Death means bankruptcy.
  15. Moderation is a symbol of harmony and balance in all areas of life.
  16. Devil - you are seriously addicted to money.
  17. Tower - you will become a victim of financial fraud, which will cause you to suffer.
  18. Star - there is every chance of getting something long desired.
  19. Moon - relieve yourself of responsibility and let other people make decisions.
  20. Sun - money will come from an unexpected source.
  21. Peace is the right time to save money.

Yes, the Four of Coins most often promises unfavorable events in life. But this is a reason not to be upset, but to think about whether you are moving in the right direction, whether you are managing your income correctly. It is worth learning how to properly distribute finances, then money will come into life easily.

The meaning of the card in various layouts

✚ "One card" layout

General value

A person will have clear boundaries of what can be done and what cannot be done. The card also speaks of stinginess or frugality.


The card indicates stingy relationships in all areas - emotionally and materially.



Any enterprise related to investments and savings will bring success. The lasso can also indicate that a person does not live on a small income.

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✚ For the future

The card symbolizes great stability, which occupies a very significant place in the life of every person. Try to achieve a stable present in order to ensure a fulfilling and bright future filled with bright colors. However, there is a possibility that you are an excessively stingy person, which does not allow you to get the most out of life. You take care of your health and try to keep it in excellent condition. You just have to be more relaxed about spending money, then life will become easier and more interesting.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ On relationships

A person who asks about the possibility of new relationships in his life must ask himself - is he ready for such global changes in life? Most likely, this person has now set his priorities in such a way that his financial situation, status in society and career occupy the main place in his life, and his loved one may simply not have enough strength and attention. If a person is currently in a relationship, he should also think about the fact that his partner may be receiving too little attention from him. Reluctance to change your habits and course of action, which has been developed over the years, can cause separation or serious disagreements.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ For today

Stability, reluctance to share, clear boundaries of what is permitted and economy. You strive to save money from your modest profits in a routine job that you don’t want to change just out of habit. The card says that you are very careful about your health and physical and emotional state, and therefore it is strong. The card indicates frantic jealousy in relationships on your part, caused by an acute desire to rule and not share with anyone. You are a stingy man of small views. Try to spend your saved money wisely!

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ For tomorrow

A map of clearly defined boundaries. The boundaries are most often of a material level, that is, living within one’s means, saving, no changes - everything goes according to plan. But the card can also appear in a more abstract sense, as the personification of the stability of the inner world.

Tomorrow won't bring much trouble. Most likely, this is the usual way of making money, a quiet evening with your family or with your loved one. No “outbreaks” are expected. Perhaps a little disappointment associated with the inability to make a large purchase.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ What does he think about me

You can create a strong family with a real partner, which will be distinguished by bright emotions and harmony. A family hearth allows any person to achieve their goals, which improve their personality and allow a person to become more self-confident. However, the development of these relationships can be hindered by jealousy, which plays an important role in such love. Jealousy is a destructive feeling that, in excessive quantities, does not allow you to reach a new level. Therefore, try to restrain excessive emotions that may interfere with your love.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ On request

You are a serious and reliable person. You are not alien to such qualities as pragmatism and determination. However, Fate has prepared a serious test for you - a situation in which these qualities will have to be replaced with the opposite. You may also have to sacrifice your beliefs. Think about it, is your desire worth it?

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ On the situation

Crisis events have arrived, but you are not ready for change and make decisions to serve your own interests. Feeling concerned about the future. Self-restrictions are possible. A reasonable distribution of resources and a period of accumulation of benefits are necessary.

Excessive dependence on material things, concentration on one thing and stinginess will interfere with your life. Success will come if you approach the problem intelligently. Focus on one global goal, and don’t be scattered about trifles, but at the same time be generous!

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ For the betrothed

The Four of Coins promises you complete confidence in your partner, peace of mind for tomorrow and reliability of the relationship. However, this does not at all mean a speedy marriage, quite the opposite: now begins a period of long build-up and thinking about the question: Should I propose or not? Fortunately, the cards ensure that the answer will come to you. Fate will guide you, but you have to wait.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ On the King

✚ For treason

From the outside, such a union seems ideal, but inside, unpleasant things happen that slowly destroy the relationship. One of the partners is pathologically jealous of the other, poisoning the lives of both. A riot of feelings and unrestrained emotions sometimes get out of control.


Four of Denarii in combination with other Tarot cards

With the “Jester” card - stinginess leading to ruin.
With the “Magician” card - collect resources to open your own business.
With the “High Priestess” card - do not let information come to light.
With the "Empress" card - control over the expenditure of funds, bringing profit.
With the “Emperor” card - accumulation of funds in the family and business.
With the “Hierophant” card - show callousness.
With the “Lovers” card - possessiveness in relationships.
With the “Chariot” card - “break the piggy bank.”
With the “Strength” card - accumulate strength and energy.
With the Hermit card there is stagnation.
With the Wheel of Fortune card - inertia leading to instability.
With the “Justice” card - do not repay the debt; cheat money.
With the Hanged Man card - vain sacrifices for the sake of accumulation.
With the “Death” card, what you have accumulated will go to waste.
With the “Moderation” card - finding a balance in spending and the desire to save.
With the “Devil” card - material dependence; hoarding.
With the “Tower” card - bankruptcy, ruin; financial pyramid; mismanagement; embezzlement.
With the “Star” card - save to make your dreams come true.
With the Moon card - capital is in unreliable hands; dubious investment.
With the “Sun” card - investments that give profit.
With the “Court” card, investing in the past bears fruit.
With the “World” card - lay the foundation; accumulate the required amount.

From other sources:
V. Sklyarov "The Great Book of Combinations".

Four of denarii (pentacles, coins) in an upright position with the Major Arcana

Magician pr and per - Long-awaited honor, reward, prize
Priestess - Intuitive vision, insight into finding new solutions
Empress - Gift of Fate
Emperor - Gifts from the authorities
Priest - Gifts from Father
Lovers - Greed, stinginess. You need to focus on the difficulties
Chariot - Gifts from Afar
Justice - Fear of change and not in vain...
Hermit pr and per - Fear of the inevitable
Wheel of Fortune - Gifts that are especially dear to you
Power - Bribe at the everyday level
Hanged Man - Abusive attention
Death - A bribe needed to advance your business
Moderation - Meaningful time, academic success
Devil - Sad circumstances
Tower - Return of debt
Star - Mercy must be shown to you
Luna - Gift from a fan
Sun - Birth of twins - girls
Court - Golden hands. Tailoring art
Peace - Gift from a friend
Jester - Stupid gift

Four of denarii (pentacles, coins) in an upright position with the Minor Arcana

2 of Swords - Gift from a relative for the purpose of reconciliation
3 of Swords - Useless gift
Knight of Pentacles - Useful gift