How to ask an alternative question in English. Alternative questions in sales - choice without choice

An Alternative Question is one of five that exist in English. Alternative questions resemble the construction of general and special questions, therefore, before studying the former, it is recommended to repeat the course of the latter, if they (general and special questions) have already been studied. Let's consider an alternative question in English, examples of which will help you more easily understand the rule of its formation , building a structure, important nuances and subtleties of use.

There are often circumstances in life when you need to make a choice or offer it to others. This function is performed precisely by alternative questions. If we make a definition, then an alternative question in English means questions that offer a choice of two or more actions, qualities, objects, etc.

Important! Constructing a question necessarily involves the use of the conjunction or ("or"), the function of which is to connect the proposed options. Please also note that the answer to the question is present in the question itself. All the responder needs to do is simply select one of the options provided. The answer is ready.

Reference: answers ''yes''/''no'', which are unambiguous, in this situation are unacceptable in meaning.

Examples of use:

Some examples to better understand the rule when you need to ask an alternative question:

  • Will you propose me coffee or tea? =>Will you offer me coffee or tea?
  • Are you going to Africa or Brazil? => Are you going to Africa or Brazil?
  • Is he wearing his or mine trousers? => Is he wearing his pants or mine?

As you can see from the examples, all you need to answer is simply choose one of the already proposed options.

As for intonation, considerable attention should be paid to it. You cannot pronounce alternative questions in one continuous intonation. The first part of the question, before the particle or, is pronounced in a slightly elevated tone, the second - in a lowered tone. We can conclude that the first option is given more preference than the second, but this is not always the case. It all depends on the situation and the preferences of the person answering.

  • Do you prefer pineapples or peaches? => Do you prefer pineapples or peaches?
  • Do you like listening to music or watching TV? => Do you like listening to music or watching TV?
  • Is he handsome or just pretty? => Is he handsome or just cute?

As you can see, the answer in favor of this or that quality/thing/object depends on personal taste preferences and individual wishes. For example, peaches will be tastier for one person, and pineapples for another. It cannot be said that one is better and the other is worse. The same can be said about music. Some people like to relax listening to their favorite songs; for others, watching a movie is... best entertainment. As for likes, these are purely individual preferences.

Features of the formation of the construction of alternative questions

To construct a construction, it is common to use inversion, that is, a change in the order of words in a sentence. The presence of inversion is observed in all types of questions, except for special ones (to its definition and subject). How is a sentence constructed in such cases? We put in first place (one to choose from):

  • modal verb;
  • auxiliary verb;
  • question word.

One option is selected. It depends on the nature of the offer. What is important is the presence of a union or, with the help of which a choice of several proposed options is provided. To better understand the design of the construction, we will clearly demonstrate how an alternative question is formed according to the principle of general questions.

Examples of use:

We take two general questions and connect them with the conjunction or:

  • Are they knitting or are they sewing? => Do they knit or sew?
  • Is she going to school or is she going to cinema? => Is she going to school or to the cinema?
  • Does he solving a problem or does he watch TV? =>

Now, in order to form a correct alternative question, we remove the second part of the question, which is repeated, and leave only its alternative. The result is the following sentences:

  • Are they knitting or sewing? => Do they knit or sew?
  • Is she going to school or to cinema? => Is she going to school or to the cinema?
  • Does he solving a problem or watching TV? => Is he solving a problem or watching TV?

Conclusion: an alternative question in English is formed on the basis of general questions, which serve as a kind of foundation for the formation of alternative ones. The main task is to connect several alternative options, among which one is a possible answer.

Note! The second part of the alternative question in some cases can be replaced by negative particle not. Here are some examples:

  • Will she be so kind to repeat or not? => Will she be so kind as to repeat it or not?
  • Is he waiting for me or not? => Is he waiting for me or not?
  • Do you like my cookies or not? => Did you like my cookies or not?
  • Did they trust us or not? => Did they trust us or not?

Important! You only need to answer the alternative question in full sentences.

Alternative question in English: examples with subject

It is important to remember that in the case where an alternative question must be asked to the subject, the second part of the question must also have a modal or auxiliary verb, which must precede the second subject. Moreover, it is worth remembering that the answers to such questions most often have a short form.

If the alternative question consists of a special question (special questions have their own educational specifics), followed by homogeneous members sentences, then you need to use a question word. It is placed at the beginning of such a sentence.


Let's sum it up

The topic of an alternative question is one of the simplest in the English language. To better study the issue, you need draw up correct study method. By regularly visiting our website and studying topics in the suggested sequence, you will acquire systematics and learn to express your thoughts correctly.

Homework: Write 10 general questions and make alternative questions from them. If it's hard to come up with many, start with 5 questions. Remember: quality is more important than quantity. But! Starting with a few examples, constantly raise the bar and increase the number. A variety of words is good for enriching your vocabulary.

A few words in conclusion

And one more thing: don’t rush to cover everything, start with primitive topics and move towards more complex ones. Success, patience and a lot interesting discoveries in the world of grammar, stylistics and lexicology.

Alternative questions can work wonders, especially if you use them skillfully, and most importantly, in a timely manner! In many life situations, with the help of alternative questions you can achieve what you want much faster than with cheap tricks, tricks and pleas for “friendship and cooperation.”

Alternative questions are most widespread and used in sales, where sellers deal with people in situations where they must or are forced to make some decisions. See also about the essence of alternative questions with examples.

  • Most people are indecisive by nature. Many people need to be pushed to make a decision.

There is nothing complicated about alternative questions, is there? As for sales, you just need to select and think them through more carefully. There are 2 acceptable combinations when asking alternative questions.

1. Two approximately equivalent alternatives. Let the interlocutor “scratch his head”, but choose the truly optimal conditions for himself.
2. One option is obviously a loser, and the second is almost ideal (compared to the first). This does not always work, but in some cases it is precisely this trick that can push the client into making a quick decision.

Of course, initially stupid options possible solution, especially in sales, may lead to nothing. Who are they interested in? Alternative questions work when out of two more or less interesting options, the client must quickly decide and choose one that is most optimal for him.

  • The 3rd combination is 2 or more obviously losing offers, where the client has no choice but to refuse the inept seller and send him on his way.

Moreover, by giving deliberately losing or unclear options for possible choices, the interlocutor may suspect you of banal manipulation of him. In this case, the full force of the alternative question will be directed against you. No one will tolerate blatant and blatant manipulation of themselves, especially if they also have to pay money for it later.

  • When is the best time to call you, right after lunch or late in the evening?
  • When is it more convenient for you to meet with me, on Monday morning or Tuesday afternoon?
  • Who is better to contact with such a proposal, a marketer or a deputy director?
  • Which option are you more inclined to, A or B?
  • Shall we start cooperation with a trial order or sign a full-fledged contract with all guarantees and discounts on our part?
  • Do we supply the entire batch at once, or will 50% be enough to begin with?
  • Do we sign the contract in your office or will you come to us?
  • What is more important for you, to receive part of the goods from us for free as a gift as a new client, or would a price discount to start our cooperation be a more acceptable option?

You don’t have to limit yourself to just two alternatives, but at least one of them should be truly profitable. It’s unlikely that you would like it if you were offered to meet “at a time convenient for you”, either at one in the morning, or at 3, 4, 5 - “to choose from”... Many dead-end life situations are easily and naturally resolved with the help of appropriate alternative questions!

They simplify and shorten pronunciation. They have a simple, easy-to-form structure that is easy to understand even for beginners. It's about about alternative questions in English that exist in any language in the world.

Let's look at practical cases when you need to set alternative question in English, examples to them and details of application with in different parts offers.

Alternative question: what is it?

From the definition itself it becomes clear what alternative questions are in English. These are those sentences with a question that give the interlocutor the right to choose, variability in the answer.

It is easy to distinguish such constructions from others: it is enough to note the presence of the words “or”, “either” in the sentence. Let's see clearly what an alternative question is in English:

  • Your choice fell on a pencil or pen when writing a text? – did you choose a pencil or a pen when writing the text?;
  • Do you like to read books in electronic or paper form? – do you like to read electronic or paper versions of books?;
  • Does your phone number end at 15 or 34? – does your phone number end with 15 or 34?

As can be seen from the structure of sentences, an alternative question in English is built on the basis of a general question, only with the addition of “or”. There are certain rules for the formulation of such proposals, which are discussed in more detail below.

How to formulate it correctly?

As with almost all questions, alternative questions in English ask about the subject or predicate. This implies inversion, that is, a form of transformation when the members of a sentence with a question are simply rearranged.

Important to note! The order of formulation is extremely simple: you just need to add the word “or"and options at the end of the sentence.

Examples of alternative questions in English:

  1. Have you been to Rome? – have you visited Rome?
    Have you visited Rome or Milan? – have you visited Rome or Milan?
  2. Is this a task for novice users? – is this a task for novice users?
    Is this a task for beginners or advanced users?
  3. Your holiday is the eighteenth day? – is your holiday on the eighteenth?
    Holiday is the eighteenth day or nineteenth? – is the holiday on the eighteenth or nineteenth?

As it becomes clear, an alternative question in English is an independent type of questioning. Therefore, it has individual characteristics, namely:

  • The presence of choice coming from the word “or” - “either”, “or”;
  • The presence of a ready-made answer in the question, all that remains is to choose;
  • Inability to answer simply “yes” or “no”;
  • Can be assigned to any independent unit of a sentence;
  • Inversion form of education (more details below).

Separately, the alternative can be included at the very end of the sentence as a clarification. In such cases, the question word is at the very beginning.

Education from the indicating (clarifying) question:

  • When my wishes finally come: this or next week? – when will my wishes finally come: this or next week?;
  • Where is Belarus located: in the center or in the east of Europe? – where is Belarus located: in the very center or in the Eastern part of Europe?
  • How many remain to wait: two or three hours? – How long to wait: two or three hours?

Pay attention! By general rule such questions are pronounced with a rise in intonation in the first part of the sentence and a sharp decline in the second.

Deserves special attention, formed together with additional and modal verb, as well as the form to be. There are features of sentence construction and application in speech, which are discussed in more detail below.

Use with an auxiliary verb

An auxiliary verb is one that complements or indicates the details of the question. He is able to indicate the details of the event, including the location or number of participants in any action. Its role as an auxiliary one is to be used together with the main one, for its detailed disclosure.

Questioning with an auxiliary verb is organized as follows: the clarifying verb is established at the very beginning, followed by the active participant, the base verb and the proposed variation with “or”.

Alternative question in English examples with an auxiliary verb:

  • Does he want to drink tomorrow or after the weekend? – does he want to drink tomorrow or after the weekend?;
  • Do you deliver the medicine on time or should we send it by air? – will you deliver the medicine on time or should we send it by plane?;
  • Does he want a clean victory by knockout or stand all rounds? – does he want a clear victory by knockout or survive all rounds?;
  • Did it happen in the evening or at night? – did this happen in the evening or at night?

Pay attention! Each tense has its own auxiliary verbs. In the current -do, does; in the past -did; in the future -will.

Use with the verb to be

To be is a special verb, the purpose of which is to indicate the location, status or characteristics of someone or something.

It changes depending on the time of use: present – ​​is, are, am; in the past – was (used with he, it and she) or were (used with we, you, they); in the future – will be.

The order of forming alternative questions in English together with to be does not differ from the previous case: in the first place is to be, then the active participant, the base verb and a variation with the word “or”.

Alternative questions in English - examples with to be:

  • It will not be easy, but we will cope or die - it won’t be easy, but we will cope or die;
  • Is that machine red or gray? – is that car red or gray?
  • Was it intentional or accidental? – Was the act intentional or accidental?

Use with modal verbs

Modal verbs are additional members of a sentence that indicate not the action itself, but the possibility, desire or ability to perform it.

Modal verbs include: can (form of could), may (form of might), must, as well as ought and need. Used this type verbs with alternative question in English as well as auxiliary. That is, first of all, the modal verb is used, and then the active participant, the semantic verb and the variation with “or”.

Important information!CanAndmay– a priori verbs of the past and present tense, whilecan, may, must, needAndought- only the real one.

They are also not used with additional qualifying verbs and do not have impersonal forms of use, for example, gerunds or infinitives.

Alternative questions in English - examples with modal verbs:

  • May I explain this rule orally or show it on a written example? – can I explain this rule to you orally or show it to you with a written example?;
  • Should he learn to remain silent or can I teach him? – should he learn to be silent himself or should I teach him?;
  • I must to find out how to correctly use an alternative question in English or will it come with time itself? – I need to find out how to use it correctly alternative question in English or will it come on its own with time?

How to answer correctly?

You can answer alternative questions either in detail or briefly, simply by referring to one of the existing answers in the interrogative sentence.

However, answering simply “yes” or “no” will not work, because such a construction of an answer to an open one is incorrect.

What does the answer to an alternative question look like in English:

  1. To give you a soft toy or a designer? — I want a designer
    Should I give you a soft toy or a construction set? – I want a construction set;
  2. Do you like strong or beautiful people? – Strong
    Do you like strong or beautiful people? – Strong;
  3. Do they eat a lot or a few? They eat very few
    Do they eat a lot or a little? - They eat very little.


Alternative questions make our speech simple and rational. Thanks to them, we need to formulate large or cumbersome questions. Just insert the word “or”, and the sentence becomes short, concise and understandable for your interlocutor.

If you want to improve your communication skills, put these rules into practice and you will see the results of your work.

» Alternative questions in English

Every day you and I make choices, sometimes petty, and sometimes vital. Some people ask others for advice, others think for themselves, mentally set a task and make a decision. Having mastered all the subtleties and facets of an alternative question, you can easily understand your interlocutor, answer him, and possibly help him.

The name itself predicts that the phrase will contain a choice. What? Almost every member of a sentence can be found in a pair or contrast. But how to do this competently and logically, that is the question.


Home distinguishing feature alternative question is "or" - conjunction, Russian-sounding "or". The underlying principle of the alternative question in English originates from the general one, which has reverse word order. Although “soul” is very close to special, because the alternative question is asked to a specific member.

Rec. Ch. (modal) + subject + V (+ or + choice)+ object (+ or + choice)+ adverbial (+ or + choice)?

It is clear from the diagram that an alternative can be substituted for any member of the sentence. Remember that this type begins with an auxiliary or modal verb, which vary depending on the tense used in the sentence. Let's see how these interrogative helpers cooperate with other members.

Does he play football or tennis? — Does he play football or tennis?

Did you sleep or go to Tom’s party yesterday? — Did you sleep or go to Tom’s party yesterday?

Will they visit their granny or their friend next Christmas? -Will they go to grandma's or a friend's next Christmas?

Was you witting a composition or watching TV? — Were you writing an essay or watching TV?

There are cases where an alternative question begins from a special word: which, where, whose etc. (a more detailed classification can be found in the article “Interrogative words”), but if there is a choice there, then we safely classify it into this category. I would like to draw attention to the fact: in the phrases “ What you love, What do you prefer What you want" - which translates to "which", since there are limited choices.

Where did you live last year: In Minsk or in Moscow? — Where did you live last year: In Minsk or Moscow?

Which do you like: swimming or walking? — What do you like: swimming or walking?

How to offer choice?

1. Alternative to the subject. If we look at other sentences of this type, we will see that they consist of two parts. This can be seen most clearly in this case: the auxiliary verb is placed before each subject, and the remaining members of the sentence should not be duplicated, and so everything is clear.

Did you buy a car, or did your father? — Did you buy a car, or did your dad?

Will you go to the party, or will your wife? —Are you going to the party or is your wife?

2. Alternative to predicate, object and adverbial much easier. Here you will need to substitute “or” and the choice to the word you want to compare, clarify, to get necessary information, and we’ll save everything else. Let's take one sentence as a basis:

She bought a railway ticket 2 weeks ago. — She bought a train ticket two weeks ago.

Did she buy or find a railway ticket 2 weeks ago? — Did she buy or find a train ticket two weeks ago?

Did she buy a railway or airplane ticket 2 weeks ago? — Did she buy a train or plane ticket two weeks ago?

Did she buy a railway ticket 2 weeks ago or yesterday? — Did she buy a train ticket two weeks ago or yesterday?

How to answer alternative questions correctly?

Answering with a simple Yes/No will not work. The information is being clarified, which means the answer must be comprehensive. Although in colloquial speech it is allowed short forms in relation to the subject, object and circumstance. But the predicate requires a detailed answer.

Are you a pupil or a student? — I am a student (a student). — Are you a student or a student?

Did you choose this sweater, or did your friend? — My friend chose this sweater (my friend). — Did you choose this sweater or your friend?

Is he going by bus or flying? — He is flying. — Is he going by bus or flying?

And finally, a little phonetics. Yes, yes. In order for your listener to focus on the alternative, you need to pronounce the question correctly. During the first part the voice rises, the intonation goes up, or is a peak, and during the selection it falls.

Well! Alternative question in English you will soon be cracking like nuts. There are just a few nuances that are important to remember. To further improve and consolidate your knowledge, you can read the article “Table of Questions in English”.

Every day we are faced with a question that offers a choice of answer options. What will you eat for breakfast: pancakes or porridge? Shall we go shopping today or stay at home? Did you fill up the car or not?

What is an alternative question

In English this type of question called Alternative Question. There are five types in English. Alternative questions in English involve choosing between two or more answer options.

In an alternative question, the questioner focuses the interlocutor's attention on possible or acceptable solutions. The implication is that this simplifies the selection process and saves time on thinking about the answer yourself.

In order to understand how an Alternative Question is constructed, it is necessary to study the structure of the general and. Similar to , the alternative begins with an action, but the very offer of response options does not make it possible to answer affirmatively or negatively. Answer options connected by the conjunction or(or). It connects homogeneous members of a sentence.

Important! Alternative Questions are asked to any member of the sentence. Ex.: Do you like football or basketball? – Do you like football or basketball? – Homogeneous additions. Where are you from, the USA or the UK? – Where are you from, the USA or the UK? – Homogeneous circumstances. Is it your bag or mine? – Is this your bag or mine? – Homogeneous definitions.

Five types of questions in English

The part of the sentence that comes before the conjunction or is pronounced with a rising intonation, and the part after the conjunction is pronounced with a falling intonation. Ex.: Will you go to the opera ↗ or to the concert to-night ↘? – Are you going to the opera or a concert today?

How are Alternative Questions formed?

Almost all types of interrogative constructions are characterized by inversion of words (with the exception of the disjunctive). Alternative questions in English also contain signs of inversion. Placed at the beginning of the sentence auxiliary or modal verb. If we are talking about Wh-constructions ( special type), then the auxiliary or modal verb will come after question word. Ex.: Can you jump or swim? -Can you jump or run? Who can jump or swim? – Who can run or jump?

Answers to Alternative Questions brief ones are given. Ex.: Do you like cola or sprite? – I like cola. – Do you like cola or sprite? - I like cola.

Important! If the Alternative Question is a subject group, then the second subject listed must be preceded by an auxiliary or modal verb. Ex.: Can you or can Mike wash the dishes? -Can you or Mike wash the dishes? -Mike can. - Mike can (wash the dishes). Did you read book or did your brother? – Have you or your brother read the book? – I did.

How to ask an alternative question with an auxiliary verb

In English perform a number of functions:

  • They help to educate.
  • Indicate the number of characters in a syntactic structure.
  • Do or does for Present Simple.
  • Did for Past Simple.
  • Will is for the future tense of the groups Simple, Continuous, Perfect and Perfect Continuous.
  • Have or has for the present and future tenses of the groups Perfect and Perfect Continuous.
  • Had for the past tense of the groups Perfect and Perfect Continuous.
  • To be. Let's look at it in detail below.

Question with the auxiliary verb Do

As noted above, to ask an alternative question in English, It is necessary to use indirect word order. This results in the following diagram:

Let's look at examples with auxiliary verbs in tenses.

Pr. Simple Do you speak Russian or Ukrainian? – Do you speak Russian or Ukrainian?

What bus do you take to get to work, 11th or 23rd? – What bus do you take to work, the 11th or the 23rd?

Past Simple Did you take part in the football match or in the basketball match? – Did you take part in a football or basketball match?

What did you have for lunch, a salad or a sandwich? – What did you have for lunch, a salad or a sandwich?

Fut. Simple When will you take your last exam, in June or in July? – When will you have your last exam, in June or July?
Pr. Cont. What are the children doing, playing or drawing? – What do children do, play or draw?
Past Cont. Was he reading a newspaper or watching TV when you came? – When you arrived, was he reading a newspaper or watching TV?
Future Cont. Will you be meeting Tom on Friday or on Saturday? – Are you meeting Tom on Friday or Saturday?
Pr. Perf. Where has he gone, to the shop or to his friend? -Where did he go, to the store or to a friend?

Have you read The Jungle Book or Rikki-Tikki-Tavi? – Have you read “The Jungle Book” or “Riki-Tiki-Tavi”?

Past Perf. Where had he studied, at Cambridge or at Harvard? – Where did he study, Cambridge or Harvard?
Fut. Perf. Will John have started his project on Monday or on Tuesday? Will John start working on his project on Monday or Tuesday?
Pr. Perf. Cont. Have you been waiting for your boarding for 3 or 4 hours? – Are you waiting for boarding for 3 or 4 hours?

How long has she been working on this project, 2 or 3 weeks? – How long did she work on this project, 2 or 3 weeks?

Past Perf. Cont. Had he been working for 6 or 7 months until he got his holidays? – Did he work for 6 or 7 months before he got leave?
Future Perf. Cont. Will you have been playing chess 2 or more times? – Will you play 2 or more games of chess?

How to ask an alternative question with the auxiliary verb to be

To be is used when we want:

  • Express finding something. Ex.: Milk is in refrigerator. - Milk is in the refrigerator.
  • To name an object or person as someone or something. : He is taxi driver. - He is a taxi driver.
  • Determine the attribute of an object. Ex.: She is beautiful. - She's beautiful.

Alternative question with the auxiliary verb to be

To be has its own temporary forms. In the present tense – am / is / are, in the past – was / were, in the future – will be.

Let's look at examples:

Pr. Simple Am I an engineer or developer? – Am I an engineer or a developer?

What am I crazy or mad? – What if I'm crazy or insane?

Are there any tomatoes or carrots in the refrigerator? – Are there some tomatoes or carrots in the refrigerator?

Where are you now, at home or at work? – Where are you now, at home or at work?

Is this pen a good or a bad? – Is this pencil good or bad?

What time is football game, at 7 or 8 o’clock? – What time does the football match start, at 7 or 8 o’clock?

Past Simple Was dictation long or short? – Was the dictation long or short?

Where were the boys, at the stadium or at the swimming pool? – Where were the boys, at the stadium or in the pool?

Fut. Simple Will you be in time tomorrow or not? – Will you be on time tomorrow or not?

What color will the walls be, white or green? – What color will the walls be, white or green?

Question words

How to write an alternative question with a modal verb

Modal verbs do not name an action, but express an attitude towards it. In grammatical terms they independently indicate the time(i.e. they do not need the help of an auxiliary verb), ask questions and form negations.

Alternative Question with modal verb in English looks like this:

Can - could Can you see a book or a telephone? – Do you see (can you see) a book or a telephone?

Could you give me a pen or a pencil? – Could you give me a pencil or pen?

May – might May I take your telephone number or address? – Can I write down your phone number or address?

Might we go home or book a hotel room? – Can we go home or should we book a hotel room?

Need Need you iron the skirt or shirt? – Do you need to iron your skirt or blouse?
Must Must he had left the city or county? – Should he have left the city or the country?
Should Should he consult the doctor or not? – Should he consult a doctor or not?
Would Would you like an orange or an apple? -Will you have an orange or an apple?

Important! The answer to an Alternative Question must be in the same tense as the question itself.

Video lesson in English: General and alternative questions in English

HOW TO ASK A QUESTION? 5 types of questions


Alternative Question is one of the easiest types of questions in English. Studying it will not take much effort and time, and exercises on this topic will help consolidate the result.