Ancestral curse - its signs and methods of removal. How to remove a generational curse yourself

Today I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will turn to the rituals of white magic and tell you how you can lift the curse on a girl to terminate her race, the curse on the crown of celibacy and childlessness. Having discovered signs of a ancestral curse in the female line, make sure with the help of Tarot, Runes, wax that the negative is really present, and this is not a mistake, and try to get rid of the ancestral curse yourself. Pay attention to the ritual from 12 chicken eggs. Everything is done by the forces of White magic. So, if you do not accept Christianity, this ritual is hardly suitable.

To carry out the ritual of removing ancestral damage using white magic, you need to take:

  1. icon "Lord Almighty"
  2. icon of the Most Holy Theotokos "Housebuilder"
  3. icon "Cathedral of the Archangel Michael"
  4. Icon "The Holy Righteous Father of God Joachim and Anna"
  5. candle in a candlestick
  6. black tablecloth
  7. black prayer tablecloth
  8. ancestral towel
  9. Bible
  10. Gospel
  11. family tree drawing
  12. 12 white domestic eggs
  13. cup of water
  14. forged chain

Icons are placed in a semicircle on a table covered with a black tablecloth. There is a candle in a candlestick in the center of the table. On the right is the Bible, on the left is the Gospel. And next to the candle there is a drawing of the family tree. The white rite cleanses not only women; it is also possible to remove the family curse along the male line. On the edge of the table on the right you need to lay the family towel.
A cup of chicken eggs is placed on it. A cup of water is placed on the left edge of the table. Spread a prayer tablecloth on the floor and place a chain on it all around.

“Lord, help me. Lord help me. Lord help me. Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. Come to me, God’s servant (name), to help. Help me remove the curse sent from my family tree, and my children (names of children), and blood and half-blood relatives. Mother Lady, Most Holy Theotokos, Housebuilder!

Come to me, God’s servant (name), to help. Help me remove the curse sent from my family tree, and my children (names of children), and blood and half-blood relatives. Archangel Michael and the heavenly army! Come to me, God's servant (name), to help. And help remove the curse sent from my family tree, and my children (names of children), and blood and half-blood relatives. Holy righteous Godfather Joachim and Anna! Come to me, God's servant (name), to help. Help remove the curse from my family tree, and my children (names), and blood and half-blood relatives.”

After a prayer to the Powers of white magic for help in getting rid of ancestral damage along the male line, or generational curse through the female line, depending on what exactly is diagnosed, they read a prayer code for the ritual of cleansing from generic negativity.

The prayer code includes:

  • The Lord's Prayer, which is said once
  • prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary, also read 1 time
  • prayer to Archangel Michael - 1 time
  • prayer to the holy righteous Godfather Joachim and Anna, also read 1 time

The text of the Lord's Prayer, which Christian believers and white magicians read not only for signs of a family curse in the male line, or severe damage the ancestral female line, and in general in moments of any imaginary or obvious danger:

Text of the Lord's Prayer for white magic rituals

“Our Father, Who is in Heaven! Hallowed be thy name, let him come Your kingdom, Thy will be done as it is in heaven and on earth. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, just as we forgive our debtors; and do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. For Thine is the Kingdom and the Power and the Glory, of the Father and the Son and the Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

Text of the prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos before the icon of the Housebuilder

Second obligatory prayer prayer code of the white rite for the removal of strong negativity and a family curse from the family tree:

“O Most Honest Lady Theotokos, Our All-Honorable Mother, Abbess of all Orthodox monasteries of monastic life, in holy mount Athos and throughout the Universe, accept our humble prayers and bring them to our All-Bountiful God, that He may save our souls by His grace.
Look upon us with Thy merciful eye and bring about our salvation in the Lord, for without the mercy of our Savior and Thy holy intercession for us, we, the accursed, will not be able to accomplish our salvation, for our life has been tarnished in the vanities of the world, for the time of the harvest of Christ is approaching and the day of the Last Judgment has arrived. We, the accursed, are perishing in the abyss of sin, for the sake of our negligence, according to what was spoken by the holy fathers, the first leaders of the angelic life according to the flesh: as the monastics, through the negligence of their lives, will become like worldly people, which will come true today, for our monasticism floats with its life on the sea among the worldly people great storms and bad weather: for our holy abodes remain in the dust for our sins, our All-Righteous Lord Jesus Christ is so gracious, but we, unworthy, have no place to bow our heads. O our sweetest Mother Abbess! Gather us, the scattered flock of Christ, and save all Orthodox Christians, grant us heavenly life with the Angels and all the saints in the Kingdom of Christ our God, to Him be honor and glory with His Beginning Father and with the Most Holy and Good and Life-Giving Spirit forever and ever.”

Text of the prayer to Archangel Michael, the Archangel of God:

“O Saint Michael the Archangel, light-shaped and formidable commander of the Heavenly King! Before the Last Judgment, let me repent from my sins, deliver my soul from the net that catches me and bring it to the God who created, sitting on the Cherubim, and pray for it diligently, so that through your intercession it will be sent to a place of rest. O formidable voivode heavenly powers, the representative of all at the Throne of the Lord Christ, a strong guardian to all people, and a wise armorer, a strong commander of the Heavenly King! Have mercy on me, a sinner who requires your intercession, save me from all visible and invisible enemies, moreover, strengthen me from death and from embarrassment and grant me the honor to unashamedly appear before our Creator at the hour of His Last and Righteous Judgment. Oh all-holy great Michael Archangel! Do not despise me, a sinner, who prays to you for help and your intercession in this world and the future, but grant me there together with you to glorify the Father and the Son and the Spirit forever and ever. Amen".

And finally, the last prayer of the prayer code to help the Forces in removing negativity and for help after removing the generational curse -

Text of the prayer to the holy righteous Godfather Joachim and Anna, parents of the Most Holy Theotokos:

“On the glorification of the righteous women of Christ, the holy Godfathers Joachim and Anna, to the Heavenly Throne of the Great King and great boldness towards Him as from the Most Blessed Daughter of the Most Pure Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary, who willed to be incarnate!

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful Amulet attracts good luck and wealth. A MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately set it up correctly in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally suitable for people of any religion

We, sinners and unworthy, resort to you, as a powerful intercessor and a zealous prayer book for us. Pray for His goodness, may He turn away His anger from us, righteously moved against us by our deeds, and may, despising our countless sins, turn us to the path of repentance and may He establish us on the path of His commandments. Also, with your prayers in the world, preserve our life and ask for all good haste, all that life and piety we need from God, who grants us from all misfortunes and troubles and vain deaths through your intercession, and protects us from all enemies, visible and invisible, as yes Let us live a quiet and silent life in all piety and purity, and so in the world, temporary life has passed into eternal peace, whereby through your holy prayer we may be made worthy of the Heavenly Kingdom of Christ our God, who is with the Father and Holy Spirit due all glory, honor and worship forever and ever. Amen".

To get rid of the ancestral curse yourself using white magic

Take 3 eggs and place them on the image of the family tree. Roll and read the plot at removing the induced curse from the family tree 4 times. Then place the eggs on the western corner of the canvas. Do this with all 12 eggs.

Read the words of the white conspiracy to remove the curse on a woman to terminate the birth:

“At dawn, at sunrise, at the last star, at the red dawn, I will stand, a servant of God from the line of my father, the servant of God (name), and from the line of my mother, the servant of God (name), in the red corner I will pray at the ancestral fold. And I will go from the entryway to the entryway, from gate to gate with the prayer of the Father and the Mother of God, with God's cross and maternal blessing. And I will go to the far side from my native hut. I’ll get to the far side, to the Alatyr stone. Behind the non-flammable stone Alatyr there is a staircase - a ladder to the seventh, high heaven of God. I will ascend to that heaven of God. Seraphims stand at the gates to the wonderful city, Cherubim fly, and Archangel Michael stands at the gates with the angels of God. I will bow and sign the cross and enter through those gates to the city. In the city of Erdan the river flows, John the Baptist marks the river with a cross. The Garden of Gethsemane is blooming there, there are trees of the Lord in the garden, ancient trees, glorious trees, royal, princely and boyar trees. In the city of Jerusalem, in the garden of Gethsemane, under the holy olive tree, the Lord prayed; in the Erdan River, the Lord was baptized. The Lord ascended Mount Golgotha, lifting the Cross on his shoulders. I, the servant of God (name), will stand at the holy olive tree and pray the Father’s prayer. Lord, hear my prayer. Take away, Lord, from the tree of my family the curse sent, the curse sent, from words, from speeches, from dirty deeds. Remove the curse from the roots, from the branches, from the fruits, from the nights, from the days. Take away, Lord, curses and misfortunes, thunder and lightning, hail shaking, faintness and black darkness. Deliver from misfortunes and troubles, from sorrows and dispel the harmful air, O Lord, by Your power. Deliver, Lord, the tree of my family from the curse of the sorcerer, the virtuous, the heretic, the envious, the hater. The Lord removes the witchcraft curse, the Desperate Prayer helps me. Lord Jesus Christ, hear my prayer, servant of God (name). Remove from the tree of my family curses and spells on bread, on flour, on salt, on water, on holy prosphora, on blood, on deception, on dope, on an evil word, on a slander, on a thought, on a fortune told. Lord Jesus Christ, hear my prayer, servant of God (name), help! Remove curses and witchcraft spells from deeds and words, from counterfeit, from sprinkling, from a sorcerer, from a sorceress, from a witch, from a sorceress, from a stone-cutter, from a stone-woman, from a heretic, from a heretic. The wonderful city of Jerusalem stands in the holy heavens, in the city stands Mount Golgotha. On that mountain of Golgotha ​​the cross of the Lord stood, the Lord Jesus Christ Himself suffered on it, shed blood for sinners. And by the stripes of the Lord we are healed. Lord Jesus Christ, help me, Your servant (name). Help, save the family tree from the curse and witchcraft spell on coins, on pennies, on deeds, on property, on eight passions, on eight blessings. Remove the curses from the seventh generation, from the third generation, from the first generation, from the marriage partner, from the wedding partner, from the brother-in-law, from the primacy, from the godfathers, from the godsons. Lord, deliver the family tree from curses and spells, from damage, from illness, from pestilence. Deliver branches and fruits, roots and half-roots from sin, from fornication, from sorrow, from misfortune, from a turning point in fate, from a black card. The Mother of God stood at the Cross of the Lord, saw her Son on the Cross, and shed bitter tears. The whole earth heard the cry of the Mother of God and mourned with the Mother of God.

Mother Intercessor, You saw your Son on the Resurrection and experienced joy. Mother of God, Organizer of houses, Intercessor and Prayer, hear my prayer, servant of God (name). With Your white little hand, remove from the tree of my family the curses sent, sent, poured, pestilent. Curses on pennies, on wallets, on water, on tears, on salt, on flour. Mother of God, remove the curses from deeds, from words, morning, night, evening, midday. Mother of God, help me, God's servant, remove the curses from the roots, from the first knee to the seventh knee, from the blood, from the half-blood, from the grandmother, from the grandfather, from the mother, from the father, from the maiden, from the young man. I will pray at the family tree and bow to the sunrise; from the sunrise side Jesus Christ Himself comes to people, helps people, removes curses and spells. I will bow to the tree of Christ, I will bow to Jesus Christ and the Mother of God. I will bow to Saints Joachim and Anna, I will bow to the famous and eminent tree, the tree of the righteous and prayer books, hermits, monks, silent people and fasters. I will bow to the family trees of princes and kings, boyars and merchants and fishermen. I will bow to the trees of the apostles and the trees of the prophets, the prophet Elijah and the prophet Zechariah, the prophet King David and the family branches of King Solomon, the trees of fishermen and the trees of millers, blacksmiths, warriors, warriors and centurions. I will pray at the holy tree, I will bow to the eight cardinal directions. Saints Joachim and Anna, deliver my family tree from the curse sent, thought, added, added, translated. Lift up my prayer to the holy heavens to the Throne of the Lord from the dawn of the morning to the dawn of midnight. Remove from the tree the ancestral curse on bread, on crackers, on flour, on water, on pennies, on sugar loaf. Remove curses from roots, from branches, from fruits, from babies, from old people, from married people, from married people, from widows, from widowers, from girls, from boys, from godparents, from godfathers, from daughters-in-law, from sons-in-law. At the cross of the Lord stood the Archangel Michael in the army of Heaven, and the angels of God with the passion of the Lord. Archangel Michael, be there to help me, God’s servant (name). Help, the power of fire has cast a curse and a witchcraft spell on the blood, on the water, on the sugar loaf. Help, remove the curses sent from the tree of the ancestral tree, help me, God’s servant (name), from this hour. I will pray in the garden of Gethsemane at the holy olive tree. And I will go through villages, through mountains, through rivers to the ancestral tree, to the ancestral cross, to the ancestral well, to the ancestral key. I will pray the Father’s prayer, I will bow to the Lord’s feet. Lord Jesus Christ, hear my prayer, servant of God (name), be there to help me at the dawn of the evening, at the dawn of the night, at sunrise, at sunset, at the end of the month. My work and word are of the Lord. My deed and word are strong and molding. My deed and word are good news. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Perhaps only those who are fundamental skeptics can deny the existence of magic, spirits and unearthly forces in general. The rest do not need to be explained what the evil eye, damage, curses, etc. are. And some have personally encountered similar phenomena. Therefore, we decided to devote this article to how to lift a family curse, get rid of magical consequences on your own (quarrels, loneliness, illness, death) or eliminate an unfavorable maternal wish that is gradually destroying the victim’s life. In this article you can find prayers and rituals that can help in different situations to whole family was not brought out of the light.

Ancestral curses are a separate type of negative energy pressure on a person, as well as on his entire family. Therefore, the question of removing such spells is quite relevant.

Ancestral curses are different from damage and the evil eye. First of all, these are verbal spells that are not accompanied by a ritual or ceremony. It is quite simple to wish a specific person and his heirs along the female/male line of evil and death. It's enough to hate this person. Therefore, many may have encountered curses without knowing it.

A curse can be placed on a specific person. But when it is sent to the entire clan of this person, then it is called clan. A curse of this kind is in effect until all heirs are extinguished, or until someone stops it on their own.

It is difficult to remove a generational curse on your own. Especially if these are the words of the mother. However, it is quite possible. For this there are:

  • various prayers;
  • reports and low tides for wax;
  • Unction.

How to define witchcraft?

To neutralize a male or female curse, it is advisable to do this as early as possible. But here the question may arise, how to find out about the presence of magic, and how the removal of the curse works. Witchcraft can be identified based on several criteria.

You need to get rid of the curse of the family immediately if you have drawn a parallel and discovered that:

  • mental illnesses accompany family tree for more than a dozen years (either female or male relatives suffer);
  • in the history of the family, cases of deaths of infants and newborns are recorded;
  • among blood relatives there are many unmarried/unmarried, widowed, who are accompanied by loneliness;
  • the family tree contains many cases of parents abandoning their children and children abandoning their parents, depriving one or the other of shelter;
  • in every generation of relatives related by blood, there are unnatural deaths.

The most powerful curses are those sent by a mother in defense of her child. Faced with such witchcraft, it will be difficult to pray for the opposite effect. Therefore, those who are interested in how to remove the curse, if it is sent to destroy the entire line (female or male), will need to be patient and have faith.

Going to church will help

Visiting church and reading a prayer will help those who are interested in how to remove the generational curse. A visit to the temple of God will be especially relevant for those who have noticed a sequence of negative events in the female line.

As a rule, in order to lift a curse from a specific person or an entire family on your own, you need to go to services in the temple of God for three years in a row.

If the curse was passed on over a long period of time from mother to daughter, then the rite of unction and alms will also be required.

Ritual for removing witchcraft

To carry out this ritual to remove a family curse, you need to know exactly which relative is the original source. Only in this case is success guaranteed, and will it be possible to remove the negative maternal influence.

To find out, you need to go to church and light candles. Each candle should symbolize one deceased relative. Having lit as many candles as there have been deaths in your lifetime, watch the flame. That candle, the wax of which will crack when lit, means the source of the curse.

While the candles you set are burning, say funeral prayers to yourself. Then buy a candle for the deceased, whom the flame and the crackle of wax have identified as cursed. Place it near the image of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. While the wax is melting, read prayers to this saint. Ask him for help. Tell me how important lifting the curse is for you and all living heirs. Say the following text several times between reading prayers:

“My sins and the sins of (the name of the deceased relative) will be burned. May the ashes of the departed find peace, and may the Lord cover me with mercy. Thank you, Lord!”

When the candle wax is melted, you can go home. Before leaving church, order a prayer service for the year from the ministers. It should be dedicated to all the deceased relatives in your family whom you remember. In addition, please give alms to every needy person sitting at the entrance.

If the source is a living person

If a living person bears a generational curse, this can also be found out in the church. When entering the temple, read prayers to the Lord and buy several candles. Their number should be equal to living relatives. Place and light each candle yourself, symbolizing it with a certain person. The one whose candle crackles and burns with a blue flame bears a generational curse or the evil words of his mother. Energy negativity will accompany him throughout life. As a rule, this is loneliness, constant illness and loss of relatives. Therefore, prayer against curses will act in the direction of this person.

After waiting for all the candles to burn out, you can purchase another one. Having placed it near the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, say prayers, requests for the removal of the curse along the entire female/male line. Also read the words:

“An evil and evil eye and witchcraft words fell on our entire family. We were punished, but we did not break and did not give up. We carry our cross, we don’t complain, we silently repent. Now it's our time, it's time to rest. Therefore, we ask for help and mercy from the Lord God and his minion St. Nicholas. May our sins be forgiven and all evil spirits burn out like the flame of this candle. Amen".

After this, wait until the candle burns out. After this, order an annual prayer service from the temple servants. Then, as a mercy, donate to the church, as much as you like, so that the removal of the curse is effective. When leaving, distribute one coin to the beggars sitting near the temple. Go home and try not to think about your relatives on this day. Especially about the victim who became the first bearer of the generational curse.

Eliminate exposure with wax

You can also get rid of a curse passed down from generation to generation through the female or male line using the ritual of pouring it onto wax. To do this, you need to buy candles in church in the morning. You will need to purchase enough candles to pour out the wax, as well as to place several in the room. You should definitely leave the change from your purchase for a donation. In addition, part of the money should be given in the form of alms. How to remove the curse at home yourself using this method, read below.

When you get home, get ready. First, consecrate the room where the ritual will be performed. To do this, walk around the room with candles, crossing each corner with a flame. Then place the purchased candles on the table. Also get:

  • tin can;
  • glass beaker;
  • water.

Before removing a generational curse or the evil words of an offended person’s mother, take a shower.

After the procedure, dress in clean clothes. Upon entering the room, read the prayers. Then, over the flame of a candle in a tin under the Lord's Prayer, melt the wax removed from several candles. When the contents of the jar become liquid, quickly whisper the words:

“I ask the Lord and his son Jesus Christ for help and Mother Mary for help. Have mercy on me, the servant of God (name), remove the evil words from (name of relative) and from our family the curse. Amen".

Having filled the glass with water in advance, pour the melted wax into it. Now you should say the following words:

“As in the spring snow flows into the river, as dirt is carried away from the bottom, so may the body, soul and shell of the servant of God (his name) be cleansed of evil spirits, the ancestral curse, envy and the evil words of his mother. I’ll be with God, and I’ll pour out the wax and get rid of the bad. Amen".

After waiting for the poured wax to harden, you can continue the ritual. To get rid of negativity, you will need to take the glass with water and the wax lump in it out of the house. Go to a desert deserted place. Dig a hole there. Place a glass in it. Cover everything with soil on top. Once the procedure is complete, return home. First of all, wash your hands well. After this, ventilate the room. It is advisable to go to church on the same day. In the temple you must order a magpie “for your health.”

If the victim's behavior or unexplained phenomena in the female/male line have not stopped, a strong curse is in effect. Most likely, this is a mothering spell, which is considered the most powerful look magic. And you can remove it yourself by repeating the ritual several times.

If the whole bloodline is cursed

Very often, phenomena of celibacy can be observed in a family. Especially on the female side. This is clearly the effect of evil messages from someone's mother. Usually, in families with a family curse, everyone quarrels with each other. In addition, they are accompanied by loneliness throughout their lives.

Before removing a family curse of this kind, you need to buy 7 candles in the church. Having tied all the candles together when you get home, you need to read the words:

“There cannot be a tree without roots, branches, leaves. So let all my bloodlines (list the name of each person) be good and friendly. Mother Ladushka, you have 7 keys, and I have 7 candles. From now on, let all the keys be locked from enmity and loneliness.”

Roll the melted wax of the burnt out candles into a small candle. Light it and say over it:

“I make a pledge for harmony, goodness and peace in the family. Let everything that is good and good, torn apart by the enemy, return.”

Stick the remaining wax from this candle onto the coin itself. of great importance. Take the penny with wax to the intersection and throw it through left shoulder, say "Paid" loudly to remove the curse from each blood person.

A curse is a very dangerous and strong negative energy program that threatens dangerous consequences for the victim. You can remove the curse yourself and you need to do it as soon as possible. This will prevent the destruction of soul and body.

How to remove a family curse from yourself

A curse can be cast by any person who is interested in magic. As a rule, this happens against the background of serious disagreements between people. This type curses refer to everyday influences that can be removed quite easily on your own. But there are powerful negative programs that only people with strong natural energy can get rid of at home. But in most cases, to remove the curse you have to turn to experienced magicians.

Ritual of removing a curse along the female line

Curses along the female line are diagnosed very often. The signs of this are very clear. You can suspect a curse through the female line in the following cases:

    There are women in the family with mental disorders, and suicidal tendencies are often noted, as well as drug or alcohol addiction. Problems arise with procreation, for example, dead or sick children are born. Family relationships develop very dramatically. Women in the family are constantly haunted by failures in life and troubles always happen to them in everyday life.

To remove a curse along the female line, you can use a very powerful ancient ritual. For it you need to buy a small ceramic pot at the market on Wednesday without change. On the same day you need to purchase a pack of salt.

The ritual can be performed on any day, but it is important to choose evening time when no one is home. During the ritual, the following preparatory actions are carried out:

    The pot should be placed in the center of the room and salt should be poured into it. Strip naked and let your hair down. Place a white sheet next to you. Kneel down near the pot.

“Hear me servant of God ( given name) Angels and Archangels. Why did you leave me and stop protecting me? Why did they allow their daughter to get on the black road? Why don’t you stand behind me and push me on the right path? Why were they angry with me? I sprinkle salt on my crown (at this moment you need to pour a handful of salt on the top of your head) and my troubles come to an end. Salt, filled with natural power, will remove all misfortunes and untie all fetters and barriers to happiness (again, you need to sprinkle salt on the top of your head). I call upon the protective angels into my destiny. I ask you not to reject my sincere prayer. I do not suffer for my sins, so I ask for liberation from them. Amen".

During this process you must repeat:

“I break the shackles, I return happiness.”

After this, you should immediately go to bed. You need to wash off the salt and clean it up in the morning.

Ritual for removing a curse based on the masculine gender

Ancestral curse in the male line is a very dangerous program that is aimed at exterminating the family. You can think about the fact that it is present if men in the family often die a sudden death. Often, directed generic negativity manifests itself in the fact that men are haunted by major failures in business, which becomes the cause of severe depression and even suicide. A male gender curse can be lifted using a strong ancient ritual. To do this, you should find a remote place in the forest where no one can interfere with the ritual. There you should prepare in advance large number enough wood for the fire to last all night. You must go to perform the ritual after sunset, taking with you all the leather belts that are in the house. In addition, the ritual will require a metal pin and a sharp knife. The metal pin must be stuck into the ground, and a fire must be lit around it. After this, the belts need to be attached to the pin one by one. At the same time, pronounce the words of the conspiracy:

“My family is in the blood, it is poisoned with a terrible poison, it is endowed with a dark fate. I walk through life along a dark, joyless road. I call the sacred fire into my life and free myself from troubles; I break the connection with my family. I burn away all the dirt around me forever. Amen".

After all the belts have been burned, you should simply repeat the spell until the morning and throw wood into the fire. In the morning you should put out the fire and go home. When passing an intersection, you should throw coins at it.

How to remove the mother's curse at home

The mother's curse is a strong negative program with dire consequences. It is very difficult to lift a mother’s curse, because a woman’s relationship with her child is formed even at the time of the baby’s intrauterine development. In order to get rid of such negativity, a believer needs to visit a temple and pray to higher powers for protection. Not all healers and magicians agree to lift the maternal curse, since there is always a strong kickback from it, from which it is difficult for even professionals to protect themselves. But people with strong natural energy can benefit greatly effective ritual which white magic offers. Having retired to a separate room, you should light a candle. After reading this plot:

“The mother gave birth to a child, blessed him with an evil word, threw him in an open field, left him in a dark forest, gave him to evil animals to be torn to pieces. The holy fire burned all unkind words and dark deeds and cleansed the child from everything bad, freed him from the shackles of the mother’s curse. The evil animals walked away and did no harm. The child’s dark powers left and his life was illuminated with a bright light. The flame of a church candle reliably protects from maternal misfortune. The wax melts and drips, and with it the mother’s curse leaves the soul. Evil from my parent will never harm me again. As the candle burns out, the curse will disappear forever.”

After this you need to cut the finger on your left hand sharp knife and squeeze a little blood into a previously prepared container of water. After this, cut off a strand of hair with a knife and burn it in a candle flame, after which the ashes are also thrown into the water. When the candle burns out, the water should be taken outside and splashed under a dry tree.

Remove a curse from a loved one: husband, mother, daughter

There are times when it becomes necessary to remove a curse from a loved one. Magicians claim that the simplest and most effective way is that a person needs to be greatly frightened or angry. So much so that he loses his temper and starts screaming and swearing. Moreover, his behavior should be furious. At this moment, you should sprinkle holy water on him and shout the phrase three times:

“Where it came from, that’s where it went.”

It is important that the action is unexpected and stops the rage. We can explain later.

Prayer to lift a curse

For believers in the best possible way lifting the curse are prayers in the church. A powerful prayer goes like this:

“In the name of Jesus Christ, who came to earth in the flesh, I ask, Lord, your forgiveness for all the sins that I, the servant of God (my own name), committed in this life through my own foolishness. Forgive me for the unknown sins of my family. Sorry for the moments of disobedience. I ask God to separate me from all sins and remove all curses. I love you very much, Lord, and I want to become what you want me to be. Let me know about this and teach me to do only your will, so that I always and everywhere glorify your name. Let me accomplish in my life everything that you have overcome for me. Help me to be a worthy person and successfully walk my earthly path. Amen".

Many people at my receptions ask, is it possible to find out on your own whether you have a generational curse? Yes, of course it is possible. To do this, you need to sit down and calmly analyze your life and the fate of your loved ones.

Signs of a generational curse

Example. Marina comes to the reception. She is 32 years old. Her personal life is not going well, and she is afraid of remaining an old maid. I ask Marina to tell you about her relatives. Mom got married early, and after six months of marriage, her husband disappeared in an unknown direction and no one else knew or heard about him. Older sister Marina has also never been married. She is engaged in science and tells everyone that she does not want to burden herself family ties, but in fact this is not so, and in confidential conversations with her sister she still wants family happiness. Their grandmother also did not have a chance to live happily - her young husband drowned on the river after six months (!) of living together. The grandmother’s sister once gave birth to a child from a visiting young man, but she was not able to tie herself with strong family ties throughout her life.

There are five family members of the same kind. It’s simply impossible to call it a mere coincidence that none of them had a successful personal life! Destructive program the generational curse is present on each of the members of this family...

At the energy-informational level, a curse is a huge black funnel, which is mainly located above the head of the cursed person, sometimes in the hypochondrium area. Through this funnel, many astral entities, dead ancestors - notorious sinners and other astral evil spirits, are introduced into the human aura. And through the same funnel, the positive energies of goodness, abundance, and success leave a person.

Damned people seem to have numerous problems out of nowhere, and failures haunt them constantly. When the ancestral curse begins to manifest itself, a person’s energy-informational protection sharply decreases and ancestral and karmic debts are activated not only for himself, but also for the entire family. And this is very bad - imagine that not only your sins fall on you, but also the sins of all your ancestors, both on the maternal and paternal lines. Horror!

One of the signs of a family curse is frequent scandals and heated showdowns between family members. Here the family curse moves along the so-called circle of the Family - relatives squabble with each other, insult each other, sue over housing, property, but... they cannot part, since the curse of the circle does not let them go from each other and drives them like on a circular path carousels, throwing mud at them with curses, insults, reproaches and threats.

When can a curse manifest itself?

IN at different ages and under different circumstances. Everything here is individual. In many cases it does not appear in childhood. Many people live quite successfully and happily, but suddenly some insignificant event activates the generational curse, and life goes downhill. For example, I freed a woman from a family curse who had inherited her grandmother’s house. The house was very old. All those relatives who lived there had nothing going for them in life, and the woman, having inherited housing, adopted all the family sins and problems of the family, although there was no damage to the building itself (and cursed and damaged houses are a completely different story) .

The curse sometimes began to act upon reaching a certain age. For example, failures began to haunt a successful businessman when he turned 32 years old. As it turned out, it was at this age that his grandfather was cursed by his own witch aunt for insulting her.

Who is most often subject to a generational curse - men or women? Based on the experience of my practice, I would say this - 60 percent are women and 40 percent are men. It's just that men tend to have a more realistic vision of the world. Many of them do not believe in magic or mysticism, and explain the series of their illnesses and failures as a simple coincidence, difficult circumstances, etc. Try asking such non-believers to read conspiracies about getting rid of a family curse or to pray for their ancestors. It is unlikely that you will succeed...

It also happens that in some family there was a witch or sorcerer who, while doing various dirty things, did not bother themselves with unnecessary troubles, transferred their problems and their “kickbacks”, exposing their relatives to attack. This happened quite rarely, but still there were similar cases. One girl was subjected to such a curse precisely because her great-grandmother practiced black witchcraft. She treated some people, and damaged others. This woman didn’t even bother to throw away the eggs after rolling outside the house - she (!) buried them in her yard. Therefore, the great-granddaughter received full program– she was constantly sick, slept poorly, and all the men ran many kilometers away from her.

IN Old Testament the verb “to curse” means to impose a ban or put a barrier, to deprive the ability to move. Several members of the family were unable to start their own business. My brother wanted to raise pigs, but they all died. He started them a second time, but the farm burned down. And the bank had to pay off debts, and they were considerable. His sister lived in the city and opened a cafe there, which caught fire several times, then it was flooded, and, in the end, a family who was celebrating an anniversary was poisoned there, which led to endless legal proceedings. As a result, the cafe had to be closed. Their nephew started transporting and selling electronics from abroad, but on the way, various adventures happened with these same electronics - once the driver was robbed on the way, another time they slipped a consignment of defective goods, and the third time the car crashed into a pole. The driver miraculously survived, but the goods were pretty damaged. The mother of these children also decided to start a business, bought clothes and began selling them on the market, but sales were not going well, and she was forced to sell them in bulk for a purely symbolic price at a loss.

Undoubtedly, this was a generational curse. When I began to understand the intricacies of this vile generic program, it turned out that the grandmother of these people was cursed by one woman. The grandmother was misled by an evil spirit, and she stole a beautiful diamond ring from an old neighbor whom she was caring for. When the old woman’s daughter arrived from another city, she discovered the loss and, naturally, suspected her neighbor of the theft, since only she was allowed into the house. She began to swear and swear that she had not taken anything. The woman cried and said that the ring was their heirloom and it was very dear to the family. When her arguments and pleas were not heard, she began to curse the thief. She wanted all her children and grandchildren to “walk around in rags”, to “drink the same water and eat only crackers”, so that there would be no way or road for them all... As you can see, the curse clearly and terribly began its path in the life of this a family whose members suffered because of their thieving relative.

It is important to know that if there is a family curse on family members, it means that something very important happened, because no one will simply curse the entire family!

By the family line you can find out which member of the clan has a “demon in the rib”. If this line is female, then it is recommended to avoid women of this kind in any way, not to start families with them and not to enter into any business or personal relationships. If the family was spoiled in the male line, then, accordingly, it was proposed not to have anything to do with such men.

We think that in our family there were only bright and kind souls, but in reality everything turns out to be wrong. We believe that the shadows of the past will never fall on our lives, and, in general, there are no shadows, but the ghosts of the past enter life and destinies without asking whether we want it or not. At receptions I hear something like this: “Well, I don’t know my grandmothers or grandfathers. Well, how can they, who died a long time ago, influence me and my children? We don’t even have photographs of them…” Regardless of whether we remember our ancestors or not, their actions, sins, unseemly deeds have a huge role on us living now. However, like their good deeds, charity, helping others and responsiveness.

During the war, one person was shell-shocked and was surrounded by the Germans and taken prisoner. This happened in August 1941. He, like hundreds of others, was driven like a flock of sheep under escort. In one field, the prisoners were forced to dig a pit, and they were placed there. It was incredibly hot. The pit was surrounded by barbed wire and guards. Once a day, the prisoners were given gruel and a mug of muddy, salty water. This man was from a nearby village. His wife found out that her husband had been captured and, without thinking twice, grabbed gold ring and rushed to the pit to ransom her husband. She succeeded (at the very beginning of the war this could still happen). But together with her husband, his friend, a guy from a neighboring village, was in the pit. He conjured his friend’s wife with all the saints to pull him out of this hell. German rank told the woman that she could also take the guy in exchange for something else gold decoration. She promised, but she never kept her promise. They had another ring at home, but the woman decided that times were cold and hungry, gold could still be useful, and therefore she felt sorry for giving the ring in exchange for a person’s life.

Time has passed. The rescued husband spent the entire war at home on the stove. And half of the people sitting in the pit were shot. The same guy was among the dead. After the war, this husband and wife went to the village where the deceased lived to visit some relatives for a holiday. The mother of the guy who was shot was at this celebration. The man drank and, unable to resist, told his friend’s mother what had happened, although his wife constantly pulled him away and hissed at him to shut his mouth. The old woman did not say anything in response, but after some time she told those who did not save her son that she went to the ashes of the church, which was burned, and there she cursed their family to the tenth generation.

This heartbreaking story was told to me by the daughter of these people. It was not customary for her family to talk about this story. This skeleton was safely hidden in the family closet. But life was very difficult for all the descendants of this family. Divorces, constant illnesses, failures and... scandals, scandals, scandals. One boy crashed on a motor boat. Another was born with a leg defect. And one of the relatives was sent to prison for fraud...

How to remove a generational curse

The ancestral curse can and should be lifted. With the help of prayer, conspiracies, rituals, godly deeds, sincere repentance and Faith!

1. If you know where the grave of the person who cursed you is, go there on the waning moon, put a loaf of black bread, put a bottle of wine and light a candle. Say 3 times: “You cursed, I gave you a curse.” Take your curse, take it with you! So be it!” Leave without talking to anyone or looking back.

2. Take odd number candles in a bundle, tie it with a red ribbon, light the candles and read into the flame of the candles three times: “By the blood of Adam, by the power of all ancestors, I conjure with a prayer word. Roll down, contact, brush away all curses, all spells - from your family, from your souls, from your hearts, from your destinies, from your lives. Go, curse, where it came from, into an open field, into a wide expanse, there you will have fun and sigh, and leave us for the sake of Christ forever! Amen. Amen. Amen"

Your candles should burn out to the end, and you should burn the ribbon in the open air - on the street, on the balcony or near an open window.

3. Take a good, high-quality photo of your family and place it on the table. Light a red candle and place it to your right. Take in right hand apple (if you are left-handed, then to the left). Roll over the photograph with an apple and quietly read 7 times: “With an apple, sins are removed, with an apple, curses are removed, with an apple, souls are cleansed, with an apple, destinies are opened, with an apple, slander is nailed down, with an apple, enemies are bound, with an apple, dashing deeds fall apart, with an apple, demons are killed, with an apple, childbirth continues. All good deeds are covered with an apple. Curses go away, happiness and goodness come. To all amens, amen, and on the amen, another amen!”
Extinguish the candle; you can use it in other rituals. Hide the photo, and take the apple outside and give it to the birds.

I warn you that these rituals are very strong. After they are carried out, family members may develop a fever and experience nausea and a burning sensation in the throat and stomach. This is a normal phenomenon, since the curse goes away, DNA structures change, the ancestral egregor is cleansed, and the sins of the genus are reset. So you're on the right way, and such rituals must be performed several more times.

I. Popovich, healer, Krivoy Rog, [email protected]

From this article you will learn how to independently remove the generational curse in the church.

Please be patient to read it to the end.

A family curse is nothing more than a blockage of energy channels responsible for marriage, wealth, health and luck.

Ancestral curse is also called congenital corruption.

If your distant relative, who died untimely, became a victim of an evil sorcerer or a rabid ill-wisher, then you automatically become the heir to the curse of the family.

But this is only if your close person did not break the bonds of karmic dependence. He could have lifted the curse so that it would not be passed on to you by inheritance.
This was a short excursion into centuries for a better understanding of occult reality.

So ,in order to remove the innate negativity in the church with your own hands, you will have to follow these steps:

1). Having accurately identified a generational curse, do not try to subside it. Don't be afraid of it as something terrible. Start cleaning immediately.

2). You need to visit 3 different Orthodox Temples, ordering Sorokoust about Health for yourself in each. You will also have to put 3 candles for the icon of Jesus Christ, St. Nicholas the Wonderworker and for the eve.

3). Give simple notes of repose to the deceased at three churches. Write down every relative you remember on your mother's or father's side.

When you light the candles for the eve, say these charming lines to yourself:

,Let me go, dead man, let the curse end. Amen."

In this way you are trying to break what connects you with the deceased.

Do not forget that independently removing the generational curse involves holding all events in three church monasteries.

4). It is very advisable before visiting Temples to observe a strict week-long fast, reading the Holy Scriptures and Orthodox prayers.

5). You will have to receive communion and confession in three different churches, with a short time interval between events. Let's assume that today you visited the first chosen Temple, tomorrow you can confess and take communion in another, and in a few days you can visit the third.

6). After all the work is completed in all three monasteries, you can begin to independently remove the ancestral curse.

Please be careful and don't miss anything.

Self-removal of a family curse:

A). In the third Orthodox Church buy twelve candles and orthodox icons Jesus Christ, Blessed Elder Matrona of Moscow and Nicholas the Wonderworker.

b). Fill the flask with holy water.

V). You go back.

G). Secluded in a spacious room, light candles. Place icons and holy water nearby.

d). With a calm soul and unbridled faith, you begin to read the plot written on a sheet of white paper:

,Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. Break the bonds of the ancestral curse that bind me to the deceased person. For the sins of others, do not punish me, but for my sins, forgive me. Don't let the family curse revive again on my children and great-grandchildren. I beg you, have mercy and cleanse my soul from congenital corruption. Protect me from destruction and do not let the curse destroy me. Thy will be done. Amen! Amen! Amen!"

e). You read the plot many times, slowly and with faith in your soul.

and). Watching them slowly fade away church candles. They melt, cleansing you from the ancestral curse.

h). When all the candles burn out, throw away the cinders, and remove the icons and the sheet with the spell.

And). Drink holy water regularly.

I can’t tell you when a positive result will come.
If nothing changes within two weeks and the signs of the ancestral curse persist, repeat self-removal again.

I wish you good luck!