Causal (karmic) body. Human mental and causal bodies


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Causal body

Causal body- the first spiritual body in the human aura. Considered immortal. Located behind the mental body and carries information about the dense karma person, i.e. about the plan of events in a person’s life.

Main function causal body– the formation of events of a dense plan or, in other words, events of the physical world. In the case of a person, these are those specific actions and deeds that he performs, and those events that occur in his life. As a rule, most of these events are predetermined (this is due to the developments of past lives and programs laid down at birth), but not all. Programs causal body are not fatal. You can change a lot, if you wish, even change it radically.

Properties and features of the causal body

As noted above, the main function causal body– formation of events. Those. our ideas, desires, thoughts are realized in physical world through our causal energies. In fairness, it should be noted that the ideas and plans of other people can also be realized through our (or your) causal energy.

For example, a child's desire to have a toy may force you to make a purchase. I'm not even talking about your wife's desires, which can push you to do things and actions that you would never even think about. If you are an employee, then you will implement the plans of your superiors, again, through the energy of your causal body. In this case, your reluctance or disagreement may not play any role. Here everything depends on the level of human development, on his condition subtle bodies and chakras.

Next property causal body is the ability to influence time. This is probably understandable - all events take place in time. Everyone has 24 hours in a day, however, everyone has their own time density. One or two months is going to hammer a nail into the wall, the other woke up in the morning in Kyiv, held a meeting in Moscow in the afternoon, had dinner in Paris, and, along the way, still managed to do a number of other things.

A person’s ability to have and earn money is also one of his properties. causal body.

Causal body a person can be strong or weak, organized or not. From strength causal body The number of events in a person’s life depends, and the organization determines whether these events will be systematic, regular or chaotic.

Chakras of the causal body

Vibrations causal body, mainly associated with chakra Vishudha, however, on it, like on any other subtle body, aspects of all chakras appear. Depending on which chakra dominates, the nature of the events that will occur in a person’s life will be determined.

  • Balanced Chakra muladhara will give self-confidence, stability, abundance, and an unbalanced one will give destruction, loss, drama.
  • Svadhisthana The chakra will fill life with comfort, pleasure, the search for pleasure and the ability to appreciate what is.
  • Developed causal manipura will force a person to make plans and achieve their implementation. Such a person strives to organize his space and time and is able to manage himself and other people, his self-discipline is at its best, his word has weight and can be a guarantee.
  • Causal anahata will fill a person’s life with manifestations of love and can motivate him to charity and philanthropy.
  • Causal Vishuddha will manifest itself in creative self-expression. The actions of such a person can be guided by inspiration. In any case, everything he does is done efficiently, conscientiously, one might say impeccably.
  • Causal ajna means clairvoyance of upcoming events before prophecies, magical abilities, the gift of healing, etc. The dreams of such a person are often prophetic.
  • A person with developed sahasrara The causal body does practically nothing on its own; it sees a pattern, the Creator’s plan, in everything that happens and is guided by current events as signs and omens.

Development of the causal body

The most important role in a person’s life is always played by how he uses his time. The same time can be used for emotions and experiences, for thoughts and dreams, for actions and deeds. The determining factor here is where a person's attention is directed. The following rule always works: where attention is directed, energy goes there, and time goes there too. And a person’s attention tends to be in the body that is more developed.

This explains why brilliant students, excellent students at school and university, then have difficulty settling into society, and, on the contrary, C-grade students easily get settled in life, do successful career, and often become leaders of former excellent students. It’s just that the excellent students studied - developed their mental body, and at that time the C students played football, went hiking, attended creative clubs, or sports clubs - developed causal body.

Hence the advice: you need to pay attention not only to learning and receiving information, you also need to learn to act. And this activity does not necessarily have to be related to the profession. Sometimes time spent in the gym can do more for your success than reading a book, even if it good book. Development must be harmonious, there must be sports, real communication and, in general, sufficient physical activity.

If it seems to you that in order to succeed you need to study more and know more, know that it is your mental body that is trying to mislead you (it always does this, proving its own importance). It is important to know, and even more important to be able to apply knowledge in practice, to have experience. Eat good saying– a drop of practice is better than a bucket of theory.

Of course, in order to develop causal body it is necessary to take into account its condition and potential. The indicator can be the level of your well-being, the effectiveness and scale of your actions. If you have a strong and manageable causal body, then you can take on large projects. If causal body weak, then you should start with small matters, those that may take a few minutes or seconds. For example, sharpen a pencil or clean up your workspace. In any case, one should observe moderation, show persistence and endurance, and correctly use the principles of development.

What is important here is the speed with which you move from thought or desire to action. The faster you do this, the better it develops causal body. This can be explained as follows: attention goes into causal body, and that’s where the energy goes. Therefore, it is important to take action as soon as an idea or desire arises. Otherwise, the process will take place in the mental body and may never reach realization. At the very least, if the idea is big, immediately write down a plan, break it down into stages and start implementing the first stage.

For development causal body Specificity and certainty are important. If you decide to rest a little and then go to the store, this is most likely laziness. And if you decide to rest for 20 minutes, and then devote 35 minutes to shopping, then this is a plan and this is structured, controlled causal body.

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Anatomy of Yoga


Azhn - the sixth chakra of a person

Sixth chakra located in the pituitary gland, behind the frontal bone. The chakra is called " Azhna" and is translated as " infinite power" Sixth chakra- center intuition, inner voice and knowledge. Fine developed talent Intuition leads us to the people and places where we find the greatest personal expression of ourselves and opportunities for life and growth, both material and spiritual. It is the talent to be lucky and fearless because we “know” everything and trust the hand that guides us.

Anahata - the fourth chakra of a person

Fourth chakra located in the center of the chest, next to the thymus gland. Chakra called Anahata and is translated as sound created without the contact of two objects And inaudible melody. This is our internal vibration, which is reproduced when the energy of the solar plexus, rising up and passing through the heart, creates a melody through our voice. Fourth chakra– the center of expression of love, understanding, forgiveness, compassion and the peaceful union of opposites in consciousness.

Human astral body

It is the third human body, after the physical and etheric bodies. Astral matter penetrates the physical in such a way that each physical atom with its etheric shell is separated from each other atom by an infinitely more subtle and mobile astral matter. But this matter has completely different properties than physical matter, and it is invisible to us because we have not yet developed organs to perceive it.

Aura - the eighth chakra of a person

Aura considered the eighth chakra in Kundalini yoga. This chakra is ours aura, or energy that can be felt and even seen by some around us. This is our electromagnetic field. When our aura strengthened and there are no gaps in it, a natural radiance emanates from us, which manifests itself through a smile, sparkle in the eyes, clarity of vision, clarity of thoughts and self-expression. You are a beacon for others, perhaps this is the simplest way to describe a strong aura.

Specific weight and composition of the causal body

The subject of the causal body gives the thinker a lot of food for thought. Exact numbers and dimensions cannot be reported. They form one of the mysteries of initiation, but certain ideas can be conveyed and presented to all who are interested.

What exactly do you mean when you talk about the causal body? Do not rush to say “body of causes,” since such words are often vague and vague. Let's look at the causal body and identify its constituent parts.

On the involutionary path we have the so-called Group Soul, successfully described (as far as earthly words allow) as a set of triads enclosed in a threefold shell of monadic substance. On the evolutionary path it corresponds to groups of causal bodies, similar in composition and determined by three factors.

The causal body is a collection of permanent atoms, three in number, imprisoned in a shell of mental substance... What happens at the moment when animal man becomes a thinking human being? The rapprochement between "I" and "not-I" with the help of the mind, since man is "a being in which the highest spirit and the lowest matter are united by the intellect." What do I mean by this phrase? Only that when animal man has reached the point of correspondence, when his physical body has become sufficiently co-ordinated, when his emotional or desire nature has become strong enough to form the basis of existence and guide it by instinct, and when the germ of mentality has been implanted to provide instinctive memory and the ability to correlate ideas observed in ordinary domestic animals, then the descending Spirit (having already mastered the atom of the mental plane) considered that the time had come to take possession of the lower vehicles. The Lords of the Flame were called upon, who ensured a shift in polarization from the lowest atom of the Triad to the lowest atom of the Personality. Even then the inner Flame could not descend below the third sub-plane of the mental plane. There they united and became one, and the causal body was formed. In nature, everything is interdependent, and the inner Thinker cannot exercise control in three lower worlds without the help of the lower self. The life of the first Logos must be merged with the life of the second Logos and be based on the activity of the third Logos.

Therefore, at the moment of individualization - this term denotes the described contact - we have on the third subplane of the mental plane a point of light that includes three atoms and at the same time is itself enclosed in a shell of mental matter. The work that needs to be done is to:

  1. Turn this point of light into a flame, continuously fanning the spark and feeding the fire.
  2. To cause the causal body to grow and expand, turning from a colorless egg in which the Ego is like a yolk in a shell, into an object of rare beauty containing within itself all the colors of the rainbow. This is an occult fact. The causal body begins to emit light over time, and the inner flame gradually breaks through from the center to the periphery. It then breaks through the periphery, using the body (the product of thousands of lifetimes of pain and aspiration) as fuel for its fires. It burns everything, ascends to the Triad and (becoming one with the Triad) is reabsorbed into the spiritual consciousness, bringing with it - if we mention heat as a symbol - then warmth, or a quality of color, or vibration that was previously missing.

Consequently, the work of the Personality - for we must consider everything from this angle of view until we have acquired the egoic in And deniya - consists in, firstly, building, expanding and decorating the causal body; secondly, remove the life of the Personality inside it, extracting all the good from personal life and accumulating it in the body of the Ego. You can call this Divine Vampirism, since evil is always just the other side of good. Finally, it’s time to joyfully watch how the flame is taken for the causal body itself, the work of destruction occurs, and the Flame is alive inner man and the spirit of divine life is liberated and ascends to its source.

The specific weight of the causal body marks the moment of liberation and the time when the work of decoration and construction is completed, when Solomon's Temple is erected and when weight(in the occult sense) of the causal body meets the standard towards which the Hierarchy is oriented. The work of destruction ends and liberation approaches. Spring has given way to the lush bloom of summer, and now the disintegrating power of autumn should be felt - only this time it takes place on mental levels, and not on physical ones. The ax lies at the root of the tree, and the life essence is collected in the divine repository.

The causal body is formed due to the unhurried, gradual accumulation of good in each life. At first, construction proceeds slowly, but towards the end of incarnations - on the Path of Testing and the Path of Initiation - the work accelerates. The structure is erected and every stone is quarried in the life of the individual. On the Path, at each of its two stages, the work of completing and decorating the Temple passes faster...

In conclusion, I will briefly note that the outline of the causal body varies according to type and ray. Some egoic bodies are more rounded than others; others are more ovoid, while others are more elongated. Only composition and plasticity matter, and above all that occult permeability of the lower auric egg, which allows contact with other Egos while preserving at the same time its identity; what connects with fellow humans without affecting individuality; which makes it possible to assimilate everything that is desirable, while maintaining one’s own appearance...

The Nature of the Egoic or Causal Body

The topic of the egoic Ray and its connection with the second fire is one of vital importance for three types of people: those who are interested in true psychology, or the evolution of the psyche; those who are on the Path or approaching it and therefore come more and more into contact with their own Ego; and those who work with the souls of people - the servants of the race.

The reason is that with an understanding of this topic, namely the topic of the Ego functioning in the causal body, it becomes possible to scientifically work on the problem of one’s own evolution and successfully help the evolution of one’s fellow man.

1. Egoic manifestation is produced through two fires

Let us therefore consider the topic of the egoic Ray and the causal body from the point of view of the Microcosm and let the student himself find analogies with the Logos, reminding him that when making an analogy, one should always turn special attention to one fact: all that a human unit is capable of comprehending is the manifestation of the Solar Logos in the physical body.

As we well know, in every manifestation we have duality, which creates trinity. Spirit meets and touches matter; the result of contact is the birth of the Son, or Ego, aspect of consciousness. Thus the egoic manifestation is the middle aspect, the place of unity and (after the necessary evolutionary cycles) the place of balance or equilibrium. It should be noted that the analogy between the Logos and man is not entirely accurate, since man undergoes this whole process inside the solar periphery, while the Logos (within this periphery) passes through a stage similar to that which man passes through when his astral shell is clothed with etheric matter and he assumes physical embodiment, as we spoke of in the section “Fire of Friction.” From this it becomes obvious that in considering the Ego we are dealing with the central question of the threefold manifestation of man. We are interested in that part of man's nature which relates to the process of his transformation into a perfect six-pointed star at a preliminary stage (the threefold personality and the threefold Triad merge and mingle, and through an intermediate point create the causal body) and which, after getting rid of the physical body, makes him a five-pointed star, or perfected by Manasaputra.

To express all this in terms of fire, the causal body is created by the meeting of the positive life, or fire of the Spirit (electric fire), and the negative fire of matter, or "fire of friction"; this causes a flash of solar fire. It is the central spark which in due course inevitably kindles the third fire, or absorbs its essence, and itself eventually mixes with the fire of the Spirit and emerges from objective manifestation.

I would like here to consider the subject of the causal body in two directions: firstly, in accordance with the directions we have hitherto followed, and secondly, strictly from the point of view of occult electrical phenomena.

2. Egoic manifestation arises during individuation

The causal body is that shell of mental substance that is formed at the moment of individualization due to the contact of two fires. The force or energy pouring out from the higher planes (the breath of the Monad, if you will call it that) creates a vacuum, or something analogous to a bubble in a koilon, and the shell of the causal body is formed - the “ring-pass-not” of the central Life. In this sheath are three atoms, called the mental unit, the astral permanent atom and the physical permanent atom; they correspond individually to the seventh principle in each of the three persons of the microcosmic Triad, the reflections (in the three worlds of the microcosm) of the three persons of the logoic Trinity. H.P.B. hints at this in connection with the Logos when he says that the visible Sun is the seventh principle of the aspect of Brahma, the physical permanent atom of the Logos.

The heart as an aspect of pure reason requires special consideration. It is usually considered an organ pure love, but from the point of view of the esoteric sciences, love and reason are synonymous, and I want you to think about why this is so. The word “love” conveys mainly the underlying motive of creation. Motive presupposes a goal that motivates action. Thus, for the incarnating Monad, the time comes when, in order to solve the task of its group life, it spiritually no longer needs a motive (heart and soul), because the goal is almost achieved and such activity is developed that nothing will stop or delay the final achievement of the goal . Nothing can stop the student, and no obstacles or difficulties can prevent him from moving forward. In this case, what Theosophists call the causal body is finally destroyed, and a direct connection is established between the Monad and its material expression on the physical plane. A direct, unobstructed connection is established between the head center and the center at the base of the spine. The same free interaction through the antahkarana occurs between the monadic and personal will. Remember that the will aspect is the ultimate dominant principle.

You can give many examples from life when life itself gives clues to a person in which direction to go, so that it is a joy and not a burden. Unfortunately, we don't always take into account what is obvious.

Why did a woman, having married three times in her life, still not be able to find her family happiness? Each of her husbands suffered from alcoholism, and new husband came into her life with an even more sophisticated illness than the previous one. Asking herself the question: what is the reason for such a vicious circle, the unfortunate woman never found the answer. Materialists are not supporters of the idea that a person, in addition to being the owner of a physical body, has several shells, among which human causal body. For some, this is speculation, and for others, it is knowledge about the possibilities of self-improvement.

What is the human causal body

To put it briefly, then causal body– this is subtle information about the experience of past lives. It is in this shell that the program for the development of the material, etheric, astral and mental shells is contained. For clarity, it can be compared to a computer that contains a program that tells when a person should take the first step, when to start loving, when to reveal a person’s talents, etc.

For most people, the casual shell is not accessible to work with. Unlike other shells, it is immortal, its information is transferred from one incarnation to another. The purpose of the casual body is the spiritual self-improvement of a person. Depending on the level of development of a person’s spirituality, it can follow the contours of his physical body, protruding by 1–2 cm, or form a cocoon up to 2 m in diameter for people with high spirituality. Above the heads of Christian saints, the causal body is depicted in the form of a halo, which speaks of their high spirit.

How does the human causal body work?

The causal body is responsible for right choice person, that is, for that choice that will not bring him serious problems. The more developed the casual shell, the easier for a person walk along the right way. All events associated with a person are displayed in his casual body. Accordingly, the brighter the event, the brighter it will be displayed. This explains the special interest of fortune tellers and predictors in the casual body.
If a person has any thought that he has worked on, then changes occur in his subtle bodies. This could be a reassessment of values ​​or a change in life position - all this is stored in the “cells” of the casual body. But not in order to punish a person for his wrong actions, but so that these mistakes can then be corrected in all the subtle bodies of a person. If the error has not been corrected, then the event is repeated. And this will happen until the person eliminates his mistake. That is why a woman, trying to find happiness, still ended up getting married unsuccessfully every time. The mistake, in her case trying to run away from the problem rather than solve it, was not corrected by her.
In addition, the human causal body is an informant of the causes of karmic diseases, which may include generational curses, karmic debts and tasks.

The human soul is a multidimensional structure, manifested on 7 levels of reality, varying in density and frequency. Each level of reality corresponds to one of the 7 energy bodies person.

The entire universe is structured similarly to this structure. And even in the long mystical tradition, the central element in the construction of the Universe was the cosmic soul, which existed forever in the world of ideas and primordial images.

1. Physical body

It is a tool of knowledge and action. With the help of this body we gain experience of earthly existence. In occult and religious teachings, it is believed that the disintegration of the physical body begins on the 3rd day after the actual death of a person. More precisely, on the 3rd day all connections between the subtle bodies and the physical shell are destroyed.

“When an offering is made in the Church on the third day, the soul of the deceased receives from the angel guarding it relief from the grief it feels from being separated from the body.”
Revelation of Macarius of Alexandria

2. Etheric body

A subtle energy-information structure that reflects the state of all other bodies. For people with developed subtle channels, the ether is visible as a white haze around the human physical body. After physical death the ethereal body lives in connection with the Earth for another 9 days, after which it dissipates. Next, the human soul leaves our reality.

3. Emotional body

It is a feeling instrument. Desires arise in this body and, as a result of the processing of these desires by the higher “I,” emotions arise. On this plane are manifested. Energetically astral body manifests itself in the form of an aura and can have different colors and shades depending on the nature of the work of the energy centers. Presumably this body lives from 40 days to 1 year after physical death, after which the ordered information of this structure passes into the mental plane.

4. Mental body

In other words, a person’s intelligence or experience of the current incarnation. At the level of the mental body, the thought process occurs. The positive experience of this plane, after the end of earthly existence, moves in a structured manner to the level of the casual body.

5. Casual body

The causal body is the body of causes and effects. It is also called karmic. This is the intellect or consciousness of the soul. This body absorbs the ordered information of all incarnations, in other words - wisdom.

If a person lived an empty life and did not complete the tasks assigned to him, or his actions contradicted the laws of the Universe, which also indicates a lack of some understanding of the universe, these unresolved tasks are transferred to the next incarnation.

6. Buddhic body.

Soul memory or spiritual mind. Carries the experience of all incarnations of the soul. Here is what we call Conscience. Not by morality, but by Conscience. This is where our system of spiritual values ​​and priorities is formed.

7. Monadic body.

The Monad is a hologram of the Creator, the essence of the soul. Atma is God in man.

The casual, buddhic and atmic bodies form the immortal part human soul. As a rule, direct access for our consciousness to these bodies is closed and it is opened only to those who have reached the necessary level of ethics and practice. Thus, some people remember their past lives, establish a connection with the “Universal Mind” and read information from the depths of outer space.

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The difference between the desires of the soul and ours is that they are formed in the direction of the Creator, to use oneself to bestow, to fill the Creator. Physical body It has absolutely nothing to do with it.

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1. The first - protects the absolute priority of the earthly body and the earthly consciousness associated with it, believing that only this way of cognition is absolutely objective and naturally based, based on visible to humans the realities of earthly life in general. These are the so-called pragmatists.

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