Where to start a girl’s self-development plan. Make a self-development plan

Self-development and self-improvement - where to start? The article answering this question will be short and extremely practical.

Congratulations - if you are asking this question, then you have already decided to change yourself and your life for the better. We’ve decided, that means we’ve already started! The main thing is not to stop so as not to lose inspiration. It’s important to start taking action right away so that it doesn’t end with just reading. useful tips and “doing nothing again.”

To prevent this from happening, so that you start taking action, here is the BEST MOTIVATING PHRASE especially for you: “You are not eternal!”

The famous businessman and writer from the United States, Gary Vaynerchuk, at one of the meetings, spoke about his favorite phrase, which he repeats every day when he wakes up. It allows him to remember the most important things in life, and not be distracted by trifles.

This phrase consists of only three words: “You are not eternal.” This does not mean that they immediately want to scare you. Not at all. It means only one thing - if you want to be a happy person, then you have only one life for this. Nobody will give you and me another one. So, don’t be discouraged, lie on the couch and feel sorry for yourself! Take action and you will see how everything around you changes.

I want to tell you right away that each of us just a few years to build the life we ​​dreamed of. You can become better, smarter, more positive, learn new languages, start discovering other countries, do something useful for others.

It is this phrase “you are not eternal” that should get you up in the morning and force you to give your best.

And know no matter how old you are: 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 or 70! It's never too late to start a new, interesting, meaningful life!

Self-development and self-improvement - where to start?

You need to start with what conduct an audit of your life, because you already have achievements. There is no need to be upset if you set a goal for yourself, and having achieved it, you realized that it was a waste of time (for example, you set a goal to graduate from college, but it turned out that it was not needed). There is a wonderful Japanese proverb: “If you don’t try, you won’t know!”

Next, you need to create actions that need to be performed every day. Don't think that self-development will be difficult. Learning new things is incredibly interesting and exciting. You will notice that around you will begin to appear interesting people. You will have new opportunities. As you gain new knowledge, your life and your environment will begin to change for the better.

Action plan

  • Write a list of goals(from the article you will learn the most popular 50 goals of people from different countries, what are the goals and how to make a list of them). Only a bright, interesting goal can serve as a real motivation for action, for example, getting up early in the morning TO GO TO A JOB YOU LIKE IS HARD, but getting up early in the morning IF YOU WAITING FOR A TAXI TO TAKE YOU TO THE AIRPORT FOR A TRIP TO THAILAND IS VERY EASY!
  • Start reading books, be sure to every day. Books on self-development, motivation, business and fiction. It is fiction books that will become the main source of knowledge and wisdom for self-development and self-improvement. Where can I find time? In fact, there is time. Instead of liking pictures on social networks, read for an hour. Plus, you can listen to books on the way to work and back (download audiobooks). Where can I get the list?
    • Here .
    • You also need a list of books that are worth reading for self-development and self-motivation. Here list of books for self-development and personal growth.
  • Be sure to start learning languages. This way your opportunities to learn something new will expand, you will start reading books in the original language. It will help a lot in learning to watch films or cartoons in a foreign language. In this article I have prepared for you.
  • Be sure to start keeping a Personal Diary. In it you will write down your ideas, dreams, plans, and describe your feelings. You can make or buy beautiful diary. For example, I prefer to keep a diary on paper. But you can also conduct it electronically. Here are the best mobile apps for Personal diary - Penzu, Diaro.
  • Subscribe to brain training sites, which will make you smarter and more intelligent, will make you a genius with the help of tests and exercises. Here is a list of such sites 4brain, Wikium and others like that.
  • Determine your purpose, your life's work, start your own business, and not sit through your pants at a job you don’t like.
    In this video, instructions from the famous psychologist, trainer Pavel Kochkin, “How to find yourself (7 stages).” Having answered all the questions, you will understand where you are stuck and how to move on.

  • Sign up for one of online course ov on free online training coursesCoursera. These are courses taught by teachers from the most famous universities in the world. Many of the courses have already been translated into Russian. If you strive for excellence, it is important for you to become a professional in your field - the best photographer, marketer, programmer, etc. Courser offers training in all areas of activity.
  • Follow new trends, business ideas, achievements in science and technology. In order to know a lot, I recommend these sites:
    • BBC  Future- IT news, news of modern technologies.
    • Postnauka.ru- educational site, science and technology news.
    • 99U - a channel about productivity and leadership.
    • YouTube EDU - educational YouTube channel with useful information.
  • Start reading books on personal finance. This is an important part of self-development and self-education. Unfortunately, this is not taught in our schools. I wrote in detail about where to get this knowledge.
  • Start reading the Bible, this is the Book of Books from which all writers, philosophers and scientists draw their knowledge and inspiration. You need to know it too. If you find it difficult to read on your own, there is free Orthodox courses . Spirituality is a very important aspect in self-development, self-knowledge and self-improvement.


Together with you, we answered the question: where to start in the matter of self-development and self-improvement? We have made a plan of what actions need to be taken for personal growth.

How to manage everything? To do all this, I schedule the days of the week in my diary, for example, English on Tuesdays and Fridays, an online course in Courser on Mondays and Fridays, books to read (or listen to) every day, and so on. In short, set aside 1-3 hours a day to study all these areas of knowledge.

I also want to add this. I happy man and I enjoy helping others become happier. I open mine to you little secret: I noticed - if you want to be surrounded happy people, you need to become happy yourself. To become happy yourself, you need to do what you love, be inquisitive, learn more and more new thoughts, ideas, worlds, countries, help others, love people and be able to appreciate what you have. To be happy, it is important not to lie down, but to act. And in order to act, you don’t need to put everything off until later. Then you will no longer have time to do everything.

Each of you has only one life, and no one will give you several more. So, don’t sit glued to your phone or TV, don’t feel sorry for yourself and don’t get depressed. There are so many interesting things around: interesting books, new knowledge, new countries, new meetings! Start taking action and then you can achieve success.

Anyone can become anything they want. Watch this inspiring video and you will take action:

I am sure that you will definitely succeed!

This article contains several useful practical exercises, which, by the way, are sold in some places for a thousand dollars. I will save you money by describing these instructions simply and without water. Believe me, this will not make them any less effective, and you can be sure of the enormous power of these exercises. Tested on many people. So, if you are wondering where to start with self-development, not just out of curiosity, but want to really improve your life, before reading the article, take a notepad and pen to do the exercises.

What is self-development

Before we find out where to start self-development and self-improvement, let's think about what self-development is?

Self-development is a very broad concept and each person puts his own meaning into it depending on his value system. Some people understand self-development as developing their business and increasing their income, others as losing weight, for other people self-development means relationships with people, the ability to love and be happy, and communication skills. We can say that a person is engaged in self-development if every new day he becomes a little better than he was yesterday. And what kind of person to be - everyone decides for himself.

Whatever goals you pursue, all paths of self-development have one general principle. Self-development needs to begin with this single principle. I will talk about this single principle at the end of the article. And now let's talk about everything in order.

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Step 1. Where to start self-development - the current state of affairs

Self-development must begin with a sober assessment of the current state of affairs. It can sometimes be very frustrating to admit that you have a specific problem, but it is a necessary first step. The situation you are in now is the result of your past efforts or lack thereof.

Let's call this situation “point A”.

Practical exercise.

This exercise must be done in writing on paper or in a word processor on a computer. But it's better on paper. Describe your problem in as specific detail as possible. For example, if your problem is low income, then write this: my income is ... rubles (substitute the exact figure for your income). Or you are overweight and you consider this a problem, write down: my weight is ... kg (substitute the exact number of your weight). If the problem cannot be expressed in numbers, describe it in words. For example, when I try to speak English, I get the tenses mixed up.

When you have decided on the problem, you need to understand: what do you want to change in the current situation, that is, set a goal. Goals also need to be set clear and specific. There is a good exercise for this.

Step 2. Set a goal for self-development

Exercise for clear goal setting:

Take a piece of paper and a pen. Now we will describe the ideal experience of achieving a goal. Visualize the day you achieved your goal and describe in detail one specific moment of that day. It's like you're writing a script for a movie.

  • Write what number this is. Set realistic deadlines for your goals; don’t think that in one day you will lose 50 kg or increase your income 100 times in a month.
  • What time is it now? (not now when you do this exercise, but at that ideal moment in the future).
  • Where are you in this ideal experience?
  • What other people are present in this ideal experience?
  • What are you doing at this moment? How do you feel?

Describe this experience in detail.

Be careful, this exercise is called “goal achievement experience” for a reason. It is the experience that needs to be described, not just an abstract goal.

For example, “I make a lot of money” is an abstract goal. But “I look in mobile application my bank and I see in my account $100,000 that I received for the sale of a successful project, my dog ​​Busya is sitting next to me, and my wife Katya is packing our things in a suitcase, because in three hours we have a plane to the Bahamas, where we are staying for a month rented a house of 120 sq.m. on the seashore...", etc. it is a concrete experience. To ensure you are doing the exercise correctly, remember that you are writing a script for the director to use to film the scene.

We will call this experience of achieving a goal “point B.”

Step 3. Making a self-development plan

So we know where we are and where we want to go. We have also determined the exact time frame by which we will get from point A to point B. Now we need to do one more practical exercise. We will need paper and pen again. This time we will write an ideal scenario for achieving the goal.

Imagine that you have already achieved your goal in self-development and are at point B, in that ideal experience that you described in the previous step. Now, in your imagination, look from this ideal future, when the goal has already been achieved, into the past and answer the question: how did I achieve this goal? The fact is that if you have a clear goal, your subconscious mind already knows the easiest way to achieve it. You imagine that experience when the goal has already been achieved, but being in your imagination in that experience you understand that all this did not come out of nowhere. Some events must have preceded this experience. And you simply “remember” what happened before. Write down on paper the chain of events that led you from point A to point B, starting with more recent events and moving back in time to earlier ones.

Now you have step by step plan self-development in the chosen direction with intermediate goals.

I will soon write a separate article about this amazingly effective system for achieving 100% goals, stay tuned.

Choosing a priority direction for self-development

Now let’s talk about how to determine in which area of ​​life to start self-development, if it seems that there are too many problems: not enough money, and physical fitness I need to improve and learn English. There are so many things to do that you don’t know what to do.

The bad news: you won't be able to get everything at once. And it’s better to set a goal in one direction and gradually move towards it, giving it priority.

The good news is that by regularly engaging in self-development in one area of ​​your life, you will quietly begin to improve in all others.

Each person chooses the priority direction for development himself. For some it is a career, for others it is personal life, etc.

Psychologists identify eight main areas of life that are most important to most people. It is convenient to depict them in the form of a circle divided into sectors. Each sector is allocated to one main life area.

Right now you can rate each area of ​​your life on a scale from 0 to 10 and connect all the ratings with lines. As a result you will see clear example how balanced your life is. Here is one example:

A frequently encountered example of a person who spares no effort in making money, forgetting about health, friends, spiritual growth, communication with family.

In fact, thanks to a huge amount of psychological research, we can confidently say that a person feels happy when there is satisfaction in all areas of life. There is no point in putting all your efforts into one area and forgetting about others. Yes, you can achieve good success in this area, but why if you feel unhappy at the same time? Unfortunately, this is most often understood too late, when precious time is irretrievably gone.

Therefore, it is better to start self-development from the area to which you gave the lowest rating.

20 things you can do in everyday life for your self-development

  1. Read about what you want to improve in your life. Do you want to develop a specific skill? Read about it every day.
  2. Find a mentor. A mentor can be anyone who knows how to do what you want to do. In turn, remember to help those who have less experience than you. Mentoring is by far the fastest way to develop.
  3. Keep a journal at the end of the day. If you're really serious about self-development, you need to constantly know what you can improve about yourself. And the only way to know this is to reflect and ask yourself every day what and how you can change in yourself to become better.
  4. Create strong habits. It's your habits that reveal your strengths, and not vice versa. You can't live one life and expect to have another. Today's habits create your future life.
  5. Find like-minded people. In fact, it is difficult to develop alone. Spend time with people who share your values ​​and support each other. Try to avoid communicating with those who demotivate you.
  6. Create a system of rewards and punishments. This is necessary for those who are struggling with their laziness and bad habits.
  7. Be honest with yourself. No amount of empty talk will lead to change. This is the hardest part. It’s much easier to buy a book about self-development or read an article and tell yourself: “I’m working on myself.” But is anything really changing? Be your own judge. But never judge yourself by comparing with other people. You must compare yourself only to your past self, and judge changes objectively.
  8. Find yourself an example. You shouldn’t compare yourself to others, but looking for inspiration for self-development in other people can sometimes be very useful.
  9. Measure your progress. One of my teachers said: if you can't measure the outcome of an action, don't do it. No matter how ephemeral the things you do, you must find a way to measure your progress. This is the only way to know if you are going in the right direction and if you need to turn around.
  10. Regularity is the key. Self-development does not happen overnight. This happens slowly and gradually. Consistent and regular effort is what truly creates significant changes. And this is what makes self-development so difficult. There is no magic pill that you swallow and everything will be fixed. Self-development is a daily routine practice and way of life.
  11. The best time to plant a tree was 10 years ago. Following best time- Now. No matter how far away the goal may seem, start acting now using the resources that you have.
  12. Take small steps. Imagine that to big goal there is a long staircase leading up, and you only think about how to climb the next step. It will be a small victory that will inspire you. And then there will be another step in front of you, and another, until you reach the original goal.
  13. Learn from other people. Whatever skill you develop in yourself, there are people who have walked this path and willingly share their experience. Your own experience is a harsh teacher, so it is better to learn from the mistakes of others. Find a good mentor and read more books.
  14. The world is changing all the time. And you change too. Even if you do nothing, you are forced to change every time the world turns upside down again. This cannot be avoided. Success is achieved by those who adapt to change the fastest.
  15. Take responsibility. You are responsible for your development. You are responsible for where you are now and what you are doing right now. Don't blame anyone, and don't blame yourself. Be aware. Mindfulness is responsibility without guilt.
  16. Be grateful. The nature of our mind is to always focus on troubles. We quickly get used to good things and immediately begin to desire better. Thanks to this we grow. But still, we should not forget about all the good things that we already have. And feel grateful for it every day.
  17. Use the power of intention. If you are 100 percent sure that you want to achieve something, then very soon it will become your reality. The entire reality around you is the result of your conscious and subconscious intentions. The ability to feel your subconscious intentions and “erase” them if they are not leading you where you consciously want to go is an important component of success in self-development.
  18. Set realistic goals. Goals that are too easy will prevent you from feeling empowered and enjoying the joy of success, and goals that are too difficult can drain your confidence. When setting goals, it is important to find a middle ground. Then, when you achieve a goal of moderate difficulty and are confident in your abilities, move on to those goals that previously seemed impossible to you.
  19. Listen to your heart. It is impossible to develop for a long time in an area that you do not like. Choose the path that is in your heart and that aligns with your values. Become a Master on this path so that people around you cannot tell whether you are working or playing, because you are doing both.
  20. Keep going and never give up. The only way to fail at a goal is to give up on achieving it. If you do something and it doesn't get you to your goal, just do something else. Look for new approaches again and again and one day you will find the key to your dream.


And as usual after general overview topics I will write my personal opinion. Decide for yourself whether you agree with him or not. I believe that self-development should begin with developing the skill of managing your mind and your attention. In my opinion, this is the basis for the success of any other self-development activity. After all, it is the lack of self-control skills that most often becomes the reason that a person cannot regularly engage in self-development.

How many times have you started losing weight, doing fitness, or teaching? English language and threw it away. IN modern world too many distractions: TV series, social media, television, the Internet, a huge flow of information and information noise. Thousands of signals around are trying their best to attract our attention and pinch off a piece of energy.

And the most unpleasant thing is that most of this information is simply useless and often harmful. If you hear good information, it means they want to force you to buy something. If you hear any news about events in the world, then they most likely want to intimidate you. And every little bit of information is trying to evoke at least some emotion in you.

To achieve your goals in self-improvement, you simply need to learn to direct your energy in the right direction, and give a tough rebuff to everything that tries to distract your attention without your permission.

And from all this I want to conclude that you need to start self-development and self-improvement with meditation. Meditation is training to control your mind. Meditation is a platform that ensures the effectiveness of self-development, be it studying foreign languages, oratory or physical development. We can say that the mind is a tool that we use to change ourselves. You shouldn’t be like the fool in the parable who spent three hours sawing a log with a dull saw because he doesn’t have time to sharpen the saw. Prepare first good tool, and then with his help things will go much faster.

Developing your mind, the ability to manage yourself, your attention through meditation - this is where you need to start self-development.

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There I show you the fastest and safest way to learn to meditate from scratch and bring a state of mindfulness into everyday life.

See you soon!

Your Rinat Zinatullin

Self-improvement and self-development are the driving forces for improving oneself, one’s life, and society as a whole. Every person should realize that everything starts with himself, and only he alone is capable of making his life interesting and exciting.

Self-development is a way to improve the quality of your life

There are many directions in which work on oneself can be carried out. Psychologists recommend to start by drawing up detailed plan and follow it.

Setting goals

Before you engage in self-development, you need to decide which areas of your life should be devoted to special attention. Without a plan, it will be almost impossible to achieve the desired results.

In psychology, the creation of a “Wheel of Life” is practiced to determine goals and ways to achieve them. This method is quite simple, and anyone can use it. To do this, draw a circle on a sheet of paper. It is divided into 8 parts, each of which must be assessed on a ten-point scale:

  • family (love) – harmony in relationships with loved ones, the desire to return home after working day, as well as home comfort;
  • health (sports) – presence of chronic diseases, excess weight, achievements in sports and healthy eating;
  • leisure – rest, travel, hobbies, etc.;
  • personal growth– education, new knowledge or skills;
  • brightness of life – memorable moments, satisfaction with one’s life;
  • financial condition – financial independence, satisfaction with salary, availability of a cash cushion;
  • friends - communication, spending time together, help in self-realization;
  • career – an opportunity for professional growth, pleasure from performing work tasks.

Each sector of the “Wheel of Life” is divided into 10 equal parts from its center to its edge. Depending on the score assigned to each section, the same number of divisions are shaded.

Ideally, there should be a completely shaded circle inside the circle. It is an indicator of harmony between all aspects of life. Thanks to this technique, it becomes immediately clear what needs primary work, what a person lacks for the development and harmonization of life.


In order to achieve certain success in this field, you need a strong incentive, or as it is commonly called in psychology - motivation. This is something for which a person is ready to move forward, which gives him strength to work on himself.

The most common way to motivate yourself is to visualize what you are striving for. This can be a photo or a symbolic image. Such an object should be located in a place where it will constantly catch the eye.

Often loved ones act as motivation. These could be children, parents or simply people in need. Sometimes even a corrosive feeling of envy can become a good motivation for self-development.

Visualization - great way motivation

Let's start self-improvement

Working on yourself is very hard and long work. Regardless of what social class a person belongs to, he can improve himself and his life as soon as he takes action. It is better to start self-development by reading specialized literature.


The foundations of personal self-development lie in knowledge new information and mastering new skills. A person’s personal growth always begins with increasing his cultural level. Those who read a lot are better able to formulate their thoughts, their speech is beautiful and correct.

Books about the basics of personal self-development are also widely popular. There are a huge number of them, and choosing from this list will be quite easy. Most often, psychologists recommend:

  1. "Be the best version yourself” M.D. Ryan. A book about promises to yourself, good habits and ways to develop them.
  2. “A Whole Life” M. W. Hansen, L. Hewitt, D. Canfield. This raises the question of setting the right life values ​​and how important self-affirmation is.
  3. “Get out of your comfort zone” by B. Tracy. The leading publication covering personal growth in psychology. It discusses a plan to work on yourself by neglecting your life principles.
  4. “This year I...” D. Waldschmidt. Reveals the main ways of development and shows life examples of successful people.

After reading at least one of these books, a person rethinks his values ​​and receives motivation for further action. There is no need to be skeptical of everything that is written there, but you should not follow it blindly either. Any plan must be tailored to the individual.

Quitting habits

Working on yourself requires improvements not only in the intellectual sphere. First of all, a person needs to get rid of bad habits. Some of them take away his health, while others take time.

The desire for self-development must begin with healthy image life. If you can’t quit smoking right away, then you need to develop willpower and fight your desires. The same goes for alcohol, drugs, love of junk food and a passive lifestyle.

Habits that take away free time, nothing more than the Internet, television, laziness, etc. By giving up one of these items, you can free up several hours to spend time with your family, relax or work.

21 day principle

It is known that it takes 21 days to consolidate a habit. Based on this principle, many methods of self-development and programs for optimizing your life, home or relationships have been created.

The most popular of them are:

  1. “Purple bracelet” - a person must wear a lilac bracelet on one hand for 21 days. But there is one important detail: as soon as the person complains, gets angry, or quarrels with someone, the bracelet is put on the other hand, and the report starts all over again.
  2. “Fly Lady” system – improving your home and creating comfort. For 21 working days, it is suggested to divide housework into small parts and complete them step by step. By the end of the course, most everyday worries become automatic, and a person does them without thinking or forcing himself.

By performing the same action during this period, you can enter the correct, good habits into your life. This way you can train yourself to drink a glass of water on an empty stomach or do the necessary work every day.

Reward system

For both men and women, in any path of self-development, not only the final result is important, but also the intermediate one. Moving forward fractionally is much more effective than having one big dream.

To make it easier to complete many segments, you need to develop a reward system for yourself. It can be anything depending on the preferences and capabilities of the person. Someone rewards themselves new thing or a trip abroad, and for some, a cup of freshly brewed coffee or chocolate cake will be a luxury.

The main thing is that the encouragement brings physical or moral satisfaction. This becomes a good motivation and opens up a second wind.

Travel is a great reward for success


Quite often, a person gives up self-development only because he suffered an unpleasant defeat at the very beginning of his path. The first failures unsettle you and destroy your faith in your success. Most often this happens due to incorrectly placed values.

First you need to understand that personal self-realization does not imply the pursuit of some mythical result. It must not only be found, but also correctly designated. Another important part of preparation is splitting the plan into several parts. This will make it easier to complete tasks and help you concentrate on the main thing. Trying to cover everything at once will ultimately lead to nothing.

Many impressionable people are led by online advertising, where they are promised help with personal growth in just a couple of lessons. Of course she is unique technique costs a lot of money, which the uninitiated immediately put into the charlatan’s account. You need to understand that such a difficult path cannot be covered in a couple of days.


The psychology of personal self-development is a complex science. This requires an individual approach to each person, because there is simply no universal way for everyone. Psychologists who conduct trainings and webinars on this topic usually recruit small groups of students in order to be able to pay attention to each of them.

Anyone can take the path of self-development. But it is important not just to want to change something in your life, but to apply the maximum of your strength and capabilities to it. Now there are many sources where you can learn about self-development, but all the information received needs to be filtered, and not just blindly follow the instructions.

Self-development where to start - we think, reflecting on the need for changes in life. In the article we will look at ways of self-development and how to correctly create your own program for personal improvement. Priorities and directions are determined based on the development goal. Each person has his own aspirations, the goal of self-development - career growth, peace of mind, harmony in life, development of perseverance, confidence.
Let's take a closer look at how to start self-development, change yourself, your attitude towards life, and achieve more?

Where to start self-development?

Usually, thoughts about self-development and the need for change arise in moments of despair, understanding the meaninglessness of life, and time slipping through one’s fingers. We feel that we can do more, but we are wasting our time. Self-development is an opportunity to bring you closer to your ideal “I”, to reach new heights, to open up new opportunities that were previously only dreams.

So, self-development and self-improvement, where to start?

Write down the answers to several questions and think about all the points:

  1. What do I want most in life?
  2. What would you like to do if there were no restrictions? - salary, opinions of others.
  3. Why do I live in the world, what is my calling, mission?
  4. How can I realize myself in life?
  5. Where do you see yourself in the future?
  6. What character traits are needed to achieve your goals?
  7. What are my strengths and weaknesses?
  8. What will I develop first?
  9. What knowledge is needed to transform life, yourself?
  10. What thoughts are preventing me from changing my life and starting self-development? After writing honest answers to the questions, aspirations and ideas that fill life with meaning and make the heart beat faster will become clearer. We often strive for new horizons, but internal attitudes prevent us from starting the path or the opinions of our parents and friends. It is important to determine your aspirations, learn to feel inner voice. After analyzing yourself and your life, you can draw up a plan for self-development.

    Self-development where to start?

The procedure is approximately as follows:

  1. Define strategic and tactical goals: We write down the main goals in life, priorities. Later we break them down into smaller ones leading to the necessary results. Goals can be written down by different directions life: health and energy, spiritual development, financial matters, intellectual development, building relationships, emotional world, character, career and self-realization, purpose of life.
    Goals will help determine the main directions in life, aspirations, help you understand where to go next, how to build a bridge to your dreams. The most rational way is to change yourself, not life; circumstances change along with a person.
  2. Working on thinking - We change negative attitudes to positive ones, instill self-confidence, develop self-confidence, and the possibility of changes for the better. It is useful to read about the successes of ordinary people, their idols and their path to achievement. Thoughts are material, they are the ones that help us achieve what we want or become an obstacle that cannot be circumvented even with a strong desire.
    Let the subconscious mind help in self-development; it is necessary to tune conscious thinking and internal attitudes to the same wavelength. Self-hypnosis will help. We say important positive thoughts at least 20 times every morning after waking up.
  3. Define ideal traits- how to get closer to the imaginary ideal Self, what personality traits, character? Often, to transform and implement new ideas you need confidence, courage, perseverance, willpower, creativity, and communication skills.
    Depending on life’s tasks, we begin to work on the disadvantages, turning them into personal strengths. How? There are several ways: get used to the image or create a new image using experience, achievements, knowledge. Every person is worthy of respect, can be the best in their field, and perseverance develops when there is global goal, for which it is worth overcoming obstacles.4.
  4. Find information- Having determined the goals and personality traits that require development, we proceed to practical actions: We are looking for literature, trainings, videos on the desired topic. We can learn a new profession (copywriter, programmer, translator, photographer, etc.), develop abilities (playing musical instruments, vocals, working with programs, drawing), master new directions, having a great desire.
    Self-education and self-development are interconnected and go together; knowledge helps to better understand oneself, the world around us and also develop professionally.
  5. Moving Forward- self-development should be done gradually, step by step. It is better to write down the sequence of actions, write down a plan for the year and the next month. It is useful to develop mental development, knowledge of new areas and skills against the background of general self-improvement.
    Every month you can set a specific task, gradually changing yourself and your life. This could be: new knowledge, skills and work on character traits. Internal development contributes to new achievements. It is very convenient to write an action plan and self-development tasks for every day. This helps track actions and results, develops organization and promotes self-control.

For example, a plan for April:

  1. sign up for courses, sports activities;
  2. develop confidence (perseverance);
  3. go to classes twice a week;
  4. read books on developing confidence;
  5. fulfill practical exercises;
  6. Keep a success diary, make entries every day.

Self-development and self-improvement, where to start? Distribute your main goals by month and gradually implement them. It is important to take control of the work on self-development, to believe: changes are possible, many successful people confirm: we create miracles ourselves (Michael Jordan, Schwarzenegger, Wil Smith, Marilyn Monroe).

In a few months I will have confidence - I can influence life, write my own story, become a different person. The essence of self-development is the desire to develop personal qualities, the creation of an ideal person, the opportunity to get closer to dreams.

Features of women's self-development

Self-development for a girl is important decision, there is no limit to perfection, and working on yourself gives advantages in life and work. Self-development and self-improvement, where to start changes? It is very important for a woman to determine ways of self-realization and set priorities. The most important areas of life: family, relationships and love, work and career, realization of abilities and talents. There are some extremes: focusing only on family or focusing on career. For a harmonious life, it is important for a woman to combine love, career, and hobbies.

How to find balance in life and start self-development?

Answer the questions - What is missing for happiness? What abilities and character qualities should be developed for success in life? Often low self-esteem is the cause of troubles on the personal front and in public life- we agree to any option so as not to be lonely or for lower wages. It is important for a woman or a girl to learn to love, appreciate and accept herself, notice successes, and believe in the best.

  1. Develop abilities and talents- determine the area of ​​interest that attracts you the most. Creative exercise - drawing, embroidery, music helps to find peace in the soul, and playing sports - improves health, increases vigor and energy.
  2. Happy mom - happy family- a problem for many women, an excessive desire to be a better wife and mother. As a result, they forget about themselves, interests, and needs. An active mother with diverse interests is a great example for children; you can go hiking together, go to the gym, practice vocals, and dance.
    Self-development and self-improvement, where to start? Find your area of ​​interest, constantly improve your existing skills, and learn new things. Life is movement!
  3. Expand your scope of possibilities- often girls and women underestimate their talents and do not believe in the possibility of building a career, own business. There are many examples of successful women around; you can reach any heights if you have aspiration, desire, and faith. It’s worth experimenting with different types of activities, looking for yourself and your calling.
    Then work will be a joy, bring pleasure and material security.
  4. Goals, priorities- conveniently write down and record desires, turning them into life goals. Understanding what you are striving for makes it easier to find opportunities. He who seeks will find, says folk wisdom. Often, being interested in a specific area, information and people themselves begin to meet along the way and are attracted into life.
    A woman has much more goals and objectives in life, so it is worthwhile to organize time correctly and use it as efficiently as possible to obtain results. Learning time management will help.
  5. Self-education and self-development- the problem of self-development is associated with knowing oneself and gaining knowledge. Education does not end with school or college; for life you need to constantly develop and learn new things. A woman plays several roles in society: mother, daughter, spouse, employee. To successfully interact with people, you need to develop communication skills, communication, and learn to negotiate.

For personal and family life - study the psychology of men and building relationships. For a career - gain new knowledge in the professional field, have perseverance, willpower and a desire to achieve. For female beauty- be personal stylist, make-up artist, be able to select clothes, develop a sense of taste, harmony to create your own image.

So, self-development and self-improvement, where should a girl start? Women have their own self-development tasks related to social burden and fulfillment in the family. It is important to understand what skills and abilities require development. A versatile and educated girl who strives for self-knowledge and self-development will always be more successful than the mediocre ones who go with the flow of life. And men love purposeful, feminine, pleasant people and confident women. They attract attention like a magnet.

Self-development of men

Self-development for men is primarily associated with social fulfillment and career building.

So, self-development and self-improvement, where to start?

1. Define goals- what are you striving for, what kind of job do you dream of getting, in what field do you want to be realized? What talents and abilities will help you achieve your goals? How to benefit from existing hobbies and interests? Best work- a highly paid hobby! How to achieve the desired results?

2. Make an action plan- it is important to write down all ideas and methods of achievement for analysis and implementation. Think about how best to act, what talents and abilities to develop to get results? Where to find information, experienced mentors.

3. Get support- it is incredibly important if you want to develop, change your life, to feel the support of others, family, friends. Often good intentions are collapsing, the family is accustomed to a father who is a lawyer, and not a writer or musician, but why computer courses? Extra costs, parents think.
It is important to determine your area of ​​interest, to be able to justify your position, priorities, and ideas.
It’s good to find people with similar interests for joint activities, communication, and exchange of experiences. Initially, you can combine interests with work, and over time choose an area of ​​development and self-realization.

4. Reading for self-development- books and educational materials will help you learn a lot of useful things in any area: on the development of personal qualities, professional ones. Achievement in life requires persistence, courage, leadership, and communication skills.
Think about what qualities you will develop first. You can work independently or take self-development courses. The main thing is to believe in your potential, to open up new opportunities and abilities. There is a genius in every person!

5. Let's act- Having determined the main directions of development, it is important to immediately begin to act. Find information, call about classes, make a schedule of events and activities. By taking one step a day, you can walk 30 meters forward in a month. The main thing is from simple to complex, it is impossible to immediately swallow an elephant, it is better to break large tasks into small, achievable ones.

Self-development for men is an opportunity to gain self-confidence, discover inner potential, achieve more in life, and realize your own dreams. Why do some people take action while others stop making plans? Determination and courage, the development of positive thinking will help you believe in own strength, make changes to existing image life.

Self-improvement, where to start?

Personal self-improvement is the independent development of the necessary skills, abilities, and character traits for personal purposes.

The desire for self-improvement is an incentive for constant development and improvement of the quality of one’s own personality. While a person develops and strives forward, he lives; if he stops, he falls and degrades. It is impossible to know everything, even great sages say years later: “I know that I know nothing.” There are always unexplored areas and directions of life. A person learns about himself and the world around him, the laws of the universe, as a mystery, throughout his life.

Self-development and self-knowledge are similar concepts; it is impossible to engage in self-improvement without knowing your essence. The initial task: to understand yourself, your inner world, interests, aspirations. Conscious development occurs when we understand why to engage in self-improvement if there is an incentive. You can live and not think about the progress of the individual, the acquisition of new qualities, but then the chances of success are sharply reduced, because other people are constantly developing, learning new things, and therefore coming forward.

Self-improvement needs: the internal desire to be better, to catch up and overtake others. Although it is better to compete with yourself, everyone has their own path in life. If today is better than yesterday’s “I”, then there is progress and you will definitely achieve the desired goals. History has many examples of people who created themselves independently: Suvorov, Lomonosov, Napoleon, Franklin, Lincoln.

Self-development and self-improvement, where to start? We examined the main issues of development, and improvement is an endless process. A person creates himself, paints his image all his life.

How to start achieving perfection and upgrade?

  1. Determine the result- it is important to imagine the image of an ideal person. It is useful to think through everything down to the details, every day scroll through the picture in your mind, imagining the behavior, habits, skills and knowledge that are necessary to move to the next level.
    Visualization helps you tune in to development, prepare at the subconscious level for changes in life. Thoughts are material, and by constantly thinking in the right direction, we begin to act and implement the necessary rules, habits, and acquire new knowledge.
  2. Determine the order of work: the beginning of self-improvement is associated with a conscious decision to change oneself. Next, it is important to determine point by point what needs to be changed and developed. The next step is an action plan. By understanding your shortcomings or realizing what qualities are missing, you can create a new image of your “I”.
    Most often, people strive to become more decisive, more confident, stronger in spirit, gain strength of character and invincibility in any life's difficulties, find harmony in yourself and the world around you, learn mutual understanding, improve social skills.
  3. First steps and implementation of plans- development and self-improvement requires great effort, willpower, and motivation. Think about why it is worth changing your usual way of life, what benefits will there be in the end? A high goal gives rise to great actions and results.
    Prospects for new opportunities - career growth, easy communication with people, successful negotiations, happy personal life, realization of potential, new opportunities in all areas of life. Self-development and self-improvement, where to start? The main thing is desire positive attitude and faith, we begin the path forward to new horizons. Everything will work out! After all, talent and genius lie dormant in man, yearning for freedom.

Discover your best sides, develop yourself and improve!

Good day, dear blog readers. Today I want to tell you where to start self-development for girls and why it is important to start doing this as quickly as possible.

The first stages on the path of a girl’s self-development

For girls, self-realization can lie in many aspects at once, including work, study, family, appearance and many other facets. Moreover, some of them will actually contribute to development, and, accordingly, to a good internal sense of self. The other part will be imposed by social stereotypes and will only lead to a breakdown.

Self-improvement is a long process that has no end point. Rather, it is a certain lifestyle, attitude, philosophy and interest in the world around us. But this does not mean that it happens independently and unsystematically. On the contrary, it requires clear goal setting, a plan and an understanding of the direction of movement in order to adjust actions.


In the process of defining a goal, it is necessary to correctly calculate your own strengths and interests. Otherwise, you may end up with a lot of proposals without following through on anything.

At the initial stage, the goals should be:

  • real;
  • short-term;
  • motivating.

The reality of goals is understood as correlating them with one’s capabilities. If you set yourself the task of running 5 kilometers tomorrow, and before that for several years you even drove a car to a nearby store, then at best you will fail the goal, at worst you will be taken away by an ambulance.

Short-term achievement is necessary to maintain motivation for further achievements. In the first days of the “new life”, old promises fulfilled, cleaning done, a new manicure, a chapter read will give you inspiration, but the duration of getting the desired position or graduating from university can be depressing due to the daily lack of visible results.

But you can cheat and not give up on global dreams, you just need to break them down into smaller component tasks. You can start your weight loss program by purchasing a gym membership. Develop your creativity by signing up for several master classes that will help you decide on a direction.

It is important to check each goal for truth, whether it is really yours - this is what the motivation point implies. If a woman needs to learn new language, then this will most likely be done for the sake of new travels or to better understand your foreign lover; the desire may also be associated with promotion on the career ladder.

But if such undertakings occur because one of the relatives demands something similar or parents in childhood expected success in precisely this area, then there will be no sense. Remember how easy it was for you to do the most difficult and crazy things when you were in love, and how everything fell out of your hands if you had to do something against your will. The feeling of being slightly in love is the main accompanying factor in rapid and high-quality changes.

You will find methods for setting goals.

Areas of self-improvement or what to choose

A harmonious personality develops safely in several directions at once, maintaining all important areas of life at the proper level. But being at the beginning of the journey, you should carry out a kind of diagnostics of the initial data in order to understand what you will have to work on first.

Good guides for identifying weak areas are:

  • own feeling of dissatisfaction;
  • dissatisfaction of people whose opinions play an important role (problems are often visible only from the outside);
  • present desires and dreams.

To make it easier to navigate, psychologists have classified the main areas of life:

  • health;
  • spiritual (emotional) sphere;
  • material security;
  • family;
  • friendships;
  • creation;
  • professional development.

For the most part, each person has a deficiency in the development of several areas at once, which indirectly affects the condition of others. It is from places that are in short supply that you should begin your self-development, and best assistant For this purpose, there may be an area that is best developed.

For example, if you are completely unsuccessful at work, but everything is fine in your relationships with friends, then you can turn to them for help in finding a job. If you are a creative but lonely person, then organizing your own exhibition can not only expand your circle of acquaintances, but also lead to changes in your family status.

Planning your development

In relation to the goals set, it is necessary to build a clear plan for further actions, which will allow you to see the big picture, notice the speed of progress, and also not deviate from what was planned. Naturally, each such plan will be unique, but there are also common points.

Step-by-step instructions for self-development:

  1. Select several goals of different sizes. Let some points be completed in 1 day, others require several months or 1 year to implement.
  2. For each goal, create milestones indicating progress towards achievement (purchase of subscriptions, fixed indicators, quantitative achievements, etc.).
  3. The stages need to be arranged on a time scale - what needs to be completed in a month, in a week, tomorrow, tonight. Completion times and related metrics must be specified. “Jogging today” and “running a 10 km distance today at 6.00” are completely different points. The more specific you are in your planning, the better.
  4. Take action immediately after defining a plan. Don't leave it until tomorrow or Monday, much less until next month. Do at least something small today, immediately after drawing up a plan (well, at least Google the necessary information on your chosen goals).

The most important thing is not to lose a positive attitude, even if it doesn’t work out right away. Record attempts, adjust the load, since the first failures are most often associated with the inadequacy of the requirements. Remember that any mistake is already experience.

What helps you not to give up halfway?

Step-by-step instructions only set the direction. Initial confidence quickly disappears as life changes and tension arises. Self-development is always a way out of a comfortable state of suspended animation, where nothing happens, but where you really want to return. In order not to regret the efforts spent and not to start over again many times, it is worth providing yourself with additional support in advance.

The reaction of the social environment is important to every girl. Therefore, it would be great to inform all your loved ones about the decision taken change in better side. Inform your family about getting rid of bad habits, then they will do everything to minimize provoking factors and will encourage you in moments when you want to break.

You can look for like-minded people among your friends, especially when it comes to acquiring new knowledge and skills. It's much more fun to take a class together or sweat on the treadmill. In addition, it may turn out that it was the absence of a partner that stopped your friends from their own development.

By the way, don’t forget to tell your enemies about your plans - this is an excellent negative motivation. Knowing that these are the people who are waiting for your failure, constantly asking sarcastic questions about changes, you can not only successfully achieve your goal, but also surpass the planned results.

Make new acquaintances in areas where you want to develop. If you are going to improve your relationship, subscribe to a psychologist’s blog or page, communicate, ask questions. If you are thinking about expanding your geography, meet flight attendants, tour organizers and travelers. This way you will get a lot of useful information that is not available on the Internet.

Personal communication with a person who has already achieved something in the area you need allows you to learn faster and better, avoiding many mistakes when drawing up an independent route.

Inspirational Literature

Books on self-development are very different: from direct instructions on what to do and in what order, with a description of what your happiness lies in, to methods for spiritually searching for your own path.

  • Professional development is presented in the books of Stephen Covey "7 Habits of Highly Effective People", Seth Godin "Pit".
  • Spiritual and personal growth is discussed in the work of Robin Sharma "The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari" and Paulo Coelho "Alchemist".
  • Sphere love relationship includes "How to make anyone fall in love with you" Leila Laudensa, "You don't know anything about men" Steve Harvey "Geisha School at Ten simple lessons» Eliza Tanaka, and "5 love languages" G. Chapman.

This is just a small list of literature related to the most common topics of self-development. Start there if you haven't read any of it yet. Many other related books can be found.

Also, be sure to check it out these are the free courses, especially for women. There you will find exactly what suits you.


Whatever path you choose, try to make it individual and bring happiness. Joy is an indicator the right direction development. And don’t forget to share your own ideas and successes with your loved ones and help those around you develop. If you know someone who needs some kind of push, share a link to my article and offer to start moving towards change together.

See you again and good luck on your path of achievement!

The material was prepared by Yulia Gintsevich.