Astral world. Strange creatures of the astral world

Astral worlds

As you know, adherents of the occult sciences believe that, in addition to the physical, there are other worlds: in particular, the astral world, the mental world, nirvana, etc.

Moreover, these worlds are not separated from each other by rigid boundaries, like, for example, the water in a river from its banks. On the contrary, they penetrate one another to one degree or another.

But if a person sees and feels structures or objects of the physical world, then the rest of the worlds are not subject to his senses. And he can judge their existence only by certain subjective criteria. Moreover, even in this case, a person’s consciousness cannot come into contact with all worlds, but only with the astral and mental. It is no longer able to penetrate into other worlds.

According to the doctrine of the astral, if any creature or object leaves the physical world, that is, simply put, ceases to exist on Earth, then its reflection continues to live in the astral world, and in the form that was inherent in it at the time of disappearance .

Metaphorically speaking, this is essentially analogous to maintaining our image in the mirror after we have moved away from it.

The astral world is inhabited by various invisible entities that sometimes burst into our consciousness during unusual or nightmare dreams. In addition, souls, or energy analogues of deceased people, live in it. It is these phantoms that make themselves known during spiritualistic seances.

The astral world is usually divided into two levels: the highest and the lowest. The lowest level of the astral plane is inhabited by entities that carry negative energy and instill fear and horror in humans. They are popularly called evil spirits. And it is these representatives of the lower level that appear in people who are in a deep stage of alcohol or drug poisoning. Very often they appear to people suffering from certain mental disorders, such as phobias, schizophrenia, etc.

In turn, the highest level of the astral world is associated with angels and good spirits.

Physical and astral bodies connected by a silver cord

It has already been said above that physical body a person is in contact with other worlds, in particular with the astral. To interact with the astral, a person has the so-called astral body, which, being a copy of the physical body, nevertheless has a finer structure and is therefore invisible. In addition, the astral body has the ability to penetrate into other dimensions and exist there. It is often called the astral double, or soul.

In the astral body of a person there are analogues of all those organs that are also in the physical body. But since the subtle elements that make up the essence of the astral body are in constant movement, then his ability to see, hear and feel does not correspond to any specific organ or nerve channel, like that of an earthly person. Thus, the functions of the sense organs are performed by the entire astral body.

Sometimes the astral body leaves its earthly shell - the physical body - and travels in the astral plane. This usually happens in a dream. It can also leave the human body during clinical death.

When a person's astral body travels in the astral world, it retains self-consciousness. And therefore, sometimes the “astral traveler” realizes that he is outside the physical body.

During these movements in the astral plane, sometimes a person sees his astral body, but each of the people perceives it in a special way, for example, enclosed in some kind of luminous case.

The connection between the astral and physical bodies is maintained using the so-called silver cord, which is a luminous thread-like formation.

Usually this cord connects the forehead area of ​​the physical body with the navel of the astral body. Its color can vary from a plain pale smoky to iridescent. It consists of a bundle of woven threads.

Silver cord has several synonyms: it is called rope, chain, channel, magnetic string, etc.

According to knowledgeable people, the silver cord has a high degree of elasticity and therefore can stretch to any length. Moreover, with the removal of the astral body from the physical, this etheric channel gradually becomes thinner, sometimes turning into a barely noticeable thread.

However, not every person traveling in the astral manages to see the silver cord. And only those can notice it who for some time linger their gaze on the “shell” of the physical body from which the astral body emerged.

There are many facts indicating that a rupture of the etheric channel necessarily leads to the death of the physical body, that is, a person.

Occasionally, those who were present at the death of their loved ones were able to observe how the astral body left its earthly shell. This is how one of the eyewitnesses, who was next to his dying aunt, describes this phenomenon.

“At first, barely visible contours of some airy substance appeared. Gradually it became more and more distinct and contrasting, until, in the end, it took on the shape of the body of a dying woman. The double hung in a horizontal position, twenty to thirty centimeters above the body of the dying aunt... And suddenly I noticed a silvery cord connecting the physical body with its ethereal copy... I suddenly realized that the body and soul were connected to each other by a special thread-like substance, just like an umbilical cord connects mother and newborn. The cord had a diameter of about two and a half centimeters. A constantly flickering, gentle silvery light emanated from it. It seemed as if the cord was filled with the energy of life.”

One of the eyewitnesses of this phenomenon observed how a stream of pulsating light moved along a silver cord from the physical body to the astral one. Moreover, with each energy surge the cord became thinner and thinner. And this continued until the cord disappeared completely. That is, until the astral body finally broke the connection with the physical body...

By the way, among Americans of eastern origin, researchers have noticed a mysterious phenomenon of death in their sleep, which usually overtakes men between the ages of 30 and 40.

Eyewitnesses claim that before death, the victim suddenly begins to thrash and groan, as if she was dreaming of something terrible, but could not wake up. That's how he dies. And this usually happens in the second half of the night. But scientists cannot say what happens at this time in the human body. It is only known that before death the work of the heart muscle is disrupted.

These strange cases experts tried to explain anomalous phenomena. They suggest that in Asian countries men are deprived of their lives by some invisible ordinary people astral killers. But perhaps the victim sees them in a dream, which is why he rushes about and moans.

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The word “astral” has its roots in the Greek word astron, which means “stellar”. The word was originally used to refer to the residence of Greek deities, and then began to be applied to other entities and worlds. The ancients believed that the “astral world” was a mysterious place inhabited by disembodied beings and angels of higher hierarchies. Over time, the term "astral world" or "astral plane" became associated with the occult sciences, and is now defined as a mysterious world that is hidden from ordinary senses and physical perception.

Ancient teachings tell us about the existence of seven planes of existence. The first and most dense plane of existence is the material plane, identified with our physical world. They follow him spiritual plane, also known as the etheric, astral and mental plane. The remaining three planes are intended for those who have reached the highest level of spiritual evolution, so we know practically nothing about them.

Each of the seven planes of existence is divided into seven subplanes, and these in turn are divided into seven more subplanes, and so on until the number of divisions reaches seven times. Swami Panchadasi, who wrote a treatise on the astral world, claims that these plans are not overlap each other like the layers of the Earth; rather, they simultaneously appear at the same point in space. To understand this concept, it is important to remember that with the exception of the material plane, none of them require the presence of physical matter. All of them are manifestations of energy of different vibration frequencies. The densest and slowest vibration corresponds to the material plane, or physical world. Higher and faster levels of vibration are characteristic of other planes of existence, other worlds, one of which is the astral world.

If the planes of existence are manifestations of energy with an increasing frequency of vibration, then we can accept the possibility of their being at the same point in space, but at different levels density, taking into account the decrease of the latter as one approaches the higher plane of existence. You can better understand this assumption if you remember that heat, electricity, magnetism, x-rays, laser rays and ultraviolet radiation can simultaneously be in the same area of ​​space without affecting each other, since all these types of energy use different vibration frequencies. In the same way, different planes of existence can coexist at the same point in physical space without colliding with each other. Some of the ancient sages tried to explain this hypothesis by arguing that the plane of existence is not a place, but a state of mind.

The second plane, known as the spiritual or etheric, is the source of creative energy through which the universe finds its physical expression. IN recent years Physicists, especially those who study quantum mechanics, have focused their attention on the study of energies of the etheric plane without even knowing it. This is where subatomic particles such as neutrinos, muons and quarks are found, which some scientists believe may be the building blocks of matter. The ethereal substance called prana is one of the forms of energy that arises on this plane of existence. We absorb this energy along with the air when we breathe. Yogis believe that it is the main source of our nutrition. Prana is best absorbed by the body through rhythmic breathing called pranayama.

The third plane of existence, known as the astral plane or astral world, is the habitat of the human spirit after death. We also visit him every night during dreams. The astral plane is accessible to people who either use their intuitive abilities or travel to this world using their astral body.

The perception of the astral world is directly related to physical sensations, thanks to which people receive information from this plane of existence. In other words, each of our five senses: sight, touch, hearing, smell and taste - has its counterpart in the astral world. Other forms of perception of the astral plane are known to us as extrasensory perception (ESP), which includes telepathy, psychokinesis and clairvoyance. These abilities are in an undeveloped state in most people, but their action begins to gradually become more active. Clairvoyants sometimes see images of the astral plane, but usually this happens spontaneously and does not depend on their own will. True vision of the astral world is possible only through special education and training. People who have developed this ability can use it to move from one plane of existence to another with a simple effort of will.

According to Panchadasi, astral travel is a way of moving between different planes of existence using the astral body. This body is composed of etheric matter with a very high vibration level and is usually the seat of human personality. Although ethereal matteralmost imperceptible to the naked eye, in certain circumstances people can see the astral body.

Usually the astral body surrounds the physical body in the form of a translucent cocoon, and is described as a bluish-gray radiance projecting several inches beyond its boundaries. The color of the astral body can change depending on the state of health, as well as the mental or emotional state of the person. This glow is commonly known as a person's aura and is not very difficult to see. You can easily learn to perceive an aura by holding your hand out against a light background and observing its outline with a slightly defocused gaze. After a few minutes, you will see the aura appear as a blurry bluish-gray shell, increasing the length of your arm.

The astral body is an exact copy physical body and continues to live after his death. However, the astral body is not eternal and, in the end, disintegrates into its component elements, like the physical body. Many people have had the experience of being outside their body, when they saw themselves floating above their physical shell. Some claim to have traveled to amazing places and, returning to their body, they found it cold and motionless, like an empty dwelling. All of these examples are variations astral travel, during which a person managed to go beyond the boundaries of his physical body.

Clairvoyants and people who are able to voluntarily contemplate images of the astral world claim that the astral body is connected to the physical body using a grayish-silver cord that can maintain a connection between these two bodies even over very long distances. This silvery cord breaks at the time of death, allowing the astral body and spirit to leave the person's physical body.

At this stage, I would like to emphasize that the astral body is not the spirit or consciousness of a person. Rather, it represents the soul, which consists of a combination of the etheric and astral bodies. The etheric body contains all human instincts, and the astral body contains his emotions and feelings. The spirit is a combination of reason, logic, intellect, inspiration and all the hidden qualities of the individual.

So, the astral body of a person is the seat of his instincts and emotions. While a person is alive, all the journeys that he makes with the help of his astral body become part of his consciousness, spirit and personality. When people travel to the astral world, they perceive it in exactly the same way as the world of matter. In this amazing world there are cities, landscapes, forests, rivers, fields, people and many other things. Material objects in the astral world seem as real as in the physical world.

In the astral world one can travel from one place to another by simple force of will. This means you can get into specific place by simply wishing it. In this mysterious world you can find many different entities; Among them are the astral bodies of deceased people, as well as entities that are residents of the astral world and have never lived among people. Fairies, gnomes, elves, salamanders, undines, sirens, devas, genies and other entities that have repeatedly captured our imagination live on the astral plane. They appeared there thanks to our efforts, reflected in countless folk tales who brought them to life. Any object that we imagine in our imagination immediately appears in the astral world and has the degree of reality that we ourselves endow it with. This is why thoughts contain great power and danger if they are not properly controlled.

On the first subplane of the astral world, which Panchadasi calls the astral cemetery, the astral bodies of deceased people await their disintegration. When a person dies, the spirit, together with the astral body, is sent to one of the subplanes of the astral world, where for some time it remains in a state of calm restorative sleep. During this dream, the spirit prepares to go to a place that corresponds to the level of its spiritual development. When the spirit awakens, it immediately moves to the mental plane, from where it moves to the next level according to its development. After the spirit leaves the astral body, it remains in the astral world for a short time.

Eventually the astral body loses strength and disintegrates like the physical body. When this happens, it immediately goes to the astral graveyard. The higher a person’s spiritual development, the faster his astral body disintegrates, since it consists mainly of human instincts and emotions. How more people tied to the world of matter, the longer his astral body remains on the lowest subplanes of the astral world.

According to Panchadasi, during spiritualistic seances, or channeling, it is the astral bodies that appear, and not the spirits of dead people. There are also ghosts that haunt people because they cannot find a place of peace for themselves. This primarily applies to those people who died a violent death and could not come to terms with it.

After death, the spirit is usually restored in the astral world, and then moves on to the mental plane of existence. But the astral body can retain some memories and individual personality traits, so it can strive to establish, albeit very weak, contact with living people. Seance participants want to be convinced that the entity they are communicating with is truly the spirit of the person they once knew and loved. However, an observant person will notice that the behavior of this entity is unconvincing, and its actions and actions do not entirely correspond to the manners and habits of the deceased. It seems as if the disembodied spirit is deprived of some important component inherent in a living person. Panchadasi claims that the ghost does not have a spirit, a mind that already resides on a higher plane of existence, leaving only an empty shell, the remnants of the soul, in the astral world.

Panchadasi also believes that after death, most spirits “sleep” on the subplanes of the astral world for quite a long time, some of them for many years. Highly spiritual individuals and those who are at lower stages of spiritual development “wake up” much faster. The first - because they do not need much time to prepare for the transition to the corresponding level of the mental plane, and the second - because they automatically move towards a zone with a lower vibration. Once in one of these zones, they continue to remember those terrible, destructive actions that they committed during life, but this time they are helplessny observers.

As a result, many of the spirits experience horror at the thought of their past life, regret what they have done and try to leave these subplanes in order to get to higher levels of being. In this case, the strength of their desire to become better helps them ascend to the next plane of existence in the hope of purification. However, there are also those who have sunk so low in their spiritual development that he was unable or unwilling to renounce his past actions. A spirit that does not repent and does not want to move towards the light of spirituality exposes itself to the risk of final disintegration. These lower level subplanes of the astral world correspond to the concepts of hell and purgatory.

In addition to these terrifying subplanes, the astral world has higher levels where the spirits of people of creative professions: writers, artists, poets and composers - can complete their great works that remained unfinished in physical world. Other spirits create masterpieces on the astral plane, which subsequently become a source of inspiration for people who embody their plans in the world of matter.

The astral world represents the source matrix for the physical world. Everything that happens in the world of matter is just a consequence of events that happened in the astral world, which is also the world of imagination. That is why it is possible to create and visualize objects with the help of the mind, which then materialize in our world.

On the mental plane there are higher levels, which in many religions are called heaven. These subplanes are inhabited by the noble spirits of highly spiritual people, such as saints and martyrs, as well as those who sacrificed their lives for another person or in the name of high ideals. Spiritual beings who embody pure love belong to the most high levels the astral plane, constantly moving from one subplane to another.

Panchadasi, who firmly believes in the possibility of reincarnation, states that highly developed spirits wait a long time for the next incarnation. When such a spirit decides to be reborn soon after the end of a previous life, it means that he is making a great sacrifice, which usually meansis a good reason. Reborn in human body, he is deprived of the joy and pleasures inherent in the life of the spirit on the highest planes of existence.

In the astral world there are subplanes that correspond to the concept of “heavenly place” among the ancients warlike peoples. These include Valhalla among the Vikings, the Fields of the Blessed among the ancient Greeks, and the Land happy hunting among the American Indians.

Almost all spirits, regardless of their level of development, spend some time on the subplanes of the astral world, where they engage in self-improvement. Before a spirit can be reborn on Earth, it must leave the astral world and move to a suitable sub-plane of the mental world.

Less developed spirits are here for a short time and are reincarnated almost immediately, since life in the material world gives them more opportunities for development. Highly developed spirits can remain for several centuries on the subplanes of the mental world or on even higher planes of existence. While in these worlds, the spirit is completely identified with its higher “I”, gaining purification and spiritual light and enjoying the unearthly pleasure that yogis call nirvana. If a spirit is so developed that it can no longer incarnate in the physical world, it remains on the higher planes of existence, where it provides assistance to those spirits who have not yet been able to interrupt their cycle of incarnations.

We discussed in detail Swami Panchadasi’s ideas about the astral world. Of course, we do not have concrete evidence in favor of the existence of this mysterious place, but a number of recent discoveries in the field of physics and astronomy may shed light on the subject of interest to us. Astronomers claim the existence of dark, invisible matter that makes up much of the universe. No one knows what it is made of, but it is reported to be ten times the size of the material from which stars are formed. Perhaps studying this dark matter will allow you to find answers to important questions regarding the universe. Maybe we can learn about the future of the universe, its origins and probable death. We can even try to find out whether the mysterious astral world is not actually part of this invisible matter.

According to various esoteric and religious ideas, the human body consists of seven different shells. The visible outer shell is a material body consisting of flesh and blood. The strongest and most highly organized shell is energy, which is commonly called the soul. The soul and physical body are connected to each other by all other energy layers (etheric, astral, mental, casual).

The etheric body plays the role of a connecting link between the physical body and immaterial shells. Mental body is a rational understanding of the world around us. It is this shell that is responsible for intelligence, thinking, logic, and all thoughtful and balanced actions. The casual body is the energy that contains the previous experiences and mistakes of the human soul received in its previous incarnations. This energy, in a certain sense, predetermines a person’s life, forcing him to develop energetically through certain difficulties and trials, which are the consequences of the mistakes of past lives. In many religious and philosophical teachings, the causal sheath is called karma.

A special place among all the energy layers of a person is occupied by his astral body. The astral shell is a person’s thoughts and emotions, his feelings, experiences, psycho-emotional mood. Positive or negative emotions and a person’s thoughts form a certain space called the astral plane. This space, according to mystics and esotericists, is a kind of parallel world, a place without time and space. Being in this world, a person can see events that have happened or are happening from a different angle, there are also images from dreams, unresolved souls with which one can come into contact, various energy entities formed by human thoughts and emotions.

It is believed that during dreams a person travels through these parallel worlds, but doing this unconsciously, he rarely remembers or correctly interprets the scenes he saw in his dreams. However, you can enter the astral plane consciously with the help of your astral body. Controlled travel to parallel worlds is possible only with strong concentration, which is achieved through meditation, various spiritual practices and work on the development of the astral body.

Having perfect control of his astral body, a person can enter realities inaccessible to others and see information hidden from others. He can communicate with the dead, find answers to questions asked, see events of the past or future. If necessary, some people can completely separate their astral body from their physical body, creating an astral double, thus gaining the opportunity to be in two places at the same time.

Exit to the astral plane. Is this possible or not?

Despite the fact that official science is quite skeptical, not wanting to admit the fact of the existence of the astral plane, there are still mysterious events and phenomena in the world that indicate that a person’s presence in several parallel worlds Maybe. For example, the research of Dr. Dean Sheils is known, who carefully studied more than a thousand cases of people entering the astral space. Among those who managed to experience out-of-body experiences were representatives of absolutely different cultures and religions that spoke different languages. But all of them, with striking similarity of details, described their feelings from the experienced phenomenon. This fact allows us to say that, perhaps, meditative practices that allow you to consciously go to the astral plane have a place.

There was also evidence that some people are really capable of creating their own astral double and using it to travel through time. For example, in the Bralorne Pioneer Museum, located in Canada, there is one very mysterious photo. The photo, taken in 1941, features a young man dressed in 2000s fashion (pullover, cotton T-shirt with acrylic print, modern sunglasses and fashionable hairstyle). In addition, on the guy’s chest is a portable Kodak camera, which did not exist in the 40s of the last century. The photograph was carefully studied the best professionals their business, but did not find any deception. The photo is authentic and has not been photo-corrected. Modern science is unable to explain how a modern young man ended up in a photograph taken seventy years ago.

However, it is worth noting that humanity continues to search for a rational explanation for cases of people being in parallel realities. Modern science came very close to solving most of the phenomena of astral travel. So, in 2002, a discovery was made that changed the consciousness of esotericists. Scientists from one of the medical universities have found that there is a certain area in the human brain that is responsible for collecting into a common image all the information entering the brain from different sense organs; it is thanks to this part of the brain that people hear, see, feel, think, analyze at the same time. If this information processing center works correctly, people become aware and experience themselves in real time and in the first person. If for some reason this part of the brain collects and processes information incorrectly, a discord occurs between various types information entering the brain, in this case a person may lose the sense of time, or feel outside the body, hear his own voice from the outside. This disorder in the functioning of the brain creates the feeling of being in another reality.

As practice shows, most mystical and mysterious phenomena that occur in life have a logical rational explanation. However, this fact does not exclude the possibility of the existence of those forces and laws of the Universe about which man knows nothing. Whether the astral really exists or not, it is too early to draw conclusions; perhaps in the future humanity will find the exact answer to this question, but for now, a person should live in a rational world, listening to the prompts of the subconscious.

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The Astral World is a kind of conditional place, outer space, where a person’s soul can go, stay there for some time, experience a lot of sensations, and then return to the physical body again, retaining full memories of all the experiences received. It can be involuntary, which happens at most once or twice in a life, and voluntary – i.e. arising at the request of a person.

Does the astral world exist?

The astral world is something that no skeptic can believe in, who tend to reject everything that cannot be touched with their hands. In addition, in order to achieve access to the astral world, you need to find a teacher and spend a long time mastering the methods of entry and exit. Some people get it in the first week, while others take several weeks. And the only way skeptics can believe in the astral plane is to get into it. Although it is unlikely that anyone from below will decide to spend so much time on this enterprise.

And for those who admit the existence of the unknown, the astral world has long ceased to be something of a miracle. The astral world and its hierarchy become clear literally from the very first sessions, and each time the journey becomes more and more interesting.

Levels and beings of the astral world

The main thing is to remember that the diversity of the astral world is limited only by what you believe or are able to believe. The space of the astral world has seven levels. They are different to varying degrees density and vibration level. The astral space of the Earth is incredibly large, and you are unlikely to ever get bored there.

The first level is the highest astral, the seventh is the lowest. This is connected with astral beings, demons and the secrets of this world: the higher the level, the stronger the vibrations of the creatures inhabiting it.

The lower planes are incredibly similar to our reality, but the higher you go, the more changes you will notice. The levels are divided into three categories - in the first there are levels 1-3, in the second - 4-6, in the third - level 7 (the kingdom of sin and vice, hell). In the astral plane, every thing is visible not from the outside, but from the inside, from all sides at once. This does not come immediately, but with experience.

How to get to the astral world?

The question of how to enter the astral world often comes down to banal fear. Even if you are incredibly thirsty to know this amazing world, you may still be afraid of receiving some kind of moral injury, and this feeling will not allow you to enter desired condition and go on a journey. But remember: if you do everything right, you cannot harm yourself. And if you have the desire, will, time and place, then you will certainly master access to the astral plane.

Before you enter the astral world, you need to find out how strong your will is. You need to learn to completely turn off thoughts. Place a clock in front of you and stop your thought process. If you cannot hold on for even a minute, it will be extremely difficult for you, but if you calmly remain without thoughts for about 10 minutes, you will succeed easily. Train your will to stop thoughts - it will come in handy. A week before your planned exit, do not eat meat, do not have sex, read books on esotericism and give up worldly concerns. Practice stopping your thoughts.

So, the process itself:

It's very simple if you first learn how to turn off internal dialogue. Start practicing only with a teacher!

The astral plane and sleep are similar in one way; in the first and second cases, the soul leaves the body. Only in a dream a person does not always understand what is happening, but in the astral plane everything is controlled by the mind. But without the ability to control sleep, going to the astral plane is tantamount to suicide.

Also, the astral body can exist provided that the physical shell is dead. The information content of such a body remains unchanged, and therefore it becomes possible to communicate with deceased people. We recommend that you study the basic nuances that happen in most cases during a dive.

When going to bed, a person experiences strange sensations. It seems that he is falling through or losing consciousness. During a night's rest a person is able to see terrible dreams and beautiful landscapes, people familiar from childhood or faceless images. Often actions in dreams occur against our will.

Sometimes events that happen in a dream take strange forms, a little fabulous. And it’s not entirely clear how you could find yourself in a place you’ve never been to. It's not on the map, it's not in real life.

Scientists say that dreams are nothing more than a game of a tired brain. Magicians and sorcerers openly say that by putting your body to sleep, the soul leaves it and goes in search of adventure or to fight evil. But both of them do not deny the interpretation of the elements seen in a dream. Thanks to them, you can find out a hint for the future and find out the answer to a question that has been haunting you for several years, days or weeks.

We can say that in a dream a person receives answers to questions, warnings from higher powers. Whether or not there is a soul in the body at this moment, scientists have proven. Using scales, the person was weighed before and during sleep. It turned out that the person was losing weight, although not significantly.

How to enter the astral plane for a beginner, what do you need to know?

In order for a beginner to enter the astral plane, he will have to try and learn the fundamental rules. Start your preparation by studying materials that will help you surprise the whole picture. The better you prepare, the greater the chances for a favorable outcome. It’s hard to start, and in order to get into the astral plane the first time, you need to learn how to control your sleep. And this can only be done with the help of the mind.

The more you know, the safer your journey will be.

From the beginning, you need to learn to control your bedtime.

You can start training both at night and during the day. Take a comfortable position on the bed, close your eyes. You must learn to understand at what point you begin to fall asleep. The transition to the astral world itself is partly similar to a dream, only at the same time there are feelings of security and peace. And during normal sleep, a standard failure occurs without sensations.

Before starting your first trip, you should prepare yourself mentally. For several days you need to engage in visualization, imagine how you are immersed in another world. In addition, you should be confident in your abilities. To do this, training is carried out both in front of a mirror and simply sitting in a comfortable chair. You should think about every step that takes place in the astral world.

To better enter a state of half-sleep, it is recommended to play calm music.

Methods (techniques) for immersion in the astral plane

Do you know how to go to the astral plane so that there are no consequences or problems? Then let's conduct an educational program on all methods, techniques and methods. Yes, yes. There are not two or three. Everyone will choose a suitable and convenient method for themselves. Having studied step by step instructions getting into the astral plane will not be too difficult for a beginner. But experts do not recommend moving far from your body.

Still, the unknown and unknown always conceals many secrets and dangers that can pose a threat to life. We must immediately warn you that in the unknown, it is quite natural to meet dead people. But you shouldn’t risk staying and talking with them longer than the allotted time.

Important! Smoking any cigarettes, hookahs or narcotic drugs is strictly prohibited when using any method.

Vortex method

The technique of this way to find yourself in another dimension is not entirely common. It involves a strict fast or diet. It will be much easier to enter the astral plane if you do not eat food at all 3-4 hours before the start. As for the weekly fast, under no circumstances should you consume meat, nuts, or coffee.

During the entire preparatory period, you must eat in unlimited quantities:
  • Vegetables and fruits;
  • Carrot;
  • Fresh yolk;
  • Tea, especially herbal or green tea, is a must.

Adepts who have completed the young neophyte course claim that the mind itself will indicate its readiness. To enter another world, you must be in a cozy and dark place. During the process, you cannot cross body parts. Let's drink a glass of water and start.

Ophiel technique for a beginner

The simplest and convenient way suitable for beginners. You need to go to one of the rooms of your house. Find 10 objects that really mean something. Pay attention to what the room smells like and try to remember the smells. Try to remember and absorb the entire information flow that the room carries.

Associations, images - all this plays a big role in the quality of astral projection. After examining the room, leave it and go to another. If you have collected the information correctly, then by closing your eyes, you can mentally visit the room you have studied, along an already familiar route. In the future, you will learn to travel to a chair and observe your sleep, and then you will be able to make long leaps.

You must travel in your thoughts along the planned routes and visit the places you have appointed. These methods open up the ability to initiate the astral world.

Because the projection of such a world is what your imagination is capable of. Free author's book.

Hypnotic way

It is used when a beginner is not able to go on a trip on his own for a number of reasons.

For example, he is afraid or unsure of himself. You should only contact experienced hypnotists who have experience in such matters. It will not only take you to another world to communicate with ancestors or friends, but will also return you safely back. Knowing the body's reaction in case of danger will help you avoid trouble. This method is also convenient when two or more people decide to visit the other side of their mind and soul.

"Swing" method

The technique of entering the astral plane using swinging (naturally, imaginary) is suitable for everyone, without exception. Instructions for use are as follows:

  1. We take a comfortable position in a favorite place in our apartment. This could be a sofa or an armchair.
  2. We close our eyes and feel warm and comfortable, but at the same time bright rays are shining on you.
  3. Introducing swing rides. She speeds up the swing until she lifts you high into the sky.
  4. We break away from them and fly.
  5. Landing occurs close to the body in the first sessions. On subsequent ones, go where you need to go.

You can start your journey from your body and move throughout space. There is no time or distance here.

Through astral contact

The most impeccable technology. It provides for the presence of a mentor who will not only help you leave your physical shell without hindrance, but will also take full control over your astral and material body. You should choose such a teacher carefully. There are also those who are capable of introducing another soul into your body. You will be left behind the threshold of reality. Therefore, a person must be verified. The student only needs to relax, the teacher will do the rest.

  • During the session, wear only things made of natural fabric;
  • Be calm and not excited;
  • Avoid consumption of invigorating drinks and soda.

Alice Bailey method

There are various ways access to the astral plane. Classic methods are not always suitable. Therefore, before you start practicing, it is worth studying individual developments and preparation exercises. Alice Bailey strongly recommends starting with relaxation and control of your subconscious. It is best to exercise before going to bed, relaxing in a pleasant position.

The actual trek requires several months of training. Until the soul decides on its own that it is ready not only to leave, but also to return.

The entire method is based on breathing and visualizing your capabilities.

Method from Kate Harari

Choose any place in the apartment or in another room. The second location should be close to the first. At a distance of about 10-20 minutes walk. Now do relaxation exercises at the first point and go to the second point. We continue with eyes closed relax and move mentally back to where you came from. Notice everything that happens around you.

Try to mentally walk several times at different distances. Last time reach your pre-selected destination. We return home and do exactly the same procedure, but indoors. You should walk along the route in the opposite direction.

Mathema Shinto (in pairs)

Technically, the method is designed for exiting in pairs. This method was used to transmit secret messages. Two people were supposed to meet in one place. To do this, you had to leave your shell and take 60 steps to the designated place, then knock on the door. Wait until it is opened, exchange information, and go back, counting sixty steps.

It is worth determining the meeting place and practicing in advance. The method is convenient because two people will help you start practicing lucid dreams. There is an opportunity to help a friend in difficult times.

Meditation for ejecting the astral body from the shell

One of the ways to get into the astral plane is meditation. It is better to use this method while sitting, in a position comfortable for you. Complete relaxation of the whole body follows:
Meditation is the most important point for preparing for a safe exit and return.

  • Limbs;
  • Muscle tissue throughout the body;
  • Front part. Eyes closed;
  • The body turns into a soft and cottony state.

To make it easier to enter the astral plane, your mind, which you have already tuned to the required frequencies for several days, will help you do this. Brain activity must be suspended. In other words, you need to stop thinking.

What can you see when entering the astral plane?

You should see some kind of tunnel that twists and turns in different sides. It may look like a pipe. The color scheme does not affect your flight. There may be complete darkness and a brightly colored tunnel. Or, on the contrary, there are only multi-colored spots among which you fly.

In the astral world, everything is exactly the same as in real world, the same people, places and shapes of objects. Once there, you can communicate with those who have already died and those who are now living. This world has everything except fairy-tale heroes.

What can you feel when entering the astral plane?

Now let's talk about sensations. Namely, how you should see and present yourself. Since your material shell remains in place, and the astral body leaves it and goes on a journey, it must be felt and seen. Everyone sees themselves differently:

  • In the form of a ball;
  • In the form of a transparent figure;
  • It looks like a stain.

You must choose your image yourself, but it should be noted that most often when the right approach When entering the astral plane, a person first sees himself as a ball and already for the third or fifth time he feels and sees himself as a human being. If everything works out for you, then you shouldn’t go far from your body. Walk around the house, look out the window. The first exit should not take more than 2-5 minutes. And if you did everything correctly, the sensations will be like this:

  • Lightness throughout the body;
  • Reluctance to move;
  • The emergence of a feeling of flight;
  • Complete peace of mind.

Terrible dangers lurk in the astral plane

If you have repeatedly managed to leave your body and walk around the house, then you can safely begin more difficult hikes. For example, on the street. But this is where the first danger may lie in wait. Since the astral world belongs only to spirits, they dominate there. Therefore, if you are planning a long walk, then you need to take into account the fact that you will meet on the way, either a good or an evil spirit.

When meeting with a representative of dark energy, it is better to return to the physical shell as quickly as possible. In an astral dream, this will take literally a few seconds. If you do not manage this, then there is a possibility that you may become possessed (in the world they say possessed).

Rules that will save you from death in the astral plane

To prevent dark spirits from taking over your body, it is recommended to protect not only your soul, but also your body. In your absence, any of the spirits of darkness can take possession of it. After your return, you will already be a guest, and only a strong magician can drive out the demon. Speaking about protection in this case, we mean pectoral cross, prayers.

Second danger- meeting with departed relatives and loved ones. Deceased relatives do not always want to keep you for a long time. In most cases, on the contrary, they even make sure that you leave the astral world as quickly as possible. If there is a threat to your body or your soul has begun to become attached to a calm and measured existence. But there are also cases when, having met their beloved and only person, souls are reunited and no longer want to leave each other.

Therefore, you must understand where you are and what you are doing. That your loved one, unfortunately, will no longer be able to return to this world, but meetings in the astral plane can take place in your life.

Third danger. Quite often, beginners stray too far from their physical shell and get lost in huge world astral This also includes staying in the world of spirits for more than the allotted time, and the soul simply does not want to return.

This often happens during clinical death and if relatives who have become spirits cannot return, the person dies. More precisely, the body dies, but the soul is in the astral plane.

Measure twice, cut once

If you decide to experience truly complete peace and feel light and real, then be sure to follow all the rules for entering the astral plane. Remember that the world of spirits can be very dangerous and has a lot of interesting, but also dangerous, things in store for beginners.