Everything about the devil lasso meaning. Devil Tarot: the meaning of the card in various layouts

How often do we see this monster with goat horns when we lay out Tarot cards. The “devil” - the personification of hell and death - is terrifying and frightening. It does not bode well during fortune telling either. The card has a negative meaning and promises continuous troubles in the future.


The representative of the major arcana, the fifteenth in a row, is the “Devil”. Tarot, the meaning of the layout of which changes depending on the position of the cards, connects human fears and vices with this mythical figure. The picture usually shows a huge black figure of Satan seated on a throne. Royal place has the shape of a cube, which symbolizes the power of an evil force that extends its influence to the world of living people. The monster has a goat's head - a sign of tyranny; in the middle of its forehead there is a pentagram, which indicates the destructive principle descending into the material world.

The body of the lord of darkness is decorated with wool - the embodiment of animal nature. Wings bat that flaunt behind are interpreted as a demonic essence, a bloodthirsty nature. The monster holds a torch in his hand - this is the flame of wicked human temptations and passions that corrode not only the physical shell, but also the soul, heart, and mind. Next to Satan are a naked man and woman. They are chained with shackles: they can throw them off, but they do not. The couple symbolizes the human race, which voluntarily, succumbing to temptation, binds itself to everything material. Chains are a symbol of false choice.

Map upright

What does the “Devil” appear in a Tarot reading mean? In the upright position, he presents to us the entire negative underside of human consciousness: self-interest, commercialism, self-deception, dependence, weak will, doom, as well as violence, anger and destruction. Sometimes the card is interpreted as a surge of necessary strength to fight troubles that unexpectedly befall one’s head. But in most cases, this is a trap into which a fortuneteller can fall due to the malice of others or due to current circumstances. The reason for this is harmful passion, low desires that cloud the consciousness.

The card often falls to those people who are very concerned about their material well-being. It symbolizes attachment to money, dependence on profit. Such individuals are captive of instincts. “The Devil” serves as a warning: you need to get rid of such character traits - craving for wealth, power and unholy physical intimacy. Otherwise they will lead to death.

Inverted "Devil"

If the card is upside down, how does this change the interpretation of the Tarot? The "Devil" inverted, unlike other representatives of the magic deck, retains its meaning. This is all the same devastation, mental weakness, evil fate, dependence, collapse of intentions, pettiness and submission to fate. A person who sees Satan in such a position should prepare for illness, strong blow, an imminent disaster that can fall on both professional relationships and personal life, friendships.

The inverted "Devil" indicates bondage, which will certainly lead to disappointment, mental disorders and even suicide. Despite all the negativity, the card also has a positive meaning. In some cases, it means strengthening the spirit and will, overcoming fear and doubt, throwing off shackles and destroying obstacles in order to achieve the desired goal. The picture can be interpreted as stiffness, a bad habit, which makes a person immobile and prevents him from developing.

Relationship fortune telling

When it comes to personal life, the “Devil” card in the Tarot has a special interpretation: the meaning is enriched with notes of sensuality. Such a picture is a sign of teasing flirtation, crazy passion, carnal desires. But this does not mean that the person is already in captivity. Perhaps the card only warns the fortuneteller about the dangers that lie in wait along the way. They can bring chaos to your normal existence, so be careful - don’t play with fire! Satan can also indicate betrayal, betrayal, moral or physical violence in the family.

When the “Devil” (Tarot) is in an upright position, the meaning in a relationship is: lack of understanding and respect between partners. She is a sign of conflicts and quarrels, aggression and base instincts. Perhaps the fortuneteller is highly dependent on the other half: financially, sexually or morally. As for the inverted card, it symbolizes fatigue from communication, incompatibility of the couple, undeserved grievances, unnecessary humility and patience.

Schedule for work

When a person makes fortunes about a career using the Tarot, the “Devil” can act as a warning. It foreshadows a temptation that you may succumb to in order to reach the top through dishonest and even criminal means. This may be a bad act that is contrary to moral values ​​and spiritual principles. There is a danger of getting into bad company and getting involved in a “dirty” scam. In this case, the crime can be disguised as a noble cause, painted with rainbow colors and good intentions.

If the Devil is upright, your beliefs will be tested. Get ready to defend your point of view so as not to stumble on the path to your dream. This could be an offer from a partner to engage in a very profitable, but illegal business. As for the card in an inverted position, it is a symbol of gluttony for power, fanaticism and worship of material wealth. You may abuse your strength to climb up career ladder. Remember: your goals are false. It's better to stop and choose a different path.


When reading about your well-being, the card can also describe your lifestyle. If the “Devil” appears, the Tarot assigns the following meaning to it: addiction to alcohol or drugs. You have acquired a whole bunch of bad habits and character traits, which makes your existence destructive and miserable. There is a risk of completely losing your health or contracting venereal disease. Your main task is to resist this evil. Resist and quickly get rid of vices. Better switch to the one that haunts you.

A map upside down makes virtually no difference. This is still the same immoral way of life, filled with alcoholic drinks and intoxicants. In such a situation, Tarot advises you to stop and look at yourself from the outside: who have you become? low creature and there you are? Where is that strong and strong-willed person who is able to overcome any obstacles? Hurry up and get started new life. Now is the time to throw off the shackles and change your behavior strategy.

Layout for the situation

If, when fortune telling for a certain event, the Tarot card “Devil” appears, this means that you are in captivity of illusions. By striving for a goal, you deceive not only yourself, but also those around you. The point is that you are dependent on the situation, convincing yourself how much you need it and how important it is. Actually, you are wrong. It's good if the card falls out in a straight position. This indicates that events may have a favorable outcome. But on the way to triumph you will face many disappointments, difficulties and dangers. Is it worth going through them for an imaginary goal? The choice is yours.

An inverted card, on the contrary, warns against further actions. It's better to give up plans - it's not your thing. You risk investing a huge amount of effort and not achieving success, even the slightest. Precious time and all accumulated capital will be wasted. Better do something else. This is a chance to improve things, “absorb” new energy and fresh ideas, and receive the blessing of heaven. Your finest hour It hasn't arrived yet. Relax and get some rest.


The interpretation of the Devil Tarot card in this context indicates that you are now in an unenlightened state. The activity of the mind is limited, thinking slows down. But there is no need to despair, the card marks a transitional stage in your life. She also warns about rash decisions that you may unknowingly make now. There is no need to act - go underground. “Devil” also indicates that at the current stage a person adheres to false principles. It's time to let go of the burden and update your understanding of the world. Listen to inner voice: He is the one who will guide you on the right path.

The card can symbolize temptation. There is a risk of falling under the influence of others, being fascinated by magic, and breaking under the influence of physical force. The turn of events creates for you a situation of dependence, blind worship. Sometimes we are even talking about sadism or masochism. Be carefull. Only you are the master of your destiny, and no one has the right to dictate their terms to you.

Combination with other cards

“Neighbors” in the layout also affect the “Devil” card. The Tarot combination in the major arcana is always negative:

  • Tendency to bad habits, immoral acts - with “The Jester”, “Wheel of Fortune”, “Temperance”, “The Hermit”, “Death”.
  • The presence of negativity in life bad person, manipulating your destiny - with the “Magician”, “High Priestess”, “Hierophant”.
  • Shadow income, illegal business, corruption - with “Empress”, “Emperor”, “Justice”, “Hanged Man”, “Tower”, “Moon”.
  • Violence, destructive passion - with “Chariot”, “Lovers”, “Strength.

In contrast, the Star, Sun, Judgment and Peace cards slightly soften the negative meaning of the Devil, indicating possible hope and a bright ray at the end of the tunnel. As for combinations with minor arcana, then in tandem with virtually all cards, Satan indicates depravity, deception, intrigues and problems.


Tarot card meaning


The essence of the card

Obsession, a slave to your desires.

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Energy card

Slavery, materialism, instincts (destructive), thirst, passion, desires (destructive), ignorance, unconsciousness, obsession, attachment, dependence.

If the card hints at another person

Perhaps this is a person who likes to enslave and control others. Or the person himself who was enslaved and heavily controlled.

In progress

Something at work conquers your consciousness, it is some kind of passion or thirst.

It could be a thirst for power, a thirst for money or something else.

The point is that this thirst is destructive. It can give you a lot of strength, motivate you, but at the same time it disturbs your peace and your stability.

This is an attachment to something.

Obsession is limiting. It gives you strength, but limits your capabilities. Your power becomes very narrowly focused. But, since changes occur all the time in the work environment, this will be dangerous for you; you will not adapt well to these changes. Yours psychological health will also suffer greatly.

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In a relationship

Unreasonable behavior. Usually this behavior comes from instincts, associated with sex and other basic human desires (to be right, to be strong, to have a lot of money, etc.).

The card says that you are going overboard about some kind of instinct. You need to listen to yourself, look at your relationship and understand what kind of overkill this is and about what.

Usually this is too much about sex, since sexual energy is very difficult to control, and it greatly unbalances a person’s hormones, which begins to cloud his mind.

Be careful with your instincts, otherwise they will literally rule you.

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You have a mind, it is your most powerful tool for controlling your instincts.

If instincts are not controlled with wisdom and reason, then you will simply destroy your life.

You will succumb to fleeting hobbies, and thereby destroy what you have been building for a long time. This applies to personal relationships, business projects, and friendly relations and everything else too.

As humans, we need to keep our instincts under the control of our minds at all times, this is what separates us from the animals.

Ask one of these questions in a new fortune telling

  1. How can I overcome this obsession?
  2. What is my strength in this situation?
  3. How does this obsession affect me?
  4. How should I interact with this person (if you understand that the problem is with another person)?
  5. What is my weakness in this situation?
  6. If everything goes on as usual, what will be the result?
  7. If I try to control my obsession, what will be the result?

Once you have selected one of these explanatory questions and have focused on it, click .

Description of all tarot cards

Interpretation of the tarot card devil in the upright position

Strong bias towards material things. Debauchery, base instincts, openly displayed sexuality. Pride. Excessive and therefore destructive charisma. There is almost nothing you can do, since you are completely dependent on either the situation or the person. Only the manifestation of an unbending will can change something.

  • bound will, your will and personality are transferred to another, desire for physical love, mistakes due to fear, commercialism, dependence, self-deception
  • anger, hatred, violence, destruction, disorder, doom, misfortune
  • something predetermined and therefore inevitable, but not necessarily evil

The Devil Tarot card means luring into a trap, which is created either by a hopeless situation, or by people, or by passions that darken the mind. A person is trying to free himself from bondage and his weaknesses. He is clearly aware of his situation, but he does not have the strength to extricate himself, he becomes embittered and breaks down. However, neighboring cards may suggest ways to improve the situation.

Remembering evil, we should not forget that fire can be both light and hell. The Devil Tarot card can symbolize a painful thirst for material or purely physical well-being, as well as the desire to dominate others.

Interpretation of the tarot card devil in reversed position

Crime, bad influence, the machinations of enemies, lack of strength. The meanings inherent in an upright card are enhanced when the card is reversed. This is an almost guaranteed failure of your plans. Illness is an insurmountable obstacle. It's better to reconsider your plans and go a different route.

  • catastrophe, devastation, severe upset
  • pettiness, weakness, blindness, jealousy, illness, bad luck, wrong choice
  • you are completely dependent on something or someone, your will is broken, failure of plans and intentions
  • in the end something has to happen, but for evil

The reversed Devil Tarot card also speaks of some kind of bondage, but in this case the feeling of frustration is much stronger. However, this is why a person will begin to take steps towards liberation and direct his will towards achieving better goals.

The reversed Tarot Devil indicates stiffness, dependence, perhaps some bad habit that prevents you from moving forward, touching the darkest sides of your personality.

Description of the map

In some Tarot decks, the Devil is depicted on the card traditionally, with horns, hooves, a tail and a pitchfork. He towers over a single pathetic figure. His pose, with his hand raised like a puppeteer's, parodies the figure of the Priest.

Most Tarot decks depict a large Devil and two smaller figures, male and female, standing at the foot of his throne. These smaller figures may be demons, humans, or horned creatures. In all such decks they are chained or tied to the foot of the Devil's throne. Note that the poses of all three figures are a repetition or parody of the poses depicted on the Arcana Priest (Hierophant).

The central figure of the Devil Tarot in these decks can take a variety of forms - from a horned goat to the likeness of a man. He can be both an attractive and intimidating figure. Whatever the form, there are almost always wings and horns, and sometimes an inverted pentagram on the forehead or crown.

In almost all decks, the Devil raises or extends his hand over the two souls chained to his throne. The main figure is usually sitting, but can also stand; on his face there is either a seductive smile or rage. His mood directly affects the other two figures. If the Devil smiles, so do his minions; if he frowns, his slaves either mourn or tremble with fear.

The image of this powerful figure who rules over all who come under her influence can be read either as an antithesis or as a sarcasm of the blessing that the Tarot Priest gives. It is sometimes difficult to tell whether the two smaller figures are his captives, slaves or favorites; one way or another, they are unconditionally subject to his will.

Note that the figures standing on the sides not only repeat the minor priests of the Fifth Arcana, but also symbolize the two columns present on the cards of the Major Arcana.

Inner meaning. Given for understanding straight position cards

The Devil of the Tarot embodies all the dark sides of the other arcana of the tarot: black magic, lust, corruption, greed, temptation and an attractive shell. You are invited fast decision your problems. If you are impatient enough to agree, you can see the collapse of your hopes and plans. Succeed on our own. Resist the temptation, which is very attractive, to cut corners and do not be afraid of hard work, continue it alone.

Be careful. The power you gain over your subordinates is intoxicating, and you may enjoy manipulating, controlling, and even playing with their lives. But the real Devil has one road - to hell.

The Devil of the Tarot is the antithesis of good, symbolizing forces seeking to disrupt the harmony of existence. It is not simply individualism or the desire to go his own way that makes him the embodiment of evil. The Tarot Magician is also trying to impose his will on the world, and in fact the result of completing the Tarot path is your ability to truly control your own destiny.

The allegory here is not an independent will, but a mind working to destroy the divine balance. His goal is to overthrow Divine Law and plunge the world into a state of chaos.

The ancients taught that there is an order to the world in which all living beings are capable of finding their best purpose. Divine law is designed to establish and maintain this order. The Devil Tarot seeks to disrupt and overthrow it. He can act as a tempter or rule through fear, but in any case his goal is to lead astray.

As the Tarot teaches, true path- get closer to divine power. At this stage spiritual development you are dedicated enough to become a valuable servant of the forces of evil. It is at this point that you can choose whether to continue towards the final goal or take another path that ends here. At this moment the temptation for the seeker is especially great. You are simply forced to wait for your tasks to be completed (Moderation). The devil seems to indicate a way to achieve the same goal without waiting and without effort.

The power on offer is enormous, but the price for it is even greater. Don't forget that you can achieve your goal without the help of the Devil. He is only interested in you because your potential far exceeds anything he hoped to gain by stopping you.

You are not offered the easy road. For the power that the Devil Tarot offers, you will have to give up your free will.

A deck of seventy-eight cards called TAROT appears to have appeared in the fourteenth century. The meaning of each card is associated with the occult, astrology and alchemy, and it is for this reason that it seems mysterious and incomprehensible to us. Today tarot cards are used for fortune telling. Even if you don’t believe in fortune telling, the layout of the cards in a difficult life situation will help you understand yourself and find the right road leading to the light.

Description of the map

There are many types of decks. The design of the deck can be unique, depending on the artist’s vision, but it can also be classic. If we look at the Devil card in its most common version, we will see in the center a large figure of the devil himself, and on either side of him a female and a male figure.

The Devil himself can be drawn in a frightening manner, but he can also have an attractive appearance. The man and women are chained to the throne on which the Devil sits. Not all versions of Tarot cards depict the man and woman as humans; they can also be depicted as demons.

The Devil is almost always depicted with his hand raised. This gesture can be understood as symbol of iron will, which literally falls on the man and woman standing at the throne. Whoever these two represent: servants, slaves who have fallen into the power of the Devil human souls– these are figures completely subject to someone else’s will.

The Devil card can be compared to another card from the Tarot deck - the Tarot Priest. These two cards are mirror images of each other.

The interpretation of the Devil Tarot card can be different, but each of them comes down to either base human feelings that cross the line of humanity and approach animal instincts, or fear, addiction, deception, secrets, everything that can be called delusion.

The devil personifies dark side the human soul, desires, needs and whims. This card may indicate strong sexual desire, forbidden passion, or malicious intent for seduction. The card can talk about material needs or problems.

If a card appears in a layout for a person’s personality, then it may indicate a gambling nature or a greedy person, thirsty for power and money. The situation becomes clearer thanks to the adjacent maps.

The Devil card always points to a possible trap set especially for you, and if you don’t point it out to you, then you will never notice it, plunging headlong into destructive networks, like a fly into viscous and sweet honey.

Meaning in relationships

Relationships between people can be completely different character. Based on this, the understanding of the meaning of the card will change. If in a scenario for the near future a single person gets the Devil, then this can even be considered good luck. Just a bright, passionate and emotional adventure with an amazing partner awaits you.

This card cannot be called a harbinger of a strong and bright feeling, but rather a short but intense affair. But if a random adventure drags on and begins to transform into heartfelt affection, then expect painful mental torment.

The card indicates not only a person of the opposite sex who influences you through erotic or romantic emotions, but also close relative or just a person who has has a strong influence on you. The appearance of this card indicates that you are dependent on the opinion of another person.

Your addiction is already beyond reasonable limits, and you begin to perceive everything this person tells you as an undeniable truth. Your personal opinion fades into the background. This situation is very dangerous. You should think about the fact that your actions, conclusions and thoughts are subject to someone else's mind.

If we're talking about about a person close and dear to you, then you should step back a little and let them know that you will design your life yourself. But the Devil doesn't always mean loved one, on whose opinion you have become dependent.

We can also talk about an attacker who purposefully gained your trust in order to achieve his goal at your expense. This card is not scary, it warns and convinces you to look at your surroundings more closely and impartially.

In love scenarios

If the Devil card appears in the layout on love relationship, then she doesn’t promise you anything good. In any case, do not be afraid and fall into a violent distrust of your partner. You just need to think and analyze the relationships you have today.

In any case, if you decide to do fortune-telling, it means that there is already understatement in your relationship and veil of secrecy, and you can’t wait to open it, at least with the help of fortune telling with Tarot cards.

In the previous subsections of the article, we have already found out that the Devil card symbolizes either any stage and facet of human vice, or dependence, deceit and loss of control not only over the situation, but also over one’s own will.

It is possible that your chosen one endowed with a certain vice, which significantly complicates life not only for him, but also for you, and also affects your relationship. This vice may be obvious, or it may be hidden from you. To understand a more accurate situation, you should pay attention to the accompanying cards or make another, more detailed layout.

The card may warn you that the person in a relationship with you is not at all what you imagine him to be. Your task now is to not allow the cycle of passions to drag you headlong into the abyss. Try to maintain a cool head and ability to observe. It is possible that very soon a person will show himself on the other side.

It cannot be ruled out that the Devil card does not at all indicate the vices of your chosen one or chosen one. Your soulmate may well be innocent and pure, and the warning applies specifically to you.

Most often, the card indicates that the questioner himself has lost his head so much from feelings and passion that this is already becoming dangerous for his moral and mental state.

You cannot chain your loved one to yourself, put him in prison, hide him from the eyes of prying eyes and make him a delight for own feelings. You must understand that the object of your affection is also a person who is free to act at his own discretion and desire.

You will need more trust, humility and understanding. It's time to work on yourself. Otherwise, your relationship will soon end.

To work

When reading for work, business projects, financial affairs, the Devil card can also have several meanings. It cannot be said unequivocally that this card always speaks of problems and trials.

It is possible that you will be successful in achieving your goal or making a large profit, but you should be aware that all this is only possible through dishonest means. Remember that the Devil is capable of giving a person a lot, but he will take disproportionately more.

The Devil card may indicate that you have turned into a slave of your business. You need rest, perhaps it's time to think about an intense vacation, or even a change of job. This card can also predict unpleasant and incidental situations in which you will find yourself looking funny or ridiculous.

If you are guessing on new job or a tempting offer, then know that they are trying to involve you in a business that will not bring you either satisfaction or income, but troubles and complications in life are guaranteed.

Flipped over

The reversed Tarot card has opposite meaning. If in any scenario you get an inverted Devil card, then you have a reason to breathe a sigh of relief. Soon your addiction will disappear, your former willpower, self-confidence and the ability to act independently will return to you.

In a love reading, an inverted card may indicate that your emotional attachment will soon seem insignificant to you and the person will lose power over you. When reading a situation, an inverted card indicates that soon everything unclear will become clear, and you will find the right way out of the situation.

A card acquires a negative meaning only if it characterizes you, and this is possible in the following cases:

  • in your personal life you play the role of a lover or mistress;
  • you are planning some kind of deception or participating in a scam;
  • your thoughts and feelings cannot be called unselfish and pure.

In these cases you they predict a complete collapse.

To the situation

When laid out for any situation, the card indicates that you are already nothing depends. You are caught in a cycle of events and it is difficult for you to get out of it, or you have become dependent on a person who has power not only over you, but also over your destiny.

In this case, it is very important to understand how to correctly decipher a combination of several cards involving the Devil card. It is possible that the layout will contain a warning or a hint on how to get out of a series of troubles and regain lost willpower.

There are no hopeless situations. Even in the most desperate and hopeless times with a person faith always remains. Some believe in God, some in fate, some in themselves, and some in justice and the fact that bad times will surely end, as the night ends, and the onset of dawn is inevitable.

Description of the Tarot card "DEVIL"

In most Major Arcana Tarot decks, the Devil is depicted in front of two small figures of a man and a woman. His mood is transmitted to people who are completely dependent on Satan. If he smiles, people smile, if he gets angry, his slaves tremble with fear. The devil is the opposite of good, his goal is to destroy order and bring chaos into this world. The allegory here is the mind, cold-blooded and cruel, striving to upset the Universal Balance.

General meaning and interpretation of the “DEVIL” Tarot card in layouts

Direct card position

Of all the Tarot Arcana, the Devil is the most difficult to understand because it is different for everyone. What can be considered common to all, perhaps, is only a situation of dependence on someone or something, weak will, shameful failure good intentions, as well as actions committed contrary to one’s own beliefs. The card speaks of material dependence, intrigue and temptation, excesses. The illusion of being forced to act contrary or opposite to desires. The card indicates that at the moment the main thing in life is not spiritual goals. The values ​​that you crave to acquire are exclusively material in nature. The card claims that the goals you are pursuing are false and it is better to abandon them now, before you are pulled into this quagmire. However, you should not perceive this as a threat: this is just a warning from Fate. One way or another, this card shows that we are playing with fire and must be careful not to get burned. At a deep level, it means that the question concerns, first of all, the shadow sides of the personality.

Reversed card position

In an inverted position, the Devil card speaks of abuse of power, of concentrating efforts exclusively on achieving material wealth. If in fortune telling a card falls among the positive ones, we can assume success. gallant adventure or a situation in which it will be possible to safely escape retribution.

The meaning and interpretation of the “DEVIL” card in fortune telling for work, business and career

Direct card position

Here the Devil shows that moral strength, convictions and good intentions are subject to serious testing and temptation. In this case, we can even talk about profitable business, but only due to the inexperience or gullibility of the business partner. In some cases, Arcan indicates that a person is involved in dubious transactions.

Reversed card position

In an inverted position, the card most often indicates a loss of profit, money, or income. A deal or project that had high hopes will not bring the expected profit.

The meaning and interpretation of the “DEVIL” card in health layouts

Direct card position

Bad habits and addictions can negatively affect your health.

Reversed card position

Serious illnesses. In some cases, it indicates negative magical effects: damage, love spell, evil eye.

The meaning and interpretation of the “DEVIL” card in fortune telling for love and relationships

Direct card position

The Devil represents important issues that can cause difficulties in a relationship if you are not careful and honest. The card often denotes the dependence of one partner on the other in a domestic, financial or psychological sense, which is why the emotional and spiritual side of the union suffers. Difficulties in relationships can be associated with excessive immersion in material issues and the pursuit of dubious pleasures. This lasso often means temptation, indulgence of desires and the pursuit of them at any cost. The devil is also often associated with the sphere intimate relationships and can sometimes mean infidelity, betrayal, love affairs without commitment.

Reversed card position

In an inverted position, the Devil says that the relationship has reached a dead end, the partners are tired of each other. Sometimes indicates that the couple is incompatible either spiritually, or in the physical.

The meaning and interpretation of the “DEVIL” card in personality assessment layouts

Direct card position

The fifteenth Arcanum in this case describes a person who is only interested in the material side. The fortuneteller will have to communicate with him and solve some practical and, perhaps, uninteresting issues.

Reversed card position

The devil in an inverted position speaks of a person who poses a certain danger to the fortuneteller, since he is able to “ground” his soul with his views.

The meaning and interpretation of the “DEVIL” card as a card of the year

The Devil card says that this year you will have to look deep into yourself, and at the same time something may come to light that you never expected, or suddenly what you thought was one thing will turn out to be completely different. In this case, it is the dark, shadow side of the personality, which forces you to commit actions that you later bitterly regret. All that is required of you is to stop looking for those to blame and, when you find yourself in another unpleasant situation, simply ask yourself how this could happen. Try to determine the true scale of your intemperance, analyze the most dark sides your soul, who are constantly trying to find weakness in you. Give them an appropriate place and determine for yourself exactly how to respond to them so that it does not go beyond acceptable limits.

Work and finances. In this area, the Devil card predicts that your moral principles, your beliefs and good intentions will be seriously tested, even, one might say, tempted. You will have the opportunity to achieve material well-being, but not in the most pure and honest ways.

Personal relationships. In this area, the card foretells you teasing flirtation, meaningful promises, and sensual passion. However, here too it is, first of all, a warning: you have to play with fire and it will be extremely difficult not to get burned.

Health status. There may be a deterioration in the condition due to addictions, bad habits, unhealthy lifestyle, self-indulgence.

Top card tip. Free yourself from addictions, stop being subject to circumstances and freely follow the path to which the voice of your heart leads.

Meaning and interpretation of the DEVIL card as a card of the day

Today you will apparently have to face the shadow side of your character. Perhaps you will be persuaded to do some unseemly act or to betray your principles. It could be some sudden inner urge that you didn’t suspect was behind you or that you thought you had overcome long ago. You should neither be angry with yourself for this, nor blame others, nor should you suppress this urge in yourself. Use the situation to bring a ray of light into the dark part of your soul - become aware of this urge and find out its reasons.

Advice from the DEVIL card in fortune telling

You will need to go through certain life trials, or rather, temptations, when too easy victory and power are concentrated in your hands, which under other circumstances would have to be earned and deserved. Try not to rise above others.